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NIM: 40011423620037
Prodi:Akuntansi Perpajakan/A

Task 1.Give examples of accountancy careers


Private Accounting 1.Management auditing

2.Tax planning
3.Accounting manager reporting
5.(CFO)Chief Financial Officer
6.Internal auditor

Public Accounting 1.Tax consultant

2.Tax manager
3.Auditor staff
4.Audit Committee
5.Management Service/Consulting Senior
6.Tax Staff
8.Internal Controls

Government Accounting
1.Forensic Accountants
2.Tax specialists
3.Government Financial Manager
4.Government Auditor
5.Government financial analyst
6.Advise senior leaders

Task 2
1) Give some examples of an overview of any accounting certifications in Indonesia.
2) Mention the professional associations related to the accounting profession in Indonesia.

1.Certified Public accountant (CPA)

Accounting Certifications in Indonesia 2.Sertifikat konsultan pajak
3.Sertifikat Akuntansi Syariah (SAS)
4.Certified PSAK (CPSAK)
5.Ahli Akuntan Pemerintah (AAP)
6.Qualified Internal Auditor (QIA)
7.Certified Internal Auditor(CIA)
8.Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

Professional Associations 1.Insitut Akuntan Publik Indonesia (IAPI)

2.Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI)
3.Insitut Akuntan Manajemen Indonesia (IAMI)
4.Pusat Pembinaan Profesi Keuangan(PPPK)

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