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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Another means of verification for Objective 11 are some of the Reading
Progress Report of the Non-Decoders for Project RESCUE. Most of my
learners are non-decoders which is why I utilized the Non-Decoders material
of Project RESCUE. The assessment of learners was done during the First
Quarter. During the Second Quarter until the Fourth Quarter was the
implementation of the aforesaid project. The Reading Progress Report shows
how I monitored and evaluated the non-decoder learners about their own
progress and achievement in decoding and reading. Although some of them
already know the 26 letters in the English alphabet, we did not start at the
middle nor the last part, rather, we started with the first activity and
component followed by the second activity and component in the material
and so on. This shows progression and their progress. Learners were
involved in their progress for every component that they were able to
accomplish, they were asked to answer processing questions which is a form
of self-assessment. Please refer to pages 5 and 13 of the Non-Decoder
Reading material for this evidence.

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