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Skills Checkpoint: Non- parenteral medication administration

Evaluation Criteria Comments

PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOURS (All points required for the mark)
Complied with dress code/ Name tag worn as per uniform policy &
Mohawk College One Card worn & displayed.
Performs hand hygiene prior to initial contact with patient/patient
Introduces self; name & identifies to client as a semester two
practical nursing student at Mohawk College
"insert name here. I am a Semester 2 Nursing Student at Mohawk
College, and I will be taking care of you
Asks client’s name, DOB and has any allergies & confirms with ID
Attends to client comfort, position and privacy - Example - “Are you
comfortable?” & Attends to Client’s Positioning: “Is this a
comfortable position you are in?”
Verbalizes ensuring confidentiality.
Explains medication procedure to client and obtains consent to
continue example: Example “I’m going to be preparing your 0800
medications, do I have your consent to proceed?”
Confirms client’s allergy status with the MAR (after use of CNO
decision tree & prior to dispensing medication)
Incorporates the principles of the CNO decision making tree –
Learner verbalizes that the order is complete (while reviewing
prescribers order) & they have the knowledge, skill and Judgement.
Prepares medication - verbalizing while demonstrating 3 checks
between MAR (Checks medication - before removing from the
cart; before medication is poured; and at the bedside). Must
do all three to get full marks

Evaluation Criteria Comments

Demonstrates/Incorporates (not just verbalize) the 10
“rights” of medication administration throughout the
process (Potter & Perry, Pg. 746)
• The right patient (1st check with MAR – pulls clt med box from the
• The right medication (2nd check with MAR - before medication
• The right dose (part of verbalizing 2nd check)
• The right route (part of verbalizing 2nd check)
• The right time & frequency (part of verbalizing 2nd check)
• 3rd check at bedside with the MAR (example “with MAR student
asks clt full name & DOB, & allergies (confirms with MAR
information. Student confirms medication brought to bedside &
states they have right med, right, right dose, right time &
Skills Checkpoint: Non- parenteral medication administration

• The right clt education (before verbalizing medication being

administered, purpose, action & two potential side effects student
utilizes a drug reference to look up medication being
• The right reason (verbalize with the CNO decision tree, with a
drug reference guide & confirming when providing education for the
• The right to refuse (asks if may proceed – obtains consent to
• The right documentation (post-administration – verbalize this right
when documenting.
• The right evaluation (post-administration) Example “Verbalize-
after medication is administered, I will monitor for expected &
unexpected effects”.
Demonstrate: Performance of hand hygiene prior to initial
patient/patient environment contact
Verbalizes: the purpose of the medication(s) action, and two
possible side effects.
Demonstrates: Shaking the inhaler 5-6 times

Verbalize: To have the patient take a deep breath & exhale

Demonstrates: the correct placement of the MDI in the mouth with
the opening towards the back of the throat. Verbalize the
instructions for the patient to close the mouth around the MDI.
Demonstrates: the administration of the MDI by verbalizing that
you would, have the inhaler properly positioned, have patient
holding the inhaler with thumb at mouthpiece & the index finger and
middle finger at the top.
Verbalize: Instructing the patient to tilt head back slightly & inhale
slowly and deeply through 3-5 seconds while depressing the
cannister fully
Verbalize: Instructing the patient to hold their breath for
approximately 10 seconds
Verbalize: the correct amount of time to wait in-between puffs if
more than 1 puff is required
Demonstrate: Performance of hand hygiene after patient/patient
environment contact
Verbalize: the purpose of the medication(s) and two possible side
Verbalize: obtaining consent prior to administration
Demonstrate: opening the medication package and transfer the
correct number of tablets/ capsules to a medication cup. To
prepare tablets or capsules from a floor stock, student pours
required number of tablets into a medication cup. Student does not
touch the medication with their fingers.
Skills Checkpoint: Non- parenteral medication administration

Demonstrate: safe administration by putting the client into a sitting

or side lying position.
Verbalize: that water or patient’s preferred liquid is offered to help
swallow the medications, as long as it is compatible with the
Verbalize: Staying with the client until they completely swallowed
each medication or took it by the prescribed route.
**If error occurs, student to complete an incident report
in PN handbook & a written reflection**
Verbalize: Health teaching client to report any possible side
effects & expected/unexpected outcomes of each medication.
Demonstrate: Performance of hand hygiene after patient/patient
environment contact
Demonstrate: assisting the person into a comfortable position,
Placing the call bell within reach.
Verbalize monitoring for expected or unexpected outcomes.
Documents on MAR with initials next to each medication
Completes the signature profile and signs using PN student

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