Celebrating The Wonder of Soil

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Q1119 Soil pp 1/26/06 9:38 AM Page 1


hy would
anyone write
about something
CONTENTS as common and as unwelcome
as dirt? It’s for good reason that
Leaving we sweep our floors, wipe our
The Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 shoes, and wash our soiled
Soil Is clothes.
Scarce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 There are, however,
Soil Is other ways of looking at
Valuable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 the stuff of which the Bible
Soil Is says God made Adam.
Threatened . . . . . . . . . . 17 In the following pages,
Soil And RBC writer and naturalist
The Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Dean Ohlman does what he so
The Final skillfully did in earlier booklets
Restoration . . . . . . . . . . 31 about the wonder of trees and of
water. Dean compels us to dig a
little deeper into the nature and
significance of the good earth
that was valued far more by his
grandfather’s generation than
by most of us today.
Martin R. De Haan II
Managing Editor: David Sper Cover Design: Terry Bidgood
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas
Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.All rights reserved.
© 2006 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in USA

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consequence of the
LEAVING major shift of labor from
THE LAND the country to the city that

y dad, Henry accelerated rapidly from
Ohlman, was 1915 onward? The first two
born on a decades of the 20th century
Western Michigan farm are called the Golden Age
in 1902. He was one of of American agriculture.
six boys who often chafed By the beginning of the
under the stern discipline of First World War, farm
their Prussian father, Henry, prices had risen to a
Sr., whom they felt carried historic high. And because
the Protestant work ethic Europe was at war, with
to the extreme. Perhaps millions of its farmers on
identifying more closely the battlefields, America
with their Dutch mother, took up the slack. The US
they sometimes referred provided a large part of
to my walrus-mustachioed Europe’s food from 1915 to
grandfather as “the 1920. As a result, farmers
Kaiser”—out of earshot, profited more than ever.
of course! The increased demand
It appears that all the for farm products in those
Ohlman boys in turn left years was the likely reason
their rich bottomland farm their father required all
in Hudsonville as soon as but the youngest of the
they were men, never to Ohlman boys to drop out
return. I’ve often wondered of school and work the
about that. Was their farm. As a result, my dad’s
decision the result of formal education ended
the grueling farm work, with the eighth grade.
or was it more likely a During the Great War,
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farm production soared— father. Now the family

setting up a major crisis at name is attached to
the end of the conflict. In hundreds of deeds as
the early 20s, with American Hudsonville, one of West
young men back from the Michigan’s most rapidly
war, European men back growing communities,
home on their farms, and scrapes off the rich farm
the rapid automation of topsoil and redistributes it
farming, an agricultural to landscape small home
depression was certain. lots now spreading into
Within a few years, fields my father tended
the elder Ohlmans found some 85 years ago.
themselves virtually alone
on the farm—all their
homegrown farm hands SOIL IS
settling into manufacturing SCARCE

and sales jobs or skilled hether it was
trades in nearby Grand because of
Rapids. The final blow economics or
came with the Great hard labor, it appears
Depression. The bank that none of my uncles
foreclosed on the last of demonstrated a desire to
Henry and Denah Ohlman’s maintain the intimacy with
acreage, and they were soil that has characterized
compelled to live in a farmers for millennia. For
small place behind the most of human history, to
much grander home of farm or not to farm was
one of their sons, the town hardly an option. To eat,
assessor. Apparently as a you had to kill an animal,
tribute, my uncle named forage, or cultivate the
several town plats after his earth.
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As the first book of the soil was not arduous or

Bible indicates, farming exhausting.
was the original occupation.
The second chapter of
Genesis recounts a familiar Contrary to
understanding about our popular opinion,
first parents, Adam and Eve:
The Lord God planted it’s clear from
a garden eastward in Genesis 2:15
Eden, and there He put that God gave
the man whom He had
formed. . . . Then the us work even
Lord God took the man before the Fall.
and put him in the
garden of Eden to tend
and keep it (Gen. 2:8,15). It’s fascinating to
On the Ohlman farm, contemplate how gardening
passages like this were no as an occupation may have
doubt read aloud many differed from farming as it
times—an after-dinner became after the Fall—one
Scripture-reading tradition of hard labor. No doubt our
my father carried on in our attitude toward cultivating
home. the earth then would have
Contrary to popular been significantly different.
opinion, it’s clear from this Any dirt farmer who has
passage that God gave us pulled thistles or hacked
work even before the Fall. away thorny shrubs
God required that Adam invading his cultivated land
maintain the fruitfulness of likely finds it difficult to
the garden. On this original imagine tending a farm as
farm, however, tending the something he could enjoy.
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A Common imagine, and the only sign

Miracle. Dirt is something of life is here on our little
we usually want to get rid apple. Further, all such life
of. To the fussy homemaker, is concentrated at or near
it lurks everywhere, boldly the surface. A skimpy skin
making entrance with on a little planet is home to
every child or, like all material life that exists
Carl Sandburg’s fog, in the universe! Aside from
even creeping in “on little what exists in the realm
cat feet.” In terms of the beyond our consciousness
cosmos, however, dirt— (the dwelling place of God
soil—is exceedingly scarce. and the unseen angels and
To get an idea about the spirits), all thinking, all
extreme rarity of soil, procreation, all music and
imagine the earth as an art, all hating and loving, all
apple. Cut it in half and laughing and crying, all joy
examine the flat side. A tiny and sorrow are generally
rim of red skin barely shows confined to within a few
at the outer edge. That slim feet of the earth’s surface—
arc represents the soil all because of soil.
thinly spread across the Soil is the anchor
surface of our planet. of the biosphere, the
What are the segment of the earth and
implications of this mental its atmosphere where all
picture? Here are a few: The life exists. The peak of
only life we’re aware of in Everest at 29,000 feet
the entire cosmos is what above sea level marks the
we see on earth. Billions upper limit of the sphere,
of heavenly bodies are and the Mariana Trench in
stretched across an expanse the Pacific Ocean at about
beyond our ability to 36,000 feet below sea level
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marks the extreme lower all made of stardust—

limit. So the maximum area no surprise to Tinkerbell!
of our planet capable of These, and countless other
containing all life is a lean findings, merely add more
layer hardly 12 miles thick. significance to the truism:
And at the extremes there is Life is a miracle.
little life at all. If you could It Takes A Universe.
take a core sample from the When science first came to
earth all the way through its understand the vastness of
8,000-mile diameter, you’d the universe and began to
find that the biosphere is inform the public of its
merely the top and bottom findings, many people
350th of your core sample. of faith were disturbed—
I find it interesting to especially when scientists
note that astrophysicists suggested that the earth
can provide us no earthly is merely an insignificant
explanation for the speck in an unfathomably
existence of carbon-rich large cosmos. They thought
soil on this planet. That the Bible implied that the
much carbon, by their earth was the center of
assessment, could not have the universe, not just a
an earthly origin. But they minuscule planet floating
can detect huge clouds in some “tiny backwater”
of carbon-containing in space, as asserted by
molecules in space that Bertrand Russell. This
seem to be the result of outspoken English skeptic
star explosions. Their most declared in his book
recent conjecture is that Religion And Science that
this key life-giving element “the Copernican revolution
in soil is extraterrestrial. will not have done its work
Simply put, they say we’re until it has taught men
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more modesty than is extraterrestrial life—which,

to be found among those so far, has been a fruitless
who think Man sufficient search (see Discovery
evidence of Cosmic Series booklet Are We Alone
Purpose.” In The Cosmos? Q1110).
It’s ironic that Russell, Today the minds of
no humble man himself, scientists are reeling as
would admit the need for they contemplate the
mankind to consider itself significance of the
and its wee planet as next earth. What’s becoming
to meaningless. In his era, increasingly evident is that
however, it indeed seemed the earth is not the center
that our planet had to be of the universe and not
considered as nothing more even the center of our solar
than a “pale, blue dot” system. By all logical and
in the fathomless ocean mathematical appearances,
of space. That was the it seems to be the center of
picture painted by another attention for Someone with
agnostic, Carl Sagan, who awesome intelligence and
dramatically highlighted for skill who indeed purposed
us on public television the the earth not just for life,
fact that modern astronomy but for human life. The
has revealed that there facts now asserted about
are “billions and billions” the physics of all the forces
of galaxies in existence. and objects in space are
Certainly, suggested Sagan, compelling scientists to
we can’t be the only grapple with a theory they
intelligent creatures in so refer to as the anthropic
vast a universe. Hence he principle. In simple terms,
inspired the ongoing multi- this theory states that by all
billion-dollar hunt for appearances, the nature
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and main purpose of the a universe to make

entire universe is to support earth the sole “living”
life, especially human life, planet.
on this tiny speck of a While the psalmist
planet. They now realize David didn’t know such
that it is for good reason facts about outer space,
that the earth is not the he certainly did grasp the
implication of human life
in reference to it:
By all appearances, When I consider Your
heavens, the work of Your
the nature and fingers, the moon and the
main purpose of stars, which You have
the entire universe ordained, what is man
that You are mindful of
is to support him, and the son of man
life, especially that You visit him? For
human life, on You have made him a
little lower than the
this tiny speck angels, and You have
of a planet. crowned him with glory
and honor. . . . O Lord,
our Lord, how excellent
center of the universe or is Your name in all the
of our solar system. If it earth! (Ps. 8:3-5,9).
were, it could not support The heavens declare the
life. It needs to be exactly glory of God; and the
where it is, and the entire firmament shows His
cosmos must have its exact handiwork. Day unto day
characteristics for life to utters speech, and night
exist. Simply put, it takes unto night reveals
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knowledge. There is no flesh came from other living

speech nor language flesh through the process of
where their voice is not procreation. Life begetting
heard (Ps. 19:1-3). life. Certainly dust could
And the marvel is that not beget life.
material life exists because Scientific knowledge
of a layer of soil on this, our has now provided us with
divinely privileged planet. evidence that our material
elements are indeed “dust.”
What science has not been
SOIL IS able to discover, however,
VALUABLE is what life is and how

he straightforward it could have originated
and simple nature of “naturally.” The biblical
the biblical story of account, in fact, speaks
creation often conceals the only of its supernatural
deep and complex truth origin—dead matter
encompassed by it. We begetting life because
understand from the it was so gifted by God:
Scripture narrative that The Lord God formed
mankind—Adam—was man of the dust of the
formed by our Creator ground, and breathed
out of the soil of the into his nostrils the
earth. Early man certainly breath of life; and
understood that lifeless man became a living
human and animal flesh being. . . . And out of
decomposed into the earth, the ground the Lord God
but he had little evidence made every tree grow that
that living flesh had its is pleasant to the sight
source in the earth. He and good for food. . . .
only knew that living Out of the ground the
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Lord God formed every to arable soil—soil that has

beast of the field and the capacity to bring forth
every bird of the air, and and support life.
brought them to Adam to Our Humble
see what he would call Origin. Shortly after
them (Gen. 2:7,9,19). science was able to identify
It’s clear that the the common elements
common factor in God’s of the earth and the
creation of people, animals, atmosphere, studies were
and vegetation is that these made to determine if the
all have their source in “the elements and compounds
ground.” The Hebrew word that make up the human
for “ground,” adamah, is body were all present in the
similar to the word Adam, earth and air. I recall as a
the name for the first man. boy hearing that scientists
They first appear together had indeed discovered all
in Genesis 2:19 where these elements and found
we learn Adam’s name. them very common in the
One meaning of adam is biosphere—so common,
“earthy,” or “like reddish in fact, that if you were to
earth.” While not all Bible purchase the raw elements
scholars agree, many have from a chemical supplier,
maintained that adam is you’d pay less than a dollar.
linguistically derived from Now, according to a 2004
adamah. What is clear, study by the US Bureau
though, is that Adam was Of Chemistry And Soils,
physically derived from that value has risen to the
the ground. The full whopping sum of $4.50!
meaning of the word Knowing that our
adamah in Hebrew is even human elements have little
more instructive. It refers monetary value should
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keep us humble—which When I registered for

leads us to another word a word origins course in
study. The word humble college (only because it was
has its origins in the Latin required of English majors),
word humus, the term for I prepared myself for
“ground.” The ground boredom. But I never got
identified by humus is, bored. The sweet, saintly,
again, arable soil— and always-encouraging
that which gives it the professor, a frail little
capacity to grow things. woman in her early
Classification scientists seventies, hooked me on
have even used this the lore of word origins
connection between soil right from the start. Today,
and man and have literally some 40 years later, I’m still
labeled our race with it, referring to the now dog-
using the term homo eared pages of my textbook.
derived out of humus to Part of the reason is that a
designate man. Hence, great deal can be learned
people now have the Latin- about the beliefs of the
derived scientific label ancients from the way they
homo sapiens. Sapiens is a formed their language and
Latin term for “knowledge” cross-related their words. It
or “wisdom.” The should not be surprising for
combination of the us to discover foundational
two terms becomes a truth about man and soil
statement: The only life- buried just below the
infused “wise creature” surface of the vocabulary
on earth is begotten of we use every day. So God’s
the soil. Knowing this fact special revelation, the Bible,
should keep us down to tells us both directly and
earth—literally humble. derivatively that Adam is
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from the adamah. The billions of living organisms,

classical languages tell us most of which are the tiny
derivatively that humans sort.
are from the humus. And I remember being told
God’s general revelation, about the makeup of soil—
the creation, confirms it. especially the minuscule
This fundamental fact, if mites—in third or fourth
nothing else, should reveal grade. For days afterward,
to us the great value of my friend Lanny and I
soil. We are part of the spent a good bit of our
earth, and the earth is part school recess lying on our
of us. Further, every living bellies in the new spring
thing owes its existence grass competing with
and survival to soil. The each other for the highest
ultimate truism here was number of small living
stated by Charles Kellogg, things we could find in
“There can be no life carefully-measured, equal
without soil and no plots of about 6 inches
soil without life.” square.
The Nature Of Soil. It’s amazing to me
Leonardo da Vinci once how some of the early
noted that “the earth has revelations I received
the spirit of growth; its flesh while growing up were
is the soil.” This is not a so profound that I can
bad way to think about it, take you back to my old
for soil lives and allows hometown and escort you
everything else to live. to the exact spot of several
It’s a virtual stew of discoveries. I could lead
minerals, chemicals, you to the location of the
decaying organic matter, patch of grass where,
water, air, and untold with corsage pins and
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magnifying glasses each wonder we discover.

in hand, Lanny and I Canada’s Agriculture,
discovered itty-bitty red Food, And Rural
mites, micro “scorpions,” Development agency
and antlike things with provides even more
springy tails all carrying amazing figures about life
on busy lives in a world in the dirt: A single spadeful
previously undiscovered of rich garden soil contains
beneath our feet. What more species of organisms
we could not see, however, than can be found above
were the microscopic forms ground in the entire
of life, like the 5,000 to Amazon rain forest.
7,000 species of bacteria A teaspoonful of soil
also living in that small plat. contains more than
Now, year after year 2 billion microorganisms,
when the frost has left and the total weight of
the ground and cock-eyed living organisms in the top
robins tell me “the worms 6 inches of an acre of soil
are up,” the smell of sun- can range from 5,000 to as
warmed earth makes me much as 20,000 pounds.
recall that loamy lot on the And earthworms can move
northwest corner of the First up to 100 tons of soil per
Ward School playground. acre per year.
It was about 60 yards from Every area of expertise
the monkey bars to which has its own terms, and
my tongue had once pedology (the study of soil)
become firmly fixed one is no exception. Soil
frosty winter morning! scientists have chosen the
When we’re young, it term horizon to define the
seems that all our senses layers we find in soil. I
are begging to experience imagine that’s because an
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exposed cross-section of an nutrients, and allowing

intact soil sample looks a lot for either the retention
like the photographic profile or percolation of water.
of a distant landscape with Together they create just
its variety of lines, colors, the right conditions to
textures, and shapes leading support the microbial and
our eyes to the horizon. other life forms that are
Each level is classified by vital to vegetation in both
a letter. The O-horizon, for its germination and its
instance, is the top layer aboveground structure.
of loose duff (twigs, dead These subterranean
leaves, and other organic horizons are almost as
litter). Just below it is the A- varied as the visible
horizon where decomposed horizons we’re familiar
organic matter has begun with. Some thin and some
its transformation to plant thick. Some black, orange,
food—and ultimately people brown, yellow, or white.
food. This is the topsoil that Some coarse and some fine.
farmers and landscapers Some sandy and some
treasure: literal “pay dirt.” clayey. Some acidic and
Below this are three more others alkaline—waiting
horizons (E, B, and C) that to be analyzed by eager
lay atop the lowest layer: 4-H’ers with their soil-
the R-horizon, R standing testing kits. It’s these
for rock—bedrock. differences that allow for
Each of these horizons the great variety we see
has a life-critical role to above ground: marshes,
play: providing substance grasslands, and deserts;
and space in which roots and tropical, deciduous,
can grow, serving up both and coniferous forests.
organic and elemental Soil is not only
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classified by its layers, The Work Of Soil.

but also by its texture and One of the most significant
content. Besides the vital features of soil is its role
elements of water and air, as a recycling instrument.
soil has varying amounts Water, nitrogen, and carbon
of humus, sand, silt, and all work their way into the
clay. According to G. Tyler soil and then find their way
Miller, Jr. in Living In The back out again, mostly
Environment: through the growth, death,
To get an idea of a and decomposition of
soil’s texture, take a vegetable and animal life.
small amount of topsoil, The phrase “dust to dust,”
moisten it, and rub it so often said at graveside
between your fingers funeral ceremonies—and
and thumb. A gritty feel accompanied by the
means that it contains somber tossing of soil on
a lot of sand. A sticky the casket—hails back to
feel means a high clay the Garden of Eden when
content, and you should Adam received his death
be able to roll it into a sentence from the Creator.
clump. Silt-laden soil Immediately after being told
feels smooth like flour. that his gardening was now
A loam topsoil, best going to become miserably
suited for plant growth, difficult, Adam learned
has a texture between about his ultimate earthly
these extremes—a humiliation: His body was
crumbly, spongy going to become an active
feeling with many of part of the carbon cycle.
its particles clumped In the sweat of your face
loosely together you shall eat bread till
(p.316). you return to the ground,
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for out of it you were gases that moderate

taken; for dust you are, temperature and shield
and to dust you shall us from harmful cosmic
return (Gen. 3:19). radiation. It’s the dwelling
It’s humbling for us place of billions of God’s
all to realize that the life- creatures that share this
giving carbon atoms that bountiful earth with us.
make up so much of our
own bodies were not so
long ago in plants, bugs, It’s humbling for
animals, and other human us all to realize
beings. I might contain
an atom or two cycled that the life-giving
through from Martin carbon atoms that
Luther, Augustine, and make up so much
Moses, but probably a lot
more atoms from beetles, of our own bodies
slugs, earthworms, and were not so long
poison ivy! ago in plants, bugs,
Aside from its role as
provider, sustainer, and animals, and other
incubator of life, what are human beings.
some other gifts of the soil?
Soil is the filter that gives us
pure, mineral-rich water to It’s the anchor of our
drink. It’s the sponge that cherished trees. And soil
prevents flooding. It’s the is the palette that holds up
provider of particulates that for the brushes of human
cause water drops and then creativity the textures,
rain. It’s the producer of colors, and substances
many of the greenhouse that make so many of our
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own endeavors beautiful.

Mankind commonly
believes that diamonds, THREATENED

emeralds, and gold are armers like my
the earth’s most valuable grandfather
materials. But soil is the cherished the soil.
most precious substance They learned most of the
we know—that which features essential to tilling
softens the contours of soil from their forebears,
the hills, cushions our from a lifetime of
footfalls, and is the experience, and from living
material source and in community with other
sustainer of all life. farmers. When the soil was
William Bryant Logan “sour” (acidic), they knew
wrote: it was time to apply marl,
How can I stand on the a whitish earth made up
ground every day and of decomposed limestone.
not feel its power? “Sweet” soil (alkaline)
How can I live my life required an application
stepping on this stuff of sulfur. Some of the old
and not wonder at it. . . . farming lore stayed with
We spend our lives my dad, who nostalgically
hurrying away from the recalled and repeated it to
real, as though it were his boys. “You plant corn
deadly to us. “It must be when the leaves of the oak
somewhere up there on are the size of a mouse’s
the horizon,” we think. ear.” “Healthy corn should
And all the time it is in be knee high by the Fourth
the soil right beneath our of July.” He even tried to
feet (Dirt: The Ecstatic convince me that on hot
Skin Of The Earth). August nights he could
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hear the corn growing! If he has enough money, he

Then there was weather can protect his crop from all
wisdom in rhyme: “Red sky but the most catastrophic
at night, farmers’ delight; “act of God.” Because of
red sky in the morning, genetic engineering, he can
farmers take warning.” grow sweeter sweet corn and
Today, of course, more sugary sugar beets. He
farmers have the can plant corn that grows
advantage of weather ever-larger ears and at just
forecasts accurate up to the right level above the
5 days or more in advance. ground to maximize the
They have soil-testing efficiency of his corn picker.
methods that can tell them One man can virtually
not only the acid/alkaline
level of the soil, but also
how much of almost every One man can
other chemical and nutrient
the land requires to grow the
virtually sow and
desired crop. Expensive farm reap today what
implements can “read” the hundreds of
soil and, by a computer
linked to global positioning
farmers could
satellites, adjust the scarcely accomplish
application of fertilizer to the a century ago.
exact amount needed yard-
by-yard. The modern farmer
has available to him almost sow and reap today what
everything to ensure that his hundreds of farmers could
crop is well nourished, bug scarcely accomplish a
free, weed free, disease century ago. Therein lies
resistant, and drought safe. the problem.
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The Impact land and the sweat of

Of Technology. As their own hard labor. One
technology improves and farm family in my home
increases in scale and church in the 1950s had
impact, soil is used more 23 members: a prolific
intensively than ever mom and dad and their 21
before. And as the cost children, which included
of technology increases, five sets of twins. Our own
small-scale farmers neighbors, who lived in
are either forced into an old farmhouse, were a
cooperatives, or forced family with 17 children. By
into selling their farms to the late 50s, however, the
high-tech farmers or large only evidence of a farm was
agricultural corporations. their 2-acre garden. Our
Big-scale farmers are not house and the surrounding
very interested in the old houses had been built on
family-farm tradition where old family acreage. Because
cash crops were grown on the farm was close to the
more distant acres, and city, selling off land for
subsistence crops and food houses became a huge
animals were cared for financial benefit to the
closer to the house. Most former farmer and his
farms a century ago were family—and a welcome
self-sufficient. With cows reprieve from hard labor.
for milk, steers and hogs for None of the children
meat, chickens for meat continued farming. Most
and eggs, a number of fruit went into construction—
trees, and an ample garden, sort of in self-defense.
even large farm families They were in the path of
could care for themselves onrushing suburbia.
off the fruit of their own Around the city of Grand
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Rapids today, sprawling owned and maintained by

housing developments now the gradual harvesting of
occupy thousands of acres mature trees. He sold them
of former farmland—its to furniture, boxboard, and
topsoil either carted away wood-shaving (excelsior)
or turned into landfill. factories in Grand Rapids.
Multiply this by thousands Examining the county
of communities across the records, I found the
nation and around the location and the purchase
world that are experiencing price of his lot: $2,000 for
rapid population growth. 40 acres. It was bought a
Seemingly lost in this couple of weeks after my
modern land rush is the father was born and sold
soil—which was the prize for $4,000 some 13 years
to be obtained in most later. I discovered that the
other historic land rushes. woodlot was located on a
The desertion of the family plat that I often passed: a
farm, in conjunction with new housing development
the encroachment of with waterfront homes
“agriculturally-challenged” selling for $300,000 or
suburbanites on farmland, more. Gravel had been
not only constitutes discovered under the soil
the greatest population years ago, a huge pit dug,
movement in American and finally a lake created.
history, but is probably One could consider that
the least considered and to be the epitome of “soil
potentially most damaging loss.”
threat to the soil. When the overtaking
I recently did a search and destruction of farmland
for the location of the by residential, commercial,
woodlot my grandfather and industrial interests is
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coupled with the overtaking the world expensively

of farming by agricultural transported by ship, train,
corporations, serious and truck to satisfy the
problems develop. This desires of fussy consumers
is in part because fewer who want fresh and
true farmers actually work unblemished tomatoes,
the land they live on and apples, strawberries, and
patiently manage on a grapes available to them
seasonal cycle. Not much every day of the year
soil rests today under the regardless of the season.
watchful eye of people who Whew! Trying to
cherish it. unpack all the implications
The livelihood of the of that run-on sentence
new farming technician would take a book and
depends on how much land a dozen critical essays.
he can engineer to provide Yet at the heart of these
a high yield that he can
quickly get to market to
obtain a good price; so that What we no
he can buy more and better
implements and chemicals longer appreciate
to provide an even higher and understand,
yield in the future; so that we often come
he can increase his profit
enough to improve his to abuse.
living standards that will
allow him to buy all the
food he wants, 24 hours a complex social, economic,
day, from the supermarket and environmental issues
that has obtained its food is this reality: What we
products from all over no longer appreciate and
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understand, we often come are riding the sediment to

to abuse. the sea, polluting almost all
The Erosion Of of the nation’s major rivers.
Soil. We live as though These, in turn, have created
soil is inexhaustible. The serious fishery problems
truth is that it’s not. A visit in our bays, estuaries,
to the Web site of the US and nearby ocean waters.
Department Of Agriculture Other consequences create
Natural Resources negative environmental
Conservation Service and economic ripples
Resource Assessment throughout the entire globe.
Division tells the story in We see the practical
the United States. While result of this in another set
technology in America is of sobering statistics: In the
now reversing the cropland United States, 6 pounds
erosion crisis, as recently of farmable soil is lost for
as 1997 in the major river every pound of food we
watersheds of the eastern eat. This is occurring
half of the nation, water in the nation with the
erosion was reducing soil most advanced farming
on 41 million acres at the technology in the world.
rate of 5 tons per acre every In less developed nations,
year. Wind erosion in the twice as much soil is lost
western half of the country per pound of food. In
was taking an equal China, it’s three times that
amount of tonnage from 40 amount: 18 pounds of soil
million acres. And because lost per pound of food
of the heavy application of eaten. Not too many years
chemicals to the most easily ago in parts of eastern
eroded topsoil, nutrients, Washington State, over 12
pesticides, and herbicides bushels of soil were blowing
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or washing away for every all of life. We see it first,

bushel of crop—giving us of course, in the creation
an entirely new meaning story of Genesis 1. Then
for “Washington”! in the second chapter of
When you place the soil Genesis, where the creation
erosion rate next to the rate story is illuminated further,
at which soil is formed— we read:
generously estimated to be This is the history of the
a quarter of a ton per acre heavens and the earth
every year—you realize when they were created,
that the US is losing soil in the day that the Lord
at a 20:1 ratio. According God made the earth and
to some agricultural the heavens, before any
economists, as much as plant of the field was in
$42 billion is potentially the earth and before any
lost per year because herb of the field had
of erosion in the US. grown. For the Lord God
Worldwide, the figure had not caused it to rain
is over $400 billion. on the earth, and there
was no man to till the
ground (Gen. 2:4-5).
SOIL AND God then created man
THE BIBLE and placed him in the

n the Bible, the true Garden of Eden:
significance of soil Then the Lord God took
is not immediately the man and put him in
grasped by statements the garden of Eden to
directly addressing it. By tend and keep it (v.15).
inference, however, we learn When the two Hebrew
how truly foundational our terms used here, “tend” and
use of soil is as it relates to “keep,” are put together
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with all their different telling. In Genesis 2:15, it

connotations, you come to means “to guard, protect,
understand that Adam and preserve, observe, and
his progeny were to develop celebrate” the fruit and
an intimacy with the land fruitfulness of the garden.
that compelled them to That was obviously
serve it almost as much man’s original purpose,
as the garden served them. since this was the way
“Tend” (abad) means he was to keep alive. The
“to work, serve, or labor fundamental understanding
for.” The word for “keep” about man’s existence is
(shamar) is the same the same today. We and
word used in the familiar our daily bread are both
church benediction that products of the soil.
was echoed in the hearts
of millions of farm families
over the centuries as they “A man [who]
made their way back home farms his land to
after Sunday morning
services to enjoy the the waste of the
fruit of their labors: soil or the trees
The Lord bless you and destroys not only
keep you; the Lord make
His face shine upon you, his own assets but
and be gracious to you; Nature’s assets.”
the Lord lift up His Franklin D. Roosevelt
countenance upon you,
and give you peace
(Num. 6:24-26). American president
The full meaning of Franklin D. Roosevelt,
shamar (“keep”) is also dismayed over soil erosion
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after the Dust Bowl disaster pasture? Must you also

of the 1930s, declared in trample the rest of your
his 1938 state-of-the-union pasture with your feet? Is
address, “A man [who] it not enough for you to
farms his land to the waste drink clear water? Must
of the soil or the trees you also muddy the rest
destroys not only his own with your feet? (NIV).
assets but Nature’s assets.” What followed was a
Biblical Principles. sober prophecy that God
When we understand would remove them from
that our role is the the land and bring back the
stewardship of creation’s poor, who loved the land
resources, we can better and used it responsibly
grasp some biblical and obediently. I believe
principles about it. we need to consider
First, the poor must not carefully how that might
be disenfranchised from the apply to the modern
land or denied access to removal of poor farmers
the fruit of the land. The from the land they cherish
prophet Ezekiel was given and understand.
word from the Lord to It was for this reason
admonish the wealthy that the principle of
leaders of Israel who “gleaning” was instituted
callously forced the poor in the Mosaic law. The
off the land and then in the landholders of Israel were
midst of their abundance not to harvest all their crops
carelessly damaged the land to the edges and corners of
and polluted the water. The the field so that the poor
key verse is Ezekiel 34:18. would have access to the
Is it not enough for you excess (Lev. 19:9).
to feed on the good Because it was God’s
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intent to have His chosen who instead experienced

people demonstrate godly the discipline of God who
living, they were often gave them barrenness
disciplined for their failure as a consequence.
as witnesses. One such One wonders how things
failure was their lack of might be different in the
concern for the poor and nations of the world today
disenfranchised. This was if there were effective
demonstrated by their laws that limited selfish
accumulation of arable land accumulation of land, and
in adjoining fields. They did efficient agencies assisting
this to keep the poor from the disenfranchised in
having access to the land obtaining enough land for
for their own farming. And them to at least sustain
they also wanted quiet their families. There might
solitude—to have their be far less boredom and
own space. Isaiah wrote: resultant crime among
Woe to those who join those who are continually
house to house; they add on the welfare rolls in our
field to field, till there is urban areas if they were
no place where they may able to work the soil and
dwell alone in the midst draw moral strength from
of the land! (5:8). that creative activity.
The prophets Russian philosopher
mourned the failure Nicolas Berdyaev seemed
of God’s people who to imply this principle in his
were “planted in good soil classic work on creativity,
by many waters, to bring The Destiny Of Man:
forth branches, bear fruit, The soul is afraid of
and become a majestic emptiness. When there
vine” (Ezek. 17:8) but is no positive, valuable,
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divine content in it, it is implicit in a number of

filled with the negative, wisdom principles found
false, diabolical content. in the laws of the book
When the soul feels of Deuteronomy. There,
empty, it experiences the children of Israel are
boredom, which is instructed not to destroy
a truly terrible and fruit trees when they cut
diabolic state. Evil timber to besiege the cities
lust and evil passions God commanded them to
are to a great extent take. Also, they were not
generated by boredom to take a mother bird
and emptiness. when they took her eggs
or fledglings for food
(Dt. 20:19-20; 22:6-7).
Live off the fruit We should apply this
of the land, but principle in our day to the
destruction of our land’s
in the process fruitfulness by the complete
don’t destroy removal of topsoil that is
its fruitfulness. accompanied by abuse
of the remaining soil by
overuse of chemicals and
Further, we should the application of salt-laden
adhere to a second irrigation water to the land.
principle: Live off the It’s logical to extend this
fruit of the land, but in principle to every way in
the process don’t destroy which humanity carelessly
its fruitfulness. Besides reduces the fruitfulness of
being an obvious bit of the creation.
wisdom like “Don’t eat your A third principle is
seed corn,” this principle is also evident in the Old
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Testament: Give the land its its weekly and 7-year

Sabbath rest. Cal DeWitt, rest (Lev. 26:31-35).
in his booklet Earth-wise, This is a concept still
puts it like this: understood today, but less
God’s Torah states, frequently used. It’s the
“When you enter the idea of fallowness—the
land I am going to give practice of allowing land
you, the land itself must to occasionally rest
observe a Sabbath to the uncultivated for at least a
Lord” (Lev. 25:2). This year so that it can regain
means that the earth’s moisture, combat plant
land and creatures diseases, and control
are not to be pressed undesirable vegetation.
relentlessly or pushed Many agronomists believe
for all they are worth that modern crop rotation
for human financial and is better than fallowing
material gain. Instead, because it allows the farmer
honoring the will of their to continuously make
Creator, humans must money off all his land.
give land and creatures While this may be true, it
their time for rest, ignores the spiritual benefits
rejuvenation, and re- of deliberately taking soil
creation (see Ex. 23:10- out of production. By so
12 and Lev. 25–26). doing, you declare your
To understand how dependency on God—
serious a matter this was the One who created life
to God, consider the fact and causes all increase.
that Israel would be taken Because so little land is
into captivity for 70 years, now cultivated by people
in part because for 70 years who live on it and love
they did not give the soil it, this sacramental and
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sacrificial practice is are of the times when my

virtually ignored. friends and I wandered
Also missing are the through resting pastures,
nonpragmatic elements of undeveloped woodlands,
relieving the land from the and abandoned fields
pressure of constant tilling. where new growth
When I drive through the abounded with wildlife
intensely cultivated rural and wildflowers.
regions of the former prairie
states and provinces of
North America, my soul “Fallow land
seems to sense the heavy
weight borne by our is a defender
overburdened soil. It from harm
yearns for the fencerows and a soother
and fallow land that used
to give relief. of children.”
This nonutilitarian Hesiod (c. 700 BC)
understanding is ancient.
The Greek poet, Hesiod,
writing in the days A Biblical Parable.
when Israel was still This brings us to perhaps
the homeland of God’s the most significant
covenant people, said that reference to soil in the
“fallow land is a defender New Testament: Jesus’
from harm and a soother parable of the sower
of children.” I believe and the seed. The story’s
I know what he meant metaphor is a sower whose
about “soother of children.” seed is scattered, falling
Some of my most pleasant on many areas that are
memories of childhood not good for growth: the
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trampled byway, the stony usually know the spiritual

ground, and the weed and meaning of the parable, but
thorn-infested land. Yet I fear we fail to grasp the
some of it does fall on full significance of the
good soil (Lk. 8:4-15). story’s referents: good soil
Understandably, as every and careful sowing.
farmer knows, the seed A Biblical Promise.
takes root and grows to These biblical principles
maturity only in rich and this parable gain more
arable soil. significance in the light
Jesus explained to His of an important biblical
disciples that the seed is promise: The curse God
God’s Word that goes out placed on the soil will one
to all people. The good soil day be lifted. It is stated in
represents the souls of clear terms among the many
those who receive it “with a promises found in the final
noble and good heart” and chapter of John’s Revelation:
patiently allow it to bear There shall be no
good fruit. While Jesus’ more curse, but the
listeners apparently did throne of God and of
not grasp the meaning of the Lamb shall be in
the spiritual parable, they [God’s holy city], and
understood perfectly the His servants shall serve
subject of Jesus’ allegory. Him (22:3).
They lived close to the The beauty of this spot,
land, they prayed and our ultimate destination,
fasted regularly for the rain is that it has many of the
essential to growth, and features of the original
they feasted annually in Garden of Eden—including
celebration of the harvest. pure, life-giving water and
Today, followers of Christ access once again to the
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Tree of Life, which Adam

lost in the first garden.

dam’s sin resulted in
The curse death and in God’s
God placed on disciplinary action
against mankind by making
the soil will one the earth resist our efforts
day be lifted. to cultivate it. While there
are a number of ways that
we can look at this act of
This final lifting of disobedience, one way is
the curse has long been to recognize that, like us,
celebrated by the church Adam was not content
with the words of Isaac with what God gave him.
Watts’ great hymn, “Joy By his disobedience he
To The World.” We sing surrendered the glorious
it almost exclusively at kingdom our souls now
Christmas, but we should yearn and pray for. Not
sing it all year long: only that, but the earth itself
No more let sins is groaning in anticipation
and sorrows grow, of the restoration that is yet
Nor thorns to come:
infest the ground; For the earnest expectation
He comes to make of the creation eagerly
His blessings flow waits for the revealing of
Far as the curse is found. the sons of God. For the
creation was subjected to
futility, not willingly, but
because of Him who
subjected it in hope;
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because the creation itself it and for us. One aspect of

also will be delivered from our moving in the direction
the bondage of corruption of that transforming
into the glorious liberty of restoration is to recover
the children of God. For the sense of wonder we
we know that the whole seem to have lost for the
creation groans and labors fundamental material
with birth pangs together element that gives and
until now (Rom. 8:19-22). sustains life—soil. When
the marvel of soil works
“The creation in tandem with the miracle
of seed to produce our
itself also will be material sustenance, our
delivered from bodies continue to have
the bondage of life in which to provide
a healthy home for our
corruption into eternal souls and a temple
the glorious liberty for God’s Holy Spirit.
of the children We’d be wise to
recover the ability of which
of God.” the poet William Blake
Romans 8:21 spoke so eloquently in his
“Auguries Of Innocence”:
It’s comforting to realize To see a world
that the natural world and in a grain of sand
the souls of all those who And a heaven
are born of the soil and are in a wild flower,
resting their faith in Jesus Hold infinity
Christ will alike be blessed in the palm of your hand
with a final restoration of And eternity
God’s original purpose for in an hour.
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