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Complete two below schemas by indications where should be NPN or

PNP tr-r? Show em/basa/colector terminals. Draw the diagram how the Vout and IL signals
will be changed depending of input Vin signal indicated there Give detailed
and pictorial brief.

2) What is the principal difference in working regimes of LED and Foto-detektor.

Sketch comnsction schema for both of them. Give brief to their sensitivty, color diapazons,
intensivity of lights? Give detailed pictorial brief.

3). Please complete the three variants of Darlington tranzistors connection sxemas – a) both tran-tors
are NPN; b) both tran-tors are PNP; c) one is NPN, other — PNP.

If amlifier coeffcients for trans-rs – β (T1) = 60 ; – β (T2) = 100, please calculate the
final Darlington amplifier coefficient β total = ?.
Knowing that Ueb ≈ 0.7V, please calculate minimal Darligthon Uin potensial = ??

4) Circuit with common emitter NPN tr-r has voltage gain

koefficient Av=20 and Vout=2V.
-Calculate R1 and R2 to enable Vb=3V;
- Calculate value of Vin , that enable Vout=2V
- Sketch form of output signal and indicate phase shift;.

5). Following Lab on complementary tr-rs , please complete diagram below.

- Put NPN and PNP tr-rs in right places;
- Designate the four LED symbols in right directions to enable shema to work;
- indicate in table which of LEDs will shine during negative or positive half-periods of input signal;
- indicate by arrow current directions on negative and positive half-periods;
Give brief to your choose.

6). Complete two below schemas by indications where should be NPN or PNP tr-r?
Show em/basa/colector terminals. Draw the diagram how Vout and IL signals will be changed
depending of inputs signal indicated there.
7).In circuit shown, the NPN has current gain β=100. Emitter-base
voltage VEB = 500 mV.
Please calculate:
- Current Ib ― running through 60 kOm, and consider VEB;
- Current Ic ― running through collector;
- Voltage em-collector Uec ― consider voltage drop on 500 Om;
Give detailed pictorial brief.

8).Two transistors (NPN; PNP) circuits are to

activate LEDs. Please put in right places
the transistors, betrays, LEDs,
to complete both schemas. Calculate
the currents trough LEDs.

9). Assuming that NPN has VCE = 0.2 volts and β = 50.
Calculate please:
- Collector current Ic when VCE = 0.2 V;
- Base current IB required to reach that level of Ic ;
- Give brief to calculation.

10) Please sketch the 3 schemas for Common Emitter; Common Base;
Common Collector connections of tr-rs. Write the formulas for
current and voltage gains for all of them. Give detailed pictorial brief.

11). Please complete the below schema of two complementary

transistors (NPN; PNP) based amplifier. Put right type tr-r in
right place, connect LEDs. Sketch the directions of
current during each semi-period of input signals.
Draw the curve of output signal. Give detailed brief.

12). Please draw the Current Mirrow schema based on NPN or PNP
tranzistors. Note there currents and all elements. Describe in detail why colectors currents
are the same for both tr-rs?

13). The parametrs of below transistor schema are

β=50, VBB =0.7 V; VSS=1V ;
Please comput — İB . Give deailed brief to —- which tranz-r
connection schema is there?
Write all formulas and give explanantion to your calculation.

14). For below transistor the β=50 . Thereby, calculate

the İB; İC; Vout . Which connection sxema are used.
Write all relevant formulas and give detailed brief to

15). For below transistor schema, please calculate

the asked parametrs . Give detailed brief
to calculations.

16). Complete for LED the swiching schema we have done in

Lab. Schema that consists of R=1kOm; R=2kOm; LED; NPN tranzistor;
sinusoid input signal, and power supply +12V; O V.
Give right directions and connections of all elements.
Give brief to which semiperiod (+/-) LED will lighten?

17). You have PNP and NPN tr-rs. You have also three batteries –
1V; +1V; +3V.
How these voltages to be connected to PNP and NPN trazistors
to get them to work in Active, Blocked and Saturated Regimes.
Indicate voltage distribution for booth type of tranzistors,
indicate directions of currents.
Please illustrate your answer on drawing. Give brief.

18). Please draw two schema of Elementary Invertor compiled on NPN or PNP tr-rs.
Give brief on working regimes and components of both of them.
Specifics of close/open regimes of tranzistors? Give detailed pictorial brief.

19). The parametrs of transistor are IB = 68 μA, IE = 30 mA.

Calculate the coefficients α and β. Calculate collector current IC dəyərini təyin edin. :

20). NPN transistor based schema has parametrs —

baza-emitter İb=20 μA; β= 200; Rb=RL= 1kOm; Vcc=5V;
Vbe=0.7 V; Please compute — İc ; Vout and Vb.

21). The below Op_Amp schema activates LED conected to Vout.

Input siqnal gradualy grows from 0V and Up. Compute
since what value of Vin the LED will be activate?
Calculate also V potencial on negative input ?

22). The below Op_Amp schema activates LED conected to Vout.

Input siqnal gradualy grows from 0V and Up. Compute
since what value of Vin the LED will be activate?
Calculate also V potencial on positive input ?

23).The below Op_Amp schema activates DC Motor conected to Vout.

Input siqnal Vin gradualy grows from 0V and Up.
Calculate, please, to what Vin input voltage the motor will rotate
clockwise and then counterclockwise since?
Calculate also V potencial on positive input ?

24).The Op_Amp schema activates DC Motor conected to Vout.

Input siqnal Vin gradualy grows from 0V and Up.
Calculate, please, to what Vin input voltage the motor will rotate
clockwise and then counterclockwise since?
Calculate, also, the V potencial on neqative input?

25). The Op=Amp converts a current generated by photo-diode

into a Vout voltage, that operates of DC motor.
Calculate, please, the value of feedback resistor Rƒ —
to provide Vout=5V to enable rotation of DC motor.
Current generated by the photo-diode Is =10mA.
Give detailed brief to calculations. The output voltage is Vout = Is●Rƒ

26). Calculate the amplitude of the output signal Vout in

the example below. Write the formulas and calculation in
full. Give detailed pictorial brief

27). Calculate the amplitude of the output signal Vout in the example below. Write the formulas
and calculation in full.
Give detailed pictorial brief

28). Calculate the amplitude of the output signal Vout

in the example below. Write the formulas and
calculation in full.Give detailed pictorial brief

29). Calculate the amplitude of the output signal Vout

in the example below. Write the formulas and
calculation in full.Give detailed pictorial brief

30). Calculate the amplitude of the output signal Vout in the example below.
Write the formulas and calculation in full.Give detailed pictorial brief
31).Op_Amp schema activates DC Motor conected to Vout.
Motor operates at Vout=5V. If R1=R2= RB=1kOm and
RA= 10kOm, at which values of V1=? and V2=? the motor will
begin rotation ?

32). The Op_Amp schema activates DC Motor conected to Vout.

Input siqnal Vin gradualy grows from 0V and Up.
Calculate, please, to what Vin input voltage the motor will rotate
clockwise and then counterclockwise since?
Calculate, also, the V potencial on positive input?

33).In below schema the Vout from Op-Amp get rotation of.
Input current generated from Photodiode sensor.
If Motor begin to rotate at 5V, and Rf =10kOm please calculate the
necessary photo-diode current Is to rotate DC motor.
The output voltage is Vout = Is●Rƒ

34).The Vin input of voltage follower circuit connected Op-Amp,

is supplied by sawtooth voltage of (0÷5 volt), varying during
10 seconds. Calculate how many seconds the LED is ON if its
activation is 3 volts. Define voltage gain?
Write the calculation formulas and give brief explanations.

35).The Vin input of voltage follower circuit connected Op-Amp,

is supplied by sawtooth voltage of (0÷5 volt), varying during
10 seconds. Calculate how many seconds the LED is ON if its
activation is 3 volts. Define voltage gain?
Write the calculation formulas and give brief explanations.

36). Robot joint connected to turn rotational potenciometr with Rpotens= 4kOm.
Please , considering the parametrs indicated in below picture calculate the
output Vout signals values for 4 positions of rotational potenciometr.

37). Robot embedded sensors amplifier is depicted below. Please calculate the output voltage for below
circuit that does subtraction of two sinusoidal
Write due formula and give brief to calculation.

38). Robot embedded sensors amplifier is depicted below. Two signals can be subtracted, one from the
other, in below schema a number that consist of two OP-AMP stages used to provide subtraction of input
signals. Please write due formula.
Do calculations to define form of output sinusoidal signal, its phase and amplitude.

The resulting output is given by.

39). 16). Robot embedded Op-Amp based amplifier coefficient of amplifying depends
on (D, C, B, A) digital signals.
Please, calculate value of Rin = ? kOm and Rf1; Rf2; Rf3; Rf4 = ? kOm to enable
conditions → If A=1 → Uout =Uin ; If B=1 → Uout = 2 Uin;
If C=1→ Uout = 4 Uin;
If D=1 → Uout =8 Uin ;
By arrows indicate which of
Output curves correspondent
to a, b, c, d

40) . Robot embedded of below

Op-Amp based amplifier
coefficient of amplifying depends
on (D, C, B, A) digital
Please, calculate value of
output signal Uout if
D C B A Uout
0 0 0 1 ?
0 0 1 1 ?
0 1 1 1 ?
1 1 1 1 ?

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