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Documents which may identify a person through

Area: Questioned Documents 8. Genuine documents erroneously of fraudulently attack
Topic: Concepts and Principles of Questioned Documents or dispute
Examination, Handwriting Identification, Examination of II. Examination of Signatures
Signatures, Miscellaneous Aspects of Questioned Signature – it refers to a person’s name written by him on
Documents. a document as a sign of acknowledgement
I. Concepts and Principles of Questioned Documents 1. Formal or Complete – class of signature used in
Examination acknowledging important document such as will, checks,
contracts and business papers.
A. Introduction 2. Informal or Cursory – a class of signature for routinary
1. Documents- is any material which contains marks document or made for personal correspondence.
symbols or signs either visible, partially visible or invisible, 3. Careless Scribble – used for mail carrier, delivery of
that may presently or ultimately convey a meaning or goods, purchase of equipment or an autograph collector.
message to someone. Two Styles of Signature
1. Conventional or Ordinary Copy-Book Form – wherein
2. Questioned Document- any document about which
the letters are legible.
some issue has been raised or which is under scrutiny.
2. Highly Individualized – which are characterized by a
3. Types of document series of intertwining strokes, ornamentations and
a. Public Document flourishes.
D. Classes of Disputed Signatures
Refers to any instrument notarized by a notary public or
1. Forged signatures where no attempt has been made to
competent public official with solemnities required by law.
make a copy or facsimile of the genuine signature of the
b. Private Document person to sign the document (simple forgery)
Every deed on instrument executed by a private person 2. Forged signature of a fictitious persons
without the intervention of a notary public or of any other 3. Forged signatures which closely resemble the genuine
person legally authorized, by which document, some signatures since they have been produced by a tracing
disposition on agreement is proved, evidenced or set forth process (traced forgery)
Different Process of Tracing
c. Official Document
1. Carbon Process or “Carbon Outline Method”
Any instrument issued by the government or its offices A carbon paper is placed between the genuine signatures
having the authority to do so and the offices, which in (top sheet) and the fraudulent document (below). Outline
accordance with their creation they are authorized to of model signature is traced with dry pen or pointed
issue. The offices must issue the document in the instrument to make a carbon offset to the lower sheet.
performance of their duties Outline is finally re-written or retraced with suitable ink
d. Commercial Document stroke.
2. Indentation Process
Any instrument executed in accordance with the Code of
An indented or canal-like outline of genuine signature is
Commerce or any Mercantile Law containing disposition of
produced on the fraudulent document, with suitable
Commercial rights or obligations
pressure or force, the outline of the genuine signature
4. ocument Examiner - Studies scientifically the details with a pointed instrument. The outline is then directly
and elements of document in order to identify their source inked, in some instances, the outline is first retraced
or discover other facts concerning them. (an expert lightly with pencil before its finally retraced with suitable
witness who by virtue of his knowledge, qualifications, ink.
trainings and skills were allowed by the court to provide 3. Projection Process or Transmitted Light Process
opinion on matters covering his specialization) Spurious document is placed immediately over the
5. rapho analyst/graphologist - Examines handwriting and genuine signature, with strong light directed through the
interpret the character and personality of the writer by the two sheets of paper from below or behind outline which is
traits left behind in the written line seen through upper sheets then traced
B. Various Aspects of Questioned Documents Examination 4. Forged signatures which resembles the genuine
1. Examination of handwriting signature, written free-hand (simulated or copied forgery)
2. Examination of typewriting and type prints 5. Genuine signatures which the writer are honestly
3. Detection of alterations unwilling to accept as genuine
4. Decipherment of erased writing 6. Genuine signatures deliberately written illegibly or in an
5. Restoration of obliterated writing unusual manner, to afford signatories some plausible
6. Determination of age of documents grounds for disclaiming them should they deem it
7. Identification of stamps, seal and other authentication expedient.
devices E. Care, Preservation and Handling of Documents
8. Currency bills and coins and the like
1. Do’s and Don’ts in the Care, Handling and Preservation
9. Verification of signatures
of Documents
C. Classes of Questioned Documents Do’s
1. Documents with questioned signatures 1. Keep documents unfolded in protective envelopes
2. Documents containing alleged fraudulent alterations 2. Take disputed papers to document examiner’s
3. Holograph documents- documents which is completely laboratory at the first opportunity
written and signed by one person 3. If storage is necessary, keep in dry place away from
4. Documents questioned as to their age or date excessive heat and strong light
5. Documents questioned on the materials used on their Do`n’ts
production 1. Do not handle disputed excessively or carry them in a
6. Documents involving typewriting, and are investigated pocket for a long time
or examined for purposes of determining: 2. Do not mark the document either by conscious writing
6.1 their source a printing at them with any writing instrument
6.2 their date 3. Do not mutilate on damage by repeated refolding,
6.3 whether or not it contains fraudulent alterations or creasing, cutting, tearing or punching for filling purposes
substituted pages
4. Do not allow anyone except qualified specialist to make Second Step
chemical or other test; do not treat or dust for latent As the person progresses, the mater of form
fingerprints before consulting a document examiner recedes, and the focus of attention is centered on the
execution of various letters, that is they are actually
F. Instrument and Apparatus needed in Questioned written instead of drawn.
Document Examination Third Step
The manual operation in the execution of letters,
1. Magnifying Lens- lenses 5X magnifying power with after more progress, is likewise soon relegated to the
built-in lighting are found to be subjective mind and the process of writing becomes more
more useful or less automatic. As the person reach maturity in writing
2. Stereographic Binocular Microscope- a microscope by many repetitions, writing becomes an unconscious
where three (3) dimensional enlargement is possible coordinated movement that produces a record. Attention
3. Measuring Test Plates/ Transparent Glass Plates- used is no longer occupies given to the process of writing itself
for signatures and typewritings because the subject matter to be written now occupies the
4. Table lamps- with adjustable shades like the available focus of attention.
``goose-neck`` lamp
5. Ultra-violet Lamp- used for developing or restoring E. Modification of handwriting
erased writings Factors that Modified Mature Writing
6. Infra-red Viewer- used in determining physical 1. Education
difference of the type papers and ink 2. Training
7. Iodine Fuming Apparatus- used for developing latent 3. Personal Taste
fingerprints and restoration of invisible writing 4. Artistic Ability
8. Silver Nitrate Solution Atomizer- used to spray silver 5. Masculature and nerve tone; and the like
nitrate paper. Also for latent fingerprints Manner of Modifying Mature Writing form Copy Book
9. Transmitted Light Gadget- the light comes from the Forms
beneath or behind the glass on which the paper is placed
1. Simplication - discarding of unessential details and go
10. Paper Thickness Gauge- use for measuring the
as far as to strip the letter to the skeleton making it either
thickness of the paper
clear-cut and precise, or bare and careless.
11. Copy Camera- like a camera with macro lens.
2. Elaboration – decorative strokes are added to the plain
letter forms, giving writing rick and ample, or to ornate
III. Handwriting Identification
3. Linear Pattern – writing shows no concern for form so
A. Introduction
that lines and angles predominate, and loops and angles
Writing- it is a result of a very complicated series of acts,
are not pronounced.
being as a whole, a combination of certain forms which
are the very visible result of mental and muscular habits F. Examination of Handwriting
acquired by long, continued painstaking effort. Processes in Scientific Method of Examination
B. Kinds of Handwriting 1. Recognition (Analysis) of Characteristics – properties or
1. Cursive- writing in which the letter are for the most characteristics are observed, measured and determined.
part joined together 2. Complete Comparison of All Characteristics – properties
2. Hand Lettering- any disconnected block capitals or characteristics of the unknown are determined thru
sometimes referred to as manuscripts writing or letter analysis are now compared with the familiar or recorded
printing properties of known items.
3. Disguise Writing- it is the writing of a person who 3. Correct Interpretations (Evaluation) of Characteristics -
deliberately try to alter his usual writing habits in the similarities or dissimilarities in properties or characteristics
hope of hiding his identity will each have a certain value for identification,
4. Natural Writing- any specimen of writing executed determined by its likelihood or occurrence. The weight or
without any attempt to control or alter its identifying significance of each must therefore be considered.
habits and its usual quality of execution G. Writing Characteristics
C. Physiological Basis of Handwriting Writing Characteristics Commonly Involved in the
The impulse to form a letter begins in the brain’s writing Examination of Handwriting
center in the CORTEX. 1. Form – refers to the shape or design of the individual
This center near the motor area of the cortex is letters.
responsible for the finer movement involved in a. Arc or Arch – rounded inner part of an upper curve
handwriting. The importance of this center is that when it b. Beard – an introductory up and down curve (double
becomes disease as in AGRAPHIA, one loses the ability to hitch)
write although he could still grasped writing instrument. c. Buckle knot – horizontal loop to complete a letter
The hand contains two kinds of muscles which function in c. Central part or body – small circle that lie on the base
the act of writing. A group of EXTENSOR muscles push up line
the pen to form the UPWARD STROKES, and ease the d.Dactus broken/junction broken – disconnected, non
tension produced as a result of flexion by a group of continuous stroke
muscles called the FLEXOR muscles which push the pen to e. Eyeloop/eyelet – Small oblong strokes
form DOWNWARD STROKE. These flexor and extensor f. Foot of the letter or oval – the bottom part of the letter
muscles combine with the lumbrical muscle to form that lies on the base-line
LATERAL STROKES. g. Diacritic – element added to complete a letter
The delicate way in which the various muscles h. Hitch – a backward introductory or ending stroke
used in writing work together to produce written forms is i. Hook/through – a minute and involuntary talon – like
known as MOTOR COORDINATION. formation often found at the commencement of an initial
D. Development of Handwriting stroke
First Step j. Hump – the rounded outside top of the bend in small
When a person first begins to learn the art of letters
handwriting, penmanship copybook forms, blackboard k. Spur – lone running initial or terminal strokes
illustration of the different letters are placed before him. l. Knob – rounded appearance at the beginning and
His first step is one of imitation only by a process of ending of stroke
drawing, painstaking, laborious slow copying of the letter m. Main stroke/shank stem – long downward stroke
forms. The form of each letter at first occupies the focus (backbone of the letter)
of his attention. n. Whirl – long upward stroke
o. Space filler/terminal spur – long downward and upward writing and between the pen point and the paper surface,
terminal stoke are the elements of pen position. Both conditions may be
2. System – refers to the particular style or system of reflected in the writing.
writing practiced or learned in childhood. 19. Pen Pressure – the average force with which the pen
3.1. Old English Round Hand of 1849 contacts the paper, it may be estimated from an
3.2. Modified Round Hand of 1960 examination of the writing. Pen pressure as opposed to
3.3. Spencerian System of 1865-1890 pen emphasis deals with the usual or average force
3.4. Modern Vertical System 1890-1900 involved in the writing rather than the periodic increase.
3.5. Angular System 20. Pen Lifts – an interruption in a stroke caused by
3. Muscular Habits or Coordination – muscles should removing the writing instrument from the paper.
coordinate or contribute in order to have a continuous *Hiatus – Interruption in strokes produced without lifting
process, downward and upward coordination in making the writing instrument
letters or words. 21. Terminal and Initial Strokes – terminal strokes refer to
4. Retracing – any strokes which goes back over another the last element of a letter; initial strokes refer to the first
writing stroke is retracing. element of a letter of first letter of a loop.
5. Connections, Connecting Stroke or Links – it refers to 22. Alignment – is the relation of successive characters or
the strokes or links which connect a letter with one letters of a word, signature or line of writing to an actual
following. or imaginary baseline.
6. Size – as a writing characteristic is somewhat divergent 23. Arrangement
under varying conditions and may have but little 24. Rubric or Embellishment – this refers to additional,
significance when applied to only one example, or to a unnecessary strokes, not necessary to legibility of letter
small quantity of writing like signatures, unless the forms or writings but incorporated in writing for decorative
divergence is clearly pronounced. or ornamental purpose.
7. Slant – this refers to the slope of writing in relation to H. Classification of Writing Characteristics
the base line. Writing Characteristics – any property or mark which
8. Spacing –between letters in words depend upon the distinguishes, and referred to as identifying marks in
length of the connecting strokes or links. document examination.
9. Proportion – of a part or to the other part of a letter, or Group of Handwriting Characteristics
the relative height of one letter to another letter can be 1. Class Characteristics – those which conform to the
found in different writings. general style acquired when learning to write and which is
10. Movement – is an important element of handwriting. fashionable at the particular time and place
It embraces all of the factors which are related to the 2. Individual Characteristics – those introduced into the
motion of the writing instrument, skill, speed, freedom, handwriting consciously or unconsciously by the writer.
hesitation, rhythm, emphasis, tremor, and the like. They are highly personal or peculiar and are unlikely to
Different Writing Movements Employed by occur in other instances.
Different Writers Kinds of Individual Characteristics
1. Finger Movement – thumb, index and middle finger are 1. Conspicuous Characteristics – those that can be seen
used exclusively in the writing of letters. by our naked eye.
2. Hand Movement – it involve actions of the hand as a 2. Inconspicuous Characteristics – those that cannot be
whole, with fingers playing but a minor role, their action seen by our naked eye at the first glance, therefore, it
being limited mainly to the formation of the smaller parts needs special instruments to locate them prior to
of the letter. identification.
3. Forearm or Muscular Movement – writing is produced J. Comparison of Writing Characteristics
by movement of both hand and arm and also fingers in Standard – in questioned documents
some cases. The elbow is the pivot of the lateral examination, it refers to those things whose origins are
movement. known and can be proven and which can be legally used
4. Whole-arm Movement – this movement involves action as samples to compare with other matters in question.
of the entire arm without rest and is employed in very Types of Standards
large ornamental writings, in ornamental penmanship, in 1. Procured or Collected Standards – those which can be
blackboard writing, and by few writers in making all the obtained from files of documents executed in the course
capital letters. of a person’s day-to-day business, official, social or
11. Line Quality – refers to the visible record in the personal activities. They often serve as the best or most
written stroke of the basic movement and manner of appropriate standards in the determination of genuineness
holding the writing instrument. of a questioned signature or writing.
12. Tremor – a writing weakness portrayed by irregular 2. Request Standards – those which are given or made at
shaky strokes. the request of an investigator for purposes of making a
*Deviations from uniform strokes or the lack of comparative examination with the questioned writing.
smoothness perfectly apparent even without They served in addition to collected standards which could
magnification. possibly obtain as appropriate standards in determining
*Lack of muscular skill with the pen. identity or the authorship of an anonymous letter.
Kinds of Tremor IV. Alteration
1. Genuine Tremor such as Tremor of Age, Illiteracy and Methods of Alterations
Weakness. 1. Erasures – the removal of writing, typewriting or
2. Tremor of Fraud printing from document
13. Skills – the proficiency in the art of writing usually 2. Addition – any matter made a part of the document
perceived to manual dexterity and legibility in writing. after its original preparations.
14. Rhythm – the elements of the writing movement 3. Substitution
which is marked by regular or periodic recurrences. It 4. Interlineations or Intercalation (Insertion between
may be classified as smooth, intermittent, or jerky in its Lines)
quality. 5. Obliterations or “Smeared-Over” writing – blacking out
15. Speed – slow, moderate and rapid. portions or writings by some opaque materials.
16. Shading – the widening of the ink stroke due to added
pressure on a flexible pen point or to the use of stub pen.
17. Pen – emphasis - it refers to the more obvious
increase in the width of the stroke.
18. Pen Position – the relationship between the pen point
and the paper is known as pen position and the line of

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