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No. Function Command


1 Check firmware version VERSION#

2 Check parameters PARAM#

3 Query device network setting GPRSSET#

4 Check status STATUS#

5 Check position status WHERE#

6 Check URL URL#

7 Check position 123

8 Check geo fence status FENCE#

9 Check moving status MOVING#
APN, apnname#
APN, apnname,user,pwd#

1 Set APN APN#

2 Set server parameters SERVER#


3 Set GMT parameter GMT#

4 Restore to factory FACTORY#

5 Reboot RESET#
SOS,A,phone number 1,phone
number 2,phone number 3#
SOS,D,sequence number 1,
sequence number 2,sequence
number 3#

SOS,D,phone number#
6 SOS setting SOS#
CENTER, A,phone number#

7 Center phone number setting CENTER#


8 Set GPS data sending interval TIMER#

9 Set distance interval of GPS data sending DISTANCE#
10 Set the petrol/electricity control RELAY#

11 Set the fence alarm FENCE#

12 Set the vibration alarm SENALM#

13 Set the power cut-off alarm POWERALM#

14 Set the low battery alarm BATALM#

15 Set the SOS alarm SOSALM#
16 Set the dialing times CALL#

17 Set the moving alarm MOVING#
18 Set the overspeed alarm SPEED#

19 Set the instruction password PWDSW,password,B#

20 Revise the instruction password PASSWORD,A,B#

SENSOR detect the last reported position when STATICREP,A,B,C,D#

21 device is static STATICREP#


22 Mileage statistics MIELEAGE#

Car door negatively/positively trigger detection

23 setting DOOR,X#

24 Car door alarm setting DOORALM,A,B#

25 Trigger light & Horn to find car FIND#

Analog quantity upload setting(external voltage ADT,OFF#
26 upload setting) ADT#
27 Query LBS location LBS#

28 ACC alarm ACCALM#
29 Location data upload when acc off GPSDUP#
INPUT,alert content#
30 IN1 alert contents setting INPUT#


31 Self-defined low level output STOPOUT#


32 Self-defined high level output STOPOUT1#


Cut off fuel/power by ACC status (send petrol/power

cutoff command first when ACC ON ; execute
33 command till ACC OFF) ERELAY,0#

34 Low external power alarm EXBATALM#
35 Language settings LANG#

number 1…...sequence
number 10#
36 RFID number settings
36 RFID number settings RFIDCARD#
37 RFID reader settings IDCAR#

38 Wrong RFID alarm(Identify to unadded RFID card) RFIDALM#

Sharp turn warning

(Definition: In the setting time range
(T), the device will send an alarm if it turns more than
the set speed (S) beyond the set angle (A).
Speed and angle data are provided by the GPS
39 module.) SWERVE,SW,M,A,S,T#

Harsh acceleration/ sudden brake deceleration alarm

(Definition: Within the setting time range (T), the
difference between the speed at the end of the test and
the speed at the beginning of the detection is greater
than the set threshold (A/D), and the equipment send
an alarm.
Earlier versions used G-SENSOR to provide acceleration
data, and latest version provided speed data from the
40 GPS module to calculate the average acceleration.) SPEEDCHECK,SW,M,T,A,D#
41 ADC calibration(Capacitive Fuel Sensor) ADCSET,100#

Oil theft and refueling alarm(Capacitive Fuel OILALM,0#
42 Sensor) OILALM#

Reply Explanation


HBT:3min,5min;SENDS:5; SOS:,,;
Center Number:;
Sensorset:10,1,5,1; Defense
time:10min; TimeZone:E,8,0;

GPRS:ON; Currently use


Battery:4.05V,NORMAL; GPRS:Link
Up; GSM Signal Level:Strong;

Last Position!Lat: N39.90811,Lon:

E116.38871,Course: 96,Speed:
4Km/h,DateTime: 2020-02-20 14:
14: 02

<02-20 14: 14>http:


GPS located: 01-08
17: 36http:

FenceType:Circle, OFF,
Longitude:0.000000, radius:300m,
in out:IN or OUT, alarm type:1
Close automatic APN and set by yourself.

Check the current APN parameters.

eg: SERVER,1,,8011,0#
mode = 1 means set with domain name
mode = 0 means set with ip address
protocol = 0 means connect server with TCP protocol
protocol = 1 means connect server with UDP protocol

Check the current sever parameters

A: E or W;"E" means eastern time zone, "W" means western time

zone;default: E
B: 0~12;time zone default: 8
C: 0/15/30/45;half time zone;default: 0

Check the current time zone parameters

Restore to factory setting

The device would reboot in 20S after receiving the command.

Add SOS phone number.

Delete the phone number according to the sequence number.

Delete the matching SOS phone number.

Check the SOS phone number.

Add center phone number.
Delete center phone number.

Check the center phone number.

T1=5~18000 or 0, upload interval when ACC ON, unit: seconds; 0

means no upload, default is 10;
T2=5~18000 or 0, upload interval when ACC OFF,unit: seconds; 0
means no upload; default is 10;

Check the current parameters of T1 and T2.

D=50~10000 or 0(meters), distance interval, default: 300;

Check the current distance interval.

A=0/1;0 means connection, 1 means cut off;default: 0.
Check the status of the control.
circle area;
B=ON/OFF, open or close fence alarm, default: OFF;
D=the latitude of the circle center;
E=the longitude of the circle center;
F=1~9999, the fence radius, unit: 300m;
X=IN/OUT;IN: alarming when get in the fence, OUT: alarming when
get out the fence, blank means both alarming when get in or get out
the fence, default: blank.
M=0/1;way of alarming, 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, default: 1

rectangle area
B=ON/OFF, open or close fence alarm, default: close;
D=the latitude of the position 1;range: -90 ~90(degree);
E=the longitude of the position 1;range: -180 ~180(degree);
F=the latitude of the position 2;range: -90 ~90(degree);
G=the longitude of the position 2;range: -180 ~180(degree);
the latitude supports "N/S" or "+/- " coming before it's value;
the longitude supports "E/W" or "+/- " coming before it's value;

Check the parameters of the fence.

A=ON/OFF, default: OFF;
M=0/1/2, way of alarming, 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2:
GPRS+SMS+phone call, default: 2
Close vibration alarm
Check the parameters of the alarm
A=ON/OFF, default: ON;
M=0/1/2, way of alarming, 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2:
GPRS+SMS+phone call, default: 2;
T1=2~60 (seconds), detecting time, default: 5;
T2=1~3600 (seconds), the minimum time charging, default: 300;
Close the power alarm.
Check the parameters of the alarm.
A=ON/OFF, default: ON;
M=0/1, way of alarming, 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, default: 1;
Close the low battery alarm.
Check the parameters of the alarm.
A=ON/OFF, default: ON;
M=0/1/2, way of alarming, 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2:
GPRS+SMS+phone call, default: 2;
Close the SOS alarm.
Check the parameters of the alarm.
N=1~3, default: 3, times to dial all numbers;
Check the parameters of the dialing.
A=ON/OFF, default: OFF;
R=100~1000, moving radius, unit: meter, default: 300;
M=0/1/2, Way of alarm; 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2:
GPRS+SMS+phone call, default: 1;
Close the moving alarm.
Check the status and the parameters of the moving alarm.
A=ON/OFF, open or close over speed alarm, default: OFF
B=5~600 (seconds), time interval, default: 20
C=1~255(km/h), speed limit, default: 100;
M=0/1, way of alarm, 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, default: 1.
Check the parameters of over speed.
A= ON, enable the instruction password.
Numbers and letters mix inputs supported for instruction password,
at least 1 character, no more than 19 characters, default: 000000;
B=OFF, disable the instruction password.

A=old password, numbers and letters mix inputs supported, at

least 1 character, no more than 19 characters, default: 000000;
B=new password, numbers and letters mix inputs supported, at
least 1 character, no more than 19 characters.

A = ON / OFF; Upload the last location data when SENSOR detects
motionless status; default: ON B = 10 ~ 300 seconds; time
range; default: 10 seconds;
C = 0-100km / h; minimum speed of motion; default: 6km / h;
D = 1-20; continuous monitoring times when minimum speed met,
default: 3 "

Query STATICREP parameters

A=ON/OFF, On/Off mileage calculation, default: Off
B=0~999999,Mileage initial value , unit: km ; default: 0, mileage
return to zero

Query current mileage

X=0,negative triggering;X=1,positive triggering,Default=0

A=ON/OFF,On/Off alarm, default: Off

B=0/1/2,0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2: GPRS+SMS+phone call,
default: 1

A=ON/OFF, On/Off ADC data upload,default: Off

B=5~3600,Default: 600s; Upload time interval,unit:
seconds,default: off
Turn off analog data upload
Query the AD1 port parameters;

A=ON/OFF default: :OFF;

M=0/1;way of alarming,0 GPRS,1 SMS+GPRS;default: :1
T=5~60 s;default: 10 s
N=0~2 ; 0:ACC status alarm;1:ACC OFF alarm;2:ACC ON
alarm;default: 0;
Query the set parameters
ON:Upload location data in fiexed time when GPS is not
positioning/sleeping or the filter data is restricted.
OFF: Don't upload location data in OFF and not positioned, sleep
and static status;default: OFF
Query the set parameters
Door alert content setting
Query IN1 alert content

T1:Output time, range 0.1S-172800s (0 means long output, relay

always connected);
T2; output interval, range 0.1-172800s (48 hours) (0 means no
output once input done ) ;
N——output times; range 0-65536, 0 means keep cycling;
The following command can't be send only if the parameters are set
in advance:

Query the set parameters

Output based on the mode set by OUTSET command
Stop current output and back to default (OFF) status;
T1:Output time, range: 0.1S-172800s (0 means long output; relay
is connected);
T2; Output time interval,range: 0.1-172800s(48 hours) (0
means no more output);
N——output times; range: 0-65536,0 means keep cycling;
Following command can't be sent if only parameters are set in
Query the set parameters
Output based on the mode set by OUTSET command
Stop current output and back to default (OFF) status;
default: OUTSET,0.5,0,1#
Cut off power/fuel

Restore power/fuel

A=ON/OFF; default: OFF

M=0~1; 0 = GPRS, 1 = SMS+GPRS; default: 1
N1=10-360; default: 115, means 11.5V
N2=10-360; default: 125, means 12.5V
T=1-300; default: 10 (second)
Turn off low external battery alarm
Check the current parameters.
X = 0/1; 1 Chinese, 0 English; English version Default: 0
Back to currently set language
Add RFID number.(Set a maximum of 10 numbers)

Delete the RFID number according to the sequence number.

Delete the matching RFID number.

Check the RFID number.
A=ON/OFF.On/Off the RFID card reader,default: OFF
Query the set parameters
A=ON/OFF,On/Off alarm, default: Off
B=0/1,0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, default: 0
Query the set parameters

SW=ON/OFF,On/Off alarm, default: Off

M=0/1/2,alarm reporting method, 0: only GPRS, 1: GPRS+SMS, 2:
GPRS+SMS+CALL,default: 0
A=10~180(degrees),trigger alarm Angle threshold, default 30
S=10~200(km/h),trigger alarm Speed threshold, default 60
T=1~30 detection duration, unit: seconds, default 3

SW=ON/OFF,On/Off alarm, default: Off

M=0/1/2,alarm reporting method, 0: only GPRS, 1: GPRS+SMS, 2:
GPRS+SMS+CALL,default: 0
T=1~30, detection duration, unit: seconds, default: 4
A=10~300(km/h),threshold of Harsh acceleration speed difference,
default 30
D=10~300(km/h),difference threshold for sudden brake
deceleration speed, default 50

Send the commond when the tank is out of gas

Send the commond when the tank is full
A=0~3; 0=Turn off oil theft and refueling alarm, 1=Turn on oil
theft alarm, 2=Turn on oil refueling alarm, 3=Turn on oil theft
and refueling alarm; default: 0
T1=0~3600(seconds); detection time interval(ACC ON);
default: 5s
T2=0~3600(seconds); detection time interval(ACC OFF);
default: 5s
C=1-300(numbers); the back up number of the latest liquid
level percentages ; default: 12
N=1-10000; Liquid level percentage difference, unit:0.01%;
default: 1000
M=0~3,alarm reporting method, 0: only GPRS, 1: GPRS+SMS,
2: GPRS+SMS+CALL,3: GPRS+CALL; default: 1
Turn off oil theft and refueling alarm
Check the current parameters.

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