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Roll No………………………..

Course Code: 102601CS

Examination: APRIL-MAY 2023

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Minimum Marks: 35
Note: Attempt all questions. Part (A) of each question is
compulsory and carries 4 marks; attempt any two parts from part
(B), (C) and (D) carrying 8 marks each.
Q1 A Differentiate Intelligence and Artificial 4
B (a) Define and explain State Space Search with 8
(b) Differentiate Blind Search and Informed
Search with example of each.
C Differentiate Hill climbing and Best first search. 8
Explain Best first search algorithm with suitable
D What is Game Playing in AI? Explain Alpha-Beta 8
Pruning with example and its advantage.
Q2 A Differentiate Prepositional Logic and Predicate 4
Logic with the help of example.
B Write short note on: 8
a) Skolemization
b) Resolution principle

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C Define Knowledge Representation? Explain 8

Semantic Network and Frames with example.
D Discuss Conceptual dependency and explain how 8
information is represented using Conceptual
dependency. Show the following statement using
Conceptual dependency: “Shruti pushed the door.”
Q3 A Define Uncertainty. What are the Sources of 4
B Explain: 8
(a) Monotonic and Non-Monotonic Reasoning.
(b) TMS
C Define Learning? Explain General Learning Model 8
with suitable diagram? List and explain five
methods of Learning.
D Write short note on: 8
a) Fuzzy Logic
b) Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning
Q4 A What is NLP? What are the steps in NLP. 4
B What is Parsing? Compare top-down and bottom 8
up parsing using suitable example.
C Explain forward and backward chaining with 8
suitable example.
D Describe Blocks World Problem in robotics with 8
suitable example..
Q5 A List and explain any four Expert Systems? 4

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B Draw the Expert System Architecture, showing 8

the major components and inter-relationships
between components. Briefly describe the role of
each component.
C Write short note on: 8
a) Knowledge Acquisition
b) Knowledge Engineer
D What is PROLOG? What is backtracking in 8
PROLOG? Write a PROLOG program to find the
length of given list.

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