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Laboratory Procedure Activity

Determination of Densities 4

Ladjahasan, Zeneesha W.

1. How can water displacement be used to measure the density of an irregularly-
shaped solid?

- Fill a graduated cylinder partially with water, record the initial volume of water,
and carefully lower the irregularly-shaped solid into the water, making sure no
air bubbles are trapped underneath it. Record the new volume of water after the
solid is submerged. The difference in volume before and after submerging the
solid represents the volume of the solid.

- Use the formula: Density = Mass / Volume, where the mass of the solid is known
and the volume is determined from the water displacement.

2. If the mass of a solid is 50.2 g and its volume is 5 ml, what is its density?
Express the density in the correct number of significant figures.

M = 50.2 g Volume = 5 ml
D = 50.2 g / 5 ml = 10.04
= 1.0 x 101

3. Indicate how each of the following affects your calculated density;

(a) Part of the specimen sticks out of the water;

- If part of the thing sticks out of the water, it makes the density
seem less dense than it really is.

(b) An air bubble is trapped under the specimen in the graduated cylinder;

- If there's an air bubble trapped; it also makes the density seem

less dense.

(c) Alcohol (density, 0.79 g/cc) is inadvertently substituted for water (density,
100g/cc) in the graduated cylinder.
- If alcohol is used instead of water; it will give a different
density value.

4. Suppose the metal piece were hallowing. Would this affect your result?

- If the metal piece were hollow, it would affect the calculated result because the
volume of the hollow part would be included in the total volume of the solid. This
would lead to an overestimated volume, resulting in a lower calculated density.
5. Suppose the metal piece floats on water. How would you get the volume of the
irregular piece?

- If the metal piece floats on water, you would need to find its volume indirectly.
One method is to submerge the piece completely in water and measure the
volume of water displaced, which would be equal to the volume of the irregular

6. In determining the density of the liquid, suppose you weighed the dry graduated
cylinder first and then the cylinder plus the liquid. Would your calculated density
be greater or less than found by the normal procedure? Explain.

- Weighing the dry graduated cylinder first and then the cylinder plus the liquid
would yield a greater calculated density compared to the normal procedure. This
is because the weight of the graduated cylinder is included in the measurement,
leading to a larger total mass and consequently a greater calculated density.
Group no. ____ Date Performed: _________
NurChe Lab: __ Instructor’s Initial: ________
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________

Data Sheet Activity

Determination of Densities 4
Data and Results

1. Density of Liquid
1.1 Unknown liquid sample

Mass of dry, empty cylinder ______g

Mass of cylinder and liquid sample ______g
Mass of liquid sample ______g
Volume of liquid ______ml
Experimental density of the liquid ______g/ml
Identity of liquid sample _______
Known density of the liquid sample ______g/ml
Percentage error ______%

2. Densities of Solid
2.1 Rectangular Solid
Mass of Solid ______g
Length ______cm
Width ______cm
Height ______cm
Volume ______cm3
Density ______g/cm3
2.2 Irregular- Shaped Solid
Mass of empty watch glass ______g
Mass of watch glass and solid ______g
Mass of solid ______g
Initial volume of water in cylinder ______ml
Final volume of water in cylinder ______ml
Volume of solid ______ml
Density of Unknown solid ______g/m

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