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Universidad Tecnológica de Chihuahua

Modalidad BIS

Surprise event

Artistic and cultural event

Planning and Organization of work

Melannie Chavez

Alheli Gutierrez

Astrid Guzman

Paloma Hernández

Daniela Lara

Sebastian Navarro

Camila Pulido

Uriel Rodriguez

Eddy Soria

Julieta Urquidi

Artistic and cultural event 3
“Talent Show “ 3
Strategies 4
Event option B 13
Rattlesnake King and Queen 13
Event option C 16
Entrepreneurs Fair 16
Artistic and cultural event

“Talent Show “


Our mission is to create an artistic event that combines entertainment, gastronomy

and economical activities. We seek to provide an enjoyable experience for the student-
family audience, promoting cultural and artistic diversity, the integral development of
university students and support for small entrepreneurs., cultural diversity, and the
holistic development of university students.


Our vision is to organize a talent fair, providing a platform for emerging artists to shine
and the audience to enjoy an enriching cultural experience. We aspire to contribute to
the cultural and social development of our locality through our talent fair.


Creativity, Team work, Coordination, Innovation, Passion, Social responsibility


● To provide a secure and safe place where all the students felt free to
demonstrate their abilities and skills
● To provide families a place where they can spend time together enjoying of
different cultural activities
● To encourage student’s development their talents and skills
● To expose the level of development of the talented that is in the BIS
● To raise funds for future school projects.

The overall goal is to use the creative medium of the performing arts to train, educate,
develop and empower our school community. Established as an arts organization that
focuses on development and training of new abilities, its objective is to empower youth,
provide opportunities in performance exposure, and create a space where artists can
showcase their talent. It also seeks to help artists develop their talent through a
structured and disciplined approach.

Time planning
First of all, we need to make sure that all the place is ready in order to welcome the
guest properly, that means that the layout is perfectly designed and the place is clean
and steady and is appropriately decorated.
Then we have time to transport the participants of the events and make sure that they
arrive on time, in this way we will avoid inconveniences.
The following activity will last 30 minutes that will be spent in receiving the guess and
indicating their places.
At next the opening will take place as well as the presentation of the first band that will
last half an hour.
The following presentation will be a series of dances that will cover a time frame of 30
more minutes and 15 min for a break.
Coming back from the break another series of dances will be present covering a time
frame of 30 minutes.
The following participants are going to present some song either singing or playing an
Finally, the closing speak will be give closing the event successfully
Finally, the cleaning will let everything in their place.


It is intended to use the university's facilities in order to save on the cost of renting a
place. It is planned to use the space of the esplanade, placing in the center of the
esplanade the stage for the activities and around it the chairs for the spectators. A
small passageway will be left free so that we have the accessibility to assemble and
disassemble the sets.
On the sides of the esplanade, there are some medians where the vendors' stands
are planned to be located.
*In search of large venues and in search of sponsorships and/or discounts where the
event can be held.


For the participants of the show we are contemplating about 13 people/groups to cover
2 hours and 30 minutes. About the invited businesses we are thinking about 5 small
stands that can be around the chairs and the stage, these will be food and beverages
to be available and visible to anyone.
We expect to invite a minimum of 200 people, including BIS students, participants,
accompanying persons of the participants and people who can be invited from outside
the university, such as family members, friends, among others.

For our event it is necessary to take into account that we are looking for an estimated
200 attendees which we seek to keep in a healthy and comfortable environment. For
this we need an open area preferably in order to have better ventilation and avoid
congestion of people.
To support the event there will be a general charge of $50 pesos MXN (including
children and adults) as it is a school event there will be no discount.
The food area will be charged a fee of $500 pesos MXN per supplier to have the right
to a space where they can provide their service.
These fees are what will generate the profit for the event and the surplus for the benefit
of the school.
As organizers of the event, it is necessary to adequately equip the area for attendees,
service providers and participants. This will require the equipment of tables, chairs,
tents (in dining areas is optional depending on the location of the event), audio
equipment and also civil protection elements in case of any emergency. Also,
approximately $500 will be spent for decoration materials.


Wrestling, 100% possibility (negotiate sponsorship)

Polynesian dance (100%)
Rock band (100%)
Selling food

Time planning (Schedule)

● Duration of each activity
● Duration of the event
● Activity changeover time

● Location of activities
● Seating arrangements
● Layout

● Support
● Participants
● Invited businesses
● Event capacity (min 200, max 300)
● Marketing

● Entry costs
● Expenses
● Assets and liabilities


Material: Chairs (school property), tables for the stands (look for them), platforms for
the presentations (school property)
Human: 10 people working
Technical: Speakers, microphones, music, lights



Physical resources management Paloma


External relationships and workflow Alhe

management Camila

Financial management Melanie


Organizational structure:
SWOT analysis

Risk Management and Evaluation

Number of Attendees: The number of attendees can impact various aspects of risk,
such as safety, security, logistics, and emergency preparedness.


● Provide adequate for crowd management and assistance.


● Communicate security guidelines to attendees and encourage them to report

any suspicious activity.

Logistics and infrastructure:

● Arrange for sufficient seating arrangements and crowd flow management to
prevent congestion.

Crowd behavior:

● Communicate clear expectations and guidelines to attendees regarding

appropriate behavior.


● Plan for different weather scenarios: Develop contingency plans for various
weather scenarios, such as rain, extreme heat or strong winds.
● Provide clear and timely communication to attendees regarding potential
weather risks and any necessary precautions they should take.
● Develop an emergency response plan that includes procedures for weather-
related emergencies, such as lightning strikes or extreme heat-related


● Ensure the venue has clear visibility of the night sky.

● Conduct thorough inspections and maintenance of equipment used for space-
related activities. Ensure they are in proper working condition and are enough
for the forecast attendees.

Physical resources:
● Power failure: Risk that the power grid fails and the event is left without light
and sound.
Strategy: Have wireless sound and a power plant as a backup in case of an
● Lack of chairs and tables for the public: That there are not enough chairs and
tables for all the public of the event.
Strategy: Have additional chairs and tables to avoid this occurrence.
Accidents with the food stands:
● Food intoxications due to food and beverages sold at the event.
Strategy: Have a supervision of the food stands to verify that everything is in
order and that the food is being treated properly. In addition, pre-packaged
snacks will be sold to avoid handling them and that they can be contaminated.
Animal attack: spider, insects
● Situations may arise where they are bitten by insects such as spiders, mollusks,
ants, etc.
Strategy: Fumigate the day before the event to prevent these insects from being
present during the event.
Event option B

Rattlesnake King and Queen


Our mission is to transport the students to a world of elegance, sophistication and

enchantment inspired by the theme of royalty. Through our event, we seek to provide
people with a unique experience that allows them to explore and enjoy the splendor
and majesty associated with royalty.


Create a king and queen event with a sophisticated and unforgettable atmosphere that
celebrates the beauty, talent and charisma of the participants, fostering knowledge
and college experience through exposure to social like social media, cultural and
recreational activities to win more money as sell things or food, offering a unique space
for both men and women to demonstrate their confidence, leadership and commitment
to their school.


● Teamwork
● Creativity
● Honestly
● Leadership
● Unity


● To motivate BIS students to get involved in school activities.

● To encourage BIS students to work as a team.
● To promote activities that are artistic, such as dancing.
● To stimulate the creativity of the students with activities in which they can
develop their artistic skills.


1. Create an immersive experience: Our goal is to transport students and

attendees to a world of elegance, sophistication, and enchantment inspired by
the theme of royalty. We aim to create an immersive environment that reflects
the splendor and majesty associated with royalty.
2. Provide a unique experience: We strive to offer a one-of-a-kind experience that
goes beyond a typical event. By incorporating elements such as grand
decorations, royal attire, and regal entertainment, we want to provide attendees
with a memorable and extraordinary experience.
3. Through this event, we aim to showcase the beauty, grace, and refinement
associated with royalty.
4. Through various activities, performances, and interactive experiences, we aim
to engage participants and allow them to immerse themselves in the grandeur
and allure of the theme.
SWOT analysis
Event option C

Entrepreneurs Fair


Our mission is to support and promote entrepreneurship by providing an accessible

and dynamic space for entrepreneurs to showcase and market their products and
services. We seek to foster innovation, creativity and business growth, creating
opportunities for knowledge sharing, collaboration and professional networking.


Our vision is to become a leading local entrepreneurship fair, recognized for its quality,
diversity and commitment to the success of entrepreneurs. We aspire to be a key
meeting point for the entrepreneurial community, where emerging businesses can
connect with potential customers, investors and key resources. We want to be a
catalyst for economic and social development, inspiring more people to pursue their
entrepreneurial dreams and making a positive impact on the community.


● Creativity
● Honestly
● Collaboration
● Diversity and Inclusivity


● To promote new entrepreneurs

● To promote Innovation
● To Invite students and outsiders to become entrepreneurs.

1. Help promote the products of new entrepreneurs, directing people interested in

consuming their products, creating a new market or completing their market.
2. To bring together small businesses that can collaborate to generate sales
during this event.
3. Generate a community of entrepreneurs with whom we can work in the bis for
the externalization of knowledge and tools of the Business students.

SWOT analysis

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