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10, OCTOBER 2008 2971

Radar Imaging of Urban Areas by Means of Very

High-Resolution SAR and Interferometric SAR
Andreas R. Brenner and Ludwig Roessing

Abstract—In remote-sensing applications, the monitoring of to the advantage of all-weather and night-and-day capability
urban areas by means of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors allowing near-term operation, radar features complementary
has grown into a valuable and indispensable tool. Although SAR information due to different backscattering properties.
imaging with a spatial resolution down to 1 m is widespread, a
resolution as fine as 10 cm and below is offered only by very few In contrast to remote sensing dealing with wide areas in rural
SAR sensors worldwide. In this paper, the potential of very high- environments or in the field of ocean, snow, or ice applications,
resolution radar imaging of urban areas by means of SAR and the capability of remote sensing in urban areas is determined
interferometric imaging will be demonstrated and discussed. Re- strongly by the achievable geometrical resolution. Although,
sults of urban SAR imaging down to subdecimeter resolution will for example, for urban growth tracking, a resolution in the
be shown. Even though the immanent layover situation in urban
areas is an obstacle to simple image understanding, a remedy can order of a few meters seems to be sufficient, in the case of
be found by using interferometric SAR imaging. Interferometric quantitative urban damage analysis or extraction of high-level
results based on very high-resolution SAR images acquired over GIS data, the intrinsic scale of human buildings specifies the
urban areas, partially with a severe layover situation, will be finest necessary resolution to be in the order of a meter or even a
presented. The corresponding data was acquired with the phased decimeter.
array multifunctional imaging radar (PAMIR), the X-band
demonstrator of the Research Institute for High Frequency Current civilian spaceborne SAR sensors advance into meter-
Physics and Radar Techniques (FHR), Forschungsgesellschaft für resolution capability, and only some airborne sensors probe
Angewandte Naturwissenschaften (FGAN), Wachtberg, Germany. into decimeter resolution. In this paper, the potential of very
It can be stated that high-resolution interferometric SAR will be high-resolution SAR images in urban analysis will be inspected
an important basis for upcoming radar-based urban analysis. and demonstrated. However, the transformation of a complex
Index Terms—Interferometric synthetic aperture radar 3-D urban scenario into a 2-D radar image can lead to an
(IfSAR), layover, subdecimeter resolution, synthetic aperture uncommon image appearance, displaying, e.g., small-scaled
radar (SAR), urban areas, very high-resolution radar imaging. layover, shadow regions, slope discontinuities, and multipath
I. I NTRODUCTION A better image understanding can be achieved by interfer-
ometric SAR (IfSAR), enabling us to acquire to some extent
U RBAN monitoring by means of airborne or spaceborne
sensors is a challenging subset of modern remote sensing
and is of increasing interest in the context of the digital cover-
information about the third dimension. In the presence of
layover, height maps created by single-baseline acquisitions
suffer from severe distortions. Theoretically, this problem could
age of our environment. The pictorial acquisition and analysis
be solved by a multibaseline approach, but in practice, it
of urban areas will be an important tool for the following:
provides suboptimal results if the size of the resolution cell
1) supporting urban development; 2) urban growth tracking;
is too large. Therefore, in this paper, the contribution of very
3) near-term damage detection and quantitative assessment of
high-resolution data to interferometry in urban areas will be
natural disasters; 4) surveillance of critical infrastructure and
examined, particularly in layover situations.
facilities; and 5) compilation of 3-D city models and high-level
The paper is organized as follows: In Section II, the experi-
geographic information system (GIS) data.
mental setup, namely, the SAR/ground moving target indicator
Diverse parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are useful for
platform phased array multifunctional imaging radar (PAMIR)
this task, mainly the optical domain but also, with growing im-
of the Research Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar
portance, the microwave band used by radar sensors. In addition
Techniques (FHR), Forschungsgesellschaft für Angewandte
Naturwissenschaften, Wachtberg, Germany, will be introduced.
Section III describes the method used for very high-resolution
Manuscript received September 27, 2007; revised January 13, 2008. Current
version published October 1, 2008. This work was supported in part by the SAR processing and provides examples of urban SAR images
German Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg) and in part by the Federal Office down to subdecimeter resolution and a selection of distinct lay-
of Technology and Procurement (BWB). over situations. In Section IV, first, the interferometric perfor-
The authors are with the Research Institute for High Frequency Physics and
Radar Techniques (FHR), Forschungsgesellschaft für Angewandte Naturwis- mance of PAMIR will be assessed. After a quantitative analysis
senschaften (FGAN), 53343 Wachtberg, Germany (e-mail:; of height-dependent coregistration, the methods applied for interferometric processing and several results of single-pass
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at and repeat-pass experiments will be shown, demonstrating the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TGRS.2008.920911 potential of very high-resolution IfSAR imaging.

0196-2892/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

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TABLE I zero (spotlight) and the forward velocity of the carrier (strip
map). This way, it is possible to compromise between azimuthal
resolution and scene extent in azimuthal direction.


Despite the fact that spaceborne SAR sensors offer the advan-
tage of global and short-term acquisition of SAR images, most
of them still suffer from a comparatively low resolution. For
example, the European remote-sensing satellite (ERS) and the
ENVISAT/advanced synthetic aperture radar (ASAR) sensors
are dedicated to general purposes in remote sensing and provide
a resolution beyond 10 m. With RADARSAT-1, images at a
resolution of about 10 m are available, and now, with the new
TerraSAR-X, a resolution of 1 m can be attained [4]. Damage
mapping and detection in urban areas with SAR imagery has
been published, e.g., [5] and [6], but it is quite evident that a
fine spatial resolution is of crucial importance.
Finer resolutions are already available for airborne SAR
imaging. In the past years, several institutions realized exper-
imental platforms comprised of large bandwidths, for example,
the TopoSAR with a bandwidth of 0.4 GHz in the X-band
[7], [8], the F-SAR with a bandwidth of 0.8 GHz in the X-
band [9], the millimeter-wave sensor MEMPHIS with a band-
width of 0.8 GHz in the Ka- and W-bands [10], the multiband
sensor RAMSES with a bandwidth of 1.2 GHz in the X- and
Ku-bands [11], and PAMIR with its bandwidth of 1.8 GHz in
the X-band enabling a resolution down to the subdecimeter
scale [12], [13] and providing an experimental basis for a
Fig. 1. Interferometrical front-end configuration of PAMIR with three antenna detailed and quantitative analysis of urban areas.
rows (photographed without radome). In this resolution scale, only nonapproximative SAR proces-
sors must be used for image formation. For example, for
X-band long-range imaging in 35-km distance and 10-cm azi-
For acquiring very high-resolution data, the airborne radar muthal resolution, synthetic aperture lengths are larger than
system PAMIR [1] is used. In Table I, the most important 5 km, whereas the corresponding range walk in the acquired
parameters of PAMIR are listed. This multichannel X-band data amounts to several hundreds of resolution cells. SAR
sensor offers a total bandwidth of about 1.8 GHz, enabling processors formulated in the wavenumber domain, like the
subdecimeter resolution, which is currently demonstrated up to ω–k-algorithm [14], represent an exact model of the imaging
a range of 35 km. process and theoretically perform very well but suffer under
The front end is composed of autonomous subarrays, each real-world conditions of curved and nonequidistant sampled
carrying 16 Vivaldi columns, 16 transmit/receive modules, synthetic apertures. Attractive alternatives are time-domain-
and the corresponding steering electronics. It is possible to based SAR processing techniques [15], [16], because they are
reconfigure the total phased array antenna in various ways inherently capable of incorporating a nonideal carrier track.
such as an elongated antenna configuration for highly sensitive In order to get a well-focused SAR image with low sidelobes
moving target indication or an across-track configuration for in azimuthal direction as well, there is a need to know the
interferometric purposes, as in Fig. 1. Here, the antenna rows position of the antenna phase center down to fractions of the
are vertically positioned as a minimum redundant array. The wavelength in each spatial dimension. State-of-the-art position
actual distances between the phase centers of the antenna rows estimation sensors, like inertial measurement units supported
are 0.67 and 0.335 m, affording a maximum baseline of 1 m. by differential global positioning system (DGPS) information,
Although only one antenna row is used for transmission, up to are not able to provide position parameters with an accuracy
five parallel receive channels can be linked to the antenna aper- in the order of a few millimeters. Therefore, prior to the SAR
ture, allowing variable radar modes. By the use of a true-time- processing step, the application of an autofocus procedure is
delay network for transmit as well as for receive, the antenna indispensable. In this paper, the estimation of the carrier track
beam is electronically steerable over ±45◦ , offering a very high is based on the analysis of the signal response of prominent
beam agility without any undesirable squint effects [2]. scatterers occurring by opportunity in the urban scene.
All subsequent SAR and IfSAR images are acquired in All subsequent SAR images are formed by means of time-
the so-called sliding spotlight mode [3], where the antenna domain processing modeled in three spatial dimensions and
footprint moves with an arbitrary but fixed velocity between therefore are represented in ground-plane coordinates.

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Fig. 2. High-resolution SAR image of an urban area (Karlsruhe in southwest Germany) acquired in the sliding spotlight mode.

Fig. 3. Zoomed subset of the high-resolution SAR image in Fig. 2.

An example of a high-resolution SAR image of an urban In Fig. 4, the related subdecimeter resolution SAR image
area (Karlsruhe in southwest Germany) acquired with PAMIR acquired in a second experiment with a mean ground range of
is given in Fig. 2. Here, the sliding spotlight mode was used, 5800 m is shown. In the upper left corner of the image, parked
which is the reason for the odd border of the scene. The scene cars can be seen in the vicinity of trees. For comparison, in
dimensions are 1700 m × 3400 m, whereas the mean ground Fig. 5, the corresponding digital orthophoto is shown.
range is 3300 m. The special layout of the city, which is radial in The information content of urban radar images substantially
shape and similar to a fan, can clearly be recognized. In Fig. 3, varies with their geometric resolution. An increase in resolution
a zoomed section is shown. Herein, in the upper middle, is the from 1 m down to subdecimeter resolution enables us not only
Karlsruhe Palace situated. To the right, parts of the university to discriminate between buildings and streets or between lanes
campus are shown, and located in the lower right corner is a and sidewalks but also to identify different building and roof
single building with a flat roof. classes (Figs. 4, 6, and 7).

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Fig. 7. SAR images of a roof acquired with two different aspect angles.

Fig. 4. Subdecimeter-resolution SAR image of a building with a flat roof.

Fig. 8. Folded gabled roof structure consisting of panes and metallic bracing
processed with (left) 50-cm and (right) subdecimeter resolution.

In Fig. 4, the building features a flat roof covered with gravel

corresponding to the homogeneously granular appearance in
the SAR image. In Fig. 6 (left), the building has a differentiated
hipped roof with diverse slopes and shaded parts suggesting a
virtual 3-D impression. The building’s hipped roof in Fig. 6
(right) is equipped with equidistantly aligned dormers whose
appearance is dependent on the particular aspect angle of the
radar illumination. In Fig. 7, parts of a building are presented,
which are imaged at two different aspect angles. Even rows of
roof tiles can be distinguished, depending on the aspect angle.
Furthermore, it can be observed that with increasing reso-
lution, extended structures once assumed to be planar often
transform into linear structures or even to aggregations of
numerous pointlike scatterers (Fig. 8).
At this resolution level, buildings frequently exhibit regular
or periodic fine structures, which could be incorporated into line
Fig. 5. Digital orthophoto of the building in Fig. 4 (© LVermA BW, and edge segmentation techniques as well as building recogni-
Az 2851.2-D/4430). tion and reconstruction procedures [17]–[20]. Nevertheless, the
adaptation of structural image analysis to urban SAR images
with subdecimeter resolution is still an open and challenging
Although the shown examples underline the relevance and
the potential of very high-resolution SAR imaging for urban
analysis, a comprehensive image understanding is delayed by
some severe drawbacks, amongst them, layover is of capital
importance. Due to the fact that radar is by its own definition
range based and with SAR imaging, 3-D reality is mapped to a
2-D image, in urban areas, very often, image pixels may contain
contributions of more than one elevation angle. This so-called
Fig. 6. SAR images of different roof structures (on the right side with an layover effect occurs mainly by simultaneous illumination of
equidistant arrangement of dormers). the building’s facade and its roof.

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measurements using multiple antennas or by repeat-pass ones

with a single antenna. With airborne repeat-pass experiments,
one has to deal with changing weather and wind conditions
between the passes. Therefore, under the constraint of very high
in-plane resolution, it is difficult to ensure predetermined carrier
tracks and beam illumination functions, resulting in reduced
azimuthal overlap in k-space and degraded interferometric
performance. In the case of airborne multiantenna single-pass
experiments, this problem does not occur because the relative
positions of the antenna phase centers are intrinsically fixed and
the k-sets have a maximum overlap.

A. Interferometric Performance Assessment

Next, the interferometric performance of PAMIR will be
assessed, under the assumption of ideal data acquisition and
based on a simplified derivation. Readers interested in a more
sophisticated treatment can refer to the comprehensive litera-
ture, e.g., [27]–[29].
The essential parameter in SAR interferometry is the coher-
ence, i.e., the complex correlation coefficient of the two SAR
Fig. 9. Photograph of the upper left facade of the building in Fig. 4.
For example, in Fig. 7, on the right-hand side, the appearance
of the roof is affected by the emergence of the facade’s layover. E [Z1 Z2∗ ]
γ= = |γ|ejφ (1)
Similarly, in Fig. 4, the flat roof of the building is strongly E [|Z1 |2 ] E [|Z2 |2 ]
superimposed by reflections at the facade of the outer surface
and that of the inner courtyard as well. In the left corner of where E[·] denotes the expectation value, Z1 and Z2 are the
the building layover, together with the effect of foreshortening two complex-valued SAR images, and ∗ denote complex conju-
results in a quite odd 2-D representation of the 3-D reality. For gation. φ, the phase difference of the two images, is the desired
comparison, a photograph of the building’s upper left facade is interferometric phase, which can be converted to the resulting
shown in Fig. 9. pixel height by exploiting known geometric conditions. |γ| is
In the last years, the deficiencies caused by layover were related to phase noise. Due to different sources of phase noise,
tackled by several methods, e.g., a dedicated analysis of the decorrelation takes place, leading to |γ| < 1. The prevalent
interferometric phase slope [21], by using additional infor- contributions [28], [30] are thermal noise, determined by the
mation like digital elevation maps, tailored statistical models signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), geometric decorrelation due to
[22], appropriate simulative investigations [23], or multibase- incomplete superposition of the projected k-sets, and temporal
line interferometry [24], [25], where different heights within decorrelation, the latter being a prominent factor in repeat-pass
a pixel can be resolved. In dense urban areas, these methods interferometry.
would also deal with small-scaled layover, shadow regions, An interesting limit in geometric decorrelation is given by a
slope discontinuities, and multipath propagation. In Section IV, relative shift of the k-sets, caused by enlarging the baseline,
it will be demonstrated that single-baseline IfSAR, based on resulting in a vanishing overlap. The associated baseline is
very high-resolution SAR images, can also deliver beneficial called the critical baseline.
contributions to this issue. Since φ is ambiguous to within integer multiples of 2π, a
2-D phase unwrapping step has to be performed [31] if the
IV. I F SAR I MAGING height difference in the image is more than the height of
ambiguity h2π , i.e., the height resulting in a 2π phase change.
The fusion of conventional SAR techniques with interferom-
Since in the single-pass case, the height differences to be
etry techniques [26], also called IfSAR imaging, allows, in its
investigated in this paper are clearly below h2π , no phase
simplest form, the measurement of the third spatial dimension
unwrapping is performed.
by using one baseline. Only one estimated height can be as-
In practical cases, we have to use an estimation for the
signed to each pixel. Due to the inferior sampling in the third
expectation values, denoted |γ̂| for the coherence and φ̂ for
dimension, this cannot be regarded as a true imaging process,
the estimated interferometric phase, which is found from N
and terms like height resolution are not reasonable in the con-
independent samples as
text of single-baseline interferometry. For the assessment of the
interferometric performance of a sensor, attributes like height N 
sensitivity and height estimation accuracy are of fundamental ∗
φ= Arg Z1i Z2i . (2)
importance. i=1
Depending on the sensor’s characteristic, the realization of
the interferometric baseline can be performed by single-pass From this φ̂, an estimation of the pixel height can be derived.

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Fig. 10. Occurrence of a coregistration mismatch B2A2 − B1A1 due to

different building heights.

interferometry. On the other hand, effects like residual motion

errors and misregistration decorrelation increase with the res-
olution. In particular, the last item seems to be very critical.
The estimation accuracy of φ̂ depends on several factors, The discussion of local coregistration mismatch subsequently
the most important being coregistration (subpixel matching given in Section IV-B indicates that we have to expect this kind
of both images) and coherence. The height dependence of of decorrelation. Therefore, the height accuracy for repeat-pass
coregistration, which becomes evident in very high-resolution interferometry given in Table II has to be regarded as a lower
IfSAR, will be discussed below. limit.
Clearly, the phase standard deviation and, therefore, also the It should be emphasized that in very high-resolution SAR
height variation will decrease with increasing N . To avoid ad- images of urban areas, a wide range of local SNR occurs. In
ditional deterministic phase errors, the height variation within addition, it is worthy to note the large contingent of shadow
the patches to be averaged must be negligible. In real images, regions and backscatter responses stemming from paving, side-
the samples used for averaging are mainly not independent. walks, bushes, trees, inclined tiled roofs, flat roots covered
Therefore, we replace N by NL , the effective number of with gravel up to the very strong responses created by di- and
(independent) looks [32], determined here by N , the pixel size, trihedral building parts. This yields a large dynamic range of
and the image resolution. The phase standard deviation can now more than 60 dB. The chosen value of 25-dB SNR as input for
be written as [27] the calculation of the performance values given in Table II is
 to be considered as a typical value, which means that there are
∧ many regions in the imaged urban areas with a corresponding
∧ 1 1 − | γ |2
var(φ)1/2 = √ ∧
. (3) height estimation accuracy worse or better than 0.7 m in case of
2NL |γ| single-pass interferometry with PAMIR.

From var(φ)1/2 , the height accuracy is derived.
B. Coregistration Mismatch
Based on these derivations, we will now indicate typical
performance values of relevance for PAMIR, bearing in mind As already mentioned above, the problem of height-
variations in characteristic heights in urban environments, such dependent coregistration also has to be regarded. This topic
as from buildings or steeples. The values in Table II are based is well known, and if the imaged scene consists of smooth
on the following parameters: 1) ground resolution amounts to rural areas, the resolution cell is quite large, and some prior
10 cm × 10 cm, and 2) the typical SNR in nonshadowed areas knowledge of the topography, like a digital elevation map, is
is estimated to be about 25 dB. For the evaluation of the repeat- available, the coregistration can be adapted to the local height
pass experiment, the flight altitude over ground of antennas 1 values. In very high-resolution SAR imaging of urban areas
and 2 was 3215 and 3170 m, respectively, and the ground range with small resolution cells and potential multiple heights per
distance of antennas 1 and 2 to the scene center was 5560 and pixel and without any supplementary information about the
5800 m, respectively. In the single-pass experiment, the values height distribution of the scatterers on the 3-D surfaces of
related to antenna 1 were used. It is interesting to note the buildings, height-dependent coregistration is, to our knowledge,
influence of the high resolution, which is mainly due to the an unsolved problem.
rapid decrease of the geometric decorrelation with increasing For an assessment of this difficulty, a quantitative analysis is
resolution. helpful. The underlying model is depicted in Fig. 10, where the
Table II shows that for single-pass as well as for repeat-pass baseline of an interferometric measurement is spanned by two
interferometry, the critical baseline is quite large. Therefore, tracks of a repeat-pass experiment or, alternatively, by two an-
we can conclude that geometric decorrelation no longer plays a tennas in a single-pass experiment. The scatterers numbered 1
substantial part for coherence decay in the case of repeat-pass and 2 on two buildings with different heights will be projected

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of 2-D boxcar filtering. More sophisticated methods are known

but not applied in this work. Based on the interferogram, the
interferometric phase or the height can be calculated pixel by
pixel, whereas it is interesting to note that by the intrinsic 3-D
modeling, a flat-earth correction step is no longer necessary.

D. Experimental Results
In the following, SAR interferometry results of single-pass
and repeat-pass experiments acquired with PAMIR will be
shown. All data was acquired in 2006 during an interferometric
flight campaign over Karlsruhe in southwest Germany.
In Fig. 12, a pure single-pass interferometric phase image
without any intermixture of the interferogram’s magnitude is
shown. Compared to the SAR image in Fig. 2, here, the scene
dimensions are 1000 m × 1900 m, whereas the mean ground
range is 5900 m. The ground resolution of the initial SAR
Fig. 11. Local coregistration mismatch shown for different baselines (the images is in the order of (0.5 m)2 , corresponding to each of the
mismatch is given in relative units of the size of the resolution cell). five subbands applicable with PAMIR [1]. After a frequency-
dependent phase spreading, the interferograms related to the
by the SAR processing step onto the ground plane at positions subbands are coherently superimposed and averaged by a box-
A1, A2, B1, and B2. If the coregistration of the two SAR car filter with a 2 × 2 kernel. The depicted phase values cover
images will be globally performed by one fixed translation an interval of about 3 rad, which is equal to a 90-m height
vector, e.g., the ideal one for the coregistration of scatterer 1, difference. Phase values corresponding to magnitude values in
there arises for the scene content with a different height a local the interferogram remaining under a certain level are set to a
registration mismatch, which for scatterer 2 is equal to the fixed low value, which is applied in all subsequent images as
difference B2A2 − B1A1. well. Increasing height is represented by a color transition from
With the parameters of the given flight geometries, the mis- blue, green, yellow to red. Even in the interferometric phase
match can be calculated by simple geometrical considerations image, the urban structures are well defined and discernible.
and is shown in Fig. 11 for three different baselines. On the Roads, vegetation, roofs, multistory buildings, and steeples can
abscissa, typical values of height differences in urban areas are be clearly recognized.
given, whereas on the ordinate, the local registration mismatch Fig. 13 shows a 3-D representation of a subset in the upper
in relative units of the size of the resolution cell (here 15 cm) left of Fig. 12, namely, the Karlsruhe Palace surroundings. To
is plotted. It can be seen that in urban applications, single-pass further aid in noise reduction, an additional 5 × 5 median
IfSAR with a baseline in the order of 1 m is hardly affected by filter is applied. Height information is imaged in the third
the registration mismatch, whereas due to registration errors in dimension, and the magnitude of the interferogram is overlaid
the order of a resolution cell or more in repeat-pass IfSAR with as color.
larger baselines, the problem can be serious. In the following, smaller subscenes attributed with a consid-
erably improved spatial resolution will be addressed.
First, the 3-D structure of the building already shown in a
C. Processing Method
SAR image in Fig. 4 will be examined. Interferometric data
Prior to the presentation of the interferometric results, the were acquired in a repeat-pass experiment with an effective
processing methods will be briefly described. The interfero- baseline (baseline component perpendicular to the look direc-
metric processing chain starts as usual with the formation of tion) of 157 m. The individual SAR images are processed with a
the SAR images corresponding to the respective antenna phase pixel size of 5 cm × 5 cm, whereas the bandwidths are adjusted
centers. Again, the position data given by the DGPS is im- to a corresponding ground resolution of 10 cm × 10 cm.
proved by means of an autofocus procedure. The processing is The phase of the interferogram after a noise reduction step
performed in the time domain including a fully 3-D modeling of by means of boxcar filtering with a 5 × 5 kernel is shown in
the data acquisition process. This implies, in the case of repeat- Fig. 14. The boundary of the building is well defined, and due to
pass acquisition, the specification of both tracks in a common the extreme height sensitivity of this interferometric configura-
coordinate system. In the case of single-pass acquisition, the tion, the buildings superstructures and the roof level are clearly
antenna phase centers are modeled as a rigid arrangement differentiated in height, and the slope of the gravel at the periph-
including the information of the antenna steering angles and ery of the roof can be observed. Nevertheless, most image parts
the attitude information given by the inertial measurement unit. suffer from severe phase noise. The main reasons are temporal
After SAR processing of the repeat-pass images, a coregistra- and spatial decorrelation and the height-dependent coregis-
tion for a predetermined height is performed, whereas for the tration mismatch. The building’s layover areas are associated
single-pass images, this step is not necessary. The interferogram with abrupt phase discontinuities, which can hardly provide
is then computed, followed by simple noise reduction by means a basis for a quantitative height analysis. The corresponding

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Fig. 12. Color-coded interferometric phase corresponding to a part of the urban area shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 13. Three-dimensional representation of an interferometric SAR acquisition of the Karlsruhe Palace (height is imaged in the third dimension, and the
magnitude of the interferogram is used as color).

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Fig. 16. Two-dimensional histogram corresponding to the upper left building

part in Fig. 15.

Already, in this phase image, many objects can be identified

Fig. 14. Wrapped interferometric phase of a repeat-pass experiment (effective by their structure and height level, e.g., parked cars, trees of
baseline 157 m) corresponding to Fig. 4.
different heights, buildings, and even a wire spanned over the
street at the middle of the left image border. The shape of
the flat roof, which is covered by gravel, is well defined. Two
superstructures of the building that are about 2 m higher than
the roof level can be distinguished. The layover of the facade
onto the roof at the outer part of the building as well as at
the inner courtyard now definitively can be identified by means
of the interferometric phase transition according to the height
variation along the facade. The entrance area of the building at
its upper right side can be recognized by the height coding of
the corresponding layover regions. In the pure SAR image in
Fig. 4, this information cannot be revealed.
The phase distribution in the area of the upper left part
of the building is alternatively illustrated by means of a 2-D
histogram in Fig. 16. Here, the pixel counts over phase values
(ordinate) in dependence of ground range distances (abscissa)
are shown. The roof parts that are not affected by facade layover
are situated in the interval of about 13–19 m and display a mean
phase of some −0.3 rad. The spreading of the phase values
is increased due to the multipath properties of coarse-grained
gravel on top of the roof. In the remaining range interval, the
histogram shows a substantially different phase distribution.
Here, the mixture of contributions of the facade and the roof
Fig. 15. Interferometric phase of a single-pass experiment (effective base-
induces a severe change in the resultant phase values. Due to
line 0.9 m) corresponding to Fig. 4. a mostly predominant contribution of reflections of the facade,
the corresponding phase values are largely reduced. In addition
coherence map, which is not displayed here, contains predomi- to truly mixed values, phase values that are not distorted by
nantly low coherence values, which are mainly due to the severe layover can also be found. This is due to the small resolution
coregistration mismatch situation. cell in the very high-resolution case. A thorough modeling of
In comparison, in Fig. 15, the result of a single-pass exper- phase profiles at building locations and its evaluation with data
iment is shown. The data of the two outermost antenna rows featuring a lower resolution can be found in [33].
with an effective baseline of 0.9 m are processed in the same In the following, two further results out of the aforemen-
manner as described in the repeat-pass case above. The phase tioned single-pass experiment are shown. A more complicated
values are represented in an interval of about 1.3 rad, which is layover situation is indicated in Fig. 17. As can be seen in the
equal to a 40-m height difference. left SAR image, the roofs of the displayed buildings now exhibit

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Fig. 17. Urban area comprising a serious layover situation. (Left) Pure SAR image. (Right) Interferometric phase depicted as color and the magnitude of
interferogram as local brightness modulation.

a detailed structure caused by a dense sequence of dormers and

chimneys, whereas the ratio of the frontage area to the roof
area is large enough to minimize that part of roof areas without
any layover influence to a small remnant. Therefore, in the
pure SAR image, it is difficult to detect which area is affected
by frontage layover. Merely in those image parts where other
objects like buildings or trees prevent radar illumination of the
frontage is an undistorted image representation of the roof to
be expected. The situation fundamentally changes in the right
part of Fig. 17. Here, the interferometric phase is depicted as
color, and the magnitude of the interferogram locally modulates
the image brightness. In addition to the fact that different
vegetation heights can clearly be discriminated, image parts
formerly assigned to roof areas in the SAR image are now
attributed with low phase values, respectively, height levels, and
related to contributions of grass and bushes near the base of
the building. Corresponding areas are located at the lower end
of both building parts in the middle of the image, particularly
in the lower right corner. Finally, it will be emphasized that in
areas where shadowing prevents layover, it is even possible to
identify sloped roof parts by their inherent phase gradient.
Fig. 18 serves as a last example, where a larger building
structure is shown in a magnitude-weighted interferometric
phase image. The range of depicted phase values covers an
interval of 1.1 rad, which is equal to a 33-m height difference.
Due to an architectural peculiarity, namely, the erection of serial
houses on top of another building, many different height levels
occur and lead, together with the assistance of the intensity Fig. 18. Magnitude-weighted interferometric phase image of a larger block of
modulation, to a proper 3-D impression. Likewise, in this scene, buildings.
sloped roofs can be identified.
The presented results of single-baseline IfSAR imaging, to the 2-D nature of SAR images, the finely resolved inter-
based on very high-resolution SAR images, underline the po- ferograms now considerably contribute to an improved image
tential of forthcoming radar-based urban analysis. In addition understanding in urban areas.

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The relevance and the potential of very high-resolution SAR The authors would like to thank all colleagues who have
and interferometric SAR in urban areas have been demon- contributed to the realization of the PAMIR system. We also
strated. SAR imagery with subdecimeter resolution features a appreciate the support and the assistance of the Bundeswehr
diverse structural differentiation of urban elements, which pre- Technical and Airworthiness Center for Aircraft (WTD 61),
viously could not be attained by data with a coarser resolution. Manching, Gernamy, with the flight campaign.
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