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steve jobs

Steve Jobs was a billionaire businessman, known for

being the co-founder and CEO of Apple, the largest
shareholder of The Walt Disney Company as well as
the creator of Pixar, he was born in 1955 and die in
2011. He was considered one of the most intelligent
men in the world, a genius and a visionary man. He
created the first personal computer, the first
streaming service (iTunes Store), smartphones,
tablets, Apple TV, iPod and many other things that
allowed him to earn more than 10.2
billion dollars. I can consider him as a visionary
person since he was hardworking,
charismatic, researcher and
innovative that are some qualities a
visionary person has. With his life
story, we can conclude that being
someone visionary can lead to success!
And that you can make your
dreams come true if you work
hard enough !

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