40 Imigrantes Ilegais Norte Africanos Quasem Matam Deixam Desfigurado Jovem Refugiado Ucraniano Que Defendia Duas Adolescentes

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RENE The victim's mother told an Italian newspaper how her son fled his homeland only to find war in Italy August 18,2023 cer REMI NEWS _ suthor THOMAS BROOKE ‘An 18-year-old Ukrainian refugee was left disfigured and in need of plastic surgery after being slashed with a box cutter ina violent robbery at the hands of a large gang of approximately 40 North African men in Kay. Danylo Shydlovskyi, who fied his homeland following the Russian invasion last year, was hospitalized as a result of the attack on the evening of Sunday, Aug. 6, in Milan He had been returning home from a day trip to the lake with his brother and some friends when the group was attacked outside the Garibaldi train station “There were six of usin all, four boys and two girls, two of which were minors, he told ll Giorno newspaper. The victim recounted how he ‘and his friends were accosted by “a band of about 40 North Africans, They surrounded us to steal our glasses and purse. I thought | was going to bleed to death “There were about 40 of them, and they surrounded us. They took my glasses away, and I didn't react. At one point someone sprayed a stinging spray. Instincively | pushed away the two gils who were near me, to protect them, and didnt run away he sai. Danylo faced the attackers ina valiant effort to protect the minors and was slashed from his forehead to chin with a box cutter. He also sustained serious lacerations on his back and left arm as he sought to defend himself and the group, “They pushed me against a parked car and smashed a bottle over my head. Then they hit me inthe face, witha belt, and lent over.” Emergency responders were dispatched to the scene and found Danylo left ina pool of blood. The Ukrainian teen was admitted to the Fatebenefratelli hospital fo intial treatment before being discharged with a 20-day prognosis. He required more than 30 stitches and will need further work on his face. “Lwill have it for atleast a year’ Danylo sald of his scar. “Ihave to get the wound under control, they will have to have the stitches removed, and then | will have to start plastic surgery’ he tad I Giomo. The Ukrainian refugee fled a complaint with the Affori police station and an investigation into the attack is understood to be ongoing, “hope thatthe police wil be able to find whoever reduced me to this. Today it happened to me, tomorrow it could happen to someone clse. 'm having terrible days, no one deserves this” he said ok WF Twitter Reddit Email Europe differently Get your daily dose of Remix News straight to your mailbox! email Subscribe EEMIX Join Remix News and ViewsonTelegram @ CRIME ALY MIRATION MEWS —_UKRAIN RELATED Local residents have taken matters nt ther own hands flea series of violent attacks on ther communities by migrants and people smugglers Mass police operation sees Pale from several European nations were nvclvedin the police sting last month that brought an end toa lucrative smuggling business operating across the continent, ‘Migront knifeman who stabbed 10-year-old Dutch oi in Gothenburg public square deemed fit enough for prison A medical examination showed he was not mently ill atthe time ofthe offense and can now be sent ojalfor attempted murder oa nationals march through the town Police officer investiogted after shooting knife-wielding asylum seeker in Hanover The police officer is under investigation for potenti attempted manslaughter ‘The presence of NGO ships off Italian coostiis fueling migration crisis, worns intelligence report The quaratee of telng picked up by NGO boats I being promoted by people smugglers on social media and vessels and charge more money, alin intligence services claim is allowing ciminal gang to use les seaworthy ‘eee wants goverment help in countering alia dere that lis th ety haan authorities permitted women and eden as well a men a need of medical cate o enter the county, bul eused acces o 250 adult males on board the NGO humanitarian vessels / Two female police officers attacked Pace unions are geting fed up wth ongoing treatment towards pliceoffcers and called onthe new interior minister to impose harsher sentences on those whe aac law enforcement President of Vneto Luca Zaa called for a tough crack down on gang erie an forthe introduction of harsher sentences bythe incoming talan government Fronce soon to proudly enshrine freedom’ to Kil children in the womb in its constitution rison conditions in Hungary, Priacy poly about Cockle Satings Cokie Paty Country unaean Union Hungary Polane cuechia Slovakia Utes states ema rence News Feconany lgarcia Poles Uke Rusia Mar Videos Politics Remix Excsve Interviews flection

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