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Innovative Technologies:

Prefeasibility Studies

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Tanja Percival, Project Specialist ICF Consulting Canada, Inc.
FortisBC Suite 700, 200 Laurier Avenue West
16705 Fraser Highway Ottawa, ON K1P 6M7
Surrey BC V4N 0E8 416.341.0990 | 613.319.8499 f

Submission Deadline: July 29, 2022

This proposal contains ICF’s confidential information and shall not be disclosed to any third party or used for any
purpose other than to evaluate this proposal.

Copyright © 2022 ICF Consulting Canada, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

July 29, 2022

Tanja Percival, Project Specialist

16705 Fraser Highway
Surrey BC V4N 0E8

Subject: Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies

Dear Ms. Percival,

ICF (legal name “ICF Consulting Canada, Inc.”, hereafter referred to as “ICF”) is pleased to submit this
proposal to FortisBC in response to the “Innovative Technologies: Pre-feasibility Studies Scope of
As you will see in this proposal, ICF has extensive experience in conducting high-quality technology
assessments of emerging energy-efficient technologies for electricity and gas markets for dozens of
clients across Canada and the United States. In the last few years, we have completed around two
dozen technology assessment studies, including more than a dozen for FortisBC.
Our proposal offers the following key advantages:
We understand the utility sector: We have more than 30 years of experience working with
utility clients and we have developed a deep understanding of how utilities operate.
We are technology assessment experts: ICF has assessed hundreds of energy-efficient
technologies for dozens of clients across Canada and the United States.
We know the FortisBC market: ICF has long working relationship with FortisBC and other
clients in BC, including support on a variety of energy efficiency projects.
We have in-house subject matter experts: ICF has in-house subject matter experts with
extensive experience with energy-efficiency (EE) and demand response (RD) in residential,
commercial and industrial sectors.
We are experienced in market research: We have deep experience with business-to-
business consulting and surveying.
If ICF is selected as a successful bidder, we propose to perform the services pursuant to the legal
terms and conditions already negotiated and agreed to by the parties as set forth under the Blanket
Purchase Order No. 4800001768, dated February 27, 2019.
Should technical or contractual questions arise regarding our proposal, please feel free to contact
John Dikeos, Senior Manager, at 613.520.1835 or .
We look forward to working with FortisBC on this important initiative.

Duncan Rotherham
Vice President

200 Laurier Avenue West, 7th Floor | Ottawa, ON K1P 6M7 | +1.613.523.0784 | +1.613.319.8499 fax |
Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

Table of Contents

1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Project Background and Objectives ........................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Why Choose the ICF Team? ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 About ICF ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Relevant Experience ............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Experience with FortisBC .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Additional Experience................................................................................................................................. 9
3 Methodology and Work Plan ............................................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Summary of Approach .............................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Ongoing Project Management .............................................................................................................. 26
4 Project Team......................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.1 Team Arrangement ................................................................................................................................... 28
4.2 Team Bios ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
5 Fees and Expenses ............................................................................................................................................. 32
6 Schedule................................................................................................................................................................. 33
7 Additional Services ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Appendix A: Resumes ................................................................................................................................................ A-1

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

1 Introduction
ICF is pleased to submit this proposal to FortisBC in response to the Request for Proposal (RFP)
entitled: Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies.
The remainder of this section provides an overview of our understanding of the project background
and objectives, our team’s competitive attributes, and our company profile and history.

1.1 Project Background and Objectives

The objective of the assignments under this contract is to
conduct pre-feasibility studies of select energy conservation
Best in Class
measures (ECMs) pertaining to specific residential,
commercial, and/or industrial facilities on an “as and when
required” basis. Where applicable, these technology, market,
and energy savings assessments, which will be focus on Local staff that are
applicable facilities across FortisBC’s service territory, will specialized in
examine the following areas: diverse areas

• Regulations and standards

• Various equipment sub-types and models for the Experties with
base and upgrade measures that are available for emerging technology
sale within the FortisBC service territory assessments
• The current use of the measure
• Market sectors and sub-sectors that are suitable for
the upgrade measure One-stop shop that
delivers everything
• Technology availability, the supply chain, and the
FortisBC needs
estimated number of upgrade measure units each
key manufacturer will be able to provide to the BC
market during the next 5 years In-house experts for
• Market barriers including competing technologies, energy modelling and
potential safety and reliability issues, social and cost-benefit tests
economic barriers, installation process and expertise
and any other additional barriers
• A cost analysis considering installation, maintenance, Trusted and long-
standing relationship
equipment cost and how these costs may differ for with FortisBC
different scenarios
• Average base measure and upgrade measure
efficiency values
• A saving analysis taking into account the differences Deep understanding
of BC energy market
between various upgrade scenarios
• Cost-benefit analysis/test of the ECMs’ by
estimating the Total Resource Cost (TRC) test and
Modified Resource Cost (MTRC) test
• The annual resource savings for the base and upgrade cases and for new and existing
buildings of each market sub-sector and geographic region (where applicable)
• Non-resource benefits such as comfort and aesthetics
The results of these studies will be used by FortisBC to inform the feasibility of launching pilot
programs and offering Conservation & Energy Management (C&EM) funds to the technologies.

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

1.2 Why Choose the ICF Team?

We have assembled a team that will bring a unique combination of market knowledge, technical
expertise, and advanced energy market characterization capabilities and are confident that our team
members provide best-in-class capabilities in a number of areas that will be critical to overall
success of these assignments. Highlights of these capabilities include:
ICF has been working with utility clients for over 30 years. We have
developed a deep understanding of how utilities operate during this
1. Understand the time. Our utility work has spanned all aspects of energy conservation
Utility Sector programs, including conservation potential assessments, technology
assessment studies, program design, program implementation, and
program evaluation. Having worked for both natural gas and electric
utilities across Canada and the United States, we have developed a solid understanding of both the
potential pathways to capture conservation opportunities and the barriers that typically exist.
ICF has assessed hundreds of energy efficient technologies for
dozens of clients across Canada and the United States. Our recent
2. Technology technology assessment work has included in-depth market studies,
Assessment as well as higher level performance and cost assessments of energy
efficient technologies and measures used in the residential,
Expert commercial/institutional and industrial sectors. This includes both
gas and electric DSM measures. We have also assessed demand
response and peak demand impacts and electrification opportunities.

Having originally developed FortisBC’s end-use level load forecasting

3. FortisBC system, we have a unique understanding of the utility’s customer
Market base. Construction of the load forecasting model required detailed
work with the complete database of customers, growth forecasts, end
Knowledge use survey data, and models developed for the previous conservation
potential review. Additional recent work for FortisBC has included:
• ICF has completed more than a dozen pre-feasibility studies for FortisBC in the last several
years. We are currently working on two of such studies, one focused on Hybrid Dual-Fuel
Systems another one looking at incremental savings that could be enabled by Gas AMI
• We have provided follow-up support related to several of these pre-feasibility studies to
support the integration of new DSM measures into existing programs. For example, we are
presently working on additional market research to verify the current market status of Warm
Mixed Asphalt (WMA) and we are developing case studies of Energy Step Code homes. As
such, we have a unique understanding of the FortisBC’s customer base and existing energy
efficiency programs.
• ICF assisted with FortisBC’s 2012-2013, 2014-2018, and 2019-2022 DSM plans. Through our
previous support for FortisBC’s DSM Expenditure Plans, our team has gained invaluable
experience working with the FortisBC’s cost-effectiveness tool.
With hundreds of ICF staff focused on providing energy efficiency
expertise to government and utility clients across North America, we
4. In-House have access to an impressive pool of subject matter experts. This
Subject Matter often includes direct experience with the technologies we are
assessing. For example, we recently leveraged in-house experts on
Experts hybrid heating controls and radiant barriers for studies we completed

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

on behalf of FortisBC. These ICF experts had direct experience with the technologies, related to
developing standards, pilot testing, and running utility programs related to the equipment.

Our team has extensive experience with business-to-business

consultation and surveying. Using our extensive North America-wide
5. Experience in contact network, we are able to locate and engage with key market
Market actors. We know where to find potential sources of information on
Research mass market attitudes and behaviors. Members of our team are
seasoned telephone interviewers and they have experience both with
simple scripted phone surveying and more in-depth interviews. We
know how to adapt interviews and how to provide flexibility for the
interviewees so that the process is fun and interactive while achieving successful interview
outcomes. We also have extensive experience developing and delivering online surveys targeted at
a variety of market actors.
In short, we are confident that our staff’s experience and expertise, combined with the approach set
out in this proposal, will enable us to meet and exceed FortisBC’s expectations.

1.3 About ICF

ICF is a publicly-traded company (NASDAQ: ICFI) founded in 1969. We are one of the leading
providers of professional services and
technology-based solutions to governments,
utilities, and private companies. ICF is
headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia, with over
8,000 employees in over 75+ offices worldwide,
including over 1,500 consultants serving our
energy clients. Our annual revenue is over $1.5 B
($USD) and we are also the 8th largest PR
company in the United States. ICF's website is
We have over 30 years of experience in Canada
and currently have four offices to serve our
Canadian clients; in Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary,
and Regina. Our Canadian operations provide
cutting-edge expertise in technology
assessments, DSM potential studies, DSM
program design, and program implementation
services in areas such as energy efficiency,
beneficial electrification, emissions reductions, transportation electrification, distributed energy
resources, power and gas markets, and climate change adaptation. ICF is carbon neutral and has
been since 2006.
ICF is one of the most experienced and well-respected energy consulting practices across the globe
and is a leader in energy and climate change policy, research, technical, and scenario analysis. We
also provide technical analysis, program development and implementation, and strategic
communications services. We run over 180 energy programs on behalf of 55+ utility clients and non-
utility program administrators. Our clients for these services include federal agencies (e.g., NRCan, US
Department of Energy, and US Environmental Protection Agency), state and provincial agencies (e.g.,
Alberta Transportation and the NYSERDA), local agencies (e.g., the City of New York, City of Calgary,

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

City of Edmonton, City of

Saskatoon, the Tahoe Regional
Planning Agency, and the City of
Fort Collins), utilities (e.g.,
SaskPower, FortisBC, Enbridge,
WGL, Southern Company,
Southern California Edison,
Pacific Gas & Electric), and
associations and non-profits
EDF, and CEATI). Our successful
engagements with these clients
have relied on unbiased
approaches, leading to fact-based results that can withstand rigorous third-party scrutiny.
ICF has a long history of conducting high-quality technology assessments of emerging energy-
efficient technologies for electricity and gas markets for dozens of clients across Canada and the
United States. At present, we are working on two technology assessments on behalf of FortisBC –
one focused on Gas AMI Infrastructure another looking at Hybrid Dual-Fuel Systems.

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

2 Relevant Experience
For this assignment, ICF combines extensive experience working with FortisBC and the successful
delivery of projects very similar in nature to this assignment, including assessments of several energy
efficiency technologies in jurisdictions across Canada. In fact, ICF has completed more than a dozen
similar studies on gas energy efficiency technologies in the past 5 years in Canada alone. Several
additional studies related to electric energy efficiency measures are not noted here; however, they
add our Canadian staff’s experience with research and analysis related to energy efficiency
The following tables lists examples of related experience, both with FortisBC and with other clients
across Canada.

2.1 Experience with FortisBC

Project Technology Pre-feasibility Study Portfolio

Year 2013-Ongoing
Client FortisBC
Location British Columbia
ICF has conducted over a dozen pre-feasibility studies for FortisBC, covering
a variety of natural gas energy conservation measures (ECMs). Each study
assesses the technical characteristics, market opportunity, and projected
energy savings for one or combination of ECMs, specific to FortisBC’s service
territory. The studies have covered ECMs across the residential, commercial,
and industrial sectors, with each study providing separate savings analysis for
new construction and retrofit applications, and for different building types.
These technology pre-feasibility studies include analyses of the market for
energy efficiency products, including a review of the market structure, and an
identification and analysis of barriers to increased adoption of energy
efficiency technologies. ICF also estimates the savings potential based on
estimates of savings per unit, market size, and potential uptake of the energy
efficiency technologies. The results of our studies inform decisions on
whether to invest in pilot studies on specific technologies and/or integrate
Description them into energy efficiency incentive programs.
ICF has carried out independent detailed pre-feasibility studies on the
following innovative natural gas ECMs on behalf of FortisBC:
• Gas AMI, 2022-Ongoing
• Hybrid Dual-Fuel Heating Systems, 2022-Ongoing
• Interior Air Barriers and Duct Sealing, 2021
• Hybrid Heating System Controls, 2021
• Radiant Barriers, 2020
• Window Attachments, 2020
• Step 5 (Net-Zero Ready) Homes, 2019
• Vertical Common Venting in MURBs, 2019
• Warm Mix Asphalt, 2019
• Manufactured Homes, 2017-2018
• Advanced Boiler Controls, 2016-2017
• Drain Water Heat Recover (DWHR) Systems, 2016

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

• Compatibility Study: Smart Learning Thermostats, 2016

• Direct Vent Wall Furnaces, 2016
• High-Efficiency Natural Gas Fireplaces, 2014
• Condensing Unit Heaters and IR Radiant Tube Heaters, 2013
At present, our team is working on the following technologies also:
• Hybrid Dual-Fuel System, 2022-Ongoing
• Gas AMI Infrastructure, 2022-Ongoing
John Dikeos (Executive Direction, Project Manager, and Researcher)
Key personnel Dan Bowie (Researcher/Analyst)
from this project Cassia Moraes Correa (Researcher/Analyst)
available for Mohammed Abdelsalam (Researcher/Analyst)
FortisBC work Parvez Khan (Researcher/Analyst)
Hamza Zaheer (Researcher/Analyst)

Project Non-Pipe Solutions Status Update

Year 2021-2022
Clients FortisBC
Location British Columbia
ICF completed a jurisdictional review to assess recent developments with non-
pipe solutions. Our review included:
• An updated overview of FEI experience with NPS,
• High-level status update on NPS efforts in North America, including an
overview of notable developments in leading jurisdictions in the US
and Canada,
• Details regarding the relative impact on peak demand savings for
different types/categories of DSM and DR measures,
• Different types of NPS pilot projects, provide insight into the ideal
locations for pilot projects, and provide a summary of pilot project
results from other jurisdictions,
• Insights into AMI’s role in tracking impacts and enabling NPS, smart
meter limitations/challenges, the implications of not having smart
meters (e.g. safety factors), and the approaches that other utilities are
using in the absence of smart meters, and
• Details regarding the timing requirements for the implementation of
NPS as an alternative to facility investments, including recent
developments in thinking on this topic from other jurisdictions.

Key personnel John Dikeos (Project Manager)

from this project
Dan Bowie (Researcher/Analyst)
available for Parvez Khan (Researcher/Analyst)
FortisBC work

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

Project DSM Plan Updates 2021-2022

Year 2021-2022
Client FortisBC
Location British Columbia
ICF supported FortisBC with a recast of its 2019-2022 DSM Expenditures Plan,
which allowed FortisBC to secure an additional $24.98 million in 2021 for its
offerings in the Residential and Low Income program areas, as well as an
additional $9.49 million in 2022 for the pursuit of new and expanded
opportunities in the Residential, Low Income, Industrial, and Innovative
Technologies program areas. ICF was responsible for conducting all benefit-
cost analyses and for preparing the supporting documentation for recast of
the DSM Plan.
Key personal from
this project John Dikeos (Project Manager)
available for Dan Bowie (Lead Analyst)
FortisBC work

Project DSM Plan 2019-2022

Year 2017-2018
Client FortisBC
Location British Columbia
Following ICF’s support in the filing of FortisBC's two previous DSM Plans, ICF
once again supported FortisBC with the submission of their 2019-2022 DSM
Expenditures Plan to the BC Utility Commission. As in the preceding cases, ICF
staff worked in close collaboration with the FortisBC program area managers
to identify and refine the measure inputs for the DSM Plan. ICF was
responsible for conducting all benefit-cost analyses and for preparing the
DSM Plan documentation. ICF also provided targeted support to FortisBC to
address interrogatories related to the DSM Plan filing.
Key personal from
this project John Dikeos (Project Manager)
available for Dan Bowie (Lead Analyst)
FortisBC work

Project DSM Plan 2014-2018

Year 2013
Client FortisBC
Location British Columbia
Following the successful preparation of FortisBC's 2011 DSM submission to the
BC Utility Commission, ICF prepared the utility's 2014-2018 DSM program
submission. As in the preceding case, ICF staff worked in close collaboration
with the FortisBC managers to identify the necessary inputs into the Plan. ICF

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

was responsible for the preparation of all documentation and for conducting
all of the required program benefit-cost analyses. ICF also provided targeted
support to FortisBC to address interrogatories related to the DSM planning.
Key personnel
from this project
John Dikeos (Lead Modeler)
available for
FortisBC work

Project DSM Plan 2012-2013

Year 2011-2012
Client FortisBC
Location British Columbia
ICF prepared the utility's 2012-2013 DSM program submission. This included
working in close collaboration with the FortisBC managers to identify the
necessary inputs into the Plan. ICF was responsible for the preparation of all
documentation and for conducting all of the required program benefit-cost
analyses. ICF also provided targeted support to FortisBC to address
interrogatories related to the DSM planning.
Key personnel
from this project
John Dikeos (Lead Modeller)
available for
FortisBC work

Project Commercial and Industrial Measure Life Review

Year 2020
Client FortisBC
Location British Columbia
FortisBC retained ICF to develop a list of natural gas energy efficiency
measures commonly installed in commercial and industrial facilities and
recommend a corresponding measure life using a set of consistent and
defensible assumptions with references where applicable. The main objective
was to identify the longest reasonable and defensible lifetime for each
measure. ICF also researched alternative strategies to quantify the
Description persistence of energy efficiency measures.
In consultation with FortisBC, ICF developed a list of 76 commercial and
industrial gas energy efficiency measures, which include 16 new measures. ICF
conducted research and analysis, with the ultimate goal of identifying the
longest reasonable and defensible lifetime for each measure. ICF proposed to
increase the measure life of 29 existing measures and keep the current
measure life for the rest of the existing measures.
Key personnel
from this project John Dikeos (Project Manager)
available for Parvez Khan (Researcher/Analyst)
FortisBC work

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

Project FortisBC End Use Load Forecast

Year 2012-2013

Client FortisBC

Location British Columbia

Following the successful completion of FortisBC's 2010 Conservation Potential

Review, ICF repurposed the models developed for that project to develop a
20-year end use load forecast for use in integrated resource planning. The
model provides detailed estimates of gas consumption for six regions, 36
building types in three sectors, and 33 rate classes, for five different
economic scenarios. The scenarios include variations in gas commodity and
carbon pricing, economic growth, the policy environment, and activity in
renewable and district energy. The model estimates impacts on four types of
fuel besides gas, and also builds in estimates of the impacts of the utility’s
DSM programs. The model will enable FortisBC to meet its regulatory filing
requirements and to model the impacts of a wide variety of potential future
technology and economic scenarios within the British Columbia market.

Key personal from

this project John Dikeos (Researcher)
available for Peter Narbaitz (Researcher)
FortisBC work

2.2 Additional Experience

Project Energy Efficient Refrigerator Glass Doors for the Commercial Sector
Year 2018-2019
Client CEATI International
Location North America (various utility sponsors)
The overall objective of the project is to develop the supporting research and
a substantiation document that can be used by participating CEATI members
with their respective regulators in launching a prescriptive CDM or DSM
program offer. The aim is to quantify natural gas savings for heating season
(i.e., less heat transfer through doors reduces heating system loads), and
electricity savings through reduced refrigeration loads (and any air
conditioning savings, if applicable) for refrigerator units with glass doors,
versus units without glass doors. The assessment should include the ASHRAE
climate zones representative of the service territories of the project sponsors
to incorporate local savings.
Key personal from
this project
John Dikeos (Lead Consultant)
available for
FortisBC work

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

Leveraging Fast Ramping Capabilities of Energy Storage Technologies

beyond Frequency Regulation
Year 2016-2017
Client CEATI International
Location North America (various utility sponsors)
ICF worked on a report for CEATI International analyzing the technical
capability and market participation strategies for fast ramping energy storage
technologies. The report provides a review of technological capabilities of
existing fast ramping technologies, which includes battery energy storage,
pumped hydro storage, compressed air energy storage and the latest natural
gas combustion turbines. The report includes an analysis of the current
markets (ISO or RTO, Independent System Operator or Regional Transmission
Organization) that facilitate the participation of fast ramping technologies. In
addition, an overview of the values that can be derived from these
technologies within existing market structures is discussed. Furthermore, a
summary of the initiatives and regulations presently under consideration to
take advantage of fast ramping technology capabilities is also presented.

Project Hydronic Boilers System Baseline Study

Year 2017
Client Enbridge and Union Gas
Location Ontario
The objective of this assignment was to collect market data on standard
efficiency hydronic boilers typically sold in Ontario to develop baseline boiler
assumptions. This would allow Enbridge and Union Gas to more accurately
Description estimate the savings that are resulting from high efficiency and condensing
boiler installations. ICF collected data via site visits to approximately facilities
with standard efficiency boilers. The identification of these facilities was
completed by leveraging ICF’s in-house 20-person bilingual contact center.
Key personal from
this project
John Dikeos (Executive Director)
available for
FortisBC work

Project DHW Recirculation System Controls

Year 2017
Client Union Gas
Location Ontario
The objective of this assignment was to conduct a pre-feasibility study to
assess and determine the DSM potential for on demand controls for domestic
Description hot water (DHW) recirculation systems in Union Gas’ service territory. The
work determined base case and upgrade information that will meet measure
input requirements, including installed costs, energy savings, and equipment

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

life for new and existing buildings. Based on available market information, ICF
assessed market shares, distribution channels, barriers and other market
issues for the base and improved efficiency cases. The study focused on the
commercial and multi-residential building segments.

Key personal from

this project
John Dikeos (Project Manager and Lead Consultant)
available for
FortisBC work

Project Technical Research: Compact Furnaces for MURBs and SFD Homes
Year 2015
Client Canadian Gas Association (CGA)
Location Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
The compact furnaces investigated in this study were rated up to 30,000
BTU/hr. Findings from this study provided valuable insight towards the
technical characteristics, market opportunity, and projected energy savings of
low-capacity furnaces. This assessment provided the CGA and the
sponsoring utilities with a more detailed understanding of the technology,
including its application in high-performance single family detached (SFD)
homes and homes with space constraints. It was found that in a majority of
cases, the baseline heating equipment are oversized central gas furnaces.
Furthermore, our research and consultations revealed that compact furnaces
may be incompatible with temperature setback and smart thermostats. This
is due to the fact that the system uses longer cycles, with lower speed
continuous flow to maintain temperature and humidity.
Key personal from
this project
John Dikeos (Project Manager)
available for
FortisBC work

Project Demand Control Ventilation Market Expansion

Year 2014-2015
Client Union Gas
Location Ontario
ICF was contracted to assess the implementation of Demand Control
Ventilation (DCV) as a potential DSM opportunity. This project included an
Description analysis of several building types with both single-zone and multi-zone HVAC
systems and the study reported on the energy efficiency potential of DCV in
these facilities.
Key personal from
this project
John Dikeos (Project Manager and Lead Consultant)
available for
FortisBC work

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

Inventory and Energy Savings Estimates for Residential Self-

Programmable/ Smart Thermostats
Year 2014
Client CEATI
Location British Columbia, Ontario, and Saskatchewan
This study was focused on the assessment of the market opportunity for
Nest, Ecobee, and Honeywell’s learning thermostat solutions, including an
analysis of their technical characteristics and projected energy savings in
Description comparison to the products now prevailing in the marketplace, an
examination of the market structure and barriers to adoption, and the
development of TRMs. The sponsoring utilities used the results to inform the
feasibility of launching pilots.
Key personal from
this project John Dikeos (Lead Technical Analyst)
available for Peter Narbaitz (Researcher and Technical Analyst)
FortisBC work

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Innovative Technologies: Prefeasibility Studies July 29, 2022

3 Methodology and Work Plan

3.1 Summary of Approach
The objective of the assignments under this contract is to conduct pre-feasibility studies of select
energy conservation measures (ECMs) pertaining to specific residential, commercial and/or
industrial sectors on an “as and when required” basis. The results of these technology, market, and
energy savings assessments, which will be focus on applicable facilities across FortisBC’s service
territory, will be used by FortisBC to inform the feasibility of launching pilot programs and offering
Conservation & Energy Management (C&EM) funds to the technologies.
As noted in Section 3, ICF has extensive experience completing these types of studies, having
completed more than a dozen similar studies on gas energy efficiency technologies in the past 5
years in Canada alone.
For each study, the technology availability and the supply chain will be examined to determine the
number of upgrade measure units each key manufacturer will be able to provide to the BC market
during the next 5 years. For each technology identified by FortisBC, ICF will identify key
manufacturers at the proposal stage.
The saving analysis for each study will take into account and report on the differences between
various upgrade scenarios. Average base measure and upgrade measure efficiency values will be
determined. The annual resource savings for the base and upgrade cases and for new and existing
buildings will also be determined for each market sub-sector and geographic region. Where possible,
the study reports will indicate and explain the relative confidence interval of the findings and areas
that may require further research or field testing may be identified. The studies will also qualitatively
investigate non-resource benefits such as comfort and aesthetics.
Furthermore, each study will include an installed cost analysis that considers the different scenarios
and their associated equipment and installation, and O&M costs and any differences across different
building types and regions. The best opportunities for possible utility intervention will be identified.
The studies will also identify market barriers, including competing technologies, potential safety and
reliability issues, social and economic barriers, barriers associated with the installation process and
available expertise and any other additional barriers. Studies will also consider the impact of
regulations and standards.
Overall, each assignment will assess the technical characteristics, market opportunity, and projected
energy savings of implementing the natural gas energy efficiency technology in question in the
relevant sectors across the FortisBC service territory. The results will be used by FortisBC to inform
the feasibility of launching a pilot program and offering incentives or other support to promote the
adoption of the technology.
ICF will leverage our unique set of strengths, as further detailed in the Section 4, to meet and exceed
FortisBC’s expectations with these studies:
• We Understand the Utility Sector: ICF has been working with utility clients for over 30 years
and our utility work has spanned all aspects of energy conservation programs, including
conservation potential assessments, technology assessment studies, program design,
program implementation, and evaluation.
• We Are Technology Assessment Experts: ICF has assessed hundreds of energy efficient
technologies for dozens of clients across Canada and the United States. Over the last 5
years alone, ICF has been engaged by FortisBC to carry-out 10 technology assessment

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• We Know the FortisBC Market: In addition to the technology assessment studies we’ve
completed for FortisBC, ICF originally developed FortisBC’s end-use level load forecasting
system, completed a conservation potential review (CPR) study for the utility, and assisted
with FortisBC’s 2014-2018 and 2019-2022 DSM planning. We have also completed several
follow-up studies to advance research and consideration of innovative technologies. As such,
we have a unique understanding of the utility’s customer base and FortisBC’s expectations
with technology assessment studies.
• We Have Access to In-House Subject Matter Experts: With hundreds of ICF staff focused
on providing energy efficiency expertise to government and utility clients across North
America, we have access to an impressive pool of subject matter experts. This often
includes direct experience with the technologies we are assessing.
• We Can Leverage Our Canadian Contact Center: ICF has a 20-seat bilingual contact center
located in our Ottawa office. As necessary, we can leverage our contact center to cost-
effectively organize a large number of consultations and/or site visits, administer surveys,
and receive in-bound calls.
We organized our description of ICF’s overall approach to the Deliverables into five task areas along
the lines of the requirements made by the FortisBC in the SOW:
• Task 1: Project Inception
• Task 2: Preparation
• Task 3: Research about Technology and Market
• Task 4: Consultation with DSM Program Administrator and Other Market Actors
• Task 5: Analysis - Technology characterization & savings, market characterization and cost-
benefit analysis
• Task 6: Reporting and Presentation

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Exhibit 1 Summary of Approach

Kick-off Meeting

1. Project Inception
Finalize Research

2. Preparation (2.1) Technology (2.2) Scenario (2.3) Preparation of (2.4) Notify and
Identification Options Data Collection Tools Recruit Respondent

3. Research -
(3.1) Literature (3.2) Review - TRM (3.3) Supply Chain (3.4) Target
Technology &
Market Review and EM&V Report Analysis Market

4. Consultations
(4.1) Consultations - DSM (4.2) Consultations –
Program Administrator Market Actors

5. Analysis (5.1.1) Technology (5.2.1) Market

Characterization (5.3.1) Measure Cost

(5.1.2) Energy & GHG (5.2.2) Barrier (5.3.2) Cost-

Savings Assessment Analysis Effectiveness Test

6. Reporting and (6.2) Technical

(6.1) Study Report (6.3) Presentation
Presentation Resources Manuals

Study Review & Close

Task Area 1: Project Inception

The project inception tasks provide an opportunity for expanded client/consultant
discussions on the details of the proposed methodology and project management

Task 1.1 Kick-off Meeting

For each technology assessment study, the project manager and other relevant team members will
meet with the FortisBC Team to develop a shared understanding of the goals and requirements of
the project. Where possible, we will use video-conferencing platforms, such as Microsoft Teams, to
improve the engagement during these meetings
Preliminary agenda items include:
• Introduction of the project team and key personnel
• Establish roles, responsibilities, and lines of communication
• Review and confirmation of objectives, scope, and approach
• Discussion and confirmation of budgets, schedule, milestones, and deliverables

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• Discuss information that the FortisBC team may be able to provide

• Discuss contact networks and review any secondary research they may be able to provide for
the study
Task 1.2 Finalize Research Methodology
Based on the result of the kick-off meeting and the preliminary research, ICF will finalize the research
methodology. Where there are significant changes from our proposal, we will produce a document
detailing the updated methodology. This report will incorporate the following items:
• An updated methodology flowchart that notes:
• The groups of key market actors that will be included in the consultations
• The market research activities that will be used to retrieve primary data
• A summary of the analysis methods that we plan to use
• An updated Gantt chart, reflecting the timeline of subsequent tasks and including milestone

Task Area 2: Preparation

Because primary data collection is resource-intensive, and because such activities
reach outside market actors and stakeholders, it must be carefully designed and
implemented. The preparation task area includes a set of tasks designed to
efficiently recruit respondents and develop tools that our team will use to collect
market data in a structured and effective fashion.
Task 2.1 Technology Identification
Based on the result of the kick-off meeting and the preliminary research, ICF will identify all
measures for the identified technologies that are commercially available or will be commercially
available in BC within the next 5 years. We will also research about different categories of the
technology based on their differences in features and benefits.
Task 2.2 Scenario Options
In order to determine which of the upgrade scenarios have the greatest DSM potential and are most
likely to meet FortisBC’s DSM and innovative technology definitions, ICF will carry out a technical
research task as part of the preparation phase of each technology assessment study. The technical
research task will serve to refine the scope of the study. Online research and discussions with
FortisBC will inform the prioritization of the scenarios. This will allow us to focus the scope of the
activities that will take place during the research phase of each study.
As mentioned in the SOW the following potential variables will be used to create different scenarios:
• Regions: FortisBC delivers natural gas and piped propane to 1.1 million customers across BC and
divides its service territory into five main regions: Lower Mainland, Vancouver, Vancouver Island,
Southern Interior and Northern Interior.
• Vintages: The applicability of the technology will be examined for both new construction and
retrofit applications. However, some technologies might not be a good fit for both scenarios.
• Dwelling/Building Types: ICF will examine the applicability of the technology for different
building types, including but are not limited to: large multi-complex (i.e. universities and
hospitals), commercial buildings, single-family dwellings (SFD), townhomes/row-homes, mobile/
manufactured homes, and multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs).

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• Business Type or Use of Building: In the case of large-multi complexes and other commercial
buildings, ICF will examine how energy is being used in the building, what type of businesses are
being run within the facility, and their operating hours and process loads, as these factors may
impact the application as well as energy savings opportunities from the technology.
• Baseline Equipment: ICF will identify the primary and where applicable the secondary baseline
technologies which can be replaced by the new technologies without major alternation/
modification of the basic structure of the buildings and their existing systems. This will also
include what the customer would do in the absence of utility intervention into the market. The
baseline equipment scenarios will also consider the efficiency and other major characteristics
which might have a significant impact on energy savings. When there is more than one popular
efficiency range and technology type, weighted averages will be used to consolidate the base
case scenarios and keep the total number of scenarios within a manageable range.
• Upgrade Equipment: We will identify different types of upgrade equipment produced by
different manufacturers, available sizes and configurations and similarities and differences
including in comparison to the baseline equipment. Upgrade equipment cases will be chosen to
maximize both natural gas savings expected from a utility program as well as cost-effectiveness
for the customer (i.e., simple payback from the resource savings). As mentioned in the SOW, the
upgrade equipment cases will cover the vast majority of the opportunity, applications, and
efficiency ranges, using market weighted averages to consolidate specifications and results
wherever possible and prudent.
As a result of this task, certain upgrade scenarios will be selected for further research.
As noted in this section, ICF would like to propose that our analysis for each technology assessment
study be limited to approximately 100-150 scenarios. Once the scenarios have been selected, ICF
will work with FortisBC to finalize the baseline conditions and specific building types that will be
studied for each scenario. Efforts will be focused on niches that are likely to yield the largest
potential and the most promising results.
Task 2.3 Prepare Data Collection Tools
Proper preparation of research and consultation tools has a significant impact on the amount, the
quality, and the usability of the data and feedback that is collected. For each technology assessment
study, ICF will carefully prepare survey or interview tools prior to launching the data collection phase,
carry out internal quality control, and then provide them to the FortisBC team for review.
Although we always customize our tools for our clients, we will not start from scratch: we will build on
the tools created for several recent similar projects. ICF typically prepares separate interview guides
for the following types of market actors:
• Utility program administrators
• Manufacturers
• Distributors
• Contractors
• Relevant associations
Task 2.2 Notify and Recruit Respondents
ICF typically uses the following sources to identify and retrieve the contact information for potential
respondents for the market research activities:
• FortisBC’s contact network
• Referrals from manufacturers and distributors

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• ICF relationships based on extensive work with DSM administrators across North America
• Relevant organizations, such as the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute (HRAI)
• Contacts identified in ICF’s research
ICF will execute a notification strategy through pre-notification letters, emails or phone calls,
depending on available and preferred contact information. Our approach to scheduling and
completing interviews is as follows:
• Create a preliminary list of interviewees and request feedback from FortisBC, as appropriate
• Draft an introduction email and send a tailored version of the email to each potential
• Follow-up with phone calls to schedule interviews
• Not all of the companies and/or individuals we identify will agree to participate in interviews.
Our typical success rate with consultations for technology assessment studies is about 33%.
1) A short memo with results of the Scenario Analysis
2) Interview guide(s) outlining questions for each type of market actor

Task Area 3: Research – Technology and Market

During this research task area for each prefeasibility study, we will gather and
analyze primary and secondary data sources. The tasks will be carried on
concurrently where possible to shorten the duration of the study.

Task 3.1 Literature Review

The aim of this task will be to identify market research that has been published in North America in
the last five years. We will screen out the most applicable papers to extract the most relevant
information. Information from these sources will be used to inform the decision on the most viable
technology options and the remainder of the market consultation. ICF typically taps into the
following sources of secondary market data to inform our assessment of the technology, the
measure or project assumptions, the achievable potential modeling, and the market characterization:
• Relevant market characterization, market research, and program evaluation reports, including
resources such as CEE, CALMAC, and AESP
• Relevant research, technical briefs or policy papers from AEE, ACEEE, ESource, US DOE, US EPA,
ENERGY STAR, and NRCan Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE)
• Published standards and conference proceedings from a variety of organizations, such as the
American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) and the Air Conditioning, Heating and
Refrigeration Institute (AHRI)
Regulations and/or standards that apply to or are pending for both the base and upgrade measure
equipment will also be identified and reviewed. These regulations and standards may include, but are
not limited to:
• Building codes
• Health and Safety standards (TSSA/ESA/CSA/ANSI, etc.)
• Minimum efficiency requirements
• Upgrade measure eligibility under voluntary energy efficiency rating systems (e.g. ENERGY

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• Upgrade measure equipment eligibility as a demand-side management measure in British

• Upgrade measure equipment eligibility as a technology innovation measure in British
• Recommendations on which performance testing standards are most adequate for certifying
the upgrade measure for use in rebate programs
Task 3.2 Review Evaluation Reports and TRMs
As part of this task for each prefeasibility study, we will:
• Research similar prescriptive input assumptions (PIAs) from other technical resource manuals
(TRMs) across North America
• Seek DSM evaluation reports across North America for validation of the inputs and
For each study, ICF will use the information listed above, adapting it to the weather conditions and
market realities in the FortisBC service territory. Starting from existing TRMs leverages effort from
other utilities and results in a higher value deliverable for FortisBC. Where possible, efforts will be
focused on jurisdictions with similar weather conditions to BC, such as Washington and Oregon.
Task 3.3 Supply Chain Analysis
Different market actors in the supply chain have some influence over the decisions made by the
end-use customers. For example, distributors influence purchasing decisions through their stocking
practices, supply chain logistics, and sales tactics. As a part of the supply chain analysis, we will
identify the top manufacturers of the technology, their current market share (where this information
is available), the market segment(s) they are focusing on, key features and benefits of their products,
and the supply chain/market channel they use to market and promote their specific products. To
collect this information we will conduct interviews with the top manufacturers.
Through consultation with the manufacturers, ICF will also determine (where the information is
• Quantity of the technology the key manufacturer will be able to provide to the BC market in
the next 5 years
• Quantity of the technology shipped to other jurisdiction in Canada in comparison to BC
• The supply chains within the BC market they are using to market the technology
• Key distributors of their technology, their respective market share and their focused market
• Any intervener in the supply chain who influence awareness and decisions regarding the
adoption of the technology.
With all this information, ICF will produce a block diagram showing the supply chain of the technology
in BC starting from manufacturers to the end users including the key decision and influencing points.
Exhibit 2 presents a sample the supply chain diagram.

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Exhibit 2 Example of Supply Chain Diagram

Task 3.4 Target Market

For each prefeasibility study, ICF will leverage the following sources to develop the market size
estimate, baseline scenario, natural market trend scenario, and forecasted program uptake:
• The end-use load forecast study of the FortisBC service territory from 2017 and/or more
recent data from FortisBC’s most recent conservation potential study (if it is available)
• FortisBC and BC Hydro’s most recent commercial end-use survey
• The latest research from NRCan and StatsCan
Given that it is not within the project scope to collect primary data from end-users throughout
the service territory, we will complement our research with a variety of available data sources.
ICF will mine the various sources in order to extract relevant assumptions and data to create
projections of annual uptake for both the base case and upgrade technologies. The sources will
also be used to inform our estimates of market size. Potential sources of data may include but
are not limited to:
• Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada
• The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
• The Canadian Gas Association (CGA)
• Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
• The Natural Gas Technology Institute
• The Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE)
• The Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating (CIPH)

Task Area 4: Consultations

ICF will consult with key market actors in order to gain an in-depth
understanding of the available configurations of the technology, their
advantages and disadvantages, and barriers to increased market adoption. We
will also use the consultations to characterize the market structure and to
identify any additional research that may be valuable for this project. By
seeking input from a variety of market actors, we will achieve a more complete picture of the
supply chain and an understanding of the market opportunities and barriers for the technology.

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Task 4.1 Interviews with DSM Program Administrators

Our experience carrying out technology assessment studies indicates that interviews with
program administrators can provide a wealth of primary data, as well as numerous leads to
important secondary research. As such, ICF proposes DSM program administrator interviews be
conducted early in the research task for each pre-feasibility study. ICF will identify North
American utility providers that offer rebates for the technology in question during the proposal
phase of each study
Where possible, ICF will leverage our extensive contact network in the utility-DSM industry
throughout North America to locate relevant utility staff. After a more comprehensive search
for utility incentive programs, we will conduct facilitated open-ended teleconference interviews
with managers of these programs in other jurisdictions. We have budgeted for up to three
interviews with program administrators per technology assessment study. We anticipate that
the information collected from the program managers will help guide subsequent research.
Task 4.2 Interviews with Market Actors
For each pre-feasibility study, ICF proposes conducting in-depth phone interviews with key
market actors, including manufacturers, distributors, installation contractors, and relevant
associations, as appropriate. We will make use of the interview guides to carry out these
interviews and minutes from the meetings will be compiled to inform subsequent research and
analysis tasks. Our experience suggests that each of the interviews will be 40 to 60 minutes in
duration. By seeking input from a variety of market actors, we will achieve a more complete
picture of the supply chain, and an understanding of the market opportunities and barriers. By
speaking with the local key market player, we will also gain valuable knowledge of the nuances
and distinctive aspects of the service territory.
We have budgeted for a total of 8 interviews per technology assessment study. The results of
the consultations will be used to inform the research, especially with regard to the market
characterization, barrier analysis, and equipment and labour costing.

Task Area 5: Analysis

During Task Area 5, we will compile, aggregate, and tabulate all of the results from
the data collection activities.

Task 5.1.1 Technology Characterization

During this subtask, we will evaluate the information collected in Task 3 to define and describe the
• Technology characterization (models available, characteristics (including capacity),
installation and maintenance costs, lifetimes, etc.)
• Energy efficiency and performance
• Relevant regulations, codes, standards, and labelling
• Installation requirements and safety standards
• Features, benefits, and limitations
• Competing technologies
As part of the technology characterization ICF will also outline and quantify any non-resource
benefits which are not directly related to the consumption of energy or natural resources (i.e., natural

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gas, electricity, water) that the upgraded equipment provides when compared with the baseline
equipment. These benefits will include, but will not be limited to:
• Occupant comfort
• Operational Safety
• Convenience
• Footprint
• Impacts on air quality
• Aesthetics
• Other annual quantifiable economic benefit
Task 5.1.2 Savings Assessment
Information from the technology assessment and market characterization will be combined to
estimate energy savings. Our approach to estimating the saving on unit (e.g., per measure, per home,
per ft2) and regional basis will be tailored to each technology. ICF has used a variety of approaches
to estimate measure savings in the past, including the following:
• Detailed building modeling analysis (e.g., insulation measures)
• Detailed spreadsheet analysis tools leveraging hourly weather data (e.g., demand control
ventilation (DCV) systems)
• Detailed spreadsheet analysis based on multi-variable energy consumption formulas (e.g.,
drain water heat recovery (DWHR) systems)
• Simplified spreadsheet analysis leveraging end use energy use intensities (EUIs), typical
savings percentages, applicability factors from ICF’s research, etc. (e.g., smart learning
• Deemed savings based on relevant TRMs, corrected for BC weather as necessary
As mentioned in the SOW, we will assess the followings as a part of the savings assessment:
• Annual natural gas consumption and savings
• Carbon footprint and GHG emission reduction
• Annual alternative energy consumption and savings
• Annual water consumption and savings
Next, ICF will estimate the program achievable potential savings for the technology in question on a
regional basis using available data related to customer counts, building floor areas, penetrations, and
customer attitudes to energy efficiency. Historically, ICF has employed either a bottom-up
approach or a top-down approach to both the per measure and the regional savings assessments
depending on the technology and the availability of data. The specific approach to be used for each
prefeasibility study will be identified at the proposal stage for each study and the approach will be
refined as necessary based on research and feedback from FortisBC staff.
Task 5.2.1 Market Characterization
During this subtask, we will evaluate the market information collected during Task 3 to define and
• Current technology penetration
• Target market opportunities
• Distribution channels (manufacturers, retailers, installers, and availability)
This task will also involve the development of the market structure based on our market actor
interviews. The description will include block diagrams and charts as needed to convey information
and messages in a concise fashion and will include insights on:

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• Easy or hard to reach market segments

• The roles of each market actor
• Key influences, motivations, and drivers
• Market intermediaries (e.g. HVAC contractors)
• Natural information and education flow
• Market shares (where practical)
Task 5.2.2 Barrier Analysis
As part of this sub-task for each prefeasibility study, we will identify and briefly discuss the five to
ten most significant barriers to the increased market adoption for the technology in question. We
will differentiate hard barriers from hurdles. This differentiation is important since program designers
have to design programs around hard barriers. Addressing hard barriers is difficult and can take a
long time. In contrast, hurdles are quicker and easier to overcome. Program designers will want to
build incentives, technical assistance or education tactics to tackle hurdles, which can be seen as
opportunities because addressing them will generate incremental savings.
The Barrier Analysis sub-task will also identify recommendations for the implementation of a
program for the technology in question. This will include guidance on program eligibility, required
field documentation, and an approved product list. Our team has experience designing and
operating DSM programs. As such, we will make recommendations on criteria that will help minimize
free ridership, maximize program cost-effectiveness and at the same time be easy to manage with a
full-scale DSM program incentive application process. Some examples of the barriers that we
routinely identify in the case of emerging technologies include:
• Technical Barriers:
• Competing technologies that end-users/customers may choose instead
• Safety and reliability
• Installation process and installers
• Performance uncertainty
• Market deficiencies, including lack of skilled contractors or low levels of knowledge among
market actors.
• Financial Barriers:
• Overall benefit, but an unacceptable return on investment
• Lack of capital, poor access to capital
• Informational Barriers:
• Lack of information, lack of trusted information or contradictory information leading to
customer uncertainty regarding options, expected performance, expected cost savings
• Transaction cost barriers, real or perceived, related to the effort required to gather
relevant information, make informed decisions & execute projects leading to continued
• Institutional/Cultural Barriers:
• Principal-Agent Barrier: Potential investors in efficiency measures do not realize energy
savings benefits.
Research to identify barriers is based on reviews of secondary literature, with targeted discussions
and interviews employed to fill information gaps. In addition, we will analyze the market to
determine how these barriers can be overcome, whether through marketing and information
exchange, shifts in government policy, financing options, or training of skilled labour.

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Task 5.3.1 Measure Cost Analysis

During this subtask, we will collect information from both primary research (e.g. directly from the
market through online research and consultation with market actors) and secondary sources (e.g.
technology study reports and TRMs from other jurisdictions).
The ICF Team has vast experience in estimating the cost of different types of energy efficiency
technologies as a part of feasibility studies of energy efficiency technologies for different utilities
and organizations, benefit-cost analysis of different energy efficiency and beneficial electrification
programs including our Canadian Electrification Potential Study on behalf of NRCan, and as part of
design and implementation of different EE programs.
The ICF team will compare the costs against alternate sources such as technical resources manuals
(repositories of EE technology information). We will also leverage the existing and in progress
costing datasets where possible, including connecting with the NRCan Local Energy Efficiency
Partnerships (LEEP) team, who are working on a cost-benefit analysis tool (CBAT) for retrofits.
In addition, the ICF Team will attempt to validate the EE technology cost assumptions through
outreach to local contractors. Where applicable, we will capture non-energy operation and
maintenance costs and/or savings as well. We will also request low, high, and average costs to get a
sense of cost ranges.
Task 5.3.2 Cost-Effectiveness Test/ Cost-Benefit Analysis
As part of this sub-task for each pre-feasibility study, we will perform a cost-benefit analysis of the
technology including the Total Resource Cost (TRC) test and Modified Total Resource Cost (mTRC)
test. The ICF team is comprised of experts in economic analysis with the technical background that
is required to properly understand the complexities behind emergent energy efficiency and
renewable energy technologies. We routinely employ a rigorous cost-effective analysis process in
assessing various program and technology options for utilities, NRCan, and other non-utility clients
using a series of cost-effectiveness (C-E) tests – for example Participant Cost Test PCT), Program
Administrator Cost Test (PAC)/ Utility Cost Test (UCT), Total Resource Cost Test (TRC), Societal Cost
Test (SCT) and Ratepayer Impact Measure Test (RIM).
Exhibit 3 Variables Used to Estimate the TRC and mTRC
Discount Rates for
Benefits Costs

TRC Regular discount - Avoided cost of energy - Incremental cost of technology

rate (weighted & capacity - Non-incentive program/policy
average cost of - Non-energy operating cost, as applicable
capital of the utility) and maintenance - Incentive, as applicable 1
mTRC Regular discount - Avoided cost of energy - Incremental cost of technology
rate (weighted & capacity - Non-incentive program/policy
average cost of - Non-energy operations cost, as applicable
capital of the utility) and maintenance savings - Incentive, as applicable
- Carbon tax and/or
avoided cost adder

Only incentive given to “free riders” (i.e. 1 minus NTG ratio) is accounted for in the TRC and mTRC.

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Though we have analyzed all or most of the above-mentioned C-E tests in most of our emerging
technology assessments, and energy efficiency and demand response potential studies, this SOW
has mentioned only running TRM and mTRC for these pre-feasibility studies. Variables that will be
used to estimate the TRC and mTRC are presented in Exhibit 3 below.

Task Area 6: Reporting and Presentation

Task 6.1 Pre-feasibility Study Report
We will draft and submit a pre-feasibility study report that will include the
technology characterization, market characterization of the technology, energy
savings opportunity, barriers towards adopting the technology and the next steps
towards including the technology into FortisBC’s DSM programs. Our reports are written for an
audience of DSM program designers and managers. They are comprehensive, yet concise. We draft
them to be used for program planning and design in the short term, but we know they will also be
used by the program management and operation staff in the medium term and by the third-party
program evaluators in the long term.
A draft table of contents for each prefeasibility study is included below and will be refined at the
proposal stage for each technology as necessary:
Exhibit 4 Outline of the Pre-feasibility Study Report
1. Executive Summary 4.5. Sales Data
2. Introduction 4.6. Normal Market Adoption
2.1. Background 5. Savings Assessment
2.2. Research Methodology 5.1. Regions
3. Technology Characterization 5.2. Building Types
3.1. Applications 5.3. Vintages
3.2. Models Available in Canada 5.4. Baseline Scenarios
3.3. Baseline Equipment 5.5. Upgrade Scenarios
3.4. Installation 5.6. General Approach
3.5. Cost and Lifetime 5.7. Achievable Potential Results
3.6. Potential Savings 6. Barrier Analysis
3.7. Regulations and Standards 7. Next Steps
4. Market Characterization
4.1. Geographic Regions Interview Guides
4.2. Target Market Segments TRM Entries
4.3. Market Structure Analysis Spreadsheet
4.4. Communication Channels and

ICF’s schedule and budget assume that there will be one consolidated editing round of the core
report. This will consist of ICF providing a draft report followed by FortisBC collecting a consolidated
set of comments and questions on the report. We will then discuss feedback on a conference call,
and ICF will submit an updated report reflecting mutually agreed upon resolution of comments.
Task 6.2 Technical Resources Manual (TRM)
As a part of the pre-feasibility, we will also develop a limited number 2 of Technical Resource Manuals
(TRMs), which summarize the technical and market characteristics of the upgrade measure will also

ICF typically produces up to 3 TRMs for a study of this type

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be provided to FortisBC. However, in some cases (e.g. where the technology is not mature or where
savings are more uncertain), ICF may recommend that this step not be completed as part of a
particular study.
Task 6.3 Presentation
ICF will also develop and present an MS PowerPoint slide deck that summarizes the findings of our
research for each pre-feasibility study. We will deliver these slide decks to the broader FortisBC
team as part of a presentation to share our findings and close out each project.
1. A detailed report on the study as outlined in section 6.1 above in MS Word and PDF format,
2. An Excel Workbook having all the analysis including estimated energy savings and GHG
reduction, achievable potential, and cost-benefit analysis/cost-effectiveness test (payback
period, TRC and mTRC)
3. Technical resources manual (TRM), included as an appendix in the report (where applicable)
4. MS PowerPoint slide deck summarizing the findings of the pre-feasibility study

3.2 Ongoing Project Management

ICF has established a solid reputation for consistently delivering high-quality
results by closely following generally accepted best project management
practices for every project. A disciplined approach to Project Management allows
us to achieve a thorough understanding of client needs, assignment objectives
and to apply appropriate control of cost, resources, schedule, and risk.
We strive to scale our project management approach, realizing that project management also
has a cost. The goal is to strike the right balance between excellence in project management
and a degree of nimbleness and flexibility. Through our structured approach, ICF works closely
with our clients to foster consistent and efficient completion of project tasks while maintaining
the flexibility to specific client requirements.
• Regular Meetings: Our prior experience has demonstrated that regular meetings
involving the client and consultant personnel are invaluable to ensuring that the project
stays on schedule. Consequently, we are proposing to establish regular project meetings
via teleconference every two weeks to provide an update on progress and discuss any
challenges. Each meeting would involve, at a minimum, both the client and our proposed
project manager. Additional project personnel will be involved in these meetings as
necessary as well.
• Quality Control: The ICF Team is committed to providing the highest quality service to
our clients at every level of the organization. ICF has the quality assurance systems,
experienced managers, and knowledge of all aspects of FortisBC’s quality requirements
to ensure that consistent, high-quality work is performed under the contract and that all
deliverables meet FortisBC’s stringent requirements for quality.
ICF’s continuing success, growth, and profitability depend on our reputation, and repeat
business is a strong measure of our client’s trust in our work. Quality assurance is an
essential aspect of realizing repeat business, and procedures must be maintained in all our

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• Resource Management: The ICF Project Manager is responsible for assigning and
monitoring work through task leads. Clear lines of communication are in place among
team members to ensure performance, timeliness, responsibility, and accountability.
This will be a crucial element in monitoring, reviewing, and approving the work carried out
by members of the ICF Team.
• Managing Sensitive Information: Our projects regularly require that we handle sensitive
data (e.g., personal data, corporate business data, energy data) for federal,
provincial/state, local, and private-sector clients. Our staff receive training about
industry best practices in data handling. Project data will be stored on an encrypted
data server in Canada. We have secure data transfer solutions that are easily accessible.
Personal data would require a higher degree of security. We do not anticipate needing
such data for this project but have the technology solutions and the legal support to
handle such data if the need arises.

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4 Project Team
4.1 Team Arrangement
For each study, ICF will compile a team of experts who has both a deep knowledge of the practical
application of energy efficiency technologies and unparalleled market assessment skills. The team is
led by our proposed Executive Director, John Dikeos, who has deep experience in technology
assessment for different clients including FortisBC and the proposed Project Manager, Daniel Bowie,
who also worked on several technology assessment projects.
Our organizational chart outlining our proposed staff is provided in Exhibit 5, followed by brief
biographies of each key team member as well as the technical support and junior staff. Full resumes
for all proposed team members are located at Appendix A.
Exhibit 5 Sample Org Chart

John Dikeos
Executive Director and
Commercial Energy Expert

Daniel Bowie
Project Manager and
Industrial Energy Expert

Subject Matter Experts/Advisors Analyst and Researchers

Peter Narbaitz, Gas Market Expert Cassia Moraes Correa, Senior Analyst

Joshua Ulliac, Industrial Energy Expert Mohamed Abdelsalam, Senior Analyst

Ahmed Bekhit, Energy Modeling Parvez Khan, Senior Analyst

Terry Kessinger, Residential DSM Programs Hamza Zaheer, Analyst

4.2 Team Bios

John Dikeos, PEng, MASc, CEM, CMVP Senior Manager, Energy Engineer
Role: Executive Director and Commercial Energy Expert. John Dikeos is an energy management
consultant with over 15 years of experience with energy conservation and sustainable energy
systems, primarily in residential and commercial facilities. His work has focused on assessments of
energy efficiency technologies, energy efficiency potential studies, and the design and
implementation of innovative DSM programs.
John’s market study and technology characterization experience include several in-depth studies on
a broad array of energy efficiency technologies, including both natural gas and electric measures. He
has successfully managed several pre-feasibility studies of Innovative Technologies, ensuring that

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the work was delivered on time and on budget and that the quality of the deliverables met and
exceeded client expectations. John’s experience with other aspects of the energy efficiency
program design cycle, including conservation potential studies, program design and launch activities,
and technical reviews of energy efficiency incentive program applications, ensures that these
studies are well-grounded and relevant to the ultimate goal of helping utility staff determine whether
they should include these measures in their future DSM programs.
John is a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in the province of Ontario, a Certified Energy Manager (CEM),
and a Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP). He also holds Master’s and
Bachelor’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering.
Daniel Bowie MASc, BSc, Lead Energy Analyst
Role: Project Manager and Industrial Energy Expert. Daniel Bowie is an energy consultant with six
years of experience focused on the technical assessment of innovative energy efficient technologies
across the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. Daniel has provided research, analysis, and
management support for several pre-feasibility studies that ICF has conducted for FortisBC,
including Step 5 Homes, Manufactured Homes, and Advanced Boiler Controls. Daniel has also
specialized in the assessment of industrial energy use as part of conservation potential studies,
decarbonization planning and scenario development, and virtual audits using data from sub-metered
industrial processes.
Peter Narbaitz, PEng, MBA, CEM, Senior Manager, Utility & Decarbonization Strategy
Role: Gas Market Expert. Peter Narbaitz specializes in supporting natural gas and electric utilities
with strategic planning related to decarbonization, climate policy, and energy efficiency. Two areas of
focus for Peter are Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) and gas DSM program design.
Peter has also worked extensively on industrial energy efficiency, including industrial energy & GHG
audits, conservation potential studies, industrial energy program delivery, sub-metering of industrial
processes, industrial energy management training, and GHG verifications.
Examples of some recent projects he worked on are:
• Carbon Neutral Pathways — American Gas Association, 11/2020 – Present
• Utility Decarbonization & RNG Strategies — Confidential Gas & Electric Utility Companies,
9/2020 – Present
• Climate Business Plan — Washington Gas, District of Columbia, 08/2019 – 04/2020
• NIER Program Technical Support — Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. 2014 –
• Implications of Policy Driven Electrification in Canada, Canadian Gas Association, April 2019 –
November 2019.
Joshua Ulliac, MEng, PEng, CEM, Senior Associate
Role: Industrial Energy Expert. Joshua Ulliac has over ten years of experience in the energy and
industrial sector, including active roles in the renewable energy and electric vehicle sectors. Joshua
has extensive experience with industrial system design and control, and has worked on the
development of alternative energy technology. Joshua completed a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering,
an M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering with a specialization in Energy Systems, and an MBA with a
specialization in Finance. Joshua is a Professional Engineer (P. Eng.) in Alberta and is an active
member of the community serving on the Board of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) Alberta
and as the Treasurer of the Young Professionals in Energy (YPE), Calgary.

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Ahmed Bekhit, PhD, MS, BS, EIT, Manager, Energy Market Analytics
Role: Energy Modeling Expert. Ahmed Bekhit has more than six years of experience in the field of
energy. Before joining ICF, his focus was implementing successful energy management programs for
big manufacturing companies, partnering with the client to identify energy efficiency projects, build
business cases, deliver projects, and verify savings.
In his current role, Ahmed aids numerous teams in solving complex problems. He focuses on
optimizing costs for energy efficiency programs, targeting customers to enhance utility resources,
and evaluating different smart home technologies.
Ahmed builds, manages, and packages various proprietary and open-source data science and
machine learning tools. He also works closely with different teams to create reliable, scalable, and
secure cloud environments to collect, store, and analyze data from other streams.
Terry Kessinger, BS, CEM, Senior Director, Energy Efficiency
Role: Oklahoma Markets Expert. Terry Kessinger has more than 30 years of experience in program
design, implementation, and quality assurance in the residential and C&I sectors, delivered by cross-
functional teams. Her portfolio of project experience includes delivering over 100,000 residential
and commercial energy assessments, technical training, low-income weatherization, and AMI
deployment. She also has extensive experience in key performance metrics and collaboratively
working with EM&V for energy programs. Presently she is directing Residential EE Programs for
Entergy Arkansas, Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) and several utilities in Texas.
Cassia Moraes Correa, MEng, BEng, Senior Energy Analyst
Role: Senior Analyst. Cassia is a senior energy analyst that brings more than 6 years of experience
with energy markets and regulatory affairs for a power distribution and generation company in Brazil.
While working in Canada for the last four years, Cassia has been focusing on feasibility study of
emerging technologies, energy efficiency, M&V, Distributed Energy Resources, and policy. In 2019 she
co-authored the first edition of the Canadian Provincial Energy Efficiency Scorecard – an annual
report that tracks and benchmarks energy efficiency policies and performance in Canada. More
recently, she worked for Johnson Controls where she was responsible for mapping opportunities to
improve equipment’s energy consumption and for elaborating M&V plans and reports.
Cassia holds a Master’s degree in Sustainable Energy and Policy at Carleton University and is an
Energy Manager and Measurement & Verification Professional in-training certified (EM-IT and CMVP-
Mohamed Abdelsalam, PhD, EIT, Senior Energy Markets Consultant
Role: Senior Analyst. Mohamed got his BSc and MSc degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Ain
Shams University in Egypt. Then, he received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from
McMaster University in Canada. His PhD was on component- and system-level modeling and
optimization of thermal storage systems with phase change materials for solar domestic heating
applications. Mohamed completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the area of integrated community
energy systems with a focus on the integration of energy storage technologies to micro-thermal
networks. For 8 months, Mohamed worked as a safety analyst at Terrestrial Energy Inc – a company
that develops a design for a small modular nuclear reactor. He is motivated to maximize impact and
contribution to the decarbonization of the energy systems of the future to combat the climate
change challenges.
Parvez Khan, CEM, PMP, MEng, MBA, EIT, Energy Researcher
Role: Senior Analyst. Parvez Khan is an Energy Engineer with significant experience in energy
efficiency, beneficial electrification, renewable energy, and sustainability solutions. He worked on the

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assessment of emerging EE technologies, DSM potential study, DSM program planning & design, and
strategic planning/policy development to reduce GHG emissions. Parvez is specialized in technology
assessment, market research, energy modelling, and the development of low-carbon retrofit
measures for building sectors. His recent works include pre-feasibility studies of several EE
technologies, including hybrid heating system controls, radiant barriers, and internal air-barrier on
behalf of FortisBC. He also worked on Enbridge Gas’s Integrated Resource Planning (IRP)
Jurisdictional Review Report and FortisBC’s Non-Pipe Solutions Status Update. He is presently
working on commercial & industrial measure development for Iowa Achievable Potential Study and
commercial & industrial measure development for Dominion Energy Couth Carolina Potential Study.
Parvez is a skilled technical researcher, analyst, and technical writer. He holds a Master’s degree in
Mechanical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and an MBA degree with a concentration in
Finance. He is a licenced Professional Engineer (P.Eng) in Ontario, Certificate Energy Manager (CEM)
and a certified Project Management Professional (PMP).
Hamza Zaheer, MEng., EMIT, Energy Markets Consultant at ICF
Role: Analyst. Hamza Zaheer is an experienced mechanical engineer graduate with a Masters degree
from the University of Waterloo. During his academic and professional life, he has developed several
analytical skills while completing several emerging technology studies for FortisBC, including hybrid
heating system controls and currently the lead researcher on hybrid dual fuel systems. Hamza also
conducts application technical reviews for several programs, including IESO Save on Energy, HPNC,
TGS. He has experience working with several energy modeling tools, including eQuest, HOT2000,
EnergyPlus, and OpenStudio. Hamza has significant experience developing energy efficiency
measures using existing and new energy models and tailoring them for unique project requirements.
He also enjoys conducting market research for technology cost and adoption to identify the
technical and economic potential for measures. He has also played a key role in various energy
efficiency projects, bringing his expertise in HVAC and developed intuitive tools. He possesses a
proven track record of preparing and executing project plans and programs, ensuring that work is
carried out in accordance with company and client expectations.

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5 Fees and Expenses

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6 Schedule
The project manager will maintain regular contact with FortisBC staff through formal and informal
methods, including scheduled meetings, email updates and telephone contact. We recommend
scheduling bi-weekly telephone meetings for updates and feedback. Exhibit 5 provides a proposed
timeline for the project. The exhibit also shows some key tasks, and milestones. We are committed
to completing each project in an approximately 6 month timeframe. However, as necessary, we are
able to complete pre-feasibility studies on a condensed timeframe as short as 4 months.
Exhibit 7 Draft Project Schedule

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7 Additional Services
Additional services may be proposed for each pre-feasibility study; however, we are not proposing
any additional services for all pre-feasibility studies.

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Appendix A:

A-1 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject

to the restriction on the title page of this proposal.
John Dikeos, P.Eng., M.A.Sc., CEM, CMVP
Senior Manager
John Dikeos is a senior energy management consultant with over 15
years of experience with energy conservation and sustainable
energy systems. His work has focused on assessments of energy
efficiency technologies, energy efficiency potential studies, and the
design and implementation of innovative DSM programs. John also
has significant experience with the development and delivery of
relevant training material to both key market actors and utility
program delivery staff. In his current role, John acts as a senior
leader on projects, leveraging his technical expertise and deep
Years of Experience experience with a variety of energy efficiency-related projects, his
Professional start date: 06/2007 effective communication skills, and his attention to detail to ensure
ICF start date: 01/2008 that projects are running smoothly and that the level of quality of his
team’s deliverables is top-notch.
M.A.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, John’s market study and technology characterization experience
University of Victoria, 2006 includes several in-depth studies on a broad array of natural gas and
B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, electric energy efficiency technologies. For example, this has
Queen’s University, 2003 included separate studies focused on LED lighting, advanced boiler
controls, smart thermostats, and demand control ventilation. He has
successfully managed several of these projects, ensuring that the
Certifications/Registrations work was delivered on time and on budget and that the quality of the
Certified Energy Manager (CEM), deliverables met and exceeded client expectations. John has also
AEE, 2019
worked on several conservation potential studies for natural gas and
Licensed Professional Engineer electric utilities across Canada, for which he’s carried out various
(P.Eng.), Province of Ontario, types of analyses to determine the economic viability and savings
2011 potential of energy efficient technologies.
Certified Measurement and John’s program design experience is informed by projects for utilities
Verification Professional (CMVP),
across Canada and has included the development and analysis of
AEE, 2011
energy efficiency measures, the completion of in-depth analyses of
program and portfolio cost-effectiveness, and the development of
program infrastructure. In addition, he has designed and supported
the implementation of innovative energy efficiency programs,
including a mid-stream lighting program and a program focused on
supporting energy efficiency in hotels.
Furthermore, John served as ICF Canada’s project manager for
technical reviews of energy efficiency incentive applications to the
IESO’s retrofit and new construction programs for a significant
portion of his early career with ICF. As part of this assignment, he
managed and provided QA/QC support to a team of technical
reviewers. He also managed budgets and staffing and interacted with
clients on a regular basis.
John is a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in the province of Ontario, a
Certified Energy Manager (CEM), and a Certified Measurement and
Verification Professional (CMVP). He also holds Master’s and
Bachelor’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering.
Selected Project Experience

Technology Assessments and Market Characterization

Pre-Feasibility Studies: Innovative Technologies ̶ ̶ FortisBC, British Columbia, 05/2013 – Ongoing.
Deep involvement in several in-depth studies focused on characterizing the BC market for innovative
natural gas energy efficiency technologies and determining whether they should be incorporated into pilot
studies and/or existing DSM programs. In addition to in-depth reviews of the technologies and any
available research and pilot studies, each of these studies includes consultations with key market actors,
a review of relevant programs in other jurisdictions, a detailed savings analysis on a large number of
scenarios, and the development of technical resource manual (TRM) entries. Have served as the primary
researcher, project manager, and executive director on these studies.
John has been involved in the following independent studies:
• Gas AMI, 2022-Ongoing • Manufactured homes (top six measures),
• Hybrid dual-fuel heating systems, 2022- 2017-2018
Ongoing • Advanced boiler controls, 2016-2017
• Interior air barriers and duct sealing, 2021 • Web-enabled programmable thermostats
• Hybrid heating system controls, 2021 (commercial facilities), 2016-2017
• Radiant barriers, 2020 • Drain water heat recovery (DWHR)
systems, 2016
• Window attachments, 2020
• Direct vent wall furnaces, 2016
• Step 5 (net-zero ready) homes, 2019
• High-efficiency gas fireplaces, 2014
• Vertical common venting in MURBs, 2019
• Condensing unit heaters and IR radiant
• Warm mix asphalt, 2019 tube heaters, 2013

Meta-Analysis of Heat Pump Field Monitoring Studies ̶ ̶ CEATI, Canada, 04/2021 – 02/2022.
Project manager for a meta-review and analysis of field monitoring studies of various types of air-source
and ground-source heat pumps. Also completing additional research and interviews with a variety of
market actors to collect information on typical heat pump costs, understand the various barriers
preventing more wide-spread adoption of heat pump technologies, and provide recommendations for
improving the design and delivery of relevant programs.

Pre-Feasibility Study: Innovative Emerging Opportunities ̶ ̶ FortisBC (Electric), British Columbia,

10/2020 – 02/2021.
Executive director for a study focused on characterizing and assessing the market opportunity of five
innovative emerging technologies as potential DSM opportunities, including commercial drain water heat
recovery, advanced RTU controllers, advanced power strips, switched reluctance motors, and
temperature-mimicking sensors for refrigeration system control.

Non-Residential Lighting Market Characterization Study ̶ ̶ IESO, Ontario, 03/2020 – 09/2020.

Project manager for a study to characterize the current state of the non-residential lighting market in
Ontario, identify opportunities to further promote energy efficient lighting in the province, and develop a
roadmap for future programming in the lighting sector over the next ten years.

Survey of Energy Consumption in Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (MURBs) ̶ ̶ Natural Resources

Canada (NRCan), Canada, 12/2017 – 03/2020.
Project manager for a study focused on collecting survey data related to energy usage and building
characteristics from hundreds of MURBs across Canada. This enabled the creation of a 1-to-100 Portfolio
Manager Benchmark for MURBs in Canada, while also answering critical policy questions.
Market Assessment of Ultra-High Efficiency Homes ̶ ̶ Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Canada,
06/2019 – 10/2019.
Executive director for a market assessment study of ultra-high efficiency homes in Canada, including net
zero and net zero ready buildings. This study included an assessment of the existing stock of ultra-high
efficiency homes, an analysis of hotspots with regards to regions and building types, a forecast of future
trends, and the development of strategic recommendations.

Market Assessment of Ultra-High Efficiency Commercial and Institutional Buildings ̶ ̶ Natural

Resources Canada (NRCan), Canada, 03/2019 – 08/2019.
Executive director for a market assessment study of ultra-high efficiency commercial buildings in Canada,
including net zero and net zero ready buildings at the top end and less efficient buildings that meet the
top-tier requirements of certification programs such as LEED and BOMA BEST. This study included an
assessment of the existing stock of ultra-high efficiency buildings, an analysis of hotspots with regards to
regions and building types, a forecast of future trends, and the development of strategic

Energy Efficient Refrigerator Glass Doors for the Commercial Sector ̶ ̶ CEATI, Canada, 01/2019 –
Executive director for a technology assessment focused on efficiency improvements to open refrigerated
display cases. Assessment completed on behalf of sponsor utilities in both the US and Canada included
both natural gas savings during the heating season and electricity savings through reduced refrigeration

Residential and Commercial Energy End-Use Surveys ̶ ̶ Yukon Energy Corporation, Yukon,
05/2018 – 09/2018.
Managed a project related to the development of energy end-use surveys to YEC’s residential and
commercial customers.

DHW Recirculation System Controls ̶ ̶ Union Gas, Ontario, 11/2016 – 09/2017.

Executive director and technical expert for technology, market, and energy savings assessment of
domestic hot water (DHW) recirculation system controls in commercial facilities. Provided general
oversight, technical support, and QA/QC of all major deliverables.

Smart Thermostats Compatibility Study ̶ ̶ FortisBC, British Columbia, 10/2016 – 04/2017.

Executive director for a compatibility study of smart learning thermostats for residential buildings. This
study focused on aspects related to communication, homeowner interaction, utility and functionality, and
equipment and thermostat providers and fed into the development of a pilot program for residential
customers in Kelowna, BC.

Compact Furnaces for MURBs and SFD Homes ̶ ̶ Canadian Gas Association (CGA), Canada,
05/2015 – 11/2015.
Project manager for a pre-feasibility to assess potential energy savings from compact furnaces. This
study focused on applying this technology in homes with space constraints, including multi-unit residential
buildings (MURBs) and row/townhomes.

Demand Control Ventilation Market Expansion ̶ ̶ Union Gas, Ontario, 09/2014 – 10/2015.
Led a pre-feasibility study centered on the market expansion of demand control ventilation (DCV)
technology in Ontario. Union Gas used the resulting study to expand their existing program for DCV.

Commercial Refrigeration Technical Assistance ̶ ̶ SaskPower, Saskatchewan, 04/2014 – 07/2014.

Led the delivery of this assignment, which focused on providing recommendations on energy efficient
commercial refrigeration measures for use in a prescriptive program design.
Inventory and Energy Savings Estimates for Residential Self-Programmable/Smart Thermostats ̶ ̶
CEATI, Canada, 01/2014 – 07/2014.
Led the assessment of the energy savings potential for a North-American scale pre-feasibility study that
assessed the market opportunity, technical characteristics and projected energy savings for residential
smart, self-programmable thermostats.

Conservation Potential and Other Macro-Level Studies

Electrification Potential Study ̶ ̶ Natural Resources Canada, Canada, 08/2020 – 04/2021
Provided strategic technical support to an electrification potential study that assessed the potential to
electrify all fossil fuel-based energy consumption across Canada, including energy use for buildings,
transportation, and industrial processes. The analysis was segmented by province and included the
development of detailed profiles for over 150 electrotechnologies.

Integrated Resource Planning (Non-Pipe Solutions) Study ̶ ̶ Enbridge and Union Gas, Ontario,
09/2016 – 04/2018
Deputy project manager and DSM impact analysis lead for an integrated resource planning study focused
on estimating the peak demand impacts of gas energy efficiency measures and the feasibility of using
gas DSM to delay or defer infrastructure investments.

Natural Gas Conservation Potential Study ̶ ̶ Ontario Energy Board (OEB), Ontario, 11/2015 –
Commercial team lead for a study to estimate the achievable potential for natural gas efficiency in Ontario
from 2015 to 2030, including the franchise areas of Union Gas and Enbridge. Provided general oversight,
training, and targeted support to the commercial sector modeling and analysis team, in addition to leading
client-facing meetings on behalf of the commercial sector team.

Newfoundland Conservation and Demand Management Potential Study ̶ ̶ Newfoundland Power Inc.
and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, Newfoundland, 12/2014 – 08/2015.
Led the commercial sector modeling and analysis for this study, providing general oversight, training, and
targeted expert support to the commercial team.

Study on Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings Potential in Industry and on Possible Policy
Measures ̶ ̶ European Union (EU) Director General for Energy, London, UK, 04/2014 – 02/2015.
Led the development of models to characterize the energy efficiency potential in several industrial and
commercial sectors in the EU. The model considered hundreds of potential energy efficiency measures
and compared achievable potential savings to targets set out by the EU.

Achievable Potential Study ̶ ̶ IESO, Ontario, 01/2013 – 06/2013.

Used the outputs of the IESO’s End Use Forecaster (EUF) model to estimate the achievable potential
savings for various energy efficiency measures in both the residential and commercial sectors.

Program Design, Implementation, and Regulatory Support

Integrated Resource Planning Alternatives (IRPA) Regulatory Support ̶ ̶ Enbridge, Ontario, 11/2020
– 04/2021.
Providing regulatory support for a proceeding focused on IRPAs (non-pipe solutions), which was seeking
clear direction on how Enbridge should proceed with developing an IRPA framework and considering
future IRPA projects. Support included reviewing filings from other parties, providing responses to
interrogatories, and providing expert testimony during related Technical Conference and Oral Hearing
proceedings with the OEB and a number of intervenors.

Smart LED Streetlight Conversion Program ̶ ̶ Pepco, Maryland, 02/2020 – Ongoing.

Led the development of cost-effectiveness analysis related to the deployment of a smart LED streetlight
conversion program in the State of Maryland. Also supporting the development of a related testimony
and addressing any interrogatories as part of the regulatory process.

Natural Gas 2019-2022 DSM Plan ̶ ̶ FortisBC, British Columbia, 08/2017 – 09/2018.
Led a project focused on assisting FortisBC to build their 2019-2022 DSM plan submission to the BC
Utility Commission. This included providing feedback on their draft program offerings, assessing the cost
effectiveness of their portfolio, preparing a detailed report to document the proposed plan and CE results,
and providing responses to interrogatories as part of the regulatory process.

Hotel/Motel Pilot Program ̶ ̶ Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc., Ontario, 07/2015 – 04/2017.
Deputy project manager of an 18-month hotel/motel pilot program in NPEI’s service territory. Unique
features included a focus on all utility costs, end-to-end support to help participants identify and
implement measures, and an emphasis on building recommissioning (RCx) and testing and metering new
energy efficiency measures that are specifically tailored to the hotel/motel sector.

Residential Engagement Platform ̶ ̶ Toronto Hydro, Ontario, 02/2016 – 01/2017.

Led the development of an approved business case for a customer engagement platform to support
Toronto Hydro’s residential CDM programs. Program was focused on the delivery of home energy
reports to a large number of their residential customers. Also assisted with program rollout, including the
development of the participant list and the acquisition of floor space data.

Yukon DSM Technical Support ̶ ̶ Yukon Energy Corporation, Yukon, 09/2014 – 09/2015.
Led the delivery of technical advisory services to support the launch of residential DSM programs in
Yukon. This included technical support related to the selection and analysis of LED lighting products,
automotive heater timers, and low-cost energy efficiency products and updated modeling to estimate the
cost-effectiveness of the program portfolio.

Energy Efficiency Program Design ̶ ̶ SaskPower, Saskatchewan, 02/2012 – 09/2013.

Carried out analysis related to the design and implementation of several energy efficiency programs,
including a prescriptive lighting program, a lighting redesign program, and an industrial energy
optimization program. Tasks included the analysis of energy efficiency measures, the development of
program process flows, and the production of program documentation.
Technical Reviews of Applications to Energy Efficiency Programs
Technical Reviews of Funding Applications to ecoENERGY Program ̶ ̶ Indigenous and Northern
Affairs Canada (INAC), Canada, 04/2014 – 06/2015.
Carried out reviews of funding applications for renewable energy projects to the ecoENERGY for
Aboriginal and Northern Communities Program. This involved reviews of wind, solar PV, and biomass
projects and the associated pre-feasibility analyses that were completed in RETScreen.

Technical Reviews of Retrofit Program Applications ̶ ̶ Various Ontario Utilities (LDCs), Ontario,
06/2008 – 12/2012.
Project manager in the review of over 600 prescriptive, engineered, and custom incentive applications for
installation of energy efficient lighting, HVAC, motors, and renewable energy systems. Responsible for
the QC of review reports, client interactions, and project budgeting and staffing. Also responsible for the
reviews of M&V plans and coordinating site visits.
Technical Reviews of High Performance New Construction (HPNC) Program Applications ̶ ̶
Enbridge Gas, Ontario, 06/2008 – 12/2012.
Project manager in the review of over 750 prescriptive applications to the HPNC program. Management
tasks included supervising a review team, streamlining the evaluation process, conducting final reviews of
reports, and interacting with clients on a regular basis.
Training Development and Delivery
Training Development: Quality Installation of Insulation Retrofits in BC Homes, HPSC, Oct. 2020 –
Managing the development and deployment of a BC-specific training curriculum to help train insulation
contractors and applicators on the quality installation of insulation retrofits. Also developing demo videos,
interactive exercises, quizzes, and a final exam for the training course. The content will be moved to an
online learning management system (LMS), where the training course will be delivered to insulation
contractors and applicators in an on-demand format. ICF is completing this project in partnership with
Okanagan College and RDH Building Science.

Residential HVAC Equipment Quality Installation Training Implementation ̶ ̶ HPSC, British

Columbia, 05/2020 – 10/2020.
Project manager for a project focused on implementing the furnaces and air source heat pump installation
best practices training curriculum, which ICF previously developed for HPSC. This project involved
formatting the curriculum in an online learning management system and delivering the training to
residential HVAC contractors from all parts of BC. In addition to recorded content, ICF delivered live
webinars and added interactive exercises, knowledge checks, and a final exam.

Heat Pump Installation Best Practices Guide Webinars ̶ ̶ Home Performance Stakeholder Council
(HPSC), British Columbia, 12/2019 – 04/2020.
Led the development of a webinar to inform contractors of about the availability and contents of an Air
Source Heat Pump Installation Best Practices Guide, which ICF developed as part of a previous related
project. Also acted as the moderator for the delivery of three 2-hour webinars to a total of over 150
participants and provided the client with recordings of the webinars and related reports.

Residential HVAC Equipment Quality Installation Training Curriculum Development ̶ ̶ HPSC,

FortisBC, and BC Hydro, British Columbia, 04/2019 – 02/2020.
Project manager for a project focused on the development of a BC-specific training curriculum to help
train BC HVAC contractors on the quality installation of high efficiency furnaces and heat pumps in
residential retrofit applications. The project also includes the development of a Heat Pump Best Practices
Installation Guide.

CDM Program Design and CDM Economics Training ̶ ̶ MEARIE Group, Ontario, 10/2014 –02/2016.
Led the delivery of a two-day training course related to CDM program design and CDM economics. The
course was delivered on four separate occasions to groups of 10-25 staff from LDCs across Ontario.
Also involved in the preparation and updating of the training material.
Security Clearances
Secret clearance with Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD)
English: Fluent (spoken and written)
French: Intermediate (spoken and written)
Greek: Advanced (spoken and written)
Employment History
ICF. Senior Manager. Ottawa, ON. 03/2017 – Present
ICF. Manager. Ottawa, ON. 03/2013 – 03/2017.
ICF. Senior Associate. Ottawa, ON. 01/2011 – 03/2013.
ICF (formerly Marbek Resource Consultants). Consultant. Ottawa, ON. 01/2008 – 12/2010.
NRCan Office of Energy R&D. Science and Technology Analyst. Ottawa, ON. 06/2007 – 12/2007.
Tulmar Safety Systems. R&D Engineering Assistant. Hawkesbury, ON. 05/2002 – 08/2002.
Daniel Bowie
Lead Energy Analyst
Daniel Bowie is an energy consultant with six years of experience
focused on the technical assessment of innovative energy efficient
technologies across the residential, commercial, and industrial
sectors. Daniel has provided research, analysis, and management
support for several pre-feasibility studies that ICF has conducted for
FortisBC, including Step 5 Homes, Manufactured Homes, and
Advanced Boiler Controls.
Years of Experience Daniel has also worked on several conservation potential studies for
ICF start date: 05/2016
natural gas and electric utilities, assessing the energy savings, costs,
technical and economic viability, and market potential of energy
M.A.Sc. Sustainable Energy efficient technologies.
Engineering, Carleton University,
Ottawa, ON, 2016 Daniel has completed a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
Engineering from the University of New Brunswick and a Master of
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Applied Science in Sustainable Energy Engineering from Carleton
University of New Brunswick, University.
Fredericton, NB, 2009
Selected Project Experience
Potential Studies and Technology Assessments

Daniel has provided Energy Efficiency Potential Studies, Multiple Utilities, Ongoing
research, analysis, Analyst. Assessed the energy savings, costs, and technical
and management applicability of energy efficient technologies. Helped develop the
energy efficiency potential model, including the development of
support for several of market potential forecasts based on benchmarking analysis.
the pre-feasibility
New York State Decarbonization Study, NYSERDA, Ongoing
studies ICF has
Lead Analyst - Industry. Developed a reference case for the
conducted for consumption of fossil fuels in New York State and evaluated several
FortisBC, including decarbonization pathways for their potential to meet the state’s 2050
GHG reduction target of 85% below 1990 emissions. Pathways
Step 5 Homes, included electrification, energy efficiency, carbon capture, and low
carbon fuels such as renewable natural gas and hydrogen.
Manufactured Homes,
and Advanced Boiler Pre-Feasibility Study: Step 5 Homes, FortisBC, 05/2019 –
Lead Analyst/Energy Modeler. Conducted a literature review and
consulted with home builders and equipment manufacturers to
develop a comprehensive library of energy conservation measures
(ECMs) that could be incorporated into the design of a Step 5 home.
The ECMs were applied to 15 different home archetypes and across
3 climate zones, with energy savings based on HOT2000 modelling.
An Excel tool was developed to generate cost-optimized bundles of
ECMs for Step 5 homes for each combination of house archetype
and climate zone.
Pre-Feasibility Study: Manufactured Homes, FortisBC, 08/2017 – 04/2018
Deputy Project Manager. Assessed the technical characteristics, market opportunity, and achievable
potential of eight ECMs applicable to manufactured homes: air sealing, duct sealing, attic insulation, floor
insulation, high efficiency furnaces, direct vent wall furnaces, high-performance windows, and whole
home replacement.

Integrated Resource Planning Study, Enbridge and Union Gas, Ontario, 09/2016 – 06/2018
Analyst. Studied the impacts of various residential, commercial, and industrial energy efficiency
measures on peak gas demand and assessed the economic feasibility of using gas DSM to delay or defer
infrastructure investments. This work involved the development of hourly demand profiles for various end
uses and building types, as well as demand impact profiles for several energy conservation measures.

Natural Gas Conservation Potential Study, Ontario Energy Board, Ontario, 05/2016 – 06/2016
Analyst. Provided analytical support to quantify the achievable potential for natural gas efficiency in
Ontario’s industrial sector from 2015 to 2030. This study also estimated the achievable potential for the
residential and commercial sectors.

Potential for Energy and GHG Reduction, CME, 05/2016 – 08/2016

Analyst. Developed recommendations for the CME Green SMART program by quantifying the cost-
effectiveness and GHG abatement potential of energy efficiency and fuel switching opportunities.

DSM Plan Development

2019-2022 Natural Gas DSM Plan ̶ FortisBC, British Columbia, 08/2017 – 06/2018
Lead Cost-Effectiveness Modeller. Assisted FortisBC with the submission of its 2019-2022 DSM plan to
the BC Utility Commission by performing cost-effectiveness testing and preparing a detailed report of the
proposed DSM plan.

Development of CDM Plans ̶ IESO, Ontario, 07/2016 – 09/2018

Lead Cost-Effectiveness Modeller. Helped several LDCs with their annual CDM plan updates to ensure
that each LDC was on track to meet its assigned conservation target with its allocated budget. This work
involved an analysis of each LDC’s performance to date, the identification and prioritization of cost-
effective programs and measures, the development of custom measures for large cogeneration projects,
and the development of program-specific participation forecasts.
Employment History
ICF. Lead Energy Analyst. Ottawa. 03/2021 – Present
ICF. Senior Energy Analyst. Ottawa. 03/2019 – 03/2021
ICF. Energy Analyst. Ottawa. 05/2016 – 03/2019
Peter Narbaitz, P.Eng., M.B.A., CEM
Senior Manager, Utility & Decarbonization Strategy
Peter Narbaitz specializes in supporting natural gas and electric
utilities with strategic planning related to decarbonization, climate
policy, and energy efficiency. Two areas of focus for Peter are
Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) and gas DSM program design.

Peter helped develop a business plan for Washington Gas

demonstrating how its distribution infrastructure could be leveraged
to meet aggressive net-zero climate policy targets, through a
Years of Experience combination of RNG and energy efficiency measures. He recently
ICF start date: 07/2011 supported a large integrated energy company (electric distribution,
electric generation, gas distribution) by analyzing deep
Education decarbonization scenarios for 2050, showing them scope 1/2/3
B.A.Sc. Mechanical Engineering emission reduction opportunities (including RNG), and building a
(Co-Op), University of Ottawa, corporate strategy.
M.B.A., University of Ottawa, 2018 Peter has also worked extensively on industrial energy efficiency,
including industrial energy & GHG audits, conservation potential
Certifications/Registrations studies, industrial energy program delivery, sub-metering of industrial
Licensed Professional Engineer processes, industrial energy management training, and GHG
(P.Eng.), Province of Ontario, verifications.
Based out of Ottawa, Peter has a strong understanding of North
Certified Energy Manager (CEM),
Association of Energy Engineers,
American energy markets. He is a licensed Professional Engineer,
2014 an MBA, and a Certified Energy Manager.

Selected Project Experience

Professional Affiliations
Professional Engineers of Ontario Carbon Neutral Pathways — American Gas Association, 11/2020
(PEO) – Present. Peter is the project manager for ICF’s on-going project
Association of Energy Engineers
with the AGA showcasing how gas technologies (including RNG) and
(AEE) infrastructure can support net zero emissions targets.
Utility Decarbonization & RNG Strategies — Confidential Gas &
Electric Utility Companies, 9/2020 – Present. Peter is working with
Project Manager, Carbon several gas utilities and an integrated utility/energy company (electric
distribution, electric generation, gas distribution) to assess
Neutral Pathways, opportunities to reduce scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, conduct
American Gas detailed regional RNG assessments, develop internal strategies and
Association external corporate emission reduction targets, as well as establish
where the companies need to focus regulatory efforts.
Project Manager, Climate Business Plan — Washington Gas, District of Columbia,
Implications of Policy- 08/2019 – 04/2020. Peter supported Washington Gas in the
Driven Electrification in development of their Climate Business Plan, showing how the utility
can support the District of Columbia’s 2050 target of carbon
Canada, Canadian Gas neutrality through a combination of energy efficiency, electrification,
Association and low carbon fuels (renewable natural gas, green hydrogen, etc.).

Lead Analyst- Industrial, Better Plants Program — U.S. Department of Energy, 2015-2021.
Natural Gas Conservation Mr. Narbaitz served as a Technical Account Manager in the U.S.
Potential Study, Ontario DOE's Better Plants program, where he works with industrial
companies to embed energy management in their organizations, and
Energy Board
helps various types of manufacturing facilities achieve a 25%+ improvement in energy intensity over 10

NIER Program Technical Support — Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. 2014 – 2020.
The Northern Industrial Electricity Rate (NIER) program supports large industries in Northern Ontario to
improve their energy efficiency and sustainability. Mr. Narbaitz was the project manager of ICF’s team,
who provide energy management expertise for the program. He conducted reviews of energy
management plans and quarterly reports, visited the industrial sites annually, delivered energy
management training, and provided advice and guidance, all in support of improving energy management
plans. Through program, he has worked very closely with industry, and understands the common
opportunities and challenges faced in this sector.

Implications of Policy Driven Electrification in Canada, Canadian Gas Association, April 2019 –
November 2019
Mr. Narbaitz was the project manager of ICF’s recently completed analysis of the impacts of widespread
electrification of fossil fuels, including the residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation sectors.
The study established provincial-level end-use impacts from electrification and modelled the required
power-generation system capacity expansion to meet increased peak electricity demand requirements.
The study looked at a number of scenarios out to 2050, to better understand the impact of different
assumptions for the levels of energy efficiency improvements, electric vehicle adoption, and electric
equipment performance improvements.

Beneficial Electrification Opportunity Assessments–Various Utilities, 2018 – 2019.

Mr. Narbaitz worked with four electric utilities to study opportunities for them to build industrial electric
load through conversion of fossil fuel fired process heating equipment to electrotechnologies. These
studies include outreach to local industry as part of a market assessment, cost benefit analysis to justify
priority technologies, and the development of an implementation plan for utilities to launch BE programs.

Maritimes Gas Market Workshop–Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines (DEM), February
2019 – March 2019
Mr. Narbaitz was part of the ICF team developing and conducting a workshop for the Nova Scotia DEM to
review the current state of play in regional gas markets, with a focused discussion on potential
opportunities and strategies to ensure access to reasonably priced natural gas for the Canadian
Maritimes. The workshop included a look at the province’s power generation sector, and potential
implications of gas supply limitations on the ability to generate adequate electricity.

Climate Strategy Submission–Ontario Energy Association, 2018.

Mr. Narbaitz engaged with the OEA’s gas and electric distribution company members and wrote a white
paper submitted by the OEA to the provincial government. This paper outlined how the province got to its
current state, calculated the costs associated with decisions such as renewables procurements, and
showcased a number of low- & no-cost technology & regulatory opportunities (including energy efficiency)
for Ontario to achieve GHG and energy cost reductions.

Non-Pipeline Solutions–Consolidated Edison, 2017 – 2018.

Mr. Narbaitz worked closely with Con Edison to evaluate different types of projects which could be used
to address a pipeline capacity shortfall, without the construction of traditional infrastructure solutions. This
started with a study of the potential peak demand relief, and associated costs and benefits, for options
including incremental energy efficiency, RNG, targeted electrification, demand response, and virtual
pipeline solutions. Mr. Narbaitz was then a lead author in writing Con Edison’s RFP soliciting market
proposals for the implementation of Non-Pipeline Solution projects. He was also involved in supporting
Con Edison’s review of proposals submitted to the RFP.
Business Risk Changes from Ontario Climate Policy–Union Gas, 2017
Mr. Narbaitz led the development of a range of electrification and fuel switching scenarios that highlight
potential impacts to Ontario’s natural gas system out to 2050. He also supported the financial modelling
of resulting rate impacts and changes to indicators of business risk (number of customers, volumes per
customer, etc). The team worked to showcase the implications for different Union Gas assets and
regulated business practices under these alternative climate change policies and gas market scenarios.

Assessing the GHG Abatement Potential from Energy Efficiency in the Small and Medium Ontario
Industry Sector: CME & Ontario Government, 2016.
Mr. Narbaitz led the analysis and modelling for this assessment of the GHG conservation potential from
small and medium industrial facilities in Ontario. He was also involved in the outreach to industry owners,
operators, and provincial government staff that supported the recommendations in this report.

Natural Gas Conservation Potential Study: Ontario Energy Board. 2015-2016.

Mr. Narbaitz led the industrial sector analysis for this study on the opportunity for natural gas conservation
in Ontario, as well as several stages of the modeling.

Assessment of Energy Efficiency in the Far North System: SaskPower. 2015.

ICF was brought in to provide SaskPower with a better understanding of the potential for energy
efficiency and demand reduction measures to reliably address future constraints on an isolated northern
electricity grid in Saskatchewan. Mr. Narbaitz led the analysis of potential savings, including efforts to
identify opportunities, calculate project savings & costs, discuss feasibility with the facilities, and model
the overall impacts.

Conservation and Demand Management Study: Newfoundland Power and Newfoundland Labrador
Hydro. 2014-2015.
Mr. Narbaitz was the lead for the industrial sector in this review of the potential for electricity conservation
in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Mr. Narbaitz led the industrial data collection, analysis,
modeling, and a stakeholder workshop to establish the achievable potential through efficiency savings in
this sector.

2015-2020 CDM Plan Development: Various Ontario Local Distribution Companies, 2014-2015.
In 2014-2015, a number of Ontario local electric distribution companies hired ICF to develop their
Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) plans for 2015-2020. Mr. Narbaitz’s role in these projects
included leading the cost-effectiveness testing efforts and developing strategies for the LDC’s to meet
their targets within the allotted budgets.

Study on Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings Potential in Industry and on Possible Policy
Measures: European Union (EU) Director General for Energy. 2014.
In collaboration with ICF’s London office, Mr. Narbaitz led the development of a library of energy
efficiency opportunities for industrial sectors covering the majority of energy consumption in the EU’s 28
member states. This included generic industrial efficiency opportunities as well as sector-specific
opportunities. These opportunities were then used in an industrial model to characterize the industrial
energy efficiency potential in the EU, and compare this to targets.

Development of Technology Roadmap on Energy Efficiency Technologies for Industry Sector:

National Climate Change Secretariat of Singapore. 2013 – 2014.
ICF was retained by the government of Singapore to conduct an energy efficiency analysis of industry in
Singapore, and to develop a roadmap to guide the country’s Research, Development, and Deployment
(RD&D) funding. Mr. Narbaitz was the lead researcher and report author for the roadmap sections
targeting petroleum refining and chemicals. The roadmap development process included an extensive
literature review, consultation with local industry experts, interviews with various stakeholders, industry
workshops, and a peer review.

Continuous Resource Performance Improvement Assessment: Chinese Petrochemical Plant,

Mr. Narbaitz was part of a team that conducted resource efficiency audits of an ammonia plant and a
methanol plant. These audits identified opportunities to conserve energy, water, and GHG emissions. Mr.
Narbaitz then supported modeling in a conservation potential analysis which assessed the impact of
implementing the opportunities identified for the facilities.

Ontario Achievable Potential 2015-2020: Ontario Power Authority. 2013.

ICF worked with the OPA to develop estimates of achievable potential for Conservation and Demand
Management (CDM) in Ontario and to support the OPA’s planning of CDM programs. Mr. Narbaitz
performed the research and stakeholder consultations for two of the industrial clusters of energy
conservation measures covered in this study. He produced a high-level review of the market structure,
actors, hurdles, barriers, and drivers for these clusters.

Bangladesh Industrial Energy Efficiency Opportunities Assessment: USAID, 2012.

Mr. Narbaitz researched energy efficiency opportunities specific to Bangladesh, and customized an
existing industrial energy efficiency measure database to more accurately capture the opportunities
specific to four of the country’s key sectors. He was then part of a team that performed energy audits of
industrial facilities in Bangladesh.
Security Clearances
Secret clearance with Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD)
Employment History
ICF. Senior Manager. 2020 – Present
ICF. Manager. 2016 – 2020
ICF. Senior Associate. 2015 – 2016
ICF. Associate. 2013 – 2015
ICF. Analyst. 2012 – 2013
ICF. Research Assistant. 2011 – 2012
Walter Meier Ltd. Engineering Designer (Student). 2009
Natural Resources Canada, ZET. Mechanical Engineering Student. 2008
Environment Canada, ECD. Engineering Student. 2008
Joshua Ulliac, M.Eng., P.Eng., CEM
Senior Associate
Joshua Ulliac has over ten years of experience in the energy and
industrial sector, including active roles in the renewable energy and
electric vehicle sectors. Joshua has extensive experience with
industrial system design and control, and has worked on the
development of alternative energy technology. Joshua completed a
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, an M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering
with a specialization in Energy Systems, and an MBA with a
specialization in Finance. Joshua is a Professional Engineer (P.
Eng.) in Alberta and is an active member of the community serving
Years of Experience on the Board of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) Alberta
Professional start date: 04/2011 and as the Treasurer of the Young Professionals in Energy (YPE),
ICF start date: 03/2018 Calgary.
Education Project Experience
MBA, Specialization in Finance,
Energy Efficiency
University of Calgary, 2020
MEng, Electrical Engineering - Building Energy Retrofit Accelerator (BERA)—City of
Energy Systems, University of Edmonton, Edmonton, Alberta, 12/2019 – Present
Alberta, 2013
Account Manager. Joshua was part of a team responsible for the
BSc, Mechanical Engineering,
University of Alberta, 2010
development of the commercial DSM energy efficiency program for
the City of Edmonton. As part of the design team, Joshua worked on
the development and implementation of stakeholder engagement
Certifications/Registrations sessions, program measure design, program marketing and the final
Certified Energy Manager (CEM), program design. Upon the successful program launch, Joshua
Issue Date: 12/2014, Expiration served as an account manager, assisting program participants with
Date: 12/2023 any questions pertaining to the program and their applications,
oversaw the application review process, and provides technical
Professional Affiliations support to internal and external stakeholders. For Program
P. Eng., Association of operations, Joshua compiled the monthly project reporting. Reporting
Professional Engineers and includes rebate tracking, measure volumes and values, regional
Geoscientists of Alberta distribution of rebates, and program forecasting.
CEM, Association of Energy Business Energy Savings Program—Energy Efficiency Alberta,
Calgary, Alberta, 03/2018 – 11/2019
Account Manager. Joshua is part of a team responsible for the
delivery of an energy efficiency incentive program offered by the
Joshua is an Government of Alberta. Joshua worked to identify, design, and
experienced energy implement energy efficiency measures that maximize the benefit to
Albertans and support emission reduction targets across a multitude
auditor with extensive of industry sectors, including oil and gas, manufacturing, wholesale
experience on EE trade, as well as institutional and health care facilities. In addition to
being involved in program design, Joshua developed productive
potential studies, working relationships with customers and trade allies to best
program design, and leverage the energy savings opportunities in the province. Joshua
was responsible for application processing and completing site
implementation. audits/verifications for installed measures, complete application
verification reports and document submission.
Non-Profit Energy Efficiency Transition Program—Municipal Climate Change Action Centre,
Calgary, Alberta, 04/2018 – 03/2019
Energy Auditor. Joshua performed on-site Energy Audits (ASHRAE Level II) and completed a site-
specific baseline energy use model to assess the energy-saving potential of the facility compared to
similar facility types. Joshua completed the audit report, which included a detailed list of energy savings
opportunities with estimated energy and economic savings, financial payback analysis, and completed a
detailed Energy Management Plan (EMP) for the facility, which would serve as the framework to improve
their energy usage in the future. Joshua presented the report and EMP to the governing body and/or
operation staff, providing them with a forum to review, discuss, and better understand the core findings of
the audit, and highlight actionable projects. The project was completed for various facilities across

Industrial Business Energy Savings Program—Energy Efficiency Alberta, Calgary, Alberta,

03/2018 – 06/2018
Account Manager. Focusing on industrial applications, Joshua is part of a team responsible for the
delivery of an energy efficiency incentive program offered by the Government of Alberta. Using their
strong technical, analytical, and communication skills, Joshua worked to identify, design, and implement
energy efficiency measures that maximize the benefit to Albertans and support emission reduction targets
across a multitude of industry sectors, including oil and gas, manufacturing, wholesale trade, as well as
institutional and health care facilities. In addition to being involved in program design, Joshua developed
productive working relationships with customers and trade allies to best leverage the energy savings
opportunities in the province. Joshua also conducting site inspections to verify the eligibility of participants
and ensure the provided rebates are appropriately applied.
Employment History
ICF. Senior Associate. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 03/2018 – Present.
New Energy Corporation. Project and Design Engineer. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 05/2016 – 03/2018.
Ready Engineering. Electrical Engineer. Spruce Grove and Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 04/2013 – 01/2016.
Ready Engineering. Electrical Engineer (part-time). Spruce Grove and Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 04/2011
– 03/2013.
Ahmed Bekhit, PhD, MS, BS, EIT
Manager, Energy Market Analytics
Ahmed Bekhit has more than six years of experience in the field of
energy. Before joining ICF, his focus was implementing successful
energy management programs for big manufacturing companies,
partnering with the client to identify energy efficiency projects, build
business cases, deliver projects, and verify savings.
In his current role, Ahmed aids numerous teams in solving complex
problems. He focuses on optimizing costs for energy efficiency
programs, targeting customers to enhance utility resources, and
evaluating different smart home technologies.
Years of Experience Ahmed builds, manages, and packages various proprietary and
Professional start date: 09/2010 open-source data science and machine learning tools. He also works
ICF start date: 01/2018 closely with different teams to create reliable, scalable, and secure
cloud environments to collect, store, and analyze data from other
Education streams.
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering,
McMaster University, 2016 Project Experience
MS, Mechanical Engineering – Non-wires alternative potential – DTE 2020
Renewable Energy, Cairo
University, 2011 Technical Lead. To avoid significant substation upgrade, DTE took
a granular approach to assess an NWA opportunity. Ahmed helped
BS, Mechanical Engineering,
the team to create a digital twin for each customer premise served by
Cairo University, 2009
the substation under investigation. Then possible retrofits for each
premise are identified. Finally, a layer of expected participation is
Certifications/Registrations used to estimate achievable retrofit potential.
Certified Energy Manager, AEE:
12/2018 Energy Efficiency Program Design – MidAmerican IA 2018
Energy Manager Professional, Senior Consultant. Iowa Utility Board (IUB) required MidAmerican
EMANZ, Issue Date: 05/2016 Energy Company to reduce their spending on energy efficiency plan
which required the plan to be redeveloped. Ahmed combined all the
required information about offered programs and measures and
Professional Affiliations
Professional Engineers Ontario – optimized the portfolio to meet IUB cost effectiveness requirements.
EIT Energy Efficiency Program Design – MidAmerican IL 2019
Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Senior Consultant. Having a smaller customer base than other
Iowa, MidAmerican Energy Company needed to design a cost-
Engineering NZ – MEng effective plan. Ahmed optimized your programs and measures to
EMANZ meet cost effectiveness requirements.
Employment History
ICF. Senior Associate. Toronto, Canada. 01/2018 – Present.
DETA. Energy/Optimization Engineer. Christchurch, New Zealand
11/2015 – 01/2018.
Terry Kessinger, BS, CEM
Senior Director, Energy Efficiency
Terry Kessinger has more than thirty years of experience in
managing energy efficiency and demand response programs on
behalf of utilities throughout the United States. She developed,
implemented, managed, and provided negotiated contracts for utility
company programs performing over 100,000 residential and small
commercial energy audits; processing over 325,000 rebates and
conducted over 35,000 post installation verifications. Terry has
achieved the Certified Energy Manager and Carbon Auditing
Professional accreditations from the Association of Energy
Project Experience
Years of Experience
Professional start date: 07/1982 Entergy Solutions, Entergy Arkansas Inc. Little Rock, AR 2012
ICF start date: 08/2012 to present.
Direct and manage a multi-functional team comprised of technical
BS, Education, University of staff, marketing specialists, field operations personnel, and
Arkansas subcontractors to ensure timely and professional delivery of all
contractual key performance indicators. Effectively develop and
manage budgets and resources to ensure the programs are
Certifications/Registrations implemented in compliance with all regulatory requirements while
Association of Energy Engineers: achieving energy efficiency goals with an outstanding customer
Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
experience. Portfolio of programs include: agricultural solutions,
and Carbon Auditing Professional
multifamily program; manufactured homes program, low income
solutions, smart direct load control, and home energy solutions.

Professional Affiliations Portfolio of Residential and Commercial Energy Efficiency and

Association of Energy Engineers Demand Response Program – PSO, Tulsa, 2015 - Present
Arkansas Association of Energy Lead the residential and commercial portfolio of residential and
Engineers commercial energy efficiency and demand response programs.
AESP Responsibilities include: program design and implementation to
achieve key performance metrics, negotiating contracts, bringing
innovation and best practices and creating a culture of excellence.
• Managed more than a
Texas Portfolio of Energy Efficiency and Demand Response
dozen Residential Energy Programs – Oncor, AEP Texas, CenterPoint Energy Texas,
Efficiency Programs TNMP 2021 - Present
• Presently directing Role. Direct and support the portfolio of energy efficiency and
Residential EE Programs demand response programs ICF implements for various utilities
for Entergy Arkansas, across Texas. Responsible for achieving key performance metrics,
Public Service Company of contract negotiations, staff growth and development, and building
outstanding partner relationships.
Oklahoma (PSO) and
several utilities in Texas. Employment History
ICF. Principal. Little Rock, Arkansas. 08/2012 – Present.
City of North Little Rock. Sustainability Manager. North Little Rock,
Arkansas. 12/2008 – 08/2012.
Niagara Conservation. Director of Program Administration. North
Little Rock, AR07/2005 – 08/2012.
Volt VIEWtech. Regional Director, North Little Rock, AR. 03/1982 –
Cassia Moraes Correa, M.Eng., B.Eng.
Senior Energy Analyst
Cassia is a senior energy analyst that brings more than 6 years of
experience with energy markets and regulatory affairs for a power
distribution and generation company in Brazil. While working in
Canada for the last four years, Cassia has been focusing on
feasibility study of emerging technologies, energy efficiency, M&V,
Distributed Energy Resources, and policy. In 2019 she co-authored
the first edition of the Canadian Provincial Energy Efficiency
Scorecard – an annual report that tracks and benchmarks energy
efficiency policies and performance in Canada. More recently, she
worked for Johnson Controls where she was responsible for mapping
Years of Experience
Professional start date: 2011
opportunities to improve equipment’s energy consumption and for
ICF start date: 10/2020 elaborating M&V plans and reports.
Cassia holds a Master’s degree in Sustainable Energy and Policy at
Education Carleton University and is an Energy Manager and Measurement &
Master of Engineering in
Verification Professional in-training certified (EM-IT and CMVP-IT).
Sustainable Energy and Policy
(2017 – 2019), Carleton Project Experience
University, Ottawa, Canada
GEM: Green Energy Management ICF, Ottawa – Senior Energy Analyst
(2015), University of Milano- Innovative Emerging Opportunities, FortisBC, British Columbia,
Bicocca, Milan, Italy 10/2020 – present. Researcher. Assess the feasibility of several
Specialist in Energy Business commercial energy efficiency technologies by reviewing case
Management (2015 – 2017), studies, identifying energy savings, assessing costs, estimating
Administration Institute benefit-cost ratios, and assessing the potential to include in utility
Foundation, Sao Paulo, Brazil programs.
Insulation Sector Training Development, Home Performance
Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical
Engineer (2005 – 2010), Federal
Stakeholder Council, British Columbia, 10/2020 – present.
University of Itajuba, Itajuba, Brazil Researcher. Develop the curriculum for a comprehensive
training course on the Quality Installation of Insulation in Existing
Residential Homes in BC, format it to an online learning
Certifications/Registrations management system, and deliver the training to residential
Energy Manager in Training insulation contractors from all parts of BC.
Certification – CIET/AEE Using existing technical and economic information, generated an
Certified Measurement and updated annual projection for Canada to 2035 of key variables
Verification Professional in related to lamps containing mercury and other direct alternative
Training – CIET/AEE lamp types, in support of future amendments to the Products
Containing Mercury Regulations.
Lead Analyst – FortisBC, Pre-
Johnson Controls, Ottawa – Energy Solutions Performance
feasibility Study of Internal Air Specialist
Barrier & Duct Sealing Energy Performance Contract at Garrison Petawawa, Defence
Lead Analyst – FortisBC, Pre- Construction Canada, Petawawa – Ontario, 07/2019 – 09/2020.
feasibility Study of Innovative M&V Specialist.
Emerging Opportunity Developed high-level and thorough new energy solutions,
Lead Analyst – FortisBC, engaging with the engineering, sales, and contracting
Step Code Case Study departments to improve energy savings strategies. Specialist in
manipulating energy consumption data extracted from clients’
Senior Researcher – HPSC, Business Automation Systems, using statistical tools to measure,
Insulation Sector Training monitor, and oversee energy baselines and targets. Lead,
Development implemented, coordinated, and supported sustainability
initiatives in the Ottawa Valley region as a member of the
Sustainability Awareness Committee.
Efficiency Canada, Ottawa – Policy Analyst
Canadian Provincial Energy Efficiency Scorecard, Ottawa – Ontario, 09/2018 – 04/2019, Policy
Analyst. Co-authored the first edition of an annual report that tracks and benchmarks energy
efficiency policies and performance in Canada. Researched a complex range of data, producing
write-ups, and reporting the findings to the Policy Director. Developed a user-friendly data collection
system for the Scorecard, improving presentation and documentation using excel and VBA. Managed
a team of Research Assistants, assigning tasks, providing technical guidance, and keeping track of
deliverables, to undertake the first stage of the desk research.

AES Brasil, Sao Paulo – Energy Management and Generation Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Study-case for implementing underground power distribution systems, Sao Paulo – Brazil, 07/2011 –
06/2012, Project Manager, and Researcher. Implemented the project responsible for providing
regulatory, economic, and financial guidance to implementing underground power distribution
systems in Brazil.
Tariff-related internal processes’ improvements, Sao Paulo – Brazil, 03/2013 – 12/2013, Project
Manager, and Researcher. Managed the development and implementation of the project, mediating
stakeholders’ interests to build common ground, defining budget allocation, and determining relevant
Mitigation of hydro contracts’ financial impacts on power distribution and generation companies, Sao
Paulo – Brazil, 01/2014 – 06/2014, Researcher. Partnered with Company’s generation planners to
build a model to identify risks and predict financial impacts for hydro contracts, receiving an award for
reducing previous models’ margin of error by 85%.
General Activities: Identified, analyzed, tracked, and prospected regulatory changes and public
policies in the energy market, reporting to the Director’s Board and disseminating to the general
audience. Attended public hearings and participated in meetings with regulatory authorities and
associations, identifying key partners, and advocating for corporate’s strategic goals.
Employment History
ICF. Senior Energy Analyst. Ottawa, ON. 2020 – Present
Johnson Controls. Energy Solutions Performance Specialist. Ottawa, ON. 2019 – 2020
Efficiency Canada. Policy Analyst. Ottawa, ON. 2018 – 2019
AES Brasil. Energy Management and Generation Regulatory Affairs Specialist. Sao Paulo, Brasil. 2011 –
Mohamed Abdelsalam, PhD, EIT
Senior Energy Markets Consultant
Mohamed got his BSc and MSc degrees in Mechanical Engineering
from Ain Shams University in Egypt. Then, he received his PhD
degree in Mechanical Engineering from McMaster University in
Canada. His PhD was on component- and system-level modeling
and optimization of thermal storage systems with phase change
materials for solar domestic heating applications. Mohamed
completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the area of integrated
community energy systems with a focus on the integration of energy
storage technologies to micro-thermal networks. For 8 months,
Years of Experience
Professional start date: 09/2008 Mohamed worked as a safety analyst at Terrestrial Energy Inc – a
ICF start date: 04/2022 company that develops a design for a small modular nuclear reactor.
He is motivated to maximize impact and contribution to the
Education decarbonization of the energy systems of the future to combat the
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, climate change challenges.
McMaster University, 2017
Project Experience
MSc, Mechanical Engineering –
Thermal Management, Ain Shams Potential Study
University, Egypt, 2012 Pre-feasibility study for gas AMI—Fortis BC, Canada, 04/2022 –
BSc, Mechanical Engineering, Ain Present
Shams University, Egypt, 2008
Lead Analyst. Conducting research and market surveys on gas AMI
technology and developing analytical framework to assess the
Professional Affiliations achievable potential of gas AMI in select energy efficiency and
Professional Engineers Ontario – demand response programs.
EIT (2019 – Current)
Program Planning
New measures integration—Entergy Arkansas LLC, 06/2022 –
Lead Analyst. Conducting research on new energy efficiency and
demand response measures for integration into the utility’s program
plan 2024-2026. Mohamed develops estimates for energy savings,
load shapes and forecasted participation rates to evaluate the per-
measure cost effectiveness for potential integration into the program.
Safety Analysis for Integrated Molten Salt Reactors
Deterministic safety analysis for IMSR400—Terrestrial Energy
Inc, 08/2021 –03/2022
Lead Analyst. Simulated postulated initiating events and accident
scenarios prescribed for the integrated molten salt reactor (IMSR)
using Flownex system-level software to predict the dynamic behavior
of the reactor during these events/accidents.
Academic Research
Decarbonization strategies for district energy systems—
McMaster Institute of Energy Studies, 09/2018 –07/2021
Lead Research Scientist. Developed design and performance
prediction tools for community-scale Distributed Energy Resource
(DER) systems including decentralized CHPs, heat pumps, energy
storage, and micro-thermal network. Evaluated various
decarbonization strategies for the electrical and thermal sectors such
as air-source and ground-source heat pumps, combined heat and
power (CHP), and district heating systems. Devised solutions achieving carbon emissions reduction of
50-90% compared to conventional systems, while providing demand response services for the electrical
grid with significant reduction potential of curtailed renewable generation.
Employment History
ICF. Senior Energy Markets Consultant. Toronto, Canada. 04/2022 – Present.
Terrestrial Energy Inc. Safety Analyst. Ontario, Canada. 08/2021 – 03/2022.
McMaster University. Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Ontario, Canada. 08/2017 – 07/2021.
Parvez Khan, P.Eng., PMP, CEM, M.Eng., MBA
Senior Energy Analyst
Parvez Khan is an Energy Engineer with significant experience in energy
efficiency, beneficial electrification, renewable energy, and sustainability
solutions. He worked on assessment of emerging EE technologies, DSM
potential study, DSM program planning & design, and strategic
planning/policy development to reduce GHG emissions. Parvez is
specialized in technology assessment, market research, energy
modeling, and developing low-carbon retrofit measures for building
sectors. His recent works include pre-feasibility studies of several EE
technologies, including hybrid heating system controls, radiant barriers
Years of Experience and internal air-barrier on behalf of FortisBC. He also worked on
Professional start date: 05/2006 Enbridge Gas’s Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Jurisdictional
ICF start date: 09/2017 Review Report and FortisBC’s Non-Pipe Solutions Status Update. He is
presently working on commercial & industrial measure development for
Education Iowa Achievable Potential Study and commercial & industrial measure
Certificate in Energy Management development for Dominion Energy Couth Carolina Potential Study.
and Innovation - Ryerson
Before joining ICF, Parvez worked for Toronto and Regional
University, Toronto, ON, 2014
Conservation Authority (TRCA), where he developed TRCA’s Renewable
M.Eng. Mechanical (with Graduate Energy Plan, which includes feasibility study of Solar PV, Wind, and
Certificate in Green Energy)- other renewable energy technologies, and supported in the development
University of Waterloo, ON, 2013 of their strategic plan to achieve the goal of becoming carbon neutral by
MBA, Finance, University of 2025.
Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2009
Project Experience
M.Eng. I.P.E., Bangladesh
University of Engineering Pre-Feasibility Study of Emerging Energy Efficiency Technologies–
Technology, 2003 FortisBC, British Columbia, 2019 – Ongoing
Lead Analyst. Parvez is the lead researcher for this pre-feasibility in-
Certifications/Registrations depth study focused on characterizing the BC market for implementing
Professional Engineer (P.Eng.), different types of emerging residential, commercial, and industrial energy
Ontario efficiency, their applicability in BC’s climate, and determining whether
they should be incorporated into pilot studies and/or existing DSM
Project Management Professional
(PMP) programs. In addition to in-depth reviews of the technologies and any
available research and pilot studies, the study includes consultations with
Certified Energy Manager (CEM) key market actors, a review of relevant programs in other jurisdictions, a
detailed savings analysis on a large number of scenarios, and the
Professional Affiliations development of technical resource manual (TRM) entries. Example of
Professional Engineering Ontario some of the technologies he studied includes:
(PEO) • Warm Mixed Asphalt - Industrial
Project Management Institute • Window Attachments - Residential and Small Commercial
(PMI) • Radiant Barrier - Residential and Small Commercial
• Interior Air Barrier and Duct Sealing - Residential and Small
Association of Energy Engineers
• Hybrid Heating (Heat Pump + Fossil Fuel) Controls - Residential and
Small Commercial

Energy Efficiency Potential Study, Iowa Utility Association (IUA),

01/2022 – Ongoing
Senior Analyst – Commercial and Industrial Sectors. Parvez has
worked on energy savings and cost estimation of commercial and
industrial electric and gas efficiency measures for three electric and gas
member utilities of IUA. He also supported estimating the applicability of
the EE measures to determine the technical potential of the measures.
DSM Potential Study, Dominion Energy South Carolina (DESC), 04/2022 – Ongoing
Senior Analyst – Commercial and Industrial Sectors. Parvez is working on energy savings and cost
estimation of commercial and industrial energy efficiency measures for the DESC’s PS. He is also
supporting estimating the applicability of the EE measures to determine the technical potential of the
Low Carbon Case Studies for Residential and Commercial Space and Water Heating Using Air-
Source or Ground-Source Heat Pumps, CEATI, Canada, 04/2021 – 06/2022
Lead Analyst. This is a meta-review and analysis of field monitoring studies of various types of air-source
and ground-source heat pumps. Parvez is the lead analyst for this study. He reviewed different heat
pump related field studies done in North America and conducted interviews with a variety of market actors
to collect information on typical heat pump costs, understand the various barriers preventing more
widespread adoption of heat pump technologies, and provide recommendations for improving the design
and delivery of relevant programs.
Beneficial Electrification Strategy, ComEd, 2020 – 2021
Senior Analyst – Building and Transportation Sectors. Parvez supported the development of a
training material on Beneficial Electrification for both technical and non-technical audience within ComEd.
He also developed catalogue of electro-technologies relevant to commercial buildings and transportation
and the energy and GHG emissions savings associated with their replacement of various baseline
Electrification Potential Study for Canada, NRCan, 2020 – 2021
Senior Analyst – Building Sectors. Parvez supported the development of a comprehensive catalogue
of electro-technologies relevant to residential and commercial buildings and the energy and GHG
emissions savings associated with their replacement of various baseline scenarios across Canada. He
also supported utility-style cost-effectiveness testing including TRC and mTRC and achievable potential
modelling over a 50-year time horizon.
Expanded Heat Pump Program, Consolidated Edison (ConEd), New York, 2019 - 2020
Analyst. ConEd retained ICF to provide support on planning programs to encourage the adoption of heat
pumps to be launched in the first quarter of 2020. As a part of the planning support Parvez, reviewed and
updated the benefit-cost analysis model for heat pumps and prepared a draft QA/QC process for the heat
pump program. The intend of the program was to promote heat pumps of all kinds (ASHP with or without
the cold climate attribute, GSHP, ductless mini-splits, heat pump water heaters, packaged terminal heat
pumps, and commercial rooftop heat pumps) and across all sectors (residential, multi-family, businesses,
and institutions of all sizes). This e new portfolio of programs is to be consistently planned and deployed
across the service territories of the Joint Utilities of New York (JUNY).
Residential HELP Program Design – The City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 2021
Design Analyst. Parvez researched about prospective residential building energy efficiency measures
for help designing a new residential energy efficiency rebate program for the City of Saskatoon. He
reviewed technical resources manuals (TRMs) of different North American jurisdictions and prepare a list
of eligible measures, base cases, and measure case costs, etc. He also estimated energy savings
opportunities from the measures considering the weather of the city, performed cost-benefit analysis,
including the cost of GHG abetments, and outlined eligibility criteria for the measures.
Building Energy Retrofit Accelerator (BERA) Program Design – The City of Edmonton, Alberta,
2019 - 2020
Design Analyst. Parvez researched about prospective non-residential building energy efficiency
measures for designing a new non-residential energy efficiency rebate program for the City of Edmonton.
He reviewed technical resources manuals (TRMs) of different North American jurisdictions and prepare a
list of eligible measures, base cases, and measure case costs, etc. He also estimated energy savings
opportunities from the measures considering the weather of the city, performed cost-benefit analysis,
including cost of GHG abetments, and outlined eligibility criteria for the measures.
DSM Program Design for the Residential, the Commercial and the Institutional Sectors Client -
Yukon Energy Corporation, 2018 – 2019
Design Analyst. Parvez conducted research and analysis in the design of new residential, small
business, and commercial DSM programs to enhance Yukon’s Electricity demand-side management
(DSM) program portfolio in response to Yukon’s growing economy and energy demands. He estimated
cost, energy savings, and GHG reduction opportunities of the preliminarily selected measures and
performed cost-benefit analysis (cost-effectiveness test including TRC, SCT and PAC) to ensure the
overall viability of the measures. He also developed a Technical Reference Manual (TRM), incorporating
all the viable measures for Yukon Energy Corporation.
Business Energy Savings (BES) and Industrial Perspective Program Design – Energy Efficiency
Alberta, Alberta, 2017 – 2019
Design Analyst. Parvez researched about prospective non-residential energy efficiency measures for the
expansion of the Business Energy Savings (BES) program and the design of a new industrial perspective
program. He estimated cost, estimated deemed energy savings, performed cost-benefit analysis, and
outlined eligibility criteria for the measures. He also prepared coding for the VisionDSM online application
system and performed QA/QC process of the online tool to ensure that the energy-saving and rebate
amount are reflecting correctly. Parvez also performed an analysis of the BES program performance
through program benchmarking.

Employment History
ICF Consulting Inc., Senior Analyst/Analyst, Toronto, ON, Canada. 09/2017 – present.
Enerlife Consulting Inc. Energy Data Analysis. Toronto, ON, Canada. 09/2016 – 10/2016.
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), Project Analyst - Corporate Sustainability. Vaughan,
ON, Canada, 07/2015 – 06/2016.
Centre for Urban Energy, Ryerson University, Research Assistant. Toronto, ON, Canada, 04/2015 –
Jamuna Bank Limited, Head office. Project Analyst, Lease Financing (Industrial). Dhaka, Bangladesh.
05/2006 – 06/2011.
Hamza Zaheer, MEng., EMIT
Energy Markets Consultant
Hamza Zaheer is an experienced mechanical engineer with a
Masters degree from University of Waterloo. During his academic
and professional life, he has developed energy modelling and data
analysis skills. Hamza possesses strong market research and
documentation capabilities and likes to keep abreast of all new
energy efficient technologies in the marketplace. Hamza enjoys
evaluating the technical and economic potential of new technologies.
Hamza is also experienced in planning, conducting and reporting
Years of Experience M&V for several residential projects.
Professional start date: 07/2016
ICF start date: 01/2021 Project Experience

Education Emerging Technology Assessment for FortisBC

Master of Engineering – Researched and analyzed several emerging technologies, including
Mechanical (MEng), University of hybrid dual-fuel heat pumps and integrated controls for residential
Waterloo, 2017-2018, Graduate and warm mix asphalt for industrial programs. Hamza conducted
Diploma in Green Energy
measure development to identify energy and demand saving
Bachelor of Engineering – potential, as well as penetration and applicability of the measure in
Mechanical (BEng), National the BC market.
University of Sciences &
Technology, Pakistan, 2012-2016 Impact Assessment of Heat Pump technologies for
electrification potential studies
Certifications/Registrations Developed energy models by simulating different
Energy Manager in training (EMIT) configurations/efficiencies of heat pump systems for single-family
homes, to identify energy and demand potential of the technology in
several beneficial electrification potential studies.

Showerhead Temperature Shut-off Valve as an Energy Efficient

Measure – Focus on Energy – Wisconsin TRM
Hamza analyzed the energy and demand saving potential of
showerhead temperature shut-off valves (TSV). The analysis
conducted for this measure is consistent with research conducted in
this area. Hamza also co-authored the workpaper for this measure.

Technical Review of IESO Incentive Application

Conducted detailed technical review for incentive applications of
lighting and non-lighting/custom energy efficiency measures. The
review demands strong understanding of M&V criterion of the
program and strong analytical skill to ensure the application adheres
to program rules.

Energy Model Review for HPNC & TGS Incentive Applications

Conducted extensive energy model reviews for multiple, large multi-
unit residential buildings, as well as hospitals and mixed-use
commercial buildings.

Measurement and Verification of several energy efficiency

projects at TAF
Collection and consolidation of large utility and submetering
datasets. Completed analysis to identify savings in terms of energy,
emissions, and costs (payback, NPV and IRR). Prepared plans for
M&V for new energy efficiency projects.
Technical Skills
Energy Modelling
Measure Development
Technical Review
Market Research
Data analysis
Measurement & Verification
Employment History
ICF. Energy Markets Consultant. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 01/2021 – present
The Atmospheric Fund (TAF). Building Energy & Environment Researcher. Toronto, ON, Canada
12/2018 – 01/2021
Toyota (Indus) Motor Company Limited. Trainee Engineer. Karachi, Pakistan. 07/2016 – 11/2016

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