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The High School Plot

By: Cindy Ken B. Enot

When I say my school is crazy I mean my school is crazy. Ever since I moved into this small town my High School
has just seemed so creepy and very.
It's said that my High School was built on an ancient burial site for a cult way back from the 1920s. I've heard that
the cult is still around today and the teachers are all in on it to so I've decided to go out and find out for myself.
I got up this morning thinking how I would crack this case. While in the process I went downstairs and ate some
fruit Loops ten out of ten. I then after that walked to school but on my way to school I noticed something different
about the side of the school there was this basement cellar looking door on the side that I hadn't ever noticed
I didn't have time to explore cause I had to get to class but I told myself that that's what I'll look into first. The day
went by normal Mr Thomas my math teacher was as creepy as ever with his math problems all about death, An
my history teacher Mrs Crum Bucket teaching us about the history of stuff that never even happened.
Later that day after the final bell rang I heard weird noises coming from our silver pure metal kitchen that looks like
something straight out of a wall. It sounded kind a like a moaning sound of like a chimp or maybe a kangaroo or
something like that. I didn't have time to explore cause my mom was here to pick me up for the day but as I was
walking out of the school I looked at the door again on the side and noticed a strange glowing light coming from
That night I couldn't sleep cause of the amount of fear I had of my schooI got up and pulled out my laptop from
under my bed and searched up the cult known as the loxNixInnPox also known as LNIP or in the future to be
found out as the R.G.S but that's not important yet back to the story, I found out that the cult would pull in people
with an innocent cover up just like the school.
I was overwhelmed with information so I put my laptop away and went to bed for another day of fear. Tuesday I
woke up my heart was beating fast for I knew with the information I've learned I would surely soon be a target. I
went down stairs just thinking to myself trying to make a plan on what I should do. I was lost in my thoughts of,
what if they try to kill me, what if they tie me up and leave me there for years.
I thought of all the possibilities and it caused fear to overwhelm me. I thought of trying to tell my parents but that
wouldn't do much for me I knew they wouldn't believe me the school is to good of a cover up. I walked to school
looking at that door again thinking, wondering what could possibly be in there. I walked to my first period of the
day science with Mrs Kox. Which if I'm being honest sounds a lot like the cults name. I sat down in my seat
waiting, listening, observing and then just at that moment a girl walked in I had never seen her before.
She was as pretty as ever she had beautiful eyes an amazing smile, perfect wavy brown hair. She was dreamy I
thought maybe I should introduce myself maybe the cult isn't so important maybe just maybe I could have a true
life for once and with her in the center. I thought to myself how to start a conversation but just at that moment as I
was thinking she sat next to me not a care in the world.
I gazed into her beautiful eyes as she asked me for a pencil I then replied with sure and passed her a pencil. After
the bell rang for the next class I decided to walk with her and I asked her if she wanted to know a secret. She said
yes so I told her everything I knew about the cult and the burial ground and how I've been trying to learn the truth.
Surprisingly she believed me and asked to join up with me so we can find out together. I accepted the offer of
course but I just couldn't get over how beautiful she was.
A few hours later the final bell rang I ran back to my house not caring about the door just thinking of her in my
head, I couldn't get her out she was stuck in my head. That night I laid on my bed thinking how I should tell her
that we need to go to that door. I soon fell asleep dreaming of us defeating the cult and saving the school from its
evil past. I woke up, I was so excited to go to school and see her today I couldn't help myself but think of all the
possibilities and conversations we could have. I then realized that we have a bigger problem than to be thinking
about our relationship. I really missed her son grabbed my stuff opened the door and ran to school.
Except this time I saw her walking so I walked with her on my way to school. I told her about the door and asked
her what she thinks we should do? She looked at me kind of concerned and said "I think we should break in
tonight it's now or never or at least we should scope it out maybe tomorrow would work better" I agreed and told
her that after school to meet me in the front of the school near the door she agreed. Later in the day I saw her at
lunch she was with all of her friends and I was kind of all by myself but I didn't mind cause I was just watching her
beauty. The bell rang after lunch and I went to my next class which surprisingly was oddly calming today nothing
was happening the teacher was gone and a substitute was there in her place I was glad cause the sub didn't
know about the past so it gave me the upper hand when it came to work and stuff. That happened to be the best
class I've had in my whole time of being at this school we all got candy as well it was delicious. Then RINGRING
the fire alarm went off.
My class lined up and we all walked outside single file me and that girl made eye contact in the hall on our way to
the designated spots for the fire drill, although something was off this time we weren't going to where we usually
did and it seems all the classes got candy cause the halls were littered with wrappers i then spit out my candy, we
were then all taken to this dark room where I heard the other students start to complain about their stomachs
hurting and I watched as each student one by one started to faint ever she did the girl of my dreams it was heart
breaking to see I then realized my candy!! I spit it out so I won't be affected I then pretended to pass out. I laid
limp on the ground until I started to feel the affect as well I then passed out it was dark and all I could here was
screaming I woke up with a sudden jerk it was her she woke me up she said" wake up we need to get out We
woke up scared for what was in store for us at the school. We got ready and soon left her house, when we arrived
at the school it was as if nothing ever happened everyone was still happy everyone had their friends they were
talking to only weird thing was all the teachers had subs today. Which was really quite nice me and Marilyn
walked to our first class together not knowing what would be in store for us
. We sat in our seats and learned about normal history again yet another day of the best learning I've got in a long
time. Although Marilyn were concerned why it seen we weren't even there and the teachers were all gone it was
as if we vanished from the school. Then Marilyn whispered to me "We need to scope out that door tonight and
that's final" I said okay then texted my mom not to get me cause I'd be staying late at a friend house. RING
RINGRING 8 hours had passed already and school was out as if it had been a minute when it was 8 hours the
sun was only just starting to set so me and Marilyn sat I. The bush which will soon be known as the "Scoping
bush" we sat in that bush for what felt like years in that bush for what felt like years asking questions waiting until
night Time to role in.
As we were sitting in the bush she asked me if I have "ever been in love before or even believed in it" I replied
with yes I believe In love I hope one day to actually find it myself, I smiled at her as she smiled back.
CRACKBANG we both peeked through the bush and to our surprise our gym teacher Mr Robin had left the red
door I saw as he walked away suspiciously a tattoo that almost looked like a rat and a goat mixed together with a
star on host upper wrist I thought to myself where have I seen that before then I blinked and he was gone then I
realized he left the red door ever so cracked open.
It had become dusk and night had fallen me and Marilyn walked up to the door and peered inside which to our
surprise it was a closest filled with what seemed to be old documents and books. We looked around the room
hoping to find a switch of some kind and what we found was an old book with the letters abbreviated R.G.S we
opened the book and saw the image of the rat mixed with goat mixed with a star my heart dropped when I read
the words beneath it that read RACKA HA GACKA SAMBA and the wall opened up leaving a corridor that looked
to be hundreds of years old We both looked at each other and said "should we?" So we did we walked down the
corridor for what seemed to be hours turning left then turning right then left then upstairs for what felt to be hours
them out of nowhere loud screech and what sounded like a group of munks or nuns singing a terribly very tune
walked by holding someone by the legs and wrists.
Me and someone by the legs and wrists. Me and Marilyn hid behind the wall watching as they all chanted in song
"rabachacha baickiwishi lenguine sacrifishee" the last word was the only thing that seemed to be something
English me and Marilyn looked at each other in terror as we realized they were gone sacrifice that poor guy they
were carrying. I looked down at my watch that read12:01 Friday I soon realized we had been in those Halls for
what wasn't just a feeling of hours but was actually hours.
Marilyn and I slowly followed the group of cultist. Which they then led us to a room that looked like it fell straight
out of a storybook with a huge medieval arena we watched as they tied the man to chain son the floor of the
middle of the room and circled around him then a women in a robe different from the others this one the most
black you could ever see i watched I as I saw her arms go up with what looked to be a staggering blade that
looked like a lightning bolt that Zeus would hold, she said with a shout" TO THE ANCESTRY OF THE RABIDGEO
STRONGHOLDS" then her arms came down and the man was dead instantly.
It then clicked that's what R.G.S stands for and I said Marilyn we need to get out of here. Turns out the hallways
echo a lot and at that moment I watched as the entire cult turned towards us held there torches up and the women
then say "RUN" we ran and ran as fast as we could down the halls and all the corridors of that horrible place I
turned to looks behind us once and I saw what looked like the cult members all grew wings made of shadows I
gave off a very girlish shreek and continued to run, we made it to the red door what felt to be after miles of running
we sprinted out the door slammed it shut and reclosed the lock that used to be on it and as we locked the door
you could here as if it was the sounds of hell itself screaming of torture and suffering as if they were all punished
for failing to capture us and then a blaze of smoke and red light came from beneath the door and the screaming
stopped and the door stopped pounding.
I then walked Marilyn home said "l ride over tomorrow on my bike and we can talk about what the heck just
happened" she agreed and I walked home I. I walked through the door no one was home which was new cause
my family was always home I didn't think much of it but I went into my bed and passed of it but I went into my bed
and passed out what felt like the deepest and best sleep of my life or so I thought. I woke up with a sudden jerk as
woke up from a nightmare which consisted of burning and pain and most of all death worst part was Marilyn had
been chained up behind that red door freak show.
I got dressed and sprinted downstairs to my bike and rode to her house as fast of my legs could peddle. When I
arrived at her house she was where to be seen my heart dropped I drove my bike across tow1 to school as fast as
possible when I arrived the school had a sign that said close for the year I was confused and terrified for what was
in store. I looked at the side of the school at the door the lock was gone the door was open and the secret wall
had been left open as of someone or something broke through. I with no hesitation ran down those corridors in
school just to find the area room empty except for a faint red light at the top floor above a case of stairs.
I slowly and consciously walked up the stairs and peeled through the door that lead into the red light. In that
moment what I saw was the worst thing you could imagine to see bodies upon bodies of my fellow classmates
and teachers all dead and in the corner was Marilyn chained to the wall blindfolded and mouth taped shut I ran
over to her and took the blindfold and tape off her. "THEY TOOK ME THEY TOOK ME they found where I lived
and came into my room and dragged me here by my arms I had no way out" i then asked her do you know where
the key is to the chains she said it was in the cabinet.
Only problem was there were five I scavenged through the drawers of the cabinets hoping to find a key and then
BOOM from the corridor and the leader walked in the same women who did the sacrifice before was on her way. I
found the key in the very last drawer I ran over to Marilyn and unlocked her chains.
She looked me in the eyes and kissed me and in that exact moment I kid you not the world stopped moving and
fireworks when off.She then said "thank you now let's get the Hell out of here' I agreed still in shock from what
happened. She grabbed my hand and led me down a hallway right as the leader discovered she was gone I heard
at the end of the hall "NOOOO" and then a swooping sound as I was lifted up in what seemed to be a trap hung
upside down slowly losing consciousness watching as Marilyn kept running not knowing what had happened to
Then boom I was out. arena again and there they were both menacingly standing there on the other side of the
circle shaped arena. I yelled to them "what do you want from me I just want to be normal and free" the leader then
replied in which sounded like two voices "we want your SOUL" I then replied with why mine and not anyone else's
she replied "yours is the purest soul we've seen in a thousand years there for you must DIE"I then watched as the
floor beneath me became blood red and spiral down like something straight from Alice and wonder land And I
watched as I saw the flesh from my bones disintegrate and then BLACK RING RINGRING I woke up I was in my
house my mom over my bed and my alarm blazing "honey are you okay you've been screaming and shouting for
the last hour" I then said I was fine.
As I saw my own mother look me dead in the eye with a death stare and say and I quote "R.G.S R. G. S" and I
watched as her face slowly melted away as well as my room and then silence darkness had consumed
everything. Then out of where a light it was Marilyn and me??I watched as my family was trying to start my heart
my mom dad Marilyn and a doctor then I watched as they all started to cry and the doctor walked away, then a
flash and I was awake, my family and Marilyn all crying hugged me my parents left as I lay. In my bed Marilyn
kissed me again then whispered in my ear "R.G.S is watching" someone by the legs and wrists.
Me and Marilyn hid behind the wall watching as they all chanted in song "rabachacha baickiwishi lenguine
sacrifishee" the last word was the only thing that seemed to be something English me and Marilyn looked at each
other in terror as we realized they were gonna sacrifice that poor guy they were carrying.

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