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Identification and essay

Career opportunities

 Business consultant- he can be a very good source of advice

 Teacher- graduate of an entrepreneur use his knowledge in teaching
 Researcher- can be researcher by enterprise
 Salesman- entrep graduate can apply as salesman
 Business reporter- being expert can be employed as business reporter

- Someone who owns a firm
- Someone who is responsible for risks, innovate and develop their community

Personal qualities

 Risk taking- grabbing business opportunity

 Information seeking- pursue insight, knowledge
 Demand for quality- improve your product
 Persuasion- ability to influence an convince others
 Networking- building and maintaining relationship with others
 Self confidence- having strong and positive belief in one’s own abilities
 goal setting- SMART specific, measurable, and time-bound
 persistence- determination to continue pursuing a venture or goal
 monitoring- consistently track and analyze key performance


 decisive- an entrepreneur must be firm in making decisions

 communicator- an entrepreneur must have a convincing power
 leader- must have charisma
 opportunity seeker- mist have the ability to be the first to see business chances
 proactive- control a situation by making things happen or preparing possible future
 risk taker- courage to pursue business
 innovative- hug business idea and does not stop improving and thinking of new
worthwhile ideas
Ways research might assist student
-Students might assist their inquiry and investigation skills in research by utilizing various
resources, such as online databases, academic journals, and libraries. These tools can provide
students with access to a wide range of information and help them develop critical thinking
and analytical skills. Additionally, collaborating with peers or seeking guidance from teachers
can further enhance their research abilities by allowing them to exchange ideas and receive
feedback on their work.

Explain the significant role of research

-This is the significance of research in resolving modern issues or crises. Research plays a
crucial role in addressing modern issues or crises by providing evidence-based solutions and
informing policy decisions. It helps to identify the root causes of problems, explore
innovative approaches, and develop effective strategies for mitigation or prevention.
Additionally, research fosters collaboration among experts, stakeholders, and communities,
facilitating knowledge sharing and collective problem-solving to create a more sustainable
and resilient future.

300 words
-The similarities and differences between literary media, information, and technology are
significant in terms of their purpose and function. Literary media, such as books and novels,
serve as a means of storytelling and artistic expression, allowing readers to engage with
complex narratives and explore different perspectives. On the other hand, information
technology encompasses various tools and systems that facilitate the storage, retrieval, and
dissemination of information, enabling efficient communication and knowledge sharing.
While both literary media and information technology contribute to the acquisition of
knowledge, they differ in their formats and modes of engagement. Literary media often rely
on written language and require active interpretation from readers, allowing for a more
immersive and imaginative experience. In contrast, information technology utilizes digital
platforms and interactive interfaces, providing instant access to vast amounts of information
and enabling quick navigation and analysis. These differences in format and engagement
highlight the unique ways in which literary media and information technology enhance our
understanding of the world around us. Information technology has revolutionized the way we
access and process information, making it more efficient and accessible than ever before.
With the click of a button, we can now access a wealth of knowledge from various sources,
expanding our understanding and perspectives on different subjects. Additionally, information
technology has also facilitated the sharing and dissemination of information on a global scale,
connecting people from different parts of the world and fostering collaboration and
innovation. Technology has also played a crucial role in advancing scientific research and
exploration. From the development of powerful telescopes to the use of sophisticated
algorithms, technology has allowed scientists to gather and analyze data in ways that were
previously unimaginable. This has led to groundbreaking discoveries and a deeper
understanding of the universe and our place within it. Furthermore, technology has also
revolutionized industries such as healthcare, transportation, and communication, improving
efficiency, safety, and convenience for individuals worldwide.

Recreational activity

 acquatic- swimming
 mountaineering -hiking-trekking

recreation- spent activity one loves to engage in, feel refreshed

-enjoyment, amusement, pleasure

indoor recreational activities- comfort of one’s home or indoor

- bball, swimming, vball, chess, table tennis, bowling, singing
outdoor recreational activities- outdoor

aquatic- relates to water -utilitarian, competitive, educational, therapeutic or recreational

water sports- enhances physical and mental wellbeing
individual water sports- need skills, strength, stamina, desire to excel

competitive /team water sports- group -teamwork, balance, energy, synchronized movement

recreational water sports- help people to relax -enjoyment, exploration and pleasure

water polo- football in water, swim and defend the ball, 7 member, bouyant looks like soccer

synchronized swimming- swim, dance, and elegance with music. Endurance flexibility,
snorkelling- swilling on the surface with mask, hollow tube pipe, popular recreation in phil

rowing- riding boats, propelling a boat, can be tecreational, athlete team up, fitness, oldest
sport in olympics

scuba diving- explore water deep sea, mouthpiece, air hose, harness, back plate, regulator,
and air tank, fins

cave diving- water filled caves, dangerous form of exploration

jet skiing- riding one man watercraft machine , taxing over the body of water

surfing- riding with surfboard, breaking waves in upright standing position

swimming- most popular water sports- travel distance- around thousand of years 2500bce
egypt assyrian greek and roman civilization

in greece swimming has become a prerequisite soldier to improve business

17th century- japanese began swimming lessons
19th century- national swimming society of great britain began
Breaststroke- early swimmer used

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