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Multiple Choice/ Yes or No Questions

Topic: "The Analects" by Confucius

Speaker: Dr. Kevin Lo, Department of Leadership Chair, University

of San Francisco

Video link:

Duration: 7 minutes and 55 seconds

1. What is the concept of Analects by Confucius?

a. Morality

b. Religion

c. Rebellion

2. Analects have been popular in Chinese people even how many

years after Confucius died?

a. 100 years

b. 200 years

c. 300 years

3. What is the key in refining oneself?

a. Technology

b. Religion

c. Education

4. How many kinds of relationship were mentioned in the lecture?

a. 5

b. 4
c. 6

5. In education yourself, what would it bring to your life?

a. Love and peace to society

b. Peace and harmony to society

c. Intelligence and harmony to society

6. In what title is Confucius became popular?

a. Father of Chinese Religion

b. Father of Chinese Intelligence

c. Father of Chinese Philosophy

7. Confucianism should be think as?

a. Behaviors and Code of Ethics

b. Religion and Code of Ethics

c. Education and Code of Ethics

8. What is the meaning of filial piety?

a. Wife acts with respect to husbands

b. Parents act with respect to children

c. Children act with respect to parents

9. What should be credited to Confucius by Chinese?

a. Knowledge

b. Religion

c. Kindness

10. Chinese thinking and values are consistent with?

a. Confucian Religion
b. Confucian thoughts

c. Confucian rebellion

Yes/No Question

11. Did you take any notes while you were listening to the

a. Yes

b. No

12 Did you pay attention to the video's message?

a. Yes

b. No

13. Have you been able to keep your attention fixed on the screen
without becoming distracted?

a. Yes

b. No

14. Are you interested in the subject you've been watching?

a. Yes

b. No

15. Are you actively listening with your ears, eyes, and mind?

a. Yes

b. No

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