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to talk with them privately, Be polite and professional in your approach

what is bothering you. Give facts, and describe specific behaviours. Explain the problem

ask for the other person’s ideas

l Identify ways to resolve the problem.

Thank the person for meeting with you

Hi , I need to talk to you about something serious

Okay what is going on

You were used to be one of the sharp ppl here, but your performance lately it just isn’t you

Do you know everytime youure late I have to pick up your work and take care of your patient

I am sorry, m sorry I am having a lot of thing going on right now, my moring been very tough with the
kids lately, im sorry if it affected you

Well , you gonna have to get if figure out because it was 10 minutes and the patient is unattended

I really im sorry, I been there before and I know what a drag it is

Yeah its very stressful

Im promise ill be ontime from now on

I am appreciate that.

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