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The Minnie Table Top Book of

The Minnie Table Top Book of Macro Photography


Salt Grain

10. Black Pepper Seed

20. Tomato Ketchup

25. Yellow Mustard

30. Pickled Relish

36. Chile Pepper Flakes

44. Sugar

51. Cinnamon

58. Coffee Grounds

DUCTION Macro photography (or and sometimes
macrophotography), is extreme close-up pho-
based processes, where the size of the image
on the negative or image sensor is the subject
tography, usually of very small subjects and of discussion, the finished print or on-screen
living organisms like insects, in which the size image more commonly lends a photograph
of the subject in the photograph is greater its macro status. For example, when produc-
than life size (though macrophotography ing a 6×4 inch (15×10 cm) print using 35
technically refers to the art of making very format (36×24 mm) film or sensor, a life-size
large photographs). By the original definition, result is possible with a lens having only a 1:4
a macro photograph is one in which the size reproduction ratio.
of the subject on the negative or image sen- Reproduction ratios much greater than 10:1
sor is life size or greater. However, in some are considered to be photomicrography, often
uses it refers to a finished photograph of a achieved with digital microscope (photomi-
subject at greater than life size. crography should not be confused with mi-
The ratio of the subject size on the film plane crophotography, the art of making very small
(or sensor plane) to the actual subject size is photographs, such as for microforms).
known as the reproduction ratio. Likewise, Due to advances in sensor technology, to-
a macro lens is classically a lens capable of day’s small-sensor digital cameras can rival
reproduction ratios of at least 1:1, although it the macro capabilities of a DSLR with a “true”
often refers to any lens with a large repro- macro lens, despite having a lower reproduc-
duction ratio, despite rarely exceeding 1:1. tion ratio, making macro photography more
Apart from technical photography and film widely accessible at a lower cost.
A Brief History of Salt on a Global Scale
As far back as 6050 BC, salt has been an Most people probably think of salt as simply While records show the importance of salt in Salt was of crucial importance economically. Salt making encompasses much of the bankruptcy. Salt making was (and still is)
important and integral part of the world’s that white granular seasoning found in salt commerce in medieval times and earlier, in The expression “not worth his salt” stems history of the United Kingdom, particularly important in Holland, as well. France has
history, as it has been interwoven into shakers on virtually every dining table. some places like the Sahara and in Nepal, from the practice of trading slaves for salt in in the Cheshire area. Medieval European always been a major producer of salt and any
countless civilizations. Used as a part of salt trading today gives a glimpse of what ancient Greece. Special salt rations given to records document salt making concessions. In discussion of salt making and distribution in
Egyptian religious offerings and valuable It is that, surely, but it is far more. It is an life may have been like centuries ago. early Roman soldiers were known as “salari- continental Europe, Venice rose to economic France includes discussion of the gabelle, the
trade between the Phoenicians and their essential element in the diet of not only Salt was in general use long before the um argentum,” the forerunner of the English greatness through its salt monopoly. Salt salt tax that was a significant contributor to
Mediterranean empire, salt and history have humans but of animals, and even of many beginning of recorded history, and dating word “salary.” References to salt can be found making was important in the Adriatic/Balkans the French Revolution. The salt remains just
been inextricably intertwined for millennia, plants. It is one of the most effective and back to around 2700 B.C. the earliest known in languages around the globe, particularly region as well (the present border between as important today. The magnitude of the ga-
with great importance placed on salt by many most widely used of all food preservatives. treatise on pharmacology was published in regarding salt used for food. From the Latin Slovenia and Croatia); in Bosnia-Herzegov- belle is astounding; from 1630 to 1710, the
different cultures. Even today, the history of Its industrial and other uses are almost with China. A portion of this writing is devoted to “sal,” for example, come such other derived ina, Tuzla is actually named for “tuz,” the tax increased from 14 times the cost of pro-
salt touches our daily lives. The word “salary” out number. Salt has great current interest a discussion of more than 40 kinds of salt, words as “sauce” and “sausage.” Salt was an Turkish word for salt. The same is true for duction to 140 times the cost of production,
was derived from the word “salt.” Salt was as the subject of humorous cartoons, poetry including descriptions of two methods of salt important commodity carried by explorers. Salzburg, Austria, which has made its four according to Pierre Laszlo in his book Salt: Grain
highly valued and its production was legally and filmmaking. extraction that are similar to processes used Salt has played a vital part in religious ritual salt mines major tourist attractions. Similarly of Life (Columbia Univ. Press). You may be famil-
restricted in ancient times, so it was histori- today. Salt production has been important in many cultures, symbolizing purity. There in Bolivia, the main salt producing region is
iar with the phrase: “Siberian salt mines,” although
cally used as a method of trade and currency. The fact is that throughout history, salt,called in China for two millennia or more, and the are more than 30 references to salt in the Bi- a tourist attraction and includes one hotel
salt making takes place in many places across
The word “salad” also originated from “salt,” sodium chloride by chemists, has been such Chinese, like many other governments, ble, including the well-known expression “salt constructed entirely of salt. The grand designs
Russia. In the Middle East, the Jordanian town of
and began with the early Romans salting an important element of life that it has been realized that taxing salt would could be a of the earth.” Additionally, there are many of Philip II of Spain came undone through the
their leafy greens and vegetables. Undeni- the subject of many stories, fables, folktales major revenue source. Nomads spreading other literary and religious references to salt, Dutch Revolt at the end of the 16th Century; As-Salt, located on the road between Amman and

ably, the history of salt is both broad and and fairy tales. It served as money at various westward were known to carry salt, and including use of salt on altars representing one of the keys, according to Montesquieu, Jerusalem, was known as Saltus in Byzantine times
unique, leaving its indelible mark in cultures times and places, and it has been the cause Egyptian art from as long ago as 1450 B.C. purity, and use of “holy salt” by the Church. was the successful Dutch blockade of Iberian and was the seat of a bishopric. Later destroyed by
across the globe. of bitter warfare. records salt making. salt works, which led directly to Spanish the Mongols, it was rebuilt by the Mamluke.
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n the New Testament salt found its place as North America it is plentiful, obtainable and there are those who fear bad luck will befall
sign of bad luck. This has led to the supersti-
well, present in a great number of metaphors the least expensive of our necessities. them if they should chance to drop salt on the
tion that has come down to our present time
or in parables as symbol of wisdom, incor- the New Testament salt found its place as floor, while it brings bad luck to the others
and is so widely understood that in Leonardo
ruptibility, eternity and alliance between God well, present in a great number of metaphors if it is thrown. Roman temples the vestals
da Vinci’s The Last Supper, we recognize
and man. In Rome, on the eight day follow- or in parables as symbol of wisdom, incor- prepared the sacrificial millstone by rubbing
Judas—who shortly thereafter would betray
ing his birth, a piece of salt was rubbed on ruptibility, eternity and alliance between God it with brine. If salt fell from the head of the
Jesus—by the saltcellar he has carelessly
the baby to keep away the demons and evil and man. In Rome, on the eight day follow- sacrifice’s chosen victim, it was considered a
dropped in front of him.
spirits. In the Gospel, Jesus recommends his ing his birth, a piece of salt was rubbed on sign of bad luck. This has led to the supersti-
disciples to be “the salt of the earth,” that is the baby to keep away the demons and evil tion that has come down to our present time
And, to conclude, salt can even be found in
to be a force capable of keeping men from spirits. In the Gospel, Jesus recommends his and is so widely understood that in Leonardo
our bag of superstitions: many believe in its
the corruption of sin.The ancient Greeks disciples to be “the salt of the earth,” that is da Vinci’s The Last Supper, we recognize Ju-
power to drive away and exorcise evil spirits
and the Hebrews used salt during sacrifices, to be a force capable of keeping men from das—who shortly thereafter would betray Je-
by sprinkling it on spilled oil. On the other
just as within the Roman temples the vestals the corruption of sin. sus—by the saltcellar he has carele. If salt fell
hand there are those who fear bad luck will
prepared the sacrificial millstone by rubbing from the head of the sacrifice’s chosen victim,
befall them if they should chance to drop salt
it with brine. If salt fell from the head of the The ancient Greeks and the Hebrews used it was considered a sign of bad luck. This has
on the floor, while it brings bad luck to the
sacrifice’s chosen victim, it was considered a salt during sacrifices, just as within the Roman led to the superstition that has come down to
others if it is thrown.
sign of bad luck. This has led to the supersti- temples the vestals prepared the sacrificial our present time and is so widely understood
A popular custom still in use in a number of
tion that has come down to our present time millstone by rubbing it with brine. If salt fell that in Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper,
European countries requires that a handful of
and is so widely understood that in Leonardo from the head of the sacrifice’s chosen victim, we recognize Judas—who shortly thereafter
salt be thrown in the coffin of a dead person
da Vinci’s The Last Supper, we recognize it was considered a sign of bad luck. This has would betray Jesus—by the saltcellar he has
before the burial. The salt—as symbol of
Judas—who shortly thereafter would betray led to the superstition that has come down to carelessly dropped in front of him.And, to
incorruptibility and immortality—would thus
Jesus—by the saltcellar he has carelessly our present time and is so widely understood
keep away the devil. For the same reason in
dropped in front of him.And, to conclude, salt that in Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper,
ancient Scotland salt was added in the brew-
ing of beer, which would otherwise have been
can even be found in our bag of supersti- we recognize Judas—who shortly thereafter “People tend to take
tions: many believe in its power to drive away
ruined by witches and evil spirits. In point of
and exorcise evil spirits by sprinkling it on
would betray Jesus—by the saltcellar he has
carelessly dropped in front of him. And, to
for granted how much
fact, the added salt prevented excessive fer-

Let’s Take A Closer Look mentation in the brew and therefore avoids
its potential “corruption.”
spilled oil. On the other hand there are those
who fear bad luck will befall them if they
should chance to drop salt on the floor, while
conclude, salt can even be found in our bag
of superstitions: many believe in its power
to drive away and exorcise evil spirits by
salt has shaped our
modern society”
“Salt”, and of the via Salaria (the road of salt) Hebrews salt became a symbol of the joy of
it brings bad luck to the others if it is thrown. sprinkling it on spilled oil. On the other hand
in Italy. Until very recently, a tax was imposed joining around a table, so that eating with In short, the white granular substance we
popular custom still in use in a number of
on salt in numerous countries, but it has eachother meant living in brotherly love. know today as “salt” has been essential to
European countries requires that a handful of
largely lost its importance today. Until 1975 all life, especially with respect to its long and
salt be thrown in the coffin of a dead person
in Italy this tax was collected through fiscal In the New Testament salt found its place as varied history. We are fortunate, indeed,
before the burial. The salt—as symbol of
monopolies and the imposition of import well, present in a great number of metaphors that in the United States it has never been
incorruptibility and immortality—would thus
customs. The State had a monopoly on the or in parables as symbol of wisdom, incor- subjected to discriminatory taxes, and that in
keep away the devil. For the same reason in
manufacture and sale of salt, and fixed the ruptibility, eternity and alliance between God North America it is plentiful, obtainable and
ancient Scotland salt was added in the brew-
final market price, which included the tax and man. In Rome, on the eight day follow- the least expensive of our necessities.
ing of beer, which would otherwise have been
rate of about 70% of the selling price. ing his birth, a piece of salt was rubbed on
ruined by witches and evil spirits. In point of
Discount prices were fixed on salt for the baby to keep away the demons and evil
fact, the added salt prevented excessive fer-
agricultural and industrial uses, while its spirits. In the Gospel, Jesus recommends his “Who knew one little mentation in the brew and therefore avoids
production was tax-free in Sicily, Sardinia disciples to be “the salt of the earth,” that is
and in the towns of Olivigno and Campione. to be a force capable of keeping men from
grain of flavor could its potential “corruption.”

the corruption of sin. The ancient Greeks shape the way we do In short, the white granular substance we
Most ancient civilizations were accompanied and the Hebrews used salt during sacrifices,
by myths, religious and magic rites involving just as within the Roman temples the vestals business, our house- know today as “salt” has been essential to
all life, especially with respect to its long and
salt: one need only consider the history of prepared the sacrificial millstone by rubbing
holds, and even our varied history. We are fortunate, indeed,
the Jewish people or the content of some it with brine. If salt fell from the head of the
books of the Old Testament. For the ancient sacrifice’s chosen victim, it was considered a beliefs... wow” that in the United States it has never been
subjected to discriminatory taxes, and that in
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Black Pepper, King of the Spice World
The world’s most commonly used spice, Piper in the fall, the traders rode them back. The Islamic network matured to encompass most commodity. Between 1367 and 1371, over but not without a high price. The journey (Sumatra?). This implausible eastern mean-
nigrum, starts life as berries in a clump on a Romans gobbled pepper up, and in Apicius’ of the Indian Ocean world from East Africa 40% of the value of all that entered Genoa was fraught with dangers and during their dering shifts suddenly and more realistically
flowering vine (like grapes). Native to India, Cooking and Dining in Imperial Rome, 80% to the southern coast of China. It carried . . . from Alexandria came from pepper. glorious century of domination, nearly 30% of westward in the fifth and sixth stages when
today pepper is grown throughout the tropics. of the recipes contain the spice. Nonetheless, the beliefs of Islam . . . the Arabic language, Portuguese trading vessels were lost. None- the “heathen Mohammedans” (“heyden
Archaeological evidence of people using pep- not everybody was a big fan, including Pliny shari’a courts . . . and shared commercial Spice merchants from Alexandria brought theless, from 1500-1600, “Portugal imported machmet”) from Aden buy the spices, which
per goes back to at least 2000 BC in India. the Elder: Whereas pepper has nothing in it practices. To maintain their monopoly, keep pepper to Venice, as well, and by the end of from Malabar [India] the equivalent of about then pass through Cairo. the remaining steps
It is known that pepper was exported, but to that can plead as a recommendation to either their source a secret and raise the cachet the 15th century, over 400 tons of it every two million kilograms annually.” involve the spread of spices in Europe.
what extent remains a mystery. Nonetheless, fruit or berry, its only desirable quality being (and price) of this highly prized spice, Arab year. Sharp traders, “the Venetians marked The Portuguese failed to exert political and
signs of an ancient pepper trade from India a certain pungency; and yet it is for this that traders created the fantastic myth[i] that up the price of spices an average of 40 “Portugal imported military authority in the areas where pepper
to Egypt have been found, including the we import it all the way from India! pepper was cultivated in: Groves of trees in percent during the fifteenth century.” Not was produced, and over the course of the
peppercorns that had been stuffed into the India [and the Caucus mountains] “guarded” alone in gouging the consumer, the Catalans from India the about 16th century, slowly lost control of its trade.
nostrils of Ramses the Great (1303-1213 BC)
when he was mummified.
When Rome was attacked in 410 AD, to lift
the siege of the Visogoths and prevent the
by poisonous serpents. In order to harvest the
pepper, the trees have to be burned, driving
of Barcelona extolled a 25% profit on the
pepper they imported. Other major sources
two million kilograms During the 17th century, the Dutch became
the dominant player in the spice trade with
city from being sacked, along with gold, the snakes away and in the process turning of pepper came from Constantinople, Cyprus, annually.” colonies in Bantam, Ceylon, Java, Lampong
Certainly by 40 AD, the Romans had a thriv- silver, silk, and hides, the Romans paid “three the fruit black. Syria and other ports of the Levant. and Malabar (centuries earlier Hindu traders
ing trade in spices, including pepper. Leaving thousand pounds of pepper.” Negotiations The inhabitants of “Java Major” (Borneo, are believed to have spread the plant across
the southwestern coast of India in July with soon broke down again, however, and the Arab traders were not alone on the sea, and In 1497, the Portuguese king Manuel sent perhaps) collect spices from other islands, the Indian Ocean including to Java, where it
the monsoon winds, Roman sea traders siege was resumed. Eventually the Eternal by the Middle Ages, many other seafaring Vasco da Gama to find the sea route to India which are brought by merchants from Ceylon. was found by Marco Polo in the 13th century.)
brought cinnamon, incense oils and pepper City was sacked. With the fall of Rome’s im- groups had joined the spice trade. By the with the purpose of finding “Christians and In Ceylon they are sold to traders from “the As the British Empire rose in prominence in
to their great commercial hub in Alexandria. perial power, other groups began to take over 14th century Genoa had become a prominent spices.” By the end of the 15th century AD, Golden Khersonese” (the Malay Peninsula) the tropics, it eventually took control.
When the strong monsoon winds switched the spice trade. Under the early caliphate this commercial center with pepper as its primary the Portuguese took over the spice trade, and then in turn to merchants of “Taprobana”

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Pepper gets its spicy heat mostly from the piperine

compound, which is found both in the outer fruit

and in the seed. Black pepper contains between

4.6% and 9.7% piperine by mass, and white pep-

per slightly more than that.[40] Refined piperine,

by weight, is about one percent as hot as the

capsaicin in chili peppers.[citation needed] The

outer fruit layer, left on black pepper, also contains

important odour-contributing terpenes including

pinene, sabinene, limonene, caryophyllene, and

linalool, which give citrusy, woody, and floral notes.

These scents are mostly missing in white pepper,

which is stripped of the fruit layer. White pepper

can gain some different odours (including musty

notes) from its longer fermentation stage.

Pepper loses flavour and aroma through evapo-

ration, so airtight storage helps preserve pepper’s

original spiciness longer. Pepper can also lose

flavour when exposed to light, which can transform

piperine into nearly tasteless isochavicine.[41]

is located in Kochi, India. Participation on the IPE Black Pepper (or perhaps long pepper) was
Once ground, pepper’s aromatics can evapo-
however is domestic with regulatory restrictions believed to cure illness such as constipation,
rate quickly; most culinary sources recommend
on international membership on local exchanges; diarrhea, earache, gangrene, heart disease, hernia,
grinding whole peppercorns immediately before
something common to almost all Asian commodity hoarseness, indigestion, insect bites, insomnia,
use for this reason. Handheld pepper mills (or
exchanges. joint pain, liver problems, lung disease, oral ab-
“pepper grinders”), which mechanically grind
scesses, sunburn, tooth decay, and toothaches.[29]
or crush whole peppercorns, are used for this,
As of 2008, Vietnam is the world’s largest producer Various sources from the 5th century onward also
sometimes instead of pepper shakers, dispensers
and exporter of pepper, producing 34% of the recommend pepper to treat eye problems, often
of pre-ground pepper. Spice mills such as pepper
world’s Piper nigrum. Other major producers by applying salves or poultices made with pepper
mills were found in European kitchens as early as
include India (19%), Brazil (13%), Indonesia (9%), directly to the eye. There is no current medical
the 14th century, but the mortar and pestle used
Malaysia (8%), Sri Lanka (6%), China (6%), and evidence that any of these treatments has any
earlier for crushing pepper remained a popular
Thailand (4%). Global pepper production peaked benefit; pepper applied directly to the eye would
method for centuries after as well
in 2003 with over 355,000 t (391,000 short tons), be quite uncomfortable and possibly damaging.

but has fallen to just over 271,000 t (299,000 short [30] Nevertheless, Black pepper either powdered
Peppercorns (dried black pepper) are, by
tons) by 2008 due to a series of issues including or its decoction is widely used in traditional Indian
monetary value, the most widely traded spice in
poor crop management, disease and weather. Viet- medicine and as a home remedy for relief from
the world, accounting for 20 percent of all spice
nam dominates the export market, using almost sore throat, throat congestion, cough etc.
imports in 2002. The price of pepper can be
none of its production domestically; however its
volatile, and this figure fluctuates a great deal year

to year; for example, pepper made up 39 percent

2007 crop fell by nearly 10% from the previous “Pepper is small in
of all spice imports in 1998.[43] By weight, slightly
year to about 90,000 t (99,000 short tons). Similar
quantity and great
crop yields occurred in 2007 across the other
more chilli peppers are traded worldwide than
pepper producing nations as well. in virtue”
peppercorns. The International Pepper Exchange
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