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Virginia Company Massachusetts Company
Founded 1606 Founded 1620
Make money! Puritan Separatists!
Jamestown Plymouth
Captain John Smith John Winthrop
Powhatan Indians Wampanoag Indians
Pocahontas Squanto
“starving times” Thanksgiving
Tobacco plantations Small farms
House of Burgesses Mayflower Compact
Indentured servants Families
Headright System Great Migration
1st slaves


Virginia Company Massachusetts Company
Founded 1606 Founded 1620
Make money! Puritan Separatists!
Jamestown Plymouth
Captain John Smith John Winthrop
Powhatan Indians Wampanoag Indians
Pocahontas Squanto
“starving times” Thanksgiving
Tobacco plantations Small farms
House of Burgesses Mayflower Compact
Indentured servants/slaves Families
Headright System Great Migration
1st slaves


Virginia Company Massachusetts Company
Founded 1606 Founded 1620
Make money! Puritan Separatists!
Jamestown Plymouth
Captain John Smith John Winthrop
Powhatan Indians Wampanoag Indians
Pocahontas Squanto
“starving times” Thanksgiving
Tobacco plantations Small farms
House of Burgesses Mayflower Compact
Indentured servants/slaves Families
Headright System Great Migration
1st slaves
Mayflower Compact Massachusetts Great Migration Founded 1620
Virginia Company Company Make money! Puritan Separatists!
Families Wampanoag Indians Squanto Thanksgiving
House of Burgesses “starving times” Jamestown Plymouth
Powhatan Indians Founded 1606 Captain John Smith Pocahontas
Indentured servants John Winthrop Tobacco plantations
Headright System 1st slaves Small farms


Small farms Plymouth Massachusetts Squanto

Families Great Migration Company Powhatan Indians
House of Burgesses Headright System 1st slaves Jamestown
Wampanoag Indians Make money! Founded 1606 Captain John Smith
“starving times” Founded 1620 Thanksgiving Tobacco plantations
Virginia Company Puritan Separatists! John Winthrop Pocahontas
Mayflower Compact Indentured servants


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