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ASSIGNMENT 1- MS WORD: Creating and formatting document

DATE SUBMITTED: 14TH – 08 - 2017

Civil Engineering Department Declaration Form


MONDAY, 14TH – 08 – 20 17

Table of Contents

Civil Engineering Department Declaration Form .............................................................. i

Table of Contents ..............................................................................................................ii
List of Figures ..................................................................................................................iii
1.0 History of Papua New Guinea .................................................................................... 1
1.1 Archaeology ....................................................................................................... 1
1.2 European contact ................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Territory of Papua .............................................................................................. 2
1.4 German New Guinea .......................................................................................... 3
1.5 Territory of New Guinea .................................................................................... 4
1.6 Exploration of Mandated Territory of New Guinea ........................................... 4
1.6.1 Akmana Expedition 1929–1930 ................................................................. 4
1.7 World War II ...................................................................................................... 6
1.8 The Territory of Papua and New Guinea ........................................................... 8
1.9 Independence ...................................................................................................... 9

List of Figures

Figure 1.British flag raised by Queensland 1883 .............................................................. 2

Figure 2.Flag under German control of New Guinea. ...................................................... 3
Figure 3.Australian troops at Milne Bay, Papua. The Australian garrison was the first to
inflict defeat on the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II at the Battle of Milne
Bay of Aug–Sep 1942. ...................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4.An Australian soldier, Private George "Dick" Whittington, is aided by Papuan
orderly Raphael Oimbari, near Buna on 25 December 1942 ............................................ 7

1.0 History of Papua New Guinea

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia

The prehistory of Papua New Guinea can be traced back to about 60,000 years ago
when people first migrated towards the Australian continent. The written history began
when European navigators first sighted New Guinea in the early part of the 16th

1.1 Archaeology
Archaeological evidence indicates that humans arrived on New Guinea perhaps 60,000
years ago, although this is under debate.[1][2] They came probably by sea from Southeast
Asia during an Ice Age period when the sea was lower and distances between islands
shorter. Although the first arrivals were hunters and gatherers, early evidence shows
that people managed the forest environment to provide food. There also are indications
of neolithic gardening having been practiced at Kuk at the same time that agriculture
was developing in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Today's staples – sweet potatoes and pigs –
were later arrivals, but shellfish and fish have long been mainstays of coastal dwellers'
diets. Recent archaeological research suggests that 50,000 years ago people may have
occupied sites in the highlands at altitudes of up to 2,000 m (6,600 ft), rather than being
restricted to warmer coastal areas.[3]

1.2 European contact

When Europeans first arrived, inhabitants of New Guinea and nearby islands, who still
relied on bone, wood, and stone tools, had a productive agricultural system. They traded
along the coast (mainly in pottery, shell ornaments and foodstuffs) and in the interior
(exchanging forest products for shells and other sea products).

The first known Europeans to sight New Guinea were probably

the Portuguese and Spanish navigators sailing in the South Pacific in the early part of
the 16th century. In 1526–1527 the Portuguese explorer Jorge de Menezes accidentally
came upon the principal island and is credited with naming it "Papua", after
a Malay word for the frizzled quality of Melanesian people's hair. The Spaniard Yñigo
Ortiz de Retez applied the term "New Guinea" to the island in 1545 because of a
perceived resemblance between the islands' inhabitants and those found on the African
Guinea coast.

Although European navigators visited the islands and explored their coastlines
thereafter, European researchers knew little of the inhabitants until the 1870s,
when Russian anthropologist Nicholai Miklukho-Maklai made a number of expeditions
to New Guinea, spending several years living among native tribes, and described their
way of life in a comprehensive treatise.

Figure 1.British flag raised by Queensland 1883

1.3 Territory of Papua

In 1883, the Colony of Queensland tried to annex the southern half of eastern New
Guinea, but the British government did not approve. However, when Germany began
settlements in the north a British protectorate was proclaimed in 1884 over the southern
coast of New Guinea and its adjacent islands. The protectorate, called British New
Guinea, was annexed outright on 4 September 1888. The possession was placed under
the authority of the Commonwealth of Australia in 1902. Following the passage of the
Papua Act in 1905, British New Guinea became the Territory of Papua, and formal
Australian administration began in 1906, although Papua remained under their control a
British possession until the independence of Papua New Guinea in 1975.[4]

There was little economic activity in Papua. Australia administered it separately under
the Papua Act until it was invaded by the Empire of Japan in 1941, and civil
administration suspended. During the Pacific War, Papua was governed by an

Australian military administration from Port Moresby, where General Douglas
MacArthur occasionally made his headquarters.

Figure 2.Flag under German control of New Guinea.

1.4 German New Guinea

With Europe's growing desire for coconut oil, Godeffroy's of Hamburg, the largest
trading firm in the Pacific, began trading for copra in the New Guinea Islands. In 1884,
the Empire formally took possession of the northeast quarter of the island and put its
administration in the hands of a chartered trading company formed for the purpose,
the German New Guinea Company. In the charter granted to this company by the
German Imperial Government in May 1885, it was given the power to exercise
sovereign rights over the territory and other "unoccupied" lands in the name of the
government, and the ability to "negotiate" directly with the native inhabitants.
Relationships with foreign powers were retained as the preserve of the German
government. The Neu Guinea Kompanie paid for the local governmental institutions
directly, in return for the concessions which had been awarded to it. In 1899, the
German imperial government assumed direct control of the territory, thereafter known
as German New Guinea.

New Guinea was basically a business venture. Thousands of local workers were hired as
cheap labor on cocoa and copra plantations. In 1899, the German government took
control of the colony from the New Guinea company of Berlin. Education was in the
hands of missionaries. In 1914 when the First World War broke out Australia seized the
German colony. The plantations were given to Australian war veterans and in 1921 the

League of Nations gave Australia a trusteeship over New Guinea. The plantations and
gold mining generated a degree of prosperity.[5]

1.5 Territory of New Guinea

The Commonwealth of Australia assumed a mandate from the League of Nations for
governing the former German territory of New Guinea in 1920. It was administered
under this mandate until the Japanese invasion in December 1941 brought about the
suspension of Australian civil administration. Much of the Territory of New Guinea,
including the islands of Bougainville and New Britain, was occupied by Japanese forces
before being recaptured by Australian and American forces during the final months of
the war (see New Guinea campaign).

1.6 Exploration of Mandated Territory of New Guinea

1.6.1 Akmana Expedition 1929–1930
‘The exploration of Papua–New Guinea has been a continuing process. Even today
[April 1971] new groups of people occasionally are still contacted. Not until recent
years has New Guinea’s exploration been planned; much of it has been the work of
miners, labour recruiters, missionaries, adventurers, with different objects in mind.
Many of these people have been doers, not recorders of facts, with the result that our
knowledge of the territory’s exploration has not kept pace with the exploration itself.’[6]

An exception is the record of the Akmana Gold Prospecting Company’s Field Party
which carried out two expeditions from September to December 1929 and from mid-
February to the end of June 1930.[7] They journeyed on the "Banyandah", a cruiser of 38
feet (12 m) from Madang up the coast to the mouth of the Sepik River, travelling along
that river to Marienberg and Moim, then along the Karosameri River to the Karrawaddi
River and on to the Arrabundio River and Yemas, after which it was necessary to
transport their stores and equipment by pinnace, canoe and ultimately on foot to their
Mountain Base on the upper Arrabundio River.

During their first expedition the Akmana Field Party prospected the tributaries of the
Arrabundio and then trekked across a spur of the Central Mountain Range to sample the
Upper Karrawaddi River. Retracing their steps to the Arrabundio they then headed out
across another spur of the Central Mountain Range to the Junction of the Yuat River
with the Jimmi and Baiyer Rivers, again without finding gold in sufficient quantity.

Returning to Madang at the end of December 1929, several of the party went back to
Sydney to obtain instructions from the Akmana Gold Prospecting Company.

In mid-February 1930 the second expedition quickly returned to their Mountain Base
and on across the mountains to the junction of the Yuat with the Baiyer and Jimmi
Rivers. They prospected south along the Baiyer River to its junction with the Maramuni
and Tarua Rivers, where they established a palisaded forward camp naming the place
‘Akmana Junction.’ From this base they prospected along the Maramuni River and its
tributaries, again without success. Finally, they prospected the Tarua River south past
the tributary which flows to Waipai, once more without success and on the advice of
mining engineer Seale, it was decided there was nothing to justify further exploration.
They had not progressed to any country on the southern watershed through which the
early explorers and prospectors travelled to the Hagan Range and Wabag. The party
returned to Madang, sailing for Sydney on 3 July 1930.

After leading the first expedition, Sam Freeman did not return and Reg Beazley became
party leader of the second expedition, with Pontey Seale mining engineer, Bill
MacGregor and Beazley prospectors and recruiters, and Ernie Shepherd in charge of
transport and supplies, prospecting when opportunity arose. They had all served
overseas during World War I with the AIF on the western front, in Egypt and the
Levant and had previously been to New Guinea. In 1926 Freeman was near Marienberg
with Ormildah drilling for oil; Shepherd was with Dr. Wade and R.J. Winters on their
geological survey of an oil lease of 10,000 square miles (26,000 km2) in the Bogia and
Nubio to Ramu region and up the Sepik River to Kubka 60 miles (97 km) above
Ambunto. Beazley was drilling test sites for oil with Matahower in the lower Sepik and
he and McGregor recruited labour on the Sepik and explored grass country to Wee
Wak. Beazley also prospected the Arrabundio for gold and on his promising report to
Freeman, Akmana Gold Prospecting Coy was floated in 1928.

The Akmana Gold Prospecting Field Party made contact with many peoples they called:
grass country people, head hunters, pygmies, wig–men, Kanakas, Poomani. These
contacts were often with the help of Drybow/Dribu, a leader and spokesman of the wig–
men, a most intelligent man of goodwill, with a quiet authority that brought forth
friendly cooperation. ‘We made a peaceful entry into this new country, establishing a
reputation for fair trade and decent behaviour ... but gold was our interest and we had
traced the rivers and tributaries as far as practicable where conditions and results

justified the effort and found nothing worthwhile. In the many years since, there have
been quite a few reports of prospecting parties in the area. But nothing of note has been
reported: So we did not leave much behind, it seems.’[8]

‘Members of the Akmana party donated wigs they had brought back to various
museums. Two of them went to The Australian Museum, Sydney (from Beazley and
Shepherd). Current records at the Australian Museum show that Beazley’s wig,
described as “a cap composed of human hair from the headwaters of the U–at River,
Central Mountains, Mandated Territory of NG”, was lodged on 31 January 1930,
presumably on his quick visit to Sydney after the first expedition. Shepherd presented
another wig to Father Kirschbaum, who wanted to send it to Germany. The wigs at The
Australian Museum were later confused with some brought out of the Highlands 10
years afterwards by Jim Taylor during his Hagen–Sepik patrol, and wrongly attributed
to him when put on display. Seale presented two wigs to the National Museum
Canberra in 1930.’[9]

1.7 World War II

Figure 3.Australian troops at Milne Bay, Papua. The Australian garrison was the first to inflict
defeat on the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II at the Battle of Milne Bay of Aug–
Sep 1942.

Figure 4.An Australian soldier, Private George "Dick" Whittington, is aided by Papuan orderly
Raphael Oimbari, near Buna on 25 December 1942

Shortly after the start of the Pacific War, the island of New Guinea was invaded by
the Japanese. Most of West Papua, at that time known asDutch New Guinea, was
occupied, as were large parts of the Territory of New Guinea (the former German New
Guinea, which was also under Australian rule after World War I), but Papua was
protected to a large extent by its southern location and the near-impassable Owen
Stanley Ranges to the north.

The New Guinea campaign opened with the battles for New Britain and New Ireland in
the Territory of New Guinea in 1942. Rabaul, the capital of the Territory
was overwhelmed on 22–23 January and was established as a major Japanese base from
whence they landed on mainland New Guinea and advanced towards Port Moresby and
Australia.[10] Having had their initial effort to capture Port Moresby by a seaborne
invasion disrupted by the U.S. Navy in the Battle of the Coral Sea, the Japanese
attempted a landward invasion from the north via the Kokoda Trail. From July 1942, a
few Australian reserve battalions, many of them very young and untrained, fought a
stubborn rear guard action against a Japanese advance along the Kokoda Track, towards
Port Moresby, over the rugged Owen Stanley Ranges.[11] Local Papuans, called Fuzzy
Wuzzy Angels by the Australians, assisted and escorted injured Australian troops down

the Kokoda trail. The militia, worn out and severely depleted by casualties, were
relieved in late August by regular troops from the Second Australian Imperial Force,
returning from action in the Mediterranean theatre.

The Japanese were driven back. The bitter Battle of Buna-Gona followed in which
Australian and United States forces attacked the main Japanese beachheads in New
Guinea, at Buna, Sanananda and Gona. Facing tropical disease, difficult terrain and well
constructed Japanese defences, the allies only secured victory with heavy casualties.[12]

In early September 1942 Japanese marines attacked a strategic Royal Australian Air
Force base at Milne Bay, near the eastern tip of Papua. They were beaten back by the
Australian Army, and the Battle of Milne Bay is remembered as the first outright defeat
on Japanese land forces during World War II.[13] The offensives in Papua and New
Guinea of 1943–44 were the single largest series of connected operations ever mounted
by the Australian armed forces.[14] The Supreme Commander of operations was the
United States General Douglas MacArthur, with Australian General Thomas
Blamey taking a direct role in planning and operations being essentially directed by
staff at New Guinea Force headquarters in Port Moresby.[15] Bitter fighting continued in
New Guinea between the largely Australian force and the Japanese 18th Army based in
New Guinea until the Japanese surrender in 1945.

The New Guinea campaign was a major campaign of the Pacific War. In all, some
200,000 Japanese soldiers, sailors and airmen died during the campaign against
approximately 7,000 Australian and 7,000 American service personnel.[16]

1.8 The Territory of Papua and New Guinea

Following the surrender of the Japanese in 1945, civil administration of Papua as well
as New Guinea was restored, and under the Papua New Guinea Provisional
Administration Act, (1945–46), Papua and New Guinea were combined in an
administrative union.

The Papua and New Guinea Act 1949 formally approved the placing of New Guinea
under the international trusteeship system and confirmed the administrative union under
the title of The Territory of Papua and New Guinea. The Act provided for a
Legislative Council (established in 1951), a judicial organization, a public service, and a
system of local government, with Sir Donald Cleland as administrator. Cleland
remained in the position till his retirement in 1967, then remaining in Port Moresby
until his death in 1975.[17] House replaced the Legislative Council in 1963, and the first
House of Assembly opened on 8 June 1964. In 1972, the name of the territory was
changed to Papua New Guinea. Australia's change of policy towards Papua New
Guinea largely commenced with the invitation from the Australian Government to the
World Bank to send a mission to the Territory to advise on measures to be taken
towards its economic development and political preparation. The mission's report, The
Economic Development of the Territory of Papua New Guinea, published in 1964, set
out the framework upon which much of later economic policy, up to and beyond
independence, proceeded.

1.9 Independence
Elections in 1972 resulted in the formation of a ministry headed by Chief
Minister Michael Somare, who pledged to lead the country to self-government and then
to independence. Papua New Guinea became self-governing on 1 December 1973 and
achieved independence on 16 September 1975. The country joined the United
Nations (UN) on 10 October 1975 by way of Security Council Resolution 375 and
General Assembly resolution 3368. The 1977 national elections confirmed Michael
Somare as Prime Minister at the head of a coalition led by the Pangu Party. However,
his government lost a vote of confidence in 1980 and was replaced by a new cabinet
headed by Sir Julius Chan as prime minister. The 1982 elections increased Pangu's
plurality, and parliament again chose Somare as prime minister. In November 1985, the
Somare government lost another vote of no confidence, and the parliamentary majority
elected Paias Wingti, at the head of a five-party coalition, as prime minister. A
coalition, headed by Wingti, was victorious in very close elections in July 1987. In July
1988, a no-confidence vote toppled Wingti and brought to power Rabbie Namaliu, who
a few weeks earlier had replaced Somare as leader of the Pangu Party.

Such reversals of fortune and a revolving-door succession of prime ministers continue

to characterize Papua New Guinea's national politics. A plethora of political parties,
coalition governments, shifting party loyalties and motions of no confidence in the
leadership all lend an air of instability to political proceedings.

Under legislation intended to enhance stability, new governments remain immune from
no-confidence votes for the first 18 months of their incumbency.

A nine-year secessionist revolt on the island of Bougainville claimed some 20,000 lives.
The rebellion began in early 1989, active hostilities ended with a truce in October 1997
and a permanent ceasefire was signed in April 1998. A peace agreement between the
Government and ex-combatants was signed in August 2001. A regional peace-
monitoring force and a UN observer mission monitors the government and provincial
leaders who have established an interim administration and are working toward
complete surrender of weapons, the election of a provincial government and an eventual
referendum on independence.

Although close relations have been maintained since peaceful independence and
Australia remains the largest bilateral aid donor to Papua New Guinea, relations with
Australia have recently shown signs of strain. While on a state visit in March 2005,
Prime Minister Somare was asked to submit to a security check and remove his shoes
upon arriving at the airport in Brisbane. Despite demands from the PNG government
that Australia apologize, the latter refused. Additionally, problems have arisen with
regard to Australia's latest aid package for the country. Valued at A$760 million, the
program was to tackle crime and corruption in PNG by sending 200 Australian police to
Port Moresby and installing 40 Australian officials within the national bureaucracy.
However, after the first detachment of police arrived, Papua New Guinea's high court
ruled that the arrangement was unconstitutional, and the police returned home. A new
arrangement, by which only 30 officers will serve as a training force for the local force
has been described by the Australian foreign minister as "second-best".[18]


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