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STD 10TH 9820949959

i. The wind which is responsible for winter rainfall in north-west India.
a) Western disturbances
b) North-east Monsoon
c) South-west Monsoon
d) Retreating South-west winds
ii. These trees are ideal for building boats.
a) Babool
b) Palas
c) Neem
d) Sundari
iii. Name the water storing mechanism in Rajasthan.
a) Kuhl
b) Johad
c) Bhandara
d) Diggi
iv. Vegetables, rice, ragi, tobacco are examples of crops grown on this soil.
a) Black soil
b) Alluvial soil
c) Laterite soil
d) Red soil
v. Majority of India's petroleum production is from ____________
a) Mumbai
b) Assam
c) Gujarat
d) Punjab
vi. Which of the following is a centre of silk industry in Karnataka?
a) Bengaluru.
b) Murshidabad
c) Varanasi
d) Bhagalpur
vii. From where does Rourkela Steel Plant gets its supply of water.
a) Sankha river
b) Mahanadi river
c) Damodar river
d) Yamuna river

STD 10TH 9820949959
viii. Sali, Bao,Ahu and Baro are associated with which of the following crops.
a) Wheat
b) Cotton
c) Jute
d) Rice.
ix. When the organic matter present in the sanitary landfill decomposes, it generates
a) Hydrogen
b) Methane
c) Nitrogen
d) Carbon
x. This Guage railway line is confined to hilly areas.
a) Meter Gauge
b) Narrow Gauge
c) Broad Gauge
d) Centimetre Gauge


i. Gully erosion is common in the
a) Chambal basin
b) Ganga basin
c) Rajasthan
d) Hilly region
ii. _____________ is the longest Expressway.
a) Ahmedabad- Vadodara
b) Purvanchal
c) Yamuna
d) Atal Tunnel
iii. Which of the following is an appropriate reason for the reversal of monsoon?
a) Pressure conditions
b) Diverse vegetation
c) Northern Plains
d) Western Cyclonic disturbances
iv. Which of the following methods is not used for disposal of solid waste?
a) Segregation
b) Dumping
c) Effluent treatment before discharge
d) Composting

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v. Which types of vegetation the following trees are associated? Ebony, mahogany,
a) Tropical Deciduous Forest
b) The Thorn Forest
c) Mountain Forest
d) Tropical Evergreen Forest.
vi. Which is the main source of irrigation in North India?
a) Tube well
b) Tanks
c) Canals
d) Rainfall
vii. ________________ state is the leading producer of iron ore in India.
a) Odisha
b) Chattisgarh
c) Bihar
d) West Bengal
viii. The crop requires high Temperature, high Rainfall, 200 frost-free days and bright
a) Rubber
b) Cotton
c) Jute
d) Tea
ix. Which of the following is an important Rabi crop?
a) Cotton
b) Paddy
c) Jute
d) Wheat
x. Rourkela Steel Plant was built with the cooperation of _____________
b) Germany
c) Japan
d) France

i. Why does the Konkan coast receive orographic rainfall?
a) It lies on the windward side of the Eastern Ghats
b) It lies on the windward side of the Cardamom hills.
c) It lies on the windward side of the Western Ghats
d) lt lies on the windward side of Baba Budan Hills

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ii. Borewells and Dug wells are known as
a) Catchments
b) Conduits
c) Recharge facilities
d) Storage facilities
iii. The local wind which is good for Tea and Jute but harmful to life and property.
a) Kalbaisakhi
b) Loo
c) Western Disturbance
d) Monsoon showers
iv. Xerophytic vegetation is a characteristic feature of
a) Chota nagpur
b) Khasi Hills
c) Kutch
d) Eastern Hill
v. The best quality iron ore Magnetite is found in:
a) Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
b) Odisha and Jharkhand
c) Chhattisgarh and West Bengal
d) Madhya Pradesh and Bihar
vi. Ratooning is one of the methods of cultivation of
a) Cotton
b) Sugarcane
c) Rice
d) Wheat
vii. One of the methods of reducing the waste is:
a) Landfill
b) Composting
c) Waste Concentration
d) Burning of waste
viii. Which is a crop NOT grown in regur soil?
a) Cotton
b) Tobacco
c) Rice
d) Wheat
ix. The authority responsible for the development, maintenance and management of
National Highways is called:
b) BRO

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c) Central Government
x. Winnowing is the process of
a) separating the grains from the stalk.
b) removing the unwanted husk from the grains.
c) reducing the moisture content of the crop.
d) Polishing of the grain for a glossy texture.


i. The term burst of monsoons refers to as
a) An occurrence of a cloud burst.
b) Heavy rainfall that occurs after a dry spell
c) Sudden violent onset of the monsoons
d) A dry spell in the monsoons.
ii. Which of the following soil conservation techniques are not used on hill slopes?
a) Contour ploughing
b) Terrace farming
c) Plugging of gullies
d) shelter belts.
iii. The sustainable system of managing a piece of land through combined production of
agricultural crops and forest crops; with animal rearing.
a) Farm forestry
b) Agro industry
c) Animal Husbandry
d) Social forestry
iv. The residual soil formed by the weathering of basic igneous rocks is __________
a) Alluvial soil
b) Black soil
c) Red soil
d) Laterite soil
v. Which of the following is not an objective of rain water harvesting?
a) Reducing the surface runoff
b) Reducing soil erosion
c) Raising the groundwater table
d) Polluting the ground water
vi. The main features of mixed farming are:
a) Crop rotation is practiced
b) Crop yield is low with surplus for sale
c) only one crop is cultivated in the same field.
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d) farming is practiced in small estates
vii. The industries that provide public utility-based services are
a) Basic industries
b) Ancillary industries
c) Tertiary industries
d) Secondary industries
viii. The Border Road Organisation was set up
a) to connect the tourist centres
b) to strengthen defence preparedness and economic development
c) to provide link between railway station and port
d) to check the traffic here
ix. This is not an example of recyclable waste
a) Plastics
b) Paper
c) Glass
d) Fertilizers


i. Which one of the following is false with respect to black soil?
a) It is known as Regur soil
b) It is found in the northern plains.
c) It is very fertile.
d) It is poor in phosphorous.
ii. What is the reason for the reversal of monsoon?
a) Pressure conditions
b) Vast plains
c) Diverse vegetation
d) Cyclonic depression
iii. ldentify the important trees of the Tropical Rain forest.
1) Ebony
2) Mahogany
3) Teak
4) Wattle

a) Only 1 and 2
b) Only 2 and 3
c) Only 3 and 4
d) All of the above

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iv. Indira Gandhi canal gets its water from ____________ river.
a) Beas
b) Mahanadi
c) Yamuna
d) Sutlej
v. This mineral toughens steel and makes it rust-proof.
a) Copper
b) Manganese
c) Magnesium
d) Bauxite
vi. The process in which the cotton fibre is separated from the raw material is
a) Ratooning
b) Plucking
c) Ginning
d) Fermentation
vii. Which place in India is known as High Tech city?
a) Mumbai
b) Jaipur
c) Patna
d) Hyderabad
viii. It was established for promotion of tourism in India.
c) BRO
d) AAI
ix. The only Muga silk producing state in India is
a) Sikkim
b) Rajasthan
c) Assam
d) Manipur
x. He is the 'Plastic Man" of India.
a) C.V. Raman
b) Visvesvaraya
c) S. Chandrashekar
d) R. Vasudevan

i. _______________ is an ocean current which causes weak drought-like situation in the
Indian sub-continent.
a) Gulf stream
b) EI Nino
c) La Nina
d) Western Disturbances
ii. Humus content in this soil is removed by bacteria which survives well in high
a) Red soil
b) Regur soil
c) Laterite soil
d) Alluvial soil
iii. _______________ forests are found on the Eastern slopes of the Western Ghats.
a) Tropical Rain forests
b) Tropical Desert forests
c) Littoral forests
d) Tropical Monsoon forests
iv. Which of the following crops is/are suitable for cultivating in black soil?
a) Wheat
b) Tobacco
c) Cotton
d) All of the above
v. _____________ is the most widespread soil in India.
a) Alluvial soil
b) Black soil
c) Laterite soil
d) Red soil
vi. ________________ is the largest coal field in India
a) Raniganj
b) Mayurbhanj
c) Jharia
d) Noamundi
vii. The term, ‘Clonal planting' is associated with the _____________
a) Sugarcane
b) Cotton
c) Tea
d) Jute

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viii. The TATA Iron and Steel gets its supply of coal from _____________
a) Raniganj and Sundergarh
b) Mayurbhanj and Keonjhar
c) Jharia and Bokaro
d) Noamundi and Palamau
ix. The North -South corridor of roadways in India links ____________
a) Leh in Ladakh to Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu
b) Srinagar in Kashmir to Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu.
c) Kargil in Kashrmir to Kanyakumari in TamilNadu.
d) Srinagar in Kashmir to Kochi in Kerala.
x. The most harmful method of waste disposal is
a) Sanitary Landfill
b) Open Dumping
c) lncineration
d) Composting


i. Which of the following is not in-situ soil?
a) Black soil
b) Alluvial soil
c) Red soil
d) Laterite soil
ii. The plants in this forest have stilted and hanging breathing roots.
a) Coniferous Forest
b) Tropical Rain Forest
c) Tropical Deciduous Forest
d) Mangrove Forest
iii. Tank irrigation is popular in
a) Thar
b) The Telangana Plateau
c) North Indian plains
d) Western ghats
iv. The first state to experience the onset of the monsoons.
a) Maharashtra
b) Karnataka
c) Goa
d) Kerala
v. ____________ is the oldest coalfield of India.
a) Raniganj
b) Jharia
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c) Bokarao
d) Karanpura
vi. Which of the following is an example of organic minerals?
a) Manganese
b) Bauxite
c) Copper
d) Petroleum
vii. _______________ developed in India in 1950s.
a) Space Technology
b) Electronic Industry
c) Software Industry
d) Petrochemical Industry
viii. The art of rearing silkworms for silk is a __----
a) Sericulture
b) Agriculture
c) Floriculture
d) Serviculture
ix. Ozonosphere is depleted by –
a) CFC's
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Ozone
d) Nitrogen
x. Irrigation refers to the process of watering agricultural plants through:
a) Rain water
b) Hail
c) Artificial means
d) Flood


i. Temperature rises up 50°C in _______________ during Summer.
a) Kerala
b) Rajasthan
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Kashmir.
ii. Gully erosion is common in _______________
a) Chambal valley
b) Ganga basin
c) Rajasthan
d) coastal plains.

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iii. ___________ irrigation is not much developed in southern India
a) Well
b) tank
c) canal
d) all three.
iv. Xerophytic vegetation is largely found in tropical ____________ forests.
a) deciduous
b) dry
c) evergreen
d) delta.
v. __________ has the largest coal deposits in India.
a) Chhattisgarh
b) Odisha
c) Jharkhand
d) Madhya Pradesh.
vi. Cultivation of crops and raising of animals is a feature of ______
a) intensive farming.
b) plantation
c) mixed
d) commercial.
vii. The crop associated with retting is __________
a) sugarcane
b) jute
c) tea.
viii. Bagasse is a by-product of ________ ____________ industry.
a) tea
b) jute
c) cotton
d) none of the given options
ix. (c) ______transport is the cheapest but slowest mode of transport
a) Air
b) Rail
c) Water
d) Road
x. (b) ________ is a natural process that converts organic waste material into dark
coloured manure.
a) Dumping
b) Composting
c) Segregation

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d) Recycling


i. _____________ is a hot and dry local wind that blows in North India in the summer
a) Western Disturbances
b) Mango Sowers
c) Loo
d) Kalbaisakhi
ii. Terrace farming is practiced in the ____________ region
a) hilly
b) sandy
c) plain
d) delta
iii. ____________ and ______________ are crops associated with laterite soil.
a) Rice and wheat
b) Jute and sugarcane
c) Rice and sugarcane
d) Tea and coffee
iv. Which is commercially the most exploited forest of India?
a) Tropical Rain Forest
b) Tropical Thorn Forest
c) Tropical Deciduous Forest
d) Tidal Forests
v. _____________ is the largest coalfield of India.
a) Raniganj
b) Jharia
c) Taicher
d) Bokaro
vi. Which of the following enabled India to become self-sufficient in food grain
a) Green Revolution
b) Japanese method
c) Subsistence farming
d) Intensive farming
vii. The most expensive method of irrigation is
a) drip
b) Tubewells
c) tanks
d) sprinkle

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viii. ______________ industries are known as household industries.
a) Basic
b) Ancillary
c) Cottage
d) Tertiary
ix. Which of the following connects Silchar to Porbander?
a) Golden Quadrilateral
b) North South Corridor
c) Yamuna Expressway
d) East West Corridor
x. Cheapest method of disposal of waste is ____________
a) Dumping
b) Composting
c) Segregation
d) Recycling.


i. The sultry and oppressive weather marked by high temperatures high humidity is
known as
a) Loo
b) Bardoli Cheerha
c) October Heat
d) Mango Showers
ii. Which soil is sticky when wet but cracks when dry?
a) Red Soil
b) Regur Soil
c) Alluvial Soil
d) Laterite Soil
iii. Name the forests which are commercially the most-exploited.
a) Dry Deciduous Forests
b) Tidal Forests
c) Rain Forests
d) Moist Deciduous Forests
iv. The surface where water collects during rainfall is termed as
a) Catchment
b) Conduit
c) Recharge Pit
d) Storage
v. The type of iron ore that has more than 70 percent of iron in it is called
a) Siderite
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b) Limonite
c) Magnetite
d) Haematite
vi. This type of coal is used most widely used for domestic purposes in India.
a) Anthracite
b) Bituminous
c) Lignite
d) Peat
vii. Mustard and potatoes are types of ___________ crops.
a) Zayad Rabi
b) Zayad Kharif
c) Kharif
d) Rabi
viii. A _________________ enterprise has a turnover of less than 250 crores.
a) Micro
b) Small
c) Medium
d) Large
ix. The NS-EW Corridor connects ______________ to Kanyakumari in the NS stretch
and Porbandar to ____________in the EW stretch.
a) Leh; Imphal
b) Jammu ; Silchar
c) Pathankot; Aizwai
d) Srinagar Silchar
x. Making changes in the production processes in factories leads to ___________ of
waste generation.
a) reducing
b) reusing
c) recycling
d) refusing

i. The hot and wet season in India is from
a) December to February
b) March to May
c) June to September
d) October to November
ii. It forms the second largest soil group in India
a) Black soil
b) Mountain soil

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c) Alluvial soil
d) Red soil
iii. Its bark and roots have medicinal properties
a) Babool
b) Neem
c) Teak
d) Ber
iv. Excavated into the ground, lined with brick or stone wall, with openings at regular
intervals, it is used for recharging underground water
a) Recharge Trenches
b) Percolation Pits
c) Recharge Pit
d) Dugwells
v. Which of the following statement is incorrect
a) In India, the largest wind farm cluster is situated in Gujarat.
b) Most parts of India get 300 clear sunny days.
c) The biogas plants which cattle dung are called 'Gobar Gas Plants'
d) Nuclear power plants can run 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
vi. Thunderstorms that cause rainfall along the coast of Karnataka are called
a) Kalbaisakhi
b) Mango Showers
c) Cherry Blossoms
d) Loo
vii. This soil is used for making bricks, and is Considered suitable for construction
a) Red soil
b) Laterite soil
c) Mountain soil
d) Black soil
viii. These forests cover the entire Himalayan zone
a) Littoral forests
b) Evergreen forests
c) Mountain forests
d) Tropical deciduous forests
ix. These crops occupy the largest area in our country and are dependent on monsoon
a) Kharif
b) Rabi
c) Zaid
d) Commercial crops

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(x)This foul smelling gas is added to LPG, so that leakage can be easily detected
a) Methyl Mercaptan
b) Ethl Mercaptan
c) Ethyl Mercaptan
d) Ethyl Marcaptan


i. The southern hills of Assam get heavy rainfall but the northern ones do not. This is
a) The Coriolis effect.
b) Winds are parallel to Assam
c) The southern hills force the moisture laden winds to shade their moisture before the
process northwards.
d) Southern hills fail to stop moisture laden winds.
ii. Soil which is formed under conditions of high temperature and heavy rainfall with
alternative wet and dry periods is called
a) Alluvial soils
b) Black soils
c) Red soils
d) Laterite soil
iii. This is a land-use management system in which trees are grown around cultivated
land and animals are reared.
a) Social-forestry
b) Van-Mahotsav
c) Agro-forestry
d) Reforestation.
iv. Breathing roots help the trees to survive in,
a) Waterlogged conditions
b) Dry conditions
c) Low temperature
d) High temperature
v. Which of the following is an objective of Rainwater Harvesting?
a) Meeting the ever-decreasing demand for water
b) Providing rainwater to farmers for free.
c) Improving the quality of groundwater.
d) Increasing groundwater pollution.
vi. Copper is used in power cables because,
a) It is a good conductor of electricity.
b) It is the cheapest metal.
c) It is a good conductor of heat.
d) It is extracted easily from its ore.

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vii. Commercial farming largely depends on:
a) HYV Seeds.
b) Chemical fertilizer.
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) neither (a) nor (b)
viii. Weaving is an example of:
a) cottage Industries
b) Basic Industries
c) Forest Industries
d) Ancillary Industries
ix. The company which provides helicopter service to Natural Gas Commission
a) Air India
b) Pawan Hans Helicopters Ltd
c) Indigo.
d) None of these.
x. Waste can be reduced by
a) Change of process
b) Waste concentration
c) Segregation of waste
d) All of these


i. The thunder storms accompanied by heavy rainfall in Assam are called:
a) Cherry Blossoms
b) Bardoli Chheerha
c) Mango showers
d) Kalbaisakhi
ii. Which of the following does not cause soil erosion?
a) Plugging gullies
b) Bad farming practices
c) Topography
d) Deforestation
iii. Which of the following forests are divided into two categories based on the
availability of water?
a) Tropical Evergreen forests
b) Tropical Thorn forests
c) Tropical Deciduous forests
d) Tidal forests

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iv. Which of the following is a disadvantage of ‘Tubewell’ irrigation?
a) It is an independent source of irrigation.
b) It brings up clean water.
c) Excessive use can lead to depletion of groundwater.
d) It can irigate large areas of agricultural land.
v. The oldest coalfield of India.
a) Jharia
b) Raniganj
c) Bokaro
d) Karanpura
vi. Which of the following raw material is required in the largest quantity in the [1]
manufacture of Steel?
a) Iron Ore
b) Coal
c) Limestone
d) Potash
vii. Name the Multi-Purpose Project based on the river Sutlej
a) Bhakra Dam
b) Nangal Dam
c) Bhakra Nangal Dam
d) Hirakud Dam
viii. Name the season in which wheat is sown:
a) Zaid
b) Kharif
c) Summer
d) Winter
ix. Trimming of tea shrubs:
a) Clonal planting
b) Ginning
c) Retting
d) Pruning
x. Manchester of India:
a) Mumbai
b) Ahmedabad
c) Nasik
d) Gandhinagar

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i. The state in India through which the Tropic of Cancer and the Indian Standard Time
pass, covering the longest distance.
a) Uttar Pradesh
b) Madhya Pradesh
c) West Bengal
d) Telangana
ii. This subject deals with the study of soil formation.
a) Edaphology.
b) Microbiology.
c) Pedology.
d) Pedogenesis.
iii. The forest regions of India that are also known as 'Rain Forests’.
a) Tropical Evergreen Forests.
b) Tropical Monsoon Forests.
c) Littoral Forests.
d) Options (a) and (b).
iv. A weir constructed in the lower course of the river to raise its water level.
a) A Damn.
b) A Reservoir.
c) A Barrage.
d) Water Regulators.
v. Copper is alloyed with this mineral to form brass.
a) Zinc
b) Iron
c) Nickel.
d) Tin.
vi. The most wasteful method involved in the sowing of seeds.
a) Transplantation.
b) Drilling Method.
c) Dibbling Method
d) Broadcasting Method.
vii. It is an enterprise where the investment in plant and machinery does not exceed S0
crore rupees and the annual turnover does not exceed 250 crore rupees.
a) Micro Enterprise.
b) Small Enterprise.
c) Medium Enterprise.
d) Large Enterprise.

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viii. This Space Mission hurtled India as being the first onto the Space Race Map.
a) Chandrayaan I
b) Mangalyaan.
c) Gaganyaan
d) Shukrayaan.
ix. This is currently India's longest expressway in use.
a) The Yamuna Express way.
b) The Agra Lucknow Expressway.
c) The Purvanchal Expressway.
d) The Mumbai-Pune Expressway
x. Encephalitis is transmitted by this vector.
a) Mosquito.
b) Housefly.
c) Sandfly.
d) Rodents.

i. Stormy winds blow in Assam during hot and dry season is known as
a) Loo
b) Bardoli chheerha
c) Mango Showwer
d) Chinook
ii. Which soil is associated with the Deccan Trap?
a) Red soil
b) Black soil
c) Alluvial
d) Laterite soil
iii. This tree is commonly found in the tropical evergreen forests.
a) Sundari
b) Neem
c) Basil
d) Rosewood
iv. The rain water harvesting system of central India is known as _____________
a) Zing
b) Kere
c) Johads
d) Dighis
v. Which is oldest oil producing state in India?
a) Assam
b) Maharashtra
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c) Gujarat
d) Chhatishgarh
vi. This is the process by which seeds are separated from raw cotton.
a) Retting
b) Ratooning
c) Bud grafting
d) Ginning
vii. When was the first modern steel plant set up in India?
a) 1870
b) 1907
c) 1950
d) 1871
viii. This port lies at eastern coastal region of India built to remove the pressure from the
Kolkata port.
a) Haldia
b) Paradeep
c) Vishakhapatnam
d) Tidal Port
ix. Separation of waste into different categories is known as ______________
a) Waste management
b) Incineration
c) Segregation
d) Dumping
x. Planting trees on land which is not previously covered with forests is known as
a) Farm forestry
b) Social forestry
c) Reforestation
d) Afforestation


i. October Heat is marked by _______________
a) Clear skies
b) High temperature
c) high humidity
d) all of the above
ii. Leaching is also known as
a) Soil erosion
b) Soil Conservation
c) Desilication

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d) Rill Erosion
iii. Acacia and Babool are important trees of
a) Tropical Rainforest
b) Tropical Desert Forest
c) Littoral Forest
d) Montane Forest
iv. Tube wells are prevalent in
a) Punjab
b) Tamil Nadu
c) Kerala
d) Kamataka
v. _______________ is the oldest coalfield of India.
a) Jharia
b) Raniganj
c) Bokaro
d) Karanpura
vi. Madurai is a fully powered village by
a) Hydel Power
b) Wind Energy
c) Solar Energy
d) Nuclear Energy
vii. Commercial Farming
a) Mixed farming
b) Organic farming
c) Plantation Farming
d) Agribusiness
viii. The leftover cane after crushing
a) Molasses
b) Bagasse
c) Khand sari
d) Press mud
ix. National Highways are manage by
a) Districts
b) Cities
c) State Government
d) Central Government
x. _______________ is referred to as the Plastic man of India.
a) Sundar Bahuguna
b) Nek Chand

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c) Prof. Rajagopalan Vasudevan
d) None of the above

i. ___________ refers to the atmospheric conditions, which prevails in large area over a
long period of time
a) Season
b) Weather
c) Climate
d) Monsoon
ii. Rosewood and toon are examples of which of the following forests
a) Tropical deciduous forest
b) Tropical desert forest
c) Tropical evergreen forest
d) Mountain forest
iii. ___________ is an example of plantation crop
a) Rice
b) Rubber
c) Wheat
d) Jute
iv. Red soil is rich in ______________
a) Potash
b) Lime
c) Humus
d) Iron ore
v. which of the following type of iron has more than 70% iron content in it?
a) Haematite
b) Magnetite
c) Siderite
d) Limonite
vi. Boro is associated with which of the following crops.
a) Wheat
b) Jute
c) Cotton
d) Rice
vii. Manchester of India
a) Ahmedabad
b) Gujarat
c) Mumbai
d) Maharashtra

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viii. The Rourkela Steel Plant has been developed with the help of ______________ firm.
a) Japan
b) Germany
c) Spain
d) Indonesia
ix. 3R’s means
a) Reduce, Reuse, Replace
b) Reduce, Replace, Reproduce
c) Recycle, Replenish, Replace
d) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
x. ____________ transport supplements the other modes of transport.
a) Airways
b) Roadways
c) Waterways
d) Railways


i. Why is black soil also called as lava soil'?
a) As it is found near lava.
b) As it is formed due to denudation of volcanic rocks.
c) As it is found near the coastal regions.
d) As it is black in colour.
ii. What are tropical deciduous forests also known as?
a) Littoral forests.
b) Monsoon forests
c) Desert forests
d) Evergreen forests
iii. What are the water receptacles called in Western ghats?
a) Johads
b) Kuhl
c) Surangams
d) Korambu
iv. Why is Magnetite so called?
a) Because it has magnetic property.
b) Because it is made up of copper.
c) Because it is very heavy.
d) Because it is very light.
v. What represents the first stage of transformation of wood into coal?
a) Anthracite
b) Bituminous
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c) Peat
d) Lignite.
vi. What is the process of separating fibres or lint from the cotton seeds called?
a) Harvesting
b) Ginning
c) Dibbling
d) Drilling
vii. Iron and steel industry is ____________ type of industry.
a) Agro based industry
b) Forest based industry
c) Mineral based industry
d) Animal based industry.
viii. _____________ Steel plant was built with technical cooperation from German firm.
a) Rourkela steel plant
b) Jamshedpur steel plant
c) Vishakhapatnam steel plant
d) Mini steel plant.
ix. Kandla port in Gujarat is a ____________ port.
a) Tidal
b) Riverine
c) Harbour
d) Delta
x. _____________ means dividing the waste into different categories.
a) Incineration
b) Recycling
c) Segregation
d) Composting


i. The intense cold in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh is due to
a) Western disturbance
b) High altitude
c) Longitudinal extent
d) Northeast Monsoon winds\

ii. Mangalore is not cold even in the months of December because

a) It lies on the leeward side of the mountain
b) It is a coastal town located close to the equator.
c) It gets winter rainfall
d) It experiences hot dry winds in December.
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iii. The soil which releases moisture in the dry period also
a) Alluvial soil
b) Black soil
c) Red soil
d) Laterite soil
iv. Choose the odd one out
a) Littoral
b) Mangrove
c) Tidal
d) Alpine
v. The ideal speed for generating wind energy is
a) 18 km/hour with steady direction
b) 20 km/hour with steady direction
c) 30 km/hour with steady direction
d) 25 km/hour with steady direction
vi. The crop which is associated with the term 'pruning':
a) Sugarcane
b) Cotton
c) Tea
d) Jute
vii. This farming assures additional income to farmers:
a) Strip cropping
b) Mixed farming
c) Mixed cropping
d) Subsistence farming
viii. Which of the following state is the largest producer of petroleum in India?
a) Assam
b) West Bengal
c) Maharashtra
d) Tamil Nadu
ix. Which of the following statement is not correct?
a) Minerals are naturally occurring substances.
b) Minerals are evenly distributed over space.
c) Minerals take a long time to form geologically.
d) Minerals can be Metallic or Non-Metallic
x. This was established in 1985 with the object of providing helicopter services in
inaccessible areas
a) Airports Authority of India
b) Air India Ltd

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c) Pawan Hans
d) Air Asia

i. Which place among these will experience the overhead sun twice in a year?
a) Chandigarh
b) Srinagar
c) Guwahati
d) Mumbai
ii. Why are the Aravallis responsible for dry climate of Rajasthan?
a) As they fail to intercept moisture bearing winds.
b) As they run north to south.
c) As they are of lower elevation
d) As there has been widescale deforestation over these ranges.
iii. Insitu soils are formed as a result of…..
a) Degradation of rocks
b) Weathering of rocks
c) Aggradation of rocks.
d) Erosion of rocks.
iv. The alternative that is not a benefit of humus content of soil
a) It helps the soil to hold more moisture thus enhancing its capacity to withstand drought
b) It helps to reduce excessive acid or alkaline soil conditions
c) It helps plants to absorb moisture
d) It restores plant nutrients
v. Planting two saplings tor every tree followed is
a) Afforestation
b) Reaforestation
c) Deforestation
d) Reforestation
vi. Which type of forests cannot be exploited?
a) Mangrove forest
b) Deciduous forest
c) Himalayan moist temperate forest
d) Evergreen forest
vii. Which is the most important factor for development of tubewell irrigation?
a) Level cultivated land
b) Regular supply of cheap electricity
c) Sufficient underground water
d) Impermeable sub soil

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viii. The type of irrigation which uses perforated pipes
a) Canal
b) Drip
c) Sprinkler.
d) Tubewell.
ix. One drawback of the conventional method of irrigation is...
a) Leads to water logging everywhere.
b) Needs manual labour.
c) Large quantity of water is not properly utilised.
d) Large amount of electricity is required.

i. The factor that does not influence the climate of India.
a) Himalayas
b) Nearby water bodies
c) Jet streams
d) Nearby settlements
ii. The soil known for growing sugarcane in Tamil Nadu.
a) Red soil
b) Black soil
c) Regur soil
d) Alluvial soil
iii. The broad leaves found in the evergreen forest is to –
a) block the sun light
b) absorb maximum sunlight.
c) form a huge canopy
d) protect from rain
iv. Rainwater harvesting cannot be practiced in
a) Rural areas
b) Urban areas
c) Roof tops
d) Desert areas
v. ______________ is considered as black gold.
a) Petroleum
b) Coal
c) Jute
d) Manganese
vi. It generates maximum electric energy.
a) Radioactive elements
b) Coal
c) Solar radiation
d) Geothermal reserves

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vii. Agricultural sector is a market to -(1) Agro based industries, (2) Fertilizer industries, (3)
Tractor manufacturing industries (4) Trading industries
a) 1 and 2
b) 4
c) 2 and 3
d) 2
viii. _______________ is the leading producer of Muga Silk.
a) Karnataka
b) Meghalaya
c) West Bengal
d) Assam
ix. It is a by-product of sugarcane.
a) Jaggery
b) Polishing wax
c) Press mud
d) Khandsari
x. Landfill helps in curbing-
a) Airborne disease
b) Land pollution
c) Pleasant sight
d) Water borne disease


1. Name the types of climate experienced in India ………………..
a) Tropical Cyclonic types
b) Tropical monsoon types
c) Temperature monsson type
d) Subtropical monsoon type

2. Afforestation prevents soil erosion because

a) It reduce pollution
b) It protects the soil from being expose
c) The roots of the tree bind the soil particles
d) The tree products fruits

3. Which of the following features is not associated with thorn and scrub forest?
a) Xerophytic or drought resistant
b) Evergreen and multilayer
c) Long roots going deep in the ground
d) Leave turned into spines.

4. Which is the most advanced and efficient method of irrigation?

a) Spray irrigation

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b) Sprinkle irrigation
c) Drip irrigation
d) Furrow irrigation

5. Name two leading states producing manganese

a) Odisha & Madhya Pradesh
b) Jharkhand & Uttar Pradesh
c) Tamil Nadu & Gujarat
d) West Bengal & Assam

6. Name an offshore oil field in India

a) Mumbai High
b) Digboi
c) Panipat
d) Koyali

7. Tea bushes have to be pruned at regular intervals because

a) It grows on hills slopes
b) To encourage the growth of new leaves
c) To keep the height of the bushes high
d) To protect from the in pest

8. The Tata Iron & Steel company gets its supply of iron from
a) Mayurbhanj district of Odisha
b) Bailadila in Chhatisgarh
c) Simoga in Karnataka
d) Koenjhar in Odisha

9. South India is an important region of sugarcane industries in India because

a) Maritime climate free from loo and winter frost.
b) Cheap electrical power
c) Mumbai's location is an important international port
d) All of these

10. Inland waterways are declining in their importance

a) Slowest means of transport
b) not –well-connected limited access to limited areas
c) Because of eutrophication
d) Because of the large amount of waste is deposited on the river banks.

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1. Thunderstorms developed in the hot weather season cause some rainfall in

Karnataka. These rains are known as ………………
a) Chinook
b) Loo
c) Kal Baisakhi
d) Cherry Blossom
2. In which of the following cities of India , the diurnal range of temperature is
maximum ?
a) New Delhi
b) Mumbai
c) Chennai
d) Kolkata

3. Which type of soil is widely distributed over the Ganga Plain?

a) Laterite soil
b) Red Soil
c) Alluvial Soil
d) Arid soil
4. Which of these is NOT found in Tropical Thorn forests?
a) Date Palm
b) Khejri
c) Screw Pines
d) Kanju
5. The most widespread forests in India are
a) Tropical Evergreen
b) Tropical Thorn
c) Tropical Deciduous
d) Mangrove

6. Which of the following is an element of the rain water harvesting mechanism?

a) Recharge Pool
b) Storage well
c) Conduit
d) Mesh

7. Which of the following is a reason for water scarcity in a region with sufficient water?
a) Huge population
b) Less rainfall
c) Power requirement

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d) Pollution

8. The first railway line in India was constructed between ………..& ……..
a) Mumbai Delhi
b) Delhi Kanyakumari
c) Mumbai , Thane
d) Delhi Mumbai
9. ………………….. provides door -to -door services
a) Roadways
b) Railways
c) Waterways
d) Airways

10. What do the 3 R's stand for?

a) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
b) Regenerate, Recycle, Refuse
c) Recycle, Redistribute, Refuse
d) Remove, Reduce, Refuse


1. The largest oil field in India is………………………
a) Mumbai High
b) Digboi .
c) Barauni
d) Bassein
2. The forests found on the eastern slopes of the Western Gats are
a) Mountain Forests
b) Desert Forests
c) Tropical Deciduous Forest
d) Tropical Evergreen Forests

3. The region which receives heavy rainfall from the retreating monsoon winds is
a) Kolkata
b) Chennai
c) Pune
d) Punjab
4. Which of the following is not a suitable conditions for the development of tank
a) Presence of natural depressions
b) Permeable rock structure

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c) Plenty of rain in rainy seasons
d) hard subsurface rock structure


a) November to January
b) December to March
c) July to September
d) October to December

6. The …………….forests consist of mixed deciduous and coniferous forest

a) Evergreen
b) Tidal
c) Desert
d) Mountain

7. Which is the first region in India to experience monsoon?

a) Northern Plains
b) Coromandel Coast
c) Konkan Coast
d) Malabar Coast

8. The Tropical Depression occurs in the …………………………

a) Bay of Bengal
b) Arabian Sea
c) Mediterranean Sea
d) Andaman Sea

9. These canals are drawn directly from the river

a) Inundation Canal
b) Lined Canal
c) unlined Canal
d) perennial Canal
10. The state which is the largest producer of wheat in India is
a) Maharashtra
b) Karnataka
c) Madhya Pradesh
d) Uttar Pradesh

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1.Winter snowfall in western Himalaya as is an effect of……………….
a) Tropical Cyclone
b) Temperate Cyclone
c) South west monsoon wind
d) North east monsoon wind

2. Gradual removal of the entire top soil cover by rain is known as ….

a) Rill Erosion
b) Gully Erosion
c) Stream bank erosion
d) Sheet erosion

3. The trees of this forest occurs in pure stands

a) Tropical evergreen forest
b) Tropical Deciduous Forest
c) Montane forest
d) Littoral forest

4. This system of irrigation ensures water to field even in the dry months
a) Well
b) Tank
c) Inundation canal
d) Tube-well

5. Largest coal field in India is in

a) Korba
b) Jharia
c) Raniganj
d) Bokuo

6. ……….is the state that leads in the productions of groundnut in India

a) Tamil Nadu
b) Rajasthan
c) Gujarat
d) Telengana

7. This method of framing is capital intensive, mechanized and carried out in large
a) Intensive
b) Extensive
c) Mixed
d) Substance

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8. Bihar and Jharkhand are leading producer of ….. variety of silk
a) Mulburry
b) Eri
c) Tassar
d) Mugs

9. CGN and LPG are obtained from………………..

a) Petroleum
b) Natural gas
c) Coal
d) Biogas

10. This method of waste disposal is not environment friendly

a) Segregation
b) Dumping
c) Sanitary landfill
d) Composing


1. Winter snowfall in western Himalaya as is an effect of……………….
a) Tropical Cyclone
b) Temperate Cyclone
c) South west monsoon
d) North east monsoon

2. The process of soil formation is known as ……………

a) Pedogenesis
b) Metamorphosis
c) Deudation
d) Gradation

3. The wood of ………….. is excellent for furniture making

a) Babool
b) Silver Pine
c) Acacia
d) Sandal wood

4. Johads and percolation pits are mechanisms of …………………

a) Drip irrigation

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b) Rain water harvesting
c) Canal irrigation
d) Tube wells

5. Hematite is known as the ………. Ore

a) Black ore
b) Red ore
c) Yellow ore
d) Brown ore

6. The sett method of cultivation is associated with ………………

a) Jute
b) sugarcane
c) Tea
d) Cotton

7. Iron and steel industry is a …………………… industry

a) Medium scale
b) Co-operative sector
c) Agro based
d) Basic

8. CNG and LPG are obtained from………………..

a) Gobar Gas
b) Coal
c) Bio gas
d) Natural gas

9. This is the best mode of transport for perishable goods over a short distance
a) Waterways
b) Railways
c) Roadways
d) Airways

10. When old metal cans are crushed and made into new products, it is known as
a) Refuse
b) Reduce
c) Recycle
d) Reuse

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1. What is the general condition over most parts of India during the months of March,
April and May?
a) Cold and dry
b) Hot and dry
c) Cold and wet
d) Hot and wet

2. Which among the following is not true for alluvial soil?

a) It is rich in potash and lime
b) Texture varies from coarse to fine
c) It is deficient in phosphoric acid
d) Age and fertility are directly proportional

3. Which among the following will be most effective in arresting soil erosion in the
Thar Desert?
a) Contour ploughing
b) Shelter belt
c) Terrace farming
d) Contour bunding

4. Which among the following states of India does not have mangrove vegetation?
a) Jharkhand
b) West Bengal
c) Odisha
d) Andhra Pradesh

5. Which among the following is not associated with iron ore?

a) Keonjhar in Odhisa
b) Shimoga in Karnataka
c) West Singhbhum in Jharkhand
d) Alwar in Rajasthan

6. Simultaneous practice of cultivation and animal rearing is a feature of ….

a) Plantation farming
b) Intensive farming
c) Mixed farming
d) Subsistence farming

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7. Which among the following can be classified as tertiary industry?
a) Silk Textile
b) Tourism
c) Iron and steel
d) Petrochemical

8. AMUL is in the
a) Private Sector
b) Public Sector
c) Joint sector
d) Co-operative sector

9. Which among the following is a terminal point of the longest arm of the Golden
a) Kolkata
b) Delhi
c) Porbandar
d) Mumbai

10. Which among the following "R" s is not an R among the three "R"s?
a) Reduce
b) Refuse
c) Reuse
d) Recyle


1. The Mango showers that help in the early ripening of mangoes are common
especially in ……. and …………..
a) Kerala and Karnataka
b) Kerala and Tamil Nadu
c) Tamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh
d) Karnataka & Tamil Nadu

2. Tapioca and cashew nuts are associated with …… soil

a) Alluvial
b) Black
c) Red
d) Laterite

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3. Erosion in the Chambal Valley is an example of ……………..
a) Rill erosion
b) Leaching
c) Shore erosion
d) Gully erosion

4. Tress of …………. Forests have long roots penetrating deep into the soil in order to
get moisture
a) Montane
b) Deciduous
c) Tropical Desert
d) Evergreen

5. The type of iron ore that has more than 70% of iron content in it……
a) Haematite
b) Magnetite
c) Siderite
d) Limonite

6. Rice is mainly grown in the states of Assam, Odisha and …….

a) Punjab
b) West Bengal
c) Uttar Pradesh
d) Haryana

7. The state that is NOT a centre of silk industries

a) Assam
b) Maharashtra
c) West Bengal
d) Karnataka

8. Rourkela Steel Plant get it water supply from …………….

a) River Damodar
b) River Mahanadi
c) River Sankha
d) Both B and C

9. …………….is a seaport located in Guajarat

a) Haldia

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b) Vishakhapatnam
c) Pradip
d) Kandla

10. In the Bengaluru method, the waste is decomposed for ……… months
a) Five
b) Four
c) Six
d) Three


1. Which state in India is the first to experience the onset of the Monsoons and the
last to see its retreat?
a) Andaman & Nicobar
b) Maharashtra
c) Kerala
d) Tamil Nadu

2. Afforestation prevent soil erosion because:

a) It reduces pollution
b) It protects the soil from being exposed.
c) The roots of the trees bind soil particles
d) Trees produce fruits.

3. What is social Forestry?

a) Growing trees by social workers
b) The practice of growing trees on farm lands
c) Forest used for social gathering
d) The management and protection of forests and afforestation on barren lands with the
purpose of helping in the social development

4. The type of vegetation found in areas receiving 100 to 200 cms of rainfall is
a) Tropical Thorn Forests
b) Tropical deciduous Forests
c) Tropical Evergreen Forest
d) Montane forests

5. What is the meaning of irrigation?

a) The water received by rainfall
b) The man- made arrangement of supplying water to the fields.
c) The storage of rainwater

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d) Growing of crops

6. Magnetite and Hematite are the ores of …………….

a) Manganese
b) Coal
c) Iron ore
d) Copper

7. Which of the following steps was not taken by the Government of India to modernize
a) Veterinary services and animal breeding centers
b) Special Economics Zones
c) Agriculture Universities
d) Establishment of Indian Council of Agriculture Research

8. The core industries on which other industries depend for their manufacturing are the
a) Basic Industries
b) Consumer Industries
c) Tertiary Industries
d) Ancillary Industries

9. The first expressway constructed in the country is ……………

a) Agra - Lucknow Expressway
b) Ahmedabad - Vadodara Expressway
c) Delhi - Gurgan Expressway
d) Mumbai - Pune Expressway

10. Increasing concentration of various toxic substance along the food

a) Bio- accumulation
b) Eutrophication
c) Bio Magnification
d) Overcrowding

i. Anthracite coal is only found in _____________ Stale of India.
a) Jharia
b) West Bengal
c) Jammu & Kashmir
d) Kerala

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ii. Groundnut is grown in _____________season.
a) Rabi season
b) Kharif season c
c) Zaid season
d) Rabi and Kharif season
iii. The South West monsoon winds blow in summer from ______________
a) SE to NW
b) NE to SW
c) NW to SW
d) SW to NE
iv. Bagasse is associated with ____________
a) Jute industry
b) Cotton industry
c) Silk industry
d) Sugar industry
v. This city is called 'Silicon Vallley of India."
a) Bengaluru
b) Mumbai
c) Pune
d) Hyderabad
vi. Hirakud Dam is constructed across the river ____________
a) Jhelum
b) Chenab
c) Sutlej
d) Mahanadi
vii. This soil is ideal for dry faming.
a) Black soil
b) Alluv ial soil
c) Laterite soil
d) Red sol
viii. Name the vegetation found in the deltas of West Bengal
a) Mangrove forest
b) Tropical evergreen forest
c) Thorn and Scrub Forest
d) Mountain forest
ix. ____________ is a traditional rainwater harvesting mechanism in Eastern Ghats.
a) Johads
b) Surangam
c) Korambu

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d) Baolis
x. Cultivation of crops and raising of animals simultaneously is called ______________
a) Commercial Farming
b) Intensive Farming
c) Subsistence Farming
d) Mixed Farming

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