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‫‪- 090 -‬‬

‫‪Final Revision‬‬

‫بالتعاون مع‪ :‬أ‪ .‬عادل القالف‬

‫‪# 99344370‬‬
‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

Unit 5
# Word Meaning
1 adult ‫بانغ‬
2 allow ‫ٌسمح‬
3 athlete ً‫سٌاض‬
4 benefit ‫فائذة‬
5 career ‫َظٍفت‬
6 danger ‫خطش‬
7 energy ‫طالت‬
8 except for ‫ماػذا‬
9 exciting ‫مشُق‬
10 fair ‫ػادل‬
11 fan ‫مش ّزغ‬
12 fit ‫ الئك‬- ‫ سهٍم‬- ‫سشٍك‬
13 hate ‫ٌكشي‬
14 improve ‫سه‬
ّ ‫ٌح‬
15 individual ‫فشدي‬
16 reason ‫سبب‬
17 rule ‫لاػذة‬
18 safe ‫آمه‬
19 simple ‫بسٍظ‬
20 such as ‫مخم‬

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Choose the best option for the following sentences:

1. He started his ________ as a teacher, and now he is the president of the school.

a) athlete
b) career
c) reason
d) adult

2. Food and drink provide the ________ we need to be healthy.

a) fan
b) danger
c) energy
d) rule

3. It was the most ________ movie I have ever seen in my life.

a) safe
b) fit
c) exciting
d) individual

4. Everyone went to the festival ________ Scott and Dan.

a) danger
b) reason
c) hate
d) except for

5. The government is trying hard to ________ public services, especially education.

a) allow
b) hate
c) fair
d) improve

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

Unit 6
# Word Meaning
1 add ‫ إضافت‬- ‫ٌضٍف‬
2 advertisement ‫اػالن‬
3 choice ‫اختٍاس‬
4 clear ‫َاضح‬
5 die ‫ٌمُث‬
6 digital ً‫سلم‬
7 entertainment ًٍ‫تشف‬
8 finish ًٍ‫ٌىت‬
9 follow ‫ٌتبغ‬
10 grow ‫ ٌكبش‬- ُ‫ٌىم‬
11 later ‫الحما‬
12 lose ‫ٌخسش‬
13 nobody ‫ال أحذ‬
14 smart ً‫رك‬
15 trend ‫ انذاسد‬- ‫انمُضُع انشائغ‬
16 true ً‫ حمٍم‬- ‫صحٍح‬
17 way ‫طشٌك‬
18 what else ‫مارا بؼذ‬
19 win ‫ٌفُص‬
20 wrong ‫خطأ‬

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Choose the best option for the following sentences:

1. After I had lost my keys, the only ________ I had was to sleep in a hotel.

a) trend
b) entertainment
c) advertisement
d) choice

2. I put a/an ________ in the newspaper saying that my car is for sale.

a) way
b) entertainment
c) advertisement
d) trend

3. When students go to the library, they must ________ its rules.

a) grow
b) lose
c) add
d) follow

4. Please ________ your homework. We are leaving soon.

a) finish
b) win
c) lose
d) grow

5. There is a ________ watch on the wall. It says that it is 7:22 PM right now.

a) clear
b) digital
c) true
d) later

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

Unit 7
# Word Meaning
1 already ‫بانفؼم‬
2 become ‫ٌصبح‬
3 by yourself ‫بىفسك‬
4 calm ‫ٌادئ‬
5 communication ‫انتُاصم‬
6 course ‫ دَسة تذسٌبٍت‬- ً‫ممشس دساس‬
7 dream ‫حهم‬
8 driver ‫سائك‬
9 fail ‫ٌفشم‬
10 hard )‫ٌؼمم (بزٍذ‬
11 heavy ‫حمٍم‬
12 lead ‫ ٌمُد‬- ‫ لٍادي‬- ‫لائذ‬
13 lift ‫ٌشفغ‬
14 manager ‫مذٌش‬
15 necessary ‫ضشَسي‬
16 pass )‫ٌزتاص(ٌىزح‬
17 program ‫بشوامذ‬
18 remember ‫ٌتزكش‬
19 the past ً‫انماض‬
20 wait for ‫ٌىتظش‬

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Choose the best option for the following sentences:

1. To ________ your test, you have to study hard.

a) become
b) lift
c) remember
d) pass

2. I can’t ________ that you asked me to do this homework.

a) fail
b) remember
c) lead
d) become

3. Mobile phone has been proven to be one of the effective means of ________.

a) driver
b) manager
c) course
d) communication

4. My father looked ________, but actually he was very nervous.

a) heavy
b) necessary
c) calm
d) program

5. The employees explained the problem to the ________, and he solved it directly.

a) dream
b) program
c) manager
d) communication

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

Unit 8
# Word Meaning
1 attend ‫ٌحضش‬
2 brain ‫ػمم‬
3 decide ‫ٌمشس‬
4 event ‫حذث‬
5 fall in love ‫ٌمغ فً انحب‬
6 forget ‫ٌىسى‬
7 library ‫مكتبت‬
8 moment ‫نحظت‬
9 normal ً‫طبٍؼ‬
10 offer ‫ٌؼشض‬
11 opposite ‫ ػكس‬- ‫ضذ‬
12 protect ً‫ٌحم‬
13 proud of ‫فخُس بـ‬
14 research ‫بحج‬
15 space ‫انفضاء‬
16 strange ‫غشٌب‬
17 surprise ‫مفارأة‬
18 terrible ‫فضٍغ‬
19 vacation ‫إراصة‬
20 wild ‫بشي‬

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Choose the best option for the following sentences:

1. I will go to the hospital today, so I can’t ________ the meeting.

a) decide
b) attend
c) forget
d) protect

2. We must try to ________ the environment every day.

a) offer
b) decide
c) protect
d) forget

3. After working for almost a year, I think that we all need a long ________.

a) vacation
b) library
c) surprise
d) space

4. He was ________ himself for not giving up.

a) normal
b) opposite
c) strange
d) proud of

5. Tom doesn’t have a job at the ________. He needs to find one.

a) brain
b) moment
c) research
d) space

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

1. Present Simple:

Usage: It is used to talk about facts, habits, customs, and routines.

every day usually always sometimes often never daily on Sundays

Positive Sentences
I - You - We - They (P) V1
He - She - It (S) V1s

# Examples:
- We travel to London every year.
- He travels to London every year.

Negative Sentences
I - You - We - They (P) don’t + V1
He - She - It (S) doesn’t + V1

# Examples:
- We don’t travel to London every year.
- He doesn’t travel to London every year.

Yes/No Questions
Do I - you - we - they (P) V1
Does he - she -it (S) V1

# Examples:
- Do you travel to London every year? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
- Does he travel to London every year? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Change the verb into the correct form. (Present Simple):

1. He ____________________ (drive) to work every day.

2. I ____________________ (not + think) that you are right.

3. ____________________ (Do or Does) we have enough time?

4. I ____________________ (eat) two sandwiches in the morning.

5. ____________________ (Do or Does) he write three letters every week?

6. You ____________________ (watch) TV a lot.

7. I ____________________ (get) up at 7:00 a.m. every day.

8. Sara ____________________ (get) up at 7:00 a.m. every day.

9. ____________________ (Don’t or Doesn’t) you drink much tea?

10. We often ____________________ (take) the bus.

11. These dogs are friendly. They ____________________ (not + bark) at night.

12. Cindy ____________________ (catch) a cold every winter.

13. She ____________________ (not + walk) to school.

14. Peter ____________________ (like) watching baseball matches.

15. Jerry and Tom ____________________ (prefer) playing football than painting.

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Write the correct verb to be for the following sentences: (Present Simple):

1. She __________ more than clever.

Child Children
2. He __________ a smart engineer.
Tooth Teeth
3. My teeth __________ different that theirs. Foot Feet

4. It __________ so expensive. Person People

Man Men
5. I __________ a student.
Woman Women
6. The women __________ happy in this mall.
Knife Knives

7. They __________ in the car. Wife Wives

8. The children ___________ here.

9. I _____________ here. (Negative)

10. John _____________ there. (Negative)

11. The boys _____________ with you. (Negative)

12. These products _____________ available. (Negative)

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Complete the following sentences by using there is or there are:

1. ______________ a chair in the kitchen.

2. ______________ some children playing in the yard.

3. ______________ lots of books on the shelf.

4. ______________ a banana in this basket.

5. ______________ many exercises in this textbook.

6. ______________ a lot of apples in the basket.

7. ______________ a Spanish girl in my class.

8. ______________ a black bag near the table.

9. ______________ some eggs in the fridge.

10. ______________ 25 students in the class.

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Write the correct verb to have for the following sentences: (Present Simple):

1. I ___________ a great friend.

2. He ___________ a big house.

3. You ___________ a dog.

4. We ___________ big cars.

5. He ___________ a question.

6. The boys ___________ a computer.

7. My father ___________ a nice picture.

8. Children ___________ toys.

9. Jane ___________ a great father.

10. This cat ______________________ a tail. (Negative)

11. We ______________________ a big car. (Negative)

12. My brother ______________________ a phone. (Negative)

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

2. Past Simple:

Usage: It is used to talk about actions happened and ended in the past.

yesterday last week ago when …… in 2000

Positive Sentences
I - You - We - They - He - She - It (P) (S) V2

# Examples:
- We travelled to Mexico last year.
- We went to the supermarket yesterday.

Negative Sentences
I - You - We - They - He - She - It (P) (S) didn’t + V1

# Examples:
- We didn’t travel to Mexico last year.
- We didn’t go to the supermarket yesterday.

Yes/No Questions
Did I - you - we - they - he - she - it (P) (S) V1

# Examples:
- Did you travel to Mexico last year? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
- Did you go to the supermarket yesterday? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Change the verbs into the past simple forms.

1. Yesterday, I _______________ (hear) a new song on the radio.

2. I _______________ (read) three books last week.

3. They _______________ (speak) French to the waitress last time.

5. We _______________ (fly) to Sydney last year.

6. John and his friend _______________ (drink) too much coffee yesterday.

7. Cindy _______________ (choose) steak for dinner.

8. The film _______________ (begin) late.

9. Elizabeth _______________ (teach) English at the University last year.

10. I _______________ (send) you an email earlier.

11. Jerry _______________ (leave) the house at 7 AM.

12. She ___________________ (bring) some chocolates to the party.

13. The teacher _______________ (say) that we have an assignment.

14. My mom _______________ (make) a delicious cake yesterday.

15. My sister _______________ (go) to the mall two months ago.

16. John _______________ (have) a good idea yesterday.

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Write the correct verb to be for the following sentences: (Past Simple):

1. They __________ very mad at him.

2. I __________ in London last week.

Child Children

Tooth Teeth
3. It __________ cold last night.
Foot Feet
4. We __________ late this morning. Person People

Man Men
5. You and I __________ very lucky.
Woman Women

6. The woman __________ busy last weekend. Knife Knives

Wife Wives
7. The weather __________ very clear yesterday.

8. The children ___________ ill last month.

9. My friends __________ late today.

10. The boy __________ at home yesterday. (Negative)

11. I __________ here that day. (Negative)

12. The students __________ there. (Negative)

13. The boy __________ with his friend. (Negative)

14. The blue cars __________ available. (Negative)

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

3. Future Simple (will):

Usage: It is used to talk about actions that will happen in the future.

tomorrow next month in the future later soon in few hours

Positive Sentences
I - You - We - They - He - She - It (P) (S) will V1

# Examples:
- We will travel to Mexico next year.
- We will go to the supermarket tomorrow.

Negative Sentences
I - You - We - They - He - She - It (P) (S) will not + V1

# Examples:
- We will not travel to Mexico next year.
- We will not go to the supermarket tomorrow.

Yes/No Questions
Will I - you - we - they - he - she - it (P) (S) V1

# Examples:
- Will we travel to Mexico next year? Yes, we will. No, we will not.
- Will we go to the supermarket tomorrow? Yes, we will. No, we will not.

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Change the verbs into the future simple forms.

1. The mall of the city _________________ (open) its shops very soon.

2. The employee ____________ (go) to meet the manager of the company next week.

3. The boy _________________ (eat) his lunch later.

4. Jessica ____________ (not + come) to the cinema with us today because she is ill.

5. The man _________________ (visit) a doctor next Monday.

6. My mother _________________ (not + be) happy when she finds out the truth.

7. They _________________ (drive) to New York tomorrow morning.

8. Take your umbrella with you. It _________________ (rain).

9. I _________________ (invite) 50 people to the party.

10. Today’s exercise is difficult, so I _________________ (help) you.

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

4. Subject Pronouns / Possessive Adjectives:

# Choose the correct option in the following sentences:

1. Harry is (I - my) friend. (He - His) has a nice house.

2. (They - Their) are very happy with (they - their) new dog.

3. We love (we - our) little dog.

4. (He - His) wants (he - his) breakfast.

5. We wants to see (we - our) children

6. Scotland is famous for (it - its) rainy weather.

7. Susan lives on (I - my) street. (She - Her) house is very near.

8. You can go to (you - your) new office now.

9. Sally is in (she - her) room.

10. The best part of this car is (it - its) price.

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

5. Adverbs of Frequency:

always usually often sometimes rarely never

 Rule:

1. They can come after the verb be or before other verbs.

2. A sentence can be started with (Usually, …….) and (Sometimes, …….).

 For example:
a) They always exercise in the evening.
b) Usually, I get out of bed 7:00.
c) You are often early.
d) He sometimes wakes up at 5:30.
e) She rarely has breakfast.
f) I never leave home early.

# Use the adverb and the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1. Our teacher is late for lessons. (never)

2. I clean my bedroom at the weekend. (always)

3. They go to the movies. (often)

4. She listens to classical music. (rarely)

5. My brother is there when I need a help. (always)

6. She helps her daughter with her homework. (never)

7. We watch television in the evening. (always)

8. I eat vegetables and fruits. (sometimes)

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

6. Count/non-count nouns:

Countable Nouns
They can be counted + They can be singular or plural
accident battle candle door ear finger
goat hand insect jacket key laptop
minute notebook orange park quotation restaurant
school tomato university village watch year

Uncountable Nouns
They cannot be counted + They are always singular
homework equipment luggage clothing furniture hair
gold silver cotton glass money perfume
soap paper wood petrol gasoline traffic
food flour meat rice cake bread
ice cream cheese toast pasta tea butter
oil honey soup fish coffee salt
mathematics economics physics ethics civics architecture
music photography grammar chemistry history engineering
sociology psychology vocabulary poetry politics archeology
advice help fun peace enjoyment information
knowledge news patience happiness progress confidence
courage education intelligence space energy laughter
thunder lightning snow rain sleet ice
heat humidity hail wind light darkness
English Portuguese Hindi Arabic Japanese Korean
Spanish French Russian Italian Hebrew Chinese
swimming walking driving jogging reading writing
listening speaking cooking sleeping studying working
golf tennis baseball basketball soccer football
cricket hockey rugby chess poker bridge
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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

o Countable Nouns: o Non-countable Nouns:

1. Can be used in plural forms. 1. Can’t be used in plural forms.
2. Can be used with the, a, & an. 2. Can be used with the only.
3. Can be used without an article.

# Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the nouns:

1. We are very thirsty, so we need to drink some _________. (water)

2. Too many _________ are in the street today. (car)

3. Our house has so much _________. There is no space to move. (furniture)

4. She wants two _________ and three mangoes to make the salad. (apple)

5. The teacher wanted to put more effort the _________. (assignment)

6. We have a lot of _________ in our city. (restaurant)

7. You will need eggs and _________ for this cake recipe. (sugar)

8. How much _________ is in the desert? (sand)

9. I can see the _________ through the windows. (rain)

10. Drinking milk is very important for children _________. (milk)

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

7. Imperatives:

 Rule:

1. They use the base form of the verbs.

2. When forming negatives, use (don’t) before the base verbs.
3. (Let’s) can be used in the imperatives.
4. Imperatives used to give orders, warnings, advice, and requests.

 For example:
a) Fry the meat.
b) Cut the vegetables.
c) Don’t add salt.
d) Don’t use milk.

# Rewrite the following sentences with imperatives:

1. You add the sugar next.


2. You don’t need to fry the vegetables next.


3. You have to cut the potato.


4. It is important to keep the dish in the fridge.


5. I don’t want you to mix the water and milk.

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

8. Can / Can’t:

Usage: It is used to show ability.

Positive Sentences
I - You - We - They - He - She - It (P) (S) can V1

# Examples:
- He can eat sandwiches in a minute.
- They can pass the test easily.

Negative Sentences
I - You - We - They - He - She - It (P) (S) can’t + V1

# Examples:
- He can’t eat sandwiches in a minute.
- They can’t pass the test easily.

Yes/No Questions
Will I - you - we - they - he - she - it (P) (S) V1

# Examples:
- Can he eat 7 sandwiches in a minute? Yes, he can. No, he can’t.
- Can they pass the test easily? Yes, they can. No, they can’t.

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Choose the best option for the following sentences:

1. John _________ three languages.

a) can speak
b) can speaks
c) can speaking

2. Can I smoke here? B: No, you _________.

a) can smoke
b) can’t smoke
c) can smoking

3. We _________ our phones in class. It is not allowed.

a) can use
b) can’t use
c) can’t to use

4. A: _________ you play the piano? B: Yes I can.

a) Do
b) Will
c) Can

5. Tom is a young man. He _________ exercise every day.

a) can exercise
b) can exercises
c) can exercising

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

9. Must / Should:

Form Usage Example

must + v1 Showing You must be calm in class.

must not + v1 necessary You must not smoke here.

Form Usage Example

should + v1 Giving advice You should study hard for the test.

should not + v1 or opinion You should not waste your time.

# Choose the best option for the following sentences:

1. You have a great job; you _________ it.

a) should change
b) shouldn’t change
c) should changing

2. The government _________ the poor and needy.

a) should help
b) should helps
c) shouldn’t helping

3. You _________ quietly in libraries.

a) must speak
b) must speaks
c) must speaking

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

10. Infinitives & Gerunds (want / like / love):

Verb Gerund / Infinitives Example

want to + v1 I want to play tennis today.

I like to swim.
like to + v1 / …….ing
I like swimming.

I love to go to the cinema at weekends.

love to + v1 / …….ing
I love going to cinema.

# Choose the best option for the following sentences:

1. She wants _____________ to the mall this weekend.

a) go
b) to go
c) going

2. I like _____________ football every Thursday.

a) play
b) to play
c) to playing

3. John loves _____________ in the morning.

d) run
e) running
f) to running

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

11. And / But:

And But

Links similar ideas Links contrasting ideas

I like strawberries, and I like apples. I like strawberries, but I don’t like apples.

# Complete the following sentences by writing and or but:

1. It was a difficult exam, ______ I passed.

2. I’m drinking water, ______ I’m also eating a sandwich.

3. I studied a lot, ______ I failed the exam.

4. He wanted to eat sushi for dinner, ______ he couldn't find a Japanese restaurant..

5. Jim is not polite, ______ no one likes him.

6. Strawberries are healthy, ______ I don’t like them.

7. My mother works in a big office, ______ she doesn’t like it.

8. Paul travelled to France, ______ he visited the Eiffel Tower.

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‫ عادل القالف‬.‫أ‬
# 99344370

# Simple present spelling rules:

# Spelling rules for the simple past ending in regular verbs:

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