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0 : 21051850-1 United States of America DEPARTMENT OF STATE To all to whom these presents shall come, Greetings: 1 Certify That the document hereunto annexed is under the Seal of the Secretary of State of the State(s) of California, and that such Seal(s) is/are entitled to full faith and credit.* *For the contents of the annexed document, the Department assumes no responsibility This certificate is not valid if itis removed or altered in any way whatsoever In testimony whereof, I, Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State . have hereunto causcd the scal of the Department of Siatc to be affixed and my name subscribed by the Assistant Authentication Officer, of the said Department, at the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, this twenty-seventh day of July. 2021. Qin, Sbinbere TS. 8" 79 ; LK Segpaiary of State 2 "USC 265la: 5 USC Kemeny S01: 28 USC 1733 ot seq. 8 USC By. HAG) RULE db Fedral Rules of Assistant Authentication Officer, Civil Procedure. Department of State {sued pursuant to CHAI. State of - 900624977 __ 06/22/2021 aa TRADEMARK ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET TAS 10: TM655998 Electronic Version v1 1 Siviesheel Version v1.2 ‘SUBMISSION = | NATURE OF CONVEYANCE ‘SEQUENCE: 'YPE: NEW ASSIGNMENT 7 —“TASSIGNMENT OF AN UNDIVIDED PART OF ASSIGNOR'S INTEREST Execution Date 6722/2021 Entity Type Limited Liability Company: RECEIVING PARTY DATA “AMERICANENTERPRISER LLC IABSHA TTT 1155 SEMINOLE THA aa CO | STATE OF ALVARADO. Aveda ifowrce J | | CHARLOFTESVILLE i Z State/Country: VIRGINIA D z Postal Code: 22906-9999 [Ey Type: Copsey RGR HANCERY = = = c PROPERTY NUMBERS Total: 10 U |___ Property Type Number Ronr 98877645, 7]_, [COW C 76282073 7 ACQUIO Serial Number: 30955745 Ova Serial Numbel 88880534 OVID; i) a - Serial Number: ~fagagaa10 | COVID PRECHECK Serial Number: 8861600 COvID 1g Sorial Number: #8792612 COVID-18 VAX _ a CE Serial Number: | 88899230 THE COVID-ID | | serial Number: ‘88886041 (COVID-18 COMPLIANT oe [Serial Number: (8883233 THE COVID-19 VACCINATION 7 CORRESPONDENCE DATA Fax Number: Correspondence will be sent to the e-mail address first; if that is unsuccessful, it will be sent using 9 fax number, if provided; if that is unsuccessful, it will be sent via US Mall. Email: AELLC2021@HOTMAIL.COM Correspondent Name: DANIEL ALVARADO LLC “RT 2 Photo - Google Photos Trademark Stats & Docuuneot Retnevat _nups:!/, bps tadeuspt ge ease Number-MOTOSE3Mcase pE-SERIALS For assistance with TSOR 20 Sau Generated on: Ths page was generated by TSOR en 2024.07-1" “$02.02 E07 Mark, VACCINE NANOVACCINE VACCINE PASSPORT VAX VAX T vacens VACCINATED COVID-19 VACCINATED vax [toa WRCUNAIED covib.19 VACEIN US Seal Number ED Application Fling Dato: Jun. 28,2021 Fed 25 TEAS Pius: Yes (lina, ‘Currnty TEAS Pius: Yes egies Poo Mark Type: sera. 0) ‘TMS Common Status SRROE COUy ei, Descriptor weer Conaway Examination = The vademark abglcaton nas been accepted by ie Ot mnmuen hing reqatements) and has not yet been assg sn imap me HALE FER ier sorters in mow COURT cd BLE Riton wegen neonate Conv sunt arc Ce ye peat eset mc phe eat en. tare Orang Type: 4. staNGago STS SK Goods and Services a Note: Mark information wat Mark Literal Elamonts: VAC The lotowng symbols inate that the regstranvionnes has amended the goodeisenews + Brackets [| nicate életed goodsservices, Us cissiesi: co 10° 102 Basis information (Case Level) Fag ure: no Curremty Use: oft 77192021, 3:03 PM vuater core Mad tvenove UCor CAN Foreign Fling Deadline - Intemational trademark protection for your trademar * VACCINE NANOVACCINE VACCINE PASSPORT VAX VAX TRACKER VACCINATED COVI VACCINATED LegalHoop % SAT TSZ EM, To. aet201@hotmaikcom saeth.0. 1eehotmanl coms Dear EXECUTORS OF THE DANIEL DEAN ALVARADO ESTATE, Congratulations, your trademark VACCINE NANOVACCINE VACCINE PASSPORT VAX VAX TRACKER VACCINATED COVID-19 VACCINATED has been filed to the USPTO. © SerialNumber: 9079683911111/;;, tease VAX VAX vip-19 VACCIN. “ny, * StatusDate: Jun 30,; ee) % The deadiife to foreign fle thWACCINE NANOVACCINE VACCINE PASSPORT VAX VAX TRU cOVvID-: EVA CINATED. ener go 143d Gren months-trojfiour U.S, uaF on un'Z6,2021 to claim priority & your fling oS grtt unl ‘R sn, = As one of fhe largest tradimatk Riv neins tnt woud, Legaitoop can help you Pree oe tradentark frmore tt OA countries around the world withae AS wort Reon = Here is a complet fig Daten to file a trademark in diferent countries oe ” WaHd(Atoey Fee Starts at: Canada $349,UK $299,China $299): Mewe tet tes tea Wectanat Otherwise, if you prefer to expand protection of trademark VACCINE NANOVACCINE VACCINE PASSPORT VAX VAX TRACKER VACCINATED COVID-19 VACCINATED to new Goodst&Services (like Masks,PPEs and Medical Equipments) or filo a new name,logo,slogan with the USPTO, ‘Our legal experts are happy to help you prepare new U.S. trademark applications for just $199 professional fee plus government filing fees. Fle: 12/17/2021 102] "Numbet2024007340 | MONROE Chancery | Ronnie Boozer Pubished! 42H 7floot Pa i254P Trademark Publication Contact _otiripconstercom nm wipes com 7 cae ~ fretorence Number 16059254 EXECUTORS OF THE DANIEL DEAN i AGVARADO ESTATE STARE OF ALVARABO.AWarado Province Japocston Date 06/26/2021 lo: POBOX cars avarad Proven, GRARLOTTESVILLE Va 20080000 = [Application Number 90796839 Seen ee | |Class(es) 36 i Iatonet clases) 100, 10,107 | ne ee {yt pp < “ ) | VACCINE NANOVACCINE:VACCINE PASSPOREVAX'VAX TRACKER VACCINATED COVID-13 VACCINATED A CHANCERY , | Court = | ee eras ‘Additional Tax 0.00 usD 5 : [ees Ploace pay the emount,, on accoptanee within 10 daye by chook | Please don't forget to quote the reference number 16893253 \ Pa : Nee crects: teak tebe four slr: We ctor you te rican ot PLEASE MAKE : ur ban nse private database ww wipes com Our ar een eT | B’Sezeste win the payment af the-onbre pustcaton fee anc ee oweatis sn psy Sinan far tee, yor sag wth out INCLUDE ONLY THE REFERENCE 16869254 yen Plage rte hot vate puston not rand ae ie eto Qorernnen esgazatons ‘and’we. do nol have. buses | dT SERUCE ‘sone yo Tur anor erin or das ce Fresh Mondows, NY 11306 ‘hve inc dese yo Socopt a oor” A nar denise \ RiSIiest ower ose corte un tiogvp rota SO ws ” ROE yor CHANCERY COURT ee W853 aoe WY OS ad Bo oe OE C ss Cite, mR OE fe oF MISSISSIPPI MONROE COUNTY ye and a8 on feo my ofhoe at Aberdeen, er my pand and seal ol ofc, his, Jeo 20-24 tn Account With RONNIE BOOZER MONROE COUNTY CHANCERY CLERK PHONE 369-8143 p.u.Rox 578 ADERDGEN, MISS. 39730 Parle Rav Afkrelo | L a] us 90418 PLEASE RETO SATENENT WK REMITTANCE cam “Type of Service. Charge Credit ‘Balance {ens Cencgh- & Le “ha fae) oO uur Aim In The Operation Of This Office Is To Provide Prompt, Courteous and Efficient Service. fe _— n 1 Cork:Liate of, Service of J POCO SS. 0_ceaniel alverudte, hereby bi aelewe onl test’ fy = Phagecst "3, 2021 l hdl, ia fact, deter plocta, Piped secuced Ceolopes, oe Cops. o Me @SS/phiMenz of Cinehirsa Peace ce Tee bondi et pap tee hs purcleesed. wader fe Madero Lote tol Assigned to the DANIEL Dial AWKRADO Es7ate! Pama TRUSTS ter He -Pollewing crghsh words: COVID, COVIN=19-, COVID=19 VACCIN I ale acm VAXX TRACKER, VACCINATED, VACCINE EtSS PORT ALL FIFTY ENVELOPES WERE ADDRESSED te each nangd Goernor in office_at Hat- tine fer shite ef The United States gt Ammacica é peer aye Te He ssession of Custody of phe Wolice Secured oe Poste tage maped LAS a ferred to ie (Ley in, Pecsenava by hand te hand Transfer of Possession! DPAVIEL ALVARZDO Ligh adie o Lele si Heiinad 7 Ryoreses patie: Date Pon. 25; 202/

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