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US 20180008547A1

( 19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10 ) Pub. No.: US 2018 /0008547 A1
Inaganti et al. (43 ) Pub . Date : Jan . 11, 2018
(54 ) STABLE COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING (22 ) PCT Filed: Feb. 1, 2016
(86 ) PCT No.: PCT/ B2016 /050490
( 71) Applicants :Shridhar INAGANTI, Hyderabad , $ 371 (c )( 1),
Telangana (IN ) ; Venugopala ( 2 ) Date : Aug . 1, 2017
REDDY , Hyderabad , Telangana ( IN ); (30 ) Foreign Application Priority Data
Jayant KARAJGI, Hyderabad,
Telangana ( IN ); Sivakumaran Feb . 2, 2015 ( IN ) ............................ 499/CHE/2015
Hyderabad , Telangana ( IN ) ; Publication Classification
Int. Ci9./48
Hyderabad , Telangana (IN ) ( 2006 . 01)
(72 ) Inventors: Shridhar Inaganti, Hyderabad (IN ) ; A61K 38 / 10 ( 2006 .01 )
Venugopala Chokkasandra Javarama (52) U .S . Cl.
Reddy, Hyderabad (IN ); Jayant CPC ............ A61K 9 /4808 (2013 . 01 ) ; A61K 38 / 10
Karajgi, Hyderabad ( IN ); (2013 .01); A61K 9 / 485 ( 2013 .01) ; A61K
Sivakumaran Meenakshisunderam , 9/4858 (2013.01 ); A61K 9/4866 (2013.01)
Hyderabad (IN )
The present invention relates to stable oral composition
(73 ) Assignee : Aurobindo Pharma Ltd , Hyderabad , comprising linaclotide or its pharmaceutically acceptable
Telangana ( IN ) salts, complexes, polymorphs, hydrates, solvates, enantiom
ers or racemates , process of preparation thereof and methods
(21) Appl. No.: 15/548,063 of using the same.
US 2018 /0008547 A1 Jan . 11, 2018

STABLE COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING [0010 ] US 2010 /0221329 discloses formulation compris

LINACLOTIDE ing core containing linaclotide dispersed in matrix compris
ing hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose and polymer surround
[0011 ] US 2014 /0005128 discloses composition compris
[0001 ] The present invention relates to stable oral com ing linaclotide, isomalt , cation or pharmaceutically accept
position comprising linaclotide or its pharmaceutically able salt thereof, polyvinyl alcohol and an amine .
acceptable salts , complexes, polymorphs , hydrates , solvates, 100121 US 2014 /0018307 discloses composition compris
enantiomers or racemates . ing linaclotide, sterically hindered primary amine, divalent
[0002 ] The present invention also relates to process for metal cation and formaldehyde scavenger compound .
preparation of stable oral composition comprising linac [0013] WO 2013/047795 discloses granular composition
lotide or its pharmaceutically acceptable salts , complexes, obtained by coating a nucleus with a layer containing
polymorphs , hydrates, solvates, enantiomers or racemates . material having damp- proofing function selected from poly
[0003] The present invention further relates to stable oral vinyl alcohol, methacrylic acid copolymer S , PVA copoly
composition comprising linaclotide or its pharmaceutically mers , aminoalkyl methacrylate copolymer E , ethylcellulose
acceptable salts , complexes, polymorphs, hydrates, solvates , and methacrylic acid copolymer LD followed by linaclotide
enantiomers or racemates for treating Irritable Bowel Syn layer and then layer containing material having damp
drome with Constipation (IBS - C ) and Chronic Idiopathic proofing function .
Constipation (CIC ). [0014 ] WO2015/ 089335 discloses a pharmaceutical com
position comprising linaclotide; Ca2 +; histidine; and poly
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION vinyl alcohol, wherein the molar ratio of Ca2 + ; histidine:
linaclotide is between 30 - 80 : 80 - 120 : 1 .
[ 0004 ] Irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) is a common dis [0015 ] WO2015/ 089326 discloses a delayed release phar
order that affects the large intestine (colon ). Irritable bowel maceutical compositions comprising linaclotide or pharma
syndrome commonly causes cramping , abdominal pain , ceutically acceptable salts thereof, as well as to various
bloating, gas , diarrhea and constipation . IBS is a chronic methods and processes for the preparation and use of the
condition that you will need to manage long term . Even compositions.
though signs and symptoms are uncomfortable , IBS unlike [0016 ] The prior arts discussed hereinbefore disclose vari
ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease , which are forms of ous compositions comprising linaclotide and process for
inflammatory bowel disease doesn ' t cause changes in bowel their preparation . However, the inventors of the present
tissue or increase your risk of colorectal cancer . invention have endeavored to develop stable compositions
[0005 ] Only a small number of people with irritable bowel comprising linaclotide with enhanced solubility and bio
syndrome have severe signs and symptoms. Some people availability. Further, the compositions of the present inven
can control their symptoms by managing diet, lifestyle and tion are safe to use and provide the desired drug release both
stress. Others will need medication and counseling . in -vivo and in - vitro for the intended duration .
[0006 ] Fiber supplements , such as psyllium ormethylcel
lulose, with fluids may help control constipation. Osmotic Objective of the Invention
laxative such as milk ofmagnesia or polyethylene glycol [0017 ] The objective of the present invention is to provide
may be used . Anti -diarrheal medications such as loperamide stable oral composition comprising linaclotide or its phar
can help control diarrhea . Some people will benefit from maceutically acceptable salts, complexes , hydrates, solvates ,
medications called bile acid binders, such as cholestyramine , enantiomers or racemates and one or more pharmaceutically
colestipol or colesevelam Anticholinergics and Antispas acceptable excipients.
modic medications such as hyoscyamine and dicyclomine [0018 ] Another objective of the present invention is to
can help relieve painful bowel spasms. Tricyclic antidepres provide process for preparation of stable oral composition
sants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors help relieve comprising linaclotide or its pharmaceutically acceptable
depression as well as inhibit the activity of neurons that salts, complexes, hydrates, solvates , enantiomers or race
control the intestines . Some people whose symptoms are due mates and one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipi
to an overgrowth of bacteria in their intestines may benefit ents .
from antibiotic treatment. Some people with symptoms of [00191. Another objective of the present invention is to
diarrhea have benefited from rifaximin Two medications are
currently approved for irritable bowel syndrome by FDA provide stable oral composition for treating irritable bowel
namely alosetron which is designed to relax the colon and syndrome with constipation and chronic idiopathic consti
slow the movement of waste through the lower bowel and pation using the oral composition comprising linaclotide or
lubiprostone which works by increasing fluid secretion in its pharmaceutically acceptable salts , complexes , hydrates,
the small intestine . solvates , enantiomers or racemates and one or more phar
maceutically acceptable excipients .
[ 0007 ] Following patents/patent publications disclose oral [0020] Yet another objective of the present invention is to
compositions comprising linaclotide and process for their
preparation. provide stable oral composition comprising linaclotide or its
pharmaceutically acceptable salts, complexes, hydrates, sol
[0008 ] U . S . Pat. No. 8, 802 ,628 discloses composition vates , enantiomers or racemates , which exhibit comparative
comprising linaclotide, Ca2+ cation and leucine and process in - vitro dissolution profile with respect to the reference
for the preparation of said composition . product LINZESS® and which exhibit comparative in - vivo
[0009] US 2009/ 0253634 discloses dosage unit compris bioequivalence with respect to the reference product LIN
ing 30 ug to 1000 ug of linaclotide . ZESS® .
US 2018 /0008547 A1 Jan . 11, 2018

SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION maceutically acceptable salts, complexes , hydrates, solvates ,

[0021] In an embodiment, the present invention relates to enantiomers or racemates and one or more pharmaceutically
stable oral composition comprising linaclotide or its phar acceptable excipients .
maceutically acceptable salts, complexes , hydrates , solvates , [0032] In another embodiment, the present invention
enantiomers or racemates and one ormore pharmaceutically relates to process for preparation of a stable oral composi
acceptable excipients. tion comprising linaclotide or its pharmaceutically accept
[0022] In another embodiment, the present invention able salts , complexes , hydrates , solvates , enantiomers or
relates to process for preparation of stable oral composition racemates and one or more pharmaceutically acceptable
comprising linaclotide or its pharmaceutically acceptable excipients .
salts , complexes, hydrates , solvates, enantiomers or race [0033] In another embodiment, the present invention
mates and one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipi relates to a stable oral composition comprising linaclotide,
ents . wherein said composition is substantially free of primary
[ 0023] In another embodiment, the present invention amine and /or cation .
relates to a stable oral composition comprising linaclotide , [0034 ] In an embodiment, the present invention relates to
wherein said composition is substantially free of primary a stable oral composition comprising linaclotide or its phar
amine and/ or cation . maceutically acceptable salts, complexes, hydrates, solvates,
[0024 ] In an embodiment, the present invention relates to enantiomers or racemates, and one or more pharmaceuti
stable oral composition comprising linaclotide or its phar cally acceptable excipients selected from the group com
maceutically acceptable salts , complexes , hydrates, solvates, prising binder, cation , lubricant, polymer and glidant,
enantiomers or racemates, and one or more pharmaceuti wherein said composition is substantially free of primary
cally acceptable excipients selected from a group compris amine .
ing binder, cation , lubricant, polymer and glidant, wherein [0035 ] In an embodiment, the present invention relates to
said composition is substantially free of primary amine . a stable oral composition comprising linaclotide or its phar
[ 0025 ] In an embodiment, the present invention relates to maceutically acceptable salts, complexes, hydrates, solvates ,
stable oral composition comprising linaclotide or its phar enantiomers or racemates , and one or more pharmaceuti
maceutically acceptable salts, complexes , hydrates, solvates , cally acceptable excipients selected from the group com
enantiomers or racemates, and one or more pharmaceuti prising binder, primary amine , lubricant, polymer and gli
cally acceptable excipients selected from a group compris dant, wherein said composition is substantially free of
ing binder, primary amine, lubricant, polymer and glidant, cation .
wherein said composition is substantially free of cation . [0036 ] In an embodiment, the present invention relates to
[0026 ] In an embodiment, the present invention relates to stable oral composition comprising linaclotide or its phar
stable oral composition comprising linaclotide or its phar maceutically acceptable salts , complexes , hydrates , solvates,
maceutically acceptable salts, complexes , hydrates , solvates , enantiomers or racemates, a secondary amine, and one or
enantiomers or racemates, and one or more pharmaceuti more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients selected from
cally acceptable excipients selected from a group compris the group comprising binder, cation , lubricant, polymer and
ing binder, secondary amine , cation , lubricant, polymer and glidant.
[ 0027 In another embodiment, the present invention [0037 ] In another embodiment, the present invention
relates to process for preparation of stable oral composition relates to process for preparation of a stable oral composi
comprising linaclotide comprising: tion comprising linaclotide comprising:
i) layering linaclotide over a core to form pellets; i) layering linaclotide over a core to form pellets ;
ii ) lubricating the drug coated pellets; and ii ) lubricating the coated pellets; and
iii) encapsulation . iii) encapsulation .
[0028 ] In another embodiment, the present invention [0038] In another embodiment, the present invention
relates to process for preparation of stable oral composition relates to process for preparation of a stable oral composi
comprising linaclotide comprising: tion comprising linaclotide comprising :
i) layering linaclotide over a core to form pellets; i) layering linaclotide over a core to from pellets;
ii ) optionally seal coating the pellets;
iii) lubricating the pellets; and ii ) optionally seal coating the pellets ;
iv ) encapsulation . iii) lubricating the pellets ; and
[0029 ] Another aspect of the present invention is to pro iv ) encapsulation .
vide method of using the stable oral composition comprising [0039] Another aspect of the present invention is to pro
linaclotide which comprises administration of an effective vide method of using a stable oral composition comprising
amount of said composition to a subject in need thereof. linaclotide which comprises administration of an effective
( 0030 ) In another embodiment, the present invention amount of said composition to a subject in need thereof.
relates to stable oral composition comprising linaclotide for 100401 In an embodiment, the primary amine is an amino
treating irritable bowel syndrome predominant constipation
and chronic idiopathic constipation . acid . In yet another embodiment, the amino acid is a
naturally occurring amino acid selected from a group com
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE prising phenylalanine , alanine , glutamic acid , aspartic acid ,
INVENTION glutamine , leucine , methionine , asparagine, tyrosine, threo
nine, isoleucine , tryptophan , methionine and valine. The
0031 ] In an embodiment, the present invention relates to amount of primary amine may range from about 0 . 2 % to
a stable oral composition comprising linaclotide or its phar about 4 % by weight of the composition .
US 2018 /0008547 A1 Jan . 11, 2018

[0041] In an embodiment, the secondary amine is an i) loading the inert cores in fluid bed processor,
amino acid which is L -proline. The amount of secondary ii) preparing the aqueous solution comprising cation , sec
amine may range from about 0 . 2 % to about 6 % by weight ondary amine, hydrochloric acid , hydroxypropylmethyl cel
of the composition . lulose and linaclotide;
[0042 ] In an embodiment, the present invention provides iii ) coating drug solution of step ( ii ) over the cores of step
stable oral composition comprising linaclotide or its phar (i) to form drug layered pellets ;
maceutically acceptable salts, complexes, hydrates, solvates, iv ) optionally seal coating the drug layered pellets using
enantiomers or racemates, in the form of coated or uncoated polymer dispersion along with one or more excipients ;
granules , tablets ,mini tablets , coated or uncoated beadlets or v ) lubricating the pellets ; and
coated or uncoated pellets filled in to hard gelatin capsules vi) encapsulating in capsules .
by conventional techniques . [0051 ] In an embodiment, the linaclotide layering over
[ 0043] In another embodiment, the present invention pro inert cores and seal coating are carried out in fluid bed
vides process for preparation of stable oral composition
comprising linaclotide comprising layering solution or dis processor at a temperature of 30 +5° C .
persion or suspension of linaclotide over the inert core . [0052] In another embodiment, the present invention
10044 ] In another embodiment, the present invention pro relates to method of using the stable oral composition
vides process for preparation of stable oral composition comprising linaclotide for treating irritable bowel syndrome
comprising linaclotide in fluid bed processor by spraying predominant constipation and chronic idiopathic constipa
drug solution or dispersion or suspension of linaclotide over tion .
the inert core . [0053 ] In another embodiment, the present invention pro
[ 0045 ] In an embodiment, the present invention provides vides the use of stable oral composition comprising linac
stable oral composition comprising linaclotide or its phar lotide for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome pre
maceutically acceptable salts, complexes, hydrates, solvates , dominant constipation and chronic idiopathic constipation .
enantiomers or racemates, in the range of about 80 micro [0054] In another embodiment, the present invention pro
gram to about 350 microgram , preferably in the range of vides a method of treating a patient with irritable bowel
about 100 microgram to about 320 microgram and more syndrome predominant constipation and/ or chronic idio
preferably in the range of 120 microgram to 290 microgram . pathic constipation , comprising administering a stable oral
(0046 ] In another embodiment, the present invention pro composition comprising linaclotide , wherein said composi
vides optional seal coating layer over linaclotide coated tion is substantially free of primary amine and/or cation .
core . [0055 ] The term “ composition ” or “ formulation ” or “ dos
0047] In another embodiment, the present invention pro age form ” or “medicinal preparation ” as used herein syn
vides seal coating solution comprising polymer dispersion onymously include solid dosage forms such as granules,
selected from a group comprising hydroxypropylmethyl multiunit particulate systems (MUPS ), pellets , spheres , tab
cellulose or hydroxypropyl cellulose optionally with one or lets , capsules, mini- tablets, beads , crystals, particles and the
more excipients selected form the group comprising plasti like meant for oral administration .
cizers , glidants and diluents . [0056 ] Further, as used herein the term inert core refers to
[0048 ] In another embodiment, the present invention a pharmaceutically acceptable core for use in pharmaceuti
relates to process for preparation of stable oral composition cal formulations which is inert. Exemplary cores include
comprising linaclotide comprising: inert spheroids , Nonpareils , sugar spheroids, Cellets® , Cel
i) loading the inert cores in fluid bed processor, phere® ,microcrystalline cellulose spheres , spheres made of
ii ) preparing the aqueous solution comprising cation , hydro microcrystalline cellulose and one or more sugars , such as
chloric acid , hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose and linaclotide ; lactose , and combinations comprising one or more of the
iii ) coating drug solution of step ( ii ) over the cores of step foregoing cores .
(i) to form drug layered pellets ; 100571. As used in this specification, the singular forms
iv ) optionally seal coating the drug layered pellets using “ a ” , “ an ” and “ the” include plural references unless the
polymer dispersion along with one or more excipients ; context clearly dictates otherwise. Thus for example, a
v ) lubricating the pellets; and reference to " a process ” includes one or more processes,
vi) encapsulating in capsules . and /or steps of the type described herein and /or which will
[ 0049 ] In another embodiment, the present invention become apparent to those persons skilled in the art.
relates to process for preparation of stable oral composition [0058 ] The term “ pharmaceutical acceptable excipient as
comprising linaclotide comprising: used herein refers to additives useful for converting phar
i) loading the inert cores in fluid bed processor, macologically active compounds into pharmaceutical dos
ii ) preparing the aqueous solution comprising primary age forms which are suitable for administration to patients .
amine , hydrochloric acid , hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose Suitable excipients include diluents, binders , matrix forming
and linaclotide; agents, lubricants , glidants , film forming polymers , plasti
iii ) coating drug solution of step ( ii ) over the cores of step cizers and coloring agents. Other pharmaceutically accept
(i) to form drug layered pellets; able excipients can also be included .
iv ) optionally seal coating the drug layered pellets using [0059] Suitable diluents used according to the present
polymer dispersion along with one or more excipients; invention include but are not limited to water soluble or
v ) lubricating the pellets; and water insoluble diluents comprising sucrose , dextrose , lac
vi) encapsulating in capsules . tose, mannitol, sorbitol, starch , microcrystalline cellulose ,
[0050 ] In another embodiment, the present invention silicified microcrystalline cellulose, calcium silicate and the
relates to process for preparation of stable oral composition like or combination thereof. The amount of diluent may
comprising linaclotide comprising: range from about 5 % to 95 % by weight of the composition .
US 2018 /0008547 A1 Jan . 11, 2018

[0060 ] Binders refer to polymers which provide binding or A13 + . In some embodiments, the cation is provided as,
effect . The binders according to the present invention without limitation ,magnesium acetate ,magnesium chloride ,
include but are not limited to ethyl cellulose , hydroxypropyl magnesium phosphate, magnesium sulfate , calcium acetate ,
cellulose , hydroxypropyl methylcellulose , methylcellulose calcium chloride , calcium phosphate , calcium sulfate, zinc
and hydroxyethyl cellulose , carboxymethyl cellulose ; starch acetate, zinc chloride, zinc phosphate , zinc sulfate , manga
and its derivatives ; pregelatinized starch , hydrocolloids; nese acetate , manganese chloride , manganese phosphate ,
sugars ; polyvinyl pyrrolidone, copovidone , polyethylene manganese sulfate , potassium acetate , potassium chloride ,
glycol; sugar esters such as sucrose stearate, sucrose palmi potassium phosphate , potassium sulfate , sodium acetate ,
tate or sucrose laurate or glycerylbehenate and the like. The sodium chloride, sodium phosphate , sodium sulfate , alumi
amount of binder may range from 0 % to about 20 % by num acetate , aluminum chloride , aluminum phosphate or
weight of the composition . aluminum sulfate . In further embodiments , the cation is
[0061] Suitable lubricants used according to the present provided as magnesium chloride, calcium chloride , calcium
invention include but are not limited to magnesium stearate , phosphate , calcium sulfate , zinc acetate , manganese chlo
hydrogenated castor oil, calcium stearate , sodium stearyl
fumarate , talc , vegetable oils , stearic acid , fumaric acid and ride, potassium chloride , sodium chloride or aluminum
the like. The amount of lubricants may range from about chloride . The amount of cation may range from about 0 . 5 %
0 .1 % to about 6 % by weight of composition . to 5 % by weight of the composition . As used herein , the term
[0062 ] The inclusion of a plasticizer in the polymer dis “ substantially free of primary amine ” means primary amine
persion improves the physical properties of the film . Suit if present is contained in an amount less than about 1 %
able plasticizers according to the present invention include based on total weight of the composition .
but are not limited to polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol, [0065 ] As used herein , the term “ substantially free of
diethyl phthalate , castor oil , triethyl citrate , tributyl citrate cation ” means cation if present is contained in an amount
and dibutyl sebacate . The amount of plasticizer may range less than about 1. 0 % based on total weight of the compo
from about 5 % to 30 % by weight of the composition . sition .
[0063 ] Suitable glidants according to the present invention [0066 ] As used herein , the term “ stable ” means less than
include but are not limited to talc, colloidal silicon dioxide ,
dibasic calcium phosphate , tribasic calcium phosphate and 1 % of known and /or unknown impurities and less than 5 %
pregelatinized starch . The amount of glidant may range from of total impurities.
about 0 .1 % to 8 % by weight of the composition . [0067 ] Some of the known impurities for linaclotide are :
[ 0064 ] Suitable cations according to the present invention " oxidation product” , “ Formaldehyde imine product” and
include but are not limited to Mg2 +, Ca2+, Zn2 +, Mn2 +, Na+ “ N -Acetyl Linaclotide” .

Impurity Structure

? ???????????????????
degradation /impurity
(Oxidation product)
Cys – Cys — Glu — Tyr — Cys — Cys — Asn — Pro — Ala - Cys — Thr — Gly — Cys — Tyr

Linaclotide oxidation product


degradation /
(hydrolysis product)
Cys – Cys — Glu — Tyr — Cys – Cys — Asp — Pro — Ala - Cys — Thr — Gly — Cys — Tyr
?_ -S

Linaclotide hydrolysis product

- S

EII Linaclotide
degradation / impurity
(formaldehyde imine
H2C = Cys – Cys — Glu — Tyr — Cys – Cys – Asn — Pro - Ala - Cys — Thr — Gly - Cys — Tyr — OH

?— - S

Linaclotide formaldehyde imine product

Linaclotide inactive Cys- Cys-Glu - Tyr ( CCEY )

a o nsuorituosenin
degradation product
Linaclotide inactive
degradation product
Cys - Cys -Asn - Pro - Ala -Cys- Thr-Gly -Cys- Tyr
US 2018 /0008547 A1 Jan . 11, 2018
Impurity Structure
Linaclotide impurity

Glu — Tyr — Cys – Cys — Asn — Pro — Ala — Cys — Thr — Gly — Cys — Tyr — OH
Linaclotide Cysl-Imidazolidinone product

[0068] The following examples further exemplify the ( iii) Hydroxy propylmethyl cellulose was added to solution
invention and are not intended to limit the scope of the of step ( ii ) and continue stirring till clear solution is
invention in any manner whatsoever. It is obvious to those obtained .
skilled in the art to find out the composition for other dosage ( iv ) The pH of solution of step (iii) was measured and
forms and substitute the equivalent excipients as described adjusted with hydrochloric acid to between 3 and 4 .5 .
in this specification or with the one known to the industry . (v ) The solution of step (iv ) was kept in an ice bath to attain
temperature between 2 and 8° C . with nitrogen gas bubbling.
Example 1 (stirring
vi) Linaclotide was added to solution of step (v ) under
[0069 ] (vii) Microcrystalline cellulose beads were loaded in fluid
bed coater and heated prior to drug layering.
Quantity (mg/ capsule ) Quantity (mg/ capsule ) (viii ) The drug coating solution of step (vi) was sprayed on
to the beads of step (vii) and dried .
Ingredients 145 mcg 290 mcg 145 mcg 290 mcg
MCC Spheres
Seal Coating (Optional ):
54.5 109 5 4.5 109
Drug loading [0072] (ix ) Hydrochloric acid was added to water to get a
Linaclotide 0 .145 0 .290 0 . 145 0 .290
solution of pH between 3 and 4 .
Hydroxy propyl methyl 0 .407 0 .813 0 . 560 0 .950 (x ) Hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose 3 cps was added to the
cellulose 5 cps solution of step (ix ) and stirring was continued until clear
Calcium chloride 0 .975 1 . 95 1 . 25 2 . 30 solution was obtained .
dihydrate (xi) Drug layered pellets were loaded in fluid bed coater
Hydrochloric acid
Purified water
Os OsQs
Os Os
Os followed by spraying of solution of step (x ) and drying.
Drug loaded pellets 56 .027 112 .053 56 .455 112 .540 (xii ) The pellets of step (xi) were lubricated with sifted talc
weight and filled in capsules .
Seal coating
Example 2
Hydroxy propylmethyl
cellulose 3 cps
5 .603 11. 205 66 ..5050
11 . 205 12. 250
12 .250
Hydrochloric acid [0073]
Purified water
Seal coated pellets 61.630 123.258
weight Quantity (mg/capsule) Quantity (mg/capsule )
Ingredients 145 mcg
Total pellets weight
62 .246
124 . 490
0. 850
126 .240
MCC Spheres
Drug loading
290 mcg
109 sa nie 100mo
145 mcg
5 4 .5
290 mcg
Linaclotide 0 .145 0 .290 0 . 145 0 .290
Hard Gelatin Capsule Size 3 Size 2 Size 3 Size 2 Hydroxy propylmethyl 0 .407 0 .813 0 .450 1 .050
Shells cellulose
Leucine 0 .422 0 .845 0 .400 0 .750
Qs quantity sufficient Hydrochloric acid Qs Os Os
Purified water Os Os Os Qs
[0070 ] The process involved in manufacturing composi Drug loaded pellets 55 .474 110 .948 55 .495 111.090
tion as given in Example 1 comprises the following steps: Seal coating
Drug Layering : Hydroxy propyl methyl 5 .547 11 .094 5 . 250 10 .275
[0071 ] (i) Hydrochloric acid was added to water to get a Hydrochloric acid
Purified water Os Os Os Os
solution of pH between 3 and 4 . Seal coated pellets 61.021 122 .042 60 .745 121. 365
(ii) Calcium chloride dihydrate was added to solution of step weight
(i) under stirring to get clear solution .
US 2018 /0008547 A1 Jan . 11 , 2018

-continued - continued
Quantity (mg/capsule ) Quantity (mg/capsule ) Quantity Quantity
( capsule ) (mg/capsule )
Ingredients 145 mcg 290 mcg 145 mcg 290 mcg
Ingredients 145 mcg 290 mcg 145 mcg 290 mcg
L -Proline 0 .422 0 .845 0 .622 1 . 245
Total pellets
0.612 1. 220 0.820 1.540
61.633 123.262 61.565 122.905
Hydrochloric acid
Purified water
Drug loaded pellets
56 .449
112 .898
56 .749
113 .643
Encapsulation Seal coating
Hard Gelatin Capsule Size 3 Size 2 Size 3 Size 2 Hydroxy propyl methyl 5 .547 11 .094 6 .547 11 .250
Shells cellulose
Hydrochloric acid Os Qs Qs
Qs - quantity sufficient Purified water
Seal coated pellets
61 .996
123. 992
63 .296
124 . 893
[0074 ] The process involved in manufacturing composi weight
tion as given in Example 2 comprises the following steps:
Drug Layering:
[0075 ] (i) Hydrochloric acid was added to water to get a
Total pellets weight
0.612 _ 1.220
0 .612

62.608 125 .212

1 .220 0 . 812

64 .108
1 .420

126 .313
solution of pH between 3 and 4 .
( ii ) Leucine was added to solution of step (i) under stirring Hard Gelatin Capsule
Size 3 Size 2 Size 3 Size 2
to get clear solution .
( iii ) Hydroxy propylmethyl cellulose was added to solution Qs quantity sufficient
of step ( ii ) and stirring was continued till clear solution is
obtained [0078 ] The process involved in manufacturing composi
( iv ) The pH of solution of step (iii) was measured and tion as given in Example 3 comprises the following steps:
adjusted with hydrochloric acid to between 3 and 4 . 5 .
( v ) Solution of step ( iv ) was kept in ice bath to attain Drug Layering:
temperature between 2 and 8° C . [0079 ] (i) Hydrochloric acid was added to water to get a
(vi) Linaclotide was added to solution of step (v ) under solution of pH between 3 and 4 .
stirring. (ii ) Calcium chloride dihydrate and proline were added to
(vii ) Microcrystalline cellulose beads were loaded in fluid solution of step (i) under stirring to get clear solution .
bed coater and heated prior to drug layering.
( viii) The drug coating solution of step (vi) was sprayed on (iii ) Hydroxy propylmethyl cellulose was added to solution
to the beads of step (vii) and dried . of step ( ii ) and stirring continued till clear solution is
Seal Coating (Optional): (iv ) The pH of solution of step (iii) was measured and
adjusted with hydrochloric acid to between 3 and 4 .5 .
[0076 ] (ix ) Hydrochloric acid was added to water to get a ( v ) The solution of step (iv ) was kept in an ice bath to attain
solution of pH between 2.5 and 4 .5 . temperature between 2 and 8° C . with nitrogen gas bubbling .
( x ) Hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose was added to the solu ( vi) Linaclotide was added to solution of step (v ) and stirring
tion of step ( ix ) under stirring . was continued for 45 minutes .
( xi) Drug layered pellets were loaded in fluid bed coater (vii ) Microcrystalline cellulose beads were loaded in fluid
followed by spraying of solution of step (x ) and drying. bed coater and heated prior to drug layering.
(xii) The pellets of step (xi) were lubricated with sifted talc (viii ) The drug coating solution of step (vi) was sprayed on
and filled in capsules . to the beads of step (vii) and dried .
Example 3 Seal Coating (Optional):
[0077 ] [0080 ] ( ix ) Hydrochloric acid was added to water to get a
solution of pH between 3 and 5.
Quantity Quantity (x ) Hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose was added to the solu
tion of step ( ix ) under stirring and stirring was continued
(mg/ capsule) _ (mg/capsule) until clear solution was obtained .
Ingredients 145 mcg 290 mcg 145 mcg 290 mcg (xi) Drug layered pellets were loaded in fluid bed coater
MCC Spheres 54 . 5 109 54 . 5 109
followed by spraying of solution of step (x ) and drying .
Drug loading (xii) The pellets of step (xi) were lubricated with sifted talc
and filled in capsules .
Hydroxy propyl methyl
0 . 145
0 . 407
0 .290
0 .813
0 .145
0 .607
0 . 290
0 .913
[0081 ] Linaclotide capsules 145 mcg of Example 1 was
cellulose stored in HDPE containers with 3 g silica gel and were
Calcium chloride 0 .975 1 . 95 0 .875 2 . 195 subjected to stability study at 40° C .775 % RH .
dihydrate [0082 ] The impurity levels in Linaclotide capsules 145
mcg at initial, 1 .5 months and 3 months are given in table - 1 .
US 2018 /0008547 A1 Jan . 11, 2018

TABLE 1 16 . (canceled )
17 . The stable oral composition of claim 11 , wherein the
1.26 1.38 1.54 Total plasticizer is selected from a group comprising polyethylene
(Oxidation ( Formaldehyde (N - Acetyl Im glycol, propylene glycol, diethyl phthalate , castor oil, tri
RRT product) imine product) Linaclotide) 1.77 1.81 purities ethyl citrate , tributyl citrate and dibutyl sebacate .
Initial 0 . 36 0 .2 0 .65 0 .14 0.1 1.61 18 . The stable oral composition of claim 11 , wherein the
1 .5M
0 .41
0 .48
0 .29
0 . 35
0 .64
0 . 14
0 . 15
0 .09 1.62
10 . 2 .09
glidant is selected from a group comprising talc , colloidal
silicon dioxide, dibasic calcium phosphate, tribasic calcium
phosphate and pregelatinized starch .
We claim : 19 . The stable oral composition of claim 1, wherein the
1 . A stable oral composition comprising linaclotide and at composition is in the form of coated or uncoated granules ,
least one cation in an amount from about 0 . 5 % to 5 % by tablets , mini tablets, coated or uncoated beadlets filled in to
weight of the composition , wherein the said composition is hard gelatin capsules , or coated or uncoated pellets filled in
substantially free of a primary amine . to hard gelatin capsules .
2 . The oral composition of claim 1 comprising linaclotide 20 . ( canceled )
and at least cation selected from a group comprising Mg² +, 21. ( canceled )
Ca² + , Zn² + , Mn² + , K + , Na + or Al’ + and combinations 22. (canceled )
thereof, wherein said composition is substantially free of a 23 . (canceled )
primary amine. 24 . ( canceled )
3 . The oral composition of claim 2 , wherein at least one 25 . (canceled )
cation is Ca2+. 26 . A process for preparation of stable oral composition of
4 . ( canceled ) linaclotide comprising :
5 . The oral composition of claim 3, wherein said Ca² + i) loading inert cores in fluid bed processor;
cation is selected from the group comprising calcium chlo ii ) preparing an aqueous solution comprising a cation ,
ride, calcium phosphate , or calcium sulfate and combina hydrochloric acid , hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose and
tions thereof. linaclotide;
6 . ( canceled ) iii ) layering the inert cores of step (i) with the drug
7 . (canceled ) solution of step ( ii ) to form drug layered pellets ;
8 . (canceled ) iv ) optionally seal coating the drug layered pellets using
9 . ( canceled ) a dispersion comprising at least one polymer optionally
10 . (canceled ) along with one or more excipients ;
11 . The composition of claim 1, further comprising one or v ) lubricating the pellets; and
more of pharmaceutically acceptable excipients selected vi) encapsulating the lubricated pellets in to capsules of
from a group comprising binders, diluents, lubricants , poly suitable size .
mers , glidants , matrix forming agents, lubricants, plasticiz 27 . (canceled )
ers and coloring agents. 28 . A method of treating a patient with irritable bowel
12 . The stable oral composition of claim 11, wherein the syndrome comprising administering to a subject in need
pharmaceutically acceptable diluent is selected from a group thereof the composition of claim 1 .
comprising microcrystalline cellulose , starch , mannitol, 29 . The method of claim 28 , wherein the irritable bowel
sucrose , dextrose , lactose , sorbitol, silicified microcrystal syndrome is associated with predominant constipation and /
line cellulose , calcium silicate and combinations thereof. or chronic idiopathic constipation .
13 . ( canceled ) 30 . The process of claim 26 wherein the polymer in the
14 . The stable oral composition of claim 11 , wherein the dispersion used in the coating step (iv ) is selected from a
pharmaceutically acceptable binder is selected from a group group comprising hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, hydroxy
comprising hydroxypropyl methylcellulose , hydroxypropyl propyl cellulose , hydroxyethyl cellulose , polyvinyl pyrroli
cellulose , ethyl cellulose , polyvinyl pyrrolidone, copovi done , polyvinyl alcohol and combinations thereof, option
done and polyethylene glycol and combinations thereof. ally with one or more excipients selected from the group
15 . The stable oral composition of claim 11 , wherein the comprising plasticizers, glidants, diluents and combinations
pharmaceutically acceptable lubricant is selected from a thereof.
group comprising magnesium stearate , hydrogenated castor 31. The composition of claim 1 useful for a subject with
oil, calcium stearate , sodium stearyl fumarate , talc , veg irritable bowel syndrome.
etable oil , stearic acid and fumaric acid . * * * * *

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