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1. Only online chat with people you know and trust in real life.


2. Always ask permission before downloading or uploading things. TRUE

3. You should say things on the internet that you wouldn't say in person. FALSE

4. Whatever you post is not permanent?

5. You should write everything that is happening in your life on social media? FALSE

6. You can defriend or block anyone on Facebook/ Snapchat/ Instagram/ Twitter that is being rude
or inappropriate? TRUE

7. You need to be careful on the internet because people can create a fake account. TRUE

8. Erving Goffman was a Canadian-American sociologist, social psychologist and writer,

considered by some "the Most Influential American Sociologist of the 20th century". TRUE

9. In order to protect yourself while using the internet, you should think before you post anything
online. TRUE


11. If you get a message from someone you don't know what should you do?

a) Write them back

b) Don't click on anything and don't write back
c) It's funny - so click on it
d) Send them your information

12. If you accidentally come across something inappropriate what should you do?

a) Don't click on anything

b) Tell Ms. Luther
c) Tell an adult
d) All of the above

13. Is everything you read on the internet is true? NO

14. Keep your passwords to yourself. YES/TRUE

15. What kind of combinations should be use for creating a password?

a) Letters
b) Numbers
c) Special Characters
d) All of them

16. What information should you not give out?

a) Your phone number

b) Your email
c) Your address
d) All the above

17. I will be a good online citizen that won't post anything to hurt anyone and won't go against the

18. What year was Facebook founded?

a) 2003
b) 2004
c) 2005
d) 2002

19. What is the term for computer programs that attack your computer?

a) Malware
b) DangerDroids
c) RudeBots
d) Dangerware

20. Who should know your passwords?

a) Only you!
b) Your best friends
c) Anyone

21. What is Phishing?

a) Fishing while talking on the phone.

b) Fake emails or websites that look like real emails and websites and try to steal your data.

22. Which of these is an example of a phishing email?

a) You have won the lottery! Follow this link to claim.

b) Your bank account has been hacked. Login in here to protect yourself.
c) Help! I am stuck in Europe and I need money to travel home.
d) All of the above!

23. What is AntiVirus software?

a) Software that blocks all unwanted ads.
b) Software that keeps you from getting sick.
c) Software that protects your device from viruses and malware.

24. When do you need to use AntiVirus software?

a) When you first get your computer.

b) All the time, on your laptop only -and make sure it is updated!
c) All the time, on ALL digital devices -and make sure it is updated!
d) As soon as you start to feel sick.

25. Which of these indicates a website is secure?

a) You found the website on Google or clicked it from a link in an email.

b) A little lock icon next to the website address.
c) The website shows a company name and logo and looks real.

26. Which of these is NOT a good password?

a) #LooneyToons23
b) Ilovecats!95
c) password
d) #Iasw,aA!

27. What should you do if you think you have been hacked?

a) Report the problem to the company.

b) Change your password.
c) Tell your parents or a trusted adult.
d) All of the above.

28. What is Spam?

a) Canned meat.
b) Unsolicited emails sent to many email addresses that try to get you buy something or share
private information.
c) A computer virus that will hack your account.
29. ____________ is being smart on sharing online

a) Proper Sharing
b) Smart Sharing
c) Toxic Disinhibition
d) Empathy Deficit

30 . According to Global Digital Report, what is the average amount of time per day spent using
social media?

a) 2 hrs and 10 minutes

b) 2 hrs and 26 minutes
c) 2 hrs and 16 minutes
d) 3 hrs and 26 minutes

31. ________________ is a representation of an entity in a specific context and is the compilation of

information about you in digital form

a) Digital Attributes
b) Persona
c) Digital Self
d) Digital Identity

32. Multiple Choice

_____________ is the lack of restraint one feels when communicating online in comparison to
communicating in-person

a) Online Disinhibition
b) Digital Identity
c) Smart Shaming
d) Digital Self

33. It is the availability and use of digital tools to communicate on the Internet, digital devices,
smart devices and other technologies

a) Global Digital Report

b) Digital Self
c) Digital World
d) Digital Identity

34. _______________________ is a cyber-attack attempting to obtain sensitive information such as

names, bank details, address, and passwords. This usually happens while using deceptive emails,
fake websites and downloadable malwares.

a) Toxic Disinhibition
b) Identity Theft
c) Smart Shaming
d) Phishing

35. It is the persona you use when you’re online

a) Digital Self
b) Digital Identity
c) Self Representation
d) Self Portraiture

36-50 Essay

How do you protect yourself to online groomers?

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