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BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
English Teacher Perception of Implementation Kurikulum Merdeka in
English Teaching Learning Process

Dian Puji Lestari*

Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia

Siti Lestari
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia

SMP Negeri 6 Semarang, Indonesia

Accepted: 2023-12-08, Approved: 2024-01-08, Published: 2024-01-15


This research was aimed to determine English teachers’ perception of implementation

Kurikulum Merdeka in English teaching learning process at SMP N 6 Semarang. This
study was conducted by descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected by
interview 3 English teachers at SMP N 6 Semarang who implementing Kurikulum
Merdeka. The results showed that Kurikulum Merdeka has impact in English teaching
learning process. The entire English teachers make Tujuan Pembelajaran based on
Capaian Pembelajaran in Kurikulum Merdeka. The teachers have also implemented a
learning cycle, differentiated learning, and conducted assessment based on Kurikulum
Merdeka. Although all English teachers have different perception on some categories,
but they said that Kurikulum Merdeka has impact in English teaching learning process
especially in students learning outcomes.

Keywords: Kurikulum Merdeka; Teachers’ Perception; English Teaching Learning

*Corresponding author : Dian Puji Lestari

Copyright@2024 : Author

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

INTRODUCTION must be very closely related to the

John Dewey stated that implementation of the curriculum.
education is a process of renewal of the The curriculum is one of the
meaning of experience; it will occur in most significant factors in education
the ordinary intercourse or association since it is a comprehensive plan or
with young adults, may also occur design for a course and how the course's
accidentally and instituted for to material transforms into an overall
produce social sustainability. This framework for teaching and learning
process involves the supervision and that enables the achievement of the
development of the immature and the targeted learning goals, said Richards
group in which he lives (Williams, (Sari, 2023). Indonesian education is
2017). Education can not only be done currently implementing an independent
at school but can be done anywhere, learning curriculum (Merdeka Belajar).
such as family education, which can be According to BSNP or the National
done at home; social education, which Education Standards Agency, Merdeka
we get in the environment; or informal Curriculum has definition that the
education, which is carried out in the content of curriculum will be more ideal
community. Then, according to Ki Hajar so that students have enough time to
Dewantara, the purpose of education is explore topics and build
to meet the needs of children's growth competencies.In the learning process the
and development. This is interpreted as teacher has the freedom to choose a
an attempt to guide students according variety of teaching tools so that learning
to their natural abilities, with the goal can customized to the learning needs
being that all members of society can and interests of students. In other that
achieve the highest level of safety and the students also has the freedom to
happiness in their lives. Through the innovate, independently, and creatively
educational objectives above, it is during the learning process.
important for educators to develop the The change from the 2013
competence of students according to curriculum to the Kurikulum Merdeka
their interests, talents, and abilities. had an impact on stages in the planning,
On learning a new paradigm, implementation, and evaluation of
there is a differentiated learning term learning. In the previous curriculum the
that must be applied in the learning learning system is still used teacher
process in the classroom. In centered learning but in this Kurikulum
differentiated learning, there are several Merdeka, teachers must implement
aspects that must be considered, such as students centered learning while the
the needs of students, the learning learning process. This statement is
environment, learning styles, character, according to the National Education
and background of students. Standards Agency about the freedom of
Differentiated learning itself has four teachers and students in chosen and
aspects which can devide such: content, strengthen competencies. This change
process, product and learning also brings new terms to the mention of
environment. Implementation of this several things in the previous
learning approach will helps the students curriculum. Hardani said, “one of them
while studying in the class, because they is the existence of new terms such as
will study based on their needs. The Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran (ATP),
implementation of learning in schools Modul Ajar (MA), Capaian

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
Pembelajaran (CP), Kriteria created during the teaching and learning
Ketercapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran process, English language learning has
(KKTP), Profil Pelajar Pancasila, the potential to meet the profile of
diagnostic assessments, student Pancasila pupils. By mastering English,
reflections and teacher reflections, all of students will have a good opportunity to
which aim to strengthen the competence interact in an international language and
of both students and teachers” (Sari, understanding different ways of
2023). thinking. Besides that, students will also
The curricular structure's gain knowledge, skills, and habits that
distribution of lesson hours is developed can help them adapt to different cultures
over the course of a single year and around the world. English learning in
includes recommendations for that secondary schools is expected to help
allocation if instruction is provided on a students succeed in achieving the ability
regular or weekly basis. The number of to communicate in English as part of
total lesson hours does not vary; instead, their life skills. Halliday & Matthiessen
two learning activities-intracurricular (2014) stated that when people speak or
learning and P5 (co-curricular)-are write, they produce text, and text is what
given one lesson hour each for each listeners and readers engage with and
topic. Have up to 75% co-curricular and interpret (Halliday & Matthiessen,
25% extracurricular for intracurricular 2014).
learning. P5, or Pancasila Student The process of teaching English
Profile, is an activity that involves has the same way as the process of
students in its implementation. The teaching in other subjects. As I have
dimensions in P5 are: 1) faithful, learned in my lectures, teachers must
devoted to God Almighty and noble; 2) teach students according to their level of
independent; 3) mutual cooperation; 4) understanding and readiness, this
global diversity; 5) critical reasoning; process is called Teaching at the Right
and 6) creative. Now every school Level. This sentence is supported by
combines P5 with various lessons, (Cahyati, Parmawati, & Admawidjaja,
including English lessons. By 2019) which stated that Teaching
combining this project, it is hoped that it English also encourages enjoyment and
can improve students' ability to motivation for language learning,
collaborate and think critically about a especially when it is presented in a fun
problem. way and accordance with their needs. In
The participation of English in addition, children can also promote
the national curriculum aids students in learning about other cultures and
developing the qualities of Pancasila develop their cognitive skills as well as
students, including faith and noble developing their metalinguistic
character, independence, critical awareness. In this case, teachers have
thinking, creativity, mutual cooperation, the most important roles in creating an
and cultural variety, in order to become encouraging emotional atmosphere in
lifelong learners. This profile can be the classroom.
established while learning English According to Kemendikbud, by
because the subject is dynamic and the end of the phase, students are able to
flexible, giving students the chance to interact and communicate in a larger
choose texts or different kinds of range of formal and informal contexts
learning activities. Through written, using spoken, written, and visual texts in
visual, and oral text and activities English. As their primary sources for

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
learning English throughout this phase, The second previous related
students might use a variety of texts, studies by (Sari, 2023) research on The
including tales, descriptions, Implementation of Merdeka Curriculum
instructions, special texts (brief in English Teaching Learning at The
messages, advertising), and real texts. Seventh Grade of SMPIT Insan Mulia
Students communicate in English to Surakarta in the Academic Year
express their thoughts, feelings, and 2022/2023. The method of the study
comprehension of written texts. When used in this research is descriptive
doing so, inference abilities start to qualitative approach. The data were
emerge. They produce more collected through observation,
vocabularily varied written and visual interview, and documentation. The
materials in structured English. When researcher said that the study's findings
developing written and visual text in indicate that the Merdeka Curriculum
English, they are aware of the context has been applied to the teaching and
and target audience. learning of English. In accordance with
Related to previous studies I the needs of the teaching unit, the
have conducted, the first one from teacher adjusts the Merdeka Curriculum
(Nurhayati, Samiati, & Hersulastuti, to create Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran and
2018) Teachers Perception toward the Modul Ajar. Additionally, the teacher
Implementation of Curriculum 2013. used the Merdeka Curriculum to create a
The method used is qualitative design; learning cycle and carry out an
the study was conducted at one of assessment. The objectives, materials,
private junior high schools in Solo, methods, media, and evaluation learning
Central Java. The data were collected by components have all been met in the
interviewing, administering teaching and learning of English.The
questionnaire, observing the classroom teacher's obstacles include having little
practices and reviewing the documents. time to create differentiated instruction
The finding reveals that; (1) teachers based on each student's unique
have positive perceptions toward requirements and being unable to keep
curriculum 2103 (2) there are four students motivated until the end of the
factors which influence teachers‟ lesson.
perceptions toward the implementation The third related study was
of curriculum 2013, which includes conducted by (Aini Qolbiyah & Ismail,
teachers‟ teaching experience; teachers‟ 2022) the title “Implementation of the
educational background, teachers‟ Independent Learning Curriculum at the
teaching training, and teachers‟ personal Driving School”. The purpose of this
experience; (3) teachers‟ perceptions study is to talk about how the
contributesignificantly in influencing Independent Curriculum was
teacher‟s decision making in the implemented at the driving school.
classroom related to the choice of Being a literature review, the
learning and activities for students. information for this study was gathered
Since teachers‟ perceptions have a using a qualitative method using library
powerful impact on teachers‟ classroom resources. The researcher in this case
practices, teachers are required to employs the following stages to evaluate
improve their competences and keep up a range of data, including primary and
with the advance of knowledge and secondary data: According to the study's
technology. conclusions, infrastructure and facilities
are essential for the effective

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
implementation of Independent critical thinking, and creative thinking
Curriculum in driving schools after skills have all improved as a result. The
reading and carefully studying original findings of this study can be taken
sources, such as books, journals, and seriously when creating educational
articles relevant to the Independent policies and can serve as a reflection for
Curriculum topic. teachers, principals, and other
The fourth related study was participants.
conducted by (Kasman & Lubis, 2022) There has been a lot of research
with the title “Teachers’ Performance on the curriculum, both the Kurikulum
Evaluation Instrument Designs in the merdeka and the previous curriculum.
Implementation of the New Learning However, each study has its own
Paradigm of the Merdeka Curriculum”. characteristics related to this theme.
The objective of this research is to Such as challenges, obstacles,
develop a method for evaluating how weaknesses, and advantages in
effectively teachers apply the Merdeka implementing the 2013 curriculum;
Curriculum's new learning paradigm. research using different media; and
This study combines a literature study evaluations in implementing Kurikulum
method with a qualitative methodology. Merdeka. However, research regarding
The data were examined using the the perceptions of English teachers in
interactive Miles and Huberman implementing the Independent
approach, which involves data Curriculum regarding the English
reduction, data visualization, and subject itself has not been carried out
conclusion/verification. According to much by previous researchers.
the research's findings, the new learning Based on the explanation above,
paradigm of the Merdeka Curriculum's this research aimed to know about
teacher performance evaluation tools “English Teachers Perception of
takes into account the planning, carrying Implementation Kurikulum Merdeka in
out, and assessing of teachers' learning. English Teaching Learning Process”.
Evaluation of lesson planning is based
on the components of a teacher's Modul METHOD
Ajar being complete. The type of research designed
The fifth related study was used in this study was qualitative
conducted by (Rizki & Fahkrunisa, descriptive. According (Creswell, 2014)
2022) with the title “Evaluation of qualitative research means inquiry
Implementation of Independent process of understanding based on
Curriculum”. The purpose of this study distinct methodological traditions of
was to figure out how well the inquiry that explore a social or human
curriculum was being implemented problem. Then the method used was
through the analysis of appropriate literature study through content analysis.
paperwork, including educational Therefore, to collect the data, the
system laws, minister of education and researchers applied interview as the
culture regulations, articles, and instrument. The subject of this sudy is
journals. The analysis's findings English teachers of 6 Junior High
indicated that there are difficulties and School Semarang who have
benefits to implementing a new implementing Kurikulum Merdeka.
curriculum. The teacher's readiness There are three English teachers in 6
presents the biggest obstacle, while the Junior High School Semarang. The data
students' communication, teamwork, on this study will English teachers’

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
perception on their personal opinion. researchers. The researchers also
The researchers will collect the data use set up a recorder to record the
an instrument. The researchers arranged responses from the respondents.
the questionnaire adapted from
2) The researchers conducted the
(Nurhayati, Samiati, & Hersulastuti,
2018) with modification. The interviews in a kind manner,
questionnaire contains ten questions that observing the ideas of the
expected to collect teachers’ perception questions they had prepared in
on English teaching learning process accordance with the interview
through implementing Kurikulum guide. Using recording media,
Meredeka. The instruments itself such talks are recorded using the
recording technique. In this
1. What do you know about
Kurikulum Merdeka? instance, the writers spoke with
2. What do you know about the teachers to find out English
purpose of Kurikulum Merdeka? teachers’ perception of
3. Do you have readiness for the implementation Kurikulum
implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka in English teaching
Merdeka? learning process.
4. Any differences in the English
3) Researchers write interview
teaching process between the
previous curriculum and transcripts based on the
Kurikulum Merdeka? recordings.
5. What kinds of teaching
approaches are used for English In this study, the researchers
teaching and learning in used data analysis based on (Miles,
Kurikulum Merdeka? Huberman, & Saldana, 2014). The data
6. Any difficulties during the analysis consists of three activities
preparation of the lesson plan carried out:
for Kurikulum Merdeka? 1) Data Reduction
7. At the beginning of the lesson, The act of choosing, concentrating,
did you give a diagnostic test? streamlining, abstracting, and
8. In the main activities, do you changing data from an observation
apply learning based on student sheet or written transcription is
learning styles?
known as data reduction. In this
9. Do you evaluate the learning
process that has been carried situation, the researchers compress
out? the information that was gathered
10. Is there any change in student from the observation sheets and
learning outcomes in English interview transcripts. Based on the
subjects with the implementation research question, the researchers
of Kurikulum Merdeka? select and analyze data from
observation sheets and interview
The data were collected used
following procedure: transcripts.
1) The concept of the questions that 2) Data Display
will be given to the English A display is a well-organized
teacher was created by the collection of data which allows

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
action and conclusion-making. In use to teach the students effectively. The
this step, the researcher simply change from the previous curriculum to
chooses words, sentences, and Kurikulum Merdeka is something that
needs to be learned more about. In this
narratives as the basis for the data
new curriculum, there is a change in that
collection, allowing the researcher only lesson hours for each subject are
to control the data as a basis for allocated for two learning activities,
making the appropriate namely intra-curricular learning and P5
conclusions. The information (co-curricular). By implementing this
about the implementation of the new curriculum, the researchers aimed
Merdeka Curriculum for learning to know the English teaching perception
of the implementation of Kurikulum
English by teachers in this study is
Merdeka in the English teaching
displayed as data. In order to draw learning process. There are six
conclusions as research findings, indicators of English teachers
the researcher carefully gathered perception; knowledge, readiness,
the data before presenting it. differences, difficulties, behavior, and
3) Drawing Conclusion and change.
Verification a. Teachers’ knowledge
The process of arriving to a i. Teachers’ knowledge of
conclusion is one of putting the Kurikulum Merdeka
information gathered into a good All the teachers in this research
statement and having clear understood about Kurikulum
information. The teachers’ use of Merdeka. Their knowledge of
Kurikulum Merdeka to teach Kurikulum Merdeka was to the
English at SMP N 6 Semarang basic principles of implementing
may be seen in the conclusion. Kurikulum Merdeka. They said
Verification is the process of in this curriculum there are no
evaluating the accuracy of KI and KD, but this two terms
intermediate findings that shows changes into CP (Capaian
that data is continuously analyzed Pembelajaran). The teachers
and confirmed after collection. should brake down this CP into
the objective of learning (Tujuan
Pembelajaran). Beside that in
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION this curriculum, the teachers
Perception is someone insight’s should improve the students’
to interpret something. According to
potential. The complete
(Nurhayati, Samiati, & Hersulastuti,
2018) perception is a process of how a description of the teachers’
person selects, organizes, and interprets knowledge can be seen as
the information inputs to create a follow:
meaningful overall conception. As a Teacher A: “Kurikulum Merdeka
teacher, understanding the new is a curriculum that
curriculum is important because, by is a substitute for
understanding the curriculum, English
Kurikulum 2013.
teachers know the strategies they can

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
Kurikulum Merdeka curriculum. It is
focuses on students said that it is also
holistically. This not too independent
means that the because there is
ability of these already a reference
students is in the form of CP
prioritized, so there (Capaian
is a lot of Pembelajaran). We
preparation that have to do learning
must be done by the according to CP; it's
teacher regarding just that we develop
learning because it in teaching
there are striking modules about
differences between more innovative
K13 and Kurikulum activities”.
Merdeka. Where, in It was in line with (Rizki
K13, the teacher is & Fahkrunisa, 2022) which state
provided or there is that, in Independent Curriculum,
already KI or KD, the teachers can give the lesson
the teacher just has material based on the needs and
to implement it. abilities of the students. It does
However, in this not need to be given orderly. The
Independent teachers can plan the lesson
Curriculum, the KI creatively based on their needs.
and KD are The minimum passing grade is
eliminated, and we, also formulated by the condition
or the teacher, are of the students and the school.
only given learning Other differences are there is
outcomes (Capaian Capaian Pembelajaran
Pembelajaran)”. (Learning Achievement), Alur
Teacher B: “Yes, in Kurikulum Tujuan Pembelajaran (flow of
Merdeka, we are learning objectives), and twenty
given the freedom percent of the learning process is
to develop the project-based. The reason why in
potential of students this Kurikulum Merdeka there is
and improve the a CP (Capaian Pembelajaran) to
quality of substitute the silabus, it is
education”. purpose to give the freedom for
Teacher C: “In my opinion, teacher in teach creatively and
Kurikulum Merdeka effectively based on the students
is almost the same need. In short all the English
as the previous teachers have a good

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
understanding about Kurikulum compiling teaching
Merdeka. modules, the teacher
ii. Teachers’ knowledge of the must know the
purpose of Kurikulum Merdeka students character
All English teachers understand first”.
the purpose of Kurikulum Teacher B: “So that we can be
Merdeka. Two out of three free and not
teachers said that the purpose of shackled, but also
Kurikulum Merdeka is to adapt to each other's
improve not only students’ readiness. They are
knowledge but also their skills. given the freedom to
Teacher A and C made that apply the
statement, but one of them said curriculum; for
that this purpose was to make the example, there is an
teachers have freedom in emergency
implementing the curriculum curriculum”.
while still being ready. The Teacher C: “Children not only
complete description of the develop knowledge,
teachers’ knowledge can be seen but they are also
as follows: introduced to
Teacher A: “The purpose of the projects, although
law of independence the project does not
is to optimize refer to the subject.
students, meaning If in K13 there is
that in the knowledge and
Kurikulum Merdeka skills”.
the emphasis is on
what is called b. Teachers’ readiness
differentiated The entire English teacher said
learning, where that they ready to implementing
teachers are asked to Kurikulum Merdeka. As we
facilitate students as already know, Kurikulum Merdeka
a whole because the has been implemented for about a
students here have year now. Then they said that
different learning ready or not, they must be ready
styles. Because the because that is the policy of the
students here have government.
different learning
Teacher A: “God willing, it's
styles, the teacher
ready. In terms of
must first prepare the material, it is
the needs of the clear that we have to
students, and before determine what

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
material the school differences in the implementation
or the teacher must of the previous curriculum with
teach. Because the Kurikulum Merdeka. One of them
government only
thinks that implementing this
provides Capaian
Pembelajaran and curriculum weakens students'
we have to process knowledge because they are too
Capaian focused on the P5 project, which is
Pembelajaran into one aspect of the independent
Tujuan curriculum itself.
Pembelajaran and Teacher A: “There is a difference;
Alur Tujuan
in the previous
Pembelajaran, it is
possible for it to be curriculum, the four
different from one language skills were
school to another. not integrated,
Teacher B: “Like it or not, you namely listening,
have to be ready”. speaking, reading,
Teacher C: “Ready or not, we and writing.
have to carry it out.
However, in this
This curriculum has
been running for a independent
year. God willing, I curriculum, it
am ready”. becomes an
inseparable unit
It is aligned with (Tricahyatil & between the four
Zaim, 2023), they said there were language skills”.
four significant indicators of Teacher B: “Yes, but for the time
readiness of the teacher. First, the being, honestly, I feel
teacher’s competency readiness, that the Kurikulum
which mainly discusses about Merdeka makes the
knowledge and skill of the children's
teachers on developed lesson plan. concentration less,
Next, the teachers’ emotional maybe because this is
attitudinal readiness will be based the first year.
on teachers’ motivation, self Children become less
efficacy and commitment towards focused on what is
being English teachers in being taught by the
implementation of Merdeka teacher and may even
Belajar curriculum. have knowledge from
c. The differences between the various sources”.
previous curriculum and Teacher C: “Of course there is; in
Kurikulum Merdeka this Kurikulum
All teachers have different Merdeka, students get
perceptions regarding the to know P5, and at

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
K13, they get to however, the
know character. The Kurikulum Merdeka
independent is called a Modul
curriculum is more Ajar, and this
nationalist and loves requires what is
the motherland, called continuous
various cultures, and learning for the
others”. teacher to prepare it.
This finding is in line with (Sari, The teacher can
2023) which stated the Merdeka browse or learn
Curriculum is unique in that it through PMM and
prioritizes developing students' discuss with friends.
personal qualities such as faith, Or the teacher can
piety, mutual collaboration, global ask other friends who
awareness, creativity, and critical are considered
thinking while using projects as capable in this
the basis for learning activities. matter”.
This curriculum's concentrate on Teacher B: “Because this is a new
the fundamentals of each learning curriculum, you need
resource helps it achieve the to prepare while
competency standards in the learning, so there is
disciplines of literacy and no feeling of mastery
numeracy. or difficulty. The
d. The difficulties during the important thing is to
preparation of the lesson plan for always study with
Kurikulum Merdeka friends”.
All English language teachers Teacher C: “At first it was like
agree that there is nothing really that, but as our
difficult about preparing lesson curriculum
plans for Kurikulum Merdeka. progressed while we
Because this curriculum is new, it were learning,
is necessary for teachers to always nothing was really
learn in the process of difficult”.
implementing it. This research in line with (Jamilah,
Teacher A: “Yes, because this is a Mukti, & Khotijah, 2023) which
new item, it means a stated that is still being carried
new item that is out in stages. However,
slightly different teachers can develop their
from the previous understanding through curriculum
condition. The training workshop activities
previous condition provided by various platforms.
known as RPP, Besides, the government has

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
requiredteachers to understand the Teacher B: “Yes, usually we use
curriculum through independent discovery learning,
teaching applicationsso that where the teacher
teachers can learn and increase shows videos and
their understanding of the new then the children can
curriculum policy. develop their
e. Teachers’ behavior knowledge”.
i. Teaching approach Teacher C: “Various approaches
All English teachers have were adapted to the
different habits for using material. What is
approaches in the learning often used is
process. One of them uses Text- discovery learning
based instruction or Genre-based and project-based
learning because it is felt that learning”.
this approach is very suitable for It was in line with Prakoso’s
English material. Then the next argument in (Adiningtyas &
teacher uses discovery learning, Rahayu, 2023) that the policy of
which aims to allow students to independent learning is
explore their knowledge. The considered one of the right
last teacher uses an approach that mechanisms to implement the
is adapted to the learning learning process based on local
material, so this teacher uses wisdom and optimize the
various approaches to learning resources owned by the school.
English. Moreover, freedom to learn
Teacher A: “This approach or allows teachers to explore the
language learning best strategies for learning.
model that is more ii. Teaching steps used
appropriate for All English teachers have
English is text-based implemented a series of learning
instruction or genre- processes carried out in the
based learning. Kurikulum Merdeka, such as
Although there are conducting a diagnostic test at
still other models, the beginning of learning,
for example, project- implementing learning according
based learning and to students' learning styles, and
others, in language conducting evaluations at the
learning, this would end of learning. Evaluations are
be more appropriate carried out both with students
with text-based and by teachers in the form of
instruction or genre- summative assessments.
based learning”. According to (Maulinda, 2023),
learning assessment is expected

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
to measure the aspects that have, so teachers must
should be measured and is prepare material
holistic. The goal of diagnostic according to these
learning is to gather initial data styles. So that there
on students' knowledge, skills, will be results from
and behavior, including their learning because they
strengths and weaknesses. learn according to
Merdeka Curriculum involves a their respective
diagnostic assessment, which is learning styles, so that
independent assessment aimed at they are more
identifying the learner's optimal”.
characteristics, competence, Teacher B: “In my opinion, the
strengths, and weaknesses. The implementation of
assessment helps in designing a Kurikulum Merdeka
learning model that aligns with actually weakens
the various competencies and children's knowledge.
conditions of the students. Children are less
f. Learning outcome change focused because there
Not all teachers think that the are many activities
implementation of the Kurikulum that weaken
Merdeka will improve student knowledge but
learning outcomes. One of the improve skills in
three teachers considers that the socialization and
application of this curriculum cohesiveness”.
makes students less focused on Teacher C: “Children are more
knowledge and more focused on expressive. All of that
skills. However, two other English depends on class
teachers said that implementing conditions, not the
this curriculum made the learning curriculum. But now
process more optimal because the in seventh grade,
teacher provided full facilities for children are more
students' different abilities. expressive because
Besides that, the application of this their learning models
curriculum also makes students are more varied”.
more expressive in the learning
process. All English teachers have different
Teacher A: “Yes, teachers are experiences in the learning
required to facilitate process, so it cannot be denied that
children with different the perceptions between one
abilities. There are teacher and another teacher are
different learning different. As well as the theory of
styles that children Ki Hadjar Dewantara, that each

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
individual has different uniqueness take subject more than 3 English
and abilities. teachers, so that the researchers will get
the more valid data.
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BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 23 Nomor 1 Januari 2024
P-ISSN 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
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BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januri 2024

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