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Subject- nursing education

Topic- seminar on “teaching learning process”
Presented by Guidance by
ms Vincy Barrow. mrs Anamika Chauhan mam
Combined processes where an educator assesses  Focusing
learning needs, establishes specific learning  Organization
objectives, develops teaching and learning  Repetition
strategies, implements plan of work and evaluates  Association
the outcomes of the instruction. The old ways of ASPECTS OF THE TEACHING
learning & teaching is found LEARNING PROCESS
to be too rigid & too out-dated . But, now DISCUSSION INTERACTION ADAPTATION
Teaching learning process consists of four basic BETWEEN THE REFLECTION: the teacher
elements the learner world by on the IT & learner & some
1. Assessment. aspect of the teacher & action learners the world
2. Planning by the performance consists defined by both the
3. Implementation. teacher & learner.
It is a method for monitoring and judging the LEARNING PROCESS
overall quality of learning or teaching based on A)TEACHER:The teacher is considered as the
objective, data and scientific element that has the main role in the teaching-
Definition: It is combined process whereas learning process
teacher assesses understanding needs, establishes
particular learning objectives, formulas teaching B) LEARNER: The learners are considered as
and outcomes of the instruction. the key participant in the teaching and learning
-BT basavanthappa process. They are considered as the primary
PRINCIPLE OF EFFECTIVE TEACHING subject or the main reason why the process is
LEARNING PROCESS: implemented. The knowledge that acquired by
1.Encourages Student-Faculty Contact the learners will decide whether the teaching
2.Encourages Cooperation among Students and learning objectives are achieved.
3.Encourages Active Learning 4.Prompt C)MILIEU: The Learning Environment, Since
Feedback learning is triggered off by stimuli in the
5.Emphasizes Time on Task 6.Communicates environment, it assumes primary importance in
High Expectations teaching and learning.
7.Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning
d)Matter: The Content of Learning, This refers SIGNIFICANCE OF TEACHING
to what is to be learned as specified LEARNING PROCESS IN NURSING:
in the instructional objective.
e)METHOD: The learners must also show • As a nurse, one of our principal responsibility
efficiency in handling the activity, going through is to educate our patients.
it without hassle. • Patients are held in home for increasingly
f) MATERIAL:This may be either a "human shorter stays and are going home sicker,
person" or a "physical object." precipitating a greater need for structured
g)MEDIA:Communication in Teaching and information than ever before
Learning, This pertains to the communication COMPARISON BETWEEN EDUCATION
system in the teaching-learning situation. PROCESS AND NURSING PROCESS :
h)MOTIVATION: Differences comparison betweenProcess
• Arousing and Sustaining Interest in Learning, Elements:- Nursing education process
Motivation is the cardinal principle in learning. Education Process and nursing process
i) MASTERY: The Be-all and End-all of  Assessment Appraise physical and Ascertain
Learning. (determine) learning needs psychological
 This means internalization of learning needs. readiness (willing) to learn and
resulting in automatic or habitual change behavior learning styles.
through meaningful repetition and application.  Evaluation Determine physical and
j) FEEDBACK:A student learns more rapidly Determine behavioral changes psychological
and more thoroughly because he is forced to outcomes. (outcomes) in knowledge, attitude
concentrate on material before him and because and practical skills.
he gets immediate feedback on his progress.  SUMMARY
k)PRACTICE: "Practice makes a man perfect"- CONCLUSION: Everyone has
the proverb implies the importance of repetition understanding, resources, and interests on
in bringing certain habits up to the point where which to build. ... Teachers have a critical
they come naturally to him. The factor of practice role in assisting learners to engage their
is particularly true of skill learning. understanding, building on learners'
understandings, correcting misconceptions,
and observing and engaging with learners
during the processes of learning
 Bhaskara Raj D. Elakkuvana Bhaskar
Nima .textbook of nursing education2nd
edition.Emmess publications P.p. 632-635


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