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Effects of sleep deprivation that causes physical and mental exhaustion on

Grade 10 students at Balibago integrated high school Dita Extension

A Research Report

Submitted by:

Kiara Kim B. Manzarate

Justine Mae C. Panti
Mattheaves Satzchell L, Maneclang
John Denver J. Magbanlag
Alexiez Linsangan

Submitted to:

Rose Anne S. Lipardo

English 10 Teacher

June 2023
Effects of sleep deprivation that causes physical and mental exhaustion on
Grade 10 students at Balibago integrated high school Dita Extension

Table of Contents

I. Abstract...............................................................2

II. Introduction.........................................................3-4

III. Methods..............................................................5

IV. Results................................................................6-12

V. Discussion..........................................................13-14

I. Abstract

This research report investigates the effects of sleep deprivation on the physical and
mental well-being of grade 10 students attending Balibago Integrated High School -
Dita Extension. Sleep deprivation is a prevalent issue among adolescents, and its
consequences on various aspects of health have been widely studied. However,
limited research exists specifically addressing the effects of sleep deprivation on
grade 10 students within the mentioned school. The study adopts a mixed-methods
approach, combining quantitative data obtained through self-reported questionnaires
and qualitative data from interviews with students. A sample of grade 10 students
from Balibago Integrated High School - Dita Extension participated in the research,
providing information about their sleep patterns, daily activities, and feelings of
exhaustion. The implications of this study underscore the urgent need for
interventions and support systems to address sleep deprivation among grade 10
students at Balibago Integrated High School - Dita Extension. School administrators,
teachers, and parents should collaborate to implement strategies that promote
healthy sleep habits, emphasize the importance of sufficient rest, and educate
students about the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation on their physical and
mental well-being. Ultimately, this research aims to raise awareness about the
detrimental effects of sleep deprivation on grade 10 students and advocate for the
implementation of interventions that prioritize healthy sleep habits, ultimately leading
to improved overall well-being and academic performance among this student


Sleep Deprivation occurs when an individual does not receive enough sleep or is
sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation is caused by a lack of sleep, which deteriorates
people's mental and physical health. Lack of sleep affects everyone because of their
hobbies of doing anything in the middle of the night or a lack of time to do their
hobbies. Most students focus on their interests on the academic side and their
subjective or what they want to do on the other, which is why they are sleep

Sleep is the most important part of the day since it allows the individual's body to
manufacture more energy and blood. Sleep also helps an individual's bones become
stronger and allows them to grow taller. People who perform sleep deprivation suffer
from a variety of ailments. When a person does not get enough sleep, their body
becomes ill and their blood circulation suffers as a result of anemia, or a lack of
healthy red blood cells. Anemia occurs when the body is led by white blood cells.
Anemia affects an estimated one-third of the global population, hence half of the
estimated population is sleep deprived.

Other negative effects of sleep deprivation include the brain's inability to restrain
itself and eating itself when an individual is sleep deprived. When a person is sleep
deprived, the brain is the most affected organ. The brain works 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, and its only break is when the person in control sleeps.

The Problem with the research is that students prioritize some work more than their
selves and later on regret it.

Sleep deprivation can bring a person dangerously close to death. The majority of the
world's population died as a result of a lack of sleep. Many kids nowadays die as a
result of a lack of sleep and being overstressed as a result of having too many
responsibilities or schoolwork allocated to them.

Students always sleep poorly in order to do their work completely. Everyone may say
that because they are still young and can still perform sleep deprivation, but little did
they know that even if they are still young, their brains can no longer support this
type of sleep deprivation habit. Students are always focused on performance tasks
and homework. Nowadays, performance activities are frequently the most graded

aspect of a student's education. Many students prefer to do their assignments in
such a way that they would be flawlessly graded, hence another cause for sleep
deprivation is to complete their Performance tasks. Another reason they sleep poorly
is that they spend their nights playing games and accessing the internet on their
phones. They prefer their phones over themselves and are hence more likely to be
prioritized. This is the leading cause of death among young adults and students, as a
result of sleep deprivation and radiation from mobile phones. Sleep deprivation may
also cause hazy eyesight or other major difficulties.

This aims for the students to make a Daily schedule to make their time more efficient
and make their lives more easily and To enhance their self-discipline.

1. Time Management Is when an individual divides their activities into time, just like
for example; 1:00 p. m. should be Doing The English Assignment and 2:00 p. m.
should be the break. Breaks or rests are supposed to be maintained in a day.

2. Daily schedule, Daily schedules are the schedules an individual were going to do
in a day and Specific about what you're going to do in a day, To enhance your self-
discipline and To finish the Given tasks.

3. To expand their lives longer, Aside from " breakfast is the most important meal of
the day", on the other hand, Sleep is the most important rest of the day because it
Fixes our body and Energizes every individual every morning, it also helps the
individual's body to be more productive and Repair the body every time an individual

The objective of this study is to make students aware of their harmful habits of sleep
deprivation due to a lack of self-discipline. Every student should have a schedule of
what they are doing at school and at home. Students should be aware of which
activities they should limit. Every student has struggled both at home and at school,
thus everyone must stick to their schedules. Everyone, just like schedules, needs to
know how they feel when they don't get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation causes a
student's mind to go blank when the teacher is teaching, resulting in a low grade in
recitation.It focuses on a specific notion such as when students frequently perform
sleep deprivation and why they do so.

III. Method

Research Question: What is the relationship between lack of sleep deprivation and
physical and mental exhaustion in Grade 10 students? Hypothesis: Lack of sleep
deprivation causes physical and mental exhaustion in Grade 10 students.
Participants: Grade 10 students from one or more schools in a specific geographical
area. Sampling Method: Stratified random sampling method will be used to select
participants from each school to ensure that a representative sample of students
from different academic levels and socioeconomic backgrounds is obtained. Data
Collection Method: A survey questionnaire will be used to collect data on the
participants' sleep patterns, physical and mental exhaustion levels, and other
relevant factors such as academic workload and extracurricular activities. The
questionnaire will be administered in a classroom setting during school hours. Data
Analysis Method: Descriptive statistics such as means and standard deviations will
be used to summarize the data collected from the survey. Inferential statistics such
as correlation and regression analysis will be used to investigate the relationship
between lack of sleep deprivation and physical and mental exhaustion in Grade 10
students. Limitations: The study may be limited by self-report bias, as participants
may not accurately report their sleep patterns or exhaustion levels. Additionally, the
study may not be generalizable to other age groups or geographic areas.
Significance: The study may contribute to the understanding of the relationship
between lack of sleep deprivation and physical and mental exhaustion in Grade 10
students, and may inform interventions to improve students' sleep patterns and
overall well-being.

IV. Results

Researchers’ can calculate the overall proportion of respondent’s responses by

giving them all data that respondent’s shared. The questionnaires were administered
via Google Forms, with a total of 14 questions. Students from Balibago Integrated
High School Extensions' Grade 10 class were chosen to study the effects of sleep
deprivation, which contributes to both physical and mental tiredness. A total of 202
students in Grade 10 responded to the survey. Here are the summary of each
respondent’s responses.

Chart 1

90 90
10 4 3
1 1
14 years old 15 years old 16 years old 17 years old 18 years old 19 years old 20 years old

Chart 2

Grade 10 Sections
60 55
40 35


Yttrialite Zultanite Zalexandrite Zbornite Zcryolite

Chart 3







Female Male Lgbtq+

Table 1.

Question: Always Rarely I always Sleep Early

How often do you

sleep late at night? 55% 36.6% 8.4%

Table 2.

Question: Household Playing Home works Due Internet

chores online performance surfing
games task(s)

What are the

reasons you 32.2% 39.6% 46% 31.2% 36.6%

Table 3.

Question: 8:00 – 9:00 9:00 – 10:00 – 11:00 – Past 12

pm 10:00 pm 11:00 pm 12:00 pm
What time
you usually 9.4% 21.8% 24.3% 20.3% 24.3%
sleep at

Table 4.

Question: Before 5 in 5:00 – 6:00 6:00 – 7:00 7:00 – 8:00 After 8 am

the morning am am am
What time
you usually
wake up 21.8% 9.4% 15.8 % 20.3% 32.7%
when its

Table 5.

Question: Yes It depends on my Not at all

Do you think
sleeping late at
night causes you 21.3% 47% 31.7%
good or better
energy in the

Table 6.

Question: It will cause It will damage It will interfere I will be late for
me Good my mental with my school
energy Health schedule
What do you
think will 21.8% 43.1% 17.8% 17.3%
happen if you
continue to be

Table 7.

Question: 2020 below 2021 2022 2023

In what year
did you start
sleep 42.1% 32.7% 16.3% 8.9%

Table 8.

Question: Before 10 pm 10 pm to 11 11 pm to 12 Past 12

pm am
When were
you recently 24.3% 27.7% 21.8 % 26.2%

Table 9.

Question: Watching/ Doing Drinking Singing Exercising

reading online Home coffee
What do
you usually 64.4% 31.7% 40.1% 10.9% 5.9%
do to make
feel awake

Table 10.

Question: Dehydrated Tired Sleepy Energetic Hungry

What do
you often
when you 25.7% 63.9% 69% 8.9% 20.3%
don’t get

Table 11.

Question: Yes Rarely Other Not at all Other No

reason Reason
Do you
often skip
the first of 14.9% 21.8% 8.9% 51.5% - -

Table 12.

Question: Yes It depends Not at all Still Tired I’m

while the
teacher is
Do you still
participate in
n when you’re 43.1% 45% 5% 5.9% -

Table 13.

Questio I I I play I do I’m I’m I’m Wor Playin

n: sleep take sport househo scrollin answeri playi k-out g
for a a s ld g ng my n online
really nap chores throug home game game
long h works s s
time social
When 44. 43.1 12.9 26.
you’re 1% % % 18.3% 7% 22.8% 1% 0.5 0.5%
lack of %
what do
do after

Table 14.

Question: No, I’ll Yes, Its Not at all It depends

change senior high

after all
Do you believe
deprivation at
the level of
grade 10 will 35.1% 33.7% 8.0% 24.3%
have an
impact on you
in senior high?

The respondents were frank in their assessments of how their daily routines
related to their sleeping schedules and how they handled managing all of their
sleeping schedules. Each respondent’s responses included a genuine
response as a gratitude for completing the researcher’s data/survey.

V. Discussion

Lack of sleep deprivation can indeed cause physical and mental exhaustion in
students, including those in Grade 10 at Balibago Integrated High School - Dita

Extension. Sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being, and when individuals
consistently do not get enough sleep, it can have a detrimental impact on various
aspects of their lives. Physically, sleep deprivation can lead to fatigue, weakness,
and a compromised immune system. Without sufficient rest, the body does not have
the opportunity to repair and rejuvenate itself, resulting in decreased energy levels
and an increased susceptibility to illness. Mentally, the effects of sleep deprivation
can be even more pronounced. Lack of sleep negatively affects cognitive functions
such as attention, concentration, memory, and decision-making abilities. It impairs
learning and academic performance, making it difficult for students to retain
information and perform well in their studies. Sleep-deprived individuals may also
experience mood swings, irritability, increased stress levels, and a higher risk of
developing mental health issues like anxiety and depression. For Grade 10 students
specifically, the demands of academics, extracurricular activities, and social
commitments can often lead to reduced sleep duration. Factors like excessive
homework, test preparation, part-time jobs, or even the use of electronic devices late
at night can contribute to sleep deprivation. Additionally, hormonal changes during
adolescence can disrupt sleep patterns, making it even more challenging for
students to get the recommended amount of sleep. To address this issue, it is
important for schools, teachers, parents, and students themselves to prioritize
healthy sleep habits. Education about the importance of sleep and its impact on well-
being should be emphasized. Strategies such as creating a consistent sleep
schedule, establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, limiting electronic device usage
before bed, and creating a conducive sleep environment can all help improve sleep
quality and quantity. Furthermore, schools can consider implementing policies that
promote a healthy balance between academics and well-being, ensuring that
students have sufficient time for rest and rejuvenation. This may involve evaluating
the workload and scheduling of assignments and assessments to prevent excessive
academic pressure. In conclusion, the lack of sleep deprivation among Grade 10
students at Balibago Integrated High School - Dita Extension can indeed result in
physical and mental exhaustion. Recognizing the importance of sleep and taking
proactive steps to prioritize healthy sleep habits can significantly benefit the overall
well-being and academic performance of students.


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