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CHEMISTRY Max Marks: 88

This section contains 8 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
1 . A mixture of NaHC2O4 and KHC2O4 . H 2C2O4 required equal volumes of 0.2 N KMnO4 and 0.12 N

NaOH separately. The molar ratio of NaHC2O4 and KHC2O4 . H 2C2O4 in the mixture was found to be
x : 1 here “x” is
2 . Calculate the number of number of waves made by a Bohr electron in one complete revolution in nth
orbit of H – atom. If ratio of de – Broglie wavelength associated with electron moving in nth orbit and
2nd orbit is 1.5

3. For a acid catalyzed reaction, A   B Half – life period is independent of concentration of A at
given pH. At same concentration of A half – life time is 10 min at pH = 2 and half life time is 100 min
at pH = 3. If the rate law expression of reaction is r  k  A [ H  ] y then calculate the value of ( x  y ) .

4 . A solution of weak acid HA was titrated with base NaOH. The equivalent point was reached when 40
mL of 0.1 M NaOH has been added. Now 20 mL of 0.1 M HCl were added to titrated solution, the
pH was found to be 5.0. What will be the pH of the solution obtained by mixing 20 mL of 0.2 M
NaOH and 20 mL of 0.2 M HA ?
5 . Two radioactive species A & B having N0A = 4N 0B with half life period 3 and 9 minute

respectively. How much time it will take to make N A  N B ?

6 . How many isomers of C4 H10O react with CH 3MgBr to evolve CH 4 gas? (Excluding stereoisomer)
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
9 . The total pressure of a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen is 1.0 atm. The mixture is ignited and the
water is removed. The remaining gas is pure hydrogen and exerts a pressure of 0.40 atm when
measured at the same values of T and V as the original mixture. What was the composition of the
original mixture in mole fraction (M.F) ?
A) M .F O2  0.2 B) M .F H 2  0.4 C) M .F O2  0.4 D) M .F H 2  0.8
10. What will be the effect of addition of catalyst at constant temperature?
A) The equilibrium constant will remain constant B)  H of the reaction will remain constant
C) k f and kb will increase to same extent D) Equilibrium composition will change

11. The cryoscopic constatnt value depends upon

A) The molar mass of the solute in the solution B) The molar mass of the solvent in the solution
C) The enthalpy of vaporization of the solvent D) The freezing point of the solvent
12. Which of the following process is/are associated with change of hybridization of the underlined
A) Al(OH)3 ppt. dissolved in NaOH B) B 2 H 6 is dissolved in THF

C) SiF4 vapour is passed through liq. HF D) Solidification of PCl 5 vapour

13. Which of the following properties of the elements of group II (alkaline earth metals) increase (s) with
increasing atomic number?
A) Stability of carbonate B) Solubility of hydroxide
C) Reactivity with water D) First ionization energy
14. Identify the correct statement about orthoboric acid
A) It has a layer structure in which planar BO3 units are joined by hydrogen bonds

B) Orthoboric acid  H 3 BO3  is a weak monobasic Lewis acid

C) On heating ortho – boric acid form meta – boric acid and on further heating to red hot, forms boric
oxide anhydride
D) It is obtained by reacting borax with HCl using phenolphthalein as an indicator
15. Silane is more reactive than CH 4 due to
A) Large size of Si compared to C which facilitate the attack by nucleophile
B) Polarity of Si – H bond is opposite to that of C – H bond
C) Availability of vacant 3d orbitals in case of Si to form the reaction intermediate easily for
nucleophilic attack
D) Si – H bond energy is lower than that of C – H bond
16. An increase in temperature increases
A) Rate of both exothermic and endothermic reactions
B) Equilibrium constant of an endothermic reaction
C) Ionic product of water
D) Evaporation of water
 
Na / Dry ether
 

Products obtained in above wurtz reaction is


A) H3C B) H3C


C) H3C D) CH2

18. The compound(s) formed upon combustion of sodium metal in excess air is (are)
A) Na 2 O 2 B) Na 2 O C) NaO 2 D) NaOH
This section contains 2 questions. Each question has four statements (A, B, C and D) given in Column I and four statements (P, Q, R,
S& T) in Column II. Any given statement in Column I can have correct matching with ONE or MORE statement(s) given in Column II.
For example, if for a given question, statement B matches with the statements given in Q and R, then for the particular question
darken the bubbles corresponding to Q and R in the OMR sheet. For each correct matching will be awarded +2 marks ONLY and
0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.

20. Match the following


A NaBH 4 or LiAlH 4 P Borax bead test

B Na 2 B4 O7 . 10H 2 O Q As an antiseptic

C H3 BO3 R As an reducing agents

D AlCl3 S As food preservative

T Cracking of petroleum

1 3 2 3 3 3 4 9 5 9

6 4 9 AD 10 ABC

11 BD 12 ACD 13 ABC 14 ABC 15 ABCD

A R
B P
16 ABCD 17 AB 18 AB 20
D T

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