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Media literacy- access , analyze, evaluate, create, act

 Aesthetic and creative skills- view, listen, create media contents

 Interactive skills- ability to communicate through media and to identify
 Critical analyzing skills- understand different media content
 Security skills- solve problematic solutions and avoid unpleasant circumstances

Information literacy- understanding, evaluating, adapting, generating, storing, presenting


 Identifying/recognizing information needs

 Identifying source of information
 Locating or retrieving information
 Analyzing and assessing the quality of information
 Organizing, storing, or achieving information
 Using information in an ethical, efficient, and effective way
 Creating an communicating new knowledge

Technology literacy- access, evaluate, integrate, create, and communicate

 Creativity and innovation- creative thinking, problem solving and knowledge

 Communication and collaboration- used to communicate and collaborate
 Research and information fluency-used to find and use accurate, up to date info
 Digital citizenship- understand what it means to be a citizen
 Technology operations and concepts- illustrates understanding

Media, information, technology

⁸media and information sim

both emphasize the importance of understanding the biases and potential manipulations that
can occur in media and information sources.

Information and technology

both recognize the need for critical thinking skills in order to navigate the vast amount of
information available in today's digital age.

Technology and media

Both involve the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create contentp


 technology literacy refers to the ability to use and understand various technological
tools and devices
 information literacy refers to the ability to locate, evaluate, and effectively use
information from various sources
 focuses on the critical analysis and understanding of different forms of media,
including television, film, and social media.
Sim all

 evident in their focus on the ability to access, evaluate, and use information
The similarities and differences between technology literacy, media literacy, and information
literacy are evident in their focus on the ability to access, evaluate, and use information
effectively. Technology literacy emphasizes understanding and utilizing various technological
tools and devices, while media literacy focuses on critically analyzing and interpreting media
messages. It is important to note that information literacy encompasses a broader scope, as it
involves the skills needed to locate, evaluate, and effectively use information from various
sources. Information literacy, on the other hand, emphasizes the skills needed to locate,
evaluate, and ethically use information from a variety of sources, including books, websites,
databases, and other forms of media. This includes the ability to discern the credibility and
reliability of sources, as well as the skills to effectively navigate and search for information.
Information literacy also involves understanding how to properly cite and attribute sources,
ensuring ethical use of information, and avoiding plagiarism. In today's digital age, where
information is easily accessible but often overwhelming, developing information literacy
skills is crucial for students, professionals, and individuals in all walks of life. By honing
these skills, individuals can become empowered to make informed decisions, solve problems,
and contribute to their communities in meaningful ways. Media literacy involves the ability
to critically analyze and evaluate media messages, including news articles, advertisements,
and social media posts. Media literacy helps individuals to distinguish between reliable and
unreliable sources, recognize bias and propaganda, and understand the potential impact of
media on society. By being media literate, individuals can become more discerning
consumers of information and better equipped to navigate the complex landscape of media in
the digital age. The similarities between media literacy, information literacy, and traditional
literacy become apparent when considering the skills required for each. Just as traditional
literacy involves reading and understanding written texts, media literacy involves interpreting
and comprehending various forms of media. Additionally, both information literacy and
media literacy require individuals to locate, evaluate, and effectively use information to make
informed decisions. These overlapping skills highlight the importance of a well-rounded
education that includes all three literacies in today's information-driven world.

Work emmi

another factors of good work ethics

a. goal-oriented
b. dedicate on priority
c. being available and reliable
d. conscientionsness
e. creating a reward routine/system
f. embracing position

Work place right and responsibility In the workplace, employees have the right to a safe and
healthy environment, free from discrimination and harassment. They also have the right to
fair compensation for their work and opportunities for professional growth and development.
Alongside these rights, employees also have the responsibility to adhere to company policies
and procedures, maintain a respectful and cooperative attitude towards colleagues, and
contribute positively to the overall success of the organization. It is important for employees
to understand their rights and responsibilities in order to create a harmonious work
environment that fosters productivity and mutual respect.

why do people get tired from work?

1. noncompliance with the rules& regilations.
2. harassment to fellow employees
3. theft or stealing
4. utterance of offensive languages
5. negligence of responsibility
6. trouble makers or frequent cause of conflict
7.serious offenses

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