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Text 1
Beauty and The Beast
Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young woman named Belle. She was known for her
beauty as well as her love for books. Belle’s father, Maurice got lost in the forest at stumbled upon a
castle. Unbeknownst to him, the cattle was enchated, and the Beast lived inside.

When Maurice picked a rose from the Beast’s garden, the Beast became furious. He imprisoned
Maurice in the castle. Upon learning of her father’s fate. Belle bravely offered to take his place. The
Beast agreed and Maurice was set free.

In the castle, Belle discovered that the Beast was not as mostrous as he seemed. Despite his
apprearance, the Beast had a kind heart. Over time, Belle and the Beast developed a friedship, and
Belle saw the goodness within him.

Meanwhile, a handsome and arrogant man named Gaston desired to merry Belle. However Belle did
not return his affections. Gaston became jealous of the Beast and rallied the villagers to attack the

During the attack, the Beast was injured and losing hope. Belle realized her true feeling for him and
confessed her love. As the last petal of an enchanted rose fell, signifying the Beast’s eternal curse,
Belle’s love broke the spell

The Beast transformed into a handsome prince, and the castle was restored to its former glory. Belle
and the prince live happily ever after, surrounder by their friends and loved ones.

1. What was Belle known for?

a. Her beauty and love for books c. Her beauty and bad attitude
b. Her beuaty and arrogant girl d. Her beauty and love for animals

2. How did Belle end up in the Beast’s castle?

a. She ran away from the house
b. She is caught by the Beast
c. She wanted marry with Gaston
d. She offered to take her father’s place as a prisoner

3. What happened to Belle’s father, Maurice?

a. He stole the money c. He offered helping the daughter
b. He was imprisoned by the Beast but later set free d. He wanted Belle marry with Gaston

4. What broke the Beast’s eternal curse?

a. Beast broke the curse c. Beast fighted with Gaston
b. Belle’s love for him d. Belle’s hate for him

Text 2 :
The clever Tortoise
Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, there lived a clever tortoise named Tim. Tim was known for
his wit and intelligence. One day, he heard about a race that was going to take place among all the
animals in the forest.

Excited about the race, Tim decided to participate. However, there was one problem - Tim was not a
fast runner. He knew he couldn't win the race by speed alone. So, he came up with a clever plan.

On the day of the race, all the animals gathered at the starting line. The race started, and the animals
sprinted ahead, leaving Tim far behind. But Tim remained calm and focused on his plan.
As the other animals reached a river, they were puzzled. They couldn't swim across the river, and
there was no bridge in sight. Tim, who was a great swimmer, took this opportunity to shine.
He swam across the river and continued running towards the finish line. The other animals were
amazed when they saw Tim already halfway through the race. They couldn't believe that the slow
tortoise was leading the race.

In the end, Tim crossed the finish line first, winning the race. The other animals congratulated him
and praised his cleverness. Tim proved that intelligence and strategy could overcome physical

5. What is the name of the clever tortoise in the story?

a. Tom b. Tim c. Tony d. Ted

6. Why did Tim decide to participate in the race?

a. Because he was a fast runner c. Because he wanted to show off his strength
b. Because he was known for his intelligence d. Because he was bored

7. What was Tim's plan to win the race?

a. To run as fast as he could c. To trick the other animals
b. To ask for help from the other animals d. To give up and not participate

8. How did Tim manage to gain an advantage in the race?

a. By flying over the other animals
b. By swimming across the river
c. By hiding and waiting for the other animals to pass
d. By taking a shortcut through the forest

9. What did the other animals think when they saw Tim leading the race?
a. They were angry at Tim for cheating
b. They were amazed and couldn't believe it
c. They were disappointed and gave up
d. They didn't care and continued running

10. What _ you do yesterday?

a. did b. do c. does d. done

11. She didn’t _ her homework last night.

a. do b. did c. does d. done

12. Did They _ to the beach on Sunday?.

a. went b. goes c. going d. go

13. He _ a new car last month.

a. buy b. bought c. buys d. buying

14. We _ a great time at the party.

a. have b. had c. has d. having

15. We…..a movie last weekend

a. did not watch b. did not waching c. did not watches d. did not watched

text 3 :
Once upon a time, there (16……) a beautiful princess named Lily. She (17……….) in a magnificent
castle. One day, a wicked witch (18…….) a curse on the princess, turning her into a frog. The only
way to break the curse was to receive a true love's kiss.

Lily hopped (19……) the forest, hoping to find someone who could break the curse. Along the way,
she met a kind-hearted prince named William. He (20,……..) to help her and promised to do
everything he could to break the curse.
16. a. is b. was c. were d. has been
17. a. live b. lived c. living d. lives
18. a. puts b. put c. putting d. has put
19. a. through b. across c. over d. around
20. a. offers b. offered c. offering d. offer

Essay :

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with her stepmother and
stepsisters, who treated her cruelly and made her do all the household chores. Despite her difficult
life, Cinderella remained kind and gentle.

One day, the king announced a grand ball at the palace. All the young ladies in the kingdom were
invited, including Cinderella's stepsisters. Cinderella longed to go to the ball, but her stepmother
forbade her from attending.

As Cinderella sat alone and sad, her fairy godmother appeared. With a wave of her wand, she
transformed Cinderella's rags into a beautiful gown, and her old shoes into glass slippers. She
warned Cinderella that the magic would only last until midnight.

At the ball, Cinderella captivated everyone with her beauty and grace. The prince was enchanted by
her and danced with her all night. They were so lost in each other's company that Cinderella forgot
about the time.

When the clock struck midnight, Cinderella rushed out of the palace, leaving behind one of her glass
slippers. The prince, determined to find the mysterious girl, searched the kingdom for the owner of
the glass slipper.

The next day, the prince arrived at Cinderella's house with the glass slipper. Cinderella's stepsisters
tried to fit their feet into the slipper, but it was too small. When Cinderella tried it on, it fit perfectly.

The prince recognized Cinderella as the girl he had danced with and asked her to marry him.
Cinderella happily accepted, and they lived happily ever after.

Answer the question!

1. How did Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters treat her?
2. Who helped Cinderella transform for the ball?
3. What did Cinderella leave behind at the palace?
4. Who was the owner of the glass slipper?
5. How did Cinderella and the prince live?


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