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6-3C (HW 1 after break) Election of 1800 Name: ___________________

I. (251) Jefferson As President

a. TJ ___________ the national debt and cut down on _________ expenses. At the same time, the gov’t got rid
of most federal ________ - only collected customs ________, or taxes on _________ goods.
b. After the elction and before TJ took office, the F’s passed an act that set up a system of _______. JA used
this act, the _________ Act of 1801, to make hundreds of _____________ in his last days as president.
c. Could not take effect until these received certain official papers, called ______________ - When TJ became
president, he told secretary of state James __________ (JM) not to deliver these.
d. One appointee who did not get his commission was William __________ - asked the Supreme ________ to
force its delivery. The Court said it did not have the _____________ - the legal authority, to force delivery.
The Court ruled that the act violated the ________________.
e. The ruling in ____________ v ____________ affected much more than his career –established the three
principles of ___________ __________
i. The ________________ is the supreme law of the land
ii. The ________________ must be followed when there is conflict with any other law
iii. The judicial branch can declare laws __________________
f. In his ____ year term as _______ justice, Marshall helped ________ the power of the court
i. ___________ vs Maryland the Court held that Congress does have implied powers and that states
cannot ______ the federal gov’t
ii. Gibbons vs ________ - Court held that federal law ___________ state law in matters affecting more
than 1 state
iii. In ______________ vs Georgia, the Court decided that ________ could not regulate Native
Americans – only the ___________ gov’t had that power

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