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Grade : IX Subject : H.C.G –Paper 2 Marks : 80

Date : 11/10/2021 Time : 2 hours
 You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
 This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
 The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
 This paper consists of 6 printed pages.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]

(Attempt all questions from this part)
Q1. Select the correct options from the following: [30]
1. Which among the following statements is correct and incorrect? [1]
i. The earth moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit at an average speed of 32.8
ii. Speed of revolution is not uniform.
〇 a is correct and b is incorrect 〇 both a and b are correct
〇 a is incorrect and b is correct 〇 both a and b are incorrect
2. The earth rotates from west to east on its own axis in ________. [1]
〇 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.09 seconds 〇 23 hours, 55 minutes, 4.09 seconds
〇 23 hours, 56 minutes, 3.09 seconds 〇 23 hours, 55 minutes, 3.09 seconds
3. Which of the following images is an example of centrifugal force? [1]


4. When direct rays of the sun fall on the equator, the earth experiences equal duration
of day and night. This happens usually on ________and _______. [1]
〇 23rd June and 20th September 〇 22nd December and 21st April
〇 21st March and 23rd September 〇 22nd December and 23rd June

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5. The rotational speed of the earth is maximum at the __________________. [1]
〇 poles 〇 equator 〇 mid-latitudes 〇 radius
6. State whether the following statements are True or False. [4]

7. ______________are also called stratified rocks.

〇 Intrusive Igneous rocks 〇 Metamorphic rocks
〇 Sedimentary rocks 〇 Extrusive Igneous rocks
8. The process of turning the loose transported sediments into hard rock is called
_________. [1]
〇 evaporation 〇 sedimentation 〇 lithification 〇 erosion
9. (a)______________ is in the form of radiation; whereas (b)_______________
occurs in the form of heat in the atmosphere. hydrosphere and lithosphere. [1]
〇 (a) Energy storage and transport (b) energy transmission
〇 (a) Energy transmission (b) energy storage and transport
〇 (a) Energy transmission and energy storage (b) transport
〇 (a) Energy transmission and transport (b) energy storage
10. With reference to Rotation and Revolution, give the geographic term for the

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11. The sun emits atomic particles which are charged electrons known as ___. [1]
〇 Protons 〇 solar dust 〇 atoms 〇 solar wind
12. The port of Bergen in Norway remains open during the winter season due to the
_____________. [1]
〇 Labrador current 〇 Peruvian current
〇 North Atlantic drift 〇 Equatorial current
13. The amount of insolation that is received by the earth may decrease if there is
___________. [1]
〇 decrease in cloud cover 〇 increase in cloud cover
〇 increase in the duration of light 〇 decrease in the duration of light
14. What does the following diagram depict? [1]

〇 anti cyclone
〇 tsunami
〇 land breeze
〇 cyclone

15. During these months usually there is high pressure on the Indian landmass. [1]
〇 summer 〇 winter 〇 monsoon 〇 autumn
16. With reference to the local winds answer the following. [3]

17. Complete the analogy : Typhoons in China : ________in Australia. [1]

〇 Hurricanes 〇 Tornadoes 〇 Willy-willies 〇 Cyclones
18. Common species of trees found in the tropical evergreen rainforests are___. [1]
〇 teak, sal, sandalwood 〇 ebony, sisam, rosewood
〇 arctic willow, pine, spruce 〇 chestnut, maple, hemlock
19. Which of the following is NOT a cash crop? [1]
〇 Sugarcane 〇 Cotton 〇 Tea 〇 Maize

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20. In India due to the Himalayan barrier the trade winds move in the ________
direction. [1]
〇 South-west 〇 North-east 〇 South-east 〇 North-west
21. In the tropical marine type of climate there is no month without _____. [1]
〇 darkness 〇 sunlight 〇 rainfall 〇 humidity
22. Humid air is less dense and exerts less pressure than dry air because [1]
〇 molecular weight of water is more than the average molecular weight of air.
〇 molecular weight of air is less than the average molecular weight of water.
〇 molecular weight of water is less than the average molecular weight of air.
〇 molecular weight of water is equal to the average molecular weight of air.
Q2. On an outline world map mark and label the following details: [10]
a. Mark and shade the Gulf of Mexico
b. Mark and label the Bering Strait
c. Mark and shade the Equatorial region in South America
d. Mark and shade the Gulf of Carpentaria
e. Mark and label the Strait of Gibraltar
f. Mark and shade the Hudson Bay
g. Shade and label the North Sea
h. Shade and label the Black Sea
i. Mark and shade the tropical monsoon region in Asia
j. Mark and shade the Persian Gulf.
Attempt any 4 out of 5 questions
Question 1.
a. Enlist any two effects of the revolution of the earth. [2]
b. What phenomenon does the adjoining diagram represent? When does this
phenomenon occur? [2]

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c. Define Aphelion. On which date is the earth said to be in this position? Give the
distance of the earth from the sun when it is in aphelion position. [3]
d. State any three effects of the inclined axis on the duration of day and night. [3]
Question 2.
a. Distinguish between thermal and dynamic metamorphism based on definition.[2]
b. Name the two belts where the earthquakes mostly occur. [2]
c. Mention any three characteristics of metamorphic rocks. [3]
d. Write three destructive effects of volcanoes. [3]
Question 3.
a. State the reason for the following. [2]
i. John was driving through a ghat. After he reached Lonavla he experienced a drop
in temperature
ii. Jill lives in Delhi and experiences extreme cold winters.
b. State any two conditions for the ‘Inversion of Temperature’ to occur. [2]
c. With reference to the given picture, identify the factor and explain the factor
affecting the temperature of a place. [3]

d. With reference to the direction and temperature of winds in the given picture,
answer the following questions. [3]

i. Identify the phenomenon in Fig A & Fig B.

ii. On the basis of its definition distinguish between the two phenomenon.
Question 4.
1. Differentiate tropical and temperate cyclones based on its
i) direction of flow ii) seasons in which they intensify [2]

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b. Mention any two regions that get rain from North East Winter Monsoons. [2]
c. With reference to the pressure gradient answer the following questions.

i. Define pressure gradient.

ii. What does close and wide spacing of isobars indicate?
d. With reference to the World Pressure Belts, answer the following questions: [3]
i. I am the belt where the air in the equatorial low pressure belts expands and
rises and causes a low pressure area and is a zone of total calm. Who am I?
ii. I am the belt experiencing violent storms in winter, where centrifugal force
operates, creating a low pressure area. Who am I?
iii. I am the belt with permanent ice caps, where cold descending air causes high
pressure over the poles. Who am I?
Question 5.
With reference to the Tropical Monsoon Region answer the following :
a. Which are the two factors responsible for tropical agriculture. [2]
b. Name the continents where tropical marine type of climate is found. [2]
c. Name the three distinct seasons of the Tropical Monsoon climate with the
months. [3]
d. State the temperature in the following areas: [3]
i. Summer temperature in coastal areas-
ii. Summer temperature in the interior of the continent-
iii. Winter temperature in the coastal areas -
****************THE END*****************

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