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The diagrams below show the male and female human reproductive systems.

not to scale

(a) The table below contains descriptions of parts of the human reproductive system.
Complete the table to give the name of each part.

name of part description

Fallopian tube the tube that carries an egg to the uterus

Testicle the organ that produces sperm

Ovary The organ that produces the egg

3 marks

(b) The diagram below shows an unborn baby.

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Complete the sentences below by filling in the gaps.

In humans, normal pregnancy lasts for 9 months.

When the foetus is ready to be born, muscles in the uterus wall start

to contrast .
2 marks

After the baby is born, the umbilical cord……….. connecting

the foetus to the mother is cut.

1 marks
maximum 6 marks

Choose words from the box below to answer all the questions.

cell division digestion fertilisation foetus genes

intestine ovary ovum (egg) sperm testis uterus


(i) What is the name of cell A?

1 mark

(ii) Where is cell A produced?

1 mark

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(i) What is the name of cell B?

1 mark

(ii) Where is cell B produced?

1 mark


not to scale

What process is shown in C? Choose your answer from the box above.

1 mark

(d) The diagram shows a baby developing inside its mother.

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(i) Which word means an unborn baby? Choose your answer from the box

1 mark

(ii) Where does the unborn baby develop? Choose your answer from the box

1 mark
maximumm 7 marks

Diagram 1 shows the female reproductive system.

diagram 1

(a) Diagram 2 is a graph showing how the thickness of the uterus changed over a
28-day cycle.

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diagram 2

(i) Why did the thickness of the lining of the uterus decrease between day 1
and day 5 of this cycle?
Because the uterus lining has shed. 1 mark

(ii) Suggest which day in this cycle an ovum (egg) is most likely to be fertilised.

day 14

What evidence is there for this in the graph?

Because it’s after the ovulation

1 mark

(iii) The graph shows that the lining of the uterus builds up again between day
5 and day 14.

Why is this necessary?

To prepare the body for pregnancy. 1 mark

(b) (i) Continue the line on the graph to show what would happen to the thickness
of the lining of the uterus after 28 days if an ovum was fertilised.
1 mark

(ii) Explain your answer.

It will stay the same after the egg has been fertilised because the uterus lining
needs to be thick to keep the foetus protected. 1 mark
maximum 5 marks

(a) The graph below shows how the mass of a human foetus increases during the 40
weeks of pregnancy.

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In which five-week period on the graph does the mass of the foetus increase
most rapidly?

35. 1 mark

The foetus is surrounded by a liquid called amniotic fluid.

(b) Give one function of the amniotic fluid.

It keeps the foetus protected. 1 mark

(c) The foetus needs oxygen but cannot breathe while it is in the uterus.
Describe how oxygen gets from the air to the cells of the foetus.

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It starts from the mothers lungs then goes down to the placenta. It diffuses and then it goes
to the foetus. 3 marks
Maximum 5 marks

(a) This question is about the menstrual cycle. Choose words from the list to complete
the sentences.

a daily the uterus the middle an ovary a weekly

the beginning a monthly the end the vagina

Menstruation is part of a monthly cycle.

The cycle begins when the lining of the uterus breaks away.

An ovum (egg) is released from an ovary at about

The middle of each cycle.

4 marks

(b) During adolescence, boys’ bodies change. Describe two of the changes. change is the boys height

The second change is the boys voice

2 marks
Maximum 6 marks

The diagram shows a baby developing inside its mother’s body.

(Adapted from Introduction to Biology, D.G.Makean;

published by John Murray 1971)

(a) Eggs are produced in organ X.

What is the name of organ X?

1 mark

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(b) The baby grows in a bag of amniotic fluid which is inside organ Y.
What is the name of organ Y?

1 mark

(c) (i) Through which part, labelled in the diagram, is food passed from the
mother to the baby?

1 mark

(ii) Name one useful substance, other than food, which passes from the mother to
the unborn baby.

1 mark

(d) The diagram shows an organ system of the mother’s body.

What is the name of this organ system?

1 mark
Maximum 5 marks

The drawing shows a flower. Six parts are labelled P, Q, R, S, T and U.

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(a) The names of three of these parts are given in the table.
Write the letter of each part next to its name in the table.

3 marks

(b) Which two letters on the drawing show parts of the stamen?

................................ and ..................................

1 mark
Maximum 4 marks

The diagram shows the reproductive parts of a flower.

(a) Draw one line from each function to the correct structure.

Function Structure


where female
gametes are


where pollen
grains are

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where pollen
grains land during


(b) Suggest one way in which flowers attract pollinating insects.

The flowers bright colour


(c) The pollen grains land on the female part of the flower.

Describe the next stages in the process which results in seed formation.










(Total 8 marks)

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Mark schemes

part description

• oviduct

• testes

• ovary

accept ‘fallopian (tube)’ for oviduct

‘egg tube’ is insufficient
accept ‘testis’ or ‘testicle(s)’ for testes
do not accept ‘ovules’ for ovary
accept only the technical terms given
3 (L5)

(b) • 9
accept ‘9 ½’
accept a number in the range of 37– 42 only if the unit is
changed to ‘weeks’
1 (L5)

• contract
accept ‘contractions’
‘tense’ is insufficient
accept ‘contract and relax’
‘squeeze’ is insufficient
accept ‘(muscles) get shorter’
‘get smaller’ is insufficient as the volume of the muscles
does not change
1 (L5)

• umbilical cord
accept ‘cord’ or ‘umbilical’
‘tube’ is insufficient
1 (L5)

(a) (i) • sperm
1 (L3)

(ii) • testis
accept ‘testes’
1 (L4)

(b) (i) • ovum or egg

1 (L3)

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(ii) • ovary
accept ‘ovaries’
1 (L4)

(c) fertilisation
1 (L3)

(d) (i) • foetus

1 (L4)

(ii) • uterus
1 (L3)

(a) (i) any one from

• menstruation

• the lining of the uterus is shed

accept ‘the period’
accept ‘the lining of the uterus breaks up’
accept ‘the wall of the uterus breaks down’
do not accept ‘the uterus is shed’
‘the wall of the uterus breaks’ is insufficient
both the answer and the correct explanation
are required for the mark
1 (L7)

(ii) a day from day 14 to day 18

accept ‘in the middle’
do not accept ‘around day 14’

any one from

• it is just after ovulation or day of ovulation

• that is when an egg is likely to be in the oviduct

or fallopian tube

• that is just after an egg is released

• an egg is released on day 14

accept ‘that is when an egg is released’
‘it is in the middle of the cycle’ is insufficient
1 (L7)

(iii) any one from

• so that a fertilised egg can be implanted

• to receive an egg
1 (L7)

(b) (i) • a line which continues to rise or remains horizontal after day 28

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accept a line rising or remaining horizontal after day 1
1 (L7)

(ii) any one from

• menstruation stops
accept ‘the embryo or foetus or baby needs a blood supply’
‘provides support’ is insufficient

• so the ovum or embryo will implant

accept ‘the lining is not shed’
1 (L7)

(a) 35 to 40 weeks
accept ‘35 and 40’ or ‘the last five weeks’

(b) any one from

• it allows the foetus to move

accept ‘it allows the foetus to grow’

• it protects or cushions the foetus

• it supports the foetus


(c) any three from

• taken in by mother’s lung

accept ‘breathed in’

• diffusion into the mother’s blood

• transported in mother’s blood

• through the placenta

accept ‘diffusion from the mother’s blood to the baby’s blood’

• through the umbilical cord

• in blood of foetus
accept ‘in baby’s blood’

• diffusion into the cells of the foetus

accept ‘in the blood’ as an alternative to either ‘transported
in mother’s blood’ or ‘in blood of foetus’, but not to both

(a) • a monthly

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1 (L6)

• the uterus
accept ‘uterus’
1 (L6)

• an ovary
accept ‘ovary’
1 (L6)

• the middle
1 (L6)

(b) any two from

• voice becomes deeper

• increase in facial hair

• increase in body hair

accept ‘voice breaks or changes’
accept ‘grows a beard’
accept ‘growth of pubic hair
or hairy chest
or hair in armpits’

• growth of penis

• growth of testes or testicles

• start to produce sperm

• growth spurt
accept ‘rapid growth’
do not accept ‘growth’ or ‘gets taller’
accept ‘development of more adult body shape’
or a description of a more adult body shape,
such as ‘wider shoulders’ accept ‘sweats more’
2 (L5)

(a) ovary
accept ‘ovaries’ do not accept ‘ovum’
1 (L6)

(b) uterus
accept ‘womb’
1 (L6)

(c) (i) placenta

do not accept ‘umbilical cord’
1 (L6)

(ii) any one from

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• oxygen

• antibodies

• water
do not accept ‘air’ or ‘blood’ or ‘liquid
or ‘food’ or any type of nutrient
1 (L6)

(d) reproductive system

accept ‘reproductive’ or ‘reproduction’
do not accept ‘sex organs’
1 (L6)

name of part letter of part

anther (*)T

style (*)P

stigma (*)U
3 (L4)

(b) T and S
letters may be in either order
both letters are required for the mark
1 (L4)


two lines from any box will not gain a mark


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(b) any one from:

• brightly coloured (petals) / large petals

• smell or perfume
• nectar

(c) pollen tube grows down style / into ovule


pollen nuclei fuse with / fertilise


egg cell nucleus (to form embryo)


and endosperm nuclei (to form seed)


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