A Framework For Process Reengineering in Higher Education

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Case Study 2: A Framework for Process Reengineering in Higher Education

(Student’s Name)

(Professor’s Name)

(Course Title)

(Date of Submission)


Process re-engineering is the redesign of an organization's processes to achieve higher

levels of productivity and efficiency. It is done by either improving on existing systems or

bringing in newer systems to replace the old one. (Bain & Company, 2017)The changes made by

the process can be radical but will still represent an objective improvement over the previously

used system.

Documents in a Background Study

When conducting a background study, there are some documents that could be

considered before the other elicitation techniques. These documents include the following.

Problem report – this is a document filed by the users a system in which they identify

various problems plaguing a system. The problems could be interface related, processing or any

other user-facing function of the system. The report can be used to gather information about the

systems and determine areas that might require being addressed during a process re-engineering

project. The way these reports were included was through reading original reports, forms as well

as interviewing the current users which included members of the faculty.

Change requests – this is a document that will show the changes to a system that its

owner requires. It comes about when the owner has had a change of mind and would require that

a given aspect of their system be changed from the previously agreed requirements. It is a sign

that they are not satisfied with the current state of the system. The requests could also come from

users of the system to the owner. Change requests were not used by the authors.

Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) Diagrams

The SADT for the re-engineered exam scheduling and redistribution process provided

the solution of a web-based process over the previously used paper-based process. After the

papers completed manually, they were then also manually entered into an excel document, filed

into cabinets then sent via mail. The documents were then processed by the distance learning

staff or those on remote sites. The web-based system has now provided a computer interface for

inputting data which are then stored and indexed in an SQL database. (Abdous & He, 2008). The

process was re-engineered to provide access to three types of users, the faculty, DL support staff,

and proctors. The faculty is provided with the following system user privileges.

Course exam scheduling. The members will schedule all the exams for the semester, and

where necessary they will indicate if they will need a proctor.

Distribution list creation. The list can be used to send or return course materials of exams

to remote sites and also notify the staff of the remote sites of any changes made in the schedule.

While the process was previously done manually, it is now automated process via the data


Exam submission. The members of the faculty can upload exams as in PDF or Word

formats with the system's default format being PDF. Thus, all the Word documents will also be

converted into PDF. The previously mentioned distribution list can then be used to email the

exams to the remote sites as well as cover sheets, and instructions.


Managing submissions. The members of the faculty can make modifications and updates

to exam information, and the distribution lists and the system will notify the appropriate


Diagrams Used for the Reengineered Parts of the System

The authors used the following diagrams to documents the re-engineering parts of the


Process frameworks diagram. It is a diagram that was used to illustrate the four sequential

and non-linear phases in the process. (Abdous & He, 2008).

Figure 1

The Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) diagrams. An initial SADT

diagram was used to show the previously used paper-based process while another SADT

diagram showed the reengineered web-based process. (Abdous & He, 2008).

Figure 2

A screenshot was used to show the new interface system to be used for inputting data into

the web-based system. (Abdous & He, 2008).

Assessing the Views of the System

The intentional view of the system is whereby it is treated as though it is a rational entity

capable of making choices, and taking action based on its beliefs and desires. As per this system,

the intentional view will be that the system is automated that it can determine changes made to it

by the faculty staff. (Abdous, 2011). It could be through the modification or updating of

distribution lists, and the system can now send a message of the changes automatically to

involved parties like the proctors and the staff members of the remote sites.

Structural view of the system is whether it is capable of handling the tasks and activities

that are conducted within as well as the security of the system. There is a user account

authentication system that is used to ensure that there is no unauthorized access.

The responsibility view of the system is done by ensuring that there is accountability

within the tasks of the system. It is done via the fact that users need an account to access the

system and all of their activities within the system are logged for future reference.

Functional and behavioral views of the system determine whether the system is

operating as it was intended and the response of the users. The development team conducted a

survey on the system among the faculty members on their satisfaction levels with the system.

(Abdous, 2011). Dimensions included whether the system had all the functions that were

expected with more than half agreeing. On whether the system was fast, half agreed, and another

half accepted that it was easy to use. A bit over two-fifths agreed that it reduced their time and

effort in the management of exam schedules. Three-fifths agreed that it enabled them to meet

submission deadlines.

Potential Failure of the Re-engineered System

The staff could fail to fully accept the system if the various suggested improvements are

not made. About 43% of the staff would want more features. It is a huge number that cannot be

ignored, and their dissatisfaction could affect adoption of the system. The authors have

demonstrated to be amenable and had for example made it that all Word documents can be

automatically converted to PDF files. They could add other features in future.

The system could experience security challenges since the only included measure is user

authentication which is a weak one. It could be bypassed by an unauthorized individual that

gains access by stealing credentials. The authors have not catered to this through measures like

multi-factor authentication and others.

The long use of the paper-based system could point to certain members not being

proficient in the use of a web-based system and the project could end requiring more funds to

conduct training for these individuals.

Scalability could prove to be a problem in future once the number of users in the system

increases. Scaling an SQL database could prove to be difficult and take a lot of time during

which operations could be stalled.

The system does not have an identified backup process which could lead to massive loss

of data if a disaster strikes. All of the information is stored in the single SQL database, and this

presents a potential challenge in future. (Doumeingts, & Browne, 2016).


The process re-engineering project could have failed, but it has indicated some successes

that changed how the institution does its activities. Operations are now faster and more efficient.

The authors have put the necessary systems in place that should enable improvements to be made

in future.


Bain & Company. (2017). Management Tools - Business Process Reengineering. Retrieved

March 02, 2018, from http://www.bain.com/publications/articles/management-tools-


Abdous, M., & He, W. (2008, October). A Framework for Process Reengineering in Higher

Education: A case study of distance learning exam scheduling and distribution. Retrieved

March 2, 2018, from http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/535/1138

Abdous, M. (2011, August). Towards a framework for business process reengineering in higher

education. Retrieved March 2, 2018, from


Doumeingts, G., & Browne, J. (Eds.). (2016). Modelling techniques for business process re-

engineering and benchmarking. Springer.

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