Obj 11 Annotation of Grading Sheets

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon


Another set of my means for verification for Objective 11 are the grading sheets for
the four grading periods. As I’ve mentioned before, although I handled these pupils at
the later part of the First Quarter, I was able to assess them by providing different
diagnostic tools especially in their numeracy and literacy skills. Their first quarter
grades is a reflection of their performance. To be honest, almost half are the least and
the last. Although this has been my reality for the academic year 2022-2023, I did not
lose hope in bringing out the best in them. I tried many possible ways of motivating
them, encouraging them, and uplifting them. I made them feel loved and exerted extra
effort in bridging learning gaps and allowing them to enjoy learning. Their Second
Quarter grades shows a little progress in their performance. Not losing hope, I continued
doing my best in moulding them to be the best versions of themselves. I focused on
those pupils who are left behind in literacy and numeracy skills. I also talked to their
parents several times. Their grades for the Third Quarter reflects their good performance
which means that there is progress. Still, those who needed remediation were asked to
stay in the afternoon. This time, I focused on their reading skills. Out of the 27 pupils
that I have, all of them are already readers in Filipino, though there are still 7 who are at
the beginning level. Their grades for the Fourth Quarter show very good performance.
For the Fourth Grading period, I really monitored and focused on these abovementioned
pupils who need help in academics.

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