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Widow’s Peak

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 1
Widow’s Peak

Widow's Peak
by Oliver Clegg

I curse you to watch as your village withers

I curse your people to be barren
And your soil to be lifeless
Until your bones are washed away by the sea

—The last words of the Witch

Widow’s Peak is a Ravenloft adventure for characters

between 5th and 10th level.

Adventurers from a distant land find themselves

in the seaside town of Widow’s Peak. Soon enough,
it becomes clear that the town is buried in curses,
secrets and dark magic. Can the adventurers break the
town free of the hold of evil, or will they join the fallen
heroes stolen away by the jealous clutches of the sea?

Prologue - Craven Cove

Chapter One - Widow’s Peak
Chapter Two - The Old Man and the Sea
Chapter Three - The Wailing Stone
Chapter Four - The Barrow Downs
Chapter Five - Grey Gardens
Chapter Six - The House on the Hill
Chapter Seven - Angharad’s Teeth
Chapter Eight - What The Thunder Said

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Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak

Introduction: M a r k s o f Ho r r o r
Craven Cove Widow’s Peak uses several tropes to achieve the
desired feel, one which focuses on shock horror and
suspense to rattle and disarm.
Listen carefully. Can you hear the sea? It is not a Horror and the Sea. The Sea is a dark place of
mindless crashing, no. It is telling you a tale. The tale mystery, harboring secrets man was not meant to
of a woman, and a monster know. The sea acts as a symbol of the unknown,
— The Marvelous Madame Mavolo and the crashing of the waves on the shore as the
ticking of a clock ever moving towards Craven Cove’s
W h at Is Cra ven Cove? Death Is Not The End. This is Craven Cove, and
souls are leaking from the seams here. Ghosts,
Craven Cove is a demiplane nested in the dark spirits, death curses...simply killing a threat is
mists of Ravenloft. Like the other domains of rarely enough to solve a problem. Hauntings, omens
Ravenloft, the demiplane is self-contained, and and lingering unease make Craven Cove a place
difficult to escape from. This has led many to where peace of mind is hard to come by.
speculate that the domains of Ravenloft hold
some kind of purpose, though this has never been Cursed and Damned. Tainted items. Befouled plac-
revealed. The first and most important feature of es. Creatures damned to live a life in some twisted
a domain is its Darklord. This malevolent being form. The influence of the Witch can be seen every-
is a creature of darkness that committed a crime where, and it is not pleasant.
so terrible that the mists snatched them away. The Past Is A Burden The town’s history is steeped
Many domains spring forth from the evil of the in poor decisions, betrayal and misery. Trying to
ensnared Darklord, and thus the entire demiplane save this place from itself is a fool’s errand.
is permeated by their particular brand of evil.
In Craven Cove’s case, the Darklord was a sadistic
witch burned at the stake by fearful townspeople
some decades past. In her anger, she made a
pact with Death to cling to life, and cursed the
townspeople to be forever barren.
The presence of its Darklord caused Craven Cove to
develop some sinister and unwelcoming traits. Now,
it stands alone, waiting for the sea to wash it away.
Every domain needs a Darklord, and Craven Cove is
searching for a new one to replace the one it lost.

What To Expect
Adventurers who have the misfortune to enter
Craven Cove are in for some surprises. The
adventure is presented as a classic “hunt and
kill the evil old witch” scenario. As the game
progresses, it becomes more and more obvious that
something is absent - the witch. Evidence mounts,
and when the characters find that there is no evil
witch to slay, they may become confused. Your role
as Dungeon Master is to set up a monster-hunt
narrative, and then pull the rug out from under the
characters at the last moment.
As Craven Cove falls apart before their eyes, the
characters have the chance to change the outcome.
The climax of the adventure focuses on how the
adventurers choose to address the nature of
the curse, the bitter curse and the guild of the

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 3
Widow’s Peak
T h e S e a W itch Alterations to Magic
​ raven Cove resides in its own Demiplane, isolated
The Sea Witch came to the town of Widow’s from all others. No spell, not even a Wish spell,
Peak on a dark and moonless night. Appearing allows one to escape. Astral Projection, Teleport
as a herbalist and cut-wife, she made a meager and all similar spells cast with the intent of leaving
living on the mountainside overlooking the sea, Craven Cove simply fail, as do all effects that
administering medicines and cures that holy men Banish a creature to another plane of existence.
and pious medics would not or could not address. These restrictions apply to magic items and
Many decades after her appearance, the priests of artifacts. Magic that allows transit to the Border
Widow’s Peak rallied the people and led them in a Ethereal is the exception to this rule. A creature
mob to her doorstep, where they burned her at the that enters the Border Ethereal from Craven Cove
stake. Strangely, the witch let them take her to her is pulled back into Craven Cove upon leaving that
pyre, offering no resistance. With her dying breath, plane.
the Witch called down a curse upon the town, For the purposes of spells whose effects change
damning them to be barren forever. across planar boundaries, Craven Cove is
Years passed, and lights were seen once more in the considered its own plane. Magic that summons
House on the Hill. Dark rumors surfaced about the creatures or objects from other planes functions
Witch, and the possibility she might have survived. normally in Craven Cove, as does magic that
Furthermore, the townspeople found that her curse involves an extra-dimensional space. Any spells
had taken hold. No children were born in the town cast within such a space are subject to the same
from that day forward, and the population began restrictions as in the rest of Craven Cove.
to age without any heirs to live on after them. Whilst in Craven Cove, characters who receive spells
Nowadays, most of the populate are middle-aged from deities or otherworldly patrons continue to do
or elderly, and the townsfolk have given up hope of so. Spells that allow contact with beings from other
being saved. planes often receive false answers. ​Equally, any rolls
The witch is dead, but her curse clings on, driven that would usually be made on the Wild Magic table
by bitterness and rage. For Widow’s Peak to be are made on the replacement Craven Cove Wild
saved, the adventurers must find a way to dispel Magic Table found in the Appendices.
the curse, or help bring it to completion. Dark Magic: The remove curse spell fails to function
normally in Craven Cove.
T h e Curs e
Barren Land. The plant growth spell, the entangle
I curse you to watch as your village withers spell and any other magic which creates plants
I curse your people to be barren or infuses plants with life fails to function in this
Your soil to be lifeless
Until your bones are washed away by the sea Decay. The mending spell, and any other magic
which repairs or restores objects, fails to function in
—The last words of the Witch Craven Cove.

The curse of the witch is slowly eroding Craven

Cosmetic Changes
Cove, and the domain is being worn away from the
inside out. ​ he peculiar nature of Craven Cove has strange
effects on spells cast within the perimeter. Some
As the characters progress through the adventure, examples are included below, but feel free to create
the weather should get worse, culminating in a your own.
terrible storm that threatens to tear the domain
to pieces. Take your time over this, building from Find Familiar - Manifests as a seagull
an uncomfortable calm through gentle rain into a Create Water - Conjures undrinkable salt water
driving storm at the very end of the adventure.
Find Steed - Creates a waterborne steed like a
Additionally, objects and corpses should dolphin which floats through air like it were water
occasionally disintegrate into sand, leaving behind
Thunderwave - Sounds like the crash of waves on
nothing but dust. The frequency of this should
the shore
increase as time goes on.
Fog Cloud - Blood red tendrils snake through the
See Alterations for Magic for specific suggestions as
to how the Curse interacts with spells, though feel
free to make your own judgment calls as time goes Flesh to Stone - The statues always have a
on when faced with unexpected scenarios - if in horrified expression]
doubt, side with the curse and disallow whichever
effect is coming into conflict with it.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
L ay of the Land Souls and Shells
Citizens of Widow’s Peak are cursed to never bear
Craven Cove is a desolate waste populated by children. As time has passed, and many elderly
mountainous rises and strange barrows. Closer to residents have died, their souls have lingered,
the sea, a small beach leads onto dark, roiling seas. unable to reincarnate into newborns. Unable to
The coast is visibly dotted with vicious shards of fulfill their purpose, these ghosts, specters and
rock likely to make sea travel very risky. A chasm other incorporeal undead haunt every corner of
splits the land in two, a side effect of the Witch’s Widow’s Peak. Some of these ghosts are hostile,
dying curse. others don’t have any comprehension of their
undead state. Many roam listlessly around,
Mists of Ravenloft invisible, unable to be brought out of their fugue
A deadly fog surrounds Craven Cove and engulfs state.
any creature that tries to leave. Even flying
creatures are subject to the fog’s effects, which are the C ult o f C r a v en C o v e
as follows:
The Morninglord has not answered the prayers of
A creature that starts its turn in the fog must
Widow’s Peak in decades. In their desperation, some
succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or
of the townsfolk began to pray to whatever they
gain one level of exhaustion (see appendix A in
thought might listen. In the last decade, a cult to a
the Player’s Handbook). This exhaustion can’t be
nebulous entity/pantheon related to the wind and
removed while the creature is in the fog.
waves has surfaced, Unfortunately, the cult regards
No matter how far a creature travels in the fog, or sacrifice (particularly human) as a way of gaining
in which direction it goes, it gets turned around so divine favor. These monstrous acts have sent the
that it eventually finds itself back in Craven Cove. cultists spiralling into ever more decadent instances
The area within the fog is heavily obscured (see of cruelty and murder. This is no act of the divine,
“Vision and Light” in chapter 8 of the Player’s just Ravenloft’s uncanny habit for showing people
Handbook). who they really are. The cult doesn’t like strangers,
particularly people who stir trouble.
Sunlight in Craven Cove
By the will of the Dark Powers, the sun never fully
Small Town Living
shines in Craven Cove. Even during the day, the sky Characters who come to Widow’s Peak are
is dark with storm clouds and the boom of distant immediately recognized as not being members of the
thunder. Craven Cove daylight is bright light, yet it cult, unless they have stolen the faces of existing
isn’t considered sunlight for the purpose of effects cult members. (The reason for this should be self
and vulnerabilities, such as a vampire’s, tied to evident in that all cult members know all other
sunlight. members on a first-name basis, it’s a small town).

L i f e In Widow’s Peak
The good people of Widow’s Peak are a dour and
unwelcoming bunch. All citizens of Widow’s Peak
are in their middle years or later, as the curse
levied upon the town has prevented them from
procreating. As residents have passed away to
natural causes, violence or misdemeanor, the
remaining citizens have become close minded and
Little new wealth comes through to Widow’s Peak,
and the residents barter for supplies from each
other. Travelers who come bearing new coin are
likely to be given the time of day, as the light of
avarice flares in the long-deprived citizenry. Living
in a closed ecosystem, everyone in Widow’s Peak
knows a craft or a trade. Many occupy themselves
in fishing on the ocean, a dangerous pastime that
nonetheless supplies the food needed to keep the
town alive. Old fabrics are mended, old buildings
are patched up.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 5
Widow’s Peak
Ar e as of Craven Cove D . The Wa il i ng Sto ne
The following areas correspond to labels on the map See Chapter Three: The Wailing Stone
of Craven Cove.
E. Wa stel a nd Pa thwa y
A. Th e B r e a c h i n g B each
A blasted landscape lies on either side of this dirt
This wretched beach is made of coarse grey trail. Dead weeds and barren fields lie fallow on
sand and jagged rocks underfoot. A harsh, either side, and thunder booms in the distance.
salty wind blows in from the sea, and a mourn-
ful gull cry sounds overhead. These paths were once used to travel from Widow’s
Peak to other nearby villages, but have fallen into
This beach was once a popular location for births disuse.
in a happier time. It is also responsible for sinking Frequently found traveling these roads at night are
more ships than the townsfolk would care to admit the lonely, attracted to Craven Cove by some bleak
to. No-one alive remembers precisely which of these sympathy with its magic. The lonely frequently stalk
traits is responsible for the beach’s name. travelers at night, calling out “lonely” plaintively
A search of the beach is 50% likely to reveal a until they attack from a distance, skewering a
Trinket from the table in the appendices, washed horse, familiar or an unarmored party member.
onto the shore as flotsam and jetsam.
F . Wi d o w’ s Pea k
B . Th e Pi er See Chapter One: Widow’s Peak
A wooden walkway stretches out a hundred feet G. The Co l o ssus
over the sea. The planks are rickety and rotten,
worn down by countless restless feet. The gigantic statue of a woman looms over the
cliff edge, smiling out at the ocean as if greeting a
A character traversing over this pier has a 10% long lost friend. It stands over a hundred feet tall,
chance of accidentally breaking a plank and falling and the finer detail has been worn away by wind
several feet into the ocean. The shock of the cold and weather.
water is only the first obstacle - the first time this
occurs the unfortunate character has the pleasure The Colossus is impervious to damage, cannot be
of encountering a giant shark. moved, and emits an anti-magic aura (as per the
spell) around itself in a perfect sphere with a radius
C. Th e O c ea n of 1 mile. This aura cannot be dispelled.
Black waters roil, tossed by violent winds under No one in the village knows the origin of the
stormy clouds. Freezing spray lashes the shore- Colossus. It was here when the area was settled,
line, chilling and forbidding. Oblivion waits here. and will no doubt be there long after everyone dies.

Characters should be sensible enough to avoid

H. The Co a sta l Pa th
the sea in the absence of dire necessity. Should See Chapter Two: The Old Man and the Sea
they avoid the warnings you are probably honor
bound to give them, use the random encounter I. The L i ghtho use
tables provided for the sea later in this chapter
to determine if they are disturbed. Check for a See Chapter Two: The Old Man and the Sea
random encounter in this way once every 4 hours.
Characters immersed in cold water. Swimming I. The Grey Ga rd ens
in the sea is a poor choice given the number of See Chapter Five: Grey Gardens
dangerous creatures inhabiting it. Check for a
creature encounter each hour that characters are K . The Ho use o n the Hil l
swimming, rather than every 4 hours of travel.
A swimming character must succeed on a DC See Chapter Six: The House on the Hill
10 Constitution saving throw for each hour of
swimming or gain one level of exhaustion.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak




O n

L. Th e Y a w n i n g C has m O . The Singi ng Reef

The land is rent apart by a gigantic split in the A faint, beguiling music weaves itself through the
earth, surrounded by blackened soil. A fall into a air. Enchanting strands of song drift across the
drop that steep could be deadly. No light or hope water, urging you closer to the reef.
shines at the bottom of the chasm.
The Singing Reef is inhabited by over a hundred
The chasm was created in the backlash of the harpies, who croon in an attempt to lure sailors to
Witch’s curse. Nothing living exists in the chasm, their doom. The reefs are lined with human bones.
and any creature which climbs or falls into the Characters who manage to investigate the rocks
darkness simply never returns. No darkvision or find 1d4 trinkets lodged in secret crannies.
magical sight can pierce the total blackness of the
chasm. P. A ngha ra d ’ s Teeth

M. Th e B a r r o w D own s See Chapter Seven: Angharad’s Teeth

See Chapter Four: The Barrow Downs. Q. Wha t the Thund er sa i d

N. Th e F l y i n g H a t chet See Chapter Eight: What The Thunder Said

On the horizon, a hazy image flickers in a green

light. Through the fog, you can perceive the faint
specter of a ship.

The Flying Hatchet is an illusory phantom

lurking in the mist. It always attempts to lead
curious figures into the mist, where they die from
exhaustion chasing it. It is impossible to catch up to
the ship, which is always on the horizon.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 7
Widow’s Peak
C ra ven C o v e E n c oun t er s Random Encounters
Nothing like a seaside vacat-AARGH
d12 + d8 Craven Cove Encounter [Day] Craven Cove is a bleak and unforgiving place. Let
2 Suspicious Gull down your guard, and you might just end up as
seafood. In keeping with the ambiance of Craven
3 1 ghost Cove you should throw in a Random Encounter
4 Dead Man’s Chest whenever
5 Squall • The party goes for a stroll through town, or
6 Downpour
casually suggests they want to head outdoors

7 1 deep scion (human form) • The party is busy dealing with an important
personal matter
8 Trinket
• A character heads out to relieve themselves of an
9 Old God Insignia
10 1d8 cultists and 1 craven cove priest
• The party annoys you
11 1 hulking crab
• You have a bloodthirsty moment
12 Lure
Use the Encounters table below to generate an
13 Fool’s Shoal
encounter, or just pick one you like.
14 2d4 sea spawn
15 Ambient Curse A ba nd o ned Ho vel
16 Withered Willow
A rickety shack lies just off your path. The win-
17 Abandoned Hovel
dows look damaged, and the door hangs ajar.
18 1 the lonely
19 1 bulette The residents of this shack died long ago. The
interior is bare, and the floor is stained with blood
20 Sun’s Light from some altercation long past. Creatures that rest
in any such abandoned hovel can hear the whisper
of the sea in their ears as they slumber, and
d12 + d8 Craven Cove Encounter [Night] awaken knowing something awful about their past
they didn’t know before.
2 Suspicious Gull
A mbient Curse
3 1 ghost
4 3d4 shadows The air chills, and an ill wind passes over you. You
5 1d8 specters have the uncomfortable feeling that someone just
6 1 the lonely walked over your grave.
7 1 vampiric mist Not all curses in Craven Cove are shackled to
8 1 gullspeaker and 1d4 swarms of gulls creatures. Some are manifest in spiritual form,
9 Old God Insignia raging up and down the coast in despair. If the
party encounters an Ambient Curse, have all
10 Awakened Willow
characters make a DC12 Wisdom Saving throw.
11 1 the lost Characters who fail the saving throw gain a random
12 3d6 stone cursed curse (see the Appendices)
13 1 banderhobb
A wa kened Wi l l o w
14 Trinket
15 1d4 deep scions Creaking into your path, a blackened willow crawls
16 Ambient Curse towards you, branches stabbing into the earth like
fingers. Dead leaves rustle and whisper in dreadful
17 1d6 harpies
18 Piece of Eight
19 1 wraith At night, the withered trees of Craven Cove come to
life. It has the statistics of a treant, except it speaks
20 Moon’s Radiance no languages, looks like a willow, and is chaotic
evil. Awakened Willows slaughter any living beings
they come across.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
Ba nde r h o b b F o o l ’ s Sho a l

Close the door and hold it tight Strange rocks stick up out of the earth, shards of
Take the key and turn it thrice obsidian stabbing through the ground like knives.
Douse the hearth or in the gloam Puddles lie all around.
The banderhobb will find your home
A Fool’s Shoal looks like a quiet respite, and
The banderhobb was a servant of the Witch in perhaps shelter from the weather. In actually,
days gone by. Now, it roams the land in search of a Fool’s Shoal comprises of 1d4 resting earth
tasty morsels. If undetected, it follows the party at elementals, which become irascible if disturbed
a distance, or attacks their camp whilst they sleep.
If the Banderhobb is killed, re-roll this encounter if Gul l spea k er
you come across it again.
An old man with piercing green eyes ambles into
Bu le t t e view. He is surrounded by a flock of screaming,
squabbling gulls, which peck and shriek at his
Bulette, or land sharks, have always been an flesh. He doesn’t even blink.
unusual quirk of Craven Cove. Nowadays, they are
crazed and desperate from hunger. A bulette strikes The gullspeaker (see Appendices) is lost in
without warning, and attempts to escape with juicy, euphoria, and cannot be reasoned with. He attacks
character-sized meal. characters with his gulls as soon as he gets close
C u lti s t s
The cultists belong to the cult of the Old Gods Ha rpi es
located down in Angharad’s teeth. They are out
looking for sacrifices to offer to the sea. The cultists
A wonderful melody floods the air, beguiling your
are scared of death like any other mortal, and can
senses and clouding your mind. Ahead, birdlike
be terrified into retreating if the odds turn against
creatures with female faces perch on a rock,
crooning at you.

De ad M a n ’ s C h e s t These Harpies nest by day in the singing shoals,

and packs of them sometimes emerge to hunt
A small iron or wooden box lies wedges into the Craven Cove for food.
earth. It is secured by a padlock which can be
broken or picked at a DC of 13. If opened, a swarm
of ravens pours out and flutters off into the sky, On
subsequent occasions, the box is empty.

De e p S c i o n s
Deep Scions appear to be townspeople at first
glance. When they get close, they morph into their
monstrous forms and attack.

Down p o u r

The gray clouds begin to darken, and forked light-

ning lances across the sky. Thunder booms over-
head, and the clouds open.

Heavy rain falls, and lightning flashes overhead.

Visibility in heavy rain is limited to 50 yards.
Beyond that distance, only Huge or larger objects
can be distinguished. Missile weapon ranges are
halved during rain. The rain lasts for 1d4 days
before withdrawing.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 9
Widow’s Peak
Mo o n’ s Ra d i a nce
The moon moves out from behind a cloud, paint-
ing the land in bright and otherworldly hues of
silver and white.

As the moon exerts its influence over the land,

the tide comes in, and Angharad’s Teeth becomes
inaccessible by foot.

O l d Go d I nsi gni a
You see a strange symbol carved into a nearby
rock. The more you stare, the dizzier you feel. A
burning smell like white hot metal fills the back of
your head, and a strange static briefly fills the air.

This sigil has been carved into place by the Cult

of the Old Gods, and it is imbued with their mind-
shredding magic. A character who investigates the
rock must succeed on a DC15 charisma saving
throw or gain a level of madness. The sign itself is a
word in druidic that roughly translates to “the word
of god eternal”.

Pi ece o f Ei ght
A piece of eight turns up lodged in the sand, rock
or blasted earth. Pieces of eight consist of small
silver coins which feel incredibly cold to the touch.
Once the group has accounted for all eight Pieces of
Eight, no more appear.

Sea Spa wn
These wretched humans wandered into the
sea once they lost the will to live. They were
transformed by the sea, and have become figments
of violent evil.

Sha d o ws
H u lk i n g C r a b
These shadows are the spirits of people who have
This gigantic crab is scuttling sideways along the died in Widow’s Peak, unable to find new bodied to
coast. It ignores adventurers unless disturbed, incarnate into. They grasp and clutch at characters,
whereupon it starts to follow them. It follows begging in hollow whispers - “Let us in”.
the party for 1d4 days before getting bored and
wandering off. Specters
Lu re These specters are composes of those who died
at sea in Widow’s Peak. Confused and angry,
A peculiar white menhir has been sunk into the the specters flee from the iconography of the
earth. It has a large rune carved near the base. Morninglord, but otherwise attack, hoping to steal
the vitality of these peculiar strangers from another
The stone radiates enchantment magic to anyone land.
with the ability to perceive magical auras. The rune
is a druidic marking denoting this to once have
been a ‘lure’. A lure attracts wild beasts within a
small area to it, and makes them docile. Widow’s
Peak is too barren to make it a useful tool any

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
S q u al l Va mpi ric Mi st

The wind picks up, lashing across the cove in Tendrils of silver mist begin to drift towards you
brutal squalls. Emerging from the angry winds, out of the night air. Something about the way they
humanoid constructs of whirling air currents probe towards you seems almost predatory.
emerge into your path.
This is a tendril of vampiric mist from the Barrow
1d4 air elementals emerge from thin air to assault Downs. It can’t get inside homes, so usually stalks
the party. For the duration of the fight, strong the streets looking for stragglers to eat.
winds buffet all characters involved. The wind has
the following effects: Wi thered Wi l l o w
• It deafens all creatures
A hideous old willow tree looms up in the fore-
• It extinguishes unprotected flames that are ground. The branches look like clawed fingers itch-
torch-sized or smaller. ing to steal you away to some forgotten nightmare.
Seagulls are nesting in it, and staring at you.
• Vapor, gas and fog immediately disperses
• The area is difficult terrain for creatures other In the day, the evil, blackened and withered
than the elementals treants that dot the wasteland are sleeping. Unless
disturbed by violence, they remain so. At night, the
• The attack rolls of ranged weapon attacks have
treants uproot themselves and crawl across the
disadvantage landscape like severed hands wandering around on
their fingertips.
S tone C u r s e d Wra ith
Statues line the horizon. Humans, carved with A scream of malice and despair splits the air. A
terrified or anguished expressions. They are scat- dark spirit clambers up out of the earth, a roiling
tered in a haphazard fashion, with no trace of who mass of shadows which seems to swallow the light
might have installed them here. entirely. “We burned her!” it cries. “Flame to dust!
Flame to dust!”
These poor souls had the misfortune to fall foul
of Grey Gardens. Creatures petrified by the stone This malicious wraith is one of the unlucky
cursed are left to thaw out on their own, unless the peasants who burned the witch. Years of solitude
stone cursed are particularly vindictive, in which have driven it mad, and it hungers for the life force
case they smash them or throw them off a cliff. the characters possess.
S u n’s L i g h t

The clouds part, and the sun shines through. Rays

of light touch the sea, in the distance, and the
waves shine like silver.

All characters gain Inspiration. If the tide is in, it

recedes, allowing access to Angharad’s Teeth by

Suspicious Gull
A seagull is perched on a stone outcrop. It is star-
ing at you intently.

This seagull is a spy for the village cultists. It

watches the player characters pass by, and reports
back to its masters within an hour of the event.

Tri nk et
The characters stumble across a trinket. (see the

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 11
Widow’s Peak

Chapter One: Local Lore

NPCs native to Widow’s Peak know the following
local lore, gossip and rumor:

Widow’s Peak • There’s a witch who lives in the house on the cliff,
but noone has seen her in decades. [False, the
witch died a long time ago.]
The smell of the sea, the violent winds of change.
Can you not feel something in the air? Something... • The wind howls when there is a death in the
special? I can. And I think you can help. town. [True, the Banshee who lives at the Wailing
— Amelia Hawthorne Stone can sense when a life is snuffed out, and
wails. The echoes travel up to the town like the
howling of wind.]
• The best place for travelers to stay is the Stoker’s
A pp r oa chin g Wi dow’s Peak Rest. [True. It is in fact the only place for
strangers to stay.]
When the characters first approach Widow’s Peak,
read the following: • Noone around here has had a child in years.
Some say it’s because of an old Witch who was
The violent winds slow for a moment, allowing jealous of the town’s prosperity. [Partly true. The
you to take stock of your surroundings. Ahead, town burned her at the stake and threw the body
a quaint seaside town wrought from crumbling into the sea.]
white stone and terracotta tiling is nested at a • There’s a ghost ship that you can see if you go
crossroads. It has no walls, allowing you several out to the beach. [True. At least, you can see it.
means of entry. Chasing it may prove difficult.]
• The weather has been getting worse and worse
House Occupants lately. Almost dangerous, even. [Very true. The
If the characters explore a house other than one domain is falling apart.]
specifically listed, roll a d20 and consult the • The old Immaculate Chapel fell into disuse a long
following table to determine the house’s occupant. time ago, as the god abandoned them. [False.
The people of Widow’s Peak destroyed the temple
after the Morninglord didn’t lift the Witch’s curse.]
1d20 Books
• It’s unlucky not to feed the seagulls now and then.
1-2 None [Partly true, in that the Cult of the Old God might
3-15 Widow’s Peak Townsfolk take offense and choose you to be sacrificed.]
16-19 Old God Cultists • No matter what you hear, you must never open
20 Cursed Home your doors and windows at night.
• Earthquakes, storms and natural disasters are
common here. It’s almost like the world itself is
Widow’s Peak Townsfolk. A house of Widow’s Peak falling apart.
Townsfolk contains 1d4 adult commoners. The
townsfolk are sombre, elderly, and do not extend • Lately, some murder victims have been found
an offer of hospitality, or render aid that might completely drained of their blood.
endanger them. • Most of the trees in Widow’s Peak are dead. Apart
Old God Cultists. A cult haven contains 2d6 from the willow trees, which only look dead.
cultists engaged in silent worship or quiet prayers. • There’s strange rock formations to the north east
They are aggressive and hostile to intruders, of town that flow like water. You shouldn’t go
resorting to violence the characters refuse to leave. there. No-one comes back.
Cursed Home. A cursed home is a bleak and • They say the witch had a powerful spellbook
unwelcoming place. It is abandoned, but resting which could undo her magics. No-one knows
here restores no features, hit points or spell slots. where it went, though.
• You should keep one eye on your flank when
taking the paths at night - strange creatures
called The Lonely like to prey on travelers.
• Some people say they hear a beautiful singing out
at sea, but no-one is foolish enough to go near
• The sea has a face, if you go out far enough, and
it hates all living things. You shouldn’t disturb it
or make it angry.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
A r ea s of Wid ow’s Peak C2 - The To wn Ha l l
The following areas correspond to labels on the map This wonky looking building sits on the edge of the
of Widow’s Peak. plaza. Low marble steps lead up to wide double
doors, into a single huge chamber well populated
with empty chairs. A wooden stage stands at the
C 1 - T h e T o w n S quar e back, with a lectern perched precariously atop it.

The cobbles here are laid out to form a square This is where the townspeople once held regular
plaza, ringed on all sides by sad looking houses meetings, but there hasn’t been one in some time.
buttressed against the wind. At the center of the The people have lost hope, and people slowly just
plaza lies a dry fountain, carved with an angel stopped attending. Characters who investigate the
weeping into its hands. lectern find a book on local bylaws, heavily damaged
by bookworms. It is open on a page concerning
A close inspection of the fountain reveals that (were witch burnings:
the fountain operational) it would trickle water
from the eyes of the angel to simulate weeping. A
character proficient in tinker’s or mason’s tools can If a personne shoulde be foudne to be consortying
fix the faulty mechanism with an hour of work. with devyls, fowl foul spirites or sundry dark
magyks, they shall be put to the flayme and throwne
to the see.

The book falls apart on touch, pages disintegrating

into sand.


C11 C2




Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 13
Widow’s Peak
C3 - T h e M e a t S tall C4 - The I mma cul a te Cha pel

In front of an abandoned house, an old man stands This run down old chapel stands lopsidedly
beside a rickety cart. Slabs of meat lie on top of against a large, wizened oak tree. The door hangs
the cart, dripping blood onto the cobbles and dirt. ajar, and the windows have been smashed.
“Meat!” he cries out, “Delicious meat for sale!”
This chapel to the Morninglord has been abandoned
Herman the Meat Salesman sells human flesh and left in ruins. Characters proficient in Survival
recovered from rituals to the Old Gods. Unless can discern that noone has been inside in some
compelled, he won’t admit where the meat comes time
from or what it is, calling it a ‘mystery meat’. If
pressed, he can reveal the location of the cult’s C4a - Entrance
weekly rituals - once every seven days, the cult
meets on the beach to sacrifice town members to The walls here are decorated with inlaid sunburst
the Witch in the hope she might lift her curse from motifs, but in several places have been scorched
them. or damaged. The floors are covered in vines and
Mystery Meat. Consuming an item from Herman’s creepers.
stand is ill advised - a creature that does so must
A character who investigates the vines might find
succeed on a DC15 Constitution saving throw or
the skeleton of a human man under the plants.
become cursed as below.
Clutched in his hand is a bronze sunburst amulet -
this is a Holy Symbol.
1d6 Herman’s Mystery Meat Stand C4b - The Hall of Radiance
1 Suspicious Sausage. This savory snack
is not for the faint of heart. The crea- This room was beautiful once. Ornately carved
ture’s flesh begins to decay. The crea- pews lie under thick brambles and creepers, and
ture has disadvantage on Charisma some have been destroyed by fallen masonry.
checks and vulnerability to all damage. The arched ceiling has fallen into disrepair, beams
rotten and filthy. A large window at the end of
Slimy Steak. Pain grips the creature’s
the hall lies empty, shards of stained glass dotted
mind, and its eyes turn milky white.
around the edges of the window frame. Skeletons
The creature has disadvantage on Wis-
litter the floor.
dom checks and Wisdom saving throws
and is blinded. The skeletons here are what remains of the
3 Awful Offal. The creature is overcome Morninglord’s faithful, killed trying to defend their
with shaking. The creature has disad- place of worship from cultists of the old gods. If
vantage on Dexterity checks, Dexterity the characters disturb the bodies, 3d6 skeletons
saving throws, and attack rolls that use animate to drive the intruders away.
C5 - Sto k er’ s Rest
4 Blood Burger. The creature begins to
bleed uncontrollably. The creature has
A warm glow spills into the street from this dingy
disadvantage on Constitution checks
looking inn. A sign outside names it the Stoker’s
and Constitution saving throws. In
Rest, and a chalkboard near the door reveals that
addition, whenever the creature takes
rooms with a sea view are available.
damage, it is stunned until the end of
its next turn. The Stoker’s Rest has four stories, and many of
5 Wrinkled Ribs. The creature’s mind the upper rooms have a decent view of the sea.
becomes feverish. The creature has The proprietor, an obsequious man named Uriah
disadvantage on Intelligence checks von Miser (CE commoner), runs his business with
and Intelligence saving throws, and the a callous hand. He opportunistically charges an
creature behaves as if under the effects outrageous 4 gold pieces a night for each room,
of the confusion spell during combat. though he can be haggled down to a pittance if
6 Pale Pie. A raging fever sweeps through pushed hard enough. Uriah is a cultist for the Old
the creature’s body. The creature has Gods, and reports on the adventurers’ comings and
disadvantage on Strength checks, goings whenever he gets the chance.
Strength saving throws, and attack rolls
that use Strength.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
C 6 - A mel i a ’ s T o wn hous e C7 - Ebeneezer’ s Empo ri um

This tiny bungalow is nested in at the far edge This general store is painted dark green, and has
of town. The widows are heavily reinforced a large street-side window for customers to look
with metal bands, and the tiling on the rood has inside. Junk fills every corner, and a ratty little man
undergone some shoddy repairs. sits behind a desk at the rear making notes in a
If Amelia has invited the characters for tea (see
Events), she opens the door to her house on their Ebeneezer Bagface is the only general store
arrival and leads them into the drawing room. merchant who has bothered to keep his doors open
in recent days. He has in his store whichever items
from the Players Handbook you deem appropriate,
The woman undoes her hair, letting it fall down her listed at 1.5x their usual cost. He might also be
shoulders. “There,” she says, “I’ve always hated willing to trade in trinkets or magical items, at your
wearing it up, but the sea water does ruin it so.” She discretion, though he’ll bankrupt the entire party
gazes at each of you in turn. “I suppose you have doing so if he can manage it. Mortimer Filigree
some questions,” she says. “I’d like to help, if you’ll keeps a necklace of fireballs on his person, set to
let me.” implode on the moment of his death.
If wrangled into conversation, Mortimer is
Amelia is serious and earnest. She explains that the standoffish and cold. If plied with money, however,
mists around the village are the results of a curse he becomes a lot more talkative. He happily
laid by her foster mother, thought to be a witch. confides in adventurers that there’s talk of a
Amelia doesn’t remember her childhood well, as she magical stone on a mountainside nearby that keens
was still young when the witch died. Amelia thinks when someone dies.
that the mists would recede if the witch could be
laid to rest, though this could be difficult as her C8 - The Scho o l ho use
foster mother’s old house is layered with powerful
enchantments and curses. She can’t be sure, but
This robust looking building has been boarded up
she wouldn’t be surprised if her mother’s spirit
at the doors and windows. A sign hanging outside
haunted the place too, and might need banishing
has been struck through with charcoal - it once
with sword and spell. This is where the adventurers
read “Widow’s Peak School”
come in. If the characters can find ways to protect
themselves from the Witch’s curses, they might No new children has rendered the schoolhouse
stand a chance at facing her down on home turf unnecessary, and the old teacher has long since
and banishing her for good. Only then will the mists died. Inside, it contains only some old desks, ruined
recede, and peace return to Widow’s Peak. exercise books, and a discarded doll missing one

“I will admit to feeling some pangs of guilt,” Amelia C9 - The Ca rpenter’ s Ho use
says, gripping her skirt tightly, “but I don’t see any
The Carpenter is a 90 year old man who lives alone
other way. My mother must be stopped, and I’ve run
in a dingy cottage surrounded by the tools of his
out of options. Will you help me?”
trade. When he was much younger, before the curse
was cast, he used to like making toys for children.
If the characters say yes, she tries to press on them Nowadays, the toys go unused and gather dust. His
what she knows already. Along a coastal path out father wandered off years ago, and never returned.
of town, a lighthouse once held an old sailor who All of his wooden toys bear the branding “Is no fun,
survived the Witch’s curse and bore a child. He was is no Blinsky” in faded lettering.
elderly then, and hasn’t been seen in some time,
but he may hold the key. C10 - Go l o ’ s D ra peries
If the characters refuse, she seems sad but allows Mr. Golo Gasterblast runs a curtain store which
them to leave without reproach. Further visits to hasn’t had a customer in 20 years. Why he bothers
Amelia’s townhouse find it empty, as Amelia is out to open it every day is a mystery, but Golo is a
doing research. stickler for tradition. At night, the Cult of the Old
Gods, (of whom the ancient Golo is the archdruid)
meets sometimes to discuss strategy and change
clothes before heading to Angharad’s Teeth. Most
days, the shop has a CLOSED sign over the door,
and the windows are covered with understandably
luxurious green velvet curtains.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 15
Widow’s Peak
C 1 1 - T h e B u s t o f B ar t im aeus A Gi f t F o r The Sea

On this street corner, you can see a marble bust A voice calls up from street level, piercing the
lodged precariously on an ill-fitting plinth. The night. It’s a scream - a woman’s scream. Shuffling
carved face is stern, and the sign below reads - feet outside are joined by the crackling of torches.
“Bartimaeus, may he find what he was looking for”.
The victim is merely the latest unfortunate
Bartimaeus was an explorer who went out to sea commoner chosen by the priest of the old gods to
looking to reach the Ghost Ship on the horizon. He be sacrificed to the sea. The kidnappers are 1d6
never returned. cultists, who tie up the victim and drag them down
to the coast, where they are ritually sacrificed and
C 1 2 - T h e W a l r u s ’ Hous e thrown into the water.
The Walrus (CE veteran) is a 62 year old man, best A ppa ri tio n
friends with the Carpenter. He doesn’t like anyone
else seeing the carpenter (he’s a rather possessive
A scream echoes through the streets. In the
friend), and if he gets wind of the 90 year old having
darkness, someone is being pulled from their
visitors, he invites the party for a picnic on the
home by strange figures in dark green robes.
beach one day, before surprising them with 1d8
“Please don’t take me!” cries the stranger. “I don’t
cultists of the Old Gods and trying to butcher
want to go. Please, I’ll do anything! Have mercy!”

This event only occurs at night, as character rest

indoors. The noises are phantoms conjured from
E V EN T S the memories of spirits that still haunt Widow’s
Peak. Opening the window or door to look outside
You can use any of the following special events reveals an empty street, until a ghost manifests to
while the characters explore the village. use its horrifying visage on the nearest character
before vanishing into the night.

A S tr a n g er C a l ls

Ahead of you, an unfamiliar woman dressed in

black head to toe is stalking in your direction.
She carries a satchel, and wears a black feather
fascinator. She seems younger than most people in
this town, by a fair margin.
When the characters first enter town, they are
approached by a mysterious woman dressed in
black, as if mourning. This is Amelia Hawthorne,
the last apprenctice of the Witch. Now full grown,
she wants to lay her teacher to rest, and has been
waiting for the mists to draw in new characters to
help her achieve this. She introduces herself, and
does her best to ingratiate herself before inviting
them to tea the next day at her townhouse. [See.
Area C7, Amelia’s Townhouse.]

Feed the Birds

A haggard looking man with frost in his beard

stares at you grimly from a street corner. He is
surrounded by a horde of seagulls, which have
their beady eyes fixed on you. “Feed the birds,”
murmurs the man. “Feed the birds.”
The old man (CE gullspeaker) is a devoted servant
of the Old Gods, and encourages townsfolk to
donate their already meager supplies to the birds.
If the characters refuse, the old man gets angry,
eventually invoking the wrath the swarm of gulls
surrounding him and attacking.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak

Chapter Two:
The Old Man
& The Sea
You cannot possibly begin to imagine how long I’ve
waited here for promising minds such as your own
to come to me. Yes, I’ve been quite patient. But all of
that is over now, and I must ask you not to struggle -
I understand the process can be quite painful.
— Lighthouse Keeper Ashmore

The Lighthouse on the cliffs has been maintained

by the same family for generations. After the Witch’s
curse, the man who looked after the lighthouse
became reclusive, shutting himself in the tower with
his wife. This was overlooked by the townsfolk, all of
whom were still busy processing their own trauma.
In time, however, those few who came to see the
lighthouse keeper came back with strange tales.
From a distance, they saw the Lighthouse Keeper
playing with a son. A human son. This should have
been impossible, and the frightened witnesses
invariably made their way back to town to bring the
gossip to their friends and family. Further missions
to the lighthouse have never returned. Characters
who hear about the Lighthouse might venture out
there in the hope that the Lighthouse keeper will
have information on deflecting the Witch’s dark

The Sordid Truth

The truth is even more insidious than already
implied. Soon after the Witch’s curse, an oozing
malevolence crawled up from the sea. It stole into
the Lighthouse, murdering the keeper and his
wife, and absorbing their memories. Over time,
the Oblex grew in strength from passing visitors
and well-meaning guests, growing into a powerful
imitator. It soon decided to create the lure of a
child’s form, in the hope that curiosity would drive
more meals towards it. This worked, for a time, but
in recent days the village has run out of victims
foolish enough to take the bait. This has frustrated
the Oblex, who is delighted to sense the characters

Light and Dark

An elemental is bound at the top of the lighthouse,
and shines there to this day. The bonds are
weakening, as the Oblex finds being in the presence
of such light and heat unbearable. The elemental
will gladly take any chance it can to free itself.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 17
Widow’s Peak
I1 - Ground Floor I 2 - Sta i rca se

The ground floor of the lighthouse has been Stone stairs wind all around the inside of this
converted into a small, but cozy home. A double tower. At the very top, a rope ladder ascends to a
bed lies against the far wall, complimented by hatch in a wooden floor.
a rustic stove, bookshelf and a simple wooden
dining table. The sound of the sea fades to a This staircase ascends 200 feet in an upwards to
murmur, and the salty scent of the sea gives way spiral to the peak of the lighthouse.
to a faint smell of sulphur.
I 3 - Upper F l o o r
The Lighthouse Keeper blames the smell of sulphur
on a malfunctioning spell on the upper floor. His Pulling yourself up through hatch in the wooden
wife nods, and agrees. Character proficient in floor, you are dazzled by brilliant light flickering in
Insight might smell a rat, inexplicably sensing the center of this chamber. Trapped in a series of
something is amiss with the pair. arcane sigils on the floor of the room, the flames
If questioned about a possible child he might have, lick the corner of the wards as if testing them.
the lighthouse keeper says the following:
Trapped inside this magical seal, and forced to emit
light to guide ships to shore, this fire elemental
“Ah, my little Josef. He was so daring, and so rages against the bonds that hold it tight. This
bright! I am afraid...I am afraid little Josef is no elemental can communicate in Ignan, but otherwise
longer with us. He fell into the sea, and it claimed simply flails against the invisible bonds that hold
him.” it back. The elemental can be freed by using an
action to deface the ward. If freed, the elemental
This is a total fabrication. Characters who look immediately attacks, incinerating everyone it can
around might notice the following. see before fleeing the realm. Where possible, it uses
Investigation. This place doesn’t look big enough its attacks to damage the wooden flooring. If it
to support a family. All these fixtures look old, but deals more than 40 damage to the floor, the wooden
also rusty in places. slats give out and the floor collapses, sending all
combatants plummeting to the lower floor.
Perception. If a child lived here, where are all his
things? Did they throw them all away?
Survival. If the Lighthouse keeper stopped
speaking to the village...where is he getting his OBLEX TACTICS
food? The main body of the oblex has squeezed itself
Arcana. That smell of sulphur...something’s not under the stones of the lower floor. If roused to
right. Maybe you should check out that upper floor. anger, it seeps up through the cracks in the stone
to assault the intruders. It casts hypnotic pattern
Additionally, this room contains the lighthouse
as an opening gambit, and then lays waste with
keeper’s journal.
Eat Memories at the first opportunity. If it gets
If questioned, the Lighthouse Keeper becomes the chance to devour a dying character, it takes
defensive, and gets angry. If pushed, and you feel that rather than chase living ones. If characters
the need for combat, read the following: flee the building, the oblex will not chase them
outside the lighthouse. If the building is set ablaze
The lighthouse keeper and his wife shudder, and by the release of the fire elemental, the oblex
their faces begin to melt apart like candle wax. The flees, heading towards the sea.
bodies, now amorphous piles of goo, lurch and
lunge for you with gooey hands.

The oblex tries to flee if reduced to fewer than a

quarter of its original hit points. It travels to the
village of Widow’s Peak and assumes the identity
of the characters when they are not around,
developing them a reputation for murder and

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
The Lighthouse keeper’s journal

As the winter turns to spring, no life returns to the

land. My wife ails, the endless gloom sickening
her more than the disease ever could. She grows
weaker by the day, and all I can think is that
perhaps this is a mercy. I shall be with her soon
enough, if the morninglord is merciful.

I often walk the balcony in these days of dark-

ness, searching the black seas for some sign of
hope - a vessel, perhaps, to bear us away from all
this. But the witch’s curse seems absolute, there
will be no saving us from our sins. I sometimes
wonder if we could only approach her house, find
some way past the spell that rots flesh from bone,
and bone into dust - we might find there some
way to appease her spirit and save ourselves from
being washed away by the waves.

They say that the witch’s spellbook held the key

to her enchantments - I searched for it year ago,
thinking it might hold the way into her house.
Alas, the trail ended in the barrow downs, and I
could go no further without angering the dark spir-
its that reside there.

Here, at the edge of the world, my journey comes

to an close. I have no children, no-one to carry on
my legacy. It ends as I always knew it would -
just an old man, and the crashing of the sea on
the rocks below.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 19
Widow’s Peak

Chapter Three: A ppr o a c hing The W a iling S t o n e

The Wailing Stone cave can be accessed by trekking

The Wailing Stone up a steep mountainside staircase in a location

marked on the Craven Cove map in the Prologue.
Several NPCs know the location of the Wailing
Stone, and can direct characters in the general
I weep for the present. I weep for the past. But most direction.
of all, I weep for the future.
— Aurelia The rocky staircase has zig-zagged up the moun-
tain-face for some time, when you finally see an
The Wailing Stone lies in the heart of a mountain opening in the rock, disguised as a natural outcrop.
close to Widow’s Peak. Local legend has it that From inside, a gentle moaning drifts out into the
when someone dies in the village, the stone lets off harsh wind.
a dreadful howl. The truth of the matter is much
more simple - the tomb is the final resting place of
a terrible banshee called Aurelia, the first matriarch
of Widow’s Peak. Whilst very knowledgeable about
local history, the elf maiden’s spirit is mad with
grief and age. Each death in the village renews her
grief, and without the hope of new life blossoming,
she has turned vengeful and violent in her dotage.





Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
A r ea s n e a r th e Wai li ng Stone D 3 - A urel i a ’ s Gra ve
The following areas correspond to labels on the map This open cave room bears hallmarks of careful
of the Wailing Stone. craftsmanship, not least of which is the broken
pillar at the center of the room, carved in glyphs. A
D1 - R o c k y En t r a n ce keening fills the room as a woman’s voice croaks
“So much death. No life. Where are the children?
The staircase ends at a small plateau leading inside Where?!”
the mountain. A feeble voice echoes through the
entranceway. “Who are you? Have you come to tell The broken pillar is inscribed in druidic, relating
me a story? Come closer.” this to be the final resting place of Aurelia
Hawthorne, an elf, herbalist and enchantress.
The voice is that of an old woman. Characters Aurelia is a distant ancestor of the witch, though
proficient in Insight are likely to discern that the she knows nothing of recent events in the village.
voice is genuine, if a little uncertain. The sound of Every time a life is snuffed out, she can feel it using
the voice comes from further inside, though there is her Banshee life detection abilities. This used to be
no sign of the speaker. bearable when she could also sense new life coming
into the world, but since the witch’s curse no new
babies have been born. This has sent the banshee
D2 - C a v e S t r e a m mad with grief, and the spirit could prove difficult
to placate. Characters who approach the pillar are
The cave opens up into a large cavern, with a swift greeted by the translucent manifestation of Aurelia.
stream running through the middle. The stream
passes through the chamber and heads over a fall The air warps, and a ghostly figure emerges from
into the darkness. Stalactites and stalagmites dot the dark. Her skin is wrinkled and furrowed, and
the area, and on the other side of the stream an her eyes blinded by cataracts. Her ears are pointy,
archway leads further into the cave. and her clothes ragged. She blinks at you, before
her lips curl into a snarl.
The stream is fast flowing and cold. A character
knocked unconscious in the stream is swept over If the characters do not immediately leave, the
the waterfall into the darkness and crushed to banshee appears and babbles misleadingly for
death at the start of the next round. Lurking in as long as possible. Throw a few intentional
the stream, a roper sits under the water waiting contradictions in there, so the characters can figure
for prey to appear, appearing as a large turtle with out she’s not well.
snakes growing from under the shell.
“She has stolen the children!” the ghostly elf cries.
“She has stolen them away! She must be stopped,
before it is too late!”

Her pleas quickly turn to anger, and confusion.

“Who are you? Where am I? Leave this place!”

The Banshee can sense the life force of the witch all
around her, and knows that the old crone isn’t as
dead as she appears to be. More importantly, the
banshee can sense the life force of all the creatures
and plants that should have been born since the
curse, present in the sorrowsworn that stalk the
land. Aurelia believes that these souls can still be
saved, if the curse is ended and the witch sent to
a final rest. She begs characters not to destroy the
sorrowsworn such as the lonely they encounter
on their travels, as the poor tormented souls are
merely trying to find their way back to where they
Should characters dig away under the pillar for any
physical remains, they find a grave containing a
small elf woman’s skeleton and a 200 gold pieces in
assorted grave goods. On Aurelia’s brow is a circlet
wrought from silver and studded with seven lapis
lazuli. This is Ocean’s Seven (see the Appendices).

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 21
Widow’s Peak

Chapter Four: The Barrow Downs

The downs are a collection of hills and valleys
nested against the northern border of the domain.

The Barrow Downs It’s easy to lose track of time whilst wandering in
these hills. Only one of these hills contains the
tomb, and its location is unknown to most. Finding
the tomb when looking for it requires a Wisdom
(Survival) check DC15, and takes 2d6 hours of
I hunger wandering. If characters are not looking for the
tomb, there is a slim chance they stumble across it
Time passes by accident at your discretion. For every two hours
the characters spend wandering the Barrow Downs,
The years flicker by check for a random encounter on the table below.
And still I hunger
— The Vampire d8 Barrow Downs Encounters
The Barrow Downs, hills and middens on the 1-4 No encounter
northern border of the domain, are home to a 5 Midden
vampiric force which does not take kindly to
visitors. 6 Looted Tomb
7 Haunted Tomb
A Story From Before The Witch 8 Unholy Tomb
In days gone by, older days than these, a young
women came to the hills. She was desperate,
hungry and alone. Curling up, she waited for death Mid d en
to come. It was not death, however, who answered
her call but something similar. A creature of the Atop a small rise, you see a small pile of refuse,
night - wild and untamed. A parasite on the world bones and scrap that has been tidied into a mound.
of the living, with a craving for the blood of others. The air is chill, and the skull mounted on top seems
A vampire. Something about the girl stirred long to watch you carefully.
forgotten feelings in the vampire’s heart, and he
stayed his hand, dragging her instead back to his A midden is mostly composed of old bones, trash,
tomb to watch her. As the days passed, the vampire and the occasional treasure. Spending 10 minutes
forbore to drink her blood, but could see her pulse rooting through the garbage has a 10% of revealing
becoming weaker from exhaustion. Panicked, the buried trinket.
vampire flitted towards the Widow’s Peak, which
at this time was little more than a collection of L o o ted To mb
huts. The vampire left her at the door of an inn,
where she was taken in and cared for by the local This tomb is a 10 x10 feet square stone chamber. It
herbalist. The vampire returned to his lair, and has been raided by greedy excavators, leaving only
waited. Human blood lost its attraction for him. broken sarcophagi and dust. Sometimes the lonely
He festered in his tomb, consumed by longing. He can be found here.
starved, and faded away, becoming little more than
a mist of confused emotions and blood hunger.

Recent Days
The little girl grew up to be the Witch. Some long
years later, when she was murdered by the locals,
something in the vampiric mist snapped. Enraged,
it began to hunt down humans once more, and
the town has been terrorized by its predations
ever since. The mist is a cunning adversary, and
it is strong. The bulk of the mist exists in the
barrows, and it is powerful enough to send lesser
manifestations on hunting sprees whilst it remains
safely in the dark. When it realises the characters
are looking for a way to lift the curse, it attempt to
lure them to the barrow downs with misty tendrils
and targeted murders where necessary.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
H au n t e d T o m b m1 - The Bl o o d y Ba rro w
In the next hill, a door has been burrowed into the The vampiric mist hides in the Bloody Barrow, near
earth, held open by a stone doorframe. The floor is the coffin it once called a final resting place. It fears
paved in stone, leading into a hollow chamber. At the sunlight, like all creatures of darkness, and
the center of the room, a sarcophagus lies shat- sends tendrils out at night to the village to drain
tered and empty. the occasional villager of their vitality.
M1a - Hallway
This tomb is a 10 x10 feet square stone chamber. It
contains a broken sarcophagus in the middle of the This stone corridor is carved with unsettling
floor. Touching it draws the attention of a wraith, images of humans being chased by feral looking
which attacks. men with fangs. Bats, skulls and other grisly motifs
are ornamentally chiseled into every surface. The
U n h o l y T o mb air has a biting cold to it, and the entire corridor
The entrance to this barrow is veiled in shadow. smells peculiar. Almost like an absence of scent.
A cold feeling washes over you, chilling you to the The doorway at the end of the corridor leads to a
marrow. You can’t escape the feeling that some- room shrouded in heavy mist.
thing horrible is waiting inside.
The hallway is empty and completely free of organic
This tomb is a 10 x10 feet square stone chamber. material - the vampiric mist scoured it clean a long
The tomb is also desecrated ground. Inside, a time ago.
sharklike bodak paces back and forth. It won’t Characters who look around might notice the
chase intruders outside the tomb. following:
Religion. This symbols and texts relate to tales
of undead creatures that drain the life from the
living. Vampires. If an elder vampire is here, it’s an
incredibly dangerous threat.
Nature. You have seen literally no vermin,pests or
other natural creatures in the Barrow Downs. This
is not just peculiar, it’s downright unnatural.
History. There are stories about bats, death and
ruin. They usually relate to powerful undead,
though sunlight is often a great way to repel them.
Arcana. Many creatures are capable of producing
an unnatural fog or mist, and vampires are one of
them. The mist is rarely so thick, however. Or quite
so localized....
Investigation. Despite the age of this place, it’s
suspiciously clean. Almost like the entire place has
been scoured clean of organic matter.
As soon as living creatures enter this corridor, the
mist notices their arrival. It patiently waits at the
end of the corridor, hoping they will be curious
enough to come closer. If it is daytime, it won’t dare
venture into the corridor unless it is attacked. If it
is night, it might take a chance and billow into the
corridor to devour the food.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 23
Widow’s Peak
M1 b - T o mb The Vampire’s Gift

The vampire wishes for the witch to be set free of

The walls of this room have been plastered with
her misery, so that she can pass on fully to the next
bones layered on top of each other in a ghastly
life. It cares nothing for Craven Cove and anyone
mess. Broken pillars stand near the entranceway,
suffering therein.
and a crack has opened in the floor to one side of
the room. In the center of the room A broken sar- Finish it, the voice rumbles, and dust falls from the
cophagus lies in the middle of the chamber. ceiling of the tomb like sand through an hourglass.
This room is occupied by a vampiric mist which Finish what she started, and she will be at rest.
has forgotten its own name due to blood withdrawal They must all die.
and old age.
This is the only clue the vampire is inclined to
The vampiric mist has the following changes/ give to anyone it feels worthy of guidance. The
alterations to its statblock: intent of this clue is to guide the characters to the
• It is Huge in size beach, where they can destroy the village cultists
responsible for burning the witch. It may take the
• It has 150 hit points
characters visiting some other locations to piece
• If it is destroyed by any means other that damage this together, which is fine.
from sunlight, it reforms in its tomb at dusk the
next day
The vampiric mist is keen to see the curse of the
witch lifted, retaining some faint memory of their

Mist boils and bubbles from the floor of the cham-

ber, carrying with it a voice like dust on the wind.
Save her, the voice rustles. Save her. You must save
her from herself.

Inside the sarcophagus is the dirty and withered

old skeleton of a man with pointed teeth. Around
his body are his grave goods, which include a
shield of missile attraction, a hell hound cloak, a
loadstone, and a stone of ill luck. On top of these, as
if placed here more recently, is the Book of Drowned
Mouthings (see Appendices)
Touching the corpse, the treasures, or disrespecting
the tomb in any way causes the ancient vampire to
attack, purging intruders from its resting place with
extreme prejudice.
The skeletons on the wall are all humanoid, ranging
from elves to humans to dwarves, all the way down
to rarer races like tritons or firbolgs.
This room is desecrated ground, and the vampiric
mist has advantage on all saving throws whilst it
remains in the room.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak

Chapter Five: as stone, looking out across the sea. I miss her
terribly.” Taking pity on the giant, the Witch gave
him a magical mirror which would allow him to look

Grey Gardens into his wife’s dreaming mind, on the condition that
should the Witch ever need his aid, the giant would
come. Many years later, when the mob beat on the
Witch’s door, she called on the giant for help, but he
Once, you told me that the stone held no deeper was lost in the visions and ignored her call. In anger
secret than our love. You were like a blazing sun in at his betrayal, she twisted the magic, trapping him
a sea of darkness. Now, you are cold and will never in a nightmare which warped the land and people
again walk with me outside of the dream. Why did around him into a stony horror show.
you leave me? How could you leave me? I am so hor-
ribly, terribly angry at you. Creatures and Horrors
Many of the civilians caught in the giant’s
...I...I miss you. nightmares became basilisks, gorgons or
— The Giant cockatrices. One, a magician of strong will and
black heart, used her spells to deflect the worst of
Grey Gardens is a writhing, melting cesspit of stony the curse. She became a medusa, and rallied the
horrors, home to a distraught Stone Giant and a confused monsters to her cause with the aid of her
medusa enchantress. enchantments. Taking up residence in the giant’s
shattered home, she works her black magic in
The Cautionary Tale secret, kidnapping travelers and transforming them
into Stone Cursed for her own amusement.
In the days of the Witch, when Widow’s Peak
had yet to fall barren, a giant came to the shore
looking for his wife. She had left the safety of the
The Nightmare
underground tunnels for the light of the sun, and The Giant is trapped in an endless nightmare as the
he wanted to understand why. When he found her, result of the Witch’s Curse. His torment has warped
he was distraught - she had turned into a statue the surrounding landscape, rendering it volatile
after long centuries of gazing out to sea. Furious, and unpredictable. Whenever a creature in Grey
he rampaged around the countryside, until he was Gardens casts a spell of 1st level or higher, roll on
approached by the Witch. She asked him why he the wild magic table in the appendices.
was sad, to which he responded “My wife is frozen





Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 25
Widow’s Peak
A pp r oa chin g G r ey G ardens J1a - Edie’s Room

As you head onwards, the ground beneath your This room is divided in half by a large green
feet seems to become soft and pliable. Stone drifts curtain which cuts off your view of the rear half of
idly up from the earth into floating motes of rock, the room. A gentle hissing comes from the other
and back down again to merge with the floor. Walls side of the curtain. “What do you want?” a female
rise and fall within minutes, replaced by more voice asks, laden with venomous intent.
strange rock features. The earth itself seems alive,
and twists away from your feet as you soldier for-
wards into this peculiar territory. The medusa Little Edie resides here in the dark.
She is acutely aware of the sudden danger she is
Grey Gardens is likely to be approached from the in against a group of intruders. She speaks plainly
south-east. As characters get within a mile of it, and honestly as long as she thinks there’s a chance
read the following: the adventurers will leave peacefully. She warns
the adventurers not to draw back the curtain. Edie
J 1 - G r ey G a r d en s knows the following information:

This mound of rock seems oddly stationary - There is a giant trapped in a nightmare in the
compared to the ever-shifting surroundings. An heart of grey gardens. There is no freeing him.
entrance has been hollowed out of the rock, and - Men from the village came here to accuse Edie of
stone stairs lead downwards into the dark. working dark magic. Edie turned from of them to
stone, which caused the rest to retreat. She is afraid
This subterranean lair has been hollowed out by the they will be back in greater numbers
medusa who lives here. If the party draw back the curtain, Edie attacks
J1a - The Medusa’s Mausoleum with her magic.
Edie’s room contains a spellbook which includes all
The stairs lead downwards into an underground the Wizard spells in the Player’s Handbook. It also
chamber shrouded in dust and darkness. Four contains a selection of outdated books on natural
statues are placed dramatically around the history. Under her bed, Edie keeps an Ioun Stone of
chamber. One door leads further into the complex sustenance under her pillow, and wears a bracelet of
on the far wall. rock magic.

This statues in this room are actually stone

cursed. They wait until characters have almost
passed through the room before surprising them
with a sudden flurry of blows. The double doors are
made of wood with steel banding, and are locked.
The doors are also enchanted with an arcane lock,
making them much more difficult to open. [DC25 to
break down or lockpick].

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
J 2 - T h e Pea k EV ENTS
A spire of rock shoots up from the earth, hurtling You can use either of the following special events
towards the sky and hardening into a wizened while the characters explore Grey Gardens.
steeple. A seagull alights on the newly formed
peak. A Present f o r Ed i e

The steeple vanishes in a few minutes, replaced by A procession of grey-skinned humanoids lurches
yet more ever-changing formations. into view. They are dragging a human behind
them, who is screaming vainly for help.
J 3 - T h e S h e er Edge
Ahead of you the rock curves upwards in a This group of twelve stone cursed are taking a new
sheer cliff edge. Boulders tumble down it, before victim to Little Edie, so she can add them to their
vanishing and reappearing as gravel, which floats ranks. The woman is a cultist called Delilah, and
off to be caught into another magical eddy and is very grateful if she is rescued, before immediately
floating out of view. stabbing her rescuers in the back.

This cliff is dangerous to climb, and should really

be navigated around. Coming too close to the Sheer You are hailed from behind by a strange sight in
Edge angers the rocks, which attack. Rocks have these parts. A lone woman in black astride a rather
the statistics of galeb duhr - add a new galeb duhr sickly pony canters in your direction. She is being
each round on initiative count 20. chased by a billowing specter, and it’s gaining on
J 4 - T h e M i s e r a b le M es a
A mel i a ’ s Resea rch
A haze of purple and pink weaves through the
air, turning stone to mud and mud to magma
and magma to shards of obsidian. Rock falls like This is Amelia Hawthorne (area C6) who is being
water one moment and rise like clouds the next. chased by a wraith she angered. If she is rescued
At the center of the chaos, a gigantic humanoid Amelia apologizes for the inconvenience, and asks
sits staring into a mirror he holds in both to accompany the characters into Grey Gardens.
hands. On the Giant’s body, you can see strange She wants to make some notes on the unusual
protuberances that you swiftly realize are petrified geology for her book on natural history she’s
human limbs and faces sunken into his flesh.
Rocks begin to fall from the sky, forming out of
This area is dangerous, and all creatures treat nothing and crashing down around you. Craters
it as difficult terrain. The Giant is a stone giant spray lethal shards of stone into your eyes and
dreamwalker and is completely insensible. Anyone render the ground riddled with razor sharp
who steps close enough to look into the mirror he shards.
holds can see shifting scenes of two stone giants
embracing, talking and other mundane activities. writing.
No amount of shouting or poking the giant raises
him from his stupor, neither do attacks or merely Sto ne Sto rm
covering the mirror. Only smashing or somehow
stealing the 1000lb mirror has any impact on his
attention to it. If his attention is garnered, the Giant This stone storm is a common environmental
is wroth: hazard of Grey Gardens. Until it peters out (which
could take as long as 1d10 minutes), the characters
The giant stirs, milky eyes filling with inhuman risk being bludgeoned by rocks and stepping on
rage. The images on the mirror fade, replaced sharp rocks jutting from the ground. If you need to
with a dull sheen. “You..what have you done?!” the convince them further that it’s best to seek shelter,
giant roars. Rocks begin to crash to earth around apply 1d4 piercing damage every round until they
him, and fissures spread where his feet touch the find shelter or create a safe space using magic.
earth. He stands, and towers above you. “
have robbed me of my wife,” he weeps. “Why? Why
would you do such a cruel thing?”

Once stolen or broken, the mirror cannot be re-

enchanted, and is no longer functional. The giant is
distraught, and inconsolable.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 27
Widow’s Peak

Chapter Six: the Witch brought down her curse on the villager.
Such power had this dying curse that the land was
rent in two. The earth around the pyre blackened,

The House on the Hill and the Witch laughed. Once the deed as done, the
carcass was torn from the smouldering remains
and hurled into the sea.

Go, child. Live to see another day. Remember this The House
when they come for you - and they will come for you, The Witch cursed Widow’s Peak for their treachery
mark my words and violence. Most of all, she cursed the land
- The Witch around her house, so that none would love it as she
had. She rent a tear in the earth leading to the void
itself. She drew a veil of dark magic over the house
Burn The Witch and the site of her death, a lethal magic designed to
The Witch maintained a residence on a kill any interlopers. No subtlety here, just death.
mountainous hillside near Widow’s Peak. There,
she dispensed medicine, performed auguries and A ppr o a c hing The Ho us e
invoked the old gods of wind and sea in her dark
magic. People came to her for advice, for magic or The air has become biting. Stones dig into your
healing, and for curses on those they believed to feet through your shoes. The air whispers bitter
have wronged them. In time, the townsfolk grew curses into your heart - you are not welcome here,
terrified of the Witch’s power. All manner of bad it says. Turn back, or die.
luck, incompetence and human malevolence were
blamed on her magic. Whenever a cow fell sick - the The Witch’s cottage lies on the mountainside,
witch did it. When a child became ill - the witch was some 4 hours walk up a craggy, treacherous slope.
to blame. Fear (as it so often does) turned to anger, Coming within 10 miles of the house sets most
and anger to violence. A mob of citizens armed with mortal creatures at unease. Animals become
pitchforks descended on the Witch’s house. They scared, and all but the bravest flee far away, never
found her waiting for them, calmly, having foreseen to return.
this day would come. They dragged her outside her
house, and burned her at the stake. As she died,




The House On the Hill

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
The House’s Curse
The house is surrounded up to 5 miles around by
K3 - The Hut
the dark effects of her curse. The area is warded
against magical travel. Creatures can’t teleport Illuminated in the sickly green miasma, this rustic
into the area or use portals, such as those created stone cottage looks like it might once have been
by the gate spell, to enter the area. The curse cosy. A small wooden door, lovingly polished to a
proofs the area against planar travel, and therefore shine, is slightly ajar leading into the house.
prevents creatures from accessing the area by
way of the Ethereal Plane. In addition, the spell
The door’s lock is broken, as if it were forced.
damages mortal creatures. When a humanoid or
beast enters the curse’s area for the first time on K3a - The Main Chamber
a turn or starts its turn there, the creature takes
5d10 necrotic damage. Creatures feel a sense of The door opens to reveal a tiled chamber, sparsely
incredible danger moments before they set foot furnished with a desk, stove and cupboard. The
inside the area affected by the curse. room is quiet, but not dusty.

Avoiding the Curse This was the Witch’s main living area, where she
Surviving the house’s curse can be achieved in would make notes, cook and relax. Sitting on the
several ways. desk is a letter in a spidery hand.
- Familiars or conjured extra-planar creatures can
be used to scout ahead. Kind Stranger
- Any effect or item which protects against curses If you have come here, then you wish for me to lift my
will protect against the house’s lethal aura curse. It is too late for me to help, I am gone and only
- Immunity to necrotic damage my curse remains - a curse well deserved by those
on whom it fell. They feared me, and they burned me
and other ingenious ways characters will
- tell me this, do they not deserve a fate as dreadful
undoubtedly come up with. The curse cannot be
as they inflicted on me? The curse will remain until it
dispelled or neutralized, even by an antimagic field.
is enacted in full and all those who wronged me are
Notwithstanding the ways listed above, the primary dead.
way to avoid the curse is by locating the Witch’s
spellbook, which currently resides in the Barrow
Downs. With the book in hand, the bearer of the This letter reveals the pivotal crux of the adventure
book and all creatures within 10 feet of the book are - until justice is done, the witch’s curse will remain.
immune to the effects of the curse. The evil men who burned the witch must be
destroyed, and their bones washed away by the sea.
The cult can be found in the rocky cave formation
K 1 - T h e Py r e called Angharad’s Teeth, and it is there that the
adventure should reach its denouement.
Burned planks of wood lie in an ugly heap on the
ground. The earth is stained black around it, as The cupboard contains old peasant clothes suitable
if scarred. A glowing green mark surrounds the for an old woman, gardening implements and a
remains of the pyre, leaking magical energy in collection of small empty glass bottles. The books on
places. the table are mundane ones on geology, medicine,
midwifery and natural history. The stove is broken,
This is where the witch was burned at the stake,
and doesn’t function at all any longer.
remains preserved by dark magic. This is Ground
Zero for the curse, and is arguably the most K3b - The Bedroom
dangerous place in the entire domain. Any creature
which touches or crosses the green mark is This room is very small, containing a bed, a rug, a
disintegrated. fireplace and a bucket.
K 2 - T h e W a r d en s of Wood A character who searches the room finds a talisman
of ultimate evil under the bed pillow. Anyone who
These rather sick looking trees are a strange, sleeps in the bed has horrible nightmares all night.
ashen gray. Faint faces are etched into the trunks.

These trees are actually wood woads bound as a

last line of defense from intruders. The wood woads
awaken if characters enter the house or disturb
the Pyre. They attack until they die or drive off

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 29
Widow’s Peak
You can use any the following special event while
the characters explore the House on the Hill.

A m e li a ’ s A n g er
This event occurs only if Amelia is not dead, and
the adventurers met her in town.

As you exit the house, you find you are not alone.
Amelia is waiting for you, sat on a wretched tree
stump and staring towards the distant ocean. She
gestures towards the pyre.

“You know what we must do,” she says, and her

eyes blaze with a lust for vengeance. “We must
finish what she started. End the curse.”

Amelia came here hoping to find the adventurers,

and instead found her memories, which returned to
her like a rising tide. She remembers the burning of
the witch, and the faces of those who burned her.
Her grief is beginning to turn to righteous anger.
She asks the characters to meet her at Angharad’s
Teeth, where she intends to put an end to the cult
forever and finally enact a bloody end to the Witch’s
If they say that the town has suffered enough,
Amelia warns the characters to stay out of her way.
She leaves, heading for Angharad’s Teeth.
If they agree that the villagers must die for their
sins, Amelia’s righteous anger is stoked.

“Very well,” says Amelia Her eyes flash a brilliant

white, and her body shines with an incandescent
aura. The shadow of feathered wings falls against
the wall. “Meet me at Angharad’s Teeth. This cult
must be punished for their wickedness.” She
mounts her horse, and rides towards the shore.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak

Chapter seven: The Cult

Up to 30 cult members reside here at any one
time. Appearing at Angharad’s Teeth without

Angharad’s Teeth being adequately prepared could easily lead to a

grisly death. Whilst the cult worships false idols,
the domain has twisted itself to further their
When the Morninglord abandoned us, we learned the misbegotten cause, lending some of the cultists
old ways of water and air. We sought out the gods peculiar powers over wind and sea. Characters
that lie dreaming under the sea, and petitioned their who charge in blindly are likely to be captured and
mercy with blood and sacrifice. Don’t you see? This killed, before their bodies are thrown as an offering
was their miracle. You are their miracle. to the sea.
— Arch-priest Golo The Cull
Tensions have been mounting for some time in
Widow’s Peak. The cultists have been stealing away
Food for the Old Gods townsfolk for a long time, and they are running out
Angharad’s Teeth is a dark place. In the years since of potential sacrifices. Several events in this module
the Witch perished and laid her curse on Widow’s might lead the characters to start tracking down the
Peak, cultists hoping to garner the favor of their cult, which should lead them right to Angharad’s
imaginary gods have been sacrificing each other teeth at your convenience.
here, allowing the blood to feed itself to the sea. The
domain of dread has fed on these dark deeds, and Tracking the Cult
Angharad’s Teeth has become imbued with a savage Any character who tries can track the cult down to
evil that encourages the very worst that mortals the seafront. Where they went from there depends
have to offer. if the tide is in. If the tide is out, it’s easy to follow
the many footprints leading to Angharad’s Teeth. If
Angharad’s Teeth the tide is in - well, the players may have to become
A cave lair hidden in a secluded part of the beach, inventive, or search the entire beach.
Angharad’s Teeth is not obvious to the naked eye.
Indeed, when the tide is in the lair is inaccessible
by foot, requiring the characters to use magic, or
construct some kind of sea vehicle to reach it.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 31
Widow’s Peak
Servants of Madness A rea P - A ngha ra d ’ s Teeth
The cultists arrayed at Angharad’s teeth vary
from day to day. When the characters arrive, the As your eyes adjust to your new surroundings,
following cultists are present: you see a stone altar standing in the center of the
cave, on which lies the body of a middle-aged man.
2d6 cultists Blood pools around the floor beneath it. The entire
2 craven cove priests (see appendix) room is stained dark maroon. Against the wall, hid-
eous metal cages are riveted into the rock.
3 gullspeakers
Robed figures in smiling masks swarm out of the
Archpriest Golo (see appendix) shadows to accost you. “Get them!” shrieks a wa-
The cultists of the Old Gods have descended into vering voice, “Their blood will bring us power! The
evil and despair. They live in the hope that some sea must be fed!”
dark god is listening to their prayers - in their
minds, this is far better than having no god at all. Once the characters have located the cave entrance,
Their collective belief in these nebulous old gods all that remains is to enter.
has drawn the attention of the Dark Powers, who The cultists give no quarter. If they are reduced
power their magical abilities to encourage them to to a quarter of their number, they begin to flee,
further acts of depravity. hoping to escape back to town and disappear into
Archdruid Golo runs a defunct drapery business anonymity.
back in Widow’s Peak. He loves nothing more than The body on the table is dead already, and has
watching a sacrifice, and worries that the recent been for several minutes. The well in the corner
upsurge in natural disasters is due to the cult not of the room stretches down into the void that lies
providing enough sacrifices to the old gods. waiting below Craven Cove. Anything that falls into
it is lost forever. The cages don’t currently contain
any prisoners, unless you need them to for some
reason. The DC to break open these cages without
the key is 20, and Archdruid Golo carries the only
set of keys.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak

Chapter eight: The Face of the witch

When the characters reach are close enough to the
maelstrom, read the following:

What the Thunder Said The seafoam rises, forming a gigantic face with
a voice of roiling thunder, tainted with a hollow
resonance that Lightning flashes as it roars.
driving rain, her face and then
what the thunder said to me
— Craven Cove Priest The face in the sea is a physical manifestation of
the curse, and it must be stopped for Widow’s Peak
to be saved.
The Time Has Come, the Walrus Said When the characters approach the face, if Golo and
his cultists are not dead, read the following:
In the distance, the wind and rain are illuminated
by a strange werelight, an angry luminesence The face cackles, lightning spraying across the
whipping the storm into a frenzy. ocean like spittle. WASHED AWAY, it screams.
You can run the events of this chapter whenever INTO THE SEA.
you wish, but the adventure will always end
The face then unleashes a tsunami effect from its
here. This chapter covers what happens if the
face washing the character under the waves and
adventurers head out to the location marked on the
back to shore. It does this as many times in a row
map as What The Thunder Said.
as you deem necessary.
The Storm
B r ea k ing the C ur s e
The wind rips across the sea, hurling the waves The curse can be convinced to abate if presented
into a crashing frenzy. The sea batters the shore, with the knowledge that Golo and his cultists are
sending rocks hurtling into the water. Thunder dead.
booms, lightning flashes, and rain pours from the
sky in a furious deluge.
WASH THEIR BONES, the face crumples, shedding
an ocean of tears into the vast, dark sea. INTO THE
The storm is a side-effect of curse. Thunder and SEA. I’LL WASH AWAY INTO THE SEA.
lightning are accompanied by howling wind and
rain. Whilst the storm rages, several effects are in The curse of the witch, the scourge of Widow’s
place for anyone who approaches it. Peak, is at last laid to rest. The face fades away into
• A strong wind imposes disadvantage on ranged the seaform, briefly assuming an expression of
weapon attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) tranquility before it vanishes forever.
checks that rely on hearing. A strong wind
also extinguishes open flames, disperses fog, The storm begins to calm, and a wan yellow sun
and makes flying by nonmagical means nearly breaks through the clouds, sending riotous colour
impossible. A flying creature in a strong wind sparkling across the surface of the water.
must land at the end of its turn or fall.
• Everything within an area of heavy rain is lightly In the distance, a gull cries out. and the mists in
obscured, and creatures in the area have the distance slowly lift, revealing an unexplored
disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks horizon perhaps laden with yet more mysteries.
that rely on sight. Heavy rain also extinguishes But that is a tale for another time.
open flames and imposes disadvantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 33
Widow’s Peak
A ppend ix B : Tr ink ets

Appendices d20 Craven Cove Trinkets

1 A small bottle with a rolled up letter

A pp en dix A : M ag i c I tems inside
2 An eye patch
Ocean’s Seven 3 A bag of sea salt
Legendary, wondrous item (tiara), requires
4 An elegant piece of scrimshaw
attunement by a spellcaster
5 A small metal hook the size of a hand
This silver tiara is studded with seven lapis lazuli
spell gems. A character attuned to Ocean’s Seven is 6 A porcelain figurine of a seagull
attuned to all seven spell gems. 7 A pot of blue ink
8 The skull of a fish that had three eyes
Edie’s Edifying Enchantments 9 A sea shell. If you hold it to your ear, you
Uncommon, wondrous Item (book), requires can hear the sea.
attunement 10 A colorful stick of candy colored with
This spellbook is battered and shaky, with loose red and white stripes
pages sticking out of the sides. Whilst holding it,
you cannot be petrified, It contains the formulas for 11 A big lump of white chalk
all Wizard spells from the Enchantment school up 12 A golden coin marked with a skull
to level 7.
13 A bag of bird feed
14 An amber spyglass
The Sandstone Staff 15 A water damaged book called
Very rare, quarterstaff, requires attunement “Wight waves at midnight”
This staff carved from sandstone is surprisingly 16 Half the jawbone of a shark.
17 A small pendant made of lapis lazuli and
The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can
use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to peridot
cast one of the following spells from it, using your 18 A wooden eye, scratched and worn, with
spell save DC: dust devil (2 charges), or wall of sand a fork sticking out of it
(4 charges).
Power Strike. When you hit with a melee attack
19 A waterlogged monkey’s paw
using the staff, you can expend 1 charge to deal
an extra 1d6 force damage to the target. A target
20 Two large clam shells fitted with shoul-
reduced to 0 hit points by this damage disintegrates der straps.
into sand.
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at
dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On
a 1, the staff turns to sand and is destroyed.

The book of drowned mouthings

Very rare, book, requires attunement
This spellbook contains every druid spell from
levels 1 through to 9 which can be scribed by
Wizards into their spellbook as if they were wizard
Whilst holding the book, a creature is immune to
curses, and is immune to the magics of the witch
including the supernatural defences of the House
on the Hill and the watery magic of What The
Thunder Said.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
A pp en dix C: Craven Wi ld Mag i c d100 Effect

d100 Effect
49-50 You can’t speak for the next minute.
01-02 Roll on this table at the start of each of Whenever you try, you begin to vomit sea
your turns for the next minute, ignoring water.
this result on subsequent rolls. 51-52 Your skin hardens to a crab like shell
03-04 For the next minute, you can see for 1 minute, granting you +2 to AC, and
invisible creatures you have line of sight immunity to cold damage.
to. 53-54 You are immune to suffocation for the
05-06 A giant shark appears in an unoccupied next 1d6 days.
space within 5ft of you, then disappears 55-56 Your clothes turn a pale green.
1 minute later.
57-58 For the next minute, each person you
07-08 You cast erupting earth as a 3rd level touch starts vomiting seawater and can’t
spell, centered on yourself. speak.
09-10 You cast magic missile as a 4th level 59-60 You cannot recover spell slots for the next
spell. week.
11-12 Your fingernails turn purple and rot 61 -62 For the next minute, anything you say
away. comes out as a whisper.
13-14 You cast fog cloud centered on yourself. 63-64 You cast Fog Cloud centered on yourself.
15-16 For the next minute, you can breathe 65-66 Up to three creatures you choose within
underwater, but can’t breathe on land. 60 feet of you take 4d10 cold damage.
17-18 You gain a tattoo of a skull on your face 67-68 You are frightened by all creatures until
or hands. the end of your next turn.
19-20 You cast water breathing. 69-70 Each creature within 30ft of you loses the
21-22 You cast bestow curse at 3rd level on the ability to swim, if they possess it.
nearest living creature. 71-72 You gain resistance to all damage for the
23-24 Your skin turns a vibrant shade of green. next minute.
A Greater Restoration spell can end this 73-74 A random creature within 60ft of you
effect. starts screaming. They stop after 1
25-26 An eye appears on your forehead for minute.
the next minute. During this time, you 75-76 You become infertile. This effect can be
have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) ended by remove curse.
checks that rely on sight.
77-78 You turn to stone and are petrified for
27-28 For the next minute, all your spells 1 minute.
with a casting time of one action have a
casting time of 1 minute. 79-80 You are surrounded by the illusion of a
swarm of gulls.
29-30 You teleport 1 mile in a random
direction. 81-82 You can take one additional turn,
31-32 You transport yourself to the Border
Ethereal until the end of your next 83-84 A random creature within 10ft of you
turn, when you return to the space takes 6d10 Thunder damage as a crash of
you previously occupied (or the nearest thunder echoes out from you.
unoccupied space). 85-86 You cast misty step.
33-34 The next time you cast a spell of 1st level
87-88 You gain a fly speed of 25ft for the next
or higher, a swarm of gulls appears and
89-90 You vanish, and reappear wherever you
35-36 Roll 2d10. You age by that many years.
woke up this morning.
37-38 1d6 specters appear within 30ft and 91-92 If you die within the next minute, you re-
attack, prioritizing the weakest targets. turn to life as if targeted by a Reincarnate
39-40 You regain your lowest level expended spell.
spell slot. 93-94 All your teeth fall out. They grow back in
41-42 You cast Create Water as a 9th level 72 hours.
spell. 95-96 You and all creatures within 10 feet of you
43-44 For the next minute, you walk on water. gain vulnerability to radiant damage for 1
45-46 You turn transparent for 1 minute, apart
from your circulatory system. 97-98 You are surrounded by faint music, that
reminds you of a sea shanty.
47-48 A water elemental controlled by the DM
99-00 You regain all expended spell slots.
appears in a space within 5 feet of you.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 35
Widow’s Peak
A pp en dix D: NPCS & Vi llai ns
craven cove priest
Medium humanoid, neutral evil

Armor Class 11 (cloth)

Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14)
Speed 30 ft.


15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3)

Senses passive Perception 10

Languages Common, Primordial

Dark Devotion. The craven cove priest has advantage

on saving throws against being charmed or fright-

Spellcasting. The craven cove priest is a 4th-level

spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell
save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It regains its
expended spell slots when it finishes a short or long
rest. It knows the following spells:

Cantrips (at will): shape water, mold earth*

1st level (4 slots): earth tremor,*

2nd level (3 slots): dust devil, maximilian’s earthen

grasp, spike growth

3rd level (2 slots): wall of sand, wall of water, water

walk, water breathing

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4
+ 2) piercing damage.

Dispersal. When the priest is would be hit by an
attack, it can use its reaction to disperse into a cloud
of sand, causing the attack to miss and becoming
untargetable until it reforms on Initiative count 20 of
the next round.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
Gullspeaker Swarm of Gulls
Gullspeakers are the eyes and ears of the Cult Craven Cove is infested with seagulls. These nasty
of the Old Gods. They can summon seagulls to and territorial birds often waylay travelers in large
do their bidding, and spend a lot of time looking groups looking for food.
through their eyes.
swarm of gulls
Gullspeaker Large swarm of beasts, neutral evil
Medium humanoid, neutral evil
Armor Class 11
Armor Class 11 Hit Points 24 (7d8 - 7)
Hit Points 32 (6d8+6) Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Skills Perception +5
Skills Animal Handling +3, Perception +3 Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
Senses passive Perception 13 Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Grap-
Languages Common, Primordial pled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
Senses passive Perception 15
Dark Devotion. The gullspeaker has advantage on Languages --
saving throws against being charmed or frightened. Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The warlock’s innate spellcasting Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s
ability is Wisdom. It can innately cast the following space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
spells (spell save DC 11), requiring no material compo- through any opening large enough for a seagull. The
nents: swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit
At will: speak with animals (birds only), animal friend-
ship (birds only), beast bond (birds only) Actions
Beaks. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Spellcasting. The gullspeaker is a 4th-level spellcast- one target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing
er. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, damage, or 3 (1d6) piercing damage if the swarm has
+3 to hit with spell attacks). It regains its expended half of its hit points or fewer.
spell slots when it finishes a short or long rest. It
knows the following druid spells:

Cantrips (at will): shape water, gust, frostbite

1st-3rd level (2 3rd level slots): sleet storm, thunder-

wave, call lightning, conjure animals (birds)

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 3 (1d4
+ 1) piercing damage.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 37
Widow’s Peak
ARCHpriest golo
Golo is the twisted and bitter man behind the Sandstone Staff Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:
burning of the witch. It was he who assembled a +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4)
handful of villagers to descend on her hut, and he bludgeoning damage, plus 21 (6d6) force damage.
who lit the pyre. Now, in the backlash of the curse, If damage from this attack reduces the target’s hit
it is he who turned to the old gods of wind and sea point maximum to 0, the target dies, and its body
for power, giving them blood in return for magic. disintegrates to sand.
Golo has enchanted himself with illusions and
fortifications against the witch’s curse, thinking to Legendary Actions
turn it aside by sheer thaumaturgic might. Golo can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
the options below. Only one legendary action option
He has no intention of making amends to the spirit can be used at a time and only at the end of another
of the witch, but the sea has of late demanded more creature’s turn. Golo regains spent legendary actions
and more blood in return for its favour. The old man at the start of its turn.
has begun to fear what will happen when he can no
longer pay his dues. Move. Golo moves up to his speed without provoking
opportunity attacks.
Archpriest golo Attack. Golo makes one attack with the Sandstone
Medium humanoid, lawful evil Staff.
Blasphemous Word (Costs 2 Actions). Golo utters
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
a blasphemous word, accompanied by the sound
Hit Points 97 (13d8 + 39)
of the waves crashing against the shore. Each non-
Speed 20 ft.
undead creature within 10 feet of Golo that can hear
the magical utterance must succeed on a DC 16
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) of Golo’s next turn.
Whirlwind of Sand (Costs 2 Actions). Golo magically
Saving Throws CON +8, INT +5, WIS +9, CHA +8 transforms into a whirlwind of sand, moves up
Skills History +5, Religion +5 to 60 feet, and reverts to his normal form. While
Damage Resistances Poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing, in whirlwind form, Golo is immune to all damage,
and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks and can’t be grappled, petrified, knocked prone,
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Fright- restrained, or stunned. Equipment worn or carried by
ened, Paralyzed, Poisoned Golo remains in his possession.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 14
Languages common, primordial Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Golo
Magic Resistance. Archpriest Golo has advantage takes a lair action to cause one of the following
on saving throws against spells and other magical effects; Golo can’t use the same effect two rounds in
effects. a row.
Spellcasting. Golo is a 10th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to
hit with spell attacks). Golo has the following spells • Golo creates a torrent of sand within 120 feet
prepared: of him that lasts until initiative count 20 on the
next round. The cloud lightly obscures every
Cantrips (at will): guidance, shape water, mold earth, creature and object in the area for the duration.
gust, magic stone All creatures in the area must succeed at a DC 16
1st level (4 slots): fog cloud, command Wisdom saving throw or be blinded until initiative
2nd level (3 slots): dust devil, earthbind count 20 on the next round.

3rd level (3 slots): tidal wave, wall of sand • A violent tremor shakes the lair in a 120-foot-
radius around Golo Each creature other than Golo
4th level (3 slots): watery sphere, control water on the ground in the area must succeed on a DC
5th level (2 slots): maelstrom, transmute rock 15 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (target’s
choice) or be knocked prone.
6th level (1 slot): bones of the earth
Multiattack. Golo casts a spell with a casting time of 1
action, and makes an attack with his Sandstone Staff.

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger
Widow’s Peak
A pp en dix D: C u rses
Craven Cove is a place plagued by bad magic. The spell bestow curse allows creative uses for it, and some
flavorful little hexes are suggested below. Some of these curses billow about Craven Cove as ambient clouds
of hate, encountered randomly. When you need a curse in a hurry, roll on the table below or choose one
that suits your needs.

d20 Effect
1 Your left eye goes blind.
2 You grow a hideous wart on the side of your nose has a single hair sticking out of it.
3 Everything smells of herrings to you.
4 Every attack you make is accompanied by a sad trombone sound.
5 Your teeth turn yellow and crooked
6 Whenever you drop something, it lands at the worse possible angle.
7 You stub your toe whenever you enter or leave a building.
8 You chew horrendously loudly, no matter how hard you try to eat quietly
9 Whenever you joke about an object being a mimic, it turns out to actually be one
10 You lose a weapon or spell focus whenever you finish a long rest.
11 One of your feet becomes very large and bursts out of your shoe.
12 You grow nonfunctional gills.
13 Once each night, just as you fall asleep, you are awoken by a loud noise.
14 You can’t remember anyone’s names.
15 You have a silly walk now.
16 Seagulls follow you asking for food wherever you go
17 You have a permanent cold.
18 Your eyes become obsidian spell gems, and you become blind.
19 Animals are scared of you
20 You gain a 6th finger on one of your hands


A spell gem can contain one spell from any class’s spell list. You become aware of the spell when you learn the gem’s
properties. While holding the gem, you can cast the spell from it as an action if you know the spell or if the spell is on your
class’s spell list. Doing so doesn’t require any components and doesn’t require attunement. The spell then disappears
from the gem. If the spell is of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must make an ability check using your spell-
casting ability to determine whether you cast it successfully. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a failed check, the
spell disappears from the gem with no other effect.

Each spell gem has a maximum level for the spell it can store. The spell level determines the gem’s rarity and the stored
spell’s saving throw DC and attack bonus, as shown in the Spell Gem table. You can imbue the gem with a spell if you’re
attuned to it and it’s empty. To do so, you cast the spell while holding the gem. The spell is stored in the gem instead of
having any effect. Casting the spell must require either 1 action or 1 minute or longer, and the spell’s level must be no
higher than the gem’s maximum. If the spell belongs to the school of abjuration and requires material components that
are consumed, you must provide them, but they can be worth half as much as normal. Once imbued with a spell, the gem
can’t be imbued again until the next dawn.

Cantrip Obsidian Uncommon 13 +5

1st Lapis lazuli Uncommon 13 +5
2nd Quartz Rare 13 +5
3rd Bloodstone Rare 15 +7

Oliver Clegg - @deathbybadger 39

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