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2006 HanShin Electronics Co.

HsPDS Version 2.x HanShin Electronics Co. 2005


1. Installation
1.1 Recommended computer system
1.2 Installation
2. Main Page
2.0 Main function key
2.1 Making New Pattern
2.2 Opening Pattern
2.2.1 Opening pattern
2.2.2 Opening pattern from Floppy disk
2.2.3 Making folder
2.2.4 Moving directly to basic folder
2.2.5 Select Pattern Type
2.2.6 Deleting pattern
2.2.7 Accessible pattern type
2.3 Saving pattern
2.4 Undo
2.5 Cut
2.6 Copy
2.7 Paste
2.8 Drawing
2.8.1 Pencil
2.8.2 Oblique line
2.8.3 Horizontal line
2.8.4 Vertical line
2.8.5 Curve
2.8.6 Rectangle
2.8.7 Rectangle painted inside
2.8.8 Circle
2.8.9 Circle painted inside
2.8.10 Oval
2.8.11 Oval painted inside
2.8.12 Diamond
2.8.13 Paint
2.8.14 Text
2.9 Zoom In/Zoom Out/Move
2.9.1 Function selecting
2.9.2 Region selecting
2.9.3 Move mode
2.9.4 Zoom In/Zoom Out mode
2.10 Rotate
2.10.1 Function selecting
2.10.2 Region selecting
2.10.3 Rotate
2.10.4 Finish

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2.11 Flip
2.11.1 Function selecting
2.11.2 Region selecting
2.11.3 Finish
2.12 Changing to the selected color
2.12.1 Function selecting
2.12.2 Finish
2.13 Drawing mesh
2.13.1 Function selecting
2.13.2 Region selecting
2.13.3 Selecting mesh type
2.14 Drawing Rubber
2.14.1 Function selecting
2.14.2 Region selecting
2.14.3 Selecting elastic type
2.15 Repetition setting-up
2.16 Changing Yarn-finger color
2.17 Line copy/move
2.18 Change to Cylinder Pattern
2.19 Number of color on pattern
2.20 Displaying pattern as chain data
2.21 Color setting-up
2.22 Key lock drive installation
2.23 Basic set-up

3. Chain Edit
3.1 Chain edit Window
3.2 Opening/Editing chain
3.2.1 New chain
3.2.2 Open
3.2.3 Save
3.2.4 Transfer
3.2.5 Print
3.2.6 Basic chain
3.2.7 View chain
3.2.8 Copy
3.2.9 Paste
3.2.10 Undo
3.3 Basic chain edit
3.3.1 Making knitting position and new step
3.3.2 Knitting command addition Repetition Speed(R.P.M.)
3.3.3 Knitting command correction
3.3.4 Deleting knitting command or step Deleting 1 command Deleting several command Step delete Cancel delete
3.3.5 Find

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3.3.6 Quick chain correction

3.3.7 Brief memo about chain data
3.3.8 Displaying the condition of main Yarn-fingers and cam
3.4 Jacquard pattern edit
3.4.1 Jacquard pattern edit
3.4.2 Repetition
3.4.3 Paint/Delete
3.4.4 Changing number of needle

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1. Installation
1.1 Recommended computer system

OS Window 95, 98, 98SE, ME, NT, 2000, XP

CPU Higher than Pentium 3-800
Memory Bigger than 128M
Hard Disk Bigger than 100M
Graphic card AGP Graphic card. (Resolution more than 1024x768 pixel)
Transfer port More than one of serial transfer port
Printer port For connecting to Key Lock
USB Port
Etc. Mouse

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1.2 Installation

Turn off the computer power and connect the key lock to “LOCK” on the back of the computer and
then connect the cable (which is connected to console) to “COM1”.

Turn on the computer and insert the provided CD into the drive, then installation program will be
automatically started.

Press NEXT button.

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Select “I accept the agreement” and press NEXT button.

Press NEXT button.

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Press NEXT button.

Check “Create a desktop icon” and press NEXT button.

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Press Install button.

Installation is in progress.

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Installation is finished. Press NEXT button.

To finish Installation program press Finish button.

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After installation, HsPDS icon will be produced on the background and registered in start program as below

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2. Main Window

1 2

9 11 13

1 Menu
10 12

2 Tool bar

3 Currently selected yarn-finger color

4 Thickness of the line

5 Special color. Mesh, Rubber, Overlap from left

6 Yarn-fingers of each actuator, No. 1,2,3 from left.

7 Pattern edit region

8 Bar showing current condition

9 Pattern correcting condition. If green, not corrected. If red, corrected.

10 Key lock condition. means key lock is founded. means key lock is not connected to the computer or
the connecting condition is unstable.

11 Port number to transfer pattern or chain data

12 Pattern format

13 Number of needle

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2.0 Main function key

This is a description of function keys for pattern edit.
Save this function for easy job.

Key Description Remarks

File + Making new pattern
+ Opening pattern
+ Saving pattern
Display Displaying all pattern
Zoom In centered around the location of a mouse.
Zoom Out centered around the location of a mouse.
Moving centered around the location of a mouse Space Bar
Showing guideline of a mouse cursor
Displaying Rubber pattern
Edit + Undo
+ Cut
+ Copy
+ Paste
Selecting a method of paste
Rotating 90 degree to the left
Rotating 90 degree to the right Activated only when Rotate /
Typing Text function is
Flipping Horizental
Flipping Vertical
Enlarging the size of text Activated only when Typing
Text function is selected.
Reducing the size of text Activated only when Typing
Text function is selected.
Moving the pattern one needle to right
Moving the pattern one needle to left
Copying the line where the mouse is located. Activated when no function is
Deleting the line where the mouse is located. Activated when no function is
To cancel current edit
Transfer + To transfer current pattern to console
+ Reading the pattern from console

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2.1 New Pattern

Press button on tool bar or + key then following window will be displayed.
Press Yes(Y) button. New pattern file is produced.

If edited pattern is not saved, following window will be displayed.

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2.2 Opening Pattern

Press button on tool bar or + key then following window will be displayed.

2.2.1 Opening pattern

Select the pattern file using a mouse or or keys and selected pattern will be displayed in the
right window. Press Enter or confirm button, then selected pattern will be open.

2.2.2 Opening pattern from floppy disk

To open pattern from disk, check ( ) “Load from floppy Disk”.
If “Load from floppy disk” is not checked (□), user can open the pattern from hard disk.

2.2.3 User can make new folders according to client/type of pattern.

In order to make new folder, input the name for “folder name” and press make folder button.

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2.2.4 Moving directly to the folder where the pattern is automatically saved.
Pattern and chain data is automatically saved to “PAT” folder under the folder that program is installed.
Press basic folder button, then user can move to “PAT” folder directly.

2.2.5 Pattern mode

Select BMP or PCX, then Bitmap or PCX pattern will be open.

2.2.6 Deleting pattern

User can delete unnecessary pattern by pressing key.

Be sure that pressing Yes(Y) button will delete selected pattern permanently.

2.2.7 Accessible pattern mode

HSP Hanshin drumless pattern
PIC Deimo drumless pattern
PCX PCX pattern
BMP BMP pattern
DAT Hanshin links pattern for double cylinder machine.

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2.3. Saving Pattern

Press button on tool bar or + key, then repetition setting-up window will be displayed.

※ Refer to 2.15 Repetition setting-up

Press Confirm button on repetition setting-up window, then following window where user can input
pattern name will be displayed.

Write pattern name for “Filename(N)” and press Save button, then pattern will be saved.

If the same name of pattern is existed already, following window will be displayed to confirm overwrite.

※ If the “Filetype(T)” is set as “bitmap”, pattern will be saved as .bmp file that is accessible on Window.
※ If the “Location(I)” is set as “Floppy”, pattern will be saved to the disk.

※ For convenience, if the pattern is saved once, it will be saved continuously without asking repetition
setting-up window or pattern name again.
If user wants to change the pattern name, press “Save As...” in file menu.

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2.4 Undo
Press on tool bar or + key, then pattern will return to the condition right before correcting.
(Some functions is not possible “Undo”).

2.5 Cut
Press button on tool bar or + key, and using a mouse, select the region on the pattern. Then,
selected region will be saved temporarily and selected region will be painted in the color of 1F (Yarn-finger
no.1). Also, “Paste” button ( ) on tool bar will be activated.

2.6 Copy
Press button on tool bar or + key, and using a mouse, select the region on the pattern. Then,
screen will be immediately changed to “Paste” mode and selected part will move along with mouse cursor.
Press the left button of a mouse in the position that user wants to copy, then “Copy” will be finished.

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2.7 Paste
※ Description of keys user must know to use this function.
Whenever it pressed once, “Display pattern and rubber together”,”Display pattern only”,”Display
rubber only” is repeated one after another.
Whenever it pressed once, “Selected pattern as it is”,”in front of current pattern”,”behind of
current pattern” is repeated one after another.
Whenever it pressed once, pattern to be copied will be rotated 90 degree to the right.
Whenever it pressed once, pattern to be copied will be flipped over right and left.
Whenever it pressed once, pattern to be copied will be flipped over up and down.
User also can use above functions in the View menu

Press button on tool bar or + key, then pattern saved by “Cut” or “Copy” function will move
along with the mouse cursor. Press the left button of a mouse in proper position and “Paste” is finished.

If “Paste” button( ) is grey, it means there is no saved pattern and accordingly “Paste” button is not

※ “Paste” function using key

Selected pattern as it is In front of current pattern Behind of current pattern

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2.8 Drawing
User can draw in selected color on main page. There are two ways to select color. One is pressing left
button of a mouse on the color on the left of screen and the other is pressing right button of mouse on the
color of the pattern directly.

2.8.1 Drawn as mouse’s motion while the left button of a mouse pressed.

2.8.2 Oblique line

2.8.3 Horizontal line

2.8.4 Vertical line

2.8.5 Curve

2.8.6 Rectangle

2.8.7 Rectangle painted inside

2.8.8 Circle

2.8.9 Circle painted inside

2.8.10 Oval

2.8.11 Oval painted inside

2.8.12 Diamond

2.8.13 Paint

2.8.14 Text

The shape and the size of text can be changed by pressing Change.. button. After pressing
Confirm button, user also can rotate or change the size of text with , , , keys seeing the
result at the same time.

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2.9 Zoom In/Zoom Out/Move

User can select a part of pattern on the screen and Zoom In/Zoom Out or move it.

2.9.1 Select “Zoon In/Zoom Out/Move” in “Edit(E)” menu as below.

2.9.2 Move a mouse while the left button is pressed and select the region as wanted.
2.9.3 Move a mouse without pressing the left button and if the mouse cursor is changed to , it is a
move mode. Keep pressing the left button of a mouse and user can see the selected pattern is
moving along with the cursor. Move the cursor to the wanted position and press the left button of
a mouse outside of a selected region, then move is finished.

2.9.4 If the mouse cursor is changed to shapes, it is expansion or contraction mode. Move a
mouse while the left button of a mouse is pressed, then the pattern of a selected region will be
expanded or contracted. Decide the size and press the left button of a mouse outside of a selected
region, then Expansion/Contraction is finished.

※ By using , , keys, background mode can be changed or flipped over Horizental, Vertical.
Please refer to “2.7 Paste”

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2.10 Rotate
User can select a part of pattern on screen and rotate it as wanted.

2.10.1 Choose “Rotate” in “Edit(E)” menu as below.

2.10.2 Move the mouse while the left button is pressed and select the region as wanted.

2.10.3 Using and keys, rotate the pattern as wanted.

2.10.4 Press ENTER key, then “Rotate” is finished.

Before Rotating After rotating

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2.11 Flip
Usre can select a part of pattern on screen and flip it over or rotate it 180 degree.

2.11.1 Choose “Flip to Horizental”, “Flip to Vertical” or “Rotate 180” in “Edit(E)” menu as below.

2.11.2 Move a mouse while the left button is pressed and select the region as wanted.

2.11.3 Release the left button of a mouse, then finished.

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2.12 Changing to the selected color

User can change specific color on the screen to the currently selected color.

2.12.1 Choose “Changing to the selected color” in “Edit(E)” menu as below.

2.12.2 Place the cursor on the color of pattern that you want to change and press the left button of a
mouse, then all the selected color of pattern will be changed to currently selected color on the left
side of screen.

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2.13 Drawing Mesh

Mesh is drawn automatically.

2.13.1 Chosse “Drawing Mesh” in “Drawing(D)” menu as below.

2.13.2 Move a mouse while the left button is pressed and select the position where user wants to
draw a mesh.
2.13.3 Release the left button, then mesh type selection screen is displayed.

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2.14 Drawing Rubber

Rubber pattern is drawn automatically.

2.14.1 Choose “Drawing Rubber” in “Drawing(D)” menu as below.

2.14.2 Move a mouse while the left button is pressed and select the position where user wants to draw elastic.
2.14.3 Release the left button, then elastic type selection screen is displayed.

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2.15 Repetition Setting-up

To set up Repetition, Sole pattern, Heel plain, Course speed and Suction.

2.15.1 Choose “Repetition” in “Tools(T)” menu.

To be continued in the next page

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2.15.2 Repetition setting-up

In case of repeat pattern, it is convenient to draw a part of pattern and repeat it.
Above drawing shows the case that courses from no.1 to no.500 repeat to course no.1000.
(I.E. No.1~500 courses are repeated twice)

2.15.3 Sole pattern

It is possible to make or not to make the pattern on sole part.
Input “0” for “type”, then no pattern is knitted on sole part. Input “1” for “type”, then pattern will
be knitted on sole part.

2.15.4 Course speed

In case of complicate pattern, it is possible to set the speed for specific section different from
set-up speed in chain. Above drawing shows the case that the speed from course no.20 to 40 is
set as 100 rpm and the speed from course no.70 to 120 is set as150 rpm.
If the block speed is faster than set-up speed in chain, machine runs at the chain speed.

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2.15.5 Heel plain start

If a specific number of course on the pattern is input, sock will be knitted as Heel plain
automatically until before the heel part.
If “0” is input, Heel plain function will not be activated.

2.15.6 Suction
This function is used when the suction is necessary during knitting specific course of pattern.
Above drawing shows that suction works during knitting 1course and doesn’t work during knitting 9
courses and this is repeated from course 10 to 200.

2.15.7 Pattern elastic stitch quality

Draw elastic on pattern and input the stitch quality value for automatic elastic knitting.

※ The pattern on the right side of above drawing shows actual pattern applied “repetition setting-up”
function that will be knitted.
After correcting “Repittion setting-up”, press Apply button so that user can check if the pattern
changed as wanted. .

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2.16 Changing Feeder color

This function let user exchange colors of two feeders each other or change the color of a feeder.

2.16.1 Choose “change YF color” in “Tools(T)” menu.

2.16.2 Select 2 colors that user wants to change.

2.16.3 If “Change the color on ‘Palette1’ to the color on ‘Palett 2’” is selected from above drawing, the
color of pattern drawn in “Palette1” is changed to the color of “Palette 2”. (The pattern of “Palette
2” remain unchanged.)

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2.17 Line Copy/Move

It’s possible to set the section that user wants to copy or move by course.

2.17.1 Choose “Line Copy/Move” in “Tools(T)” menu.

2.17.2 In below drawing, the whole pattern length is automatically input in “Start Line” and “End Line”.

2.17.3 Above window will be closed by pressing Confirm or Cancel button, but if Apply button is
pressed, copy or move is executed as set. In this case, the window isn’t closed after execution so
that user can use this function repeatedly.

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2.18 Change to Cylinder Pattern

Change repeat pattern to

2.18.1 Choose “Change to cylinder pattern” in “Tools(T)” menu.

2.18.2 Press Yes(Y) button, then repeat pattern is changed to Cylinder Pattern.
Please refer to below drawing.

The value of repetition setting-up

(ref. “2.15 Repetition setting-up) Repeat pattern before change Changed Cylinder Pattern

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2.19 Number of color on pattern

This function shows how many colors are using on pattern.

2.19.1 Choose “Number of color on pattern” in “Tools(T)” menu, then number of color currently used is
displayed on screen.

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2.20 Displaying pattern as chain data

User can see actual pattern to be knitted as chain data.
(This function let user check out the pattern temporarily without damage on original pattern and there could be
a slight difference from actual knitting.)

2.20.1 Choose “Displaying pattern as chain data” in “Tools(T)” menu.

2.20.2 Choose required chain.

Error message will be displayed if selected file is not a normal chain file.

2.20.3 Computer will read chain data and display actual knitting as below.
Heel part is displayed in mesh color and pattern is showed until before starting toe part only.

Original pattern Pattern chain is applied

2.20.4 Press ESC key, then the screen will return to pattern edit.

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2.21 Color setting-up

To set up color for each feeder as user’s convenience for pattern edit.

2.21.1 Choose “Color Set-up” in “Tools(T)” menu.

2.21.2 Screen description

Available color - 33 colors available. X mark means the color is currently used on pattern.
Yarn-finger - Shows current color of the feeder.
Etc - Shows special color (mesh, elastic, )
Press the left button of a mouse, then the window to change grid color will
show up.

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2.22 Key lock drive installation

Choose “Key lock drive installation” in “Tools” menu, then following screen will be displayed.

Press Install button, then installation will be started.

After installation, following window will be showed up. Press Confirm button.

Press Exit button. Now, installation is finished.

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2.23 Basic set-up

Choose “Basic Set-up” in “Tools” menu, then following window will be displayed.

2.23.1 Number of actuator

Select exact number of actuator of the machine. If the number is incorrect, normal knitting will be
impossible. Maximum number that user can input is 7.

2.23.2 Transfer port

Choose transfer port to be connected to console. Please refer to below drawing.

Back of the computer

(The position of ports is possibly different according to

2.23.3 Grid
User can select to show or hide the grid on pattern.

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2.23.4 Number of needle

It shows the number of needle of the current pattern. Then number of needle can be changed by
pressing change needle button.

Check ( ) the number of needle that user wants to change.)

If there is no number wanted, check “Other” and input the number directly.
If “Pattern size auto control” is selected, the size of pattern is adjusted according to changed
number of needle.

2.23.5 Machine model

User can not change it!

2.23.6 Language
Choose the language.

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3. Chain Edit
3.1 Chain edit Window

① Chain data edit window

② Easy view and quick correction according to knitting position
③ Description or brief memo about current chain data
④ Showing condition of main yarn fingers in selected position on “chain edit window”
⑤ Showing condition of cam in selected position on “chain edit window”
⑥ Collection of functions for file and edit
⑦ Collection of functions for quick edit
⑧ Chain data correction window
⑨ Showing speed/stitch quality/elastic motor in selected position on “chain edit window”
⑩ Searching for function to refer to specific command from chain data

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3.2 Opening / Editing chain

3.2.1 New chain

To delete current chain and make new chain

3.2.2 Open
Opening chain saved in computer

3.2.3 Save
Saving chain after edit

3.2.4 Transfer
To transfer opened chain to console

3.2.5 Print
Printing out current chain

3.2.6 Basic chain

Opening basic chain included in program

3.2.7 View
In addition to the chain editing currently, user can open another chain together in order to copy or
refer to

3.2.8 Copy
Coping selected data

3.2.9 Paste
Pasting copied data

3.2.10 Undo
Restore data to the previous condition before copy or delete

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3.3 Basic Chain Edit

Make new chain after pressing New chain button and select required number of needle on set-up window.

3.3.1 Making knitting position and new step

Place the cursor of mouse on “Chain data” and press the right button, then menu will be showed up.
Select “Insert knitting position [1]” and then “START”.

Zeroing position for “START” knitting position and “START” is created.

Make a step to insert knitting command.

Place the cursor of a mouse on “공회전” and press the right button and then select “Insert step”. Now,
new step is created.

Step name is automatically created and the name is composed of knitting position and 3 digit of
number. If necessary, user can change step name as wanted.

Step is inserted under the selected (Blue color) step.

Select “SATRT – 001” and make new step Select “START” knitting position and make new step

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3.3.2 Knitting Command addition Repetition

Select “Repetition” by pressing the Right button of a mouse as below drawing.

Below window will be displayed. Then input the number of repetition and press Confirm button.

Input “10”, then repetition is set-up as below.

“10” in above drawing means 10 rotations of cylinder.

The step without repetition command means 1 rotation of cylinder.

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HsPDS Version 2.x HanShin Electronics Co. 2005 Speed(R.P.M.)
Select “Speed” command by pressing the right button of a mouse.

Input required speed and press Confirm button.

If “100” is input, speed is set-up as below.

The order of “knitting position” and “step” must not be changed but commands inside of step are
executed regardless of the order.

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3.3.3 Knitting command correction

Select the command that user wants to correct and “Correction” window will be displayed on the right.
On “Correction” window, only the commands and values related to selected command are activated.

Selected command Contents of “Correction”window

After correction, press Correction button and correction is finished.

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3.3.4 Deleting knitting command or step

It’s possible to delete unnecessary command or step. Deleting one command

Select the command to be deleted as below.

Press Delete key on keyboard and following window will be displayed.

Press Yes(Y) button and the command will be deleted.

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HsPDS Version 2.x HanShin Electronics Co. 2005 Deleting several commands

Check ( ) the commands to be deleted.

Press Delete key on keyboard and following window will be displayed.

Press Yes(Y) button and commands will be deleted. Step delete

The procedure is same with “Delete command” as above.

※ If the step is deleted, all commands inside of step are deleted together. Cancel delete

If user wants to cancel delete, press Cancel button. Then data will be restored to the
previous condition.

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3.3.5 Search

This command is used to refer to specific command from chain data.

Select the kind of command that user wants to refer to.

Press Search button, then computer will search all cam commands, otherwise select the second
searching condition as below.

Press Search button, then computer will search No.7 cam command only, otherwise select the
third searching condition as below.

Press Search button, then computer will search No.7 cam IN command only.

This function searches except zeroing chain.

If user wants to include zeroing chain, check ( ) “Include zeroing”.

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3.3.6 Quick Chain Correction

According to each knitting position, speed/repetition(course)/stitch quality/elastic motor values is

displayed on the left of the screen. If speed/repetition/stitch quality/elastic motor values are
corrected as below, chain data will be also changed automatically.

Place the cursor on the knitting position that correction is necessary and then press the right button
of a mouse as below drawing.

Select “Quick chain correction” and following window will be displayed.

Correct required part and press Confirm button.

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3.3.7 Brief memo about chain data

User can make a brief memo about current chain data on this window.

It is possible to input Korean character maximum 64 letters or English character maximum 128

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3.3.8 Displaying the condition of main feeder and cam

Screen displays the condition of main feeder and cam to the selected knitting position on chain edit

Checked ( ) main feeders and cams are IN condition.

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3.4 Jacquard Pattern Edit

Choose “Jacquard Edit” by pressing the right button of a mouse on chain edit window.

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3.4.1 Jacquard pattern edit

Press the left button of a mouse on the place that there is no pattern, then pattern will be created
newly, and vise versa.

3.4.2 Repetition

A part of pattern is repeated.

If Repetition All button is pressed from above drawing, pattern from no.1 to no.2 will be
repeated from the beginning to the end as below drawing.

Press Repetiton button, then pattern from no.1 to no.2 will be repeated from no.1 to no.30.

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HsPDS Version 2.x HanShin Electronics Co. 2005

3.4.3 Paint/Delete

Pressing Paint All button will paint from the beginning to the end and pressing Delete All
button will delete all.

If user selects the part wanted, only the selected part will be deleted or painted.

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HsPDS Version 2.x HanShin Electronics Co. 2005

3.5 Changing number of needle

Choose “Change Needle” by pressing the right button of a mouse on chain edit window.

Select the number of needle user wants and press Confirm button.
If there is no number that user wants, check( ) “other” and input the number directly.

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HsPDS Version 2.x HanShin Electronics Co. 2005

3.6 Key Position Mark

Key position command is a special command for quick chain edit. Though this command isn’t in
chain, knitting is executed normally.

However, as below drawing, if there is more than one of the same commands which are
repetition/elastic/speed/stitch quality, etc inside of the knitting position, this command let user
know which command should be corrected on Quick chain edit window.

Though “Handle–005” step has a

repetition command, “Quick chain
edit” function corrects the value of
“Handle–002” step, since Key
command is placed before this
chain. Speed is the same.

※ If there are more than one of the same command among repetition/elastic/speed/stitch
quality in knitting position without “Key Position Mark”, there is a possibility that “Quick chain
edit” function will not work properly.

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