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2.5 THE SET OF IRRATIONAL NUMBERS ‘The set of irrational numbers is the set af numbers that ‘cannot be written as, For example: V3, V7, -\f and Vf Burther, when irrational numbers are written as decimals they do not terminate ot recur. For example R= 3.141 S927, NF = 1.732 0508. (correct to 7 decimal places) and (correct to 7 decimal places). ‘The set of irrational numbers is represented by the symbols Q or I. ‘The set of irrational numbers, Q' # {3,4 #0,n, de Z and, nand d have no common factor} Or the set of irrational numbers, 1 = (jj .d#0,nd ¢Z and, n and d have no common factor}! 2.6 THE SET OF REAL NUMBERS ‘The set af real numbers is the union of the set of rational numbers and the set of irrational numbers, and itis represented by the symbol R Thus R=QUQ'=QUIL So we have the following Venn diagram representing the set of real numbers y Fig. 2.2 ‘Alternatively, we have the more detailed Venn diagram representing the set of real numbers UsR Thus NCWcZCQCR And Q’CR So R=QUuQ’=QUL 2.7. BASIC ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS ‘The four basic arithmetic operations are: (1) Addition, (2) Subtraction. (3) Multiplication. (a) Division. ‘Thus: (1) Toadd means to find a sun For example: (a) Add the numbers 4 ande9 ‘The sum of the numbers = 449 = 13 (2) Tosubtract means to take away orto find & difference. For example: (b) Subtract the number 4 from the number 9 ‘The difference of the numbers = 9 ~4 = 5. (3) To multiply means to find a product For example (©) Multiply the numbers 3 and 5. ‘The product of the numbers = 3 x 5= 15 (@ Postvide means to find 4 quotient For example {@) Divide the number § by the number 2 ‘The quotient of the numbers © 82 =f a 4 2.8 SOME MEANINGS OF ZERO Some meanings of sero ate: (a) Zero is used to indicate an empty place value number with more than one digit. For example 74085 indicates that there are zero hundreds in the number seventy-four thousand and thirty-five, {(b) Zero is also the number of elements in the empty or ill set. That is n(a) = 0 i (c) Further, ero is used to represent the mid-point on the number line between =I and 1,2 and 2,3 and 3 etcetera. This fact can be secn illustrated below Mid-point SS era oa ETO, Te 884 Number line. Fig. 24 (@) And zero can also be seen as the identity for the ‘addition of numbers. Thatiss = 44024 440 0+ 525 THE IDENTITY FOR ADDITION ‘The identity for an operation leaves the original number unchanged under the operation. If zero is added to any number, then the sum is the original number ‘Thus: 4a oF “4402-4 0+3=°3 - 29 ‘We say that zero is the identity for the addition of mumbers. 2.10 THE IDENTITY FOR MULTIPLICATION Hany number is muliptied by # doen the pradiet original number hus Wate® 1x969 Axle ® 1x90 We say that 1 isthe deni forthe multiptication of mumbers THE INVERSE FOR NUMBERS UNDER ADDITION ‘The inverse of @ number (or & given operation, combines with the number under the operation wo give the identity 2.11 Thus: ‘The inverse of § under addition isS. since $ +5 = 0 (identiy) ‘The inverse of “i under addition is 3, since 3.43.80 (identi) 2.12 THE INVERSE FOR NUMBERS UNDER MULTIPLICATION Using the definition for the inverse af a number stated above ‘Thus: ‘The inverse af 6 under multiptication is 4, since 6 x= (identity) ‘The inverse of °7 under multiplication ix =}, since 7x} f (identity) 2.13 MULTIPLICATION BY ZERO any number is multiplied by zero, then the prodwet bs always zero, ‘Thus 8x0=0 Ox7=0 3x0=0 Ox1=0 2.14 DIVISION BY ZERO If any number is divided by zero, then we say that the result is infinity. Thus: ste le ow ‘Sometimes it is easier to say that division by zero is a meaningless operation. However the quotient of zero divided by any number » other than zero is always zero. o o o =2- 2.220 5 Thus: $-$- 2.15 THE LAW OF CLOSURE The law of closure states that a set of numbers is closed under an operation, if when the operation is performed on any two members of the set, then the result is a member of the set. Thus: (@) 6+5=11 (b) 3x4=12 So we say that, the set of whole numbers is closed with respect to the addition of numbers, and the multiplication of numbers. So we say that the set of whole numbers is not closed with respect to the subtraction of numbers, and the division of numbers. 2.16 THE COMMUTATIVE LAW ‘The commutative law for an arithmetic operation deals with the order in which the operation is performed. Thus. (a) 24649=94642=17 (b) 2x3xS=5x3X2=30 Hence the addition af numbers, and the multiplication oy numbers are both commutative. () 7-2#2-7 ie S#-5 (@) 8+242+8or $42 1 ie. 4 4 Hence the subtraction of numbers, and the division of numbers are both non-commutative. 2.17 THE ASSOCIATIVE LAW ‘The associative law for an arithmetic operation deals with grouping the numbers. Thus: (@) 34+4+7=G+44)+ (b) 2x4x5=(2x4)x5 +44)=14 x(4x5)=40 Hence the addition of numbers, and the multiplication of numbers are both associative, (©) 9-5-2=(-5)-229-(5~2) ie, 25246 (d) 8+4+2=(8+4)+2484(4+2) ie, lated Hence the subtraction of numbers, and the division of numbers are both non-associative. 2.18 THE DISTRIBUTIVE LAW ‘The distributive law for an arithmetic operation deals with the multiplication of numbers in brackets. (a) 3x(4+7)=3x443x7=12421 (b) 4x(8=3)=4x8+4x-3=32-1 0 Hence we say that multiplication is distributive with respect to the addition of numbers, and the subtraction of numbers. 2.19 THE POWERS OF NUMBERS ‘The number 2.<2\2x2%2 canbe 3 <2 2 can be written ay 2. Where Sissalled the power orindes and? sealed ban power orindexindicateshow many times we are omultiply ‘3 10 the fourth power' appearsfour timesin the the base. For example: ¥ means ‘Theindex #tells us that the base 3, product, Thus: = x3 x3x3281 Note that 9! = 9 and 1° = 2" 3" =... = 1 Thus any number raised to the zero power is 1 EXAMPLE 1 (@) Simplify leaving your answers in index form: @ 2x2x3x2x3xK3x2 G 4K3XSxK3xK4x5x5 (ii) 7X7x8X9x8x7 (b) Find the value of: @ 2 Gi) s* Gi) (©). Find the value of: @ PHPes ee Gi) Pos? (4) Simplify the following: () 8+ 8 (i) O+6 Gil) +98 (ivy HXSXE Cv) OY BxSXT (@) (i) Now =2x2x3x2x3xIx2 2x2X2K2K3XI3K3 2? (il) Now 4x 3xSXIxX4xSxS Bx3K4K4x5XSKS PREKS iit) Now 7X7X8X9X8X7 TXTXTXEX EXD PROXD (b) (i) Now2#=2x2x2x2x2x2K2x (ii), Now 54=5x5x5x5= 625 (ili) Now 7? = 7x77 = 343 (© (i) Now P+PaPa# X1+2x243xK344K4 14449416 @) (i) Now P43 4S? Linh 3x33 +5 x5 45 +274 125 53 (i) Now +8 (i) hb Bx PADD BL a8 Gi) Now 9% +9" PX XIKIXD POE = 9 (in index form) = 81 (as anumber) HXSKP (iv) Now FRIKT Bb 3 x3 5x55 x77 PPAR = #x5%7 (in index form) = 315 (as anumber) () Now (26 = PROB? Bx8X8xX8 8 (in index form) = 4.096 (as a number) Exercise 2a 4, 5. Find the value of: (a) 2 Find the value of (a) 3 Find the value of @) 6 Find the value of: (a) BF Find the value of: (@ 5 (© P+S4P Find the value of: (@) Bx (b) 8° {b) 10" ©) 108 7 (by 1438+ st (b) 2x3? @) 2x37 (b) 2x3°xF ©) PHPese 7 1s. « Find the exact value of 2x 3° x 4, & Find the value of: f@) Ux¥ (b) 4345847 9, Find the value of 2x 3°x 7 WO. Find the value of 2x 3°x & AL. Simplify the following: @) Vx¥Ex2x3 (od) Fx3'x2 3x5 © @F 12, Simplify the following, leaving your answer in index form where possible: (@) BxOxe @ T+7 © #49 13. Write the following product in index form: 2X3KSKIKINIKSAS. 14. Write the following product in index form: 2x3X2X5x 3X2X5. 115. Write the following products in index form: (a) 18x 18x 18x18 (b) 2x2x3XSKINIKSXSKSKD 16. Write the following products in index form: (a) 2x3x5x2x2x5x3 (b) 6X6X7X9X9X9XTXOX 3X9 17, Write the following numbers in index form: @ 27 (b) 64 18. Write the following products in index form: (@) 2x2x2x2x2 (b) 2X2x3K3X2K3XSXSK2XS 19. Express the following numbers in index form: () 16 (b) 81 20. Write as a single expression in index form: @) ¥x¥ (b) 10°x 10°x 10 21. Write as a single expression in index form: (@) 10% +10°—) 98+ 9" 22. Write the following products in index form: (@) 18x 18x 18 x 18 x18 (b) 2%2x3xSx3X3KSXSKS 16 23, Write as a single expression in index for (a) Oxaed b) (HT)XT 2A, Write asa single number in index form: axat Tape simplify the following: » es b) t+ (© B+? @ #8 ‘Simplify the following: a oor © ey 27. Simplify the following: oor ) BY 28. Simplify the following: @ (10 ) (7 29. Find the value of 3°x 3? + 3”. 30. Simplify the following: Sx3*x2 3x5 2.20 DEFINED ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS [Apart from the four basic arithmetic operations we can define many more operations in arithmetic. EXAMPLE 2 (a) The operation + means subtract 3 from the first number and add the result to the second number. Use the defined operation + to work out the following: @ 8t2 qi) StI (b)_ The operation * means multiply the first number by $ ‘and subtract the second number from the result. Use the defined operation * to work out the following: @ 3*t Gi) 4*7 (@) (i) Now 8 f: Gi) Now StI (8-3)+2=54+2=7 S-3)+1=2+1=3 (b) @ Now 3*1=(x5)-1=15-1=14 (i)Now 4*7=(4x5)-7=20-7=13 gxorelae 2 A. Tho operation f mieane add 440. the fiat ner and sai tho rosul (0 Ube aeeoN MUIBEE Ue he neal ‘operation 110 Work OE the Following. wata tots w not 2. Tho operation * wieans divile He Fst number hy 4 can subtraot the second number Rony the Feaull. Use the datlned! operation * 46 Work OWE the followin word WW) AEFI) ade A. The operation means subtract 5 thon the flest ‘quer and ackl the result to the second mtimber, Use ‘he defined! operation to Work out the fallawing word hy) Wo () 2880 4. The operation Coa means multiply the first number boy 4 and sublet the second number tron the result Use the defined operation E29 19 work out the following @ Teas @ CaM ) Rean ‘The operation @ means to multiply the first number bby 10 and subtract (wice the second number fron the result, Hence solve the followin) Woes (bh) od @) We tT {6 The operation o& means to divide the first number by Sand then add the result 10 twice the second number Hence solve the following: a3 (d) AIS) 1S aIB ‘The operation f means to add 9 to the first number thon subtract the second number from the result Hence solve the following: @ UPS) BIB (©) 25 P19 & The operation 1, means (0 subtract 8 from the first ‘number and then add the result (0 thrice the second tnumber. Hence solve the following: @ 92 ns ©) WH 9% ‘The operation y means double the first number and add the second number to the result, Hence solve the following: @2yi4 (4713 @ 7719 10, The operation A moans square the first number and subtract the second number from the result. Hence solve the following: @3412 (b) 5.4 15 ©7419 11. The aperation jt aneone cules the fret puenbier snd vet die real no twee He weenie mune Hence sulve the tallowing wie a Wa aes 12, "Thue speration 7 means tubs he sqsnne rot Abi fivat nly and ae tle pont ts tric the 9 frunber Henue solve de fullowne wood wand ms 2.21 THE FACTORS OF A NUMBER ‘Tho factors afa number are shove numbers, Inetudinng 1 cand self, which oan divide exmetty inte the number, EXAMPLES (4) Hind the factor of 40. Cb) State the wet of fctore of 40. (©) Find the pairs of factors of 40, oy M0 6, Oe 8 UPL 4, 49, 0 a0, 96 10, iw Me = 20, A) 6 10, (0) Now P40, 20, Som Ose 40,4 40 a0 To" 1572 Go"! he factors of AO ate 1, 2,4, 5,8, 10, 20 and 40, (b) And the set of factors of 40 is {1,2,4,5,8 10, 20, 40) (co) Nowdd = 1x40 220 ao Ska So the pairs of factors of 40 ate: 1x 40, 2% 20, 4x 10and 5 8 THE SET OF SQUARE NUMBERS A square number is a number which can be represented by a pattern of dots in he shape of a square. 2.22 ‘The set of square numbers = {1, 4, 9, 16,25, 36,49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144...) 7 EXAMPLE 4 Represent the number 36 as a pattern of dots in the shape of a square, Now 3626%6 So we have the following pattern of dots in the shape of @ square representing the number 36: 6 x Paste hi ‘Square Fig. 2.5 2.23 THE SET OF RECTANGLE NUMBERS ‘A rectangle number is a number which can be represented by a pattern of dots in the shape of a rectangle ‘The set of rectangle numbers 14, 6,8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, ..}. Note that the number 1 is a square number but not a rectangle number. EXAMPLE 5 Represent the number 36 as patterns of dots in the shape of a rectangle. Now 36 =2 x 18 =3 X12 =4KI=6%6. So we have the following patterns of dots in the shape of a rectangle representing the number 36: (a) 2xor 3 xor 4 Xor 6 x oe ees BES ares 8 4.96 eee a OID Oe ais ce one 43 1h eo9 ea dich x (egret a rte aie tess wt or Ps x 12 or x 9 gis bon a ae ers or KuhG Be tisetrats Rectangles Figs Note that a square is a rectangle with four equal sides. Hence all square numbers, except I, are also rectangle numbers Exercise 2c Express 88 as the product of two factors, giving all possibilities. Express 18 as the product of two factors, giving all possibilities. 3. Write each of the following numbers as the product of two factors, giving all possibilities: (i) 36 (ii) 100 4, List the set of factors of 88 Write down the set of factors of 15. 6. State the pairs of factors of 28. 7. State the set of factors of 42. 8. State the set of factors of 55. 9. Represent the number 16 as a pattern of dots in the shape of a square. 10. Represent the number 49 as a pattern of dots in the shape of a square. 11, Represent the number 81 as a pattern of dos shape of a square oe 12, Represent the number 144 as a patte 4 pattern of dots in the shape of square eae 1X. Represent the number 15 as a pattern of dos in the shape of a rectangle. 14, Represent the number 28 as a pattern of dots in the shape of a rectangle. 18, Represent the number 34 as a pattern of dots in the shape of a rectangle 16, Represent the number 40 as a pattern of dots in the shape of a rectangle. 17. Inthe set (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 516) which of the members are perfect squares? 18, Inthe set (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, $16) which of the members are perfect cubes? 2.24 THE SET OF PRIME NUMBERS Aprime number is a number which can only be divided by itselfand I. Thatis,ithasitselfand 1 as the only factors. For example: 11 = 11x 1, 23= 23x 1 and 37 = 37x 1 ‘The set of prime numbers = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 4, 43,47, 53,.. From above, it can be seen that: () Aprime number is a number that is not a rectangle number. 1) The number 1 is neither a prime number, nor a rectangle number. (ii) 21s the onty prime number that is also an even number All other prime numbers are odd numbers 2.25 THE SET OF COMPOSITE NUMBERS A composite number is a number which has other Sactors besides itself and 1 The set of composite numbers = {4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, -.) Clearly it can be seen that, the set of composite numbers is equal to the set af rectangle numbers. That is, 8 composite number is a rectangle number 2.26 THE SET OF EITHER PRIME OR COMPOSITE NUMBERS ican be seen that 2,3,4, 5,6,7,8,9,10, =, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,0} From abov ‘The set of either prime or composite numbers So {prime numbers} U {composite numbers} fe:x>2,x€N) fxix>2,x6W) fe:x 22x62) 2.27 THE PRIME FACTORS OF A NUMBER ‘The prime factors of a number are factors of the number which are also prime numbers. We can write any number asa product of prime factors EXAMPLE 6 (a). Find the set of factors of: (39 (iy 40 (b) Hence write down the set of prime factors of: (39 (in) 40 (c)._ Write the following numbers as a product of prime factors: () 28 iy 36 Gi) 420 (a) Or 3921x3923 x13, So the set of factors of 39 is {1, 3, 13,39) (i) Now 40=1x4022%2024x 10=5x8. So the set of factors of 40 is (1, 2,4, 5, 8, 10, 20,40) 19 (2G These of prime factors of 49 « (3, a) (W) The et af prime factors of 40% (2, 5) ) (Now 2138 2a : y So 28 as a product of prime factors 22K DD X7, 4) Now 36 18 So 36 as.a product of prime factors = 2KIKIKIS PP, (uti) Now 1 1 So 420 as a product of prime factors = 2x243x5x7: XIKS7. From above, it can be seen that: () We divide cach number continuously by the smallest prime number, until the number cannot be divided again by that particular factor. (Gi) We then perform the division, if possible for the ‘next larger prime number (iil) We keep dividing the number in the above fashion ‘until the quotient is 1 2.28 THE MULTIPLES OF A NUMBER ‘The multiple of a number isk times the number. Where ‘kis @ natural number ot « counting number. For example: the multiples of $ between 4 and 36 are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35. And the set of multiples of 9 = (9, 18, 27, 36, 45, $4, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99... 9k). This is so since, 1x9 = 9, 2x9 18,3%9 = 27,4x9=36,5x9= 45.69 = 54,79 = 63,892 72,9x9=81, 10x92 90, 119 = 99.and k x9 = 9k. Wherek > Land ke N. 20 EXAMPLE 7 (a) (b) (3) State the set of multiples of 3 between 5 ang State the set of muhiples of 14 between 7 and yg inclusive Stat the set of multiples of 10 between 2) ag exclusive a (multiples of 3 between 5 and 29) = (6,9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24,27) {multiples of 14 between 7 and 44 ine = (14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84) (multiples of 10 between 20 and 80 excl = (30, 40, 50, 60, 70) lusive) lusive} Exercise 2d 3. 4 10, uM. 12 13. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Write down the prime numbers that are fess han 1 Writedown the set of prime numbers between Dang Write down the set of prime numbers less than 25 State the set of prime numbers less than 31 inclusive State the set of prime numbers between 31 and 59 inclusive, . State the set of prime numbers between 42 and 7) exclusive, Determine the set of prime numbers less than 100, Express 760 in prime factors. ._ Express 720 in prime factors. Express 342 in prime factors Express 750 in prime factors. Express 360 as a product of prime factors. Express 540 as a product of prime factors. Express 504 as a product of prime factors. Express 768 as a product of prime factors. State 315 as a product of prime factors, State 1575 as a product of prime factors State 4725 as a product of prime factors. Ye We on the et oC MUHA WEF Ronee ED sat a? i A Waite down the set oF mnattiptes oF EY honweon ant oo 24. Wheto chown the set ot anultiptes oF ? berwgon 4A and at 2 Waite down the multiptes of & Doron § and OF 2A. Suave the se oF mwuipfos oF A hetweoen 8 and AG aaclunive 2M State the set of rnttiptes oF 6 between to and 72 axclanive 22S. State the set of multiples OF 9 Ross than a 26 State the yet of Multiples of 10 fess than 80. 27. What is the set of multiples of 2 tess than 26? 28 Whats the set of multiples of & greater than 8 but toss than 27? 2.29 THE SET OF EVEN NUMBERS ‘The set efeven numbers consists of natural mumbers that oan be exactly divided by 2. So the set af even rmumbers consists of mambers that are mullples of 2 Hence even mumabers are numbers ending with the digits 2,46 or 8. Bor example: 30, 12, 24, $6 and 78 The set of even numbers = (2,4, 6, 8, 10,12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 2k) Where & > and & @ N. 2.30 THE SET OF ODD NUMBERS The set of odd mumbers consists of natural ‘numbers (hat ‘cannot be exactly divided by 2. So the set of odd numbers sonsists of counting mumbers that are not even. Hence ‘odd numbers are numbers ending with the digits 1, 3, 5,7 ‘or 9, For example: 21, 53, 65, 87 and 69. ‘The set af odd numbers = (1, 3, 5, 7,9, Uy 13, 18, 17, 19, 21,23, 25, 27, 285.0 2k +1). Where & > O and k © W. 2.91 THE SET OF EITHER ODD OR EVEN NUMBERS Hom above, it ean be geen thal Thoset af either wld (1.24 8.0.1 8 or even numbers 1, Hh, 12, 18 14 1S, 1617, 18, 19, 20, 24, 22, 23, 24 28, 26, a7, 28, 29, So fovkd aumbers) W feven mumbers) = (natural numbers) etixehve Ns) Sven Wh Obviously then, tera is weiter odd nor even EXAMPLE 6 Write down the members af the following sets (a) foven numbers fess than 14) (hy) oxkd numbers tess than 15) (©) {even numbers from 8 to 20 inclusive) (a) (odd numbers from 9 t0 21 inclusive) (@) (even numbers between 36 and 48 exclusive) (0) {ovkd numbers between 39 and 49 exclusive) (2) (even numbers tess than 14) (h) odd numbers tess than 12) (a) even mumbers less than 14) = (2.4, 6,8. 10. 12) (b) (odd numbers less than 15) © (13,5, 7.9 1h 1) (e) [even numbers from 8 to 20 inclusive) 2 [8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20) (@) (odd numbers from 940 21 inclusive} = (9,11, 13, 15,17, 19,20) (o) {even numbers between 36 and 48 exclusive} = (38, 40, 42, 44, 46) (0 {odd numbers between 39 and 49 exclusive) = (41, 43,45, 47) (a) (even numbers less than 14) = [2.4, 6,8, 10, 12) (h) (add numbers tess than 12) = (1, 11) Exercise 2e 1, Write down the members of the set of even numbers less than 18 2. Write down the members of the set of even numbers froin 12 10 34 inclusive. 3. Write down the members of the set of even numbers between 28 and 46 exclusive. 21 4. Write down the members of the set of even numbers Jess than 21 5. State the members of the set of odd numbers less than 19, 6. State the members of the set of odd numbers from 15 to 33 inclusive. 7. State the members of the set of odd numbers between 21 and 45 exclusive. 8. State the members of the set of odd numbers less than 18, 9. Determine the set of even numbers greater than 18 but less than 36. 10. Determine the set of even numbers greater than 21 but less than 45, 11, Determine the set of odd numbers greater than 31 but less than 49. 12. Determine the set of odd numbers greater than 52 but less than 74. 2.32 THE HIGHEST COMMON FACTOR (H.C.F.) ‘The highest common factor (abbreviated to H.C.F.) is the largest common factor of two or more positive integers. For example {factors of 15) = (1,3, 5, 15) and {actors of 18} = (1, 2, 3, 6,9, 18} So {common factors of 15 and 18) = {1,3} Hence the highest common factor (H.C.F.) of the numbers 15 and 18 is 3. EXAMPLE 9 Find the highest common factor (H.C.F.) of the numbers 15, 18 and 21 Now {factors of 15} = (1, 3,5, 15} And (factors of 18) = (1, 2,3, 6,9, 18) Also (factors of 21) = (1,3, 7,21} So (common factors of 15,18 and 21) = {1.3} Hence the highest common factor (H.C.F.) of the numbers 15, 18 and 21 is 3. ALTERNATIVE METHOD 1 Now 15 as a product of prime factors = 3 x 5 ‘And 18 as a product of prime factors = 2. 3 x3 ‘Also 21 as a product of prime factors = 3 x7. So the highest common factor (H.C.F.) of the number, 15, 18 and 21 is 3 Note thatthe factor 3 is common to each of the number, 15, 18 and 21. ALTERNATIVE METHOD 2 Now 3 [15,1821 vi 3 is the largest factor that can divide exactly into 15, 1g, and 21 at the same time. Hence the highest common factor (H.CF.) of the numbers 15, 18 and 21 is 3 2.33 THE LOWEST COMMON MULTIPLE (L.C.M.) ‘The lowest common multiple (abbreviated to L.C.M.) is, the smallest common multiple of two or more positive integers. For example: (multiples of 6} = (6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90, 96, ...} and {multiples of 9} = {9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, ...} So {common multiples of 6 and 9} = (18, 36, 54, 72, 90, ...) Hence the lowest common multiple (L.C.M.) of the numbers 6 and 9 is 18. EXAMPLE 10 Find the lowest common multiple (L.C.M.) of the numbers 6, 9 and 15 Now {multiples of 6} = (6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 84, 90, 96, 102, 108, 114, 120, 126, 132, 138, 144, 150, 156, 162, 168, 174, 180, 186, ...) And {multiples of 9} = (9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108, 117, 126, 135, 144, 153, 162, 171, 180, 189... .) Also {multiples of 15} = {15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180, 195, ...) So [eomanon multiples of 6.9 and 15) = (90, 180, ...) Hence the lowest common multiple (1CM.} of the ambers 6, 9 and 15 18 90 ALTERNATIVE METHOD 1 Now 6 as a product of prime factors = 2x3, And 9 as a product of prime factors = 3x 3 Also 1S.as a product of prime factors = 3x 5, So the lowest common multiple (L.C.M.) of the numbers 6.9and IS=2x3K3XS = 99, From above, it can be seen that (i) The mule of 3, 9 = 3X 3, is the largest multiple of 3 of the numbers 6,9 and 15. ° (i) The mubtiple of 3, 9 = 3 x 3, is not common to each of the numbers 6, 9 and 15. ALTERNATIVE METHOD 2 Now ween Hence the lowest common multiple (L.C.M.) of the numbers 6, 9 and 15 = 2x3 3x5 = 90. Note that in this method: (i) We divide the numbers by prime numbers until the ‘quotients are all 1 (ii) The lowest common multiple (L.C.M.) is then the ‘product of the prime numbers. Exercise 2f 1, Find the H.C.F. of 24, 60 and 96 2. Find the H.C.F. of 12, 18 and 24 3. Find the H.C.F. of 20, 25, 35 and 45. 4, Find the H.C.F. of 12, 48, and 60. . Find the highest number which is a factor of both 25 and 30. 6. A room measures 450cm by 250cm, Determine the side of the largest square tile that ean be used to tile the floor without cutting. a 10. mL 2 1B. 4 15, 16. rT 18, A hall measures 250 cm by 175 cm, Find the side of the largest square tile that can be used to tile the floor without cutting ‘A room measures 450 em by 330 em. Find the side of the largest square tile that can be used to tile the floor without cutting. Find the largest number which is a factor of the numbers 130, 169 and 195. Find the L.CM. of 24, 60, 96 Find the LCM. of 2, 6nd. Find the L.CM. of 20,25, 35 and 45 Find the LCM. of 12,48 and 60. Find the lowest number that i a multiple of 4 and S ‘What isthe least sum of money that can be made up ‘ofan exact number of 5¢ pieces or 25¢ pieces? ‘What is the least sum of money that can be made up of an exact number of 10¢ pieces or 25¢ pieces? In a school it is possible to divide the pupils into equal sized classes of either 24 or 30 or 36 and have ‘no pupils left over. Find the least number of students that can make this possible. How many classes will there be if each class is to have 30 pupils? What is the smallest number of sweets that can be shared exactly between 5, 10 or 15 students? 2.34 THE SEQUENCE OF NUMBERS A sequence of numbers isa set of numbers following a ‘fixed pattern. Each number in the sequence is called a term and is given a value according to its position. And ‘each term is represented by the symbol T. For example Given the sequence of numbers ‘Then the first term, T, The And the third term, T; -6, -2,0,2,.. second term, T, = 23 Hence the rule is: Add 2 to the previous term in order to obtain the next term. Thus: ‘The sixth term, EXAMPLE 11 Given the sequence of numbers: 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.625, . (a) State the rule being used to obtain a term in the sequence of numbers. () Determine the fifth and sixth terms of the sequence. (a) Now the first term, T, = 5 The second term, T; = § =25 And the third term, T = * = 1.25 Hence the rule being used is: Divide the previous term by 2 in order to obtain the next term. (b) The fifth term, Ts And the sixth term, T, f = 0.3125 Exercise 2g 1. Write down the next two terms in the sequence 3, 15,75, 2. Write down the next two terms in the sequence 1, 3, 24 3st 3. State the next two terms in the series 7, 6, 8, 4, Find the next two terms in the sequence: 9, 8, 10, 9, leo 5. Find the next wo terms in the sequence: 81, 27,9, 6. Write down the next two terms in the sequence of numbers: 1, 3, 5,7,.. 7. Write down the next two terms in the sequence of numbers: 3, 12, 48, 8. Find the next two terms in the sequence of numbers: 162, 54, 18, 9. Find the next two terms in the sequence of numbers: 6,5,7,6,8, 24 10. Find the next two terms in the series: 1, g : 82, 11. Determine the next two terms in the 14,9, 16, 25, 36, — 12. Determine the next two terms in the 1,9, 25, 49, mens 13, State the next two terms in th : ea sequence: 4, 15 % 14, State the next two tems inthe series: 6,9, g 13,12... Tg 18. Determine the next two terms in the sequen numbers: -9,-6,-3, 0,3, a 16. Determine the next wo terms in the sequence op numbers: -8,~4,~2,-1,-h... 2.35 NUMBER BASES In counting the number of things we always use group ‘The base of a number is the size of the group uscd ‘Human beings normally have ten fingers and ten toes, it is natural for us to count in groups of ten So our normal counting system is the base ten, because the group sizes used are multiples of 10 and itis therefore called the denary system or the decimal system In the denary system we use the fen digits 0, I, 2, 3, 4,5, 6,7, Band 9. Each digit naturally has a place value which is a mulliple of 10. Thus ‘The number 9 73449 = (9x 10°) + (7 x 10°) + (3 x 10!) + (4x10) (9X 1.000) + (7 x 100) + (3 x 10)+ (4x) We can aiso count in other bases. Digital computers store and process data using base two. Because the group sizes used are multiples of 2, this system is called the binary system or the Bicimal system. In the binary system we use the two digits O and I. Each digit therefore has a place value which is a multiple of2. ‘Thus: ‘The number 1101, = (1 2!) + (1x22) + (0x2!) + (1x2) = (1X2) + (1x2) + (1x2) 5 (1X8) + (1X4) +(1XD) ‘The suffix 2 in the number L101, indicates the base being used. A Nave five. che rou sider wed arc matiples of $ noveore wo ese the fie diets 2, Lieta” a sche hen has a ace vate which amabipe of 5 We pune ED, © FX SY SPS (ESO DESH PONED 411029 4x5 vial im bease wiht, the group sizes used are multiples of 8, ad therefore we use the eth digits @, 1,2, 3,4 5, Gand 7 ach agit then has a place wale which is a multiple of 8 — Doe mmber 6723, = 66% 8) +17 x8) $184 (3x8) (GX SID) + (7X 6H) + (0x8) 43x1) Mest are past a few of the mumber bases possible. There ge compaters that use Kase 16 which is called the peradecemal system 2.36 THE DECIMAL SYSTEM in the decimal system or demary system. we count in base 1 and use the ten digits @ t0 9 Since the mumber base or scale 20. cach digi in a mummber has a place value in serms of powers of 10. Teas. The umber 983 275,, can be represented as: ] ew] Uns | petote | =10| =1 |= 10! |= 10° T 7{s Table 2.1 29K IO + Bx 106+ 3 x1 42x10 +7 x 10+ SX IP And the number 0.460 In, can be represented as: 24x 104 + 6x 107 40x 10% + 1x 10+ 241104 +6 107+ 1x 104 Hence the mumber 983 275.460 1), can be represented ws GIO BK 10 4 E10 62x10 + TKO SHIP $45 104 46x10 60107 +1 x10 So powers keep increasing by increments of one moving away to the left of the decimal point, and decreasing by increments of ane moving away to the right of the decimal point 2.37 THE BINARY SYSTEM In the binary system or bicimal system, we count in base 2 and use the two digits 0 and I. Since the aumber base or seale is 2, each digit in a number has a place valve in terms of powers of 2 Thus: ‘The number 117001; can be represented as: [ow | Tx [aie] 2 | 7) [size =32 | =16 | =8 =4 pet} [Digit [7 T a o re ‘Table 2.3 XBRIXMF IND +OX2 OXI FIX XBSIXMAIXM IXY ‘And the number 0.1202, can be represented 3s: Group size Digit Table2¢ = EXPE IX F Ox FIX = XD eIXP exe Hence the number 11/002.1101 can be represented as: IXD IXY HIX PHONY SOND HIN PRIN + 1X27 40X14 1X24 So powers keep increasing by increments of one moving away to the left of the Bicimal point: anc decreasing by increments of one moving away to the right of the bicimal point. Exerciae ah A. Represent the fottowing binary fumnbers using gtoup Sees which are ynultijves of 2 fj 10 ib) ot, yon a) font, 2 Represent the following binary numbers using group ‘sties which are multiples of 2 Aw On ib) 0.101, vay wh) O10, & Represent the following binary numbers using group ‘ices which ate avultiples of 2: @ it (by 10101, f) Henny, (@) HONE 101 4 Write the following hase 3 numbers in group sizes which are multiples of 3: @ 2, (b) 1, de) 2012, (@) 21012, 5, Write the following base 3 numbers in group sizes which are powers of 3 (a) 021, ©) 0.1201, (b) 0.212, (@) 0.12102, 6. Write the following base 3 numbers in group sizes which are multiples of 3: (a) 21.01, (©) 2121.01, (b) 121.1, (d) 21201.102, 7. State the following base 4 numbers in group sizes which are multiples of 4 (@) 31, (c) 1032, (b) 213, (d) 31203, 8. State the following base 4 numbers in group sizes which are powers of 4: (a) 031, (©) 0.3123, (b) 0.132, (@) 0.02131, 9 State the following base 4 numbers in group sizes which are powers of 4: (a) 21.3, (©) 2031.312, (b) 132.12, (@) 31021.213, 10. Represent the following base 5 numbers in group sizes which are multiples of 5 (a) 415 (b) 314, (©) 2034, (d) 13421, 1 12 1. 14, 15. 16. 77 18. 19. 2. Reprevent the following base 5 numbers in groyy sizes which are powers of 5 (a) 0435 (b) 0.412, fe) O.A041, (d) 0.41302, Represent the following base 5 numbers in group sizes which are multiples of 5: (a) 42.01, (b) 104.32, (©) 2413.03, (A) 13402.104, Write down the following base 6 numbers in group sizes which are powers of 6: (a) $4, (b) 451, (©) 3504, (a) 20513, Write down the following base 6 numbers in group sizes which are multiples of 6: (a) 051, (b) 0415, (©) 0.0143, (d) 0.34105, Write down the following base 6 numbers in group sizes which are multiples of 6 (a) 53.2 (b) 451.32, (c) 3450.014, (4) 40513.205, State the following base 7 numbers in group sizes which are powers of 7: (a) 65, (©) 4613, (b) 506, (d) 63045, State the following base 7 numbers in group sizes which are powers of 7: (a) 0.65, (©) 0.4605, (b) 0.145, (@) 0.51604, State the following base 7 numbers in group sizes which are multiples of 7: (a) 6.14, (b) 50.603, (©) 462.3015, (@) 6504.013, Represent the following octal numbers in group sizes which are powers of 8: (a) 74, (c) 7650, (b) 607, (@) 57632, Represent the following octal numbers in group sizes which are multiples of 8: (a) 071, () 0673, (©) 05072, (@) 0.07154, ‘Represent the following octal numbers in group sizes which are powers of 8: (a) 761, (©) 570.62, (b) 65.701, (@) 4673.7104, 22 Wine done the Slowing base $ mumiers in group ses wine are poner af $ * ay $4, a 3, ss) Se, ie) Teas, Bi Wits dowe the fllowing Suse $ aumaders in group seres whut we ualtipies of > a 2 a, @) 078, oun, @) O70c8, 1, Wose dows the following base 9 mumbers in eeup ses « nich ane powers of $: ew %, (©) sostas, ky $160134, © 7s004513, BS Seate the Sllowing deaury mumbers using group ses which are sunftipes of 10: (a) Ba @) 987, © 55. @ 73968,, 1 Siete te toliowang denary numbers esing group sizes whack are powers of 10: G) OF @) 0395,, ©) OF @) 090763, Tr. Sete the Softowing denary members asing group sizes whack ase mealies of 10: B) 915 5 (by 5.135 (©) PAD. G) 76405813, 238 CONVERTING FROM DECIMAL TO BICIMAL ‘Tee denary number equivalent in base two 1s obtained ‘tons te remainders wader division by 2.taken in specific order defined by the arrows in cach problem worked below. EXAMPLE 12 (2) Comven 9, to a binary number. (6) Convert 25,90 a binary number. (©) Convert 147, to a binary number. Now F EERE Ye Y fe Ye ey New . . ‘Thus 25,9 = ner, ©) Now 20. (iro. OHI rooredelrt Thus M7q = 10010011, ALTERNATIVE METHOD: In this method, we start by dividing the denary number by the highest power af 2. Thea the remainder is divided by the mext highest power of 2. We keep dividing in this ‘manner until the remainder is less than 2. We then need to structure the number in order to obtain the denary number equivalent in base 2, as can be seen in the problems wocked below. (a) Now Irl = Ix2 And Orl => Ox2eIxY So Mee IXBeOx De lx P= 1001, Now 8a a9 = 1x7 And f= erect = im Ld Also” yrR Ord => Ox2eIxe So Big = TXB FIX DP +OXD IXY = 11001, 27 (©) Now ye rio =e 1x2! And 9.1 ard oo xP x” 16 Also Za 3 a ard = 1xd eid Re, So MAM SEXP ADK MHLXD HL XD = 10010011, (d) Convert 0.8, to a binary number. (c) Convert 0.47,9 to a binary number. (Convert 0.134, to a binary number In this method, we start by multiplying the denary number by 2. If the product has a whole number equal to zero, then we multiply the product again by 2. If however the product has a whole number equal to 1. then we remove the whole number 1, and multiply the decimal “fraction remaining by 2. We continue in this manner until ‘we obtain the required number of bicimal places. The denary number equivalent in base two is then obtained from the whole number 0 and 1 in the direction of the arrow shown, starting from the bicimal point. 0.8 x 2= 1.6, Remove the whole number J. 0.6 x 2= 1.2. Remove the whole number J. 0.2 x2=04. The whole number is 0. 0.4.x 2=0.8. The whole number is 0. 0.8 x 2=1.6. Remove the whole number J 0.6 x 2= 1.2, Remove the whole number J. 0.2 x 2=0.4. The whole number is 0. 0.4.x 2=0.8. The whole number is 0. 0.8 x 2= 1.6. Remove the whole number J ‘And 0.6X2=1.2. Remove the whole number J (a) Now Thus 0.8) =0.1100110011, (correct 0 10 bicimal places) 94, The whole number is 0 = 1,88. Remove the whole number 1 7.76. Remove the whole number J 0.76 x 2 = 1.52. Remove the whole number J (0.52 x 2 = 1.04, Remove the whole nuraber J 0104 x 2=0.08. The whole number is 0. 0.08 x 2 = 0.16. The whole number is 0. 0.16 x 2 =0.32. The whole number is 0. 0.32 x 2=0.64, The whole number is 0 0.64 x 2 = 1.28. Remove the whole number 1 047x 0.94 x 0.88 x (e) Now And Thus 047; = 00111100001, (correct to 10 bicimal places). (f) Now 0.134% 20.268. ‘The whole numb 0,268 x 2.© 0.536. The whole nuniter 0 0.536 x2 = 1.072, Remove the whole 0072 x 2= 0.144. The whole nuniber sn 0.144 x2.= 0.288. The whole number np 0.288 x2 = 0.576. The whole number jg 0,576 x 2.© 1.152. Remove the whole nun 0.152 x 2 = 0.304. The whole number is! 0.304 X 2 = 0.608. The whole number is 9 And 0,608 x 2 = 1.216. Remove the whole nutes) Thus 0.1349 = 0.0010001001, (correct w» 19 bicimal places) (g) Convert 9.8,9 (0 a binary number. (h) Convert 25.479 0.4 binary number, (i) Convert 147.1349 to a binary number. In order to convert adenary number with both a whole number part and a decimal part, we convert the whole number part using either of the methods shown, then we ‘convert he decimal part using the method shown. The denary number equivalent in base two is then obtained by adding the whole number part in base two to the decimal part in base two. (g)_ Now 9.85) = 1001. 1100110011; (correct to 10 binary places) (h) Now 25.47) = 11001.0111100001, (correct to 10 binary places). (i) Now — 147.134) = 10010011.0010001001, (correct 10 10 binary places). 2.39 CONVERTING FROM BICIMAL TO DECIMAL In converting from binary numbers to denary numbers, wwe use the fact that each place value is a power of 2 EXAMPLE 13 (a) Convert 1001; to a decimal number. (b) Convert 11001, to a decimal number. (©) Convert 10010011, to a decimal number. 1001, = 1X2? + 0X2 +0x2'+ 12" =1x8+0x440x241%! =8+0+0+1 = (a) Now (hy Now OO, = VLAD 22 ends tee ST HIOO Leh e Onde on24 tat She Oebed =n fo) Now LOOT, VAD OLY OP hate OV OAD aD ot ee STAN OKO4 607926 VIO COAH SOKA GL AD4 At SFO IO HOS Oe DEI 2 My (dy Convers 011001 10011, 10 decimal number fe) Convert 00111100001, 10 decimal number 1h) Convert 0,0010001001, to a decimal number OSNOOIIOOI, = Vx2D' 4h AD O22 OXIA AD Hh Adee 0X2 0X2 HN AD 1x2” = 054025 +0+0% O03 25 + 0.015 625 +0 40+ 0001 953 125+ 0000976 562 5 © 0,799 HOA 6, = OSy (correct o 1 decimal place) (a) Now fe) Now QOLII100001, = 0X2! 41x22 #142" 1244 1 A2* 4042+ 04274042" 40024 x2 = 040.25- 0,125 40.0625 40.031 254040404 (04+ 0,000 976 5625 = 0469 7265, = OMI (correct 102 decimal places) () Now 0010001001, = 0x2"! +0x2%+1x2?+ 0x2440%294 0X24 1x27 +0X240X2"+ ix = 04040125 +040+0 40,007 812.5+0+0+ 10.000 976 562 5 = 0.133 789 = 0.134) (correct 103 decimal places) to) Convert 11.05, 10 0 decimal number 8) Convent 101 11, ua 9 decimal muamnber 44) Convert 1010.40, 8 decimal nusnivet WM, © NAD NAR ORD' 4 SAE Now IA Deb ed ens hes 241404025 © 32S 0 thy Now — MOLI, w N42 90x24 ba B4 1A2 ohnd? eIKdsOn2e tebe eie txt 44041405 +025 ©5750 WNO1O1, © N42 4OXD 4122! 4042+ Tez! 402224142" eI ABH Ona IKDF OKIE Txje0xle tnd 28404240405 4040125 = 1025 6) Now 2.40 ADDING BINARY NUMBERS “The following rules apply when adding binary numbers; (1) Now Twos Units o Ty 0 6 Thus 14021 (2) Now Twos Unis 0 0% o 1 _0 1 “Thus 0+ I= @) Now Twos Units o 1 0 122 1 0 (Thatis, Ocarry 1) Thus 141 = 10 Note that J + J = 10 implies that the sum has zero units and J group of two, 29 ‘EXAMPLE Add the foBowung tonary sumbers Land 1 addi) i) Now ©} Now @) Now 2.41 1010! add 10011 10. POH and 11011 un 1 1000, liu W 1001 110101 10011 1001000, “TL10 101 11011 NUMBERS ° oO 0 ‘Thus 1-0=1 2) Now Twos Units 0 0 o Thus 1-1=0 EXAMPLE 15 Find the difference between each pair of binary numbers 1 Folin in} f@) 101-101 @ Winton fe) 10001 - 1011 fa) Now itor cs 101 171000, () Now tiny | rorr 10100, (© Now 10061 _ 1011 110 2.42 MULTIPLYING BINARY NUMBERS ‘The multiplication table for binary numbers is as follows: | ouet) Table 25 Thus 0x0=0 OxI=0 1x0=0 And IxI=1 EXAMPLE 16 Find the product of the following binary numbers: @ 11x10 () 1011x101 (©) 11101 x 1011 (@) Now M1 b) Now Ore et * 101100 LOU + yin01 1 a ou Exercise 2i 1. Conver the following denary numbers to binary numbers: 508 (©) 10 (4) 19 2, Convert the following denary numbers to binary numbers: (67% (BY 7By—()185yy (4) 341, 3. Convert the following denary numbers to binary numbers: (2) 435; (B) 487 (©) S07 (4) 5109 4. Convert the following denary numbers to binary numbers correct to 5 bicimal places: (2) 0.135; (b) 0.615,» (€) 0.846, (4) 0.947, ‘Convert the following decimal numbers to binary ‘numbers correct to 4 bicimal places (2) 18.43, (b) 85.629 (€) 168.919 (4) 395.74. 5 Convert the following binary numbers to denary numbers (a) 101, 6 (b) 1110, @ M1011, (©1011, 7. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal ‘numbers: (0.111, (b)0.1110, (©) 0.11101; (2) 0.11111, 8 Convert the following bicimal numbers to decimal numbers: (11.01, (b) 101.11; (©) 1111.01, @) WL, 9. Add the following binary numbers: (@) 1011, + 101, (b) 1111; + 110; (© 1001, + 111, (4) 10011, + 110; 0. Add the following binary numbers (@) 11101, +111, (b) HITT, + 101, Ce) L101, + TOLL, ) FANE, + HEL 11, Add the following binary numbers (a) 1110134 1101, (b) HOI, + NN (UN, + 1011, (d) 1001, + FUT 12, Add the following binary numbers: (a) 110101, + HOI, (b) 111111, + 101101, (©) 1011101, + 101101; (@) 1111011; + 101: 13, Subtract the following binary numbers. (a) 111-101, (b) L111; 1101, (©) 1110,~ 10113 (@) 1010,~ 1113 14, Subtract the following binary numbers: (a) 11013~1011 (b) 1011-1001; (©) 10111, - 1011; (d) 11113-1013 Find the difference between cach pair of the following binary numbers (@) 110101, ~ 110011, 15. (b) 110111;— 10111; (©)100101,- 11011, (@) 111111 = T1011 16, Multiply each pair of the following binary numbers: (a) 111; 10; (b) 1011 x 1013 (©) HM: x 1, @) ML, x Ty 17. Find the product of the following binary numbers: (a) 1013 Is (b) [115 x 101s (©) 1011; x 1115, (@) 11015 x 111s 18, Find the product of the following pairs of binary numbers: (@) HIN x (b) 100115 x 1015, (©) 11013 x Hy (a) 10111, x 101 2.43 NUMBERS TO BASE FIVE In writing numbers to base 5 we use the digits 0 t0 4 Since the number base or scale is 5, each digit in a number has a place value in terms of powers of 5 Thus ‘The number 10324, can be represented as: Group | 5 e a s ” size | =625 | =125 | =25 Digit 1 0 3 2 4 Table 2.6 31 SIX FOX SIX SHINS H AKT SUK HFK SH IKSHIKS! And the number 0.312, can be represented as: Group s cad Sd size = ee ws 3 25 125 =02 = 0.04 = 0.008 Digit 3 i 2 Table 2.7 S3XSTH1XS742x59 Hence the number 10324312, can be represented as: 1X5! 4 OX S + IX HDX STEAKS HIK STH LXSAE 2x54 2.44 CONVERTING FROM DECIMAL TO BASE FIVE ‘The denary number equivalent in base five is obtained from the remainders under division by 5, taken in a specific order defined by the arrows in cach problem worked below. EXAMPLE 17 (a) Convert 89j0 to a number in base 5. (b) Convert 348,, to a number in base 5. 89 5 S174 5 HN OY (a) Now (b) Now Thus 348» = 2343, ALTERNATIVE METHOD In this method, we start by dividing the denary nuny, by the highest power of 5. Then the remainder is qi, by the next highest power of 5. We keep dividing in ‘manner until the remainder is less than 5. "this We then need to structure the number in order to the denary number equivalent in base 5 as can be seen in the problems worked below. ( Now = Ba Based = axe And g-8 214 => 2xS's4x59 So 89 =X FA DKS 44 KS = 324, (b) Now 38 EE = 2198 = 2x8 98 _ 8 : And 8B = 5123 = 3x8 Also 2. Boars = AKS 43K So 348 yy = 2X4 IXP HARSH IXS = 2343, 2.45 CONVERTING FROM BASE FIVE TO DECIMAL In converting from numbers written in base 5 to denary numbers, we use the fact that each place value is a power of 5. EXAMPLE 18 (a) Convert 341, to a decimal number. (6) Convert 40312, to a decimal number. B41, = 3X P4454 1 KS? (a) Now X25+4x5+1K1 5+20+1 = Vy (b) Now (40312, = 4x54 OX 543K 9+ 1 X5+ axe? = 4x 625+0x 125+3x 25+ 1x54+2xI = 25004+04+75+5+2 = 2582, Go) Convert 0.324, a decimal number {@) Convert 0.4302, to a decimal number fe) Now 032M, = 3X54 2x57 H4x 57 x14 2x44 xh 0.6 + 0.08 + 0.032 0.712 (&) Now 04302, = 4X5'43KS740x59 42x54 X1+ 3X8 OX +2 xh 0.8 + 0.12 + 0+ 0.003 2 1923 29 (@) Convert 41.23. to a decimal number {Convert 124.03, to a decimal number fe) Now 41.23, = 4xS'4 1X54 2x5143x57 XSHIX1H2NLE3 KS 0+1+04+0.12 = 21520 1xS?42x5'44x5'40K5'+ 3x5? X2542xS+4x1+OXL+ 3x4 5+ 10+4+040.12 39.12), () Now 124.03, 2.46 ADDING BASE FIVE NUMBERS ‘The addition table for base 5 numbers can be seen below. + o 1 2 3 4 oO o 1 2 4] 1 I 2 3 4 10 2 2 3 4 10 | it 5 3 4 10 i 12 4 4 10 u 12] 13 Table 2.8 EXAMPLE 19 ‘Add the following numbers in base 5 (a) 432, and 104, (b) 301, and 2144, (@) Now an 104 i041 (b) Now 2.47 SUBTRACTING BASE FIVE NUMBERS In subtracting base $ numbers. we use similar rules those for the addition of base 5 numbers. as EXAMPLE 20 Find the difference between each pair of the following base 5 numbers (a) 3412, ~ 203, (b). 4210, ~ 24015 (a) Now 3442 203 3204, (b) Now AYO _ 2401 1304, 2.48 MULTIPLYING BASE FIVE NUMBERS ‘The multiplication table for base $ numbers is as follows: KPO kd o fofo lo pelo Pg td 221 Ol gl Adda 13: 3 fo [3 [a [4 [22 4 [o [4 [13 [2 [31 Table 2.9 EXAMPLE 21 Find the product of the following numbers to base 5 (a) 431,x20, (b) 3412, x 103, (a) Now x () Now f gals. 341200 21241 424, Exercise 2j 1, Convert the following denary numbers to base 5 numbers: (a) 45,9 ©) 67 (©) B%q@_—— (A) 103 0 2. Convert the following decimal numbers to numbers in base 5: 247% (0) 268g. (©) 3499 (A) B47 0 Convert the following base S numbers to denary numbers: 34, (41, (134, (A) 431, 4, Convert the following base 5 numbers to decimal numbers: (@)0.143, (b) 0.342, (©) 0.412, (4) 0.2143, . Convert the following numbers in base 5 to decimal ‘umbers (a) 43.21, (b) 34.125 (c) 124.102, (d) 324.241, 6. Add the following numbers in base 5: (@) 43, 434, (b) 343, + 132, (©) 241, + 344, (6) 143, + 234, 7. Add the following base 5 numbers: (@) 1034, +2331, (b) 2134, + 1032, (©) 4321543412, (@) 3412, + 4113, 8. Subtract the following base $ numbers: (a) 321, ~ 42s (b) 423,234, (©) 201, - 124, (@) 104, ~34, 9. Find the difference between each pair of the following base 5 numbers: (a) 1034, ~ 432, (b) 2341, — 1342, (©) 3044,-2431, (a) 4132, - 3432, 34 10. Multiply each pair of the following base 5 (a) 435X 20, (b) 124,31, (6) 234, x 14, (4) 312,% 13, Dumber, 11, Find the product ofthe following pairs of bases numbers: (a) 123% 215 (b) 243, x 42, (©) 302g x 132 (6) 412,x 103, 2.49 OCTAL NUMBERS Octal numbers are numbers to base 8. We therefore use the digits 0 to 7. Since the number base or scale is 8. ca, digit in a number has a place value in terms of powers oy 8 Octal numbers are used by computers as a shorthand {oy binary numbers. Thus: The number 76401, can be represented as Group | e e size _| =4096 | =512_| =64 | Digit 7 6 4 n Table 2.10 TXB OXB £4 XB HOKE + 1X8? =7X 846X844 X84 1X8! And the number 0.43, can be represented as: Group a size 0.015 625 Digit 3 Table 2.11 SAKE 43K 8F Hence the number 76401.43, can be represented as: TXB 46X84 4X BOX 8+ 1X8 FAKE E IKE? 2.50 CONVERTING FROM DECIMAL TO OCTAL ‘The denary number equivalent in base eight is obtained from the remainders under division by 8, taken in & specific order defined by the arrows in each problem worked below. EXAMPLE 22 (a) Convert 98,9 0 a number in base 8, (b) Convert 985,, t0 a number in base 8, (a) Now OO) ‘Thus 985,9= 1731, ALTERNATIVE METHOD In this method, we start by dividing the denary number by the highest power of 8. Then the remainder is divided by the next highest power of 8. We keep dividing in this manner until the remainder is less than 8, We then need to structure the number in order to obtain the denary number equivalent in base 8, as can be seen in the problems worked below. (a) Now Barra > xe And Beare > AKB 2x8” So X84 4x8! 42x82 142, () Now BE = 28 = pe473 > 1x8! And B- Bers = 7x8 ao 2 = Bo acy = 3xaitixe Thus 985 jy = 1x89 7X8 43X84 1X8 = I73ly CONVERTING FROM OCTAL TO DECIMAL In converting from octal numbers to denary numbers, ‘we use the fact that each place value is a power of 8 2.51 EXAMPLE 23 (a) Convert 743, to a decimal number. (b) Convert 2405, to a decimal number. TXB 44x 8! + 3x8" = 1X 6444x8+3X1 = 448 43243 = 483, (a) Now 743, 24054 = 2X 8+ 4x8? + 0x8! + 5x8 2x512+4x64+0x8+5x1 1024 +256 +045 = 1285, (b) Now (©) Convert 0.74, to a decimal number. (@) Convert 0.214, to a decimal number. 7x81 44x87 Txtt axa 0.875 + 0.0625 09375) = 0.94 (correct 10 2 dp.) (© Now 0.74, = 2x81 41x82 44x 8% Qx}+ 1x a +4 xh 0.25 + 0.015 625 + 0.007 812 5 0.273 437 5,9 = 0.273, (correct 10 3 d.p.). (® Now 0.214, (©) Convert 74.3, to a decimal number. (D. Convert 641.04, to a decimal number. TXB! + 4x8" 3x8! x844x143x) 6 +4 +0375 = 60.375, 0.4, (correct to I d.p.) (e) Now 743, XB HAXB AT KR +OKE + 4x8? = OXG444x 841 x1 OXES 4x = 3844+3241+0+0.0625 17.062 5,5 17.06 (correct to 2 dp.) () Now 641.04, 35 2.52 ADDING OCTAL NUMBERS. ‘The addition table for octal numbers can be scen below: ahs (b) Now e101 _ 5043 1636, = oj 2 3 4 a 6 7 befetrisista spe. 254 MULTIPLYING OCTAL L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 NUMBERS 2 2 3 4 2 6 7 1o {| es ss as ecto ce ale ‘The multiplication table for octal numbers is 2s follows 4{[4]s5]6|7 | io [1 | [3 Soca eT 5 5 6 7 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 oO 0 6[6|7 | )n |] [a4 [1s Toda paral 4i fs | 6 |7 7 7 vo | a1 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 16 2 0 2 4 6 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 Table 2.12 ST Onicack Gets ee 22 [2s EXAMPLE 24 410 | 4 [10 | 14 | 20 | 24 | 30 ea Add the following numbers in base 8: 5 o s v2 [17 | 24 | 31 36 | 43 (@) 675, and 204, 610 [6 [14 | 22 | 30: 36 | 44 2 (b) 4763, and 215, 7101.7 | 16 | 25 | 34.143.).52 16 | (a) Now os Table 2.13 204 EXAMPLE 26 Hoh Find the product of the following octal numbers: sa) (a) 7615 x 30, (b) Now 4763 . (b) 6017, x 4725 215 2 200, @ 761 et 30, 272305 2.53 SUBTRACTING OCTAL gets NUMBERS (b) 6017, pant In subractng octal numbers, we use similar rules 3s 308400 those for the addition of octal numbers 521510 + 14036 EXAMPLE 25 aise Find the difference between each pair of the following octal numbers: Exercise 2k (a) 7632, -475, (b) 6701, ~ 5043, 1. Convert the following denary numbers to octal Me numbers: (a) Now Ye | (a) 84,9 (b) 93; (c) 104, (d) 1370 475 rae 2. Convert the following decimal numbers to numbers mae in base 8: (©) 8419 (4) 9681 (a) 2479 (b) 384, ‘4, Convert the following octal numbers to denary numbers fast (0) 135, (c) 436, (d) 647, ‘4. Convert the following numbers in base 8 to decimal numbers (0.74 — (0)03%— ()OS4 (4) 0.76, 4 Convert the following numbers in base 8 10 decimal numbers: {a)34314 (0) 47.62, (6) 105.42, (4) 237.76, 6 Add the following numbers in base 8: (a) 47, + 36, (b) 64, + 32, (c) 57, + 3464 (4) 124, + 431, 7, Add the following octal numbers: (a) 1204, + 347, (b) 2476, + 1463, (c) 471g + 436, (4) 6741, +3471, {& Subsract the following base 8 numbers: (a)47,- 35, (b) 65, - 43, (6) 104, ~ 765 (4) 243, ~ 106, 9, Find the difference between each pair of the following octal numbers: (a) 1045, - 247, (c) 5436, ~ 4716, (b) 4341, -745, (4) 6471, 5432, 10, Multiply cach pair of the following base 8 numbers: (a) 35, % 405 (b) 63, x 34, (c) 107, x 24 (d) 245, x 63, 11. Find the product of the following pairs of octal numbers: (a) 6431, x 105, (©) 6134, x 3245 (b) 4732, x 215, (d) 5342, x 407, 2.55 OTHER NUMBER BASES Having fully understood the methods explained for the addition, subtraction and multiplication of number bases 2,5 and 8, students should now be able to extend their Knowledge and add, subtract and multiply numbers in any given number base. Exercit 2 10, ve 13, al Cary out the following additions in base 3 (a) 21 () 120, , (©) 2120, 10, 2015 1202 Carry out the following subtractions in base > 2 (b) 2125 _ (c) 12215 _ iy 12 1212, Carry out the following multiplications in base 3 (a) 21; (hy 212)", (@) 22h y 20, * 21 201 Perform the following operations in base 4 (@) 31, (b) 231, () 21324, 1p 123," 1313, Perform the following operations in base 4 fa) 31 27 SB) STB AC), 28 hi 2 213, 1231, Perform the following operations in base 4 @ 3%, ) 31d (6) 2312 y 20, 2, 1324 Perform the following additions in base 5 (a) 23, (b) 1325 (6) 3132s, 12,7 113, * 1301, Perform the following subtractions in base 5 (a) Bly), 203s oo irysf) 328s 2s 132, 3112, Perform the following multiplications in base 5: (@) 3%, (0) 32s, (6) 2321s y 30 32, 102s ‘Add the following numbers in base 6: () 5%, (0) 345, (©) 45324 , 126 124, 2354, Subiract the following numbers in base 6: (a) 456 _ (b) S14, _ (©) 43516 13, 2A 3142, 7 Multiply the following numbers in base 6 (@) 536 (OI (c) 3152, 34 By 124, * ‘Simplify the following operations in base 7: @ 6, (b) 456, (©) 1645, + i a M; 134, 2643, * 37 14, 18, 16, 1 18, 19. a, Simplify the following operations in base 7: (a) 64, (b) 456, _ (©) 645, _ 32, 341, 364, Simplify the following operations in base 7 (a) 56, x (by 625, x (c) 562, x 40, 43, 124, Express the solutions to the following pairs of numbers in base 8: (a) 75, (b) 573, (©) 345% 43, 432, 2341, Express the solutions to the following pairs of. numbers in base 8: (a) 75, _ (b) 673, (©) 4573, _ 43, 532,” 3261, Express the solutions to the following pairs of numbers in base 8: (a) 73, (b) 3675 (©) 74325 50, 42, 134, Simplify the following operations in base 9: (a) 84, (b) 748, (©) 6417, ye 382, * 5342, * ‘Simplify the following operations in base 9: (a) 85, (b) 748) _ (©) 8763, _ 74, 485, 53715 ‘Simplify the following operations in base 9: (a) 84 (b) 507, (©) 7680, 30, 45, 312

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