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TASK – Earthquake and Volcanic Hazards

Watch the following animation:

Earthquakes of the 20th Century

Available at:

You need to be able to Explain (cause-and-effect) each of the following notable features:

Ground Motion and Tsunamis
1. Define the term earthquake
2. Define the terms magnitude and intensity with reference to earthquakes
3. Energy released by earthquakes can be measured using the Richter scale and moment magnitude scale.
Compare the two methods of measuring earthquakes
4. Use the document "seismic wave behaviour" to identify and explain the effect of the 3 types of seismic
waves on ground motion. Include diagrams to illustrate their effects on ground motion

5. Research how buildings are engineered and designed in regions that are most at risk of
earthquakes. and

6.. Describe earthquake hazards such as: liquefaction, landslides, fire, floods liquefaction

7. Open the link:"Tsunami geoscience

Australia" and answer the following questions:
~what is a tsunami and how is it different from regular ocean waves
~Draw flowcharts to illustrate Tsunami’s caused by: earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions
8. Outline where tsunamis occur in Australia and how regularly?

Hazards associated with volcanoes

9. Describe what happens in a volcanic eruption (cause and effect)

There are two main categories of volcanic eruptions: Effusive and Explosive.

Effusive eruptions are dominated by the eruption of lava flowing away from the vent of a volcano. As magma
rises dissolved gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapour, sulfur, chlorine are released and makes the lava
less viscous (low viscosity, flows readily) and less reactive. The magma’s chemical composition is low silica i.e.
Explosive eruptions are those where the ash is the dominant product rather than lava. The eruptions are
explosive and dangerous. Volcanic gases have not been able to escape as the magma has high viscosity
(thicker high silica content) so become trapped and are therefore expelled at the same time the lava is
ejected. These expanding gas bubbles tear the molten rock apart as it rushes into the low-pressure

10. Create a table to compare effusive vs explosive volcanoes at divergent boundaries, hotspot, oceanic-
oceanic, oceanic -continental boundaries

Effusive Volcanoes Explosive Volcanoes

Description of volcano, including lava types: Description of volcano, including lava types:

Tectonic plate interactions involved: Tectonic plate interactions involved:

List of associated hazards: List of associated hazards:

Risk to local communities: Risk to local communities:

2. Explain (cause-and-effect) the following volcano hazards.

Hazard Cause Effect

Ash eruptions, ash falls

Lava flows


Poison gas emissions

Pyroclastic flows

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