The Old Man and The Sea

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Katerin Solano Soriano

Literatura de los Paises Angloparlantes.

Zobeida Sanchez
November 20th, 2023

Title: The Old Man and the Sea

Author: Ernest Hemingway
Genre: Novella, Fiction

“The Old Man and the Sea" is a classic novella by Ernest Hemingway, published in
1952. The story is set in Cuba and revolves around an aging Cuban fisherman
named Santiago, who has been on an unlucky streak of not catching fish for 84
days. Determined to break his streak, Santiago sets out into the Gulf Stream in his
small skiff, armed with determination and hope.

After a long and arduous struggle, Santiago hooks a massive marlin, a fish of great
size and strength. The novella chronicles Santiago's epic battle with the marlin as he
fights to catch and bring it back to shore. The struggle between man and fish
becomes a powerful metaphor for the human condition and the endurance of the
human spirit.

The story has several important themes behind it, the struggle

​ The Struggle for Existence: Santiago's battle with the marlin is a metaphor
for the inherent struggle of life. The relentless fight between man and nature
highlights the perseverance required to survive and succeed.

​ Isolation and Solitude: Santiago's solitary journey at sea emphasizes the
theme of isolation. The old man faces the challenges alone, reflecting the
loneliness that can come with aging and the pursuit of personal goals.

​ Pride and Dignity: Despite his physical challenges and the hardships he
faces, Santiago maintains his pride and dignity. His determination to prove
himself and his refusal to give up embody the strength of the human spirit.

​ Nature and the Sea: The novella explores the relationship between man and
nature, particularly the sea. Hemingway portrays the sea as both a source of
life and a formidable opponent, emphasizing its unpredictability and the
respect it commands.

​ Symbolism of the Marlin: The marlin represents strength, beauty, and the
elusive nature of success. Santiago's struggle with the fish becomes a
spiritual journey, testing his character and resolve.

"The Old Man and the Sea" is a timeless tale that portrays the themes of resilience,
pride, and the indomitable human spirit. Hemingway's writing style is sparse yet
powerful, capturing the essence of the struggle for existence and the triumph of the
human will. The novella is considered a literary masterpiece and earned Hemingway
the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1953. It solidified his reputation as one of the greatest
American writers of the 20th century.

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