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Daily QA™ 3 Reference Guide

Copyright © 2006-2021 by Sun Nuclear Corporation. All rights reserved.

The information contained in this guide and the accompanying software program are copyrighted
and all rights are reserved by Sun Nuclear Corporation. Copying, duplicating, selling, or otherwise
distributing any part of this product without the prior written consent of Sun Nuclear Corporation
is prohibited.
Sun Nuclear Corporation reserves the right to make periodic modifications to this guide without
obligation to notify any person or entity of such revision.
This guide is written for:
PC software: version 3.1.0
Database software version 3.1.0
Database schema: version 1.6.4
Firmware: version 1.7.1 (compatible with all printed circuit board revisions)
Daily QA™ 3, Daily QA™-MR, Daily QA Check 2™, PROFILER™ 2, TomoDose™, IMF™ and GMF™
are trademarks of Sun Nuclear Corporation. Other trademarks or trade names are the property of
their respective owners.
Document 1093011, Rev R, 22 September 2021

Sun Nuclear Corporation

3275 Suntree Boulevard
Melbourne, Florida 32940 USA
telephone +1 321-259-6862

Page ii

Intended Use

The Daily QA 3 is intended to measure and analyze the daily radiation output characteristics of an
external treatment machine (linac or Cobalt-60) before the start of daily treatment in a radiation
oncology center, and not for calibration of said machines.

CAUTION: Federal law restricts this product to sale by or on the order of a qualified radiation
therapy professional, such as a medical dosimetrist, medical physicist or radiation
oncologist, for use in radiation oncology QA.


Daily QA 3 captures the beam print of a radiation field by measuring radiation using ionization
chambers and diodes, arranged in a fixed pattern such that a reproducible setup will reveal
changes in beam characteristics. Trend analysis is performed with built-in database software.
Daily QA 3 software stores measurement results in a database that allows trend analysis of
measurements and report generation. The database can be centralized so that any network
computer running the Daily QA 3 client software can access the data.
Daily QA 3 software can also be used with PROFILER 2, TomoDose, and Daily QA Check 2. For a
list of software differences when using other devices, see Other Supported Devices on page 87.

Note: The Daily QA Check 2 is at the end of life regarding support.


Every morning, the Daily QA 3 is positioned in a standard beam setup for measurement. The
parameters measured are: dose output, beam symmetry, beam flatness, beam energy, and light/
radiation field coincidence. These parameter measurements are compared to a reference value
using trend graph analysis in the Daily QA 3 software. If a measurement exceeds an action level,
an investigation of the cause will take place before treatment resumes for the day.

WARNING: Do not modify a patient’s treatment plan based only on the results from a
single QA device. Investigate the source of the error in the treatment delivery device
(TDD) or treatment planning system (TPS).

Quality and Regulatory Systems

Sun Nuclear meets the requirements of FDA 21 CFR 820 and is certified to relevant country
regulations, including ISO 13485:2016. Sun Nuclear places the CE mark upon Class I medical
devices under its sole discretion. Sun Nuclear utilizes the involvement of a Notified Body when
placing the CE mark on medical devices requiring Notified Body involvement.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page iii Preface

Health and Safety Instructions

WARNING: To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be connected
to a supply mains with protective earth (ground).

WARNING: Keep the electronics out of the direct beam. Exposing the Daily QA 3
electronics to direct radiation could void the warranty.

• Review the instructions in this guide before using the Daily QA 3 device.
• The device may only be used with the medically approved power supply that is shipped with
the device.
• Inspect the instrument periodically for damage. If errors or damage are suspected, contact
Sun Nuclear Corporation.
• To protect insulation, never pull on a cable to disconnect it. Always grasp the plug or
connector. Do not use any power cord or power supply that is damaged or has broken
• Do not route cables under or through the treatment room door in a way that would present a
tripping hazard.
• The instrument is not intended to be used in an oxygen-rich environment.

MR Safety Information

WARNING: The Model 1093 Daily QA 3 is MR unsafe and must not be used in any
strong magnetic fields.

MR Unsafe
Do not use
in the MRI
scan room.

Preface Page iv P/N 1093011, Rev R

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Add Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Intended Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Template Field Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Baseline QA Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Template Baseline Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Quality and Regulatory Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii QA Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Health and Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv Overview of QA Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
MR Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv Preparing for QA Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Hardware Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Power On—Temperature Stability . . . . . . . . . . 31
Parts and Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Start the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
rf-Daily QA 3, P/N 1093000-1Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Manual Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Daily QA 3, P/N 1093000-0Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 QA Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Gantry Mount Accessory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Switching or Sharing a Device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Charge rf-Daily QA 3 Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Post Measurement Recommendations . . . . . . . 35
Cable Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Trending and Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
rf-Daily QA 3 Wireless Connection . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Using the Trend Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Daily QA 3 Wired Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Viewing Values for Individual Data Points . . . . 38
Software Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Shifting the Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Compatible Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Zooming In and Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Install SQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Trend Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Configuring the Daily QA 3 Database on Display Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
SQL Standard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Date Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Installing SQL Server Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Show Rejected or Unrecorded Options. . . . . . 39
Configure SQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Trend Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Open Ports in Windows Firewall . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Printing Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Install .NET Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Array Calibration Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Upgrading to Daily QA 3 Software Version Exporting Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Database Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Backup Firebird Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Upgrade Daily QA 3 Database Accessing the Daily QA Database
Administration Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Administration Utility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Upgrade Daily QA 3 Client Software . . . . . . . . . . 8 Migrating Data From Firebird to SQL . . . . . . . . . 46
Migrate Firebird Database to SQL Database . . . 8 Adding a Database User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Daily QA 3 Software Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Editing a Database User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Adding a Device License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Step 1. Download Files from Sun Nuclear Backing Up the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Support Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Manual Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Step 2. Install the Database Administration Automatic Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Restoring the Database from a Backup . . . . . . . 52
Step 3. Install Daily QA 3 Client Software . . . . . . 9 Updating the Database Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Open Daily QA 3 Software and Connect to Creating a New Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Database Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Finding the Port Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Devices Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Set Up Program Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Database Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Calibrate Temperature and Pressure—Daily Support and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
QA 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Maintaining Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Calibrate Absolute Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Minimizing Radiation Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Calibrate Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Calibration Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Export Daily QA 3 Calibration (for Argus) . . . . . . 21 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Create a QA Test Plan, Site, Room, Machine, Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Disposing and Recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Maintaining Software and Firmware . . . . . . . . . . 60
QA Mode View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Upgrading to the Latest Software . . . . . . . . . . 60
Set Up the Scheme Tree, Physicist Role . . . . . .23 Removing the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Set up a Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Verifying Software Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Add Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Updating Firmware Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Add Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Multiple Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Adding and Deleting Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Configure Test Template, Continuation from Daily QA 3 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page v Contents

Database Connection Troubleshooting . . . . . . .64 Absolute Dose Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Daily QA 3 Connector Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Baseline QA Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
PDI Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Electron Energy Calibration Factors . . . . . . . . 97
Contacting Sun Nuclear Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Temperature and Pressure Calibration . . . . . . . . 97
Support Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Temperature Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Correction Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 QA Trend Parameter Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Recommended System Requirements. . . . . . . . . 65 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Daily QA 3 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Variable Subscripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
rf-Daily QA 3 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Dose Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
AxSym Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Software Reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 TrSym Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Daily QA 3 Software Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 QAFlat Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Parts of the Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 e-Energy Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Menu Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 BSC Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Program Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 X-Energy Parameter (Flattened Beam) . . . . . . . 103
Toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 X-Energy Parameter (Flattening Filter Free
Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Beam) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
QA View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Light-Field Coincidence (Flattened Beam) . . . . 104
Trend View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Light-Radiation Field Coincidence (Flattening
Review and Accept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Filter Free Beam) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Hardware Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Trend Value Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Daily QA 3 Detector Array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Flatness and Symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Daily QA 3 Connector Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 CAX Dose Calibration Theory and Trend
rf-Daily QA 3 Connector Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Base Station End Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
rf-Daily QA 3 Battery Care and Maintenance . . . . 86 Dose Measurement Calculation . . . . . . . . . . 106
Power and Data Interface (PDI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Dose Trending Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Isocentric Mounting Fixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Conditions Requiring Compensation . . . . . . . 108
Database Export Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Other Supported Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Field Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Supported Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
PROFILER 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Appendix A: Regulatory Supplement . . . . . 113
Detector Layout and Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Sun Nuclear Corporation Symbols . . . . . . . . . . 113
PROFILER 2 Array Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Operating Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Using PROFILER 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
TomoDose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Operator Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Detector Layout and Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Modifications to the Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
TomoDose Array Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Environmental Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Using TomoDose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Daily QA Check 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Using Daily QA Check 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Radio Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Reporting Health or Safety Related Issues or
Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Understanding Array Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Connection to External Computer Equipment . . 115
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 EMC Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Theory of Calibration Using Wide Fields . . . . . . 93
Array Calibration Factor Calculations . . . . . . . . .94 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Understanding Calibration Procedures . . . . . . . . . 95

Contents Page vi P/N 1093011, Rev R

1 Hardware Setup
Parts and Options

rf-Daily QA 3, P/N 1093000-1Z

After unpacking, identify the parts (Figure 1-1).

5 1

4 2

No. Part Number Qty Description

1 1093500Z or 1 rf-Daily QA 3 device
2 1093400Z 1 rf Base Station *
3 801073Z 1 Blue Power/data cable, 25 m *
4 0224502Z 2 Power supply, switching, filtered, 110-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz to 18 VDC *
5 801008Z 2 Power cord, detachable, IEC plug to USA style plug *
6 801041Z 1 USB cable, 2 m *
7 0224500Z 1 Power Data Interface (PDI) 3.0 *
- 1093012 1 Daily QA 3 User Guide (not shown)
- 1093061 1 Bulletin, rf-Daily QA 3 Battery Recharging
* These items are available in an optional vault pack, part number 1093000-3Z. The vault pack supplies a
spare set of cables and hardware so that one can be installed in each room, allowing the user to move
only the Daily QA 3 from room-to-room.
Figure 1-1. Parts Furnished with the rf-Daily QA 3

Daily QA 3, P/N 1093000-0Z

After unpacking, identify the parts included in the package (Figure 1-2).

2 1

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 1 Hardware Setup

No. Part Number Qty Description
1 1093300Z or 1 Daily QA 3 device
2 801073Z 1 Blue Power/data cable, 25 m
3 0224502Z 1 Power supply, switching
4 801008Z 1 Power cord, detachable, IEC plug to USA style plug
5 0224500Z 1 Power Data Interface (PDI) 3.0
6 801041Z 1 USB cable, 2 m
- 1093012 1 Daily QA 3 User Guide (not shown)
Figure 1-2. Parts Furnished with the Daily QA 3

Gantry Mount Accessory

See the IMF™/GMF™ User Guide, P/N 1122014, for installation instructions.The user guide ships
with the gantry mount accessory and is also available on the Sun Nuclear Support page. For
instructions to access the Support website, see Support Website on page 64.

Table 1-1. Gantry Mount Accessories for Daily QA 3

Linac P/N Color Weight Dimensions

Elekta 1177000-E green 7.9 kg (17.5 lb.) 39.4 x 28.7 x 48.8 cm (15.5 x 11.3 x 19.2 in.)
Siemens 1177000-S red 8.1 kg (17.75 lb.) 39.4 x 31.5 x 48.0 cm (15.5 x 12.4 x 18.9 in.)
Varian 1177000-V blue 7.4 kg (16.25 lb.) 39.4 x 31.5 x 39.1 cm (15.5 x 12.4 x 15.4 in.)

Charge rf-Daily QA 3 Battery

If using the rf-Daily QA 3, charge the battery overnight before initial use. The battery is fully
charged after about 3 hours. Before using the device, press the power switch to lock it in the ON
Best practice is to keep power on 24 hours a day to maintain temperature equilibrium. If possible,
keep unit connected to charging supply at all times except when performing beam
measurements. For more information about caring for or troubleshooting the rf-Daily QA 3 battery,
see rf-Daily QA 3 Battery Care and Maintenance on page 86.

The rf-Daily QA 3 can remain

connected to AC power continuously.


Figure 1-3. Charging the rf-Daily QA 3 Battery

Hardware Setup Page 2 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Cable Connections

Prior to software launch, connect cables. Use the instructions for the type of Daily QA 3 device
you are using, wireless or wired.
rf-Daily QA 3 Wireless Connection
If the base station is missing, if the batteries are discharged, or if the rf connection does not
appear to be working, plug the 25 m power/data cable from the control room directly into the
device as shown for the Daily QA 3 wired connection.

Only connect to a power source that matches the

ratings on the power supply label

Power Supply (for

charging rf-Daily QA
USB Cable battery)

Wireless Base Station

(in treatment room)

Wireless Base Station


Place base station on a

Power table or shelf out of the
Supply direct beam
Power/Data Point the non-connector
Cable (Blue) end of the base station
toward the Daily QA 3
device when it is under the

Figure 1-4. Typical Connection for Wireless Daily QA 3 (rf-Daily QA 3)

Daily QA 3 Wired Connection

Only connect to a power source that matches the
ratings on the power supply label

USB Cable

Power Power/Data
Supply Cable

Figure 1-5. Typical Connection for Wired Daily QA 3

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 3 Hardware Setup

This page is intentionally left blank.

Hardware Setup Page 4 P/N 1093011, Rev R

2 Software Setup
Compatible Devices

Daily QA 3 software is the primary software for the Daily QA-3 and Daily QA-MR devices, but it can
also be used with PROFILER 2 and TomoDose. Daily QA 3 software version 3.0 and higher also
supports limited functions for Daily QA Check 2 devices. Version 3.0 and higher do not support
acquiring new measurements using a Daily QA Check 2 device, but Reports and Trends can still
be performed using DQA 2 measurements that were acquired with previous versions of Daily QA
For instructions to use Daily QA 3 software with a Daily QA-MR device, see the Daily QA-MR
Reference Guide or the DQA-MR Help file.
For instructions to use Daily QA 3 software with a PROFILER 2, TomoDose, or Daily QA Check 2
device, see Other Supported Devices on page 87.
For Daily QA Check 2 measurement or firmware upgrade instructions, see the revision of the Daily
QA 3 Reference Guide that supports the version of Daily QA 3 software that you are using with
your Daily QA Check 2 device. The Sun Nuclear support website provides download links for
current and previous revisions of the Daily QA 3 Reference Guide.

Install SQL

Daily QA 3 software version 3.1 and higher requires SQL Express or SQL Standard version 2016
or higher. If SQL Standard is already in-use at your facility, you may install an instance of the Daily
QA 3 database on the existing SQL Standard platform.
Configuring the Daily QA 3 Database on SQL Standard
1 Assign a Named instance with the name DailyQA.
2 Ensure that the Startup Type for the SQL Server Browser is Automatic.
3 Ensure that the Database Engine Configuration is set to Mixed Mode (SQL Server
authentication and Windows authentication).
4 Proceed to Configure SQL on page 6.
Installing SQL Server Express
1 Download the SQL Express installer from:
2 Run the installer and select installation type Download Media.
3 Select a location for the download or accept the default location (C:\SQL2019). The Setup files
are extracted to the selected location.
4 In the SQL Server Installation Center dialog box, select New SQL Server stand-alone
installation or add features to an existing installation.
5 In the License terms window select I accept the license terms and then click Next.
6 If the Microsoft Update window appears, select Use Microsoft Update to check for updates
(recommended) checkbox and then click Next.
7 After the Install Rules check completes, click Next. A warning about Windows Firewall might
appear, this is normal as you will need to open ports for the database server later.
8 In the Feature Selection window all features should be selected and the default directory
should be displayed. Click Next to accept all features and the default directory.
9 In the Instance Configuration window select Named instance and type DailyQA. The instance
ID will automatically change to DailyQA. Click Next.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 5 Software Setup

10 In the Server Configuration window change the Startup Type for the SQL Server Browser to
Automatic and then click Next.
11 In the Database Engine Configuration window select Mixed Mode (SQL Server authentication
and Windows authentication), then enter a password for the system administrator (sa)
account in the Enter password and Confirm password text boxes. Click Next.
• The password can also be used to login to the DailyQA software or the
DailyQADatabaseAdmin program as the ‘SA’ identity.
• You are responsible for keeping the password safe.
• If you lose the password you may lose administrative access to the software.
• The password requirements are shown below.
• Do not include the account name in the password.
• Use a minimum of eight characters and less than 128 characters.
• Use characters from three of the following four categories:
• Latin uppercase letters (A through Z).
• Latin lowercase letters (a through z)
• Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
• Non-alphanumeric characters such as exclamation point (!), dollar sign ($) number
sign (#), or percent (%).
12 SQL Express installs. When complete, click Close.
13 Close the SQL Server Installation Center.
Configure SQL

Note: If the Daily QA database and Daily QA 3 client software are installed on the same
computer (standalone install), it is not necessary to perform this procedure.

1 From the Windows menu open the SQL Server Configuration Manager. For SQL Express or
SQL Standard 2019, select Microsoft SQL Server 2019 -> SQL Server 2019 Configuration
2 In the tree on the left side, expand SQL Server Network Configuration then select Protocols
for DAILYQA. In the details screen on the right, double click on TCP/IP.
3 In the TCP/IP Properties window change Enabled to Yes, then click OK and OK again in the
Warning window.
4 Click SQL Server Services in the tree on the left side.
5 Right click on SQL Server (DAILYQA) and select Restart from the popup menu.
6 Close the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
7 Proceed to Open Ports in Windows Firewall
Open Ports in Windows Firewall

Note: If the Daily QA database and Daily QA 3 client software are installed on the same
computer (standalone install), it is not necessary to perform this procedure.

1 Right-click the Windows start button, select Run, enter wf.msc in the Open box then click OK.
2 In the left pane, right-click on Inbound Rules and select New Rule… from the popup menu.
3 In the New Inbound Rule Wizard select Program for the Rule Type, then click Next.
4 On Program, select This program path and click the Browse… button.
5 Browse to the file sqlservr.exe in the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\MSSQL15.DAILYQA\MSSQL\Binn and then click Open. Click Next.
6 In the Action window select Allow the connection, then click Next.
7 In the Profile window make sure that Domain, Private and Public are selected, then click Next.

Software Setup Page 6 P/N 1093011, Rev R

8 In the Name window type SQL Server for DailyQA in the Name box, then click Finish.
9 In the left pane, right click on Inbound Rules and select New Rule… from the popup menu.
10 In the New Inbound Rule Wizard select Program for the Rule Type, then click Next.
11 On Program, select This program path and click the Browse… button.
12 Browse to the file sqlbrowser.exe in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL
Server\90\Shared and click Open. Click Next.
13 In the Action window select Allow the connection, then click Next.
14 On the Profile window make sure that Domain, Private and Public are selected, then click
15 On the Name window type SQL Server Browser in the Name box, then click Finish.
16 Close the Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security window.

Install .NET Framework

Daily QA software v3.1 requires .NET Framework software version 4.6.2 or higher. Perform the
following steps to install .NET Framework.
1 Open an internet browser and navigate to
2 Select Download .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime.
3 Run the downloaded executable file. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the
software installation.

Upgrading to Daily QA 3 Software Version 3.1.0

Perform these instructions if you are upgrading Daily QA 3 software to version 3.1. Only data from
version 2.5.4 or later can be migrated to version 3.1. If your version of Daily QA software is prior
to version 2.5.4, please upgrade to version 2.5.4 first.
If this is a new software installation, see Daily QA 3 Software Installation on page 8.
Backup Firebird Database
1 Double-click the SNC DB Admin icon in the system tray. The ‘Daily QA 3 Database
Administration’ window opens.
2 Log in as ADMIN, using the password, photon, lowercase.
3 Click the Tools tab.

Figure 2-1. Backup Now Button on the Tools Panel

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 7 Software Setup

4 Click Backup Now. When the ‘Save Database Backup as’ dialog box opens, enter a
descriptive file name for the backup, then click Save. By default the manual backup is saved
to the same directory as the automatic backups.
Upgrade Daily QA 3 Database Administration Utility
5 Follow the instructions in Step 2. Install the Database Administration Utility on page 8.
Upgrade Daily QA 3 Client Software
6 Follow the instructions in Step 3. Install Daily QA 3 Client Software on page 9.
Migrate Firebird Database to SQL Database
7 Follow the instructions in Migrating Data From Firebird to SQL on page 46.

Daily QA 3 Software Installation

• Verify that the computer meets the system requirements. See Recommended System
Requirements on page 65.
• Verify that SQL software and .NET software have been installed. See Install SQL on page 5
and Install .NET Framework on page 7.
• Ensure that the Windows user has administrative rights. The Daily QA 3 software installation
will fail if the user that is currently logged in does not have write access to
Step 1. Download Files from Sun Nuclear Support Website
1 Download the Daily QA 3 v3.1.0 software and database administration utility installation files,
and device license from the Sun Nuclear Support website.
2 Open an internet browser and navigate to
3 Enter the email address associated with your Sun Nuclear account, enter your password, and
then click Login.
a. Select Products & Devices and then select a Daily QA 3 by serial number.
b. Select Software (Current Version). As of the release date on page ii of this guide, the
database software version is 3.1.0.
c. Select Daily QA 3 Software and Database Bundle and then download the DQA 3 Database
Setup Version 3.1.0 and Daily QA3 Setup Version 3.1.0 files.
d. Click View Software License and then click Download License File.
Step 2. Install the Database Administration Utility
The database administration utility for Daily QA 3 software version 3.1.0 is based on the SQL
relational database engine. If SQL is not already installed, see Install SQL on page 5. For
instructions to use the Daily QA Database Administration utility, see Database Administration on
page 45.
1 Copy the DQA 3 Database Setup Version 3.1.0 file that you downloaded from the Sun Nuclear
Support website to the computer that the database administrator will use to configure and
manage the Daily QA 3 database.
2 Run the DQA 3 Database Setup Version 3.1.0 file.
3 If the User Account Control dialog box prompts you to allow the program to make changes to
the computer, click Yes.
4 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
5 Open the Daily QA Database Administration utility. See Accessing the Daily QA Database
Administration Utility on page 45.

Add Users to the Database

See Adding a Database User on page 46.

Software Setup Page 8 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Install the Device License
See Adding a Device License on page 49.

Step 3. Install Daily QA 3 Client Software

1 Copy the Daily QA3 Setup Version 3.1.0 file to the computer that will be connected to the
Daily QA 3 device.
2 Run the Daily QA3 Setup Version 3.1.0 file.
3 If the User Account Control dialog box prompts you to allow the program to make changes to
the computer, click Yes.
4 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. When installation completes,
click Finish to exit.
5 If the default options were selected when installing the client software, the directory for the
DailyQA3 executable is C:\SNC\DailyQA3. A shortcut to the Daily QA 3 executable is placed
on the computer’s desktop.

Open Daily QA 3 Software and Connect to Database

1 Double-click the Daily QA 3 desktop icon or go to Start > Programs > SNC Group
> Daily QA 3 > Daily QA 3 to launch Daily QA 3 software.
2 If this is the first time the software has run on this computer, the Program Preferences dialog
box opens and prompts for the database location. Enter the SQL Server Host and Instance
name and then click OK.

Host Name
• If the database is not on the
same computer as Daily QA 3
client software, enter the
computer name or network IP
address and the SQL Server
instance name.

• If the database is on the same

computer as Daily QA 3 client
software, enter ‘.\DAILYQA’.

Figure 2-2. Entering Database Address in Host Name Box

3 The Login screen appears. Select the options appropriate for the login account that was up
in the Daily QA 3 Database Administration utility for the desired role (Physicist or Technician).
a. Select Windows Authentication (recommended) or SQL Authentication.
b. If you selected Windows Authentication, the login field is populated with the identify of
the user who is currently logged in to Windows. If you selected SQL Authentication, enter
the SQL user name.
c. If you selected SQL Authentication, enter the password for the selected user account.
d. Click Login.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 9 Software Setup

Figure 2-3. Example of Daily QA 3 Login Dialog Box

The software is ready to use when the database connection is established.

If a device is connected, a background measurement begins. If the device is connected and
not found when the software is launched, continue to the next step and then see Finding the
Port Manually on page 10.The status bar indicates the device condition:
• Waiting for beam—ready for measurement
• Acquiring Data—Red flashing while beam is on
• Stopped—measurement is complete
• Background x%

Note: If the Daily QA 3 windows are not sized correctly, change the computer’s DPI
setting to ‘Normal Size (96 DPI)’. See Troubleshooting on page 63.

Finding the Port Manually

The software scans all available ports and finds connected device automatically. However, if other
devices are connected, conflicting device assignments may occur and the port may need to be
assigned manually. In addition, if the user changes devices while the software is open, the
software will not automatically find the new device.Use the following steps to find the device if
1 From the Daily QA 3 menu, select Setup > Find Device.
2 In the Find Device dialog box, click Find Device to connect and then click Close.

Set Up Program Preferences

The Daily QA 3 Program Preferences allow you to customize default options, such as temperature
and pressure units, length of the startup background measurement, QA rooms to display on a
computer, and trend chart settings.
Click Setup > Program Preferences to set default options. For more details, see Program
Preferences on page 71.

Software Setup Page 10 P/N 1093011, Rev R


The Calibration menu contains five items ordered in a logical sequence that should be followed
when using Daily QA 3 software.
• Calibrate Temperature and Pressure—See Calibrate Temperature and Pressure—Daily QA 3
on page 11.
• Calibrate Absolute Dose—See Calibrate Absolute Dose on page 12.
• Calibrate Array—See Calibrate Array on page 14.
• Calibration Management—This function enables import and deletion of qualifying array
calibration files and can be performed as needed. For details, see Calibration Management
on page 20.
• Export DQA 3 Calibration (for Argus)—This function is used to export an array calibration as
a text file for Argus. See Export Daily QA 3 Calibration (for Argus) on page 21.
Calibrate Temperature and Pressure—Daily QA 3
Air density corrections derived from temperature and pressure sensors in the Daily QA 3 device
have a direct influence on output measurements, thereby influencing the Dose Calibration Factor
of the central axis chamber (CAX). When the Daily QA 3 software is upgraded to version 2.5 or
higher, the temperature and pressure sensors for each Daily QA 3 device must be calibrated using
your temperature and pressure standards as a reference. These reference standards should be
the same as those used for dosimetry calibration, thereby enabling a future intercomparison to
your dosimetry standard. Any new or replacement Daily QA 3 devices must also be calibrated for
temperature and pressure prior to calibrating the absolute dose response.
Avoid periodic temperature or pressure calibration unless there is a defined need with evidence
of a difference between your temperature and pressure reference standards. Needless calibration
repeated over time will cause scatter in the absolute output trend chart.
When the device is connected and powered on, the temperature and pressure measured by the
device are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window. The temperature and pressure
readings are used to calculate the Air Density Correction Factor (ADCF) that is part of the dose
Without a user calibration, the displayed values’ accuracy traceability is derived from the nominal
transducer sensitivity as stated by the manufacturer. The calibration application in the Daily QA 3
software enables the user to calibrate the displayed values of temperature and pressure to the
accuracy of the user’s standards.

Note: The sensors are very stable. If reference standards are not available, adjust the
‘Actual’ values to the displayed ‘Device’ values and select Apply.

For details about transducer calculations, see Calculations on page 93.

1 From the menu, select Calibration > Calibrate Temperature and Pressure.

Figure 2-4. Calibrating Temperature and Pressure

2 In the Calibrate Temperature and Pressure dialog box (Figure 2-4), enter the actual ambient
temperature, to tenths of a degree, obtained from a calibrated thermometer in treatment
3 Enter the actual pressure, to tenths of a unit, obtained from a calibrated pressure gauge in
treatment room and then click Apply.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 11 Software Setup

Calibrate Absolute Dose
This function converts the CAX ion chamber data from device response to dose. The air density
corrections are part of this calibration, therefore the calibration of Temperature and Pressure will
influence the CAX dose reference value.
The Absolute Dose Calibration results in an Absolute Dose Calibration Factor, or Dose Factor, for
short. The Dose Factor, labeled as ‘AB_DOSE_CF’, is applied globally to all template
measurements for a given device, hence the user will only perform the Calibrate Absolute Dose
function for a single energy per machine. This feature enables periodic stability comparison of the
Daily QA device to a primary dosimetry standard and template inter-comparisons with common
beam attributes.
The Absolute Dose Calibration factor, along with the Template Dose Correction reduce the need
for repeated template baseline establishment (formerly Calibrate QA Template) and maintain
continuity of the output trend plot when Daily QA device substitution occurs.
The Dose Factor is recorded in the database along with the device serial number, the pressure and
temperature at the time of calibration, the date, and user name. This record is accessible by all
templates and applied to all templates incorporating that specific device. The Dose Factor is also
recorded in each measurement record for traceability.
It is recommended to repeat the absolute dose calibration annually.

Note: The template dose correction provides the ability to keep the same baseline data.
See Baseline QA Template on page 29 for more information.

CAUTION: Annual dose calibration is recommended, but not required. Test your dose
calibration quarterly, or more frequently if the device is heavily used.

Calibration Setup, Dosimetry Standard

The setup geometry for dose calibration is defined by the user. Sun Nuclear suggests that the
geometry be the same as the standard machine (linac) dosimetry calibration. It is not necessary
to follow any template conventions used in daily QA, nor be a 20 cm x 20 cm field for that matter.
For example, a 6 MV beam with a 10 x 10 cm field and a solid phantom with a laboratory calibrated
ion chamber at a specified detector depth is very common for machine calibration and has the
added benefit of being a standard reference. This setup can then be duplicated to calibrate the
QA device by substituting the ion chamber with the QA device, keeping the QA device detector
at the same depth in the phantom and the same source-to-detector distance (SDD). It may be
considered necessary to adjust the source-to-surface distance (SSD) to the phantom if the buildup
of the QA device is not the same as the phantom material that was replaced.

Absolute Dose Calibration Procedure

1 Set up the Daily QA 3 using a known absolute dose value for a given MU, field size, depth,
and SSD.

Note: Water equivalency from the top of the Daily QA 3 device to point of measurement
is ~0.84 cm. The physical distance from the top of the Daily QA 3 device to the point
of measurement is 0.74 cm.

2 From the menu, select Calibration > Calibrate Absolute Dose. In the Available Devices
panel on the left side of the dialog box, the highlighted serial number is the device connected.
The device image on the right shows the correct orientation for the measurement (Figure 2-5).

Note: The Calibrate Absolute Dose function is only performed for a single energy per
device. The resultant Dose Factor is automatically applied to all other energies for that

3 Click Start and deliver the MU for the known dose.

Software Setup Page 12 P/N 1093011, Rev R

4 After the beam turns off, enter the dose delivered and click Apply.
5 The Daily QA software performs the calculation, including air density correction, and displays
the Current Dose Factor value (Figure 2-5).
Nominal Dose Factor Values for a 6 MV beam will be approximately 0.05, with implied units
of cGy/Net CAX value. If the indicated Dose Factor value is not between 0.04  0.06, repeat
the calibration. If still not acceptable, but it is repeatable, verify the calibration setup with a
known standard. If still not acceptable, contact Sun Nuclear Support for instructions.
6 In the Measurement Notes text box on the bottom right of the screen, specify details such as
phantom, ion chamber, electrometer, laboratory calibration factors, for example. The
measurement notes provide important reference documentation for calibration stability.
7 Click Accept Dose Factor to return to the Daily QA 3 main screen.

If a dose factor has been

previously applied, that
information appears here

Figure 2-5. Absolute Dose Calibration

8 After the beam turns off, enter the dose delivered and click Apply.
9 The Daily QA software performs the calculation, including air density correction, and displays
the Current Dose Factor value (Figure 2-5).
Nominal Dose Factor Values for a 6 MV beam will be approximately 0.05, with implied units
of cGy/Net CAX value. If the indicated Dose Factor value is not between 0.04  0.06, repeat
the calibration. If still not acceptable, but it is repeatable, verify the calibration setup with a
known standard. If still not acceptable, contact Sun Nuclear Support for instructions.
10 In the Measurement Notes text box on the bottom right of the screen, specify details such as
phantom, ion chamber, electrometer, laboratory calibration factors, for example. The
measurement notes provide important reference documentation for calibration stability.
11 Click Accept Dose Factor to return to the Daily QA 3 main screen.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 13 Software Setup

If a dose factor has been
previously applied, that
information appears here
Figure 2-6. Absolute Dose Calibration

Calibration Stability, Template Test

Sun Nuclear recommends that the calibration geometry be duplicated in a new template in the QA
scheme of the machine on which the dose calibration was performed. Name the template so that
the Dose Factor can be referenced and tested in the future. For example:
Dose Factor_<device_serial number>
Using this example, a template named Dose Factor_DQA3_5832705 would be associated with a
Daily QA 3 device with serial number 5832705. Future testing can also reference setup details
inherent to the template description, a self-documenting benefit.

Calibration Stability, Template Test

Sun Nuclear recommends that the calibration geometry be duplicated in a new template in the QA
scheme of the machine on which the dose calibration was performed. Name the template so that
the Dose Factor can be referenced and tested in the future. For example:
Dose Factor_<device_serial number>
Using this example, a template named Dose Factor_DQA3_5832705 would be associated with a
Daily QA 3 device with serial number 5832705. Future testing can also reference setup details
inherent to the template description, a self-documenting benefit.
Calibrate Array
Array calibration provides accurate relative results for measurement. Perform array calibration on
the Daily QA 3 device before acquiring measurements. The Calibration menu is only available to
users who are assigned Physicist privileges. For details, see Adding a Database User on page 46.
Relative sensitivity variations among the 25 detectors are normalized to array correction factors
such that when applied to the detector’s measurement value, the corrected value no longer
contains a unique sensitivity, that is, the corrected value is invariant to the detector’s intrinsic
sensitivity. When the baseline reference values are established for a Template, the array
corrections are applied and thus contained in long term trending of the QA parameters.

Note: Annual array calibration is recommended but not required. Test array calibrations
annually or more frequently if the device is heavily used.

Software Setup Page 14 P/N 1093011, Rev R

In general, do not use extra buildup for array calibration or for subsequent measurements. Extra
buildup should only be used when performing absolute dose calibration. This will result in less
scatter to electronics, longer device life, and less work for therapists.
The goal of daily quality assurance checks is to quickly determine reproducibility of the machine
as opposed to determining true parameter value. Since reproducibility is not greatly affected by
the absence of buildup, it is reasonable to use no buildup for all beams. This will reduce scatter,
improve the device’s life, and save trips into the treatment room.

Array Calibration Procedure

This procedure is for Daily QA 3 only. For PROFILER 2 and TomoDose, use the software specific
to the device to perform array calibration, and then import the resulting array calibration files into
Daily QA 3 software. See Create a QA Test Plan, Site, Room, Machine, Template on page 22.
If calibrating an array with an Elekta Beam Modulator™ linac limited to 16x21 cm field SAD, see
Elekta Beam Modulator Linac: Daily QA 3 Array Calibration on page 20.

1 For photons, adjust collimator jaws to 25 x 25; for electrons, install 25 X 25 cm cone.
2 From the menu, select Calibration > Calibrate Array…” The Calibrate Array dialog box
displays the Daily QA 3 as it should be oriented for the first array calibration measurement
and prompts for the energy and beam type.
3 Click on the magnifying glass in the top right to zoom in and change perspective (Figure 2-7).

3D View Flat View

Figure 2-7. Array Calibration Dialog Box Views

4 Enter energy and beam type (MV for photons, MeV for electrons) for the calibration and click
Begin. The Daily QA 3 image rotates to the initial position and the ‘Initial Setup’ dialog box
displays (Figure 2-8).

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 15 Software Setup

Instructions for each
step of the array
procedure appear in
this area

Figure 2-8. Initial Setup

5 Set up Daily QA 3 device:

• Set field size to 25 X 25 cm. This is permitted for calibration.
• Set SSD to 100 cm, to surface of the Daily QA 3.
• Place Daily QA 3 device so beam is centered on CAX and “L” ion chamber is toward the
• Click Next. The Daily QA 3 software status bar updates to Waiting for Beam.

CAUTION: Never expose the electronics section of the device to direct beam. This can
damage the device and void the warranty.

Step A
6 For Step A, deliver 200 MU of radiation to device. Acquiring Beam flashes in the status bar on
the Daily QA 3 software.

Figure 2-9. Array Calibration, Step A

7 When the beam turns off, the status indicates Waiting for Beam even though the
measurement is complete. Click Next. Instructions for Step B appear.

Note: An array calibration step can be repeated at any time before clicking Finish. Click
Back to return to a previous step and repeat the delivery. Click ReDo to repeat the
current step. Click Next to continue to the next step or skip a previously performed step.

Software Setup Page 16 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Step B
8 Rotate the Daily QA 3 90 degrees clockwise on treatment table as indicated in the Step B
dialog box.

Figure 2-10. Array Calibration—Step B

9 Deliver 200 MU of radiation to device.

10 When the beam turns off, click Next. Instructions for Step C appear.

Step C
11 Shift the Daily QA 3 on treatment table so cross hairs are centered over eTR detector. Blue
dotted lines aid in aligning cross hairs.

Figure 2-11. Array Calibration, Step C

12 Deliver 200 MU of radiation to the device.

13 Click Next when the beam turns off. Instructions for Step D appear.

Step D
14 Shift Daily QA 3 on treatment table so that longitudinal cross hair is aligned with “CAL STEP”
line just to the right of CAX. Center transverse cross hair on L-R axis.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 17 Software Setup

Figure 2-12. Array Calibration, Step D

15 Deliver 200 MU of radiation to the device.

16 Click Next when the beam turns off. Instructions for Step E appear.

Step E
17 Shift Daily QA 3 on treatment table so that detector R2 is centered on cross hairs.

Figure 2-13. Array Calibration, Step E

18 Deliver 200 MU of radiation to device.

19 When the beam turns off, click Finish. The calibration factors for all detectors are displayed.

Figure 2-14. Array Calibration, Example of Calibration Factors

Software Setup Page 18 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Checking and Saving Array Calibration
1 To accept the data, enter a name for the calibration in the Calibration Name text box and then
click Accept to save. When Accept is clicked, the button dims.
Best practice: Enter a descriptive name that identifies machine, energy, and version, if
repeating an array calibration. Example: Room 4_6MV_b. If appropriate, enter any notes
about the calibration in the Notes box.
2 To exit without saving the data, click Close.If Close is selected without accepting the
calibration, a warning message prompts you to verify non-acceptance before closing.
3 If desired, click Print to open a Print Preview window from which you can print the calibration
factors or save as a PDF file.

Note: Any completed and saved calibrations may be selected from a drop-down menu
in the Template setup dialog box. See Set Up the Scheme Tree, Physicist Role on
page 23.

Table 2-1. Example, 6 MV Array Calibration Factors, Non-RoHS and RoHS Detectors
PN 1093300 or 1093300: Non-RoHS Detectors, 6 MV PN 1093300Z or 1093300Z: RoHS Detectors, 6 MV
Chamber Value Diode Value Chamber Value Diode Value
CAX 1.1124 T1 0.4297 CAX 1.0555 T1 0.4433
T 1.0381 T2 0.4181 T 1.0500 T2 0.4476
R 1.0360 T3 0.4028 R 1.0550 T3 0.4921
B 1.0415 R1 0.4097 B 1.0492 R1 0.4478
L 1.0407 R2 0.3881 L 1.0256 R2 0.4573
X_TL 1.0209 R3 0.3731 X_TL 0.9841 R3 0.4677
X_TR 1.0250 B1 0.3948 X_TR 0.9804 B1 0.4642
X_BR 0.9983 B2 0.4060 X_BR 0.9942 B2 0.4446
X_BL 1.0000 B3 0.3948 X_BL 1.0000 B3 0.4498
E_TL 0.6153 L1 0.4131 E_TL 0.5760 L1 0.4524
E_TR 0.6862 L2 0.4014 E_TR 0.6016 L2 0.4776
E_BR 0.6204 L3 0.3859 E_BR 0.6341 L3 0.4406
E_BL 0.5786 E_BL 0.5429

Table 2-2. Example, 6 MeV Array Calibration Factors

PN 1093300Z or 1093300Z, 6 MeV
Chamber Value Diode Value
CAX 1.0767 T1 0.4436
T 1.0106 T2 0.4385
R 1.0245 T3 0.4391
B 1.0241 R1 0.4416
L 1.0116 R2 0.4370
X_TL 1.0017 R3 0.4461
X_TR 1.0106 B1 0.4459
X_BR 1.0524 B2 0.4309
X_BL 1.0000 B3 0.4383
E_TL 6.9729 L1 0.4405
E_TR 0.6230 L2 0.4411
E_BR 10.2898 L3 0.4366
E_BL 0.5823

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 19 Software Setup

Note: Calibration factors are expected to have reasonable similarity to values in the
examples above. Detector groups have specific applications which result in a different
construction, but detectors within a group will have nominally the same relative
calibration factor, with variations due to detector and amplifier sensitivity differences.
The primary ionization chambers for output, flatness, symmetry, and X-Energy (CAX 
X_BL) will be clustered around unity; the electron energy chambers (E_TL  E_BL) will
be clustered around 4/10 unity. Significant departures from these nominal values of
more than 25 to 30% should not be accepted and the calibration process repeated.

Elekta Beam Modulator Linac: Daily QA 3 Array Calibration

In order to achieve a field size of 25 x 25 cm with the Elekta Beam Modulator linac, which has a
maximum field size of 16 x 21 cm, modify the procedure as follows:
1 Adjust collimator jaw size to 16 x 16 cm (symmetric).
2 Increase SSD to 156 cm.
3 Perform the array calibration as stated in Array Calibration Procedure on page 15.
To verify that the calibration results are reasonable, compare them to the factory calibration file
that is supplied with the Daily QA 3. In most applications, an array calibration from another linac
at 100 cm will be applicable to an Elekta Beam Modulator.
Calibration Management
Since Daily QA 3 software supports several different types of devices with many different serial
numbers, the software tracks all the various calibration files that may be used.
When performing a calibration on a Daily QA 3 device, the results are automatically added to the
Daily QA 3 database. However, for PROFILER 2 and TomoDose the calibration files must be
imported since they are created with the device’s native software. Once imported, these
calibration files are also added to the database.

Importing Calibration Files

1 Connect the device to the computer running the Daily QA 3 software and log in as a physicist.
2 From the menu, select Calibration > Calibration Management.

Green unlocked symbols

indicate files that are not
attached to measurements
and can be removed
Orange locked symbols
indicate files that are
attached to measurements.
These files cannot be
Figure 2-15. Calibration Management Dialog Box

3 In the ‘Calibration Management’ dialog box (Figure 2-15), scroll up or down the list to find the
device and serial number. Calibration numbers are shown beneath each model number and
serial number. Model and serial numbers without any files listed below have no calibration
files stored in the database.
4 To add a new file for Daily QA 3, perform an array calibration for the device.
5 To add a new file for PROFILER 2 or TomoDose, click the Import button on the ‘Calibration
Management’ dialog box. The ‘Import Array Calibration’ dialog box (Figure 2-16) opens.

Software Setup Page 20 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Figure 2-16. Import Array Calibration Dialog

6 Click Select File.

Note: Daily QA 3 software v3.0 and higher allow import of version 7 array calibration
files from the current release of PROFILER Software (v3.4.3) and import of version 5
array calibration files from earlier releases of PROFILER software.
7 In the selection dialog box, navigate to the desired array calibration file and then click OK. The
file name and path appears in the ‘Import Array Calibration’ dialog box.
8 Enter a descriptive calibration name for easy identification.
9 Select the device type.
10 Click Import to save calibration file to the database and make it available for QA template use.

Note: Daily QA 3 contains an embedded “Factory Calibration” that may be used in most
beam measurements. The calibration was performed at 6 MV on a Varian 2100C.

Deleting Calibration Files

Calibration status is shown by the locked or unlocked icon next to the calibration file name.
• The orange locked file symbol indicates files that are attached to measurements in the
database. These files cannot be deleted.
• The green unlocked file symbol indicates files that are not attached to measurements and
consequently can be deleted.
To delete calibration files:
1 Log in to the Daily QA 3 software as a physicist and select Calibration > Calibration
2 In the ‘Calibration Management’ dialog box, select file to remove and click Delete.
3 When prompted, confirm that the selected calibration file can be deleted.
4 Click Close to exit the ‘Calibration Management’ dialog box.
Export Daily QA 3 Calibration (for Argus)
Perform this function as needed to export an array calibration as a text file that Argus expects.
1 In the Daily QA 3 software, click Calibration > Export DQA3 Calibration (for Argus).
2 In the ‘Export Calibration’ dialog box, select calibration file to export and then click Export.
3 In the ‘Save As’ dialog box, navigate to the location in which to save the file, accept default
name or enter a descriptive name, and click Save.
4 Close the ‘Export Calibration’ dialog box.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 21 Software Setup

Create a QA Test Plan, Site, Room, Machine, Template


Note: Screens in this section show Daily QA 3 only; other device screens have a slightly
different appearance.

The QA test plan is a Scheme Tree that contains all the test and schedule details. As viewed in QA
Mode, the Scheme Tree lists the sites, rooms, machines, and tests. It is linked to a calendar so
that recurring tests appear on the days scheduled. Once the device is connected and setup for
the test in the Scheme Tree, then as each test is completed, measurement data is stored in the
database and the software advances to the next test. Test results are reviewed in the Trend Mode.
QA Mode View
Switch between:
QA Mode—create and execute a test plan
Scheme Calendar Trend Mode—display trends over time in test plan data

Machine Device
Template Setup

Data Panel



Figure 2-17. QA View - Daily QA 3

• Scheme tree—The Scheme Tree is an indented list of rooms, machines, and templates (tests)
scheduled for the selected date. Selecting any day on the calendar displays the scheme for
that day. Template tests are indented under each machine. To expand or collapse the list, click
the plus or minus boxes.
• Calendar—When the application is started, the calendar displays the current date. Select
another day or month using the single arrows, and double arrows for year. Scheduled tests
are color-coded: red = daily, blue =monthly, and green = annually.
• Setup—The panels describes the Machine and Device setup for the selected test.
• Results—The Results panel shows a summary of test results for the measurement
parameters, their baseline values, the difference, and the limit.
• Decision—After a test, decision buttons allow the operator to Record, Re-do, or Cancel a test
measurement, as described in Measurement Result Options on page 77.
• Data—The data panel shows the measurements of the ion chambers. After pressing Start,
the boxes show the accumulated dose for each detector.

Software Setup Page 22 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Set Up the Scheme Tree, Physicist Role
To set up, view, or change the Scheme Tree, select Setup > Scheme Tree. The Scheme Tree
shows the following levels:
• Site—the site of the facility. A single facility may have one or more sites.
• Machine—a single machine located within a room.
• Test—a single repetitive test for a specific machine at a defined energy.
Tests can be set up on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis. However, the tests scheduled for
a given day are only visible when that day is selected on the calendar. In addition, each computer,
normally at the control station, can be set to show only the tests to be performed on a single

Note: Daily QA 3 software uses a relational database for recording data and its related
site, machine, device, template, and user information. Once in the database, data
cannot be deleted. However, obsolete information on site, machine, device, template,
and user can be hidden from view when labeled Inactive. See Active and Inactive on
page 74.

Set up a Site
1 Open the Test Setup dialog box by clicking Setup > Scheme Tree… (Figure 2-18).

Figure 2-18. Selecting Setup > Scheme Tree… on the Menu

2 Click New, enter all relevant information for the site. The Setup Overview panel is empty until
the information is saved.
3 Click Save. The site appears on the Scheme Tree. Rooms can now be set up for the site. See
Add Room on page 23.


Figure 2-19. Site Created

Add Room
1 To add a room select Setup > Scheme Tree… from the menu.
The name appears in the list below the room box and also on the Scheme Tree. Rooms are
saved to the database when the +Add button is pressed.
2 Select the site in the Setup Overview list.
3 In the Institution Information panel on the right, enter a name for the room in the Room Name
text box. When entering text, +Add turns green.

Note: The Scheme Tree in the QA Mode does not contain the institution name. If there
are multiple institutions in the database, add an abbreviation of the institution in the
Room name in order to visually verify to the tester that the correct institution is selected.

Example: Room name is 2100C; Institution is Sun3. You might name the room

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 23 Software Setup

4 Click +Add. The name appears in the Existing Rooms list, the Setup Overview tree, and also
in the QA Mode Scheme Tree.

Figure 2-20. Setting up Rooms

To edit the “Tree Label” in the Room Information, select the Room in the tree, then select Edit
in the box on the right.
Add Machine
This brief procedure automatically sets up test templates for machine QA measurements. Linac
machine types are selected from a drop-down list, along with a selection of available
measurement devices and the beam energies that will be tested. Following automatic template
definition, they can be customized to suit user needs.
1 To add a machine, select Setup > Scheme Tree… from the Daily QA 3 menu.
2 In the Setup Overview column, select the room to which the machine will be added. The
Room Information panel displays, with drop-down lists for Machine Type, Machine Model,
QA Device, and Device Calibration.
3 In the ‘Room Information’ panel, select the machine type and model from the drop-down lists.
This will cause all the available energies for that model machine to show in the box below.
If the manufacturer and model is not listed, type the name of the manufacturer and model
directly into the text boxes and enter the energies directly.
4 Using the drop-down list, select the serial number of the device that will be used for machine
QA. If no device has ever been connected, no devices will be available in the list.
Note about device serial number and array calibration: In reference to a new device in the
database, the database must have device information in order to be available in the
drop-down list. This is automatically read when the device is first connected to the Daily QA 3
software and then stored in the database. The device also carries an internal array calibration
(Factory) which is also saved in the database. If you have performed an array calibration on a
device, that calibration is saved in the database and made available in the drop-down list.
5 Select the array calibration file to use with the device. For Daily QA 3 devices manufactured
or serviced after June 2007, the factory calibration file may be used to obtain reasonable
results. Only one array calibration can be selected. Later, in the QA Mode, the test templates
selected in the next step may be edited to apply different array calibrations as needed.

6 Select energies to be tested. A test template is produced for each selected energy.

Note: For accurate determination of change in electron energy, templates for all
electron energies must be created prior to data collection. All electron energies do not
need to be scheduled in the calendar, but must have templates created.

Software Setup Page 24 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Figure 2-21. Setting up Machines and Selecting Tests

7 Click +Add to save changes in database.

The tests for this room now appear on the Scheme Tree in the dialog box.
Adding and Deleting Templates
Templates are added after machine creation and can only be deleted if no measurements have
been stored.

Add Templates
1 In the ‘Scheme Tree Setup’ dialog box, select the machine to which the template will be
2 In the Machine Information panel, enter the energy value in the Add Template to Machine
group box, and select the energy type. For example: 6 MeV, where 6 is the energy and MeV
is the energy type.
3 Select a QA device and calibration file from the drop-down lists, then click +Add to add it to
the Scheme Tree.
4 In the Setup Overview, select the added template. The Template Information panel opens;
click Edit to edit the Template Name and other information.

Delete Templates
Templates can only be deleted prior to use.
Templates that have measurement records in the database cannot be deleted; however, they can
be hidden by setting the status to inactive. See Active and Inactive on page 74.
1 To delete a template, select Setup > Scheme Tree… from the Daily QA 3 menu.
2 Right-click a template in the Scheme Tree and select Delete from the context menu.
3 When prompted to confirm deletion, click Yes.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 25 Software Setup

Configure Test Template, Continuation from Add Templates
Test templates are added after a machine is created. Each test requires a specific measurement
template defining test setup. Many different templates can exist for a single machine, such as
open fields for 6 MV, 18 MV, 6 MeV. 6 FFF; as well as any field with beam modifiers, such as fixed
and dynamic wedge, wedge direction (Y IN or Y OUT), orientation, for example.
When selecting a test for a measurement, the template setup displays on the screen.
1 From the menu, select Setup > Scheme Tree.
2 In the Setup Overview panel on the left, highlight the test to display the template, which is
pre-populated based on the typical settings for machine and energy.

Figure 2-22. Template Information for Selected Test

Note: For a description of the fields in the test template, see Template Field Descriptions
on page 27.

3 To create a new test template, click New. To change the template configuration, click Edit.
4 Enter or select all relevant information for the measurement, including the calibration file. For
more information about template fields, see Template Field Descriptions on page 27.

Note: If a wedge is defined in the template settings, Failure and Warning levels for
X-Energy, flatness, field size and field shift analysis are not configurable.

5 In the Test Schedule group box, define the schedule:

• Click the Daily/Weekly, Monthly or Annual button to select the frequency.
• Select the schedule. Selections will vary depending upon frequency selected.
• Select starting date.
6 Click Save.

Software Setup Page 26 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Template Field Descriptions
The Template Information dialog box records the configuration for a specific measurement and
relates it to a single machine. During a measurement, template information displays in the Setup
panel so the operator can duplicate measurement setups.

Item Description
Template name The name of the template displayed in the template list and Scheme Tree.
Device Select device type, which populates Calibration drop-down field for that device type.
Calibration Select an array calibration file that is appropriate for beam type and energy from the
drop-down list. Selections vary depending upon selected device.
This cal file can be edited at a later date if the device array requires re-calibration.
For PROFILER 2 and TomoDose, existing calibration files must be imported. See
Create a QA Test Plan, Site, Room, Machine, Template on page 22.
Active In the top, left corner of the Template Information panel, select the check box to
enable measurement with this template. Clear the check box disable and hide this
template. See Active and Inactive on page 74.
Buildup cm Enter the thickness of buildup material if required.
The QA measurements should always use the same buildup in order to achieve
reproducible results. If desired, label buildup with a number and letter to identify
thickness and piece. For example, label a 1 cm sheet as 1a and enter 1a as a
thickness. No buildup should be used with electrons.
Excessive buildup coupled with high energy exposures may produce scattered
radiation that will damage the electronic circuits in the end of the device. This could
void the warranty.
Buildup type Select type of buildup material from the drop-down list: None, Acrylic, Polystyrene,
or Water (acrylic is also called PMMA, Perspex, Lucite, or Polymethyl Methacrylate).
If using a water-equivalent plastic, select water as the type.
B,C,T along Specify orientation of a line extending through bottom (B), center (C) and top (T) as
related to linac axes. Choices are Axial (BCT parallel to axis of gantry rotation) and
Transverse (BCT perpendicular to axis of gantry rotation).
If the device is mounted in the tray, then a collimator rotation will affect this
reference. The device program will use the specified axis to report results.
Therefore, saved limit results for symmetry will be a function of this parameter.
Figure 2-23. Template Information Dialog Box, Edit Mode

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 27 Software Setup

Item Description
T towards Only applies to BCT along Axial axis. If detector axis is “Axial,” then “T” (top) can be
oriented in the direction of the electron “Gun” or the “Target” of the linac. If the
device detector axis is on the “Transverse,” then “T” can be oriented to the “Left” or
“Right” of the gantry, from the gantry’s eye view. If the gantry is rotated with the
device in the tray, then Left and Right rotate with the gantry. Again, device results
will depend upon the stated orientation. Symmetry is expressed as a ±% value. It is
Right with respect to Left, or Target with respect to Gun. A -1% value would mean
the Right (or Target) side of the beam is 1% lower than the Left (or Gun) side of the
beam. Therefore, symmetry will be a function of this parameter.
Surface at Enter distance in cm. This is the source to surface distance (SSD) from beam source
to top of the device. Any value can be entered, but normally with the device on the
table, SSD will be 100 cm. If mounted in the tray, then the SSD value can be
determined and entered.
Isocenter at Enter distance in cm.
Template Notes Enter instructions or notes to be read by personnel acquiring the measurement.
These notes will appear in the setup screen before the measurement.
Collimator X and Y Enter primary collimator jaw settings as they will appear on the gantry display.
Beam type Select a beam type:
• Electron, measured in MeV
• Photon or Flattening Filter Free (FFF), measured in MV
Photon beams include X-ray machines such as linacs or gamma radiation such as a
cobalt machine.
Energy Enter nominal energy setting for the beam. Units are automatically selected for
Photon (MV) or Electron (MeV) beams.
Rate Enter dose delivery rate to be programmed into the linac.
Dose Enter monitor units planned for delivery.
Tray Mount Check this box if the unit is to be placed in the gantry tray accessory.
Gantry Angle Enter gantry angle for the exposure. Devices mounted in the tray will allow any
gantry angle to be tested. In the tray, the detector axis and symmetry orientation is
independent of gantry angle.
Collimator Angle Enter the collimator angle setting.
• devices mounted on the table will have their symmetry orientation results
independent of collimator angle because the results are defined in the gantry
reference frame. Axial and Transverse, Left and Right, do not change with
collimator angle.
• devices mounted in the tray will have their symmetry orientation results
dependent upon the collimator angle. The physicist will need to figure this into the
statements in “B, C, T along.”
Wedge Select Dynamic, Static, or Virtual, depending on the type of wedge used; otherwise
select None.
• Virtual and dynamic wedges refer to those formed by the machine; a static wedge
is a fixed metal wedge.
• If this is checked, then a wedge angle should be entered in the Deg text box.
Deg Enter wedge angle in degrees if used; otherwise leave blank.
Beam Off Delay Specify a number of seconds for the device to delay measurement off before
delivery is completed.
Baseline Options Select mode for the baseline values to be used during measurements (see Baseline
Options on page 29 for more information about baseline options):
• Relative (default mode)—with this option, AxSym, TrSym, Field Size, and Field
Shift are the measured baseline values.
• Absolute—with this option, the AxSym and TrSym baselines are 0%, the Field
Shift baselines are 0, and Field Size baseline values are those defined in the
Limits Select or clear check boxes for parameter test: Pass, Warning, Fail. Parameters
selected will appear in the measurement ‘Results’ panel.
For each parameter, define a warning level and a failure level for measurement
results as compared to the baseline value, the units of the comparison are indicated
(warning levels for existing templates will be blank by default).
For FFF beams, the Field Size parameter reports absolute field size detected at the
detector plane (diode plane) in both X and Y directions (XSize and YSize), given that
the field size at the detector plane is not significantly different from 20 cm and the
device central axis (CAX) is not shifted by too large of a distance from the beam axis.
Test Schedule Set up testing schedule for template:
• Daily/Weekly—select days of the week, number of weeks before test is repeated,
and beginning date.
• Monthly—set a monthly schedule and a beginning date.
• Annual—set schedule for tests that are run annually and a beginning date.
Figure 2-23. Template Information Dialog Box, Edit Mode (Continued)

Software Setup Page 28 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Item Description
Measurement Buttons • New—start a new template.
• Edit—edit the data for the highlighted template.
• Save —save new or edited templates.
• Cancel—cancel a change in progress.
• Close—close dialog box.
Figure 2-23. Template Information Dialog Box, Edit Mode (Continued)

Baseline Options
Consider the following when selecting the baseline options for a template.
• Absolute mode evaluates results for axial symmetry, transverse symmetry, field size and field
shift against a field with perfect symmetry and size.
• Relative mode evaluates results against the measured baseline. If you are only interested in
deviations from the baseline, use relative mode.
During baseline measurement, if a beam has an axial symmetry of -0.6%, and a daily QA
measurement a week later has an axial symmetry of -0.5%, then in absolute mode, it will
show an axsym of -0.5%, but in relative mode it will show an axsym of +0.1%.

Baseline QA Template

Before using a QA test template, it must be baselined with a QA measurement. Normally, this will
be done after setting up all Scheme Tree templates. The baseline is established from the
measurement of an accepted set of beam parameters that result from the QA field measurement.
All trend parameters are compared with the baseline data set until a new baseline is established.
Each time the QA template is baselined, subsequent data is compared to the new baseline data,
while all previous data is compared to the previous baseline.

Note: Repeated baselines in a trend chart tend to compromise the purpose of trending.
The concept of Absolute Dose Calibration and Template Dose Correction provides the
ability to keep the same baseline data until the end of life of the linac or significant
change in the linac. Without linac changes, keeping the same baseline provides a
historical perspective of performance that is easy to review.

Template Baseline Procedure

1 Perform the steps in Preparing for QA Measurements on page 31.
2 From the Daily QA 3 software menu, select Setup > Baseline QA Template.
3 In the upper left corner, click Start and deliver the specified monitor units.
When calibrating an electron energy QA template with a Daily QA 3 device, the ‘Apply to
Electron Energy Reference Data’ option appears in the on screen instructions, and the
checkbox is selected by default. If the box is checked, the measurement is assigned to the
electron energy calibration table. Template calibrations must be created for all e-Energies to
have a valid e-Energy measurement. For more information about e-Energy, click the Info icon
in the Results panel at the bottom of the screen or see e-Energy Parameter on page 101.

CAUTION: To have valid e-Energy measurements on Daily QA 3, templates must be

calibrated for all e-Energies.

4 When the beam turns off, enter baseline dose and delivered dose.
The baseline dose corresponds to the value that will represent your desired output baseline.
For example, after an output measurement the Daily QA 3 software will subtract the baseline
dose from the output measurement to calculate the percent difference. Suppose your output
measurement is 102 and you entered 100 for your baseline dose; your percent difference for
that output measurement would be 2%.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 29 Software Setup

The delivered dose on the other hand allows you to compensate for situations when you
know the output of your machine is different from your desired baseline dose. For instance,
if you want your baseline dose to be 100 (1.00 cGy/MU), but you know the current output of
your machine is 2% hot (1.02 cGy/MU), enter 102 as your delivered dose. These two factors
allow you to separate the value used as a baseline from the actual process of taking a baseline

Icons for
templates have a
green check

Enter baseline panel
dose and
delivered dose

Figure 2-24. QA Template Baseline Instructions, Example

5 Click Show Results.

Review measurement results. All of measured parameters should be an accurate indication
of the beam delivered, assuming array and absolute dose calibrations are accurate for the
device. If the parameter values are not suitable, exit and review the calibration selected for
the device and re-calibrate if necessary.
If no adjustment is needed, enter comments in the Measurement Notes text box if desired
and then click Record. The template is ready for use.
6 Select Return to QA.

Software Setup Page 30 P/N 1093011, Rev R

3 QA Measurement
Overview of QA Measurements

The medical physicist sets up a test plan to ensure all linacs are operating within standard
parameters. The test plan is displayed as a ‘Scheme Tree’ that contains all the information about
machines to be tested as well as the testing schedule.
In daily use, a technician follows the test template setup guide. Following each beam delivery, the
software calculates QA parameters, displays them on screen, and stores results in the database
for future retrieval. As the technician continues testing other beams, the software automatically
steps through all the required tests in the Scheme Tree. For each measurement, the data is
automatically collected and stored in the database. If a test result exceeds a limit, the user is
notified and can re-test or save before continuing.
Following data collection, each test can be reviewed at any time using trend chart tabular data with
point selection, and printed reports from any computer on the network that has the Daily QA 3
client software installed (Figure 3-1).

Figure 3-1. Evaluating the Results with a Trend Graph

Preparing for QA Measurements

Power On—Temperature Stability

To maintain a stable temperature, the device should remain powered on at all times, connected to
power via the PDI 24 hours per day. Store the device in the treatment room, but not in a location
where a primary beam may occur.
If the Daily QA 3 is powered off, power it on and allow it to warm up for 10 minutes before using.

CAUTION: After charging an rf-Daily QA 3, allow electronics to cool down at least 15

minutes before making measurements.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 31 QA Measurement

Start the Software
1 Double-click the Daily QA 3 icon on the desktop or select Start > Programs > SNC Group
> Daily QA 3 > Daily QA 3.
2 On the Daily QA 3 login screen, select a username from the list, type the password, and click
Login. The software locates the connected device and then begins a background reading.
The progress bar shows the status of the background reading.
The list of users is populated using the Daily QA 3 Database Administrator function. For
information about adding users, see Add Users to the Database on page 8.
3 Select the first machine or template to be tested. The first measurement can now be made.
Manual Background
If the device is connected and Daily QA 3 software program is open more than one hour between
measurements, Sun Nuclear recommends taking a manual background reading before collecting
a measurement. An automatic background reading is only made when the software is launched.
1 On the Daily QA 3 toolbar, click the Background box. A drop-down box appears (Figure 3-2).

Figure 3-2. Manual Background

2 Enter the number of seconds for the background reading. Minimum is 30 seconds.
3 Click Start to begin the background measurement. The Status box displays ‘Background %’
(Figure 3-2).

CAUTION: Ensure that the Background status on the toolbar displays “Yes” before acquiring
a measurement.

4 Click the Background box again to close it.

QA Measurement

Screen illustrations, orientation illustrations, and detector layouts in this section show Daily QA 3
only. When connected to other devices, screens have a slightly different appearance.
1 Select the template from the appropriate machine (linac icon) to begin testing.
a. Position device as described in Daily QA 3 software under Daily QA 3 Setup. Examples
of items to adjust: location (table or tray), SSD, detector axis, for example. (Figure 3-3).

Note: If leveling uncertainty over the 20 cm array at 100 cm SDD is greater than 2.5 mm,
more than 0.5% dose discrepancies may occur at array edge due to beam divergence
(1/r2 correction). This can be corrected by attaching the leveling feet to the device and
properly leveling before measurement.

b. Observe any special instructions displayed in Template Notes in the Daily QA 3 Setup
instructions. To see the details of the Daily QA 3 Setup, click the drop-down handle at the
top of the illustration.
c. Ensure the Background text box on toolbar displays Yes. If not, manually measure
background. See Manual Background on page 32.
2 For an rf-Daily QA 3, ensure:
• Power switch is ON.

QA Measurement Page 32 P/N 1093011, Rev R

• Power/data cable is connected to the base station, the base station is on a table or shelf
out of the direct beam, and the non-connector end of the base station points toward the

CAUTION: Never place the base station in the direct beam. Direct radiation will damage the
base station and void the factory warranty.

3 Configure delivery parameters on treatment machine to match values under ‘Machine Setup’
on the right side of the screen below the illustration.

Click to show or
hide Daily QA 3
Setup information
Linac icon

Machine Setup

Label reflects the type of

baseline: Relative or

Figure 3-3. Machine Setup Instructions

4 On the Daily QA 3 software toolbar, click Start and deliver the prescribed dose.
When the beam turns off, the results display in the ‘Results’ panel at the bottom of the screen.
Results are color-coded:
• Any value which exceeds the Fail limit defined in the template is highlighted in red.
• Any value that falls between the defined warning level and the failure level is highlighted
in yellow.
• If all values pass, the Results heading is highlighted in green.
• If there is no template within 4 MeV inclusive of the template being delivered, the
Information icon to the left of the e-Energy heading will be colored red. Click the icon for
detailed information about d-Energy measurements.
• Comments about the test may be entered by typing them directly into the ‘Measurement
Notes’ text box in the bottom right corner of the Results panel.
5 Review results. If a dose warning or failure occurs, one of the following will likely be the
• Setup error—Check setup, field size, MU set, beam type, for example and re-test.
• Linac drift—Check linac calibration with another dose measurement device.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 33 QA Measurement

• Measurement device drift—Check measurement device Absolute Dose Calibration using
suggested Template in Dose Calibration.
• Use of different measurement device—Another device of same type (Daily QA 3,
PROFILER 2, for example) can be substituted in a template, but the Template Dose
Correction must be established for the new device in order to keep the trend contiguous.
See Switching or Sharing a Device on page 35.

Note: If the device is connected, and Daily QA 3 client software is left on for greater
than 1 hour between measurements, Sun Nuclear recommends that a manual
background reading be taken before collecting a measurement. An automatic
background reading is only taken when the software is launched. To take a manual
background reading, click the Background box on the toolbar, enter the number of
seconds for the background reading, and then click Start. When complete, click the
background box to close it.

6 To adjust the output value, if, for example you accidentally entered the incorrect dose when
baselining a QA template, click Template Dose Correction to apply a correction factor to the
measurement. The ‘Template Dose Correction’ dialog box opens. Enter the desired dose in
the Target Dose text box and click Apply.
The default Template Dose Correction is based on baseline results and is specific to the
template to which it is applied. When a Template Dose Correction is entered and applied, the
value is entered into the template record and multiplied by the CAX dose immediately. Hence
the CAX dose will now reflect the new Template Dose Correction factor. This value will be
used on all future measurements in the specific template until a new Template Dose
Correction factor is entered.

Figure 3-4. Template Dose Correction Dialog Box

The table below lists expected ranges for template dose correction factors assuming
consistent setup conditions and MU delivery. These are presented as a guideline only; the
physicist must ensure the correction factor is appropriate.

Energy Type Energy Expected Correction Factor

Photon 6 MV 0.96 to 1.04
Assuming dose 16 MV 1.07 to 1.16
calibration performed 18 MV 1.12 to 1.23
with 6 MV
Electron 6 MeV 0.98 to 1.07
Assuming dose 9 MeV 1.10 to 1.20
calibration performed 12 MeV 1.08 to 1.18
with 6 MV
16 MeV 1.02 to 1.12
20 MeV 1.01 to 1.10

7 Click Record, Re-Do, or Cancel for the measurement. See also Measurement Result Options
on page 77.

QA Measurement Page 34 P/N 1093011, Rev R

When Record is selected, the software automatically advances to the next test template for
the machine and initiates data collection. Continue delivering the prescribed dose for each
test and record results until all tests for the day are completed.

Switching or Sharing a Device

On occasion, it may be necessary to remove a device from daily measurements and replace it with
another device, or to share a device with another linac until service is complete. In order to
maintain trend continuity and not re-baseline, you can edit the device serial number in the test
Switching a device is only allowed for the same device type, for example, Daily QA 3 for a different
Daily QA 3; PROFILER 2 for a different PROFILER 2. Switching a Daily QA 3 for a PROFILER 2, for
example, is not supported.
To change the serial number of the device without a new baseline for the template:
1 Connect the device to the computer running the Daily QA 3 application and launch the
application. If the device is new to the database, a ‘No Dose’ message box appears with
instructions to ‘Calibrate Absolute Dose.’
2 For best trend continuity, perform array calibration on the Daily QA 3 or import a calibration
file for PROFILER 2 or TomoDose. This is only required if an array calibration is not available.
See Calibrate Array on page 14.

Note: Daily QA 2 is no longer supported.

3 Click Setup > Scheme Tree, select the template to edit and click Edit to open the ‘Template
Information’ panel.
4 In the Device drop-down list, select the serial number of the device to use.
5 In the Calibration drop-down box, select the array calibration data set for the new device
serial number.
6 Save the template. The template is now ready for measurements. Theoretically, the second
device’s data can be included in the original database because calibration makes the results
invariant to an device. For example, the array calibration makes the measured profiles
invariant to the device and the dose correction. A comment can be added to the
measurement ‘Notes’ field to record the change in the database and record when it occurred.
7 Perform a measurement on the edited template with the new device. Perform the steps in
QA Measurement on page 32, starting with Step 4, but Do Not Record yet.
8 Compare the Results column data with the Baseline column data. All the parameters should
be within limits except perhaps the Dose value. Review the trend chart for the template.
Zoom in to the most recent few measurements to see recent trend comparison.
If array calibrations are valid for the devices that are switched, the parameter charts should
be nearly contiguous (± 0.5% to ±1%) with the possible exception of the Dose chart which
will be corrected in the sub-steps below.
a. If no adjustment is needed, click Record. The test template is ready for use with the
substituted device.
b. If the Dose needs adjustment, select Template Dose Correction. The ‘Template Dose
Correction’ dialog box opens. Enter the new Target Dose in the text box and click Apply.
The Dose Results update on the Measurements panel.
c. Document the device exchange and the date in the Measurement Notes text box.

Post Measurement Recommendations

• To assure optimum measurement stability, the QA device should stay connected to power at
all times and stored in a location that is not exposed to primary beam during clinical

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 35 QA Measurement

treatment. If this is not possible, store the device in a bunker closet and allow 10 minutes
after connecting power before acquiring measurement.
• Close the software when measurements are complete: Select File > Exit from the menu or
click the X in the upper right corner.
If this is not possible, and if the device remains powered and connected, a manual
background reading should be taken at the beginning of each day that the system is used. An
automatic background is only taken when the software is launched.

QA Measurement Page 36 P/N 1093011, Rev R

4 Trending and Reporting
Using the Trend Graph

The trend graph displays results of a series of measurements for a given machine and template.
For a detailed description of the Trend view, see Trend View on page 78.
1 On the Daily QA 3 toolbar, click Trend and then select a machine and template from the
Scheme Tree.
2 Click any data point to select a measurement. A vertical graph cursor (Figure 4-1) appears
through the selected point on the graph and the parameter values for that data point appear
in the ‘Results’ panel below the graph.
• If multiple measurements are taken on the same day, use the arrow keys on the keyboard
to easily navigate to the next or previous measurement in the trend chart.
• To filter inactive items from the trend chart, select the array above the scheme tree and
then select the Filter Inactive Items checkbox. For information on marking items as active
or inactive, see Active and Inactive on page 74.
• Vertical lines in the trend chart provide a visual indicator of pending measurement
results: a red line indicates one or more of the parameters fall outside the established
warning limit. A yellow line indicates one or more of the parameters exceed the defined
warning level but none exceed the failure level. A green line indicates that the results
passed. A blue line indicates when a baseline measurement was taken.
• In the ‘Results’ panel, values that fall outside the established warning limit will be
highlighted in red. Values that fall between the defined warning level and the failure level
will be highlighted in yellow. Results that pass are not highlighted in the table of values,
although the Results title is highlighted in green.


Graph cursor—use
keyboard arrow
keys to navigate to
the next or previous

Vertical lines in the trend chart

provide a visual indicator of
pending measurement results:
• Red = one or more failed
• Yellow = one or more values
fall between the Warning and
Failure limits
• Green = all results passed
• No line = results have been

Figure 4-1. Use Cursor to Select Data Point

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 37 Trending and Reporting

Viewing Values for Individual Data Points
Hold the mouse cursor over a data point on the trend graph to see the values of the data points.
The value displays in a pop-up (Figure 4-2).


Figure 4-2. Displaying the Value of Individual Data Points

Shifting the Graph

If a point falls outside of the visible part of the graph, drag the graph off-center to view the point.
1 Right-click anywhere in the graph and drag in the desired direction. The center graph moves
to the new location (Figure 4-3).

Right-click any point

in the graph area and
drag left, right, up or
down to shift the center
of the graph

Figure 4-3. Shifting the Graph

2 To go farther, release mouse button, reposition cursor, and drag again.

3 To return to original view, left-click and drag mouse to the left.
Zooming In and Out
Points measured over a short period of time appear as discrete points on the graph. However, as
more data is added, the points will appear closer together making it difficult to see individual
measurements, and measurements taken the same day will appear as a single group. By zooming,
individual measurements can be viewed and examined in more detail.
1 On the graph, slightly to the left of the area to enlarge, click and hold the left mouse button
and drag to the right (Figure 4-4).
2 Release the mouse button and the graph scale will enlarge to show the region selected
(Figure 4-4).

Trending and Reporting Page 38 P/N 1093011, Rev R

defines the
area to be


Figure 4-4. Zooming in to Examine Details

3 Repeat the zoom as necessary to further resolve points. To restore to normal size, click and
drag cursor to upper or lower left.

Trend Options

By default, trend options are not displayed. To view, click the drop-down handle just above the

Show or hide
trend options

Figure 4-5. Trend Options View

Display Parameters
For the selected test, specific parameters can be displayed. Changes are retained when the
software is closed, for the selected test only.
A change in the Show Limit parameter is not retained when the software is closed.
Date Range
The default date range is the last 60 calendar days, not measurement days. A change to All,
Selected calendar month, or Custom range is retained between templates. The range is not
retained when the software is closed.
Show Rejected or Unrecorded Options
Select or deselect check boxes o customize the data displayed. Settings are retained when
another template is selected, but are not retained when the software is closed. If both boxes are
unchecked, all measurements are shown.
• Show Rejected—display measurements that were reviewed and rejected by the physicist.
• Show Unrecorded—shows measurements canceled or rejected by the therapist. Program
Preferences must be configured to “Save Unrecorded Measurements” for this option. See
Program Preferences, General Tab on page 71.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 39 Trending and Reporting

Save Unrecorded

Figure 4-6. Program Preferences: General Tab, Save Unrecorded Measurements

Trend Mode
Select the Trend Mode to display:
• As Measured—default mode; trend data will be a representation of baseline data as it was
taken. The data can be a mix of relative and absolute measurements on the same template.
For example, if the user took measurements with a relative baseline and then switched the
template to absolute baseline, data that was taken in relative mode will still be displayed as
relative and data that was taken as absolute will display as absolute. The Accept / Reject
options is only available in this mode. The mode, Relative or Absolute, displays below the
Baseline heading in the Results panel.
• Absolute—All relevant data for the selected template will be displayed in absolute mode, that
is, with percent differences calculated versus the absolute baseline.
• Relative—All relevant data for the selected template will be displayed in relative mode, that
is, with percent differences calculated versus the relative baseline.

Select option

Figure 4-7. Trend Mode

Printing Reports

Reports can be printed for single test or multiple tests.

1 From the Daily QA 3 menu, select File > Reports…
2 At the top of the ‘Reports’ dialog box, select the type of report: All Energies for Day, Multiple
Day QA, Output Report, or Array Calibration. If you select Calibration, see Array Calibration
Report on page 42.

Trending and Reporting Page 40 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Select Select
type of records


Figure 4-8. Report Form Dialog Box

3 To select individual templates, click the check box beside the template. To select all
templates for a machine, click the check box by the machine.
4 Select a date or date range by highlighting the date or dates in the calendars. The date range
is retained until the software is closed.
Tip: Use the arrow keys at the top of the calendars to scroll to another month and year. Click
the year and use the adjacent up and down buttons.

5 Select records to include in report: Active records, All records, or Inactive Only.
6 Click Print. Values shown in boxes are outside the limit set for the parameter. The report
opens in the Print Preview screen (Figure 4-9).

Figure 4-9. Multiple Day QA Report Example

7 Use the buttons on the Print Preview toolbar to:

• Print—Send the data to the printer.
• Print to PDF—Save the report as a PDF.
• Scroll through report pages—arrow keys.
• Close—Close print preview screen without printing.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 41 Trending and Reporting

Array Calibration Report
1 In the Reports dialog box, select Array Calibration as the report type.
2 Select the desired array calibration from the list. The report will include the device type and
serial number.


Figure 4-10. Example of Array Calibration Report Selection

3 Select Print. The Print Preview dialog box opens.

4 Click Print To PDF to save the report in PDF format. The Save As dialog box opens.
5 Choose the location where the file will be saved and then click Save.

Trending and Reporting Page 42 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Figure 4-11. Example of Daily QA 3 Array Calibration Report

Exporting Data
Selected raw data can be exported to a text (.txt) file and then opened using a spreadsheet
application such as Microsoft Excel to analyze the data.
Starting with Daily QA 3 software v3.1, the machine associated with the template must have a
valid ‘unencryption’ license. Templates that are not associated with a machine that has a valid
‘unencryption’ license will have a black icon next to them in the Export Data dialog box. For more
information about licensing, see Adding a Device License on page 49.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 43 Trending and Reporting

1 From the menu, select File > Export Data….

Dark icon
template not
with machine Highlighted
that is rows are
licensed for selected for
unencrypted export
Linac icon
Orange icon template
with machine
that is
licensed for

Figure 4-12. Export Data Dialog Box, with Data Selected for Export

2 In the ‘Export Data’ dialog box, select the template for export from the Select Templates list.
3 Select a Begin Date and End Date using calendars.
4 Click Get Data. The data appears in the table below the calendars.
5 Highlight the data to export by dragging the cursor down the list (Figure 4-12).
6 Click Save To File.
7 In the ‘Save As’ dialog box, enter a name and select a location for the file, then click OK.
Tip: To copy selected records to Windows clipboard, right-click on records and select Copy.
Copied records can then be pasted into a spreadsheet program or a text editing program.
8 Open the saved file in a spreadsheet or text editor (Figure 4-13).

Figure 4-13. Example of Exported File Imported into Spreadsheet Program

Note: For additional information and field definitions, see Database Export Values on
page 110.

Trending and Reporting Page 44 P/N 1093011, Rev R

5 Database Administration

Daily QA 3 software has two components: a database and application software (client). Both
components can be installed on the same computer, or if desired, the database can be installed
on a separate computer or server within the same network. For instructions to connect to a
database, see Accessing the Daily QA Database Administration Utility.
Starting with Daily QA 3 software version 3.1, the Daily QA database is stored in an SQL database.
MSSQL Express or MSSQL Standard (version 2016 or higher) is required. Sun Nuclear
recommends installing Microsoft® SQL Server Express 2016 or higher using the instructions in
Install SQL on page 5. If the facility already has SQL Standard installed on the network, an instance
of SQL Standard can be used for the Daily QA 3 database. If the user has an Enterprise cluster of
SQL Servers, an instance can be created on the selected SQL Server within the cluster.

Accessing the Daily QA Database Administration Utility

1 Do one of the following to access the Daily QA Database Administration Utility:

• Select Start > All Programs > SNC Group > Daily QA Database Admin.
• Navigate to C:\SNC\DailyQADatabaseAdmin\DailyQADatabaseAdmin.exe
The Connect to Database Server dialog box opens.

Figure 5-1. Example of Connect to Database Server Dialog Box

2 Select the server name, authentication type, user name, and password.
• Server name—Name of SQL Server and instance selected during installation of the Daily
QA database administration utility.The default server name is.\DailyQA.
• Authentication—Options are SQL Authentication or Windows Authentication.
• Login—If you selected Windows Authentication, the login field is populated with the
identify of the use who is currently logged in to Windows and a password is not required.
If you selected SQL Authentication, enter the SQL user name (typically ‘SA’).

Note: The SQL user should be an SQL database administrator. The user who was logged
in to SQL when installing SQL Express is a database administrator by default.

• Password—Password for selected SQL user.

3 Click Connect.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 45 Database Administration

Migrating Data From Firebird to SQL

Note: Only data from Daily QA version 2.5.4 or later can be migrated to version 3.1.

1 Log in to the Daily QA Database Administration utility. See Accessing the Daily QA Database
Administration Utility on page 45.
2 In the Database tab, select the database where the Firebird data will be migrated. If you
prefer, you can create a new database for this purpose. See Creating a New Database on
page 53.

Note: Select a new, empty database and ensure that the database schema is up-to-date.
A database that contains data cannot be used to import Firebird data.

Figure 5-2. Example of Database Tab

3 If the Firebird instance is on the local machine, select localhost as the Firebird Host Name.
Otherwise, select the IP address or machine name of the computer where the Firebird
instance is located.
4 Ensure that the Firebird Database is SNCData.
5 Click Migrate Data from Firebird.
6 The message ‘Migrate data from Firebird database ‘SNCdata’? appears. Click Yes.
7 The migration status is displayed in the Status and Progress % fields. When complete, the
message ‘Firebird database migrated.’ appears. Click OK.

Adding a Database User

Before using the Daily QA 3 software, users must be added to the Daily QA 3 database. By
defining a unique user name for each person using Daily QA 3 software, it is possible to identify
users who perform calibrations, measurements, review or accept data, for example. When a user
takes some action, the software records the user name in the database.
Users using SQL authentication are required to enter a password. User using Windows
authentication are not required to enter a password as the identity of the currently logged in
Windows user is used to log in.

Database Administration Page 46 P/N 1093011, Rev R

There are two “roles” for database users:
• Physicist—A physicist is any individual, either physicists or therapists, who are permitted to
change test plans and accept results. At least one physicist role must be designated in order
to set up a test plan.
• Technician—A technician is typically anyone who acquires measurements on a daily basis but
does not change test plans or review the test results.
Each user name must be unique. A user role must be assigned: Physicist or Technician. Physicists
have full access to the software; technicians cannot access the setup or calibration menus. At
least one physicist role is required to set up a test plan.

Note: It is not necessary to add the user who is currently logged in to the Daily QA 3
Database Administration utility. As a prerequisite, the logged in user must be an SQL
database administrator and SQL database administrators already have full access to the
Daily QA 3 software as a Physicist.

Perform this procedure on the computer where the Daily QA 3 database software is installed.
1 Log in to the Daily QA Database Administration utility. See Accessing the Daily QA Database
Administration Utility on page 45.
2 Select the Users tab.

Figure 5-3. Example of Users Tab

3 Click Add. The Add/Edit User dialog box is displayed.

Figure 5-4. Example of Add/Edit User Dialog Box

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 47 Database Administration

4 Select the authentication type: Windows Authentication (recommended) or SQL
• If you select SQL Authentication, create a new SQL user by assigning a username and
• If the user already has an account to log on to this SQL server (usually because they
have access to another database on this server), then select User already has a login
to this SQL Server checkbox.
• If the SQL database administrator has already set up user accounts with access to
the Daily QA 3 database, select the User already has access to this Database
• If you select Windows Authentication, the user name that is used to log in to the Daily
QA Database Administration utility must match the name of the user that is logged into
the Windows operating system.
• The Windows login can be set up for an individual user or a group. If the facility uses
Active Directory you can search for a user or group by name. Select Search to display
the Select User or Group dialog box, select the location, enter a user name or group
name in the object name box, and then click Check Names. If the username exists
in the selected location, it will be displayed in the object name box.
• For more search options, click Advanced. The advanced search options allow you to
choose a different computer or domain and browse the user accounts in the
selected computer or domain.
• If you select a Windows user or group that already has a login to this SQL Server,
select the User already has a login to this SQL Server checkbox.
• If you select a Windows user or group that already has access to the Daily QA data-
base, select the User already has access to this Database checkbox.
5 The Password and Confirm password fields are only required if you selected an SQL user who
does not already have an account to log in to this SQL server.
6 Enter the full name of this user account.
7 Select the user role (Physicist or Technician).
8 Click OK.

Editing a Database User

1 Log in to the Daily QA Database Administration utility. See Accessing the Daily QA Database
Administration Utility on page 45.
2 Select the Users tab.
3 Click Edit. The Add/Edit User dialog box is displayed.

Figure 5-5. Example of Add/Edit User Dialog Box

Database Administration Page 48 P/N 1093011, Rev R

4 For users with SQL authentication: If you want to change the password, enter a new
password and confirm the password.
5 If you want to change the user’s role, select a different role.
6 Click OK.

Adding a Device License

1 Log in to the Daily QA Database Administration utility. See Accessing the Daily QA Database
Administration Utility on page 45.
2 Select the Devices tab.

Figure 5-6. Example of Devices Tab

3 Click Download Licenses. The Download License dialog box is displayed


Figure 5-7. Example of Download License Dialog Box

4 Click Open Website to open a browser and view the Sun Nuclear Support website.
5 Log in to the Sun Nuclear Support website using the email address associated with your Sun
Nuclear account and the password.
6 On the left side of the page, select Products & Devices.
7 Select the Daily QA 3 product by serial number.
8 Click View Software License.
9 Click Download License File.
10 Save the license file to the location shown in the Download License dialog box.
If the Program Data folder is not visible, click the View tab on File Explorer’s ribbon and click
the Hidden items checkbox in the Show/hide section.
11 Close the Download License dialog box.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 49 Database Administration

12 Click Install Licenses. The installer finds the licenses in the specified directory, installs them,
and then begins database verification. The status of the database verification is shown in the
Database tab (Status and Progress% fields).
13 When the database verification is complete, the Devices tab shows the license status (Valid
in the License column, license expiration date, and Unencrypted Data license expiration date).

Figure 5-8. Example of Valid Licenses

Backing Up the Database

Database backup can be performed manually or automatically.

Manual Backup
1 Log in to the Daily QA Database Administration utility. See Accessing the Daily QA Database
Administration Utility on page 45.
2 Select the Backup tab and then select Backup Now. The Backup Database dialog box opens.

Figure 5-9. Example of Backup Database Dialog Box

3 In the Backup Database dialog box, ensure that the database backup location is correct.
• If the Daily QA Database Administration utility is located on the same computer as the
SQL database, the Backup To path will be a path on the local hard drive. Otherwise, the
Backup To path will be a path on the computer where the SQL database resides.
• To select a different path for the database backup files, click Browse then navigate to the
desired location.
4 Click the right side of the Backup To path and type a name for this database backup. In the
example below, the name of the backup file is Test999.bak.

Database Administration Page 50 P/N 1093011, Rev R


Figure 5-10. Example of Backup Database Dialog Box

5 Click Start Backup and then click Yes to confirm the backup. The message ‘Database backup
complete’ appears and the Status field displays ‘Finished’.
6 Click Cancel to close the Backup Database dialog box.
7 If the message “The backup configuration has changed. Would you like to save it now?”,
appears, click Yes.
Automatic Backup
Daily QA 3 performs the following types of automatic backup.
• Daily backup—Occurs daily, Monday through Saturday, at the selected time. The daily backup
is overwritten after one week. For example, the daily backup on Monday is overwritten with
the daily backup that occurs on the following Monday.
• Weekly backup—Occurs every Sunday. The weekly backup is overwritten after one month.
For example, a weekly backup on the first Sunday of the month is overwritten with the weekly
backup that occurs on the first Sunday of the next month.
• Monthly backup—Occurs on the first day of each month. The monthly backup is overwritten
after one year. For example, a monthly backup that occurs on January 1, 2020 is overwritten
with the monthly backup that occurs on January 1, 2021.

Setting up Automatic Backup

1 Log in to the Daily QA Database Administration utility. See Accessing the Daily QA Database
Administration Utility on page 45.
2 Select the Backup Tab.



Figure 5-11. Example of Backup Tab

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 51 Database Administration

3 Configure the Backup Task options. These options use the Windows Task Scheduler.
a. Select (check) the Enable Automatic Task Backup tab.
b. The Task User Account is the identity that runs the task.
• If you want the task to run under a user account, click Change, choose the account,
and then click OK.
• If you want to run the task under the Windows system account, click Change, click
Advanced, click Find Now, choose System, and then click OK. A message will
display if elevated privileges are required for the selected user.
c. In the Backup At field, select the time of day when backup will run.
d. In the Backup To field, select the location where the backup will be stored.
If the Daily QA Database Administration utility is located on the same computer as the
SQL database, the Backup To path will be a path on the local hard drive. Otherwise, the
Backup To path will be a path on the computer where the SQL database resides.
To select a different path for the database backup files, click Browse then navigate to the
desired location.
4 The Database options determine how the task authenticates against the database.
a. Choose the authentication type: SQL Authentication or Windows Authentication.
b. If you choose SQL Authentication, enter the SQL login (typically SA), enter the password,
and then confirm the password.
c. If you choose Windows Authentication, the task will authenticate to the database using
the account selected in the Task User Account field. In this case, the selected user must
have database administration privileges. Note that a Windows account that was
previously used to install SQL Express will already have database administration
5 Click Save Backup Settings and then enter the password of the account under which the Daily
QA 3 Database Administration utility is running.
6 Close the DailyQA Database Administration dialog box. If the message “The backup
configuration has changed. Would you like to save it now?”, appears, click Yes.

Restoring the Database from a Backup

1 Log in to the Daily QA Database Administration utility. See Accessing the Daily QA Database
Administration Utility on page 45.
2 In the Database tab, select Restore. The Restore Database dialog box opens.

Figure 5-12. Example of Restore Database Dialog Box

3 Click Browse and then select the database backup that you want to restore.
4 Click Start Restore.
5 When prompted to confirm that you want to restore the current database from the backup,
click Yes.

Database Administration Page 52 P/N 1093011, Rev R

6 When prompted to confirm that you want to overwrite the existing database with the backup,
click Yes. The backup status is displayed.
7 Click Cancel to close the Restore Database dialog box.
8 If the message “The backup configuration has changed. Would you like to save it now?”,
appears, click Yes.

Updating the Database Schema

If you recently upgraded Daily QA 3 software, the database schema may have changed. If so, a
message displays when you log in to Daily QA 3 software or when you log in to the Daily QA
Database Administration utility.
1 Log in to the Daily QA Database Administration utility. See Accessing the Daily QA Database
Administration Utility on page 45.
2 If the schema for the database selected in the Daily QA Database Administration dialog box
is out of date, the following warning appears.

Figure 5-13. Database Schema Not Up to Date Message

3 Click OK to return to the DailyQA Database Administration dialog box and then click Update
Database Schema.
4 The message ‘Update schema in database ‘<selected database>’ appears. Click Yes to
continue the upgrade or click No or Cancel to exit.
The Status and Progress % fields show the status of the database schema update.

Creating a New Database

1 Log in to the Daily QA Database Administration utility. See Accessing the Daily QA Database
Administration Utility on page 45.
2 In the Database tab, click the down arrow next to Database and then select New Database.

Figure 5-14. Select New Database from Database List

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 53 Database Administration

3 Click Create Database.

Figure 5-15. Select Create Database

4 Enter the name of the new database and then click OK.

Figure 5-16. Prompt for Database Name

5 The message ‘Database created.’ appears. Click OK.

Database Administration Page 54 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Database Tab

Tab Description
Server name The server that hosts the Daily QA 3 database. The default is .\DailyQA.
Database Select the Daily QA database. This list shows all databases within the selected SQL Express
or SQL Standard installation.
Logon Log in to the selected database
Schema version Schema version of selected database. See Updating the Database Schema on page 53.
Restore Restore a database from backup. The default location is C:\ProgramData\Sun
Nuclear\SNCDosimetry. See Restoring the Database from a Backup on page 52.
Create Create a new, empty database. See Creating a New Database on page 53.
Update Update the schema of the selected database. See Updating the Database Schema on
Database page 53.
Schema button
Migrate Data: Host name for Firebird database. If the Firebird database is installed on the same computer
Firebird Host as the DailyQA Database Administration utility, enter localhost. Otherwise, enter the IP
Name address or the name of the computer that hosts the Firebird database.
Migrate Data: Name of the Firebird database. See Migrating Data From Firebird to SQL on page 46.
Migrate Data Click to migrate data from the designated Firebird database to the selected new, empty SQL
from Firebird database. See Migrating Data From Firebird to SQL on page 46.
Status Status of the create database, update database schema, or restore database process.
Progress % Progress of the create database, update database schema, or restore database process.
Stop button Stop the create database, update database schema, or restore database process.
Backup Opens a window to select the name of the backup database and the location where it will
be saved. See Backing Up the Database on page 50.
Figure 5-17. Daily QA 3 Database Configuration Dialog Box

Devices Tab

A valid license is required for each device used with Daily QA software. The license is required to
acquire measurements using a connected device. The Devices tab lists all devices that have ever
been connected to the Daily QA database and show the status of each device license. ‘Valid’
indicates a current, valid license. Unlicensed devices cannot be used to collect measurements or
perform array calibration.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 55 Database Administration

Devices that were previously licensed can be used to collect measurements, even after the
license has expired. Trending can also be performed on both existing and new data after the
device license has expired.
Starting with Daily QA 3 software version 3.1, a device-specific decryption access feature has
been added to licensing.
• A license can have decrypted access to the Daily QA database enabled, and the decrypted
access can expire independently from the maintenance contract.
• When the decryption access or maintenance contract expires, the device can still be used to
collect measurements.
• While the decrypted access is valid, all existing measurements for the licensed device are
available in decrypted format. When access for the decrypted format expires, any new
measurements taken will not be available decrypted, but the previously decrypted
measurements will remain available.
• Decrypted access also enables export of measurement data to a comma-separated values
text file from the Daily QA application. When the decrypted access feature expires, exporting
of measurement data is also disabled.
• Each device license contains software version information. Future versions of Daily QA
software will require an updated license to operate.
• All licensed Daily QA v3.1 users will have a grace period of Database Decryption Access
through September 1, 2021.

Tab Description
ID License identification.
Model Model of connected device.
Serial Serial number of connected device.
License Status of device license.
Expire License expiration date.
Version The minimum software version associated with the device license.
Unencrypted The date when the Unencrypted Data license expires.
Figure 5-18. Example of Devices Tab

Database Services

The Daily QA database instance runs three services: SQL Server (Daily QA), SQL Server Agent
(Daily QA), and SQL Server CEIP Service (Daily QA). To verify that these services are running,
open the ‘Services’ window. Depending on the setup of the computer, this window may be
displayed by clicking Windows Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Services or

Database Administration Page 56 P/N 1093011, Rev R

from the Control Panel by selecting Administrative Tools > Services. Verify the three services,
SQL Server (Daily QA), SQL Server Agent (Daily QA), and SQL Server CEIP Service (Daily QA)
are shown and have a status of Started.

Note: For solutions to some common database connection problems, see Database
Connection Troubleshooting on page 64.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 57 Database Administration

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Database Administration Page 58 P/N 1093011, Rev R

6 Support and Maintenance
Maintaining Hardware

Minimizing Radiation Damage

Although detectors are designed to be exposed directly to the beam, the electronic processing
circuits can be damaged by direct exposure to ionizing radiation. The electronic circuits are
located in the raised end of the device behind the line that is labeled “KEEP DIRECT BEAM ABOVE
THIS LINE”. To minimize damage to electronics:
• Do not leave the device on the couch during the delivery system warm up.
• Do not store the device in the treatment room.
• Do not expose the device electronics to the direct beam. Keep the beam above the line
• Avoid frequent use of thick buildup that may cause scattered radiation that will damage the
Periodically inspect the device housing, cables, connectors, and all ancillary parts for damage. If
damage is visible, if any mechanical or electrical degradation is suspected, or if errors are
suspected, discontinue use and contact Sun Nuclear Support. See Contacting Sun Nuclear
Support on page 64.
The Daily QA 3 and the parts provided with the Daily QA 3 cannot be repaired by the user. If there
are problems with any of the devices, contact Sun Nuclear Support. See Contacting Sun Nuclear
Support on page 64.
Clean the Daily QA 3 by vacuuming or wiping with a dry cloth. If necessary, external surfaces can
be cleaned with a damp cloth, moistened with water and mild cleaning solution. Do not use any
solvents or abrasive cleaners. Do not immerse the Daily QA 3 in any liquid. Do not allow any liquid
to flow onto the surface of the instrument or any associated parts or accessories, or into any
cavity.Clean the devices with a soft dry cloth. Do not use liquid cleaners, solvents, or abrasives.
Store the device in an indoor, protected environment where it will not be irradiated by the direct
beam and where scattered radiation will be kept at a minimum. When shipping the device, the
storage case should always be packed in a secondary shipping container designed for fragile
Disposing and Recycling
The Daily QA 3 contains electrical components. In some countries the disposal of electrical
components is subject to special requirements. When the components are no longer functional
or are otherwise ready to be discarded, recycle or dispose of them according to local waste
management or recycling regulations.

CAUTION: This device contains optichromic radiation dosimeters in the electronics area. To
maintain warranty, direct irradiation of the electronics must be avoided. The dosimeters will
be read if this device is returned for service. An indication of direct irradiation to the
electronics will VOID the warranty.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 59 Support and Maintenance

Maintaining Software and Firmware

The standard maintenance period for Daily QA 3 software is one year from date of purchase. The
maintenance covers standard fixes as well as software upgrades available during the maintenance
period. At the end of the standard maintenance period, an Extended Maintenance may be
purchased. Contact a sales representative for additional details.
The latest software version can be downloaded from the Sun Nuclear Support website. Check the
website for upgrades that become available to add features, improve operation, or correct issues.
Upgrading to the Latest Software
The latest software can be downloaded from the Sun Nuclear Support website. For instructions
to access the support website, see Support Website on page 64.
If upgrading an existing Daily QA 3 installation, this procedure will upgrade the database and the
client software. Perform this procedure on the computer where the database is installed as well
as all computers where the Daily QA 3 client software is installed.
1 Back up the database prior to upgrading.
2 Download latest version of Daily QA 3 client software from Downloads page on Sun Nuclear
Support web page. See Support Website on page 64.
3 When prompted to run or save the file, select Save. Make a note of the file name and location
to which you saved the file.
4 When download is complete, navigate to location of saved file and double-click the .exe file
to proceed.
5 Follow onscreen instructions to complete the upgrade.
Removing the Software
Data tables are not removed when the Daily QA Database Administration application is removed.
If needed, database tables can be removed manually using Microsoft SQL Server Management
If a newer version of the Daily QA database requires a newer schema, the Daily QA Database
Administration program can be used to update the schema. See Updating the Database Schema
on page 53.
Remove the Daily QA Database Administration tool using these instructions. Note that the steps
may vary depending upon the Windows Operating System used.
1 Select Start > Control Panel and then select Programs and Features.
2 In the list of installed programs, right-click Daily QA 3 Database and select
3 Follow the onscreen instructions to uninstall the database.

Remove the Daily QA 3 client software using these instructions.

1 Select Start > Control Panel and then select Programs and Features.
2 In the list of installed programs, click Daily QA 3 and then click Uninstall/Change.
3 Follow the onscreen instructions to uninstall the client software.
4 Repeat the removal procedure on any other client computers, as needed.
Verifying Software Version

Daily QA 3 Client Software

1 Launch the Daily QA 3 client application.
2 Click Help > About. The ‘About Daily QA’ dialog box displays the following information:
• Software version.
• Database schema version.
• License.
• Connected device.

Support and Maintenance Page 60 P/N 1093011, Rev R

• Firmware version of connected device.
• Serial number of connected device.
• Board revision of connected device.
• Copyright and patents.
• Manufacturer name, address, and contact information.
• Sun Nuclear Support contact information.
• European authorized representative.
• Regulatory information.

Figure 6-1. Example of Daily QA ‘About’ Dialog Box

Daily QA Database Administration Tool

1 Open the Daily QA Database Administration tool. See Accessing the Daily QA Database
Administration Utility on page 45.
2 Click Help > About. The About Daily QA Database Administration dialog box displays the
following information:
• Database Administration version.
• Copyright and patent information.
• Manufacturer name, address, and contact information.
• Sun Nuclear Support contact information.
• European authorized representative.
• Regulatory information.
• Acknowledgments tab - third party software.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 61 Support and Maintenance

Figure 6-2. Example of Daily QA Database Administration ‘About’ Dialog Box

Updating Firmware Files

The Daily QA 3 device includes firmware which is installed in device’s flash memory. This firmware
is separate from the Daily QA 3 application ‘software’ installed on the computer. During operation,
firmware in the device is executed by the on-board microprocessor to control the device and
communicate with the Daily QA 3 application program on the computer.

Installing Firmware Updates

Note: The Daily QA 3 firmware cannot be upgraded if the device is connected


Firmware files are installed in the Daily QA 3 program directory (C:\SNC\DailyQA3\Firmware) when
the software is installed. If the Daily QA 3 software detects a Daily QA 3 device, it checks the
device firmware against the firmware files installed in the program directory. If the device firmware
is older, you will be prompted to update the firmware.
Firmware upgrades can also be downloaded from the Sun Nuclear Support web site. For
instructions, see Support Website on page 64.
1 Verify that the firmware version to be installed is more recent than the firmware installed in
the device. See Verifying Software Version on page 60.
2 Connect device to be upgraded to a client computer on which the Daily QA 3 software is
3 In the Daily QA 3 software, select Setup > Program Preferences and then click the Devices
4 Click Update Firmware. The firmware installer opens. Instructions on the screen are specific
to the connected device, for example, Daily QA 3 or TomoDose.

Support and Maintenance Page 62 P/N 1093011, Rev R

5 Read the on-screen instructions and follow them exactly.

CAUTION: Failure to follow the instructions exactly can result in an unusable device.

Multiple Installations

Two or More Sun Nuclear Devices

Only one copy of the Daily QA 3 Windows software needs to be installed in a computer or server,
regardless of the number of compatible Sun Nuclear devices being used with that computer.
When connecting to a Sun Nuclear device, the Sun Nuclear software identifies the type and serial
number of the connected device and stores data by the unique serial number for each Sun Nuclear
device. During measurement, the setup template includes the serial number, which is validated
against the SNC QA database device connected to the PC.

Two or More Databases

If the facility has two or more networks, the Daily QA 3 database software can be installed on each
one. However, data cannot be compared between the two database installations. Data stored on
unlinked servers is separate.


Daily QA 3 Troubleshooting

Indication Probable Cause Remedy

Software does not recognize Not properly connected Check USB cable connection to PDI and PC.
device to USB port.
Wrong operating system. Must be Windows 10.
USB drivers not set up Reinstall client software. The correct USB drivers
correctly. are installed with software.
Data appears incorrect Wrong calibration file. Use correct calibration file.
Improperly calibrated. Recalibrate.
No background Manually collect background and repeat
collected. measurement. See Manual Background on
page 32.
Conditions changed
since background taken.
A QA measurement reports Possible cause: • First, rule out a setup error, such as a slight shift
0.00 cm field size • Setup error. or wrong SSD or linac energy.
• Electron field size • If correcting setup doesn’t resolve the issue,
calculation for Daily acquiring an array calibration for the specific
QA 3 is sensitive to energy may result in a more accurate field size
array calibration, so since electron field size calculation for Daily
you may need to QA 3 is sensitive to array calibration.
acquire an array • If it is impossible to determine field size with a
calibration for the particular cone/linac system, Sun Nuclear
specific energy. recommends examining relationships between
the diode detectors that straddle the 20 cm field
marks for a commissioned system, and then
baseline QA measurements from those
Screen display size is incorrect Monitor’s DPI setting is Edit the monitor properties and set it to Normal
wrong. size (96 DPI). Contact your IT department if you
need assistance.
rf-Daily QA 3 battery is not The device is stored off If the rf-Daily QA 3 batteries discharge to the point
charging AC power for an that they won’t automatically recharge, ensure that
extended period of time power is connected, place the BAT PWR switch in
the ON position, and then lightly press the
recessed battery override switch for 3 seconds
using a pointed, non-metallic object (such as a ball
point pen) to manually reset battery charging. See
rf-Daily QA 3 Connector Panel in the Daily QA 3
Reference Guide.See rf-Daily QA 3 Connector
Panel on page 84.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 63 Support and Maintenance

Database Connection Troubleshooting

Problem Probable Cause Solution

Daily QA 3 login screen does not Database not set up properly. Verify path to database in Daily QA
appear. Database Administration tool

User cannot log in to database Incorrect password. Delete user and add another user
with same user name and correct
password. See Adding a Database
User on page 46.
User name not set up in database. Add user to database. See Adding
a Database User on page 46.
User does not have permission to Request that the server’s System
write data to server. Administrator add permissions in
Windows to allow users to read
and write to database.
No password required for user No password set up. Add a password to user. See
Adding a Database User on
page 46.
Cannot edit Daily QA templates User logged in as a technician. Change user role to a physicist.
Only physicists are permitted to
change templates. See Editing a
Database User on page 48.

Daily QA 3 Connector Panel

See Daily QA 3 Connector Panel on page 84.
PDI Troubleshooting
See Technical Bulletin 2-09, Power Data Interface (PDI 3.0) for:
• A list of problems which may occasionally occur when using the PDI.
• An explanation of the controls and indicators on the PDI.
The bulletin can be downloaded from the Sun Nuclear Support website for Daily QA 3.

Contacting Sun Nuclear Support

You may request support in two ways:

• Submit a support request using our online form. See Support Website below.
• Contact the Sun Nuclear Support team by telephone:
• U.S.A.: +1 321-259-6862, Option 3
• Netherlands: +31 20 399 90 41, Option 1
• Germany: +49 61 02 50 49 500, Option 2

Support Website
1 Open an internet browser and navigate to
2 Enter your email address and password and then click Login.
• To download product information, click Products and Devices, select the product, and
then select the download type.
• To open a Support request, click Open New Case, complete the form, and then click
Create Case.


To access the product warranty, select the Sun Nuclear Product Warranty link on the Sun Nuclear
Support website.

Support and Maintenance Page 64 P/N 1093011, Rev R

7 Specifications
Recommended System Requirements

Category Characteristic Specification

System Operating System Windows 10 Professional.
Requirements Computer hardware • Processor: i5 dual core or equivalent, 2.3 GHz or better.
• RAM: 32-bit OS, 4 GB; 64-bit OS, 8 GB
• Free disk space: 4 GB
• Video: Standard 1280 x 1024, OpenGL hardware accelerated
video card
• USB: v2 with at least one available USB port
SQL Daily QA SW v3.1 only supports MS SQL Express/Standard
version 2016 or newer

Note: Windows 7 Professional and Windows 8 Professional are end of life. It is

recommended that you upgrade to the Windows 10 Professional OS..

Daily QA 3 Specifications

Category Characteristic Specification

Detectors Type detectors Primary—Vented ionization chambers, fully guarded
Secondary—Diode detectors (for penumbra detection)
Quantity of detectors Ionization chambers (13):
• One CAX detector at center of the field
• Four primary detectors on X and Y axes, 8 cm from center
• Four X-Energy detectors, 11.3 cm from center
• Four e-Energy detectors, 5.6 cm from center on diagonals
Diode detectors (12) (5 mm spacing for penumbra detection):
• A row of three detectors on X axis centered at +10 cm
• A row of three detectors on X axis centered at -10 cm
• A row of three detectors on Y axis centered at +10 cm
• A row of three detectors on Y axis centered at -10 cm
Ionization chambers Volume of 9 center, primary, and X-Energy chambers—0.3 cm3
Parallel plate separation—4 mm
Electrode diameter—9.8 mm diameter, carbon

Volume of 4 e-Energy check chambers—0.6 cm3

Parallel plate separation—4 mm
CAX collection electrode—1.38 cm diameter, carbon
Diodes Active size—0.8 x 0.8 mm
Type—n-type, radiation hardened
Electron energy Top right (ETR)—none
attenuation Bottom right (EBR)—0.216 in. copper (Cu)
Bottom left (EBL)—0.216 in. aluminum (Al)
Top left (ETL)—0.150 in. iron (Fe)
Performance Radiation measured Photons—Co-60 to 25 MV
Electrons—4 MeV to 25 MeV, ± 1% for 6-20 MeV
Beam limits Leakage—±0.05 cGy/min
Dose range—350 cGy
Maximum dose per linac pulse—5.5 cGy/pulse
Maximum average dose rate—250 cGy/s
Environment Operating Ambient Temperature: 18 to 30° C (64.4 to 86° F)
Relative Humidity: 20 to 80% relative humidity
Storage Temperature: -30 to 50° C (-22 to 122° F)
Relative humidity: 10 to 90% non-condensing

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 65 Specifications

Category Characteristic Specification
Medical Electrical Basic Safety and Power Supply certified to meet IEC 60601-1
Equipment Essential
Classification Performance
Electromagnetic Certified to meet IEC 60601-1-2
Performance Class I
Buildup and Inherent buildup over Actual: Acrylic, 0.74 cm
backscatter primary ion chambers Effective: ~0.84 g/cm2
Inherent buildup over Actual: Acrylic, 0.77 cm
diode detectors Effective: 0.88 g/cm2
Inherent backscatter Actual: FR-4 0.16 cm; Acrylic, 1.27cm
Effective: 1.7 g/cm2
Electron energy Chamber eTR, air/acrylic buildup, 0.2 g/cm2
chamber buildup Chamber eBR, Cu/acrylic buildup, 4.3 g/cm2
Chamber eBL, Al/acrylic buildup, 0.7g/cm2
Chamber eTL, Fe/acrylic buildup, 3.0 g/cm2
Chamber CAX, acrylic buildup, 1.0 g/cm2
Temperature and Temperature Sensor—1 integrated circuit plus 5 thermistors
pressure Range—0°C to +50°C
Non-linearity—±0.67% over measurement range
Accuracy—±2.0°C without user calibration
Measurement Resolution—0.05°C
Display Resolution—0.1°C
Pressure Sensor—Temperature compensated on-chip bipolar operational
amplifier and thin film resistor network
Measurement, Slope Transfer Function between Output voltage
and Supply voltage
Non-linearity—±1.5% over measurement range
Accuracy—±2kPa without user calibration
Measurement Resolution—0.0035kPa
Display Resolution—0.01kPa
Measurement Simultaneous Dedicated MOSFET operational amplifier, low leakage, low input
electronics detector offset bias.
Amplifier feedback Capacitor
Time constant < 10 microseconds
Capacitor reset FET switch, reset after each dose
Analog to digital Bi-polar, 16-bit
Communications with RS-232, 19.2 Kbps
Microprocessors 1
Firmware Factory installed in flash memory, can be reprogrammed from PC
Alignment Light field alignment 20 x 20 cm
template Tolerance marks ± 2 mm tolerance marks for light field coincidence
Cross hair rotation 2 mm diameter circle in the center detector
Detectors Located by blue symbol with text identifier
Calibration Array Patented wide field calibration utility to determine relative
correction factors for each detector at any energy and store in PC
QA field Central axis output calibration performed on each QA field in the
QA database
Temperature Internal temperature measurement adjusted to user stated value
Pressure Internal pressure measurement adjusted to user stated value
Electron energy 5 energy chambers with different types of buildup provide points
on depth dose curves
device firmware Execution Flash EEPROM
Update Download new firmware through USB port
Serial number Stored in EEPROM

Specifications Page 66 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Category Characteristic Specification
Physical Dimensions 25.6 cm wide, 40.8 cm long, 4.6 cm thick (10.09 x 16.07 x 1.82”)
Weight 5.7 kg (12 lb.)
Connection ports and POWER/DATA—8 pin DIN, provides power to Daily QA 3 and
indicators bi-directional data between PC and Daily QA 3
LEDs—A, B, C, D: Status indicators
Service life 10 years
Power supply Type Switching, general purpose IEC 320 socket, Class I power inlet for
straight cable entry
Supply voltage range 100 to 240 VAC, automatically switching; 47-63 Hz
DC power output +18 VDC, 1 amp, 2.5 mm center positive plug
Dimensions 8.7 cm long, 4.7 cm wide, 3.3 cm high
Weight 0.17 kg (6 ounces)
Cables POWER/DATA 25 m power/data, 8 pin DIN, connects Daily QA 3 to PDI
USB 2 m USB, 4 pin, A and B plugs, connects PDI to computer
Power cord 2 m power, IEC straight plug line cord, 3 conductor

rf-Daily QA 3 Specifications

Category Characteristic Specification

Power Base station +18 VDC
Battery charging +18 VDC
Battery capacity 1.7 or greater amp hours @ 9.6 V
Estimated battery life 5 hours continuous operation
Physical Base station 4.7 x 2.75 x 1.4 in. (12 x 7 x 3.5 cm)
Base station weight 0.7 lb. (0.32 kg)
Service life 10 years
Transceiver * Frequency 2.400 to 2.485 GHz
Power 1 mW (0 dBm)
Modulation O-Q PSK
Baud rate 250 kb/s between transceivers; 19.2 kb/s over wires between PC
and/ base station
Antenna Integral in housing
Duty cycle Software determined
Interference outside Designed to be compatible with existing Wi-Fi
shielded room
Agency approvals • FCC Part 15.247—OUR-XBEE (MaxStream)
• Industry Canada (IC)—4214A-XBEE (MaxStream)
• Europe—ETSI
• Japan—R201WW07215214
• Australia—C-Tick
Antenna • A24-C1, Surface mount or embedded PCB
* PN 1093500Z contains XBee radio XB24-ACI-001 or XB24-API-001(rf assembly, shipped with rf integrated)
PN 1093400Z contains XBee radio XB24-ACI-001 or XB24-API-001 (base station)

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 67 Specifications

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8 Software Reference
Daily QA 3 Software Interface

The Daily QA 3 client software interface is designed to be as intuitive as possible. The Windows
interface contains the usual elements such as a menu bar, toolbar, and a central viewing area.
Parts of the Screen
When launched, the Daily QA 3 client software opens in the main view (Figure 8-1). The main view
shows all the important information in a single screen.



No. Name Description

1 Menu bar Provides access to commands. See Menu Bar on page 70.
2 Toolbar Provides quick access to common program functions and views. See
Toolbar on page 73.
3 Scheme Tree A tree-like representation of the schedule for the selected date that shows
schedule the sites, rooms, machines, and tests to be performed. See Scheme Tree
on page 74.
4 Data Displays the real-time values of the primary detectors during an exposure.
See Data Panel on page 78.
5 Status bar Displays temperature and pressure measured by the device’s sensors.
6 Calendar Displays the current month. The current date is selected by default, but
other dates can be selected. The Scheme Tree is linked to the selected date
to show only machines and tests for that day. See Calendar on page 75.
7 Test setup details Shows the details that a technician needs to set up the selected test. See
Setup on page 75.
8 Results Displays a summary of the calculated results of the completed test. See
Results on page 77.
Figure 8-1. Main View of Daily QA Software Window

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 69 Software Reference

Menu Bar
The menu bar (Figure 8-2) provides access to commands to operate the program. When menu or
submenu items are dimmed, they are not available. Menu commands are used for installation,
setup, calibration, and operation.

Menu Item Description

File Export Data… Opens dialog box for setting up data to be exported to a .txt file.
Reports… Opens dialog box for selecting type of report and range of dates.
Print with Preview… Opens a print preview window for a point selected in the Trend view.
Buttons on the toolbar are used to print, save as a PDF, or scroll
through multi-page reports.
Printer Setup… Opens the Windows print selection dialog.
Exit Exits the program.
Setup Scheme Tree… Opens the ‘Scheme Tree Setup’ dialog box for adding, editing or
deleting sites, machines, rooms and tests. Only accessible to a
Baseline QA Template Opens the ‘QA Template Baseline’ form.
Program Preferences… Opens the Setup Preferences dialog box for selecting program
preferences. Only accessible to a physicist. For details, see Program
Preferences on page 71.
Find Device Opens the ‘Find Device’ dialog box for selecting device to use.
Calibration, Calibrate Temperature Opens the Calibrate Temperature and Pressure dialog box to
only and Pressure… calibrate the sensors in the device. This is not available for
accessible to PROFILER 2 or TomoDose.
a user who is Calibrate Absolute Opens the ‘Absolute Dose Calibration’ form so you can establish an
assigned Dose... Absolute Dose Calibration Factor, or Dose Factor, which will be
physicist applied globally to all template measurements for a given device.
Calibrate Array… Opens the Array Calibration dialog to calibrate the detectors in the
device. This is not available for PROFILER 2 or TomoDose.
Calibration Opens a dialog box to display all calibration files in the database.
Management… Calibration files are shown by device model number and serial
number. Files that have been used are locked and cannot be
removed from the database. Files that have never been used can be
deleted. For versions prior to 2.3.0, calibration files for PROFILER 2
and TomoDose can be imported via a subordinate dialog box.
Export DQA3 Opens a window listing all array calibrations. An array calibration can
Calibration, for Argus be selected and exported as a text file in the DailyQA2 format, which
is the format that Argus expects.
Help Daily QA3 Opens the Daily QA 3 online Help file.
DQA-MR Opens the Daily QA-MR Help file.
Support Website Opens the Sun Nuclear Support website in a browser window.
About… Displays software version, database schema version, license,
connected device, firmware version, serial number, board revision,
copyright, manufacturer, Support contact information, abd
regulatory information. See Verifying Software Version on page 60.
Figure 8-2. Menu Bar Details

Software Reference Page 70 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Program Preferences
Global settings for the Daily QA 3 software can be configured in the Program Preferences. Click
Setup > Program Preferences to display the dialog box. Four tabs in the Program Preferences
dialog box control various aspects of the software: General, Devices, Scheme Tree, and Trend

Program Preferences, General Tab

Item Sub-Item Description Default

Database Host Name If the database is on the same computer as Daily QA 3 client .\DAILYQA
Setup software, enter ‘.\DAILYQA’.
If the database is not on the same computer as Daily QA 3 client
software, enter the SQL Server computer name or network IP
address and instance name.
Database Database name selected during SQL installation or DailyQA
Name configuration.
Units Temperature Select units of temperature: Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin. Celsius
Pressure Select units of pressure: kilopascals, mm of Hg, or millibars. kilopascals
Save When checked, automatically saves all re-do and canceled selected
Unrecorded measurements taken during daily measurements. Physicist can
Measurements review measurements, accept or reject them, make comments,
and hide or reveal them on the trend graph.
Figure 8-3. Program Preferences, General Tab

Program Preferences, Devices Tab

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 71 Software Reference


Item Sub-Item Description Default

Devices Find Device Select check box to enable the software to automatically find selected
on startup devices on startup. Clear the check box to prevent searching on
startup and speed startup for computers not normally connected
to the device.
Named The devices to search for on startup. Eliminating devices will all
devices increase startup speed.
Startup The period of background measurement on startup. A minimum 30 sec.
background setting of 30 seconds is recommended.
Update Opens the ‘Firmware Download’ dialog box. See Installing Not
Firmware Firmware Updates on page 62. applicable
Figure 8-4. Program Preferences, Devices Tab

Program Preferences, Scheme Tree Tab

Figure 8-5. Program Preferences, Scheme Tree Tab

Select the room or rooms to be shown on this PC. This setting is used to show only the room that
is applicable to the control room computer.

Program Preferences, Trend Chart Tab

Tab Item Description Default

Trend Auto Sign-Off Enables the auto sign-off feature that automatically accepts on
Options Measurements recorded data when it is measured.
Figure 8-6. Program Preferences, Trend Chart Tab

Software Reference Page 72 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Tab Item Description Default
ReTrend Database Initiates retrending of all data. This populates empty fields for
which raw data had previously been collected, such as energy
and light-field coincidence. This more accurately represents
changes in energy.
During retrending, the software will not calculate field size,
beam shift, or shape constancy for any FFF measurements
performed using software version 3.0 or earlier.
Additionally, during retrending counts in Daily QA 3 electron
energy calculations are corrected for asymmetry and the
measured and baseline values are reported.
.NOTE: ReTrend Database takes a long time to complete and
does not typically need to be run.
Figure 8-6. Program Preferences, Trend Chart Tab (Continued)

The toolbar provides buttons for direct control of data acquisition and display, as well as other
indicators and controls (Figure 8-7).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

No. Name Description

1 Start button Starts data acquisition for a measurement.
2 Stop button Stops data acquisition.
3 Status Displays status of device: Stopped, Background %, Waiting for Beam,
Acquiring Beam.
4 Background Indicates if a background measurement has been made: red = No; green
= Yes.
5 Mode: QA Selects QA view.
6 Mode: Trend Selects Trend view.
7 User Displays user name of the person logged in.

Figure 8-7. Toolbar Buttons and Indicators

The Daily QA 3 client software provides two main views: QA and Trend.
• QA view shows the tests to be performed, the dates that they are scheduled, the machine to
be tested, the device setup, and the test results.
• The Trend view displays a graph of all measurements in the database for the test selected on
the Scheme Tree, which gives a visual indication of how a specific test is trending over time.
To change views, click the buttons in the toolbar.

Toggle QA and Trend


QA View Trend View

Figure 8-8. QA View and Trend View

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 73 Software Reference

The QA view and Trend view show the Scheme Tree and the data panel on the left and a Results
panel at the bottom right. The Scheme Tree is a graphical representation of planned
measurements, dates, and data for the current measurement.
QA View
The following figure shows the parts of the screen that are displayed in QA view.
Scheme tree Calendar Setup

Show/hide the
machine setup

Data Measurement Results

Panel Buttons Panel
Figure 8-9. QA View

Scheme Tree
The Scheme Tree is an indented list of rooms, machines, and templates (tests) scheduled for the
selected date. Select a day on the calendar to display the tests for that day. Templates are indented
under each machine. Items that appear in the Scheme Tree are set up using the Scheme Tree
Setup forms. To set up or change the tree, log in as a physicist, then select Setup > Scheme Tree
from the menu.
Tests can be set up on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis. However, tests scheduled for a
given day are only visible when that day is selected on the calendar.
The Scheme Tree can be altered to only show tests for a single room by configuring Program
Preferences (Setup > Program Preferences > Scheme Tree tab). See Program Preferences on
page 71.

Active and Inactive

In the ‘Scheme Tree Setup’ forms, each site, room, machine, and test can be marked as active or
inactive by selecting or clearing the Active check box. When the Active box is checked, items will
appear in the QA view Scheme Tree. When the Active box is cleared, the item is suppressed.
Marking an item as inactive allows test plans to be set up before they are added to the schedule,
or allows equipment or data to be hidden when it is no longer used.

Software Reference Page 74 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Active /
Figure 8-10. Active Check Box, Institution Information Form

About Auto-Advance
When running tests in the QA view, the program automatically advances to the next exposure
when the previous exposure is recorded.
• After selecting a machine on the Scheme Tree, click Start to fully expand the tree below the
selected machine and move to the first template. As the results of a test are recorded, the
program automatically places a green check next to completed test and advances to the next
scheduled test.
• The process stops when the data for the last template for the machine is recorded or when
Stop is clicked.

Note: If the process is manually stopped before data acquisition for a template is
automatically completed, the Results pane at the bottom of the screen displays the
results. The Record, Re-Do, and Cancel buttons are activated. Click Record to save the
results and continue to the next template, Cancel to discard the results, or Re-Do to
restart the measurement.

• After selecting a single template on the Scheme Tree, click Start to begin testing at that
template. When the test is completed and recorded, the program automatically places a
green check next to completed tests and advances to the next scheduled test. To make only
a single exposure, press Stop. Then another template can be selected for exposure. This
allows templates to be individually tested, skipped, or repeated.

The calendar displays tests scheduled for a selected date. When the Daily QA 3 client application
opens, the current date is selected but another date can be selected. To scroll by month, click the
single arrows at the top of the calendar. Use the double arrows to scroll by year. Scheduled tests
are color-coded: red = daily, blue =monthly, and green = annual.

The setup panel describes how to set up the selected test and displays a graphic of the connected
device. Setup information is entered in the measurement template when the test is created. Setup
conditions for the test must match the QA calibration exposure in order to have comparable test

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 75 Software Reference

Setup Details Drop-down
arrow—show or hide
additional setup details
SSD and

Graphic of

Machine Setup

Figure 8-11. Setup Panel

To display additional setup details, click the down arrow at the top center of the graphic. The
additional setup details include:
• Template Notes—additional instructions to the therapist created when the template was
• Location—location of the measuring device
• Detector Axis—orientation of the detector axis
• Orientation of T toward—orientation of the top (T) of the device with respect to the linac’s
gun and target.
• Surface at—distance from the source to the surface of the device (SSD)
• Buildup—the thickness and type of buildup material added to the device.
• Array Calibration—the array calibration file used for this measurement.
The SSD and buildup used for the measurement are always displayed at the upper left of the
graphic so the therapist can see them even if the additional setup details are hidden.

Machine Setup
The Machine Setup displays the following information
• Beam Type—type of beam, photon or electron.
• Energy—energy of beam, MV for photons; MeV for electrons.
• Collimator X and Y—settings of collimator jaws to produce a field at isocenter.
• Wedge—type of wedge, if a wedge measurement.
• Degrees—wedge angle, if used.
• Rate—rate of exposure delivery in monitor units/minute
• Dose—total dose to be administered
• Gantry angle—angle of gantry if gantry is rotated
• Collimator Angle—angle of the linac’s collimator

Software Reference Page 76 P/N 1093011, Rev R

The Results panel shows calculated results of a QA measurement. The Results panel appears in
both QA view and Trend view, with minor differences.

Figure 8-12. Measurement Results Panel

• Results—displays the results of the last measurement, QA template calibration, or the results
of a selected test in the trend graph.
• Baseline, Relative/Absolute—depending upon the baseline mode selected for the template,
shows the relative or absolute results obtained with the initial baseline measurement, QA
template calibration, made for this test on this machine.
• Diff—shows the difference between the current results and the baseline.
• Warn—displays the warning threshold defined for the template.
• Fail—displays the maximum difference defined for the template.
• Temperature and Pressure—shows the comparison between the measured results and the
baseline, QA template calibration, measurement.
• Measurement Notes—used to enter notes specific to this measurement.

Measurement Result Options

When a measurement is complete, review the values to verify the data, then click the appropriate
button in the Results panel (Figure 8-13).

Save results to database.

Rerun the test.
Print the measurement details.
Cancel the measurement.
Apply a correction factor to a measurement.

Figure 8-13. Measurement Buttons

• Record or Record FAIL—If data is acceptable, click Record to save results to the database.
When Record is selected, the software automatically initiates the next measurement in the
Scheme Tree.
• Re-Do—If data is not acceptable and it is necessary to start again, click Re-Do. Data may be
saved to the database, depending on the configuration in Program Preferences.
If the Save Unrecorded Measurements checkbox in Program Preferences is selected, all
measurements are saved to the database, even re-do and canceled. If the checkbox is
cleared, only recorded measurements are saved. The physicist can view the measurements
that were re-done or canceled by selecting Show Unrecorded in the Trend view options, and
choose to either accept or reject each measurement.
• Print—Prints a copy of measurement details.
• Cancel—Cancels a measurement.
• Template Dose Correction—Opens the ‘User Correction Factor’ dialog box. This dialog box
can be used to apply a correction factor to a measurement. For more information about
Template Dose Correction, see QA Measurement on page 32.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 77 Software Reference

Data Panel
During irradiation, the data panel shows the real-time accumulated dose for the primary detectors.
The data panel appears in both QA view and Trend view.

Figure 8-14. Data Panel

• To see the values for the energy detectors and the light-field detectors on Daily QA 3, hover
the mouse pointer over the detector. A pop-up will display the values for each detector.
• The data panel is not active during calibration. Values are only visible during regular
measurements or when measurement is selected in Trend view.
• During a measurement the detectors show the current accumulated dose.
• After clicking Start but before turning on the beam, the boxes show background.
Trend View
The Trend view displays a summary of data that was collected for a selected template. It can also
display all of the measurements made for that template since the template was created. To access
the Trend view from the main QA view, click the Trend button on the toolbar.
Drop down (filter
inactive items) Template List Trend Graph Trend button Graph




Data Panel Results Panel

Figure 8-15. Trend Graph View

Software Reference Page 78 P/N 1093011, Rev R

• The horizontal time scale expands to display the selected time period.
• The vertical scale is the percentage of deviation from the template calibration standard, the
QA field calibration exposure, when in relative mode.
• QA parameters are plotted on the graph with different symbols and colors. The symbols can
be shown or hidden by clearing or selecting the check boxes in the controls above the graph.
A legend at the top of the graph defines the symbols.
• To select a measurement, click any data point. A line cursor appears through the selected
point on the graph and the parameter values for that data point appear in the Results panel.
If multiple measurements are taken on the same day, use the arrow keys on the keyboard to
easily navigate to the next or previous measurement in the trend chart.
• To see points in greater detail, click and drag the cursor down and to the RIGHT over the area
of interest. When the mouse button is released, the graph scale changes to the region of time
selected. To restore the scale to the full range of time, click the mouse and drag the cursor
to the left.
• To see the values of individual data points on the trend graph, hold the cursor over the data
point. The value pops up.
• Recenter the graph by right-clicking anywhere in the graph and dragging in the desired
direction. To return to original view, left-click the mouse and drag the cursor to the left.

Graph Controls
Controls above the graph affect the appearance of the data in the graph. If graph controls are not
visible, click the arrow at the top, center of the graph; click again to roll them up.
• Display Parameters—selects the parameters to display in the graph.
• Date Range—selects date range of measurements to display.
• Show Rejected—shows measurements rejected by the therapist (re-do) or physicist
• Show Unrecorded—shows measurements that were not recorded (canceled). For this
option, Program Preferences must be configured to ‘Save Unrecorded Measurements’. See
Program Preferences, General Tab on page 71.

The symbols displayed in the Results panel match the symbols in the graph.

Dose—Central axis (CAX) dose in cGy

AxSym—Axial Symmetry percent
TrSym—Transverse Symmetry percent
QAFlat (Flattening Filter)—Flatness percent; BSC (FFF)—Beam shape
e-Energy—Electron energy percent change in flatness
X-Energy—Photon energy percent change in flatness

Light-field Coincidence—XSize, XShift, YSize, YShift in cm

Photon Electron FFF energy

energy energy selected
selected selected
Figure 8-16. QA Trend Graph Symbols
For a detailed explanation of these parameters, see Calculations on page 93.

Limit Lines
Red horizontal lines show upper and lower limits of each parameter. The physicist can adjust these

Light-field Coincidence
Light-field coincidence is a measure of how closely the beam and the light field match. The light
is aligned with the 20 x 20 cm box on the Daily QA 3 when setting up. During exposure, the

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 79 Software Reference

penumbra detectors on the 20 x 20 cm box measure the penumbra. The software calculates the
difference and displays results in four measurements:
• XSize—Size of the beam along the X axis
• XShift—Distance the beam is shifted along the X axis from the light field
• YSize—Size of the beam along the Y axis
• YShift—Distance the beam is shifted along the Y axis from the light field.

Review Results
Click a point on the graph to display:
• Results for selected test. Measurements that are outside the limits are highlighted in red.
• Date measurement was made.
• Login name of the user who collected the data.
• Login name of the physicist who reviewed and accepted or rejected the measurement.
• Physicist review buttons—the physicist can accept the selected measurement, accept all
pending measurements, reject the selected measurement, print a report of the current
measurement, or add additional notes to a measurement. When a test is accepted, a date
and time stamp is saved with the test results and will appear in reports for the test.
See also Results on page 77.

Data Panel
During irradiation, the data panel shows the real-time accumulated dose for the primary detectors.
The data panel appears in both QA view and Trend view.
Review and Accept
The technician and the physicist can review and accept measurements independently.

Technician Review and Record

After a measurement, select one of the buttons in the Results panel (Figure 8-17). When results
of the first test are saved by clicking Record, the software automatically initiates measurement of
the next test in the Scheme Tree.

Save results to database.

Rerun the test.
Print the measurement details.
Cancel the measurement.
Apply a correction factor to a measurement.

Figure 8-17. Measurement Buttons

• Record—If the data is acceptable, click Record to save the results in the database. A check
mark appears next to the template description and the software automatically initiates the
next measurement.
• Re-Do—If the data is not acceptable and it is necessary to restart the measurement, click
Re-Do. The measurement data may be saved to the database, depending on the program
preferences. See Show Measurements Rejected by Technician on page 81 for more
• Print—Prints a copy of the measurement details.
• Cancel—Cancels the measurement. The auto advance function stops. Any measurements
saved with Record prior to pressing Stop will be saved. Re-entry into auto QA measurement
with Start will start at the beginning. It is possible to manually select where measurements
will begin. See About Auto-Advance on page 75.

Software Reference Page 80 P/N 1093011, Rev R

• Template Dose Correction—Opens the ‘User Correction Factor’ dialog box. This dialog box
can be used to apply a correction factor to a measurement. For more information about
Template Dose Correction, see QA Measurement on page 32.

Physicist Review and Acceptance

Physicist review and acceptance is normally conducted when tests are completed and depends
upon how Program Preferences are configured. If ‘Save Unrecorded Measurements’ is enabled in
Program Preferences (default), all measurements are recorded, including the measurements that
are re-run or canceled. If the ‘Save Unrecorded Measurements’ check box is cleared, only
measurements that are recorded are saved.

Show Measurements Rejected by Technician

If Program Preferences is configured to save canceled measurements, the technician’s re-do or
canceled measurements are saved in the database. If the Show Unrecorded check box (Figure
8-18) is selected in the Trend view graph controls, unrecorded measurements appear on the trend
graph with a red line through them.

Click to display graph controls

Figure 8-18. Show Unrecorded, Trend View Graph Controls

The physicist can then leave measurements as rejected or accept them. Optionally, comments
can be added in the ‘Additional Comments’ box.

Physicist Accepted Measurements

If ‘Auto-Sign Off Measurements’ is disabled in Program Preferences, the physicist must accept or
reject all measurements. Measurements that have been made but not accepted by a physicist are
shown with a blue line through them. The physicist can accept or reject individual measurements
by selecting a measurement and clicking Accept, or accept all measurements at once by clicking
Accept All Pending.
When a measurement is reviewed, the physicist can add comments in the Additional Notes text

Physicist Rejected Measurements

When a physicist is logged in, a different set of buttons appear in the Results panel. The physicist
can reject any measurement at any time by highlighting it and clicking Reject. The rejected
measurement is marked with a red vertical line.
If Show Rejected box is selected in the Trend view graph controls, the measurement will remain
visible. If the box is cleared, the measurement will disappear.

Figure 8-19. Show Rejected, Trend View Graph Controls

To change from Reject to Accept, highlight the measurement, then click Accept.

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9 Hardware Reference
Daily QA 3 Detector Array

Four e-Energy ion Four rectangular

chambers (blue) ion chambers
with built-in (blue) 8 cm from
attenuators CAX along X
and Y axes
labeled eTL labeled T (top),
(electron, top left), B (bottom), L
eTR, eBL, eBR. (left), and R
Attenuating disks (right).
of different
densities Blue dashed
embedded in top lines for
plastic provide a calibration
range of buildup
depth, permitting
Twelve diode
single exposure detectors marked
e-Energy checks. with small blue
circles along X
One parallel plate and Y axes
ion chamber straddling 20 cm
(black) at Central light field mark.
Axis (CAX). These diodes
detect the edge of
a 20 x 20 cm field
Four X-Energy ion to measure
chambers (blue) light-radiation
located along coincidence.
corners of a
Black X and Y
16 cm square lines to align with
labeled XTL collimator
(photon, top left), crosshairs. A light
XTR, XBL and field size locater is
XBR. provided for a 20 x
20 cm field.

The Daily QA 3 device contains optichromic radiation dosimeters in the electronics area. Direct irradiation to
electronics must be avoided. If a device is returned for service, any indication of direct irradiation to the electronics
voids warranty.

Figure 9-1. Detector Locations

CAUTION: Keep the electronics (raised area) out of the direct beam. Allowing direct beam
to fall outside of the detector area can damage the device and could void the warranty!

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 83 Hardware Reference

Daily QA 3 Connector Panel


Device Action LED

Power On Sequence (bootloader OFF OFF OFF Three (3) toggles
active) 1 sec. apart
Idle Mode OFF OFF Toggle (1/2 sec.) OFF
Acquiring Measurements ON OFF Toggle (1/2 sec.) OFF
Device Fault - ON - OFF
Figure 9-2. Daily QA 3 Connector Panel

The last item, 'Device Faults', shows the pattern if the firmware detects a fault in the device. If a
'Device Fault' is indicated, contact Sun Nuclear Corporation Support. See Contacting Sun Nuclear
Support on page 64. A device fault may be caused by:
1 Pressure reading beyond warning limits: <70 kPA or >115 kPA
2 High voltage reading beyond limits: < -400 V or > -300 V
3 ADC rails, upper or lower limits were hit.
If the measurement circuit, including ADC, is intact and LED B comes on after the device is
powered up, the cause could be either item 1 or 2. If LED B is lit after starting a measurement,
item 3 is the likely cause.

rf-Daily QA 3 Connector Panel


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

12 11

No Description Function
1 RECEIVE Green LED flashes when rf unit is receiving.
2 TRANSMIT Green LED flashes when rf unit is transmitting.
3 CHARGE STATUS Ready—Green LED is lit when all battery charging parameters are within
4 CHARGE STATUS Charge—Yellow LED is lit when batteries are charging.
5 CHARGE STATUS Fault—Red LED is lit when a charging fault is detected.
6 LOW BAT Red LED turns on when approximately one hour of battery power remains.

Figure 9-3. rf-Daily QA 3 Connector Panel

Hardware Reference Page 84 P/N 1093011, Rev R

No Description Function
7 Recessed Battery Manual override to restart battery charging when batteries have been deeply
override switch * discharged. See Daily QA 3 Troubleshooting on page 63.
8 ON LED is green when power is applied via battery or PDI cable.
9 BAT PWR Push button battery power switch (in = ON; out = OFF). The battery power
switch should always be “OFF” when the device is stored or if the device is
being shipped.
10 +18 VDC +18 VDC input power jack for charging only. Connecting power to the +18
VDC jack causes the device to turn off during charging cycle.
11 Status LEDs Status LEDs for basic Daily QA 3. See Daily QA 3 Connector Panel on
page 84.
12 PWR/DATA connector Power/data cable connector. Not used with rf operation but can be used
instead of the rf link if the rf link is inoperable. To use as a wired device,
disconnect the power/data cable from the Base Station and plug it in here.
* To reset the charge circuit and allow the device to begin charging again, apply AC power, place the BAT
PWR switch in the ON position, and then lightly press and hold the recessed override switch for 3 seconds
using a pointed, non-metallic object.
Figure 9-3. rf-Daily QA 3 Connector Panel

The four battery LEDs on the end panel can be used to diagnose battery charging issues. The
LEDs are controlled by an intelligent charger.
• When charging cord is connected, the green charge status, ‘Ready’ LED, will turn on followed
by the yellow ‘Charge’ LED. The red ‘Fault’ LED should remain off.
• If the red ‘LOW BAT’ LED turns on briefly at the beginning of a charge cycle, disregard it. The
LED should turn off in a few minutes as the batteries charge.
• At termination of a full charge, only the green ‘Ready’ LED should be on. The unit may remain
in this state indefinitely; no need to turn anything off or disconnect anything.
• If the red ‘Fault’ LED turns on and the green ‘Ready’ LED remains on, some of the charging
parameters are not within preferred limits. Do not take any action. The charger will attempt
to resolve the issue.
• If the red ‘Fault’ LED turns on and the green ‘Ready’ LED turns off, the unit has encountered
an unrecoverable fault and charging has been terminated. If this occurs, disconnect cord,
wait 15 minutes, and replace charging cord. If the failure occurs again, disconnect cord, place
‘BAT PWR’ switch in off position and contact Sun Nuclear. See Contacting Sun Nuclear
Support on page 64.

Base Station End Panel

A base station is included with each rf-Daily QA 3. The following table describes connectors and
indicators on the base station end panels.

1 2
1 4 5

No Description Function
1 TRANSMIT Green LED flashes when base station is transmitting.
2 RECEIVE Green LED flashes when base station is receiving.
3 Power/Data connector Power/Data connector connects to PDI via power/data cable.
4 PWR Green LED is ON when power is connected to base station via PDI and
power/data cable.
5 +18 VDC Output power jack supplies rf battery charging power via charging cable.

Figure 9-4. Wireless Base StationWireless Base Station End Panel Indicators and Connectors

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 85 Hardware Reference

rf-Daily QA 3 Battery Care and Maintenance

The rf-Daily QA 3, P/N 1093000-1(Z), contains a rechargeable NiMHi battery pack that powers the
device when it is disconnected from AC power. The battery pack slowly self-discharges when not
connected to AC power, even when the battery power switch is set to OFF. If the rf-Daily QA 3 is
not recharged for an extended period of time (2-3 months), the battery pack may discharge to a
level that will not allow recharging. If this occurs, engage the manual charge switch. See rf-Daily
QA 3 Connector Panel on page 84.

Note: The rf-Daily QA 3 can remain connected to AC power continuously.

If the LOW BAT LED lights, rf-Daily QA 3 has approximately one hour of battery power remaining.
When battery power is critically low, the rf-Daily QA 3 turns OFF automatically. If this occurs,
recharge batteries as soon as possible to ensure the charger will continue working properly. For
Instructions to charge the battery, see Charge rf-Daily QA 3 Battery on page 2.
Follow these guidelines for charging the rf-Daily QA 3 battery:
• Charge battery overnight before using for the first time.
• If used more than one hour per day, charge the battery each night.
• If used less than one hour per day, recharge when the LOW BAT LED is lit.
• The power supply for the rf-Daily QA 3 can remain connected to AC power continuously.
Turn the device on before use and off after use each day to conserve the charge.

CAUTION: To ensure the battery pack does not discharge excessively, we recommend fully
charging the rf-Daily QA 3 at least once per week, and if possible, to leave the device
connected to AC power while in storage so that it maintains a full charge.

For troubleshooting tips using the battery status indicators on the rf-Daily QA 3 end panel, see
rf-Daily QA 3 Connector Panel on page 84.

Power and Data Interface (PDI)

The PDI routes power to the device and translates communications between the device and a
personal computer. An external power converter automatically adapts to any power source within
the range of 100-240 VAC, 1 phase, 47-63 Hz.

Isocentric Mounting Fixture

The Isocentric Mounting Fixture (IMF™) is an accessory for Daily QA 3, MapCHECK, MapCHECK
2, PROFILER 2 and SRS PROFILER, when used with adapter plate. For part numbers, see Gantry
Mount Accessory on page 2.
The IMF attaches an device to the gantry tray at isocenter, 100 cm SDD (source-to-detector
distance), and allows gantry rotation while acquiring measurements. See the IMF™—GMF™ User
Guide, P/N 1122014, for specifications and installation instructions. The user guide ships with the
gantry mount accessory and is also available on the Sun Nuclear Support page. For instructions to
access the Support web page, see Support Website on page 64.

Hardware Reference Page 86 P/N 1093011, Rev R

10 Other Supported Devices
Supported Devices

Daily QA 3 software is the primary software for Daily QA 3 and Daily QA-MR devices, but it can
also be used with PROFILER 2 and TomoDose. Limited functions are also available for Daily QA
Check 2 devices, as described in Daily QA Check 2 on page 91.
For Daily QA-MR instructions, see the Daily QA-MR Reference Guide or the Daily QA-MR Help file.


Daily QA 3 is a secondary application for use with PROFILER 2. The user can run the PROFILER 2
application to collect profile data or the Daily QA 3 application to collect QA measurements.
When connected to PROFILER 2, Daily QA 3 shows a graphic of PROFILER 2 as well as the
specific PROFILER 2 detectors used for QA.


PROFILER 2 Some parameters

detectors not supported

Figure 10-1. PROFILER 2 Operating with Daily QA 3 Software

Detector Layout and Geometry

When used with Daily QA 3 software, the following detectors are used to collect QA
measurements (80% of a 20 x 20 cm field):
• CAX: Central axis detector (X = 29; Y = 42)
• X-Axis: 9 and 49
• Y-Axis: 22 and 62
• Light-field detectors (penumbra detection):
Top: 66, 67, 68
Bottom: 16, 17, 18
Left: 3, 4, 5

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 87 Other Supported Devices

Right: 53, 54, 55
For QA measurements, set SSD (source-to-surface distance) to 100 cm. Since beam divergence
for SDD (which is 101 cm at 100 cm SSD) is already compensated in the software, additional
compensation is not required.
PROFILER 2 Array Calibration
The existing PROFILER 2 array calibration files can be used. New files do not need to be created
for Daily QA 3. Refer to the PROFILER 2 Reference Guide or the PROFILER Software Help file for
array and dose calibration instructions. Calibration files are stored in the directory on the computer
that was used for array calibration in the directory \\SNC\PROFILER\Factors\<PROFILER 2
serial number>. To use them with Daily QA 3, software they must be imported and stored in the
Daily QA 3 database.
1 Connect the PROFILER 2 device to the Daily QA 3 computer.

Note: Connect the PROFILER 2 before launching the Daily QA 3 software so that the
PROFILER 2 is registered in the Daily QA 3 database.

2 Launch Daily QA 3 software and log in as a physicist.

3 Click Calibration > Calibration Management…. The ‘Calibration Management’ dialog box

Figure 10-2. Calibration Management Dialog Box

4 Click Import. The ‘Import Array Calibration’ dialog box opens.

Figure 10-3. Import Array Calibration Dialog

5 Click Select File, navigate to the array calibration file to be used, and then click OK.
6 Enter a calibration name. This name will be displayed in the software.
7 Select device type, either PROFILER 2 or TomoDose, and click Import to store the calibration

Other Supported Devices Page 88 P/N 1093011, Rev R

The Daily QA 3 software will always set the PROFILER 2 device to a gain of 1, regardless of what
the device is set to when the software is launched.

Test Plan
See Create a QA Test Plan, Site, Room, Machine, Template on page 22.

See QA Measurement on page 31.

See Trending and Reporting on page 37. All Results items are calculated except for the following:
• e-Energy—there are no e-Energy detectors in PROFILER 2.
• X-Energy—PROFILER 2 does not measure photon energy via flatness.


Daily QA 3 is a secondary application for use with TomoDose. The TomoDose application can be
used to collect profile data or the Daily QA 3 application can be used to collect daily QA
When connected to TomoDose, Daily QA 3 software shows a graphic of TomoDose as well as the
specific TomoDose detectors used for QA.


detectors Some parameters
not supported
Figure 10-4. TomoDose Operating with Daily QA 3 Software

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 89 Other Supported Devices

Detector Layout and Geometry
When used with the Daily QA 3 software, the beam size should be set for 10 X 40 cm. The
following detectors are used to collect QA measurements. Calculated flatness and symmetry are
based on 80% of field size.
• CAX: Central axis detector (X = 170; Y = 54)
• Y axis: 166, 174
• X axis: 22, 86
Field edge location for light-field values is calculated by the same method used in TomoDose
software. See the TomoDose Reference Guide or the TomoDose Software Help file for details.
TomoDose Array Calibration
1 Connect the TomoDose device to the Daily QA 3 computer.

Note: Connect the TomoDose device before launching the Daily QA 3 software so that
TomoDose can be registered in the database.

2 Launch the Daily QA 3 software and log in as a physicist.

3 Click Calibration > Calibration Management…. The ‘Calibration Management’ dialog box

Import an array

Figure 10-5. Calibration Management

4 If the calibration file is already listed, click Close and set up the test plan. See Create a QA
Test Plan, Site, Room, Machine, Template on page 22.
5 To import a file, click Import. The ‘Import Array Calibration’ dialog box opens.
6 Click Select File, navigate to the array calibration file to be used, and then click OK.
7 Enter a descriptive name for the calibration.
8 Select the device type.
9 Click Import to store the calibration file in the database.
Using TomoDose

Test Plan
See Create a QA Test Plan, Site, Room, Machine, Template on page 22.

See QA Measurement on page 31.

See Trending and Reporting on page 37. All Results items are calculated except e-Energy, which
is blank because there are no e-Energy detectors on TomoDose.

Other Supported Devices Page 90 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Daily QA Check 2

Note: The Daily QA Check 2 is at the end of life regarding support.

Daily QA 3 software version 3.0 does not support the acquisition of new measurements using a
Daily QA Check 2 device. Reports and Trends can still be performed with measurements acquired
with previous versions of Daily QA 2 or Daily QA 3 software.
For Daily QA Check 2 measurement or firmware upgrade instructions, see the revision of the Daily
QA 3 Reference Guide that supports the version of Daily QA 3 software that you are using with
your Daily QA Check 2 device. Current and previous revisions of the Daily QA 3 Reference Guide
are available on the Sun Nuclear Support website.
Using Daily QA Check 2
See Trending and Reporting on page 37. All Results items are calculated except the field sizes and
shift, which are blank because there are no penumbra detectors in Daily QA Check 2.

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Other Supported Devices Page 92 P/N 1093011, Rev R

11 Calculations
Understanding Array Calibration

Array calibration refers to the establishment of the relative sensitivity of the ion chambers and
diodes in the device. This is required before defining measurement templates. For the array
calibration procedure, see Calibrate Array on page 14.
The patented array calibration procedure uses a wide radiation field for measurement and takes
only a few minutes to complete. The same array calibration can be used for several different
energies if the relative detector sensitivity does not vary much for the given energies. However,
for best results, all beam energies should be calibrated, particularly for lower energy electron
Theory of Calibration Using Wide Fields
The following theory was developed for the Sun Nuclear Model 1170 PROFILER. Although the
PROFILER has 50 detectors, the theory and benefit are just as real for other Sun Nuclear devices.
Calibration values consist of sensitivity values for each detector which can be applied to the
measured output of a detector in such a way that the corrected measurement of dose distribution
is independent of the detector sensitivity. Historical methods of calibration use a narrow field and
a device to move the detector array in steps such that each detector occupies the central axis
position while its response is measured. If the array detector’s response is energy and directional
dependent, then the calibration value is valid only at the beam energy and beam orientation used
during calibration. The severity of this limitation depends upon the magnitude of the energy
response. These problems are eliminated in the wide field calibration technique described below.
The detectors are positioned in the radiation field such that the field overlaps the edge detectors.
For clarity, steps B and C of the calibration process will be discussed first. Radiation is delivered
to the array and the measurement of the detectors are saved in a data array labeled as [B]. The
array is then moved diagonally along the array axis such that the detectors now occupy positions
in the fields formerly occupied by the adjacent detectors. Another dose is delivered and the
measurement is saved in a data array [C].
In the simplest form, if the dose delivered is precisely the same for both [B] and [C], and if the
measurements have a very high precision, then the relative sensitivity of neighboring detectors
can be calculated because they both occupied the same location in the field.
For example, the array was shifted for [C] and #2 (center detector) occupies #1’s (eBL) former
position during [B]. Then the sensitivity ratio of #2 to #1 is ‘C2’ / ‘B1.’ Likewise the sensitivity ratio
of #3 (eTR) to #2 is ‘C3’ / ‘B2,’ and the sensitivity ratio of #3 to #1 is (‘C3’ / ‘B2’) * (‘C2’ / ‘B1’).
However, such a simple calibration is not practical without further measurements. With the
calculation described above in steps B and C, any error in measurement precision, dose delivery,
or minor sensitivity change in the array will propagate through the ratios, and the end could have
a significant error which could have significant effects on symmetry calculations.
The error bias between data sets [B] and [C] can be corrected by rotating the array 90 degrees and
making a third measurement, saving it as data array [A]. With data set [A], the relative sensitivity
between the end detectors can now be calculated because each detector of equal radii moves
into a spot formerly occupied by its 90-degree neighbor, providing a relative sensitivity relationship
for all detectors of equal radii including the aforementioned end detectors. In fact, the relative
sensitivity calculation on rotational substitution data results in absolute factors, not dependent on
dose differences between data sets. These absolute factors can then be used to determine a
correction to the error bias with a precision limited only by the measurement precision between
a detector pair.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 93 Calculations

This concept can be expanded to the diode detectors with additional translations. In steps D and
E, the relative sensitivities between diode-diode and ion chamber-diode are found by shifting the
diode detectors to occupy locations formerly occupied by other detectors.
There are several requirements between these data sets:
1 The movement of the detector array should not change the scatter conditions to the detector
2 The dose distribution profile from the machine should not change from one data set to the
next, that is, the profile shape must stay constant. It is allowed that the actual dose or dose
rate change between data sets. These changes are compensated in the data analysis.
However, if the energy of the beam itself changes during or between data sets, then the
profile shape will change which will invalidate the calibration process.
3 The relative sensitivity of the detectors all change the same amount. This statement is in
recognition of the equilibration of a detector’s response during radiation exposure. Typical
changes in response are small (0.1%) and can hardly be measured. Furthermore, the change
may be due to the measurement electronics or air density changes.
Array Calibration Factor Calculations
The following equations were derived from the above theory and are used to calculate the
calibration factors for the Daily QA 3 detectors. For simplicity and to illustrate the method, assume
that we are only determining calibration factors for the primary detectors, T, B, L, and R.
The bias correction term ln (Ddc Sdc) is:

1 1  C 1 A 1  C 1  C 2
ln  D dc S dc  = ---  ---  ln  -------  ------- – ln  ------- – ln  ------- (8.1)
3 2 2  3 3
C A  2
D  D 3

The subscript ‘3’ refers to the calculation between mirror detectors 1 and 3. The calibration factors
of 1 (B), 2 (C), and 3 (T) are calculated from the following:
cf 1 = 1.000

C 1 ln  DS  3
cf 2 = -------  e
C 1 C 2 2  ln  DS  3
cf 3 = -------  -------  e
D2 D3

The calibration factors for the off axis detectors 4 (L) and 5 (R) are calculated from: [(4)=(1,90),
which means that detector 1 occupies detector 4’s position after a 90 degree rotation, (5)=(3,90)].

1 A3 B1 B3 C1
cf 4 = cf 1, 90 = ---  c  f 1  cf 3   -------  ------- + -------  -------
2 A4 B4 B4 C4
1 A1 B3 B1 C3
cf 5 = cf 3, 90 = ---  cf 3  cf 1  -------  ------- + -------  -------
2 A5 B5 B5 C5

In Daily QA 3 version 2.5, an additional ring calibration factor has been introduced which improves
the accuracy of low energy electron array calibrations. A ring of detectors are those detectors with
equal radial and angular spacing. There are six qualifying rings in the Daily QA 3. The T, B, L and R
detectors make up one such ring.
For detectors T, B, L and R, the correction term DSAB is found from:
 A1 A2 A3 A4  4
DS AB =  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
 B1 B2 B3 B4 

where A1 corresponds to A1 mentioned in Equation (8.1), B1 corresponds to B1, for example.

Calculations Page 94 P/N 1093011, Rev R

The Intermediate ring factors for T, B, L and R are then calculated from the following:
cfp 1 = 1.0

cfp 4 = cfp 1  -------  DS AB

cfp 3 = cfp 4  -------  DS AB

cfp 5 = cfp 3  -------  DS AB

Final correction factors are then calculated as (where cf1 is the correction factor found above, for
cff 1 = cfp 1  cf 1

cff 4 = cfp 4  cf 4

cff 3 = cfp 3  cf 3

cff 5 = cfp 5  cf 5

Similar calculations apply to the e-Energy and X-Energy detectors as well as the penumbra diode
detectors. Since the Daily QA 3 array consists of both diodes and ion chambers, raw readings from
the ion chambers are corrected by the ADCF; see Equation (8.5). This ensures that relative factors
between diodes and ion chambers are consistent across atmospheric conditions.

Understanding Calibration Procedures

The baseline measurement is the standard for trend graph analysis of all QA measurements for
each template. The trend graph plots the difference between the daily measurements and the
baseline measurement. The parameters plotted include central axis dose output, symmetry,
flatness, energy, field size, and field shift.
Prior to starting this procedure, the central axis dose defined in the Template setups should be
measured using an ionization chamber and electrometer which have NIST traceable calibration
factors. The CAX ion chamber has the water-equivalent of 1 cm buildup above it and sits 0.775 cm
below the surface of Daily QA 3. For equal calibration conditions, apply the same dose to the CAX
ion chamber as was delivered to the standard.
Annual checks of dose calibration should be done. If the template is recalibrated, a new standard
is applied to subsequent exposures. However the original calibration standard remains with the
previous exposures.
Absolute Dose Calibration
The uncorrected dose value, UDi, from any detector i, is:
UD i = SR i  cf i

where SRi =net counts from detector i with background corrected.

Note that there is no air density correction in the uncorrected dose values. In the Daily QA 3
database equations, we use the labels B, C, T, L, R to represent the uncorrected dose at the center
and off-axis detectors. This terminology is consistent with that used in the PROFILER.

B=UD1; C=UD2; T=UD3; L=UD4; R=UD5

The BCTLR values are used in the analysis leading to the trend parameters AxSym, TrSym, and
QAFlat. The BCTLR values are already corrected with the array calibration; they only lack an air
density correction factor, ADCF, and the dose calibration factor, CF, to become true dose values.
These two factors are common to the detectors and therefore are not necessary for symmetry

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 95 Calculations

and flatness analysis. Each measurement may have a different ADCF due to a change in
temperature or pressure, but the same value of ADCF can be applied to any of the detectors for a
given measurement. Likewise, although the dose CF is determined from a central axis dose to
detector number 2 (central axis ion chamber), the same value of CF can be applied to any of the
detectors until a new central axis dose calibration is performed.
CF is calculated from the entered value after the dose is measured.

DoseCF = --------------------------------------------- (8.4)

DoseEntered is the dose entered by the user, after the dose is delivered,
NETCAX is SR2, corrected for background and array calibration factor. See Equation (8.27) for
more information.
ADCF is the Air Density Correction Factor:

ADCF =  --------------------------------------   ------------------

T5Cal + 273.2 101.33
 295.2   PCal 

T5Cal is the calibrated temperature in Celsius for the sensor at the CAX chamber location.
PCal is the calibrated pressure in kPa for the onboard pressure sensor (1 Atm = 101.33 kPa
= 760 mmHg). Standard conditions are 22°C, 1 atmosphere.
The temperature and pressure is measured once per minute unless the beam is on, during which
their measurements are halted. The last temperature and pressure measurement prior to beam
on is used to make the air density correction.
After the above absolute dose calibration is completed, the baseline measurements for each
dosimetry template must be performed. If the absolute dose calibration is not done, a message
“Dose calibration for the device not found. Please perform Dose calibration for the selected device
SN: <device serial number>” will appear and no measurements can be taken.
Baseline QA Template
During the baseline measurement, the standard values for each test parameter is set along with
calculating the template dose correction factors. The factor is calculated for both the baseline
dose and the delivered dose.
The UserDoseCFbaseline value is calculated and saved with the baseline measurement to correct
the baseline measurement output to match the user’s BaselineEntered value.
The UserDoseCFdelivered value is calculated and saved with the template record. This factor will
be used to correct any future measurements for the template to the user’s DeliveredEntered
UserDoseCF baseline = ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (8.6)

UserDoseCF delivered = ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (8.7)

BaselineEntered = the central axis dose in which to set the template standard. This term is
entered by the user as desired baseline dose. See Baseline QA Template on page 29 for more
information regarding the baseline dose parameter.
DeliveredEntered = the central axis dose that was delivered for the baseline measurement.
This term is entered by the user as the actual delivered dose, which may be different from the
baseline dose due to variations such as linac output change. See Baseline QA Template on
page 29 for more information regarding the delivered dose parameter.
NetCAX = the net counts for the central chamber, corrected for background and the array
calibration factors.

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DoseCF = the device absolute dose calibration factor for the CAX detector.
ADCF = the air density correction factor at the time of measurement.
Electron Energy Calibration Factors
Electron energy calibration is the process of exposing the five energy detectors to a range of
electron energies. Seeing that the e-ion chambers already have a range of buildups over them for
measuring 4-20 MeV, no additional buildup should be placed on the Daily QA 3 for electron energy
calibration and measurements. Extra buildup will change the calibration curves and distort the
calibration. Each energy detector has the correct amount of metal or plastic buildup embedded
within the Daily QA 3 top plastic.
The electron energy calibration is recorded at the time a baseline measurement is taken for a
particular beam test. When an electron test baseline has been taken and completed, the system
will prompt to save the baseline and will also display a box that, if checked, will record the electron
energy calibration as well. There must be at least two measurements for two different energies
that are not closer together than 3 MeV, that are saved as electron energy calibrations in the
system in order to accurately determine the values and measurements for each test recorded.
Without these electron energy calibration measurements in the system, the results cannot be
accurately verified.

Temperature and Pressure Calibration

Temperature Analysis
The Daily QA 3 has one temperature sensor located near the electronics (Temp 1 in figure below)
and five thermistors located near certain ion chambers (Temp 2 through Temp 6 in figure below).
The temperature sensor (Temp 1) can be damaged by radiation and tends to drift due to its
proximity to the heat output from the power supply. The thermistors are radiation insensitive.
Starting with software version 2.3.0, temperature corrections are performed using the thermistor
labeled ‘Temp 5’ within the detector array instead of the temperature sensor near the electronics.

Figure 11-1. Location of Temperature Sensor and Thermistors

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 97 Calculations

Temperature Calibration
The temperature that is displayed by the software is the output of Temp 5. When performing
temperature calibration, the software uses the following calculation:

TrueValue = MeasuredValue + Offset

where MeasuredValue is the value reported by the Temp 5 thermistor, and TrueValue is the value
entered by the user. The Offset value is stored in software.
Correction Factors
The Daily QA 3 internal thermistors and pressure sensors monitor ambient temperature and
pressure when the unit is in operation. The temperature and pressure values are displayed at the
bottom of the screen, next to the date, when the device is in operation.
There are no internal adjustments to change the values of the temperature and pressure sensors.
However, a correction factor can be applied to the measured values using the Calibrate
Temperature and Pressure option under the Calibrate menu. A calibration dialog box is
displayed, and the user enters the temperature and pressure values obtained from the calibrated
laboratory instruments. The software compares the calibrated values with the values obtained
from the device’s on-board thermistors and pressure sensors and calculates correction factors.
The correction factors are stored in the database and applied to the readings of the on-board
temperature and pressure sensors.
The correction factors remain in the database to be applied to subsequent measurements.

Relative Versus Calibrated Temperature and Pressure

The temperature and pressure calibration provides a method to increase the accuracy of the
temperature and pressure readings in the data collected. After performing the calibration, the
temperature and pressure values stored in the database are accurate to known standards.
However, it is not necessary to perform temperature and pressure calibration to obtain reliable
results the Daily QA 3.

Note: The Daily QA 3 is used for routine measurements of output, flatness, symmetry,
energy, and radiation light-field coincidence. The only parameter which is affected by
air density is the output measurement, and this is compared to prior measurements
which makes it a relative measurement. In this case, accuracy of air density is not
important; however, measurement resolution, or precision, is important. From the
Temperature and Pressure specifications, the air density correction combines the
uncertainties, resulting in a precision of 0.04% and an absolute accuracy of 2.6% (see
Daily QA 3 Specifications on page 65). If the Daily QA 3 temperature and pressure
measurements are to be used for absolute air density, the user should have an accurate
standard for comparison in order to calibrate the Temperature and Pressure.

QA Trend Parameter Calculations

This section provides the analytical expressions used to calculate values displayed in the Results
box after each exposure, as well as those expressions which result in the saved Trend Data Table
and the Trend plots.
Variable Subscripts
In the following discussion, the variable subscript SET specifies a standard setup for a
measurement made under the same measurement template specified in the Scheme Tree for one
machine. To obtain a trend line, all the measurements made under the same setup will be saved
as separate records in the database and will have the same SET value, regardless of which day of
the week it falls on. The SET ID is a date code, assigned by the computer during template creation.
The template name given by the physicist will appear in the Scheme Tree. The name need not be
unique, for example, 6 MV may appear under several Machine IDs. However, the SET ID is unique
and is used as the subscript.

Calculations Page 98 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Dose Parameter

The dose trend parameter, DOSE, which is actually a percent difference in dose measurements,
is calculated from:
DOSE SET = ----------------------------------------------------  100 (8.8)

The first central axis dose measurement for this test data set, CDSET,1, is the standard against
which all other measurements are compared. The variable CDSET represents the current
The central axis dose output of the machine for a given measurement SET is calculated using the
center detector Dcax under the test conditions specified.
Factor n
D n = Net n  DoseCF  ADCF  UserDoseCF  -------------------------------- (8.9)
Factor CAX

Dn = the Dose value for any detector "n" in the array
Netn = the net count value from the "n" detector, following background and array corrections
to the raw data; see Equation (8.10)
DoseCF = device absolute dose correction factor for the CAX detector
ADCF = air density correction factor as defined above. All array detectors are assumed to be
the same temperature at n = CAX.
UserDoseCF = a correction factor to dose, unique to the template in which it is defined
Factorn = array calibration factors, all relative to one detector in order to correct for relative
sensitivity differences defined by device serial number.
Net n =  C RAW – C OFF – BKG SESSION   Time TOTAL – Time OFF    CF ARRAY (8.10)

CRAW = Total number of central axis counts for the measurement.
COFF = Central axis offset count value for the measurement
BKGSESSION = Background subtraction value for central axis. SESSION indicates that
background value is valid for all measurements until a new background measurement is
TimeTOTAL = Total time in ms the device was integrating for the measurement.
TimeOFF = Time in ms the offset update was taken.
CFARRAY = Array calibration factor for the central axis.
The ADCF is computed from:
T t + 273.2 101.33
ADCF = ---------------------------  ------------------ (8.11)
295.2 Pt

Tt = T0 + Bt and Pt = Mp  P0 + Bp (8.12)

For temperature:
Bt = Ti – Tj

Ti = True temperature entered during calibration
Tj = Temperature value read by device during calibration
T0 = Temperature value read by device during measurement
(Default value of Bt = 0.)

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 99 Calculations

For pressure:

4 Pt
4 3
dB p = ---   P t – P 0  and M p = --- + ---  ------- (8.13)
7 7 7 P0

PT = Pressure value entered during calibration.
P0 = Raw pressure value from the embedded code.
Mp = Pressure slope from the user calibration.
Bp = Pressure offset from the user calibration.

Note: Default values for Bp = 0 and Mp = 1.

AxSym Parameter

The axial symmetry trend parameter, AxSym, which is expressed as a percent, is calculated from:
AxSym =   – 1  1 – OR   -------------  AX +  – 1  OR   -------------   1 – AX   100% (8.14)
  C   C  

T = Uncorrected dose for the top (T) detector
C = Uncorrected dose for the center (C) detector.
R = Uncorrected dose for the right (R) detector.
L = Uncorrected dose for the left (L) detector.
AX = Axial value for the SET, defined in SET template “Detector Axis.” “Axial” = 1,
“Transverse” = 0.
OR = Orientation value for the SET, defined in the SET template, “Orient T.” “Target” and
“Right” = 1; “Gun” and “Left” = 0.
100 converts to a percent value.
The baseline axial symmetry measurement for this template data set, AxSym1, is the standard
against which all other measurements are compared. AxSymDiff is actually not saved in a table;
it is calculated from each stored axial symmetry value, AxSym, for a data SET when the QA Graph
tab is selected.
AxSymDiff = AxSym – AxSym 1 (8.15)

TrSym Parameter

The transverse symmetry trend parameter, TrSym, which is expressed as a percent, is calculated
as shown in (8.17).
The calculation only differs from the AxSym calculationent by the use of the AX parameter for
selection of transverse results, as shown below:
TrSym =   – 1  1 – OR   -------------   1 – AX  +  – 1  1 – OR   -------------  AX  100% (8.16)
  C   C  

T = Uncorrected dose for the top (T) detector
C = Uncorrected dose for the center (C) detector.
R = Uncorrected dose for the right (R) detector.
L = Uncorrected dose for the left (L) detector.
AX = Axial value for the SET, defined in SET template “Detector Axis.” “Axial” = 1,
“Transverse” = 0.

Calculations Page 100 P/N 1093011, Rev R

OR = Orientation value for the SET, defined in the SET template, “Orient T.” “Target” and
“Right” = 1; “Gun” and “Left” = 0.
100 converts to a percent value.
The baseline transverse symmetry measurement for this template data set, TrSym1, is the
standard against which all other measurements are compared. TrSymDiff is actually not saved in
a table; it is calculated from each stored transverse symmetry value, TrSym, for a data SET when
the QA Graph tab is selected.
TrSymDiff = TrSym – TrSym 1 (8.17)

QAFlat Parameter

The QA flatness trend parameter, QAFlat, is a difference in percent flatness values and is
calculated from:
QAFlat SET = QAF SET – QAF SET,1 (8.18)

where: from the 5 primary QA detectors C, T, B, L, R; find the maximum value, QMAX, and the
minimum value, QMIN, and calculate:
QAF =  ----------------------------------------------------------------  100% (8.19)

e-Energy Parameter

The Daily QA 3 is manufactured with five ionization chambers to be used for electron energy
checks of the measured beam. Five different points on a dose depth curve can be measured with
a single exposure.
The five chambers include the center detector at CAX and the four energy (e) chambers at the top
left (eTL) top right (eTR), bottom left (eBL) and bottom right (eBR). Each of these ion chambers has
a different buildup (Table 11-1) which results in a different dose depth.

Table 11-1. Buildup of Energy Measurement Detectors

Detector Buildup Disk Thickness Acrylic thickness in top Water-equivalent buildup

plate (gm/cm2)
eTR none 0.067 in. (0.170 cm) 0.2
eBR copper, 0.216 in. (0.549 cm) 0.067 in. (0.170 cm) 4.3
eBL aluminum, 0.216 in. (0.549 cm) 0.067 in. (0.170 cm) 0.7
eTL steel (Fe), 0.150 in.(0.381 cm) 0.129 in. (0.328 cm 3.0
CAX none 0.290 in. (0.737 cm) 1.0

The Daily QA 3 measures energies within 1.0% accuracy between 6 and 20 MeV and within 2%
between 4 and 6 MeV. One chamber (CAX) is in the center of the array, while the other electron
energy chambers are on the 45-degree diagonals. In order to avoid asymmetry effects on these
diagonal chambers, the asymmetry found in the corner chambers is used to correct the dose
measured at the e-chambers. To ensure that variations in dose do not affect e-Energy readings,
the ratio of each of the e-chambers with respect to the CAX chamber is what is used to measure
changes in energy. In the symmetry adjusted ratio “r” the net counts calculated for each detector
use the array calibration factor found during the array calibration process for all detectors, with the
exception of the electron energy detectors which use a value of one for their array calibration
factors. See Equation 8.10 for more information. For each symmetry adjusted ratio ri, the energy
Ei is found by the equation below where r1, r2, E1 and E2 are the symmetry adjusted ratios and
energies from the calibration records that are closest in energy (MeV) to the daily measurement
of a particular template.
r i – r1 i
E i =  E2 – E1   -------------------- + E1 (8.20)
r2 i – r1i

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 101 Calculations

Confidence levels are applied to the determined energies such that the detectors with the
greatest change in ratio with respect to change in energy (slope) are relied on more. The reported
energy is the slope-weighted average of the energy measured by the four ratios.
E2 – E1
 E i  -------------------------- (8.21)
 r2 i – r1 i 


E i  ------------------
i=1   Ei  (8.22)
E wavg = -------------------------------------------------
 -----------------2-
i = 1   Ei 

• This method has only been tested when the spacing between electron energies for
which calibration files exist is no more than 3 MeV.
• This method only allows for interpolation between points that are included in the e-
energy calibration setup. Outside this range the energy of the beam is unknown.

BSC Parameter

BSC indicates beam profile constancy with respect to baseline, where the measurement points
are 8.0-cm off-axis.
According to TG-142, beam profile constancy, referred here as beam shape constancy, BSC can
be estimated as shown below.
1 S i S CAX
BSC = ---
4  - -------------- – 1  100%

= Background-subtracted calibrated counts of ion chambers, with i placed equidistant
from the central detector CAX extracted from the QA measurement, M and baseline, B

= Background-subtracted calibrated counts of ion chambers, with i placed equidistant

from the central detector CAX extracted from the QA measurement, M and baseline, B

= Background-subtracted calibrated counts from CAX in the QA measurement, M and

baseline, B respectively.

= Background-subtracted calibrated counts from CAX in the QA measurement, M and

baseline, B respectively.
For the ion chambers, L, R, B, and T, which are placed 8.0-cm away from the CAX in the Daily QA
3 or Daily QA-MR devices, Eq. (8.23) then converts to Eq. (8.24).

- – 1 + -------------
- -------------- – 1 + -------------
- -------------- – 1 + -------------
- -------------- – 1  100% (8.24)
BSC = --- -------------
4 S

BSC processing steps are listed below:

Calculations Page 102 P/N 1093011, Rev R

1 Array calibration factors are extracted for the detectors L, R, B, and T from baseline and
• cf, raw counts
• C_raw, offset
• C_offset, background
• C_bkg and acquisition time, session time - offset time
2 Counts are background-corrected.
3 Background-subtracted counts are corrected by applying the array calibration factors.
4 Eq. (8.24) is applied to calculate BSC.

Note: The BSC calculation will fail if CAX values are zero, indicating damaged detectors.

X-Energy Parameter (Flattened Beam)

The Daily QA 3 measures changes in energy not absolute energy. If a change in flatness is
observed from one measurement to the next, a corresponding change of energy has occurred.
The Daily QA 3 software reports the difference between the daily measurement and the “Gold
Measuring photon energy changes by monitoring changes to the flatness of profiles is more
sensitive than measuring points on a depth-dose curve. In order to have a flat beam at a particular
depth, linac vendors have designed flattening filters with a conical shape. The greater material
density at the center of the flattening filter produces a harder beam along the CAX. When the
photon energy varies from the nominal energy for which the flattening filter was designed, the
flatness of the beam changes.
Below is a graph of the changes in symmetry adjusted flatness measured by Daily QA 3 as a
function of change in bending magnet current. Assuming no change is made to the shape of the
energy spectrum, a 1% change in the bending magnet current is equivalent to a 1% change in
photon energy spectrum. This measurement was performed at 100 SSD with only inherent QA III
buildup (1 g/cm2), for both 6MV and 15MV using a Varian Clinac 1800. A 0.27% change in flatness
with 1% change in bending magnet current was found.

Figure 11-2. Photon Energy Change with Flatness Change

Siemens and Elekta machines have not been tested, but the physics is generically the same.
Change in energy will be reflected by a change in flatness.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 103 Calculations

The definition of flatness used is “Average of corner chambers/CAX chamber.” This removes any
dependence on asymmetry that might exist. The slopes on the two graphs above are listed as 0.31
and 0.28, near the base energy. However the slope is lower and hence the slopes were adjusted
slightly lower to reflect this.

X-Energy Parameter (Flattening Filter Free Beam)

The X-energy parameter for an FFF beam indicates the change (in percentage) in beam quality (or
the ratio of the dose at 20-cm depth to that at 10-cm depth for a field size of 10 cm × 10 cm) with
respect to the baseline. The change in X-energy is estimated based on the change in off-axis ratio
(OAR) at 11.3 cm, which was shown to depend linearly on beam quality by Gao S.1 et al. (2016)
JACMP. The formalism was tested using Varian TrueBeam, but the Physics should remain the
same for other Linacs.

Light-Field Coincidence (Flattened Beam)

The field size of the beam is measured to determine coincidence of the radiation field of the beam
to the projected light pattern used for alignment. When the device is set up on the couch for a
measurement, the user aligns the 20 cm light field from the linac precisely along the 20 cm field
marks on the overlay at 100 cm SSD. Then, when an exposure is made, detectors measure the
beam strength at various points along each axis. The software calculates the difference between
the light field and the beam field in mm and displays the shift and direction in mm.
On Daily QA 3, each axis has nine detectors available to measure beam strength, six diodes and
three chambers. For example, the X-axis detectors from left to right are diodes L3, L2, L1;
chambers L, CAX, and R; and diodes R1, R2, R3. The three diode detectors that straddle the 20
cm field marks at 5 cm spacing are the primary penumbra detectors. If the penumbra falls inside
of L or R, the user is warned that the beam edge could not be calculated due to the penumbra
being out of range.

Note: Both PROFILER 2 and TomoDose have similar detectors that can be used for
penumbra detection. Daily QA 2 does not have suitable detectors; consequently these
parameters are omitted.

Using the CAX detector as primary value, beam width is calculated using the summation of arc
tangent functions for all detectors. Then the points are fitted to a curve using the sum of least
squares to produce a virtual detector. From the resulting curve, a virtual detector position is
selected on each side that represents 50% of the CAX value. Field size is the difference in
centimeters between the 50% virtual detector positions. Note that SSD is at 100 cm, and that the
depth of the detectors is taken into account by the software.
The software reports four quantities in mm: the shift in the ± X direction, the shift in ± Y direction,
the width of the field along the X axis, and the width of the field along the Y axis.

Light-Radiation Field Coincidence (Flattening Filter Free Beam)

The field size and shift of the beam is measured to determine coincidence of the radiation field to
the projected light pattern used for alignment. During the QA measurement, the user sets up the
Daily QA 3 device on the couch at 100 cm SSD and aligns the 20 cm light field from the linac
precisely along the 20 cm field marks on the overlay. If no light field or beam crosshair is available,
the alignment is performed in a similar manner using external alignment lasers. When an exposure
is made, detectors inside the device measure the beam intensity at various points along each axis.
If the penumbra does not fall within the range of the diode detectors, the user is warned that the
beam edge could not be calculated due to the penumbra being out of range. If the penumbra is
within the range of diode detectors, field sizes and shifts are measured as follows: the detector
responses are corrected for background and normalized using array calibration factors.

1. Gao, S., Balter, P.A., Rose, M. and Simon, W.E. (2016) A Comparison of Methods for Monitoring
Photon Beam Energy Constancy. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 17, 242-253.

Calculations Page 104 P/N 1093011, Rev R

The corrected counts at each axis are fitted using an analytic model, which is the summation of a
double arctangent function (characterizes a typical megavoltage flattened beam) and a gaussian
function (characterizes the increased dose component around the central axis due to removing
the flattening filter). The model locates the beam edges (defined as the points on the penumbra
where the dose gradient is the maximum), which are used to estimate both the field size (defined
as the distance between the opposing field edges) and shift (defined as the displacement
between the central axis of the light and radiation fields).
The Daily QA 3 software reports the following outputs (in centimeters) for light/radiation field
• XSize, defined as the field size along the x-axis.
• XShift, defined as the displacement between the central axis of the light and radiation fields
along the x-axis.
• YSize, defined as the field size along the y-axis.
• YShift, defined as the displacement between the central axis of the light and radiation fields
along the y-axis.

Trend Value Selection

The Baseline Mode configured in the Template Setup determines which baseline values will be
used during measurements.
Absolute—with this option, the AxSym and TrSym baselines are 0%, the Field Shift baselines are
0, and Field Size baseline values are those defined in the template.
Relative, default template mode—with this option, AxSym, TrSym, Field Size, and Field Shift are
the measured baseline values.
Flatness and Symmetry
Flatness and symmetry of the linac beam are in units of percent. A nominal beam has ~3%
flatness and 0% symmetry errors. The software application calculates the flatness and symmetry
trend values by subtracting the standard from the current measurement. The trend will then show
the net change in the parameter since the standard was taken. It is assumed that the beam is
“perfect” at the time of the standard measurement.
Perfect does not mean the flatness and symmetry parameters are ideal. It means that the data in
the treatment planning computer is in perfect agreement with the machine output. However,
many planning systems do not take symmetry into account and assume 0% symmetry error. This
redefines the standard to 0% and requires the trend to display absolute symmetry in order to
detect significant changes with respect to the treatment plan.
A nominal limit on symmetry error has been ±3%. There are 2 ways to interpret the impact of this
error. If the treatment planning data uses the actual beam data with inherent symmetry errors,
then a change in symmetry of ±3% relative should be used. For example, if a symmetry error of
+2% exists in the standard, then a change of ±3% relative would allow symmetry errors between
-1% and +5%. In the same numerical example, if the treatment planning software models the
beam with 0% on the symmetry value, then measured beam symmetry should stay within ±3%
absolute, that is, allowed to drift up from +2% to a +3% symmetry, a net drift of only 1%; or drift
down to a -3% symmetry, a net drift of -5%. In the second case, the absolute value, not the
change, should be tested for acceptability.
Flatness criteria should be considered separately from symmetry, that is, if symmetry is setup as
an absolute trend parameter, flatness may need to be kept as a relative trend parameter. A change
in flatness can be caused by a change in beam steering which also precipitates a change in
symmetry, or flatness can be caused by a change in beam energy without an accompanying
change in symmetry.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 105 Calculations

CAX Dose Calibration Theory and Trend Analysis

The following discussion derives the central axis dose calculation and Trend analysis for the Daily
QA 3 device. It also includes example situations where calibration of the linac, dose measurement
standard, or Daily QA 3 is required and what the effects are on the database trend analysis
produced by these calibrations.
The Daily QA 3 is an ion chamber device that is used to test the daily radiation output, flatness,
symmetry, energy, and radiation light-field coincidence of the clinical linear accelerator. The ion
chambers are vented to the atmosphere, and their outputs are corrected for changes in air density
with an electronic pressure and temperature measurement. Each chamber is connected to a
dedicated charge measurement electrometer that automatically stops when the radiation turns
off. Measurement data is transferred to a PC for storage and trend analysis.
The PC application includes functions that calibrate the ion chamber array for relative sensitivity,
calibrate the temperature and pressure sensors, and baseline the measurement “Templates” that
are used for daily constancy measurements. The Templates define various beam conditions that
are setup by the physicist during installation, including the order in which they appear on the
Scheme Tree for the therapist. Baseline QA Template sets the reference against which all
subsequent measurements are compared in a difference trend graph. The physicist makes this
baseline measurement and is required to enter the desired and delivered dose values at the
central axis. This is used by the software to calibrate the center detector for each template’s dose
measurement. The Baseline QA Template also establishes the reference values for flatness,
symmetry, and energy. The trend graphs then plot the percent change in flatness and symmetry
and energy.
There are situations that may occur which require re-calibration of a Template. These include:
• Linac not being properly warmed up prior to the first calibration measurement,
• Drift in the linac output over time
• Change in the Daily QA 3 ion chamber response due to improper calibration of temperature
or pressure,
• An initial error in the linac output calibration.
In order to re-calibrate and restore the trend graph to the proper reference, an understanding of
the dose calculation and trend analysis is required. This is the subject of the following discussion.
Dose Measurement Calculation
The central axis dose, D, from the nth exposure in the test database [similar to Equation (8.9)] is
calculated from
D n = ADCF n  Net n  DoseCF  UserDoseCF (8.25)

DoseCF = device absolute dose correction factor for the CAX detector
ADCFn = Air density calibration factor at the time of the nth test exposure
Netn = SR2n . cf2j
SR2n = Sum of raw ion chamber counts for the center detector, #2, minus the leakage
cf2j = Relative array correction factor for center detector, #2, determined during the jth array
UserDoseCF = a correction factor to dose, unique to the template in which it is defined
The terms in Equation (8.25) are by subscripts that are logically associated in the database. The
subscript n refers to the nth exposure in the test database, defined as a number or counter for that
test. The subscript nc refers to the test calibration, where the test was calibrated on the nth
exposure. This subscript is not used in the database but is included here for clarity. The first
exposure is performed at the same time as the first calibration hence n=1, m=1 and nc=1. The
next calibration, where m=2 may not occur until n is a much higher number. At that point, nc=n.
The subscript j refers to the array calibration and has nothing to do with n. An array calibration is

Calculations Page 106 P/N 1093011, Rev R

required before setting up the database. It may be required some time after the database has
been started if the Daily QA 3 was repaired or substituted. The database allows device
substitution because the array calibration using the wide field calibration procedure makes the
detector sensitivities invariant to the trend in a database.
The dose calibration factor, DoseCF, is calculated from
DE m
DoseCF = ------------------------------------------------ (8.26)
ADCF nc  SR2 nc

DEm = Dose entered by the physicist during a test calibration.
Note that ADCF and SR2 were subscripted with nc to denote the calibration reference to n, where
these values occur in the database, and c, which identifies it as a calibration.
We can define the raw ion chamber count in terms of the chamber sensitivity and radiation output
of the linac.
Sn  On
SR2 n = -------------------- (8.27)

Sn = Chamber sensitivity at standard temperature and pressure conditions (STP) during the
nth exposure
On = Linac output for the MU setting for the test
Combining terms in Equations (8.25), (8.26), and (8.27) yields the following equation:
Sn  On
D n = DE m  --------------------------- (8.28)
S nc  O nc

Dose Trending Calculation

The Dn value is saved in the database. These values are then used to calculate the percent
difference with respect to the first point measurement, which is the test reference, that is, first
test calibration point.
The central axis error dose trend line, En, is calculated from 100*(Dn – D1)/ D1, which reduces to
the following:

Sn  On
DE m  --------------------------- – DE 1 (8.29)
S nc  O nc
E n = ---------------------------------------------------------------  100 Value on trend graph
DE 1

Note: En is not saved in the database, because it can be easily re-calculated.

The term DE1 results from the n=nc=1. From Equation (8.29), we can now determine the effects
of dose entry error, sensitivity changes, output drift, and how to properly compensate for them.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 107 Calculations

Conditions Requiring Compensation
Example 1. Output is not correct at the time of first test calibration, but machine calibration
is OK when warmed up
This could occur if the linac is not properly warmed up, for example, evening or Saturday setup of
database and calibration. Subsequent measurements after proper warmup, such as would occur
during daily testing by the therapist before treatment, would then indicate an error on the trend
Re-stating conditions: O1 = (1+e)*On; S1 = Sn; nc = 1, m=1 so DEm = DE1
Here, e represents the fractional error in the output at the time of calibration, and nc = 1 because
there has not been a recalibration. Substitution of these conditions into Equation (8.29) reduces
to the following:

 On  –e
E n =  --------------------- – 1  100 = -------------  100 (8.30)
 1 + e On  1+e

If the linac was running -3% during the first calibration (that is, e = -0.03), then subsequent
measurements of true output after that calibration would indicate a +3% error, per Equation
(8.30). At the time of the first calibration, the dose entry DE1 was actually incorrect because the
machine was cold.
In order to correct the trend graph, the Calibrate QA Field for this test should be run again. The
correct dose should be entered when requested. If the machine is properly warmed up, then the
second calibration, m=2, will result in the entry of DE2 which will be equal to DE1. Then, for
subsequent measurements where n > nc, the output will be equal to the 2nd calibration output.
Re-stating conditions: Onc = On; Snc = Sn; DE2 = DE1
Substitution of these conditions into Equation (8.29) reduces to En = 0%.
In summary, for n>nc, that is, measurements after recalibration, the trend graph will be restored
to 0%.
For n<nc, that is, measurements prior to recalibration, En will still indicate the error on the trend
graph because of the reference to O1 when n<nc.
Example 2. Linac drift causes error in output/MU
This is the error that we are actually looking for. The daily measurement is looking for a machine
drift in output, with respect to the monitor units.
Re-stating conditions: On = (1+e)*O1; S1 = Sn; nc = 1, m=1 so DEm = DE1.
As above, e represents the fractional error in the output, but in this case, it is due to drift.
Substitution of these conditions into Equation (8.29) reduces to the following:

  1 + e  Þ O1 
E n =  --------------------------------- – 1  100 = e  100 (8.31)
 O1 

Thus, the trend graph will demonstrate the error as e*100%. This situation will call for a
recalibration of the linac, using the traceable calibration standard ion chamber. After recalibration
occurs and daily checks resume, then On = O1. After substitution into Equation (8.29), En = 0%.
In summary, for NNE', that is, measurements after recalibration, the trend graph will be restored
to 0%.
For n > n', that is, measurements prior to recalibration, En will still indicate the error on the trend
graph because of the actual machine calibration error On when n > n'. (n' represents Daily QA
measurements prior to machine recalibration.) Note that there was no need for recalibration of the
Daily QA device.

Calculations Page 108 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Example 3. Daily QA 3 chamber sensitivity change, either drift, repair, or replacement
If there is a change in the Daily QA ion chamber or electrometer sensitivity, this will result in a
measurement error if recalibration does not occur. Such a change is most likely due to repair or
replacement of the device. Drift of the ion chamber or electrometer is unlikely, but can be
compensated for if necessary. More likely, drift could be caused by a change in the temperature
or pressure sensor measurement that is used to correct for air density changes. The database
software is designed to allow continued use of the same test, even after an device switch. Only
recalibration of the test is required to restore the trend graph.
Re-stating conditions: On = O1; Sn = (1+e)*S1; nc = 1, m=1 so DEm = DE1

  1 + e   S1 
E n =  ------------------------------ – 1  100 = e  100 (8.32)
 S1 

In order to correct the trend graph, the Calibrate QA Field for this test should be run again. In this
situation, dose entry will not change, so the entry of DE2 which will be equal to DE1. Then, for
subsequent measurements where n > nc, the device sensitivity will be equal to the 2nd calibration
Re-stating conditions, Onc = On; Snc = Sn; DE2 = DE1
Substitution of these conditions into Equation (8.29) reduces to En = 0%
In summary, for n>nc, that is, measurements after recalibration, the trend graph will be restored
to 0%.
For n<nc, that is, measurements prior to recalibration and after the sensitivity change, En will still
indicate the error on the trend graph because of the reference to S1 when n<nc.
Example 4. Dose entry (DE) is in monitor units, not dose
Some physicists may choose to enter the MU setting for the dose entry value during the test
calibration. Although this does not have absolute dose as a reference in Equation (8.29), the
relationship “r” to dose is known by machine calibration records.
r = ------------------- (8.33)
Then, for Equation (8.29), DEn = MU = Dosen/rn. MU is not subscripted because it is fixed in the
Test conditions. Therefore, DE will always be the same value in Equation (8.29).
Note that “Output” in Equation (8.33) is the same as “O” in Equation (8.29).
• If Dose is not correct on exposure 1, due to improper warmup, then O1 = (1+e)*On. This is
identical to Example 1 illustrated above. The analysis and correction would be the same.
• If the machine calibration drifts over time, then rn = (1+e)*r1. Since MU is constant and Sn =
S1, substitution into Equation (8.29) results in the following:
From Equation (8.33), since On = rn*MU, and rn = (1+e)r1, En reduces to the same expression in
Example 2. The analysis and correction would be the same.
If the Daily QA device changes, it is identical to Example 3 and again, the analysis and correction
would be the same.
Example 5. Linac is mis-calibrated at time of first test calibration
This differs from the first example in that the actual dose entry is incorrect for the machine under
normal use. This may occur if the primary ion chamber used to originally calibrate the machine
output was recalibrated which resulted in a significant absolute calibration change, or calibration
reference conditions changed such as a switch to the recommendations of AAPM’s Task Group
51 (TG-51).
After the machine is recalibrated, the output per monitor unit will now be different.
Re-stating conditions: O1 = (1+e) On; S1 = Sn; DE1 = DE1
In other words, the output per monitor unit was in error on the first test calibration, the sensitivity
of the Daily QA has not changed, and there has not been a recalibration of the Daily QA, that is,
DE1 is still the reference.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 109 Calculations

These are effectively identical conditions to Example 1, substitution of these conditions into
Equation (8.29) reduces to Equation (8.30), with En = [-e/(1+e)]*100%.
After the machine is recalibrated, the trend graph will indicate the above error.
Now the Daily QA Test can be recalibrated, and the trend graph conditions will change to the
following conditions:
On = Onc; Sn = Snc; DEm = (1+e)*DE1. Substitution into Equation (8.29) results in the following:

DE m – DE 1
E n = -----------------------------  100 = e  100 (8.34)
DE 1

This equation leads to the special case where it is important for the physicist to be able to edit the
trend reference. The edit will result in En = (DEm – DEm) = 0, which will restore the trend graph
to zero error.
If a test is recalibrated, the new calibration is applied to subsequent exposures but the original
calibration is still applied to the previous exposures.
Example 6. Linac repair changes machine output, but profile shape is restored
This is the same situation as if there was a drift in the linac output, identical to Example 2.
Example 7. Linac repair changes machine output and causes new profile shapes
This will cause a new reference to the flatness and symmetry values. A new test could be started;
however, trending absolute symmetry and editing the output will trend independently of the
original machine conditions.

Database Export Values

The Daily QA 3 database stores primary measured values for each measurement and recalculates
derived data whenever a record is accessed.
As an example of the use of the database exported values, consider the following calculation for
where ADCF (air density correction factor) = ((TEMP + 273.2) / 295.2)) * (101.33 / PRESS) and the
database fields are as follows:
N_COUNTS—measured analog to digital counts for detector N
N_OFFSET—measured offset counts for detector N
N_BKG—measured background counts for detector N
SESSION_TIME—the number of milliseconds that the beam is on
OFFSET_TIME—number of milliseconds before the beam turns on
N_FACTOR—the array calibration factor for detector N
AB_DOSE_CF—device absolute dose correction factor for the CAX detector
TEMPLATE_DOSE_CF—the template dose correction which converts central axis dose from
relative to absolute
TEMP—temperature of the device from an internal sensor
PRESS—pressure of the device from an internal sensor
See Dose Measurement Calculation on page 106 for a theoretical discussion.

Calculations Page 110 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Field Definitions
Fields exported from the database to a text file are defined below. Only fields for the type of device
(Daily QA 3, Daily QA 2, PROFILER 2, or TomoDose) for the template will be in the file.
Table 11-2. Field Definitions

Device Field Description

Daily QA 3, MACHINE Name of machine (linac or other device) for which the template was
Daily QA 2 created.
TEMPLATE Name of template for the specific measurement.
DATETIME Date and time of measurement.
DATA_KEY Unique key value for this measurement.
STANDARD_KEY DATA_KEY measurement of the standard for this measurement.
AB_DOSE_CF Device absolute dose calibration factor. for CAX detector.
TEMPLATE_DOSE_ Correction factor used to convert relative central axis measurement to
CF dose.
SESSION_TIME Total session time in milliseconds.
BEAM_ON_TIME Total beam on time in milliseconds.
OFFSET_TIME Offset time in milliseconds (time before beam turns on).
TEMP Temperature measured by unit temperature sensor.
PRESSURE Barometric pressure measured by unit pressure sensor.
n_COUNTS Raw analog to digital counts for detector n (T_COUNTS, R_COUNTS,
n_OFFSET Offset analog to digital counts for detector n (T_OFFSET, R_OFFSET,
n_BKG Background analog to digital counts for detector n (T_BKG, R_BKG,
R1_BKG, R2_BKG, and R3_BKG.)
n_FACTOR Array calibration factor for detector n (T_FACTOR, R_FACTOR, B_FACTOR,
ENERGY_CAL_KEYn DATA_KEY values of measurements used for energy calculations

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 111 Calculations

Table 11-2. Field Definitions (Continued)

Device Field Description

PROFILER 2 MACHINE Name of machine (linac or other device) for which the template was
TEMPLATE Name of template for the specific measurement.
DATETIME Date and time of measurement.
DATA_KEY Unique key value for this measurement.
STANDARD_KEY DATA_KEY measurement of the standard for this measurement.
AB_DOSE_CF Device absolute dose calibration factor. for CAX detector.
TEMPLATE_DOSE_ Correction factor used to convert relative central axis measurement to
CF dose.
SESSION_TIME Total session time in milliseconds.
BEAM_ON_TIME Total beam on time in milliseconds.
TEMP1-5 Temperature measured by unit temperature sensors 1-5 (future use).
GAIN Gain setting for measurement (future use).
Xn_COUNTS Raw analog to digital counts for detector n on the X axis.
Yn_COUNTS Raw analog to digital counts for detector n on the Y axis.
Zn_COUNTS Raw analog to digital counts for Electronics in Beam detector.
Xn_BKG Background analog to digital counts for detector n on the X axis.
Yn_BKG Background analog to digital counts for detector n on the Y axis.
Zn_BKG Background analog to digital counts for Electronics in Beam detector.
Xn_FACTOR Array calibration factor for detector Xn.
Yn_FACTOR Array calibration factor for detector Yn.
Zn_FACTOR Array calibration factor for detector Zn.
TomoDose MACHINE Name of machine (linac or other device) for which the template was
TEMPLATE Name of template for the specific measurement.
DATETIME Date and time of the measurement.
DATA_KEY Unique key value for this measurement.
STANDARD_KEY DATA_KEY measurement of the standard for this measurement.
AB_DOSE_CF Device absolute dose calibration factor. for CAX detector.
TEMPLATE_DOSE_ Correction factor used to convert central axis measurement to dose.
SESSION_TIME Total session time in milliseconds.
BEAM_ON_TIME Total beam on time in milliseconds.
GAIN Gain setting for measurement.
Dn_COUNTS Raw analog to digital counts for each detector.
Dn_OFFSET Offset analog to digital counts for each detector.
Dn_BKG Background analog to digital counts for each detector.
DEXT_BKG Background for the external chamber connector.
Dn_FACTOR Array calibration factor for detector Dn.
DEXT_FACTOR Array calibration factor for detector DEXT.

Calculations Page 112 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Appendix A: Regulatory Supplement

Sun Nuclear Corporation Symbols

The following symbols are used in this document and in Sun Nuclear Corporation’s product labels.

WARNING: This symbol indicates a risk of electric shock. (EN ISO 7010)

WARNING: This symbol indicates a hazard that could result in major injury or
equipment damage. (EN ISO 7010)

CAUTION: This symbol indicates a potential hazard that could result in minor injury or
equipment damage. (EN ISO 15223-1)

WARNING: This symbol indicates MR Unsafe. Do not use the indicated equipment in
any strong magnetic fields. (ASTM F2503)Rev R
MR Unsafe
Do not use
in the MRI
scan room.

Note: Important or supporting information.

Manufacturer’s Identification (name and address). (EN ISO 15223-1)

Date of Manufacture. (EN ISO 15223-1)

Temperature limitation. (EN ISO 15223-1, 5.3.7)

Humidity limitation. (EN ISO 15223-1, 5.3.8)

Atmospheric pressure limitation. (EN ISO 15223-1, 5.3.9)

Serial Number. (EN ISO 15223-1)

Catalog Number. (EN ISO 15223-1, 5.1.6)

Authorized representative in the European Community. (EN ISO 15223-1)

Medical device. (MDR 2017/745 - Art. 18 - §1d)

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 113 Regulatory Supplement

By prescription only. (FDA 21CFR801.109)

Read the instructions in this manual before using.

Do not throw in trash; dispose of in an environmentally friendly way. (EN 50419)

This symbol indicates conformity with EC Directives/EU Regulations.

Operating Information

• This instrument is not to be used as a standard during calibration of a radiation source.
However, the instrument can be calibrated to read absolute dose using data from a known
• If the instrument cannot be calibrated to match the readings of a known standard, contact
Sun Nuclear Corporation. The instrument may have reached the end of life when it can no
longer be calibrated.

Operator Responsibility

This manual is intended for an operator who has a working knowledge in radiation physics and
dosimetry and who has experience working with treatment machines and accessories. The
operator of the device bears the full responsibility for validating measurement results.
The device and its accessories must not be used for any other purpose than described in this
manual (see Intended Use on page iii). Violation may result in loss of warranty.
• This equipment must be used in accordance with the instructions in this manual. Read all
instructions and safety labels before use.
• Do not use with any power source that does not match the power ratings listed on the power
• When connecting the power supply to AC power, ensure that the plug is not obstructed and
can be easily disconnected.
• Do not permit any short circuit of AC power that may be hazardous to users.
• Do not permit any liquids to spill onto the instrument or any associated parts or accessories.

WARNING: When using the Isocentric Mounting Fixture (IMF), stay clear of the IMF
and the instrument while rotating the gantry to prevent injury.

For instructions to report health or safety related concerns, see Reporting Health or Safety Related
Issues or Concerns below.

Regulatory Supplement Page 114 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Modifications to the Equipment

Any changes or modifications to the device that are not expressly approved by Sun Nuclear
Corporation could void your warranty.

Environmental Requirements

The device must be operated within normal laboratory conditions maintained for human comfort:
Temperature: 18 to 30° C (64 to 86° F); Relative Humidity: 20 to 80%.
The device should be stored in a climate-controlled environment.

Radio Interference

The rf-Daily QA 3 complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

WARNING: To satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements for mobile transmitting devices,

a separation distance of 20 cm (8 inches) or more should be maintained between the
rf-Daily QA3 and persons during device operation. Operation at closer than this
distance is not recommended. The device must not be co-located in conjunction with
any other antenna or transmitter.

Reporting Health or Safety Related Issues or Concerns

Should the need arise to report any safety or health related issues or concerns regarding the use
of Sun Nuclear products, contact Sun Nuclear directly.
European customers, contact Sun Nuclear’s Authorized European Representative:
Sun Nuclear GmbH
Gutenbergring 67A
22848 Norderstedt

Australian customers, contact Sun Nuclear’s Australian Sponsor:

alphaXRT Pty. Ltd.

Suite 1.15, Level 1, 90-96 Bourke Road
Alexandria NSW 2015
Brazilian customers, contact Sun Nuclear’s Brazilian Sponsor:
Vera Rosas
VR Medical Importadora e Distribuidora de Produtos Medicos Ltda
Rua Batataes, 376 - Jardim Paulista
Sao Paulo - SP
01423-010, Brasil

Connection to External Computer Equipment

To maintain compliance with IEC 60950-1, Safety of Information Technology Equipment, the PDI
USB port must be connected to external computer equipment that is compliant with IEC 60950-1.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 115 Regulatory Supplement

EMC Precautions

The instrument complies with IEC 60601-1-2, Electromagnetic Performance standards, and the
operator should ensure that it is used in such an environment.

Table A-1. Manufacturer’s Declaration - Electromagnetic Emissions

Emissions Test Compliance Electromagnetic Environment - Guidance

RF Emissions Group 1 The device uses RF energy only for its internal function. Therefore,
CISPR 11 its RF emissions are very low and are not likely to cause any
interference in nearby electronic equipment.
Harmonic Emissions Class B The device is suitable for use in all establishments, including
IEC 61000-3-2 domestic establishments and those directly connected to the
Voltage fluctuations Class D public low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings
flicker emissions used for domestic purposes.
IEC 61000-3-3

Table A-2. Manufacturer’s Declaration - Electromagnetic Immunity for all Equipment

Immunity Test IEC 60601 Compliance Level Electromagnetic Environment - Guidance

Test Level
Electrostatic discharge ±6 kV contact Passed 2 kV, 4 kV and 6 Floors should be wood, concrete or
(ESD) kV contact discharge ceramic tile. If floors are covered with
±8 kV air
IEC 61000-4-2 Passed 2 kV, 4 kV and 8 synthetic material, the relative humidity
should be at least 30%.
kV air discharge
Electrical fast transient/ ±2 kV for Passed 2 kV to power Mains power quality should be that of a
burst power supply lines typical commercial or hospital
lines environment.
IEC 61000-4-4 Passed 1 kV to signal
±1 kV for input/ bundles
output lines
Surge ±1 kV line(s) to Passed up to 2 kV Mains power quality should be that of a
line(s) (L-GND) typical commercial or hospital
IEC 61000-4-5
±2 kV line(s) to Passed up to 1 kV
earth (L-L)
Voltage dips, short <5% UT Passed < 5%, 40% and Mains power quality should be that of a
interruptions and volt- (>95% dip in 70% typical commercial or hospital
age variations on power UT) for 0.5 environment. If the user of the device
Passed 95%
supply input lines cycles requires continued operation during
IEC 61000-4-11 power mains interruptions, it is
40% U T recommended that the Daily QA 3 be
(60% dip in UT) powered from an uninterruptible power
for 5 cycles supply or a battery.
70% UT
(30% dip in UT)
for 25 cycles
<5% UT
(>95% dip in
UT) for 5 cycles
Power frequency (50/60 3 A/m Passed up to 3A/m Power frequency magnetic fields should
Hz) magnetic field be at levels characteristic of a typical
location in a typical commercial or
IEC 61000-4-8
hospital environment.
NOTE: UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.

Regulatory Supplement Page 116 P/N 1093011, Rev R

Table A-3. Manufacturer’s Declaration - Electromagnetic Immunity for Systems that Are Not Life

Immunity Test IEC 60601 Test Compliance Level Electromagnetic Environment - Guidance
Portable and mobile RF communications
equipment should be used no closer to
any part of the device including cables,
than the recommended separation
distance calculated from the equation
applicable to the frequency of the
Conducted RF 3 Vrms 3 Vrms Recommended separation distance
IEC 61000-4-6 150 kHz to 80 3.5
MHz d = ------- P
Radiated RF 3 V/m 3 V/m Recommended separation distance
IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2.5 3.5
GHz d = ------- P =80 MHz to 800 MHz

d = ------ P =800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
• P is the maximum output power rating
of the transmitter in watts (W) accord-
ing to the transmitter manufacturer,
• d is the recommended separation dis-
tance in meters (m).
aField strengths from fixed RF transmit-
ters, as determined by an
electromagnetic site survey, should be
less than the compliance level in each
frequency range.

CAUTION: bInterference may occur in

the vicinity of equipment marked with
the following symbol:

NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorp-
tion and reflection from structures, objects and people.
a. Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and
land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted
theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an
electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which
the device is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the device should be observed to
verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such
as re-orienting or relocating the device.
b. Over the frequency range of 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 117 Regulatory Supplement

Table A-4. Recommended Separation Distances between Portable and Mobile RF Communica-
tions Equipment and the Device
The device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are
controlled. The customer or the user of the device can help prevent electromagnetic interference by
maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters)
and the device as recommenced below, according to the maximum output power of the communications
Rated Maximum Output Power Separation Distance According to Frequency of Transmitter
of Transmitter (meters)
150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
3.5 3.5 7
d = ------- P d = ------- P d = ------ P
V1 E1 E1
0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23
0.1 0.37 0.37 0.74
1 1.17 1.17 2.33
10 3.69 3.69 7.38
100 11.67 11.67 23.33
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance
d in meters (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P
is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
NOTE 1. At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency applies.
NOTE 2. These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by
absorption and reflection from structures, objects, and people.

Regulatory Supplement Page 118 P/N 1093011, Rev R

A CAX (central axis) 83 F
accept measurements 80 CAX dose calibration theory 106 field definitions 111
active 27, 74 cleaning 59 field size 104
another machine 35 client user 47 file menu 70
applications, DQA3 31 collimator angle 28 find device on startup 72
array calibration 93 collimator X and Y settings 28 finding the port 10
about 14 compensation, conditions requiring firmware
buildup 15 108 button 72
importing PROFILER 2 files 88 connections 85 installing 62
importing TomoDose files 90 continue exposures 80 maintaining 60
procedure 15 correction factors, temperature and specifications 66
report 42 pressure 98 updating 62
auto advance 75, 77, 80 customer support 64 flatness and symmetry substitution
auto sign-off measurements 72 D 105
AxSym, axial symmetry trend Daily QA 3 G
parameter 100 precision template 83 gantry angle 28
B Daily QA 3 end panel 64, 84 gantry mount accessory 2, 86
B, C, T along 27 Daily QA 3 specifications 65 GMF 2, 86
background Daily QA Check 2, use with Daily QA H
initial 72 3 91 hardware, maintaining 59
manual 32, 34 data health and safety iv
baseline panel 22 help menu 70
dose, explanation 29 point values, viewing 38 host name 71
QA template 29, 96 point, selecting 37 I
template options 28 data panel 78, 80 IMF 2, 86
battery care database inactive 74
rf-Daily QA 3 86 field definitions 111 installing
beam off delay 28 name 71 client software 9
beam type 28 troubleshooting connection 64 database software 8
black lines 83 database configuration utility firmware 62
blue lines 83 accessing 45 intended user 114
buildup cm 27 deg 28 interpreting measurements 93
buildup for array calibration 15 detector locations 83 Interval, dose calibration 12
buildup type 27 device 27 ion chambers
C device fault 84 x-energy, for DQA3 83
calculations 93 disposal and recycling 59 isocentric mounting fixture 2, 86
calendar 75 dose 28
calendar panel 22 dose correction factors
LED indications, DQA3 64, 84
calibrate expected ranges 34
light-field coincidence 104
array 14 dose measurement calculation 106
limits 28
temperature and pressure 11 dose trend parameter, DOSE 99
calibration 27 E
machine 23
absolute dose 95 e-energy calibration 29
machine, add 24
calibration factor calculations e-energy parameter 101
94 electronics, specifications 66
firmware 60
interval 14 Elekta Synergy linac
hardware 59
menu 70 DQA 3 array calibration 20
software 60
specifications 66 EMC precautions 116
managing calibration files 20
steps 16 end of life 114
manual background 32, 34
temperature and pressure 97 end panel
measurement 32
theory using wide fields 93 Daily QA 3 64, 84
preparation 31
understanding 95 rf-Daily QA 3 base station 85
measurement buttons 29
calibration files energy 28
measuring radiation 31
deleting 21 export data 43
importing 20 export data by copying 44
calibration 70
managing 20 export, database 110
file 70
cancel 77, 80 exposure, making 32
help 70

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 119 Index

setup 70 rf-Daily QA 3 correction factors 98
menu bar 70 battery care 86 temperature and pressure, relative
modifications to equipment 115 rf-Daily QA 3 base station end panel vs. calibrated 98
MRI safety information iv 85 template
multiple installations 63 rf-Daily QA 3 specifications active 27
multiple measurements, viewing 37 specifications B, C, T along 27
multiple user/remote database, rf-Daily QA 3 67 beam type 28
rules 45 room, add 23 buildup cm 27
O rules, multiple user/remote buildup type 27
operating information, calibration database 45 calibration 27
114 S collimator angle 28
operator and data evaluation 114 safety and health iv collimator X and Y settings 28
P save PDF 41 deg 28
parts scale, trend graph 79 device 27
and part numbers 1, 2 scheme tree 22, 74 dose 28
DQA3 PN 1093000-0 1 machine 23 energy 28
rf-DQA3, PN 1093000-3 1 setup 23 gantry angle 28
PDI 86 site 23 limits 28
troubleshooting 64 test 23 measurement buttons 29
physicist role 23 scheme tree setup 23 name 27
physicist, user 47 screen, parts of 69 rate 28
power data interface (PDI) 86 service, running database as a 56 surface at 28
precision template 83 setup menu 70 T towards 28
preface iii setup panel 22, 75 template notes 28
pressure 71 setup template for beam tracking test schedule 28
print 26 tray mount 28
measurements 77, 80 setup, scheme tree 23 wedge 28
reports 40 shifting the graph 38 template baseline procedure 29
print PDF 41 show rejected 81 template dose correction 77, 81
problems, solving 63 show unrecorded 81 template field descriptions 27
PROFILER 2 site setup 23 template notes 28
array calibration 88 software template setup 26
detector layout 87 installing client 9 test plan
using Daily QA 3 with 87 installing database 8 about 22
program preferences 71 launching 9 creating 22
maintaining 60 test schedule 28
removal 60 test setup 26
QA flatness trend parameter,
updating 62 test templates, adding and deleting
QAFlat 101
upgrading 60 25
QA mode view 22
using 69 theory of wide field calibration 93
QA test plan 22
version 60 TomoDose
R array calibration 90
solving user problems 63
radiation damage, minimizing 59 detector layout, geometry 90
rate 28 using Daily QA 3 with 89
Daily QA 3 65
record 77, 80 toolbar 73
specifications, DQA3 65
recycling 59 transverse symmetry parameter,
starting the program 32
re-do 77, 80 TrSym 100
storage 59, 115
repair 59 tray mount 28
report trend
request 64
all energies for day 40 analysis 106
telephone 64
array calibration 40, 42 parameter calculations 98
surface at 28
multiple day QA 40 value selection 105
switching to another unit 35
output 40 troubleshooting
system requirements 65
reporting 37 Daily QA 3 63
reports T
technician, user 47 database connection 64
print 40 PDI 64
results panel 22 temperature 71
temperature and pressure 11 trSym, transverse symmetry
retrend database 73 parameter 100
review and accept 80 temperature and pressure
calibration 97 U
physicist 81
temperature and pressure updating software and firmware 62
technician 80

Index Page 120 P/N 1093011, Rev R

client 47 view multiple measurements 37 wedge 28
physicist 47 W wide fields, theory of calibration 93
technician 47 WARNING wireless battery, charging 2
user problems, solving 63 model 1220 ArcCHECK is MR X
users unsafe and must not be x-energy parameter 103
about 46 used in any strong magnetic Z
V fields iv zooming in and out 38
version, software 60 warranty 64

P/N 1093011, Rev R Page 121 Index

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Index Page 122 P/N 1093011, Rev R


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