037 - Natacia Lie - Tugas 8

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NIM: 40011423620037
Prodi: Akuntansi Perpajakan/A

Unit 7
Businnes Organization

1. Identify three characteristics for each of the principal forms of business organizations.

Proprietorship Partnership Corporation

1.The sole proprietorship form of 1.Shared Responsibility. 1.Limited Liability. Shareholders are not
business organization is owned and Partnerships involve two or more personally liable for the company's
governed by an individual owner. individuals sharing the debts,their liability is limited to the
responsibilities, decision-making, amount invested in the company.
2.Unlimited Liability. and profits of the business. This
The owner has unlimited personal shared responsibility can provide 2.Separate Legal Entity. Corporations
liability for the debts and obligations additional expertise and are distinct legal entities, separate from
of the business, risking personal assets. resources. their owners, providing additional legal
3.The Owner is responsible and has 2.Pass-Through Taxation: Like
complete control over sole proprietorships, partnerships 3.Complex Formation.Corporations
finances,business,operations,and often have pass-through taxation. require more formalities and paperwork
profit. Profits and losses pass through to for formation, involving the issuance of
the individual partners' personal stock and adherence to regulatory
4. Taxation. income tax returns. requirements.
Profits and losses are reported on the
owner's personal tax return, 3.Flexibility in Management: 4.ProfessionalManagement.
simplifying tax Partnerships can have a flexible Corporations often have a clear
obligations. management structure. Depending hierarchy with a board of directors
on the type of partnership overseeing professional managers,
5. A business can end (general or limited), partners may separating ownership from day-to-day
when the owner dies. have equal or varied levels of operations.
control and liability.
6. Decision-Making Autonomy . The 5.Transferable Ownership.Shares of a
owner has complete control over 4. Mutual Agency : Each partner corporation can be easily bought and
business decisions and can act on behalf of the sold, providing liquidity for
operations, allowing for quick partnership, and their actions are shareholders.
decision-making and flexibility. binding on the business.
6.Continuous Existence.The death or
7. Limited Capital. 5.Contractuactual relationship departure of a shareholder does not
Sole proprietors may face challenges affect the corporation's existence.
in raising capital, as they rely on 6. More Capital. Partnerships may
personal savings or loans. find it easier to raise capital 7.Double Taxation: Corporations are
compared to sole proprietorships subject to corporate income tax, and
due to contributions from multiple shareholders are also taxed on dividends
partners. received, resulting in potential double

2. Classify each of the following activities as a financing, investing, or operating facility.

1) Receiving a loan from a bank : Financing
2) Purchasing Raw materials : Operating
3) Selling products online : Operating
4) Issuing shares of stock in exchange of cash: Financing
5) Purchasing a delivery truck : Investing
6) Paying employee salaries : Operating

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