Leading Quality and Safety Improvement Practices

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Leading Quality and

Safety Improvement
Knowledge Sharing for COVID-19

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Qmentum InternationalTM


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Leading Quality and Safety Improvement Practices Qmentum InternationalTM

Table of Contents
Patient Driven Hand Hygiene Auditing.........................................................................................................5
CQIIPC visit: Care and Hygiene and Cleanliness Component......................................................................5
Importance of Hand Hygiene for Patients and Residents When Admitted to Health Care Facilities...........5
Hand Hygiene Certification...........................................................................................................................5
Reducing Environmental Pollution and Improving Hand Hygiene Thanks to A Dedicated Cart.................5
Patients as Observers in Hand Hygiene.........................................................................................................6
I Boost Immunity...........................................................................................................................................6
Mobile App Supports Clinicians in Optimizing Antimicrobial Prescribing..................................................6
Enteric Outbreak Investigation Criteria.........................................................................................................6
Hands App Electronic Hand Hygiene/PPE Auditing Tool............................................................................6
Dépistage des usagers asymptomatiques porteurs de C-diff..........................................................................7
Cleanliness and Flourescent Marker Audit Practice......................................................................................7
GetCheckedOnline STI/HIV Testing.............................................................................................................7
RADAR : Un acronyme bilingue pour optimiser la mise en place des mesures de prévention des
A Portal into the Future of eMedication Reconciliation (eMedRec).............................................................7
Environmental Service Educator Role...........................................................................................................8
Hospital-Acquired Clostridium Difficile Management Program..................................................................8
Putting Tuberculosis Control on the Map......................................................................................................8
Volunteers and Patients as Hand Hygiene “Partners in Care”.......................................................................8
New Tool for Improving Hand Hygiene Practices........................................................................................8
Best Practice in Infection Prevention and Control in a Surgical Patient Population.....................................9
Brigade d’intervention rapide lors d’éclosion................................................................................................9
Use of Telemedicine to Support Care of Newborns in Rural Manitoba........................................................9
The Virtual Neurocritical Care Unit..............................................................................................................9
Aide à la décision lors de l’admission d’un usager porteur de BMR en milieu d’hébergement...................9
Disinfection Needs Identification Tool (DNIT)..........................................................................................10
Alert Codes for Acquisition of Nosocomial Pathogens...............................................................................10
SKYPE: an innovative way to break the isolation of seniors living in institutions.....................................10

Prevention of Nosocomial Infection in the Neonate; Targeting Central Venous Catheter Bloodstream
Infections (CVC-BSI)..................................................................................................................................10
Quality Counts Postcard..............................................................................................................................10
Hand Hygiene eLearning Module for PSWs Working in Home Care Settings...........................................11

Leading Quality and Safety Improvement Practices Qmentum InternationalTM

Virtual Emergency Room: A Unique Outreach Collaboration (Using Technology to Reach Kids in Crisis)
Efficient Organizational Development of Hygiene and Sanitation Services...............................................11
Family Visitation Using Telemedicine Technology....................................................................................11
Model of Infection Prevention and Control internal network......................................................................11
Additional Precautions (AP) for Basic Infection Prevention Practices.......................................................12
Grey Zones...................................................................................................................................................12
Infection Prevention and Control Posters in Agency Vehicles....................................................................12
Reaching for Higher Level than Visual Clean to Prevent Infections...........................................................12
Passport to Preparedness: A clear, portable reference and action guide to prepare for H1N1....................12
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) MRSA Outpatient Clinic..............................................................13
Primary Health Bus Reaches Under-served Populations.............................................................................13
Urban Model for an Immunization Clinic in an Urban Family Practice.....................................................13
Public Health Surveillance Unit and Health Watch Reports.......................................................................13
Outbreak and Post-outbreak Standards of Practice......................................................................................13
Outbreak Management.................................................................................................................................14
Outbreak Management Kit...........................................................................................................................14

Leading Quality and Safety Improvement Practices Qmentum InternationalTM

Patient Driven Hand Hygiene Auditing

2020 | Public Health | Patient Safety | Newfoundland and Labrador | Leading Practice
There was a recognized need and desire at Western Health to engage patient partners in co-design of programs and
services to enhance patient safety. Hand hygiene auditing practices are well established in acute and long-term care
facilities at Western Health, however...
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CQIIPC visit: Care and Hygiene and Cleanliness Component

2020 | Long Term Care | Quebec | Leading Practice
For over 10 years, Vigi Santé has had an ongoing program of audit visits jointly involving infection prevention and
control (IPC) services, hygiene and cleanliness and nursing care at its 15 CHSLDs. The program includes an annual
visit to each of the facilities and a...
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Importance of Hand Hygiene for Patients and Residents When Admitted to

Health Care Facilities
2019 | Acute Care | British Columbia | Leading Practice
Recognizing the importance of patient hand hygiene, a project was set up at St. Paul's hospital to offer hand wipes to
patients before meals. Our provincial hand hygiene working group chose as our theme raising awareness of the
importance of hand hygiene. Volunteers...
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Hand Hygiene Certification

2018 | Long Term Care | Quebec | Leading Practice
80% of common infections can be spread by contaminated hands. Although wearing gloves helps to prevent getting
bodily fluids on the hands, microfissures in gloves do not provide for maximum security against the spread of
infection. The best tool is always good hand...
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Reducing Environmental Pollution and Improving Hand Hygiene Thanks to

A Dedicated Cart
2017 | Long Term Care | Quebec | Leading Practice
We have designed a dedicated cart, which facilitates the change of diapers and helps maintain hand hygiene during
step 3 (immediately after being exposed to the risk of contact with biological liquids). The cart reduces
environmental pollution by the patient at a...
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Patients as Observers in Hand Hygiene

2017 | Primary Care | Ontario | Leading Practice

Leading Quality and Safety Improvement Practices Qmentum InternationalTM

Hand hygiene is important in minimizing the risk of transmission of disease. At Sunnybrook Health Sciences
Centre, we observe 4 moments for hand hygiene as outlined in the Ontario Just Clean Your Hands initiative in
inpatient settings, achieving an overall hospital...
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I Boost Immunity
2017 | Community Health Services | British Columbia | Leading Practice
Vaccines are one of the greatest advances in medicine, but are a victim of their own success. As vaccine preventable
diseases have disappeared, some Canadian parents no longer believe vaccination is needed and unnecessarily fear
vaccines. Canadian vaccination rates...
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Mobile App Supports Clinicians in Optimizing Antimicrobial Prescribing

2016 | Acute Care | E-Health, Infection Prevention and Control | Alberta | Archived (2+ year)
This practice was recognized as a LEADing practice by Canada Health Infoway as part of the “Knowing is Better”
education campaign, in partnership with Accreditation Canada The Calgary Antimicrobial Stewardship Working
Group, comprised of pharmacists, academic...
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Enteric Outbreak Investigation Criteria

2016 | Public Health | Infection Prevention and Control , Quality Improvement | British
Columbia | Archived (2+ year)
Enteric (diarrheal) disease outbreaks include foodborne, waterborne, and those spread through person-to-person or
animal contact. The goal of outbreak investigations is to identify the source of illness in order to control the
outbreak, limit the number of cases, and...
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Hands App Electronic Hand Hygiene/PPE Auditing Tool

2016 | Acute Care | Infection Prevention and Control , Patient Safety | Ontario | Archived (2+
At William Osler Health System (Osler), the Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Program conducts regular
audits of hand hygiene and the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). In the past, audit tools were
paper based as provided by the...
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Dépistage des usagers asymptomatiques porteurs de C-diff

2016 | Acute Care | Infection Prevention and Control | Quebec | Archived (2+ year)
Since the major province-wide outbreak in 2003, Clostridium difficile (C. diff.) has become one of the most serious
problems in health-care settings. In fact, today it is the main cause of nosocomial infectious diarrhea in adults,
affecting up to 2% of hospitalized...
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Leading Quality and Safety Improvement Practices Qmentum InternationalTM

Cleanliness and Flourescent Marker Audit Practice

2016 | Acute Care | Infection Prevention and Control | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
One of Osler’s strategic directions is that we “Continue to deliver exemplary care in the eyes of our patients and
peer”. In order to align with this strategic direction, Osler’s environmental services department implemented a two
tiered audit system for measuring...
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GetCheckedOnline STI/HIV Testing

2016 | Health Systems | Access, E-Health | British Columbia | Archived (2+ year)
Problem:In BC, rates of reportable sexually transmitted infections (STI) continue to rise but uptake of STI and HIV
testing is below recommended levels. Barriers to testing include concerns about privacy and disclosing sexual
behaviors and discomfort with health...
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RADAR : Un acronyme bilingue pour optimiser la mise en place des mesures

de prévention des infections
2015 | Long Term Care | Risk Management | Quebec | Archived (2+ year)
Problems: The multiple physical, cognitive, and emotional requirements inherent to nursing practice constitute
significant factors in decreased vigilance during risk management (Fletcher and Bedwell, 2014). Compliance with
infection control measures by general duty...
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A Portal into the Future of eMedication Reconciliation (eMedRec)

2015 | Health Systems | E-Health | Nova Scotia | Archived (2+ year)
This practice was recognized as a LEADing practice by Canada Health Infoway as part of the “Knowing is Better”
education campaign, in partnership with Accreditation Canada Nova Scotia Health Authority Central Zone
(formerly Capital Health) is the province`s largest...
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Environmental Service Educator Role

2015 | Acute Care | Infection Prevention and Control , Patient Safety | Ontario | Archived (2+
Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH) is a 319 in patient bed medical teaching facility with outpatient
services ranging from speech and hearing to chemotherapy and radiation treatment. RVH’s physical space spans
1,000,000 square feet, therefore ensuring...
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Leading Quality and Safety Improvement Practices Qmentum InternationalTM

Hospital-Acquired Clostridium Difficile Management Program

2014 | Acute Care | Infection Prevention and Control , Patient Safety | Ontario | Archived (2+
A multifaceted approach to the management of Hospital-Acquired Clostridium Difficile (c. difficile) infection
(HACDI) was taken at Toronto East General Hospital (TEGH) to improve quality of care, health outcomes and the
patient experience. This balanced approach has...
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Putting Tuberculosis Control on the Map

2014 | Public Health | Data and Information, E-Health | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
This practice was recognized as a LEADing Practice by Canada Health Infoway as part of the “Knowing is Better”
education campaign, in partnership with Accreditation Canada Advancing Professional Practice Public Health
Ontario Laboratories (PHOL) developed the Ontario...
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Volunteers and Patients as Hand Hygiene “Partners in Care”

2014 | Health Systems | Infection Prevention and Control , Patient Safety | British
Columbia | Archived (2+ year)
Patient engagement in Hand Hygiene is one of Island Health’s strategies for improving the patient experience and
decreasing healthcare associated infections that can result in excess length of stay, morbidity and mortality. Many
of the germs causing infections are...
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New Tool for Improving Hand Hygiene Practices

2013 | Health Systems | Infection Prevention and Control , Quality
Improvement | Quebec | Archived (2+ year)
Before, hydroalcoholic solutions were placed exclusively outside of the room, in the hall. It was difficult, rather
impossible, for staff to adhere to the four key hand hygiene moments (refer to the Canadian campaign). Our overall
compliance rate for hand hygiene in...
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Best Practice in Infection Prevention and Control in a Surgical Patient

2013 | Acute Care | Quality Improvement | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
Healthcare associated infections are considered a serious threat to the hospitalized patient’s safety. Among surgical
site infections, those related to orthopaedic procedures are considered severe and can increase morbidity-mortality
rates. Factors in the...
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Leading Quality and Safety Improvement Practices Qmentum InternationalTM

Brigade d’intervention rapide lors d’éclosion

2013 | Acute Care | Infection Prevention and Control | Quebec | Archived (2+ year)
The outbreak quick response brigade at the Centre de santé et de services sociaux Lucille-Teasdale (CSSSLTEAS)
was created to halt the spread of viruses or bacteria within a maximum of 24 hours after an outbreak has been
declared. This brigade has been in place since...
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Use of Telemedicine to Support Care of Newborns in Rural Manitoba

2013 | Health Systems | Access | Manitoba | Archived (2+ year)
In Manitoba, practitioners are geographically distanced and have varied experience and skill. For over 30 years the
Neonatal transport program has provided consultative and transport service via telephone prior to travelling to our
rural sites with an active...
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The Virtual Neurocritical Care Unit

2013 | Acute Care | Service Delivery | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
At Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, patients with neurocritical illness were historically admitted to a mixed
level III intensive care unit (ICU). However research indicates that this patient population benefits from care in a
dedicated neurocritical care (NCC)...
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Aide à la décision lors de l’admission d’un usager porteur de BMR en milieu

2012 | Long Term Care | Infection Prevention and Control , Patient Safety | Quebec | Archived (2+
The Regional Table for Nosocomial Infection Prevention of the Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de
Montréal (Montreal Health and Social Services Agency) issued a notice in 2007, which was reiterated in 2011, to
promote the harmonization of transfer practices...
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Disinfection Needs Identification Tool (DNIT)

2012 | Long Term Care | Infection Prevention and Control | Quebec | Archived (2+ year)
In this technological where so many functions in hospitals have been computerized, it is surprising to note that a task
as fundamental as an area disinfection request has not yet been, and that quite often, disinfection activities are
performed in a somewhat ad hoc...
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Alert Codes for Acquisition of Nosocomial Pathogens

2012 | Acute Care | Infection Prevention and Control | Quebec | Archived (2+ year)
This practice emerged from a desire to maintain structures for concerted action in an institution with recurring major

Leading Quality and Safety Improvement Practices Qmentum InternationalTM

outbreaks. The practice introduced at the Institut consists of two components: 1) earliest possible detection and
control of any potential outbreak...
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SKYPE: an innovative way to break the isolation of seniors living in

2012 | Long Term Care | Communication | Quebec | Archived (2+ year)
To break the social and emotional isolation of its residents, Hôpital Sainte-Anne set up the necessary infrastructure
for residents to videoconference with their next of kin. Skype software was chosen for its ease of access, many
functions and availability free of...
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Prevention of Nosocomial Infection in the Neonate; Targeting Central Venous

Catheter Bloodstream Infections (CVC-BSI)
2011 | Acute Care | Infection Prevention and Control | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
Since 2001, a team approach to practice change has resulted in the implementation of quality improvement activities
targeting insertion and maintenance care of invasive central venous catheters (CVCs). In 2010, CVC-BSI rates in
NICU were reduced in 3 out of 4 weight...
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Quality Counts Postcard

2011 | Acute Care | Quality Improvement | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
The Ontario government’s Excellent Care for All legislation requires greater transparency about performance in
quality improvement and other domains such as patient experience. There is also increasing evidence of a positive
association between patient...
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Hand Hygiene eLearning Module for PSWs Working in Home Care Settings
2011 | Home Care | Training and Education | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
As part of a working group called Community Learning in Infection Control, and as funded through the Toronto
Central LHIN, Community Care East York has worked in partnership to produce an eLearning module designed to
promote best practices in hand hygiene for Personal...
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Virtual Emergency Room: A Unique Outreach Collaboration (Using

Technology to Reach Kids in Crisis)
2011 | Mental Health | Service Delivery | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
The Child/Youth Virtual Emergency Room (VER) serves children and youth who are 17 years of age and younger

Leading Quality and Safety Improvement Practices Qmentum InternationalTM

and have complex mental health issues that could result in serious psychiatric, emotional and/or behavioral
disturbances. These children/youth need a further...
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Efficient Organizational Development of Hygiene and Sanitation Services

2011 | Acute Care | Infection Prevention and Control | Quebec | Archived (2+ year)
The delivery of hygiene and sanitation services has been the focus of intensive actions by the CHA to ensure safety,
accessibility, complementarity, effectiveness, efficiency, continuity, and client-centred services. These criteria were
the basis for developing an...
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Family Visitation Using Telemedicine Technology

2011 | Telehealth | Quality Improvement | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
The negative consequences of isolation from family and community supports are an added burden to patients coping
with illness at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC). Telemedicine visitation was promoted
during the H1N1 pandemic when visitor...
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Model of Infection Prevention and Control internal network

2010 | Acute Care | Infection Prevention and Control | British Columbia | Archived (2+ year)
The Link Nurse Program (LNP) strives to improve awareness and shift perceptions about infection prevention and
control in several places, including on the units, among the Infection Prevention and Control team, in the web-based
Infection Control Manual, in the...
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Additional Precautions (AP) for Basic Infection Prevention Practices

2010 | Infection Prevention and Control | Quebec | Archived (2+ year)
The “AP SI-SALÉ” project supports the use of additional precautions (AP) for basic infection prevention practices
during infection occurences in nursing homes, especially when residents must be isolated. Posters and small signs,
using pictograms and a...
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Grey Zones
2010 | Rehabilitation | Infection Prevention and Control | Quebec | Archived (2+ year)
The Catherine Booth Hospital (CBH) has addressed an issue that plagues all health care organizations—
accountability for cleaning surfaces and equipment that fall into a 'grey zone'. Cleanliness of physical space,
surfaces, and equipment in hospitals is...
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Infection Prevention and Control Posters in Agency Vehicles

Leading Quality and Safety Improvement Practices Qmentum InternationalTM

2010 | Home Care | Infection Prevention and Control | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
The ESS has adapted its hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette communication tools for use in their agency
vehicles, a non-traditional program setting. This low-cost initiative has been critical to enhancing the agency’s
infection prevention and control...
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Reaching for Higher Level than Visual Clean to Prevent Infections

2010 | Long Term Care | Infection Prevention and Control | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
'Doing it Right' was implemented to reduce hospital-acquired infections. With the support of senior management,
recommendations from the Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee’s Best Practices for Environmental
Cleaning for Prevention and...
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Passport to Preparedness: A clear, portable reference and action guide to

prepare for H1N1
2010 | Rehabilitation | Infection Prevention and Control | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
The Passport to Preparedness is a clear, portable reference and action guide to preparing for H1N1. It helped staff to
respond to a situation of general uncertainty and rapidly evolving information. The passports clearly communicated
to staff what they needed to know...
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Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) MRSA Outpatient Clinic

2010 | Health Systems | Infection Prevention and Control | New Brunswick | Archived (2+ year)
The IPC MRSA Outpatient Clinic is able to track, screen, educate, decolonize and monitor patients with MRSA. For
recurrent MRSA infections, attempted decolonization may be coordinated through the clinic. The clinic has also
been instrumental in recruiting for and...
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Primary Health Bus Reaches Under-served Populations

2010 | Community Health Services | Service Delivery | Saskatchewan | Archived (2+ year)
The Primary Health Bus operates in areas of Saskatoon where the population often experiences geographic, social,
economic, and cultural barriers. The goal is to bring high-quality care directly to under-served populations and
provide an alternative for those seeking...
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Urban Model for an Immunization Clinic in an Urban Family Practice

2010 | Acute Care | Prevention | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
The H1N1 pandemic created a surge in family practice, both in the number of patients with flu-like symptoms and

Leading Quality and Safety Improvement Practices Qmentum InternationalTM

those wanting a vaccination. This required the program to design a new method to deliver the H1N1 and seasonal
vaccinations in 2009. The Family Practice...
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Public Health Surveillance Unit and Health Watch Reports

2010 | Public Health | Data and Information | British Columbia | Archived (2+ year)
Since 2007, the Vancouver Coastal Health Public Health Surveillance Unit, within the office of Vancouver Costal
Health’s (VCH) Chief Medical Health Officer, has applied innovative, efficient, and effective tools to help its
epidemiologists and information...
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Outbreak and Post-outbreak Standards of Practice

2010 | Acute Care | Infection Prevention and Control | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
The Markham Stouffville Hospital Corporation has developed Outbreak and Post-outbreak Standards of Practice. In
response to a severe outbreak of nosocomial C difficile at the Uxbridge site, a team was formed consisting of
Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC),...
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Outbreak Management
2009 | Long Term Care | Infection Prevention and Control | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
The Norfolk Hospital Nursing Home developed reference binders for enteric and respiratory outbreaks. Contents
include outbreak case definitions, contact numbers, to-do checklists, ready-to-go posters, scripts for the switchboard,
and fact sheets. These documented...
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Outbreak Management Kit

2009 | Acute Care | Infection Prevention and Control | Ontario | Archived (2+ year)
Norfolk General Hospital maintains an outbreak management binder for enteric and respiratory outbreaks. Thorough
and comprehensive, this kit includes forms and checklists of activities to complete. The initiative has been
recognized by the regional infection...
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