Nehemiah Luel Motivational Letter For Computer Science

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In the current time, new breakthroughs in technologies seem endless, and new types of applications are

rolled out almost instantaneously. I became interested in computer science when I realized I could start
programming my own levels to games that I liked, and it was an interest that continued to grow as I took
more computer science courses. In the future, I hope to become a programmer and software designer
that can integrate the latest in development protocols in order to advance the field. Through this
program in computer science, I will be able to acquire the skills that I will need to pursue my dream
career in the technology field.

During my last year of high school, I attend programmers team, and visit lots of middle schools around
the middle schools around our regional state and help students to garner interest in the field, reaching
out to underserved communities to get children to realize their potential. I realize that computer science
could be both a very rewarding and challenging experience, and had the potential to change many lives.

This program in computer science will allow me to improve my programming skills as well as give me the
skill set I will need to be competitive in the information technology field. Through the knowledge that I
will gain through this program, I hope to learn more about systems architecture and database
programing as well as other concepts that are critical to a well-rounded understanding of the field. I look
forward to working with my classmates on group projects that will mimic the responsibilities of a
programmer working as part of a team, as well as individual projects that will challenge my
understanding and critical thinking skills. This program in computer science will provide me with the
training that I will need to become a distinctive programmer with both creative flairs as well as mastery
of programming technique.

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