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Williams Syndrome
Williams’s syndrome is caused by a deletion of genetic material.From
portions of the long arm of chromosome 7, a region that consists of more
Than 25 genes. Researchers have identified a few of the specific genes
related O Williams syndrome, but the relationship between most of the
genes in the Deleted region and the symptoms of Williams syndrome is
still unknown.

Signs and symptoms

The most common symptoms of Williams's syndrome are heart defects
and unusual facial features. Other symptoms include failure to gain weight
appropriately in infancy (failure to thrive) and low muscle tone.
Individuals with Williams's syndrome tend to have widely spaced teeth, a
long philtrum and a flattened nasal bridge.

Most individuals with Williams's syndrome are highly verbal relative to

their 1Q, and are overly sociable, having what has been described as a
"cocktail party" type personality. Individuals with WS hyper focus on the
eyes of others in social engagements

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