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Write the president (W or A) and the letter for the definition.

Name: ___________
GW 1. Capital/Bank 1. Hamilton wanted nation to pay back debts
GW 2. 1st BUS 2. Issues money, promotes trade, controls investment
GW 3. Whiskey Rebellion 3. Poor farmers protest, Washington sends 13,000 troops
GW 4. Jay’s Treaty 4. Avoided war with British, kept neutrality for a while
GW 5. Pinckney’s Treaty 5. Peace with Spain, ability to navigate Mississippi
GW 6. Treaty of Greenville 6. Defeated NW Indians forced to sign treaty and leave
JA 7. XYZ Affair 7. French demanded a bribe, nearly caused war
JA 8. Alien & Sedition Acts 8. Laws punishing immigrants and critics of government
JA 9. VA & KY Resolutions 9. State laws that “nullified” or ignored federal laws
JA 10. Justice Marshall 10. Federalist appointment of John Adams for a long time

___ __ 1. 1st BUS a. Hamilton wanted nation to pay back debts

___ __ 2. Whiskey Rebellion b. Issues money, promotes trade, controls investment
___ __ 3. Capital/Bank c. Poor farmers protest, Washington sends 13,000 troops
___ __ 4. Alien & Sedition Acts d. Avoided war with British, kept neutrality for a while
___ __ 5. Pinckney’s Treaty e. Peace with Spain, ability to navigate Mississippi
___ __ 6. Jay’s Treaty f. Defeated NW Indians forced to sign treaty and leave
___ __ 7. VA & KY Resolutions g. French demanded a bribe, nearly caused war
___ __ 8. Treaty of Greenville h. Laws punishing immigrants and critics of government
___ __ 9. Justice Marshall i. State laws that “nullified” or ignored federal laws
___ __ 10. XYZ Affair j. Federalist appointment of John Adams for a long time

___ __ 1. Jay’s Treaty a. Hamilton wanted nation to pay back debts

___ __ 2. Whiskey Rebellion b. Issues money, promotes trade, controls investment
___ __ 3. XYZ Affair c. Poor farmers protest, Washington sends 13,000 troops
___ __ 4. Capital/Bank d. Avoided war with British, kept neutrality for a while
___ __ 5. Treaty of Greenville e. Peace with Spain, ability to navigate Mississippi
___ __ 6. 1st BUS f. Defeated NW Indians forced to sign treaty and leave
___ __ 7. Pinckney’s Treaty g. French demanded a bribe, nearly caused war
___ __ 8. VA & KY Resolutions h. Laws punishing immigrants and critics of government
___ __ 9. Justice Marshall i. State laws that “nullified” or ignored federal laws
___ __ 10. Alien & Sedition Acts j. Federalist appointment of John Adams for a long time

___ __ 1. Alien & Sedition Acts a. Hamilton wanted nation to pay back debts
___ __ 2. Capital/Bank b. Issues money, promotes trade, controls investment
___ __ 3. 1st BUS c. Poor farmers protest, Washington sends 13,000 troops
___ __ 4. Justice Marshall d. Avoided war with British, kept neutrality for a while
___ __ 5. Whiskey Rebellion e. Peace with Spain, ability to navigate Mississippi
___ __ 6. VA & KY Resolutions f. Defeated NW Indians forced to sign treaty and leave
___ __ 7. Pinckney’s Treaty g. French demanded a bribe, nearly caused war
___ __ 8. Jay’s Treaty h. Laws punishing immigrants and critics of government
___ __ 9. Treaty of Greenville i. State laws that “nullified” or ignored federal laws
___ __ 10. XYZ Affair j. Federalist appointment of John Adams for a long time

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