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Passive voice

Tense Active Passive

Simple present I do my homework My homework is done by me.
Simple past I did my homework My homework was done by me.
Present perfect I have done my homework My homework has been. Done by me.
Past perfect I had done my homework My homework had bee done by me.
En estos ejemplos el objeto En las voz activa, el sujeto En la voz passiva, el sujeto de la oración
está singular. de la oración, realiza la recive la acción

Tense Active Passive

Simple present I eat two apples. Two apples are eaten by me.
Simple past I ate two apples. Two apples were eaten by me.
Present perfect I have eaten two apples. Two apples have been eaten by me.
Past perfect I had eaten two apples. Two apples had been eaten by me.
En estos ejemplos el objeto En las voz activa, el sujeto En la voz passiva, el sujeto de la oración
está en plural. de la oración, realiza la recive la acción


Convierte las siguientes oraciones de voz activa a voz pasiva.

1. Susan drives a new car. A new car is driven by her

2. I walked the dog. The dog was walked by me

3. Carlos read a book yesterday. Yesterday, a book was read by him

4. I didn´t spend the money. The money wasn’t spent by me

5. Mara has played volleyball five times. Five times volleyball has been played by her

6. They had painted many houses in 1 hour. In 1 hour many houses had been painted by them

7. She doesn´t like chicken. Chicken is not liked by her

8. We had watched the movie. The movie had been seen by us

9. The dog has hidden the bone. The bone has been hidden by it

10. I drink some hot coffee. Some hot coffee is drunk by me

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