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First and foremost, after a thorough examination of

President Obama and George Bush's speeches, it is clear

that they both made several claims to support their
views. However, upon careful reflection, I find myself
aligned with President Obama's side because it
emphasizes the need to act now on climate change,
which is a pressing issue. It calls for both Republicans and
Democrats to work together and believes that rules to
protect the environment won't hurt jobs or businesses.

Moreover, in President George W. Bush's speech about

climate change, a weakness is that he talks extensively
about how regulations to reduce emissions could harm
the economy. He mentions that the U.S. is a significant
greenhouse gas emitter but argues that other countries
should do more too. While it's fair to advocate for
fairness, his approach may make it seem like climate
change isn't an urgent issue. Furthermore, his criticism of
the Kyoto Protocol, despite its flaws, might suggest that
he's avoiding strong commitments to fighting climate
change. Some might think he cares more about the short-
term economy than protecting the environment for the
long term, weakening his argument for taking stronger
action on climate change.
In contrast, in President Barack Obama's speech about
climate change, one particularly strong point is how he
wants to address it quickly. He talks about cutting
pollution and protecting the country from climate
impacts. What's even better is that he's ready to
collaborate with both Republicans and Democrats to find
a solution. Additionally, he demonstrates that rules to
protect the environment won't harm jobs or businesses
by providing examples from the past when things
improved with these regulations. Obama's speech is all
about working together, being smart, and taking care of
the Earth, which is commendable.

To sum up, a comparison of these viewpoints reveals that

Obama urges swift action on climate change through
bipartisan and market-driven solutions, prioritizing the
environment. Bush, on the other hand, is more cautious,
emphasizing economic concerns over environmental
regulation. Both recognize the importance of addressing
climate change but differ in their approaches.

In conclusion, Obama's speech is superior to Bush's

because he talks about addressing climate change
promptly, seeks to collaborate with both Republicans and
Democrats, and demonstrates that environmental rules
won't harm jobs. Obama's approach appears more
intelligent and responsible, considering our future, while
Bush's speech seems more focused on short-term
financial concerns. Thus, overall, Obama's speech is
stronger and more sensible. In contrast, President
Obama's speech consistently demonstrated a robust
ability to navigate the complexities of the issue, making it
the path I believe we should pursue.

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